NEEDS ANALYSIS Needs What learners will do with a foreign language in a specific situation. Categories Hutchinson and Waters Brown Brindley Target Needs: what The democratic view: Objective needs: what the majority of what learners or learners want others may need The discrepancy view: them to be able to deficiencies and do, Learning needs: what requirements Subjective Needs: the learner needs to The analytic view: what learners want do in order to learn elements that they to do with the should learn next based language the learner needs to do in the target situation on theory and experience The diagnostic view: elements that cause the most harm if missing Theoretical approaches to needs analysis ‘Communication needs processor: is composed of a series of questions about the needs of learners concerning among others topic, participants, medium etc Target situation analysis: It consists of questions concerning the target situation and the attitudes to that situation in the learning process. Rights analysis: The rights of students are more important than the target texts, their choice may be not to comply with requirements and to voice suggestions and objections.