AMKCO AMKCO VIBRA-SCREEN SEPARATOR ReliableandEfficient o o Q oo o o oo o oo oo O9 " 9falanys fofaf|toaslteciafrtf " frlt AlR TIGHTSEPARATOR Designedfor screeningin pneumotic conveyingsysfems.Primorilyfor inline scolping o{ dry {ree-flowing moleriols. Assureseff icient removolof oversized porticles ond foreign moieriols during looding or unlooding of tonk trucks ond roil cors, or while conveying moteriols to storoge or process.Six sizesfrom @24" to @72" wilh sloinlesssieel on oll produci contoct surfoces. VIBRA-SCREEN High ef{iciency circulor vibroiory seporotorsin I sizes from fhe lS" diometer loborotory / produciign unit io the S4" diomeler mochine thoi is redefining even higher copocity ond reliobility stondords. Creotive design {eotures: moximize screen oreo use, hondle vorying feed rotes, screen moteriols of chonging consisiencies , increose the "unders" or "overs" copociiies, ond preveni screen blinding. One io five screen surfoces yielding up to six predeiermined frociions with occurote seporoiions in mesh sizes from 2" down to 25 micron (500 mesh). AUXILIARY SERIES Auxilioryseries feed frome lo increose screen oreo by up fo 70 percent within ihe some frome heighr. Applied +o increose e{ficiency of o seporoiion or increosethrough put. Sizescome in @60" ond @72". BATCHSIFTER Botch dry sifting oi wei filiering requireso simple,economicoldesign thot does not require conlinuousdischorge of the oversizemoieriol. The @18"or O24" models hove only one vibroting motor (eleclric or oir) mounled veriicolly to import horizoniol moiion. Designed{or iniermifteni or coniinuous ooerotions where occosionol but fost seporoiions ore needed. Portoble or stoiionory, commonly used obove o mixer or bog dump stofion. STRAIGHT-F[O SEPARATOR High volume scolping requireso design where the moteriol rrrovesqdctly ihrough ihe screen ond out of ihe seporotor. The strorghr-flo design hos duol vibroting moiors ottoched externolly ot the srde. ood o cenlre conicol dischorge spoui direcily in line with rhe feed. The n-lre feoture low height ollows ihe scolping funclion lo be eosly odded ro errstng flow lines, where overheod spoce is ol o premium, ond oo-srze prodrct drops 'olume dry directly down lo the next process. Recomnrended fo. \h rlrodeJ scolping or high volume wet {iltering.Avolloble rn ol sc€6, I sizes from @18"to O84" . ' I irhiti"t ri*Li, orr,rcAroN rypEs.' ArliKCO Seporolors ore compoct production mochineswhich mokes mechonicolseporotions t occording lo porticle size ihrough multi-plone a inertiol vibrotiontechniques.They ore designed . ond built io solve the most difficult clossifying, . seporoting ond dewoiering problems.One to . o five screen surfocesore superimposedto yield . up to six froctions.Seporoiorsore being usedto mokeoccuroteseporotionsrongingfrom 2" cleor ' openingto 25 micron(500 mesh).Eightstondord o models,sizedfrom 18"diomeierio 84" diomeier . o ore equippedwith epoxyor spot weldedscreens, a ond oll wetted porfs ore built of stoinlesssteel. o moteriolsor pro+eciive Olherconslruction coo+ings ' a con be suppliedif required. a . Any screeninq operoiion con be divided