UNIDAD 5 Alma Mater Studiorum I. Antes de leer el texto, contesta las siguientes preguntas. A. ¿Sabes algo de la historia de la primera universidad del mundo? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ B. Sin leer el texto marca la opción correcta. 1. What is the oldest university in the World? a) Harvard University. b) University of Bologna. c) Oxford University. d) The Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico. 2. The first university was founded in a) 1888. b) an undefined date. c) the mid-16th century. d) the 20th century. 3. The first university was created by a) the initiative of a few students. b) Giousè Carducci. c) Napoleon Bonaparte. d) The Pope. II. Ahora lee el texto a continuación y verifica las respuestas del ejercicio I. 33 34 35 III. Haz una lectura rápida y responde lo siguiente. La lectura tipo scanning es una lectura enfocada a identificar nombres, fechas, etc. Este tipo de lectura se utiliza cuando el lector necesita encontrar información específica en el texto. 36 INFORMACIÓN RENGLONES ESPECÍFICA 1. EJ. Name of the person who said that “The School of Bologna was established independently, it arose and stood out as a private school.” 2. 3. 1. Group of people who established the Studium of Bologna. Carducci 1-2 ________________ _________ 4. 2. Name of the associations that merged into prestigious supra-regional guilds. ________________ _________ 5. 3. People who earnt an unparalleled social and political reputation and were vital to a nascent Europe that absolutely needed solid legal and cultural foundations. ________________ _________ 6. 4. Century in which the popes and their legates managed to impose their influence not only on local politics but also on the University. ________________ _________ ________________ _________ ________________ _________ 9. 7. Century in which the University began to penetrate into the urban fabric, occupying ancient buildings and building new ones ________________ _________ 8. Place where the successful alliance between the University and the city of Bologna was finally demonstrated. ________________ _________ ________________ _________ 7. 5. Period in which Bologna and its ancient Studium were, once again, considered the backbone of the entire country. 8. 6. Year when the slow rebirth of the Alma Mater and its international relaunch were inaugurated 9. Period in which the Multicampus were set up in Italy, now extending throughout the Romagna region. IV. Localiza en el texto la palabra o frase a la cual se refiere cada una de las siguientes palabras. Ejemplo: (renglón 1) it The School of Bologna 37 “The School of Bologna was established independently, it arose and stood out as a private school.” El pronombre it en el renglón 1 se refiere a The School of Bologna. 1. (renglón 4) he _________________ 2. (renglón 11) who _________________ 3. (renglón 15) these _________________ 4. (renglón 17) they _________________ 5. (renglón 12) which _________________ 6. (renglón 23) its domains _________________ 7. (renglón 31) their success _________________ 8. (renglón 37) which _________________ 9. (renglón 53) it _________________ 10. (renglón 55) that occasion _________________ V. Elementos lingüísticos A. La forma -ing 1. el infinitivo simple + ing funciona como verbo cuando va precedido de alguna forma del auxiliar be, solo o acompañado de algún otro auxiliar: …praise in line with what was happening in the other great courts of Italy. 2. el infinitivo simple + ing también puede funcionar como sustantivo. Para identificarlo observa los artículos, adjetivos o preposiciones que lo preceden: …the University began to penetrate into the urban fabric, occupying ancient buildings… 3. En el siguiente ejemplo, encontrarás el infinitivo simple + ing con otra función: …an ever-increasing interest in new technologies and respect for the environment 38 nota que la palabra interest es un sustantivo, que va precedido del grupo de palabras ever increasing. En este caso, increasing no tienen función de sustantivo ni de verbo. ¿Puedes decir qué función tienen? ______________________________________________ ¿En qué basas tu respuesta? ____________________________________________________ VI. Decide si en las oraciones siguientes las palabras en negritas funcionan como verbos, sustantivos o adjetivos. Función a) a). It was a rich and powerful medieval metropolis, capable of attracting and ___________________________________ accommodating hundreds of wealthy young people… b) b) …once again closely linked to the fate of the city, which also suffered the rise of neighbouring ___________________________________ rivals c) c) Still today, it is the location for celebrating the independence and freedom of teaching… ___________________________________ d) d) …thus, pushing away many students of other faiths. ___________________________________ B. La voz pasiva La voz pasiva es mucho más común en inglés que en español. Se utiliza cuando se elige como sujeto de la oración a la persona u objeto que recibe la acción del verbo. SUJETO VERBO The School of Bologna was established independently... 