Subido por Jacob Parra

Charity Food Sale Project: Fast Solutions - High School

First Collaborative Advance
Óscar Valverde
Jacob Alberto Parra Lozano
Pamela Ailen Gomez Guzmán
February 2022
As a team we are going to organize a food sale / kermes for a charity cause. It’s called
"Fast solutions". The event will take place at the Isidro Fabela Alfaro campus on March
14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
We mainly seek fundraising for low-income people such as street children, etc; and in
the second instance so that the assistants can spend a pleasant moment with their
family and with us. The project is intended for all people regardless of age or if they
aren't students of the campus.
Alondra is going to explain the origin and meaning of each meal, Jacob is going to take
photos of the event, Fernanda is going to collect the money and manage it, Christian is
going to sell food, Miguel is going to order the line of customers and Levi is going to
attract customers.
During the event, people are going to be able to take a small sample of the food, ask
about each one, pay for the products, sit at tables to eat and talk, finally they will be
able to enjoy a harmonious and happy atmosphere. An estimated $ 5,720 in total for all
products sold. With this we’re going to buy clothes, food and basic products for the
children and gentlemen who are on the street, a portion of the money will be donated
to aid foundations.
To promote the event, we are going to be handing out flyers, posting posters and
announcing the event through social networks where you can find us as "Fast Solutions
PIFA" Be very attentive to the publications!. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Lay's,
McDonald's and Quaker are sponsors of our event, they will contribute in distributing
the necessary condiments so that the sale of food and drink grows, on the other hand
they will also help us to promote said event, since they are recognized brands
You must come to our event since in addition to being able to enjoy the atmosphere
with your friends or family, you can enjoy delicious food at very affordable prices and,
on the other hand, you would be contributing to improve the lives of the people