CICS SOCKET INTERFACE FOR CICSB8T1 REGION Modifying CICS Startup: Concatenation of TCPIP.SEZALINK or TCPIP.SEZALNK2 datasets in the STEPLIB of the CICSB8T1 region. //STEPLIB DD DSN=TCPIP.SEZALNK2,DISP=SHR Concatenation of TCPIP.SEZATCP to the DFHRPL of the CICSB8T1 region startup procedure. //DFHRPL DD DSN=TCPIP.SEZATCP,DISP=SHR Add the following TCPDATA DD card in order to have the log of TCPIP related messages. //TCPDATA DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=V,BLKSIZE=136) TCPIP configuration: Copy the EZACONFG member of TCPIP.SEZAINST to the CICSTS31.TCS.DATA dataset. The Configuration Macros has some parameters to be changed according to the environment are : APPLID TCPADDR FILNAME TRANSID PORT Adding the Port and CICS region jobname in the user defined TCPIP profile. Refresh the TCPIP profile in the SDSF using /V TCPIP,,O,DSN=TCPIP.PROFILE.TCPIP.OBEYFILE Copy the EZACICPT member of TCPIP.SEZAINST to the CICSTS31.TCS.DATA dataset. Submit the jcl to define the resources present in EZACICPT using the DFHCSDUP utility. //OPRSDMRD JOB (SSG,MVS,SSGCRS,D2,DT99X),'RDO',MSGCLASS=X, // CLASS=O,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //* //UTILCDS EXEC PGM=DFHCSDUP //STEPLIB DD DSN=CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHLOAD,DISP=SHR //DFHCSD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CICSTS31.CICSB8T1.DFHCSD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CICSTS31.TCS.DATA(EZACICPT) Jcl to add the group SOCKETS to the TCSLIST: //OPRSDMRD JOB (SSG,MVS,SSGCRS,D2,DT99X),'RDO',MSGCLASS=X, // CLASS=O,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //* //UTILCDS EXEC PGM=DFHCSDUP //STEPLIB DD DSN=CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHLOAD,DISP=SHR //DFHCSD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CICSTS31.CICSB8T1.DFHCSD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * ADD GROUP(SOCKETS) LIST(TCSLIST) /* A PLT Post Initialization Program Entry(PLTPT) & Shut Entry is needed (PLTST) entry is needed for CICS socket initialization & termination. JCL to assemble DCT definitions into a load module. It is available in the dataset CICSTS31.TCS.DATA($ASMDCT). Verification of Socket setup: 1. Shut down & restart the CICS region once. 2. During the course of PLT processing as CICS comes up, you will see the following in the DD Card JESMSGLG in the CICS region. This indicates normal successful installation of CICS Sockets connection. +EZY1224I 04/04/08 10:26:34 CICS/SOCKETS INITIALIZATION SUCCESSFUL USING REUSABLE MVS SUBTASKS. Also, you see messages in the DD Card TCPDATA in the CICS region like this: EZY1258I 03/05/02 06:22:50 EZACIC02 ENTRY POINT IS 0F166028 EZY1258I 03/05/02 06:22:50 EZACIC01 ENTRY POINT IS 0006A240 EZY1261I 03/05/02 06:22:50 EZACIC03 ATTACH SUCCESSFUL, TCB ADDRESS=007ADD90 EZY1291I 03/05/02 06:22:51 LISTENER TRANSACTION= BT00 TASKID= 0000026L ACCEPTING REQUESTS VIA PORT 3011 3. Through the command CEMT I TA , we can check whether the transaction CSKL is running. 4. Also using the TSO NETSTAT command we can also determine that the connection is established by the listener using the specified port.