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12 sales ready email templates

12 sales-ready email
templates you can
send today
Relationships that matter. Revenue that grows.
Using emails to increase sales productivity
The best time to send emails
A great subject line wins the deal
Boost your sales efforts with these 12 sales email templates
Follow-up email templates
Reaching the right contact templates
“I’m not interested” templates
Reach decision-makers through relevance
A well-written email is not as easy to write as it
sounds. The email needs to be effective, which means
it should be not only read, but also start a
conversation. How do you get this done without the
intended reader hitting “spam” or “delete”?
This guide helps you eliminate these challenges
around sending and getting your sales emails read.
We will cover how to make your emails stand out
from the crowd.
And since we know that time is money, we help you
save more time by supplying you with 12 ready-made
sales email templates. You can begin using them at once for sales
prospecting, reaching the right person, following up,
and re-engaging a disinterested party.
Using emails to increase sales productivity
Using emails to increase sales productivity
As a sales person, you only spend 23% of your time
on selling, which means you spend most of your time
on things like admin tasks, meeting preparation,
travel and updating contact information in CRM
You also spend a lot of your time on research and
How well you evaluate your potential contact defines
whether or not you have a real chance to close the
deal. That’s why 40% of salespeople consider
prospecting the most challenging part of their jobs.
Your time is valuable. When you find a
new prospect, you need to make sure:
You reach them at the best possible
They open and read your email
They respond to your email
Once you have achieved these three things, you can
then add this contact to your sales activity list.
But in between finding a new prospect and hitting
the “Send” button, you need to make sure that you’re
contacting the prospect at the best possible time. In the next section, we will take a look at when the
best time to send an email is
The best time to send emails
The best time to send emails
Sales emails are essential when winning
over prospective clients. Reaching out over
email helps you promote your business and,
hopefully, close more deals.
There are many theories out there about the best
time to send sales emails. We will provide you with
three tips to guide your sales email schedule.
1. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the
best days to send sales emails
The day of the week you choose to send a sales email
is critical. There is no use in sending an email on a
Friday afternoon, as business people in the office are
likely gearing up for their weekend. Likewise, sending
emails first thing on a Monday won’t go down well
either, as people are still reeling from the weekend
and planning the week ahead.
However, some days are more successful than
others. Multiple studies show that Tuesday,
Wednesdays and Thursdays are in fact the best days
of the week to send out sales emails.
Thursday is the #1 best day to send emails.
Tuesday is your second best day. Tuesday ranked first
in three of the studies and second in four of the
Wednesday is the third best day to send emails.
By this point, people have had enough time to settle
into their working week and take care of pressing
matters, without your email feeling like an interruption.
Can you guess the worst days of the week? Of course,
you can – it’s Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
The best time to send emails
2. Send morning emails between 8 and 10 am
Sending an early morning sales email gives you a
better chance of being first in with your pitch. But
even still, timing is everything. Remember that
prospects’ mornings are likely to be spent prioritizing
for the day ahead. With this in mind, emailing at the
optimum time in the morning will return better
The top five best times to send email are 10 am, 9
am, 8 am, or 1 pm, and 3 pm.
3. Avoid lunchtime hours
Sales emails that result in the least amount of contact
are made during lunchtime. This means the time
running up to and right after lunch is probably the
worst time to be clicking the “send” button. When you think about the structure of the typical
office day, you’ll realize that most managers and their
bosses get in first.
It’s best to leave these hours alone and focus on
researching potential clients and prospective leads.
Oh, and of course, eating your own lunch too!
If you send your email before 9 am, you’re more likely
to directly connect with a senior staff member who
might be in the office early. These are the decisionmakers and the people with the power to buy.
Now you know the best times to send a sales email,
let’s dive right into how to get your emails opened.
A great subject line wins the deal
A great subject line wins the deal
When you spend as much time as you do
prospecting, you need to make sure that
your emails are read and not deleted.
Reasons for opening
an email
The sender name and subject line of your emails are
the most important factors in getting them opened
and read. Personalized subject lines increase email
open rate by 22.2%!
Our own research showed that 45% of subscribers
say they are likely to read your email because of who
it’s from, and 33% of email recipients open an email
based on the subject line.
Sender name
Subject line
Intro paragraph
Whose name should you use to
send the email? And does the
subject line need to be short, or
long? Should it be descriptive or
A great subject line wins the deal
Offer value
Why should they open this email? Be
as clear and concise as possible about
the value you offer. It’s the substance
that turns prospects into customers.
