Guía INGLES 1° BÁSICO I. Choose one of the adjectives from the chart, write them with the correct sentence and link the sentences to each picture from the exercise. Weak Light Happy Tall Sad New a) The _________ boy b) The _________ car c) The _________ person d) The _________ girl e) The _________ feather f) The _________ building II. Rewrite the next adjectives and create a sentence with each adjective. a) T F A: __________ Sentence: _______________________ b) M S A L L: __________ Sentence: _______________________ c) T R T Y E P: __________ Sentence: _______________________ d) W L S O: __________ Sentence: _______________________ e) G B I : __________ Sentence: _______________________ III. Find the adjectives in the next word search activity, circle them after you find them and write the below the word search chart. a) __________ b) __________ c) __________ d) __________ e) __________ f) __________ g) __________ h) __________ i) __________ j) __________ k) __________ l) __________