39 El agente, o sea la persona que fundó la Escuela de Bologna, no se menciona aquí porque dentro del contexto no se considera necesario. Con frecuencia la voz pasiva se utiliza en inglés para expresar ideas que en español requieren de una construcción impersonal. VII. De la lista de verbos en voz pasiva elige el que corresponda para completar las oraciones. a) was not established b) were structured e) were considered f) were inaugurated h) was finally demonstrated # REFERENCIA c) was built g) was also reconsidered i) were introduced SUJETO d) were grouped j) was recognised VERBO COMPLEMENTO TEMPORAL 1. The Studium of ----------------- Bologna ________________ at the behest of a sovereign 1. ________________ or an organised group of teachers 2. Over time, mutual support associations ________________ according to their places of 2. ________________ origin (Nationes) until they merged into prestigious supra-regional guilds called Universitates. 3. When the ----------------- Archiginnasio Palace 4. For the first the various time ever, Schools ________________ the partnership between the 3. ________________ two institutions came to an end. ________________ together in a single location, 4. ________________ under the watchful eye of Rome. 40 5. Until the Bologna and its ________________ the backbone of the entire Italian ancient Studium 5. ________________ country. Unification, 6. In 1888, the slow rebirth of ________________ on the occasion of the 8th the Alma Mater 6. ________________ Centenary celebrations. and its 7. international relaunch 7. At the turn of The relationship the 20th with the city century, 8. ________________ 8. ________________ --------------------- 9. During the The successful ________________ celebration of alliance between 10. ________________ the 9th the University and Centenary of the city --------------------- the Studium, 9. once again, the University of during the Bologna celebration of ________________ as the mother of all 11. ________________ universities, namely as the Alma Mater Studiorum. the 9th Centenary of the Studium, 10. Towards the when new forms end of the last of university century, autonomy ________________ the Alma Mater embarked on 12. ________________ a project aimed at relocating some of its courses, Verifica las respuestas con el texto. 41 VIII. Contesta lo siguiente. ¿Qué información nueva aprendiste sobre la primera universidad del mundo? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ KG 42 UNIDAD 6 Anthropocene I. Antes de leer el texto, contesta lo siguiente. A. Relaciona las palabras con su definición. 1. Atmosphere ______ a) a layer or a series of layers of rock in the ground 2. Climate _______ b) all weather conditions for a given location over a period of time 3. Ecosystem ________ c) geological time period that began at the end of the last glacial period 4. Strata _________ d) layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body 5. Holocene ________ e) community and interactions of living and nonliving things in an area B. ¿De qué crees que hablará el texto a continuación? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ II. Lee el texto para comprobar o ajustar tu hipótesis. Anthropocene 43 44 III. Elementos lingüísticos A. Lee las siguientes oraciones y anota a la derecha si la palabra subrayada funciona como adjetivo o sustantivo. ADJETIVO SUSTANTIVO 1. The lake is covered with a sheet of ice _______ __X___ 2. It began after the last major ice age _______ _______ 3. This is when humans tested the first atomic bombs. _______ _______ 4. …a dramatic increase in human activity affecting _______ _______ 5. … referred to as the geologic time scale _______ _______ 6. Earth’s history is divided into hierarchical series _______ _______ the planet. of smaller chunks of time… B. Con frecuencia la terminación ’s del inglés indica posesión. Cuando el sustantivo es plural y termina en s, la posesión se expresa únicamente con apóstrofo (’). The world’s forests Los bosques del mundo Britain’s coastline La costa de Gran Bretaña The planets’ Las atmósferas de los planetas atmospheres 45 Anota en la línea el significado de las siguientes frases tomadas del texto Earth’s history __________________________________ The planet’s climate __________________________________ Earth’s rock layers __________________________________ Earth’s atmosphere __________________________________ IV. Completa el siguiente diagrama con información de la lectura. La información puede presentarse un poco diferente al texto. Anthropocene ETYMOLOGY WHAT IS IT? Is derived from the Greek word Used to describe the most recent __________ and _________ in Earth’s history, when _______ for _______, coined by __________ ____________ started biologist __________ ___________ to and chemist __________ ______________ on the planet’s _____________. _____________ for _______ have a ________________ and When did it begin? ONE THEORY ANOTHER ONE A popular theory is that it began at the Others start _________. This is when humans of the think that it should be _____________________________ tested the first ____________ ______, ____________________ of the and _____________, when human activity ___________ and ______________, had a great impact on ___________ Japan. and ____________ in the atmosphere. ____________ were detected globally then dropped more on ______________ in the soil. 46 IMPORTANT NOTE CONSENSUS Anthropoce is not a formal epoch, nor In 2016, the ___________________ has the ___________ __________________ ______________ of agreed that the Anthropocene began in it been ____________ _____________ adopted by ______________ the year ________ (IUGS); the primary question that ___________ needs answer is if humans have took off. when the ________________ changed the Earth system to the point that it is reflected in the V. Contesta lo siguiente. 1. ¿Consideras que los efectos de la actividad humana son tan significativos como para eventualmente verse reflejados en las capas de la tierra? