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Assessing the Scholarly Use of Web Archives in Ireland
RESAW 2023: Exploring the Archived Web
During a Highly Transformative Age
5-6 June 2023 Marseille
Sharon Healy
Helena Byrne
Maynooth University
British Library
Twitter: @ScHealyire
Twitter: @HBee2015
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
WARCnet Special Report
‘Scholarly Use of Web Archives Across Ireland: The Past, Present & Future(s)’
Forms part a larger collaborative study to be published
as a WARCnet Special Report.
Report sought to
examine the causes for the loss of digital heritage and
how this relates to Ireland,
offer an overview of the landscape of web archives
based across Ireland, and their availability, and
accessibility as resources for Irish based research, and
provide some insight into the awareness of, and
engagement with, web archives in Irish third-level
academic institutions.
WARCnet Special Report
‘Scholarly Use of Web Archives Across Ireland: The Past, Present & Future(s)’
Main causes for the Loss of Digital Heritage in Ireland
include the
failure of successive ROI governments to negotiate
copyright and legal deposit legislation in line with
advances in publishing and communications
current deficiencies of ROI copyright and legal
deposit legislation to include the routine web
archiving of the Irish national domain as part of a
national legal deposit scheme.
WARCnet Special Report
‘Scholarly Use of Web Archives Across Ireland: The Past, Present & Future(s)’
The Report discusses
varying types of web archives which might be used
to conduct research on Irish based topics,
a more focused approach on 3 main web archiving
initiatives which capture websites as part of their
efforts for the preservation of digital heritage for the
island of Ireland being the
NLI Web Archive
PRONI Web Archive
UK Web Archive
WARCnet Special Report
Assessing the Scholarly Use of Web Archives in Ireland
This presentation focuses on the results from an
anonymous survey which aimed to provide some insight
into the awareness of, and engagement with, web
archives by lecturers, researchers and students in Irish
third-level academic institutions.
Purpose of the survey
Non-research use of web archives
Research use of web archives
Purpose of the Survey
Collection of anonymous data via an online survey.
Main objectives:
investigate awareness of web archives and archived web
content as a resource for study/research,
generate a better understanding of the users of web archives
and how and why archived web content is used or not used for
explore the challenges and opportunities for using web
archives and archived web content as a resource for
Survey respondents
users (n=59)
non-users (n=180)
of web archives for
research or study
Survey Recruitment
Collection of anonymous data via an online survey.
Recruitment entailed
November to December 2018, 970 recruitment emails sent to
academics (mostly head of departments, or head of degree
programmes) and to department administrators in all fields of
research at nine universities in the Republic of Ireland (ROI)
and Northern Ireland (NI).
also disseminated on social media platforms (Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn).
open from November 2018 until January 2019.
Survey respondents
users (n=59)
non-users (n=180)
of web archives for
research or study
Reasons for Non-use of Web Archives for Research
Non-User Respondents (n=180) were asked about their reasons for not
using an online public web archive for their studies or research
were not aware of the availability of web archives as resources for studies/research
78.33% (=141)
did not know how to find archived websites relevant to their studies/research in a web
45.00% (=81)
did not know how to use a web archive for my studies/research
41.67% (=75)
unsure of the credibility or authority of using archived websites as a primary source
for my studies/research
26.11% (=47)
did not know how to cite/reference an archived website from a web archive to include 17.78% (=32)
in my studies/research
unsure about copyright implications for using archived web content for my
13.33% (=24)
Reasons for Non-use of Web Archives for Research
Respondents (n=180) were first asked about their reasons for not using an
online public web archive for their studies or research
Other reason(s) for not using an online web archive for your studies/ research (please
14.44% (=26)
8 respondents indicated that they were unsure as to how relevant, useful, or
beneficial, a web archive would be for their research.
16 respondents indicated that a web archive was not relevant for their
research, of which 4 noted their research required up-to-date sources, and 3
identified as early to modern period historians that required alternate archival
I feel that I do not have the technical skills to use a web archive for my
7.78% (=14)
Disciplines of Users of Web Archives
Reasons for the Use of Web Archives for Research
For coursework purposes (=38)
as a primary source in an academic essay/assignment for my course (=25)
to document the history of an organisation in an academic essay/assignment for my course (=12)
as a secondary source for a thesis (=1)
For professional publication and historical research purposes (=33)
as a primary source in a professional research report (=10)
as a primary source in a professional publication (=16)
to document the history of an organisation in a professional report/publication (=7)
For teaching purposes (=25)
as part of my teaching materials for undergraduate students (=11)
as part of my teaching materials for postgraduate students (=13)
to recover old advertisements for teaching (=1)
Reasons for the Use of Web Archives for Research
For qualitative and quantitative research purposes (=12)
for content analysis / textual analysis / discourse analysis (=5)
for data mining / topic modelling / data visualisation (=4)
for network analysis / geo-spatial analysis (=3)
For access to materials no longer available on the live web (=5)
for accessing content/websites no longer available on the web (=3)
for access to “policy pages that were no longer publicly accessible, so as to compile evidence” (=1)
for a study of “longitudinal data concerning water parameters” (=1)
Reasons for the Use of Web Archives for Research
Other Reasons (=9)
using a web archive for personal and historic interests,
using archived web content as a secondary source for a thesis,
content/websites no longer available on the web
access to “policy pages that were no longer publicly accessible, so as to compile evidence” (User,
Using archived web content for a study of “longitudinal data concerning water parameters [as] sometimes
websites only display current or recent results” (User, Dental Science) .
Perceived Challenges for Using Web Archives
Representation of responses for perceived challenges for the future use of archived web
content (n=50) by users and non-users
|> Using web archives and archived web content (r=40)
Search and navigation (r=10), Volume of data (r=10), Access and discovery (r=9), Representativeness
and completeness of the data (r=5), Non-established source/source credibility (r=4), Citation (r=2)
|> Awareness of the existence, content, and value of web archives (r=16)
|> Data management and preservation (r=11)
Data management and data reliability (r=5), Storage (r=3), Technical challenges (r=3)
|> Not relevant for research topic (r=4)
Overall, the findings demonstrated
a limited awareness of the existence of web archives in Irish
academic institutions,
for an unfamiliar audience, more effort is needed to
demonstrate the importance of archiving the web and to
promote the value of web archives as resources for research,
a need for the dissemination of use cases in Irish based
research that will demonstrate the use of web archives as a
research resource
Overall, the findings demonstrated
a small community of web archive users in Irish academic
institutions, at different levels of education and academia,
aged from 18 to 65 years, and from a broad range of research
Overall, the findings demonstrated
a need to develop multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary
research networks in Irish academia to address potential
solutions for developing research models and paradigms for
the use of web archives for Irish based research that are fit for
purpose in a broad spectrum of research fields.
a need to develop frameworks to provide course modules for
students in the use of web archives for research, and training
courses for educators on how to incorporate web archived
content as part of their teaching materials and methods.
Assessing the Scholarly Use of Web Archives in Ireland
Sharon Healy
Helena Byrne
Maynooth University
British Library
Twitter: @ScHealyire
Twitter: @HBee2015
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License