into one of r . ' ' Ttvecoregonesr . qBY SCALPING The removolof o smollperceniogeof oversizefrom . o product. DE-DUst[rtG - , ' The removol of o smoll percenioge oi tines trom o . o PiOOUCT. o o CIASSIFYING The seporoiion of porticles by size into two or more o ' a orooucTs. a a . SIEI ATEX,CE certificotion . DE-WATERING . Theremovolof o highperceniof solidsfrom o liquid. . . FILTERING o . - t ' Ihe removol ot o low percentoge ot Sollos Trom a . .liquid. a a a a a a a a o a a a a a o a a a a a a a a t-M |-L rr CoverAssemby (optiono I ltem) L tr ('UOTO ( o p t l o n o li t e m ) N o AMKCO Model 1 Deck A 2 Decks 3 Decks F G 4 Decks B 42 50 c D 54 52 63 61 72 70 81 9 65 61 76 87 83 98 1,1, 58 77 75 93 72 92 108 1,07 124 75 98 96 LIg 1,r7 1 3 9 1 3 8 1 6 0 98 96 1,19 T I 7 96 1 1 9 1L7 M N o 10 )? 35 38 4T 16 30 48 53 58 1,6 40 53 56 60 20 21 51 15 78 84 139 1 3 8 160 20 21, 61 91 89 93 139 1 3 8 160 23 27 16 1 0 0 104 r28 1,25 1,48 146 1 6 8 32 26 91 114 26 106 134 135 A30 33 39 43 A-40 55 A-48 55 A-60 55 75 98 A-72 60 84 106 105 A-84 60 90 1-r7 1 1 5 1,44 1,42 1-71- _169 A-18 A-24 N o e : D i n e n <o r s r c n . S - b e c ' t o c f o r g e " , o .- p. K H . 35 109 1 3 5 1,41, r41- FLOWPATTERN PHASE DESCRIPTION Io 0" Io Io 15" to Io 55" \ MAJOR APPLICATION A BROADSCOPE OF APPTICATIONS C l o s s iifc o i i o n( u n i f o r m porticle disiribuiion) Productflows siroighi from Eosilyscreenoble cenTreTo product, de-dusiinc oircumference Seporo+ionof product ond foreign moifer Seporction of cooguloied ono coorse grorns Slighivortex Totion Crdinoryscreening Dispersionof cooguloied powder porticles Seporotionof certoin snoPes llossificoiion :f poriicles into Deepest vortex ieverol product :otegories, long 'etention time Seporoiion ond recovery of useful moteriolsond po rts Wei filiroiion Ia 90' Cleoning, dehydrotion, exfroc+ing o{ liquidond drying 3roins Scolpingoversize :oncentroted fromproduct fowordscenter . Adjustmentto monufocturingprocess H '. . l m p r o v e m e not f p o c k i n q quorrry VIBRA-SCREEN SEPARATION It is o uniqueond ideol seporotiontechnologywhich includeso verticol mounted mo+orto focilitofe "fhree-dimensionolmoiion" comoosed of c i r c u l o ro n d e l l i p i i cm o t i o n si n h o r i z o n t o vl ,e r t i c o lo n d i n c l i n e dp l o n e s . The AMKCOSeporotor ochievessuperb performonce in sievingdry or wet products hoving o vorieiy of properties,shopesond sizes. ACTIONAND PRINCIPLE T h e p r i n c i p l eo f + h e A M K C OV i b r o - s c r e e ni s e m b o d i e d i n o p o i r o f u n b o l o n c e dw e i g h t s ,o n u p p e rw e i g h t i n s t o l l e do n t h e u p p e r s h o f t o { the motor ond o bottom weight on the lower shofi, which ore copoble of convertingthe motor rototion into o "three-dimensionolmotion". By vorying the phose ongle between fhe weighis, the product flow pottern ond durotion time on ihe screen con be odlusted. .. . M e o s u r i n gc o n s t o n i q u o n t i t yo f l o r g ev o l u m e referencefor improvement o r o r e n o r n go c c u r o c y l' Mi"ing .. 