Subido por Alexa Marquez

Mercury: Facts for Kids - Student Report

Name: Jose Emanuel Ruiz Marquez
English subject
Teacher: Gloria Pizarro
7 interesting mercury facts
It takes Mercury 59 Earth days to make one full rotation. A year
on Mercury goes by fast. Because it is the closest planet to the
Sun, it doesn't take long for it to cover the entire
circumference. Complete one revolution around the Sun in just
88 Earth days.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. It's just a little
bigger than Earth's Moon. It is the closest planet to the Sun, but it is
not really the warmest. Venus is the warmest.
Mercury is one of the rocky planets. It has a solid surface that
is covered in craters. It has a thin atmosphere and does not
have any moons.
If you lived on Mercury, you would have a birthday party every three months!
A day on Mercury is not like a day here on Earth. For us, the Sun
rises and sets every day. Because Mercury rotates slowly and
has a short year, it takes a long time for the Sun to rise and set
there. Mercury only has one sunrise every 180 Earth days. Don't
you find that curious?
Mercury has been known since ancient times, as it is visible
without the need to use advanced telescopes.
This small planet revolves slowly compared to Earth, so a day lasts a long
Thank you for your attention, good day