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Integrated Manufacturing System Design & Simulation

Helena Collins
The student will design a manufacturing system that includes manufacturing planning and
control, computer-aided process planning (CAPP), computer-aided production planning and
control (PP&C) and system simulation using Promodel.
Consider there is an investor who wants to start a small company that will produce a wide
variety of machined parts and for this purpose he/she is thinking of acquiring 3 lathes and 3
milling machines, plus the rest of the manufacturing equipment he will need to start his
The cycle times (in minutes) of each machine are as follows: L1 2 min, L2 4 min, L3 2 min, M1
5 min, M2 3 min, M3 6 min. The transfer times between machines are 2 minutes.
The investor has hired you as his/her advisor in manufacturing systems and asks you to help
prepare the planning of his/her manufacturing system and would like you to introduce
him/her to the new computer-assisted technologies, specifically requests the following:
1. First, design the activities of the manufacturing process, including their planning and
2. Then, design the general control plan for the manufacturing system that includes the
machine, space and labor requirements.
3. Next, the standard average time for the manufacture of the parts to be produced is 2
minutes in milling operations and 1 minute in lathing operations, he/she asks you to
determine an estimate of the maximum capacity of the plant. Offer him/her different
options for production shifts.
4. As his/her advisor, you tell him/her that it would be very helpful to introduce a CAPP
system in the new factory, but you will need more information. Prepare a list of all the
information requirements that you must obtain or generate in order to properly select
the system that best suits the needs of the new company. Prepare information about
CAPP systems so that you can sell the idea of their implementation to the factory owner.
Helena Collins
5. You will also need to introduce a computer-aided production planning and control system
(PP&C). Prepare a list of the information needed for the selection of this type of system and
prepare the information to convince the owner of the advantages to be gained in
production planning and control when using this type of system.
6. In addition, recommend what would be the advantages or disadvantages of implementing
a technology group for the manufacture of the products.
7. Finally, you should simulate the manufacturing model you propose with Promodel's
simulation software to demonstrate how efficient the system is.
Helena Collins Lozano 2646989
Luis Angel Hernandez Perez 2844046
jesus Antonio Zamora Jimenez 28334668
Helena Collins
Due to the large number of parts to be handled, an order control system or a block control
system is recommended. Both have the similarity of handling large quantities of different
parts, however, a block control system is considered for more automated processes; being a
company that is starting in the industry, and because their machines are manual, the
intermittent times will be frequent and a CONTROL SYSTEM BY ORDERS would be the most
appropriate to start, because in such a manual system, the times can not be so constant.
The manufacturing system will be developed by means of a customer order, where the
special parts, requested by the customer, will arrive at the turning and milling shop where
they will be made separately: the advantage of the order control system is that it will keep
each production separate, so the processes will be similar but separate within the
production cycle, so the orders in bulk or mass, will remain unique.
This system will require a minimum of one operator per machine: 6 employees, precision
manufacturing specialists, who know how to interpret the person's product specifications.
Helena Collins
Helena Collins
Shift of 8 hours, 1 hour break, 7 hours left; an efficiency of 85% is considered, therefore, of
the 420 minutes, at 85% there are 336 minutes left.
Of the 336 minutes, when working simultaneously, the total or cycle time for a part in the
lathe-milling machine configuration is 9.9 and 10 minutes for total 1, 2 and 3 respectively,
then in total 1 and 2, 37 parts can be manufactured per day and in total 3, 33 parts.
The total number of parts manufactured per day is 107.
107 pieces per day, per 20 days = 2140 pieces per month.
2140 parts per month, per 12 months= 25,680 parts per month at 85% capacity.
Using a PP&C system, production can be increased to 95%, with a total of 30,480 parts per
Requirement points:
Possess the ability to relate codes from a preset process plan by storing the information
in a system memory.
That it retains a high level of information of the processes required in our company in its
databases, which makes it easier to carry out a process.
That it has the ability to adapt to the needs required by the company in its processes.
That it offers the availability of a good group of machines.
That it adapts to the characteristics of our process.
That its implementation does not generate huge costs.
