Subido por Cynthia Nieto M

Reading & Writing Exam Paper - Progress Level

Path Examinations Mock 2019. Level: Progress
Candidate number……………
1a. You will read an article about the benefits of writing by hand. Match the headings to the
( ____ / 8)
numbered paragraphs. One has been done for you.
It helps in accomplishing objectives
It can relax the nerves
It makes for better composition
It improves learning
It keeps older brains sharp
7 mighty benefits of writing by hand adapted from an article by Melissa Breyer ©2017 Narrative Content Group. All rights reserved.
While pen and paper may seem poised on the edge of obscurity, writing by hand offers a bevy of
brain-boosting perks that should not be lost to technology. While typing and digital files have been
great in stemming a tide of paper waste, when used judiciously, writing things by hand has numerous
benefits that we should not be in a rush to lose sight of. Consider the following:
1. A study published by the Association for Psychological Science found that taking notes in
longhand, not using a laptop, enhances comprehension. They concluded that "laptop note-takers’
tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their
own words is detrimental to understanding."
2. Research reveals that students who write essays with a pen write more than those that use a
keyboard; they also write faster and in more complete sentences.
3. The Wall Street Journal reports on research that finds that by engaging fine motor-skills, memory,
and more, writing by hand acts as a good cognitive exercise for elderly people.
4. Of achieving goals, researcher Dr. Jordan Peterson tells Forbes: "It appears possible that writing,
which is a formalized form of thinking, helps people derive information from their experiences, guiding
their perceptions, actions, thoughts and emotions in the present. Clarifying purpose and meaning into
the future helps improve positive emotion, which is associated with movement towards important
5. Dr. Marc Seifer, a graphologist and handwriting expert, says that writing a soothing sentence is a
type of "graphotherapy." Writing a sentence like "I will be more peaceful" at least 20 times per day can
actually make one more peaceful, especially those with attention problems. "This actually calms the
person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says.
And to all of this I might add, there is a certain intentionality that comes with forming letters on paper;
one that is lost when tapping plastic buttons. And if nothing else, there are few things that compare to
receiving a handwritten letter in the mail (that gets delivered by a human being to a physical mailbox).
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but some traditional skills are too lovely to lose, especially when they
come with so many benefits.
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1b. Of the 5 benefits of writing by hand given above, which do you think is the most
surprising? Give reasons for your answer…………….…………………………… ( ____ / 6)
1c. When writing essays, which do you prefer, writing by hand or on a keyboard? Give
reasons for your answer. ………………………………………………………….… ( ____ / 6)
2. Look at the information Meredith provides, then fill the gaps in the summary below.
( ____ / 8)
“Hi, my name is Meredith and I’m going to the beauty parlour! Jane is going to do my
hair, Anna is going to wax my legs, and Jodie is going to do my nails!”
Meredith is _________
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hair and
_________ at the beauty parlour.
3a. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the original sentence. You must
start with the words given and include one of the verbs in brackets, in the correct form. An
( ___ / 9)
example is shown:
I don’t like doing homework but my dad tells me I have to do it.
My dad makes me do my homework………………………………………..(let / make)
a. My parents say it is ok for me to stay out until 11pm.
My parents………………………………………………………………………(let / make)
b. My teachers did not say it was ok for me to miss school.
My teachers………………………………………………………………… (allow / make)
c. I don’t want to go tomorrow but my boss says I must.
My boss………………………………………………………………………(allow / make)
3b Write about a time when somebody made you do something, and let you do
something. Give reasons.
( ____ / 6)
…………….. (name of person) made me…………………………………………………..……
…………….. (name of person) let me……………………………………………………………
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4. Imagine you are sitting in a café. There is a man and a woman sitting at another table
and you overhear the following conversation. Write a message to your friend, describing
the conversation.
( ____ / 12)
Are you alone?
Yes, I am alone. My friend is still at the base.
Did anyone follow you?
No, I came by taxi. Can you guarantee that I’ll be safe?
Yes I can. Don’t worry, everything is going to be ok.
Hey! I think I’ve just heard a spy conversation in a café! There was a
man and a woman, and she asked him if he was alone!
So he said
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5. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
( ____ / 9)
a. I wish I could…………………..………………………………………………………
b. I hope I don’t……………..…………………………………………………………….
c. I don’t expect …………...…………………………………………..…………………
6. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
( ____ / 18)
a. If I had a big house, I would..………………………………………………………….
b. If ……………….………………………………...…………………………..…………..
…………………………………………………………, I would run as fast as I could!
b. If …………………………………………………......………………………………….
…………………………………, ……….………………………………………………….
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7. Choose the correct words to go into the spaces. The first is done for you.
a. prepared
b. set
c. starred
( ____ / 12)
d. wanted
Many people believe that feature films are getting longer (Blade Runner 2049, _ b_ to be
one of the major films of 2017, is almost three hours long). 1 ____ the reality is that the
average film length, at 2 ____ among the most popular films, has been around two hours
since about 1960. There are 3 ____ reasons why this is unlikely to change, 4 ____ the fact
that films of less than 120 minutes in length 5 ____ to be taken less seriously by the US
Academy of Motion Pictures, and are less likely to win an all-important Oscar. The general
public also seems to be less impressed with shorter films. Very few people, for example,
would 6 ____ to go and see a film which lasted only an hour, as it would seem 7 ____ worth
going out. On the 8 ____ hand, many people balk at the idea of watching a film of more than
three hours, 9 ____ those wishing to watch at home. Three hours is a long time to
concentrate on a film when there are many other distractions,
stomachs, not to
____ drooping eyelids! As TV licencing is
____ as rumbling
____ to be the number one
source of revenue for the film studios, the home market will dictate film lengths for some time
to come.
a. While
b. So
c. But
d. And
a. once
b. most
c. least
d. last
a. several
b. seven
c. severe
d. sever
a. inclusive
b. excluding
c. inclusion
d. including
a. regard
b. might
c. tend
d. could
a. disturb
b. rather
c. bother
d. preferring
a. hardy
b. barely
c. rarely
d. rather
a. one
b. other
c. another
d. second
a. particular
b. particularly
c. privately
d. special
a. such
b. so
c. where
d. like
a. say
b. mention
c. tell
d. think
a. told
b. mentioned
c. saying
d. said
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8. Compare and contrast the following pair of images, and the ideas and impressions they
give you.
( ____ / 18)
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9. Write an email to Sophia Allen, a business associate you know very well. Tell her that
you and a colleague, who Sophia doesn’t know, will be in town next Tuesday and invite
her to lunch. Invent a time and the name of a restaurant, and some information about
your colleague. Use an appropriate subject, salutation and closing. Do not write in boxes
marked X.
( ____ / 18)
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10. Give your reaction to the following statement, including reasons and examples.
( ____ / 24)
Why learn to write, or even type? I have speech-recognition software on my
computer, and my phone, and if I want to write an email or message I just click on
or tap the microphone icon and it records me speaking, then converts it to text! I
don’t even own a pen now, and I never type anything. Kids in school don’t need to
learn these things, all they need is reliable speech-recognition software!
Ex A: _____ / 117
Ex B: _____ / 37
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