9ronulolrng .. l m p r o v ef l u i di t y .. C o n t r o l l i n gp o w d e r f l o w '. E x t r o c t i o no f d u s i ] . MINIMUM SCREEN BIINDING for oll seporoiion processes is ochieved through the use ond ihe combinotion of severol iechniques. The vibrotion o{ the Seporotor, the use of sliders,bouncing bolls, ultro-sonics,wo+er sproys,wipers, ond losl but not leost,'theuse of good well tensionedscreens. OUICK AND EASY SCREEN CHANGE is performed by o sugor producer using o 2-deck Seporoior io simultoneously clossify sugor info 5 producis. The users morkei hos severoldiffereni specificoiions requiring fost ond eosy screen chonges. Forsmollerunits,quick releoseclomps ond no screen center tie downs moke chonoes even foster. LONG SCREENLIFE is our gool. Removing fiber from coconut milk prior to pockoging odds lit+leto the cost of the oroduct becouse the screenlosisneorlyo yeor. Propertension, high quolity wire ond bonding or welding helps you ochieve quoliiy produci ot low cost. NEW FOOD PRODUCT possible with mode u l i r o s o n i co p p l i c o fi o n t o the screen. The moteriol would not process oi the required screen mesh. Now, with ulirosonics,the end product is unique wiih fosi poy bock to the Prooucer. EFFECTIVEAND EFFICIENT"AS" MACHINES ore required for the Sforch Indusiry.Wiih its lorge flow rote, very fine porficle size ond low Bulk density. AuxiliorySeries (AS) Mochines ore designed to give ex+ro screen oreo to increose screening copocity w i f h o u i i n c r e o s ei n { l o o r s o o c e NO TRANSMITTED VIBRATION wos needed for doiry ond juice production. The AMKCOseporoior is mounled on o portoble stond, eosily moveoble io different locolions {or different oroducts. The vorious locoiions hove {loors thoi ore not oiwoys level. Ouick ond eosy shims under the legs ke'bp ihe screen level for good seporotion. ADAPTABILITY wos the reoson o sono producer instolled on AMKCO seporotor. Vorioblefeed rotes,vorioblescreenmeshes, ond voriobleproducthoppersmodeourunit their choice. REtIABtE SCALE-UPwos ochieved by o fused silico producer who needed io increoseproductionwith o new product withoui lengthyproductiontesting. Smoll, porioble seporotors offer tesling ond reliobledoio for thousondsof dry ond wet processes.(This odds con{idencein the AMKCOselection) PRODUCT OUAIITY is ossured wiih o finol screeningbefore pockoging ond sendingio ihe customer. Shipping producl in bulk only soves the end user time ond money when they know they receivedproduct is "on spec" ond no foreign moteriol is preseni. A minimum investmenifor on AMKCO scolping unit gives confidence. HIGH CAPACITY lN Lllt |TED SPACE is required by polm oil producers.Tweniyhour doys over o hot oil tonk oi 98" C require o high degree of reliobilityin o cromped environmenf. used to seporolor A/I KCO 5O" diomeler seporo+e solids ond fiber from pressed empiy b u n c h s l u r r yf o r e c o v e rv o l u o b l eo i l . M i n i m i z i n go i l l o s si n P o l mO i l M i l l . ATI KCO round seporofors used to seporote kernel ond shell from wo+er in o hydro cyclone processin KernelRecoveryPloni. Beiier seporotion compored fo recfongulorseporoior ond increosed recoverv