THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE -ED (past simple, past participle and -ed adjectives) Here starts the lesson! First review this video about the difference between VOICED / VOICELESS WE WILL LEARN THE GRAPHEMES OF THESE TWO GROUPS: 1) t, d The “-ed” in words ending in “t” or “d”,: /id/ E.g. verbs “wanted” “needed” and adjective “excited” 2) VOICELESS SOUNDS EXCEPT /t/, with the graphemes: p k f, gh and sibilant ss, sh, ch, x, ce, and -ise in “practise” and “promise" The “-ed” in words ending in these graphemes is /t/. E.g. jumped, knocked, surfed, laughed, focused,kissed, washed, watched,relaxed, danced,merged, practised,promised. The third group is VOICED SOUNDS For the rest of graphemes, vowels included VOICED SOUNDS, Sibilant voiced sounds are those ending in: ge, z, ize/-ise - - The rest of sounds not mentioned in groups 1 or 2 are voiced sounds, including vowels (except: “practise” and “ promise”, which are voiceless) Examples: buzz surprise, manage Examples: rob, love, rain, carry, travel, drag SO, LEARN ONLY GROUPS 1 AND 2 For instance, if you want to know how to pronounce “watched”, ask yourself: “Is “ch” in the first group? No; is it in the second group?, Yes, so the -ed would be pronounced /t/ MORE EXAMPLES … Other examples: ALWAYS CONSIDER THE GRAPHEME PRECEDING “ED” ● “Robbed”: IS “B” IN THE FIRST GROUP?,NO; IS IT IN THE SECOND?, NO, SO THE -”ED” HAS TO BE IN THE THIRD ONE, SO IT IS PRONOUNCED /d/ ● “Pushed”: IS “SH” IN THE FIRST GROUP? NO, IS IT IN THE SECOND GROUP? YES, SO IT IS PRONOUNCED /t/ ● “Ended”: IS IT IN THE FIRST GROUP? YES; SO THE “-ED” IS PRONOUNCED /id/ Thanks! DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? LET´S SEE YOUR PROBLEMS IN CLASS! BYE FOR NOW! CREDITS : This present ation t emplate was cre a t e d by Slidesg o, incl uding icons b y Flati con, an infogra d phics & i m a g e s by Free pik. ep Please ke for this slide n. attributio