Helena Collins
The selection based on a Variable CAPP system would represent an excellent advantage for
our company would help the production of the company and its competitiveness against
others thanks to its efficiency in its production by a capp system because it has an easy
application and development and low costs, in addition to the variation of operations and
cycles that maintains production, this system will be excellent thanks to its classification and
codification of group technologies because this system seeks to select a base process
according to the type of family of the piece to be manufactured and manages to obtain a
certain percentage of the programming that is required which is excellent for this process in
this company as it requires to maintain the care of their products and their correct
We need to introduce in our program all the elements that are part of the process such
as lathes and milling machines, as well as extra attachments that allow maximum
efficiency in the process.
We need software that allows us to execute the programmed actions, along with the
program algorithm.
Something that would be important to add to our PP&C system are communication
actions which serve to let the operators know the status of the system and thus be able
to modify it in case it is not as desired.
The different processes that are carried out in the factory can be done simultaneously
so we would need our control system to be multitasking.
In order to do a good job we need to include in our system the times that are involved
during the process because in some machines are different and apart the transfer
Another important value is the programmed dates to finish the work, the resources, the
tools and the loading status of the machines.
Process specifications such as routes, setup times and manufacturing.
Helena Collins
They help to make scheduling decisions and interactive control of production in a short
period of time.
They enable the resolution of conflicting objectives within a manufacturing system.
They can coordinate other production systems around the issued schedule.
These programs are able to help engineers to make certain decisions in order to improve
production processes and save time and costs, therefore we consider that they are a good
tool for the company, since computers are the ones that evaluate the process, all the work is
simplified and the probability of error is greatly reduced. The system is one more help, but it
does not do all the work, since the engineers are the ones who have the last word, because
certain values cannot be introduced in the program, such as the culture of the people, the
responsibility of each person or at what exact moment a machine is going to fail.
Tools and processes can be standardized because if parts are found that can be made with
the same machines or processes it would simplify the work of redesigning and looking for the
ideal machine for the job.
Manual operations can be reduced.
Part designs can be made using as a base some previously made designs which should be
similar or very similar.
Work inventories are greatly reduced since by organizing all the parts in groups, the way of
arrangement can be facilitated because instead of occupying a space for only one type of
part, it can be occupied by several that have similarities.
Preparation times can be drastically reduced by better planning and the quality and
consistency of the products is improved.
If family manufacturing is combined with other technologies such as CAD/CAM or computer
integrated systems, it offers the great opportunity to greatly improve productivity and
reduce the costs involved in batch production, bringing them to levels similar to those of
mass production.
Helena Collins
The identification and coding of the families can be a very laborious task if there are a large
number of parts that can be manufactured since the characteristics that make them similar
or different must be very specific. Such work involves a large investment.
The reorganization of the physical arrangement of the machines on the production floor is
another drawback since, depending on the type of equipment used, there will also be a cost
associated with such reorganization, which can sometimes be very high.
Helena Collins
This activity helps us to understand and feedback once again on the operating systems of
the integrated manufacturing systems, as well as to perform relative factor calculations in to
calculate relative factors in the integrated manufacturing systems. Manufacturing systems,
within the industry it is very important to have systems which help you to improve the which
help you to improve the processes which can have very expensive to very cheap costs in this
case. Expensive to very cheap in this case we selected a variant system which has very
economical which has very economical prices, easy accessibility and is very easy to
We were also able to design a layout with the information written in the evidence, the we
were also able to design a layout with the information written in the evidence, the son we
designed was based on written information and we assume that the milling machine one
and the milling machine one and lathe one are going to be the same part on the golden
milling machine and lathe two hands on the same part, and lathe two hands on the same
part the same with the 33 now 3 and lathe 3 which leads to a which leads to an estimated
production time of 9.5 minutes.
Activity we have developed skills to find the most optimal results in any type of optimal
results in any type of company, let's start in the inca industry.
In this case the company itself started with basic machinery which indicates that we as
implementers will as implementers we will recommend an appropriate system based on the
needs or final based on the needs or final products that you want to deliver to your
This type of company we recommend flexible manufacturing systems in which time is not an
Which the times are not a problem because of its manual processes,
Thank you.