rote. Arl^KCO modified cloy both seporolor used io seporoiekernel,shellond cloy slurryin one step process.Costsovingond efficieni,highervibrotion omplitudeochievedfrom high efficiencymotor ensurehighcopocityond befferseporotion. suppliersof Ultro-Filtrotion(UF) or ReverseOsmose (RO) filtrotion systems.AMKCO hos supplied o significon+ omount of whey seporotorsoll over ihe cheeseindustry,especiollyin EuropeonCountries.AMKCOis olso of{ering seporotionsolutionsfor Brineond voriouswhey/cheese powders. Shot Penning Mochine,wiih AMKCOSeporotor 2 deck wiih 5 seooro.tions. B o g D u m p w i + h A M K C O S t r o r g h t - f l oM o c h i n e o n d P n e u m o t i cC o v e r . AMKCO Seporofor 2 deck with 5 s e p o r o t r o n s w i i h b u i h i n C o n i c o lH o o o e r . AMKCO Seporoior ldeck wiih 2 seporotions c o m p l e t ew i t h B o g D u m po n d p n e u m o f i cc o v e r . AMKCO pneumolic powered lift system is d e s i g n e df o r q u i c k o n d e o s y s c r e e nc h o n g e w i t h t h e u s e o f t w o c o m D o c to i r c v l i n d e r s . AMKCO 84" Seporofor wos designed for lorger f l o w r o i e s , I n c r e o s es c r e e n o r e o o i v e s h i o h e r c^/66^ i^A ^^n^^ i+w SCALPING- Smoll percenloge of over-size Foods: Driedmilkpowder,doiryproducts,storchpowder,cocoo powder,dried eggs, sprces,teo from bogs. Ghemicols ond Pefrochemicqls: PVC,polyethylenepellels,melomine,phenolics, sodiumcorbonote,colciumcorbide,coppersulphote, cellulose,ocetote,polyslyrene, deiergenls,ironoxrde,steoricocid, titoniumdioxide,zinc oxide. Minerols ond Mefols: Stonesf rom pil sondborite,mico,perlite,lolc,diqiomoceous eorlh. Animol Feeds: Scolpingof foreign moteriolfrom mosh,removolof over size from odditrves. floursifting. Grqins: Seporotionof lorge foreignmoleriolsfrom bulkshipments, - Smoll percentoge of undersize lnsiontcoffee powders,groundcoffees,cereols,spices,nuis,pototo flokes, vilomins. pellets,polystyrene, cousticsodo floke. Polyethylene qnd Wood Producl: Porticleboord. Toblelde-dusiing,gronulotion Pelleiised,gronulotedmixes,ommonrumnrtroteprills. - Sizing into iwo or more colegories CIASSIFICATION Foods: Peo groding,sugors,solts,sprces,nuis,breod crumbs. Chemicols ond Pelrochemicols: Cotolyst beds, monosodium glulomole, expondoblepolystyrene beods,resins. copper,bronze,nickel,iron)sond, Minerols ond Melols: Metol powder (oluminium, silico. Pulp ond Wood Producls: Wood chips,porticleboord,sowdusi,wood flour Abrosives: Sonds,corborundum,oluminiumoxide,glossbeods,blosiinggrit (steel, oxides,rron,copper oxides). - Highpercentage of solidson screen DE-WATERING Foods: Sepqrotionof bogossefrom sugor melt, coserncurd from whey,corn fiber from storchslurry,gluten from wheol storch,de woteringof fruits ond vegeroores, spenl coffee grounds,poiolo shces,Instontrice,tuno, couslicbotlle wosh,opple or citrusjuicespriorto +illrotion. Chemicols: Seporotionof solt from glycerine,polyeihyleneform extruderwoter, coogulum{rom lotex,olignsfrom digestionliquor,sprrolinode-wotering,de-wotering o{ digested recloim rubber,TNT,clorifyingof polywinyloceto+eemulsrons,Poinis, enomels. Pulp: De-woteringof