Remember to tell them what you are
selling, who you are selling to, and
what benefits your product can offer
They should know this email is
specifically for them. Use your
prospect’s name to grab their
attention instantly.
Use your own
Using a specific personal name as a
sender, rather than a general email
address or company name, you can
increase open rates by as much as
35%! It adds a personal touch and an
email from a person is much more
likely to be read than compared to or “no-reply”.
Be concise
Subject lines with 6 to 10 words
deliver the highest open rate, making 8 words an ideal number for a subject
line. This is especially important for
mobile readers: the subject line
character length is shorter. More than
85% of subject lines for mobile devices
are shorter than 80-90 characters.
A great subject line wins the deal
Use clear
Be straightforward and use keywords.
This way your prospects will be able to
quickly recall your email and take
Avoid clickbait
and false claims
Be careful with emojis, signs and
exclamation marks. No more than 3 punctuation marks per subject line.
Do not claim what you can’t deliver
and don’t overindulge in accentuating
scarcity or urgency. All this is a turnoff for modern, sales-savvy and
informed customers. Using clickbait
subject lines in sales emails will make
you look unprofessional.
Write as if to a
Simplicity, clarity and friendliness win
the race every time. Always choose a
calm, natural tone, and don’t SHOUT
with capital letters.
{their name}, how is your {your product
type} working out?
{their name}, is your {your product
type} tool working for you?
{their name}, quick question?
{their name}, let’s connect!
Is {pain-point} making you {emotion}? I
can help.
{their name}, you’re not alone in {issue}
{their name}, here is the information
you requested
A great subject line wins the deal
The rule of 4 Us
URGENT – You sho
uld convince the re
ader to pay attenti
this case – open an
on, in
email and read it.
UNIQUE – You sho
uld sound somewh
at different from o
similar messages. I
t can be your writin
g style or unique be
USEFUL – You shou
ld offer a benefit, s
olve a problem or
otherwise provide
value for your audi
You should get spe
cific about how use
content of the ema
ful the
il is.
Boost your sales efforts with these 12 sales email templates
Boost your sales efforts with
these 12 sales email templates
OK, let’s say that you’ve got a list of email addresses
of people who have requested that you contact them
at one time or another.
Outreach #1
Outreach #2
How do you reach out to them? In this next section,
we provide you with 12 sales email templates to help
you get a reply.
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
I noticed that you’re interested in {subjectmatter}.
Since you work in {their company}, you must
know who is who.
My {your company} actually helps businesses
{how you help clients}.
Would you help me figure out who is in
charge of {what you do} there at {their
Outreach email templates
To begin with, we will start with cold outreach
templates. These are people who do not know you,
and may not have even heard of your company. These
email templates are to help you get your foot in the
door and open up a conversation.
Rule of thumb:
Talk about them, not you! Your prospects don’t want to read
about you, they want to know what you can do for them. Start
with their problem, pain point, issue, challenge, situation, etc.
I wanted to learn how you handle {things your
company handles} at {their company} and
show you what we’re working on.
Are you available for a brief call at {time
Could you point me towards the right person,
please, and the best way I might get in touch
with them?
Thank you very much.
Boost your sales efforts with these 12 sales email templates
Outreach #3
Outreach #4
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
I saw your LinkedIn post on {subject matter}
and thought you might be interested to
{Mutual contact name} told me today that you
two were talking about how tough it is these
days to {insert challenge}.
My name is {your name} and I’m {job title} at
{your company}. We help companies {explain
what you do}.
It’s an issue that all {their industry}
companies face right now.
I wanted to learn how you currently handle
{things your company handles} and show you
what we’re working on.
Are you available for a quick call tomorrow
I’ve got some ideas you can implement fairly
easily that should have a positive impact on
{how to solve the challenge}.
Would you like to schedule 30 minutes to talk
some more about this?
At this point, there will be
one of three responses:
No reply (requires you to follow
Wrong contact (requires you to
find the right contact
Not interested (requires you to
keep the conversation going)
We’ll show you how to handle each
situation using the following templates.
Follow-up email templates
Follow-up email templates
Don’t worry if you don’t receive a reply, all is not lost. In fact, this is where most salespeople give up!
Studies revealed that the optimal number of follow-up emails to send is 2-3. Did you know that:
48% of sales people don’t follow up even onc
44% give up after just one follow-up cal
80% of sales require at least 5 follow-up
60% of customers reject offers four times before making a
purchasing decision?
Think about your last sales email: how many times did you follow up?
The conversation doesn’t stop at the first attempt of your sales
email. Don’t be shy to try and try again. And even if you follow up
one time, there’s a 21% chance of getting a reply.
