Catalina Ladino Baquero Mindfulness 2021-2 Mindfulness Timeline The people have been practiced mindfulness a long time because this has been shared by various religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and christianity 400500 B.C.E XIX Century Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) founded the Buddhism. Live in harmony with the order of the universe. The oldest religion in the world was called Hinduism for the british writers. 1975 Is founded the Insight Mediation Society (IMS) by Jack Korfield, Sharon Salzberg and Josep Goldstein. Mindfulness Mediation. 2010 Start the magacine Mindfulness, its principal objetive is the divulgation about scientific progress, theories and clinical practices around the mindfulness. References -Parra, M., Montañés, J. Montañés , M. y Bartolomé , R.: “Conociendo mindfulness”, en ENSAYOS, Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, Nº 27, 2012. Recovered to: web: -Selva, J. (2021). History of Mindfulness: From East to West and Religion to Science. Recovered to: