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Dynamics Concepts: Unbalanced Forces & Newton's Second Law

Dynamics Concepts
Second Law of Motion - The first law addressed balanced forces acting on an object. The
second law address unbalanced forces.
An object must
change speed or
curve or both if …
…the forces are unbalanced, no longer
in equilibrium.
F NET = ma
 F = ma
When the forces acting upon an object become unbalanced the object will
change speed, curve or do both. The value of the net force will always equal the
product of mass and acceleration.
Unbalanced forces will create a net force that is parallel or anti-parallel to the
direction of motion. This causes changes in speed without curving. Unbalanced
forces that make an object curve will be addressed in another unit.
There is need to realize one final concept before starting the problem solving. Many
engineering programs fail to see this point which causes some conceptual trouble
later in the course. The product, “ma”, has units of Kgm/s2 or Newtons. The
product of “ma” is not however a force. You will not draw “ma” on a free-body
diagram. The forces will add up to “ma” but “ma” is not counted as a force.
Steps to Solve Unbalanced Forces on a Single Mass
I) Draw a free-body diagram and label all of the forces acting on the object.
II) Sum the forces perpendicular to the surface and set them equal to zero.
A) Σ F⊥ = 0
B) Solve for the normal force. FN = ?
C) Use the Ff = μ FN to get a value for the friction term if mu is given.
III) Sum the forces parallel to the surface and set them equal to “ma”. Σ F|| = ma
A) Which way is the object moving? This determines the positive direction!
B) Is there a tension or applied force is that direction? These will be positive.
C) Is there a resistive force opposing the motion? This will be negative.
D) How is the object accelerating?
i) if it is not then use “0”
ii) if changing speed then use “ma”
E) Solve for the acceleration or use the given acceleration to solve for another unknown
IV) Use the acceleration from step III as one of the three out of five givens in the kinematics
Note: sometimes you use three given kinematics values to solve for acceleration before you
do step III. Depending upon the problem, steps III and IV may be reversed in order.
Kinematic Equations
x = v0t + 1/2at2
v = v0 +at
v2 = v02 +2ax
x = (v + v0) t
Dynamics Example Problems
Example 1: Horizontal Problem with friction
A block rests on a level surface with friction.
A force is applied horizontally.
a) FN – W = 0
FN – 60 = 0
FN = 60 N
m = 6 kg; Fapp = 54 N; mu = 0.40; v0 = 0m/s; t = 5 sec
b) f = (FN)
f =(60)
f = 24 N
c) Fapp – f = ma
54 – 24 = 6a
a = 5 m/s2
d) v = v0 +at
v = 0 + 5 (5)
v = 25 m/s
Example 2: Problem with Fapp at an upward angle.
PULLING an object on a level surface: (Fapp = 100N, m = 12kg, = 30o and µ= 0.4)
a) FN – W + Fapp sin = 0
FN – 120 +100 sin 30°= 0
FN = 70 N
b) f = (FN)
f =(70)
f = 28 N
c) Fapp cos  – f = ma
100cos 30 – 28 = 12a
a = 4.88 m/s2
Example 3: Problem with Fapp at a downward angle.
PUSHING an object on a level surface: (Fp = 100N, m = 12kg, = 30o and µ= 0.4)
a) FN – W - Fapp sin = 0
FN – 120 -100 sin 30°= 0
FN = 170 N
b) f = (FN)
f =(170)
f = 68 N
c) Fapp cos  – f = ma
100cos 30 – 68 = 12a
a = 1.55 m/s2
Example 4 : A FRICTIONLESS Inclined plane
Given: m = 12 kg; =60°, surface is frictionless.
a) FN – W cos = 0
FN – 120 cos 60°= 0
FN = 60 N
b) W sin = ma
m g sin = m a
a = 10 cos 60°
a = 8.66 m/s2
Example 6 : Fapp & FRICTION on an Inclined plane
Given :
m = 12 kg; =60°; Fapp = 40 N;  = 0.2
a) FN – W sin = 0
FN – 120 sin 30°= 0
FN = 60 N
b) Wcos–f –Fapp =ma
mg cos –f –Fapp =ma
(12)(10) - (0.2)(60)-40 = 12
a = 4.32 m/s2
Dynamics Intro
The sum of the forces in the x-direction now = ma.
Use the sum of the forces in the y direction = 0 to find the normal force. Then solve for the
rest of the unknowns.
Single Masses
1. A 5 Kg object rests on a level surface with a force of 42 N is
applied horizontally for 6 seconds. If the friction force is 6N,
what is the object’s A) normal force B) acceleration C)
coefficient of friction and D) final speed ?
2. A 4 Kg object rests on a level surface with a kinetic coefficient of friction of 0.40. A force
of 37.7 N is applied horizontally for 6 seconds. What is the object’s A) normal force B)
acceleration and
C) final speed.
3. A 6.4 kg object sits on a level surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.60. After a force is
applied, the object accelerates at 5 m/s2. What is the object’s A) normal force B) friction
force and C) force applied.
4. A 44.9 Kg object is resting on a level surface. A force of 500
N at 26 degrees above the horizontal is applied to the block
over a distance of 49 m. The kinetic coefficient of friction
between object and surface is .408. What is the object’s A)
acceleration and B) final speed?
5. A 139.6 kg object is resting on a level surface. A force of 800N 28 degrees above the
horizontal is applied for 4 seconds. The object moves 24 m during this time. A) What is
the acceleration of the object? B) What is the force of friction? C) What is the kinetic
coefficient of friction?
6. A 96.5 Kg crate is resting on a level floor. A 900 N force at 48
degrees below the horizon is applied over a distance of 18.9 m.
The kinetic coefficient of friction is 0.122. A) What is the object’s
acceleration? B) How long was the force applied?
C) What is the final speed of the object? D) if the applied force is then removed how much
farther will the block slide? (hint: need to find a new normal force & friction force)
7. A 22.6 Kg box rests on a level surface. A force of 300 N at 36.9 degrees below the
horizontal is applied for 2.2 seconds which produces a final speed of 15.4 m/s. What is the
A) object’s acceleration, B) displacement and C) kinetic coefficient of friction?
8. A 1kg object is placed at the top of an incline plane which
has been raised to 53.1 degrees above the horizontal. The base
length of the incline is 6m. The coeff. of friction between the
object and the plate is 0.652. A) What is the acceleration of the
object? B) How long will it take to reach the bottom? C) What
will be its speed at the bottom?
6m 
9. Repeat 8 for a frictionless surface.
10. *** Find the angle so that a box on an incline plane with a coefficient of friction of 0.652
would slide down at a constant velocity.
1. a) 50 N
2. a) 40 N
3 a) 64 N
4. a) 7.92 m/s2
5. a) 3 m/s2
6.a) 4.2 m/s2
7 a) 7 m/s2
8 a) 4.08 m/s2
9 a) 8 m/s2
10 ****33.1°
b) 7.2 m/s2
b) 5.43 m/s2
b) 38.4 N
b) 27 m/s
b) 288 N
b) 3 sec
b) 16.9 m
b) 2.21 sec
b) 1.6 sec
c) 0.12
c) 32.6 m/s
c) 70.4 N
d) 43.2 m/s
12.6 m/s d) 65 m
9.0 m/s
12.6 m/s
Vertical Dynamics
Summing forces for an accelerating elevator:
Fig A : FN – W = 0
Fig B : FN – W = ma
Fig C : W - FN = ma
Fig D : W - FN = mg
1. The scale reading is the normal force.
2. The normal force is > than the weight of the passenger if a is upward.
3. The normal force is < than the weight if a is downward
4. The normal force will = the weight of the passenger for a stationary or constant
velocity elevator, because the a is zero.
5. If the elevator string breaks, the system is in free-fall and the acceleration is equal to
–g. The normal force will be zero.
Initial velocity
(up or down)
Direction of a
(up or down)
FN vs W
If velocity and acceleration are in the same direction, elevator gets faster.
If velocity and acceleration are in the OPPOSITE direction,
elevator gets slower.
When we talk about the ropes, instead of the normal
force on a scale, we use tension in the equations.