On average, business people receive 121 emails per day. That’s a lot
of emails! The prospects you reach out to simply won’t have time to
respond to all of them.
Follow-up email templates
Therefore, you need to follow up. These follow-up email templates will help you
get the prospects attention and reignite the conversation
Follow-up email #1
Follow-up email #2
Follow-up email #3
Hi {their name}, is the below of any interest to
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
I know you’re very busy.
I didn’t hear back from you last week. That’s
Let me know. Thanks.
But please drop me a note if you got the email
I’d love to talk a little bit more about {their
company}, yourself, and any ways in which I
can help you.
A phone call or a video call would be a
not a problem.
If it makes sense to talk, let me know how
your calendar looks. If not, could you point
me to the appropriate person?
Reaching the right contact templates
Reaching the
right contact
Reaching the appropriate
person #1
Reaching the appropriate
person #2
Reaching the appropriate
person #3
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
What happens if you’re looking for the
right contact but can’t seem to find it?
Your comment in {community/
social media post/event}
caught my eye.
This is {your name} with {your
Having to deal with {their pain
point} is no fun.
{Their company}’s {your
product type} looks similar to
many of the businesses we
work with every day.
My name is {your name} and
{your company} helps business
people like you to {how you
While I’ve got your attention,
we’d love if you guys gave {your
company/product} us a try?
I wanted to learn how you
handle {things your company
handles} at {their company} and
show you what we can offer.
If you’re like us, then you most likely
run into this scenario often.
However, this is a real opportunity to
connect with more than one person at
a company and start the conversation
and find the right person. And we’ve
got you covered with the following
So, I thought – we have a {your
service/product} that we think
can really help {their company}.
Would you guide me to the
person responsible for
{relevant department, e.g.
marketing, sales, customer
service} and let me know how I
might get in touch with them?
I’m happy to schedule a call
with them at any time.
Our customers are using us to
do things like {list of benefits
your company helps clients
I’m assuming you’re the best
person for this. If not, who
would you recommend I speak
Are you available for a brief call
at {time options}?
“I’m not interested” templates
“I’m not interested” templates
When you spend all this time prospecting,
there’s nothing more demotivating than
receiving the dreaded “I’m not interested”
And that’s it! End of conversation… But does the
prospecting end there?
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
We’ve created two simple templates that you can
copy and paste for the next time you read “not
Not interested email #1
Not interested email #2
Hi {their name},
Hi {their name},
I understand and respect your position.
Okay, I get it. It sounds like it’s not the best
timing right now.
Yet, I strongly believe that {your company}
can help {their company} solve
{challenge #1} by {product benefit #1} and
{product benefit #2}
{challenge #2} by {product benefit #1} and
{product benefit #2}.
Let me know if you change your mind and we
can jump on a call.
I promise I can quickly walk you through what
we offer.
However, I’m convinced that {your product} is
something that is going to help your business
be even more successful.
That’s why I’ve included some examples
(include 2-3 case studies) of how {your
product} can help you {product benefit #1}
and {product benefit #2}.
How about I touch base with you in a month
or so?
Reach decision-makers through relevance
Reach decision-makers through relevance
The “I’m not interested” emails are great because they
keep the dialogue open, and it gives the prospect
exactly what they want.
When decision-makers were asked what they consider
essential when receiving a sales email, 9 out of 10 said
that emails personalized to their company’s industry
(e.g., knowing their business, awareness of the changing
industry needs or new technologies) is absolutely
essential when salespeople reach out to them.
“I am more likely to respond to sales emails when the
email includes ...”
And when decision-makers were asked how likely they
are to respond to sales emails, the study by LiveHive
found that by including customer case studies these
decision-makers were more likely to reply.
Customer case studies
Industry articles
White papers
No content
About SuperOffice
It’s important that you spend as much time on selling as
you can. But when half of your time is being spent on
prospecting, you need to make sure that it is time well
spent and not wasted.
Driven by a passion for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), SuperOffice
makes award winning CRM software for sales, marketing and customer service.
Use these 12 sales email templates to reach new people,
follow up and handle replies from those who are no
longer interested.
SuperOffice has been in the CRM business for 30+ years and is still growing
strong. This shows our dedication to the development of great CRM software and
our commitment to our customer base.
Sales is a numbers game. The more people you reach,
the more people you sell to. These sales templates will
help you reach more people, and by uploading them into
your CRM software, you will become more productive,
reach more people and eventually, close more deals
As the leading European CRM provider, SuperOffice is trusted by thousands of
growing companies.
Learn more at