rejeclsbefore refinrng,de-woleringof knots. - Smoll percenloge o{ solids remoin on screen FILTERING Foods: Proteinfrom yeostslurry,chocoloteIquor, fryingoil, pototo storch,soymrlk feeds lo deconlers,cenlrifuges,clossify Chemicols:Aluminumpoinl suspenscion, prgmenTs. Minerols: Seporoteimpuritiesf rom koolinslurrypriorto centrifuging,Colombionore corbonote. i n c l o s e dc i r c u i tg r i n d i n gc, o l c L u m Pulp ond Pdper: Recoveringfiber from mill efflueni, storch size press,cooting suspencions, white woter to produceshowerquoliiywoter. Ceromics: Clorifybody ond glozeslipsfor dishes,sonitorywore, fine chino,pottery. Woste Disposol:Connerywostes,pounchmonurefrom meotpocking,distilleryslop. CENTERFEEDSYSTEM STRAIGHT.FLO STOPINGPAN Increase Discharge Capacity AUXII.IARY-DISCHARGE SPOUTS MUTTIPLE .tl Y, Vibro-screen Seporotors use o singlefeed pipe onto lhe center of the screen ollowing 100% of the screen oreo io be ovoiloote for seporoting. Velocity reducers {or high flow rotes con be used to ensureeven ond steody flow to ihe seporotor. Center feed systems o l s o p e r m i tu n i t s+ o f i i i n t o e x i s i i n g p r o c e s s l i n e s w i f h o m i n i m u mo f extropiping. DISCHARGEFRAMES D i s c h o r g ef r o m e s o l l o w i h e r o p i d d i s c h o r g e o f u n d e r s i z ep o r t i c l e s or liquid from the seporotor. Tilted domes, deep fromes, ond oversized dischorge spouls offer d i f { e r e n f o p t i o n st o o b t o i n h i g h e r copocity removol of liquids or s o l i d s{ r o m t h e u n r t . D o u b l es l o p e domes, fwin spouts,ond boffles con be used io further extend d i s c h o r g ec o p o c i t i e si n w e t o r d r y seporotions. Capacity Increase Screening WETAPPLICATIONS AUXITIARYDISCHARGE SPOUTS MUI.TIPLE Capacity IncreaseScreening STOPINGPAN STRAIGHT-FLO IncreaseDischargeCapacity DISCHARGE AUXILIARY FRAME T h i sd e s i g np r o v i d e so 5 6 0 d e g r e e dischorgefrom ihe screen deck in dry or wet seporolions. The full screen oreo is ovoiloble for s e p o r o t i o no s s o l i d s c o n n o t b u i l d u p o i t h e s c r e e n p e r i p h e r yw h i l e w o r t r n gf o r d i s c h o r g e . A s s o l i d s reoch ihe screen edge, they either foll out o{ ihe unit or Inro o v i b r o t i n gc h u t e o t t o c h e d + o i h e f r o m e . T h e d e - d u s i i n g c op o c i t y of the seporo+or is increosed greotly, systemoverlood is virtuolly i m p o s s i b l eo, n d o v e r y l o w h e o d h e i g h ti s o v o r l o b l e . CERAMICS FOOOsTUFFS 1.5 12, 16,250 A30C-3-6655 o.a-7.2 :ire Brlck tilicaGrains 0.5 1000k9 100 Arr0c-1-65 250k9 !.2 2mm A50C-1-88 1400Okg 0.4 100 a40c-1-66 Dry 2ookg :orn Starch 2.3 100 440C-1-66 Dry 500kC lelatin :ommonSalt 1.5 Dry 1800k9 A40C-1-66 Dry 150k9 iranulatedSuga. 