Subido por Josmar Herminio Lopez Canche

Scientific Method Stages: Observation to Communication

An important step in the
scientific method is the
communication of our results, it
is a way of sharing and
announcing to the world what
we have obtained and how we
have obtained it. The
presentation of the results can
be done through various
-In written form: in theses,
articles in scientific journals, in
press articles, on informative
posters, in congresses.
-In an audiovisual way: in
congresses, symposia and
conferences, scientists have
the opportunity to present their
work and establish an
exchange of ideas with other
of findings
The data obtained through
experimentation need to be
analyzed in light of the proposed
hypotheses and predictions. The
analysis of results allows us to
accept and reject the proposed
hypotheses, reformulate the
models and suggest new
Observation is
noticing or perceiving
aspects of nature.
Although it is the first
step of the scientific
method, it is
immersed in the entire
process of science,
from the recognition of
a natural
phenomenon to the
proposal of a solution
and the observation of
the results after an
An experiment is a test or
trial where conditions are
controlled to determine the
validity of a hypothesis.
In a scientific experiment,
physical objects, chemical
compounds, or biological
species are chosen for
study, and devices are used
to measure the variables.
The results of the
experiments have to be
reproducible by other
researchers under the same
experimental conditions.
Predictions are the expected
consequences of hypotheses.
According to Mario Bunge,
prediction is the deduction of
particular consequences:
-Anticipate new knowledge:
when we predict something
objectively and accurately,
we are providing new
information that can be
-Test theory: We can compare
predictions with prior
-It is a guide for action: the
forecast of an event helps the
selection of activities in an
The hypothesis is a likely explanation for
an observation or an attempt to solve the
problem. We have to test the hypothesis
through experiments, that is, show that it
is true or false. In this way we can
differentiate a hypothesis from a belief.
Saying "gastritis is imaginary" is not a
hypothesis, since an experiment cannot
be designed to test whether this is true or
When we raise a hypothesis we are forced
to think and invent an explanation or
solution. It can be easy or difficult, it can
be a single hypothesis or several, the
important thing is to try to explain what we
are observing.