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Barry Harris Half Step Rules for Dominant Chords

Half Step Rules for Dominant Chords
(In the key of G)
Barry Harris
D Dominant Scale - 5th mode of G major
Same as D major, but with a flat-7.
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Rule 1:
Add a half step between 7 & 1 when starting on a chord tone.
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Rule 2:
Add no half steps when starting on a non-chord tone.
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Worksheet prepared by Josh Walsh from
Half Step Rules for Dominant Chords
Rule 3:
Add three half steps when starting on the 3rd, 5th or 7th.
Between 7-1, 2-1 and 3-2.
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Rule 4:
Add two half steps when starting on non-chord tones (2nd, 4th & 6th)
Between 7-1 and 2-1.
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Credit for this magnificent system goes to the legendary educator, Barry Harris.
This document is just my humble a empt to share a bit of what I learned from him.