Subido por Agustin Dominguez

PolySep Oil Water Separator: Features, Benefits & Compliance

PolySep Oil Water Separator
What is it?
An Oil Water Separator is a device that removes
lubricant from air compressor condensate before
discharging it to drains or other collection points.
Leading Questions
Why does your
customer need it?
Simple design – fully automatic, few moving
parts with easy to access components
Easy to maintain – absorption modules are
sized to operate 4,000 hours per year
Proprietary filtration media that effectively
separates and permanently absorbs lubricants
Do you know where your condensate goes?
Are you looking to stay in compliance with
environmental regulatory agencies and avoid
Would you like to minimize the costs associated
with the disposal of fluids?
Have you heard of the Clean Water Act?
Reduces the environmental impact
Keeps them in compliance with environmental
Minimizes the costs associated with the
disposal of fluids
Additional training materials
can be found here