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ¿Estás a favor de llamar a la época actual “antropoceno” en lugar de Holoceno? ¿Por qué? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ FL 47 UNIDAD 7 My Travel Experience I. Antes de leer el texto, contesta lo siguiente ¿Te gusta viajar?_______________________________________ ¿Has viajado alguna vez en avión?_________________________ II. Lee el texto y completa el cuadro que aparecen a continuación tomando en cuenta la secuencia temporal. MY TRAVEL EXPERIENCE 48 MY TRAVEL EXPERIENCE. IN THE PAST I thought ______________________________ ____________________________________ to lend some ____________________. FARTHER BACK Business class was __________________ . Now So, I recognize that__________________________________________________, and that there _____________________________________ passengers. From long ago to the present For me, it has always been____________________________________________ __________________________________________. 49 TODAY So, I recognize that______________________________________, and that there are________________________________________________ many passengers. IN THE FUTURE I can unequivocally say that_______________________________, and that it will definitely be _________________! B. Numera los cuadros según el orden en que aparecen las ideas en el texto. III. Ahora, lee “On the plane” y contesta las preguntas sobre el texto. ON THE PLANE. BOARDING AND DURING TAKE OFF • Welcome on board ready for your flight • Check your boarding pass and go to your seat number.If you need help, ask the cabin crew. • You might have to sit next to someone you don’t know. • You might be able to smell food cooking, or hear noises. • Put your bag in the overhead locker,or under the seat in front of you. • The cabin crew are here to help you and keep you safe. • Pay attention to the cabin crew’s safety demonstration. 50 • The safety card is in the seat pocket. • Carefully read the safety card. • Make sure you fasten your seat belt. • Take-off will be noisy and shaky, and the noise of the engines might change throughout the flight. • Your ears might feel strange. • When the seatbelt sign turns off you can unfastenyour seat belt and move around. • It might be noisy and shaky during the flightand the seatbelt sign might come back on. • If the seatbelt sign comes on, don’t be scared, but sit down in your seat and fasten your seat belt. Thisis turbulence and is perfectly normal when flying. • On some flights you can watch a film or a tv show,or listen to music. • You can also use your laptop or iPad. DURING THE FLIGHT AND LANDING • If you need help, you can ask the cabin crewor press the button near your seat. • The cabin crew will offer you food and a drink.You might have to pay for this. • The toilets are at the front or the back. They might be smaller than you are used to. You might have to wait in a queue if it’s busy. • The captain and crew will make announcements duringthe flight and tell you when you are going to land. 51 • Make sure you put your things away and fastenyour seatbelt for landing. • The cabin crew will walk through the cabin and make sure you are safe. They will also sit down during landing. • Landing will be noisy and bumpy. • Your ears might feel strange. • When the seat belt sign turns off you can get your bag from the overhead locker. • Make sure you have all your things, then you leave the aircraft. • You can say goodbye to the crew and go into the airport. • You might walk down some stairs or get on a bus. Sometimes you will walk through a tunnel into the airport. • Follow the signs for Arrivals or Flight Connections. IV. Contesta las siguientes preguntas. 1. ¿Qué hay que revisar en el boleto de avión al abordar? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ¿Dónde se pone el equipaje que trae uno consigo dentro de la cabina del avión? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 52 3. ¿Por qué dice que si se enciende el anuncio de abrochar el cinturon de seguridad no hay que alarmarse? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Dentro del avión, ¿dónde se encuentran los baños? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. ¿Qué anuncios hacen el capitán y la tripulación durante el vuelo? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ V. Elementos Lingüísticos. A. La palabra so tiene diferentes acepciones. En el texto “My travel experience” se usa con significados diferentes. Algunas acepciones de so son: 1.- así, 2.-lo mismo, 3.- tan, tanto 4.- así que. Escoge la acepción que corresponda en cada caso, según el contexto, y anótala en los espacios a la derecha de cada frase. 1.- ... when I was doing it so in economy class … ____________________ 2.- So, I recognize that many people don’t feel the same way. _______________ 3.- … I’m so happy with my business class experience________________ B. El imperativo En el texto “On the Plane” se dan una serie de instrucciones respecto a lo que sucede dentro de un vuelo comercial. El modo verbal que se utiliza es el imperativo. 53 En el imperativo no se requiere indicar el sujeto porque está sobreentendido que quien habla o escribe se dirige a una segunda persona: tú, usted, ustedes. Ej. Carefully read the safety card. Make sure you fasten your seat belt. Observa que no hay sujeto porque está sobreentendido que es la persona a quien se dirigen las instrucciones. Subraya en el texto otros ejemplos del modo imperativo. BC 54