Phase 2 – Scenario 1 Luna Isabel Diazgranados Granados 518005_8 Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia School of Education Bachelor of English as a Foreign Language Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching Tutor: Luisa Cano March 20, 2022 Step 2: School Characterization Name of the school or IED Rural de Tasajera scenario The approach applied Constructivism (Humanism, constructivism, behaviorism) School location. (Urban or Rural rural) Type of school. (Public or Public rural) School level. (Elementary or High school high school) Does the school offer virtual Face-to-face classes or face-to-face classes? (In case to be virtual, name the strategies and tools used for these classes) Economic stratification of the 1 low-low students The audiovisual aids in the school. (Video beam, computers, English lab…) Computers, tablets and one video beam The school year of the course 8th – 7th – 6th- (First grade, second grade…) The number of students in 6.1: 46 the course. 6.2: 48 7.1: 43 7.2: 41 8.1: 34 8.2: 34 8.3: 26 The English level of the A1 students in the course. (A1, A2, B1, B2) English subject methodology. Direct method and Grammar- translation method (Direct Method, Communicative Method, Natural Method) The number of hours of 3 hours per grade English classes per week. Name, email, and phone or Alexandra Pérez Acuña skype user of your assigned teacher. 304 6107603 Step 3: Comparative Chart Differences and similarities In the English language these terms are synonymous. However, in the teaching field they tend to have a different meaning. According to Richards & Rogers, 2001, p.19 a method is a “set of derived procedures for teaching a language”. The method is the practical implementation of Method an approach, being the procedures chosen by the teacher to enhance the learning-teaching process, it also refers to the process of following step by step guidelines. It is decided after choosing an approach and a general plan for the orderly presentation of linguistic material (Anthony, 1963). Regarding the teaching method, according to (Reguig, 2018) “Refers to how you apply your answers from the questions stated in Teaching Approaches to your day-to-day instruction in front of your students.” According to RHALMI, 2018 an approach “represents the sum of our philosophy about both the theory of language and the theory of learning.” Approach According to Richards & Rogers, 2001, p.18 an approach is “a set of general principles and theories about how languages are learned, language knowledge is represented, organized in memory and how the language itself is structured”. Taking that into account, an approach to language teaching is a set of assumptions which deal with the nature of the language, its teaching and learning, being a systematic means of arriving at the language. Specifies the direction of the angle, the theoretical framework and it must be decided before selecting a method. The practices and behaviors needed to operate in teaching a language and that all procedures rely on are called techniques. According to (Egbetade, 2017), techniques are precise strategies, concrete tricks or tested and trusted tips designed to help the teacher reach his/her Technique goals. “It could be in form of an exercise or just any activity that you have to do to complete your mission.” Unlike the methods, the techniques are implementational which means they are “the actual moment-to-moment classroom steps that lead to a specified outcome.” RHALMI, 2018. According to Richards & Rogers, 2001, p.31, a procedure involves “the actual moment toProcedure moment techniques, practices, and behaviors that operate in teaching a language according to a particular method”. Which means it is an ordered sequence of techniques, being step by step to implement a method. According to Harmer 2001, p.62 a procedure is “smaller than a method, it is bigger than a technique”. Is the definition of linguistic content, specification of selection and organization of the material as well as the description of teacher and students’ roles. It deliberates on issues such as “the objectives Design of a method, how language content is selected and organized within the method, the types of learning tasks and teaching activities advocated by the method, the roles of learners, teachers and the role of teaching materials” Richards & Rogers, 2001, p.24 E-portfolio Link: ESAPEC Evidence References Anthony, E. M. 1963. Approach, method and technique. English Language Teaching 17: 63–67. Egbetade, I. (2017, 1 agosto). What is the difference between strategy, method, technique, and approach in terms of learning and teaching? Quora. Recuperado 18 de marzo de 2022, de Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. Essex, England: Longman. Reguig, A. (2018, 18 septiembre). What is the difference between strategy, method, technique, and approach in terms of learning and teaching? Quora. Recuperado 18 de marzo de 2022, de RHALMI, M. O. H. A. M. M. E. D. (2018, 4 noviembre). Approach, method, procedure, and technique. My English Pages. Recuperado 2 de marzo de 2022, de,and%20larger%20than% 20a%20technique.%E2%80%9D Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001) A brief history of language teaching. In Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library, pp. 5-17). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.