4 0 , 6 5 , 2 0 0 A48C-3-888E ;iliconecarbide 325 32 t0 A18C-1-33 DrY 125rt 30,80 A60C-2-888 Dry 5o@l(a o.8 40 430C-1,56 Dry 110olq 0.5 35 A30C-1,56 Dry 500k9 0.5 5, 20 448C-2,888 1.0 74 448C,1-88 Dry 5000kg t.z ;ilicone Nitride 1.0 200 A30C-l-56 Dry 2s0G )ranseJuice{rsubl]Tsubu) 1.0 ;lakedLime o.7 30,50 A30C,2-655 DrY 600ks ,ah Orl 0.9 20,40 1.1 120 100001 0.7 t80 Dry 10O0kg 0.5 Dry 6000k9 'lip €olite :lrcon Sand 0 2-0.5 5, 2, I mm 40 4.6 a40c-1-88 A40C-3-5555 A48C-1,88 ' C H E M I C AP GE s I N 5 L R O D U C TISN C L I J D I NR 50 72001 'Tofrr"5lurry r2@ol 448C,1-88 2000k9 20001 A48C-1-88 A60C-2-888 3ot/hr A18C-1,33 Ory 230kg A30C-1-65 Drv 500ks 1.0 100 448C-1-88 50001 0 58-0.7 24 A60C-1-E6 6000ke 10 720 A40C-1-56 20001 1.0 200 A48C-1-88 180001 150 A18C-1-33 10001 250 A4EC-1-88 30001 A40C1 55 1 1 12001 08 100 A40C-1,56 Dry 260k9 0.3 30 a18C-1,33 Dry 125k8 04 35,60 A18C-2-333 Dry 24kg 105 10,20 A40C-2-666 orv 3000k9 10 9-5mm A30C1 66 Dry 77OkE 10 ,10mm,9: 448C,2-888 Drv 5000k9 0.5 60 A48S-1-88 Dry 550k9 045 1.0 vlelamine Formaldehyde Resns :incOxid€ lealth Food/ Medicals 12 40,80 A40C-2-655 1.0 0Inn A18C-1-33 08 80 a18C-1-33 Dry 42OkC. 80, 120 Al8C-1-33 Dry 300kr 100,200,325 44oc,3.6656 Dry 10OkB 48, 100 A 1 8 C2 1 3 3 Drv 31kg 16,50 A48C-2-888 Dry 1500k9 0.5-0.8 80 41EC.1.33 o.7 0.5-0.8 60 A16C.1.33 Dry 28okg 5 100 A18C-1-33 Dry 300ks \4antaneseCarbonate 0.4 50 A40C-1-66 Dry 100k9 vlanganeseDioxide 0.8 10 A18C-1.33 0.6-08 60 430C-1,66 18001 200ks E L E C T R I C& A LM A G N E T I C MATERIAL 1.7-23 440C-1-66 Dry 900k9 02-05 325 A30C 1 66 Drv 150k8 7,2 18,40,80 A40C 1 66 Dry 1400ks L 4 I6 A 3 0 C1 6 6 Drv 500k9 200k9 6001 24 a40c-1-66 Ory 200k9 2.0 100 A18C-1-33 Dry 50kg 2.4 400 A18C-1-33 200k9 37 60 A30C-1-66 250k9 2.O 60 A40C-1-56 Dry 3.0 200 a18C-1-33 Dry :lectrolyticCopperPowder 1.3-23 5okg Dry Drv I METALs 0 . 2 50 . 3 5 COATING MATEIIATS )olyesterPowderPalnt MEDICALS 4,4,42 ;teelShot A18C-3-3333 Dry 1500k9 200k9 1000ke -itanium Dioxide 2.7 16 A18C-1-33 Dry 500k9 fun8sten 8.3 20,60,100 430C-3,5555 Drv 300k9 0.95 20,200 A40C-2-565 500k9 . T E S T I N GO F P R O D U C TR E C O M M E N D E D . M O D I F I C A T I O NASV A I L A B T T EO I N C R E A SC EA P A C I TO Y R M E E TS P E C I F IN CE E D S Note: I n t h e i t e m o f d r y / w e . t ", d r y "d e n o i e si h o t t h e i n p u tm o l e r i o li s s o d r y i h o t i t f l o w s o n d h o s n o { r e e m o i s t u r eo, n d " w e t " d e n o i e st h o t + h ei n p u tm o t e r i o li s s o w e t t h o l i f s h o u l db e p r o c e s s e qI n s r u r r y . P r o c e s sr o l e s l i s t e do r e i h e e x o m p l e sw h i c h w e r e o f f e r e d b y t h e s o m p l e du s e r so f A M K C OV i b r o s c r e e n . T h e d o t o m o y b e u s e do s r e f e r e n c e .A l l d o l o o r e 1 o b e e v o l u o t e di n o c c o r d o n c ew i t h p r o d u c t ,p r o p e r t i e ss, p e c i { i c g r o v i t yo f i n p u t m o f e r i o l s, c r e e nm e s h ,o m b i e n .tte m p e r o t u r eo n d h u m i d i t y . SCREENCLEANING RINGS Screen cleoning rings (sliders)ore supported closely below the screen by o sioinlesssteel perforoied plote or o courser screen. Vibroiion of fhe seporolor couses the slidersto rub ogoinst the botiom su#oce of the screen. This ociion helps prevent screen blinding by creoting sheqring{orces ihoi cui fibers ond scrope owoy gummy moteriols. The slidersoperote wiih I io 2mm of cleoronce to ollow i00% screen