Subido por Emmanuel Benjumea Garcia

Argumentative Essay about asdas

Argumentative Essay about Abortion
Emmanuel Benjumea Garcia
University of Medellin
Free Elective: Ethical Wrangling
Rubén Dario Palacio Mesa
May 25th. 2022
“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” A quote from
Ronald Reagan. Abortion has been a hot topic for years and will continue to be for many
years. People have differing opinions on whether abortion is a good or bad thing. Many
women have no idea how they would feel following an abortion. Abortion can cause
numerous problems for women, but it does not put the child through a difficult life. People
get abortions for a variety of reasons, including being a rape victim. Other ladies believe
that people know what they're doing when they have a baby and that they should be held
accountable for the child. They are murdering a child because they failed to utilize a
condom or birth control. People who support life believe that killing a kid is selfish because
the child does not deserve to die as a result of your choice. In this issue, I'll discuss how
abortion should be limited to a specific issue and that students should be educated about
it early in school.
The history of abortion has been well documented. It first appeared in the 1800s. People
offered poison to ladies for the aim of abortion in 1821. Accepting and taking the poison
quickly became a felony for women and vendors. Abortion became banned in the midnineteenth century. Birth control was becoming more popular in the 1920s. Colorado was
the first state to liberalize its abortion regulations in 1967. Congress passed a nationwide
prohibition on partial-birth abortion in 1995. The bill perished by the end of the
congressional session a few years later. In 2009, Congress passed healthcare reform that
included funding for abortions from taxpayers.
My problem with abortion is that it is exploited by some people. I support abortion rights.
I believe that if you desire an abortion, you should obtain one; it is not my concern.
Abortion is performed on certain people for a variety of reasons. Abortion should not be
used as a method of contraception and it should not be used excessively because it might
create numerous health problems. Even if I am anti-abortion and pro-choice, there are still
measures to reduce abortions.
We may begin educating children in schools sooner. I understand that teens do not
account for the bulk of abortions, but we might start there. Children are reaching puberty
earlier and are confused about what is happening. We might begin because the majority
of them are not yet ready for children. We begin to educate them in intermediate school.
Providing information about infections, condoms, and birth control. This could most
definitely reduce the number of abortions. This issue is important because abortion is not
healthy for the body. After getting an abortion there are many risks you can have. You
could have heavy bleeding, infection or even damage the cervix. Abortion is not a matter
to be taken lightly. It has even claimed the lives of certain people. It's critical to understand
what you're getting yourself into. That is why we must educate individuals more and
sooner to prevent them from having an abortion and suffering the consequences. The
administration has done little to address these challenges. In the past, the government
dealt with this issue by passing and prohibiting laws. They impose restrictions on abortion.
Apart from that, the government has done very little. Groups have been made to try to
persuade lawmaker that the government needs to make a decision. The groups feel like
nothing is being made and abortion is not going down.
The government's legislative branch is dealing with abortion as it should be. They
committed to fight hard to limit access to critical reproductive health treatments while
pushing for unconstitutional measures like nationwide abortion bans. They announced a
couple of new bills in the first few days of the new Congress to make it more rigorous. A
woman's ability to obtain an abortion was made nearly impossible. Some politicians are
obsessed with preventing women from making their own personal, private decisions.
Politicians believe they have the upper hand in this debate. This is why some states have
separated and enacted their own legislation.
The ACLU defends abortion rights and prevents government intrusion into women's
personal health decisions. They implemented insurance coverage for women who had
abortions in 2014. In 1973, the Supreme Court was forced to make a decision on abortion.
On the issue of constitutionality, the Supreme Court stated that statutes penalize access
to abortions. Clinics that receive government funds are forbidden from assisting patients
with abortion information under Trump's plan. The size of agency reports has also been
significant. Over the last 40 years, government agencies such as the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) have collaborated with several states on abortion statistics
in the United States. The statistics on women who underwent abortions varied between
agency reports. They inquire as to where certain abortion-related matters should be kept
confidential in various states. Government funding has also been a problem. Taxpayers
fund abortions for those who do not want them. Healthcare continues to rise, and millions
of dollars are spent on abortions when they could be spent on other health-related issues.
People who oppose abortions want their tax dollars spent on a procedure that is not very
violent and not hurting anybody.
My views on abortion are varied. Abortion, in my opinion, should be a personal choice.
Some women have their entire lives ahead of them, and they may believe that having a
child will slow them down. Sometimes you have to put yourself in their shoes to
understand why they made the decision they did. Abortion, in my opinion, should not be
misused. You have the right to have an abortion for whatever reason, but there should be
a limit. You shouldn’t be able to get an abortion continuously because you do not want to
use protection or get on birth control. This is why I believe we should do more to educate
people. This would not be a major issue for us if people were more educated. There would
be fewer diseases and abortions if we started educating people in schools early and truly
taught them. Pro-lifers hold a distinct viewpoint on abortion. They believe that the
government has a responsibility to save all human life, regardless of the circumstances.
If you are pro-life, you are almost certainly religious. Pro-life people include Roman
Catholics. They argue that abortion is on par with the death penalty and war. Pro-lifers
are worried about the egg's life, not necessarily the women's. Some women choose to
have an abortion late in their pregnancy, and after a certain amount of time, the baby
suffers. Abortion should be outlawed before 6 months of pregnancy, according to 86% of
a survey made. If you are pro-life, you are almost certainly religious. This is a pro-choice
article, and they support abortion. They say. Women may choose to have an abortion
because they do not want to bring into the world a child who will struggle. Incest or rape
are the causes of 14000 abortions. According to the article, giving birth is ten times more
expensive than getting an abortion.
Finally, abortion should be a personal choice. Although it should be a choice, I believe it
should be reduced. My strategy is to start with the younger students and continue with a
sex-ed program throughout high and middle school. We should teach them everything
they need to know about this topic because they are the next generation. The government
will be forced to spend the extra money on better things as a result of this reform. A
taxpayer would be pleased knowing that their money is going to something that benefits
everyone, not just a few.