oreo contoci, ore hollow fo promote product flow, ond ore ovoiloble in o voriety of moteriols for increosed chemicol, temperoiure, or obrosive resistonce. The rings ore commonly ovoiloble in polyesier,food grode nylon ond polyureihonewith excelleni weor resisionce. Avoiloblein single ring or clusier. in heighis of 2n.ond 23mm. BALL TRAY The Boll Troyis o systemihot is especiollyopproprioie for iwo different types of blinding problems. One iype of situotion is for neor size, dry moteriolscreening.Thesecond is{or moteriolfhot iends to ogglomeroie on the lop of the screen. The bouncing bolls {lex the screen slightly, dislodge moieriol ihof moy be stuck in ihe yires, ond olso lifts the moteriol to keep ii flowing. A boll support screen is mounied below fhe operoting screen. Thesebouncingbolls ore ovoiloble in noturol rubber,neoprene,silicone, EPDM,polyurethoneond nifrile. Sizesronge from 16,22,25,28,55 ond 50mm in diomefer. ULTRASONIC Ulirosonic is on odd-on secondory vibroiion io ihe primory vibroiing screen. The secondgry vibrotion operotes ot o very high frequency (50 io 58 KHz)io generoie on oddi+ionoluniform vibroting moiion of oboui 5 micronsto the screen mesh.Thisenergy breoksond or greofly reducesihe electricol bond beiween smoll poriicles which ihen ollows the seporoted porticlesto be screened. Sonoscreencon be instolledor re+rofiftedin ony operotionol vibrofing screen. liems needed ore on uhrosonic generofor, ultrosonicscreen resonoiorwiih ironsducerond high frequency coble connector. WIPERS Theseore sofi sirips thot top ligh+lyon the top surfoce o{ the screen. The vibroiing moiion o{ the seporoior flex ihe sirips to top on ihe screen. lt helps io breok up lumps ond push the under-sizedproduct through the screen mesh. Common moteriolsfor this wiper ore neopreneor polyurethone. food, pulp AMKCOis a manufacturer of screening, sieving,and separation equipmentfor the chemical, product is the circularvibratoryscreen,a compact industries,Our core and paper,and other processing productionmachinefor makingmechanical inertial separations throughthe provenuse of multi-plane, firstpatentedin the USAin 1954. vibrationtechniques AMKCO'S missionis to providethe highestvaluein the marketat the lowestcost. We useonly modern warrantyon standardframes.We providethe KEMAcertifiedmotors.We givea one year,no nonsense engineering serviceto solvethe non-standard bestpossiblecustomerservice.AMKCOhaspersonalized applications. WeareISOcertifiedandaccredited. papermillwhite vibratoryseparators haveledusto developmachines to process Ourproductlinesof circular wate[ to pulverize, agdto wet grindto 1 micron. machines in thisbrochure, AMKCO offersa widerangeof specialunits In additionto the standard described to meetspecial screening requirements. andsystems Manufactured in Singapore And The Netherlands TechnicaI Representatives: AMKCO 6) AMKCO EUROPE BV Industrieweg20-22,1566JP Assendelft The Netherlands Tel: (31) 75-6149854. Fax: (31) 75-6149855 E-mail: AMKCO PTE LTD 51 Bukit Batok Crescent#02-12,Unity Centre, Singapore,658077 Tel: (65) 6316-3050. Fax: (65) 6316-3040 E-mail: amkco@pacifi