Fig A: T – W = ma
Fig B: W – T = ma
The Atwood Machine
If mass2 is heavy than mass1, then m1 will accelerate up
and m2 will accelerate down.
mass1 : T – W1 = m1a
mass2 : W2 – T = m2a
m2g – m1g = m1a + m2a
a = (m2 – m1)g
(m2 + m1)
6 kg
The Table with a mu of 0.5 and a Pulley
mass1 : T – f = m1a
4 kg
Dynamics by Wayne and Me - Multiple Masses with Strings
mass2 : W2 – T = m2a
(add) m2g – f = m1a + m2a
a = (m2g – f)
(m2 + m1)
1. An Atwood’s Machine is made using a 9 kg (m1) block and a 3 kg (m2) block.
The system starts from rest with the 9 kg block 2.45 m above the ground.
A) What is the acceleration of the blocks? B) What is the tension in the lines?
2. A 9 kg block is placed on a frictionless
level table. A pulley is mounted on the edge
of the table. A 3 kg block is suspended in the
air by means of a string which passes over
the pulley to the 9 kg block. A) what is the
acceleration of the blocks? B) What is the
tension in the lines? C) What would be the acceleration
and tension in the lines if the blocks were switched?
3 Repeat 2 a, b, and c if there is a coefficient of friction between table and block of .129.
4 A frictionless, inclined plane is raised to 30 degrees above the horizontal and a pulley is
mounted at the top. A 6 kg (m1) block is placed on the incline. A 5 kg (m2) block is
suspended in air beneath the pulley by means of a
string which passes over the pulley to the 6 kg block.
A) Which way will the 5 kg block move? B) What is
the acceleration of the blocks? C) What is the tension
in the line? D) What would be the acceleration if the
masses were exchanged for each other? E) What is
the new tension?
5 A 6 m long board has one end raised until it makes an angle of 60 degrees with the
horizontal. A pulley is mounted at the top of the incline. A 20 kg block is placed at the top of
the inline next to the pulley. The value of mu sub k is .467. A 5 kg block is suspended in air
below the pulley by means of a string which is connected to the 20 kg block. A) what is the
acceleration of the blocks? B) What is the tension in the line? C) How long will it take the 5
kg block to strike the pulley if it was initially at rest on the ground?
6 Reverse the masses for #20 and start the 5 kg block at the bottom of the incline and the
20 kg block next to the pulley. Answer question a and b only.
7 Three blocks (M1 = 10 kg, M2 = 20 kg, M3 = 30 kg) are placed on a level frictionless surface
as shown below. A horizontal force of 180 N is applied to the 30kg block. A) What is the
acceleration of the blocks? B) What is the tension in #1? C) What is the tension in line #2?
8 Repeat #7 if the kinetic coefficient of friction between all blocks and the surface is 0.204.
9 An Atwood’s machine is made using three blocks. M1 is 8 kg and starts on the ground. A
string runs from the 8 kg block up over the pulley and back down to M2 which is 2 kg. A
second string runs from below the 2 kg block to the top of a 10 kg block labeled M3 in the
diagram to the right. M3 starts 1 m above the ground. A) What is the acceleration of the
blocks? B) what is the tension in line #2 which is between M3 and M2? C) what is the
tension in the line between M1 and M2?
10. A 7 kg block is placed on a frictionless surface. A 3 kg block is placed on the surface next
to the 7 kg block. A force of 50 N is applied horizontally to the 7 kg block. A) What is the
acceleration of the blocks? B) What is the force of 7 kg block pushing on the 3 kg block? C)
Repeat part b if the force acts from left to right on the 3 kg block instead.
1. a) 5.0 m/s2
2. a) 2.5 m/s2
3. a) 1.5 m/s2
b) 45 N
b) 22.5 N
b) 25.5 N
4. a)Down
5. a) 3m/s2
6. a) 5.8 m/s2
b) 1.82 m/s2 c) 40.9N
b) 65 N
c) 1.86s
b) 84N
7. a) 3 m/s2
8. a) .96m/s2
9. a) 2.0 m/s2
10. a) 5m/s2
b) 30N
b) 30N
b) 80 N
b) 15N
c) 7.5 m/s2; 22.5 N
c) 7.2 m/s2; 25.2 N
c) 90N
c) 90N
c) 96 N
c) 35N
Newton’s 3rd Law and Stacked Boxes
d) 3.18 m/s2; 34 N
70 kg
30 kg
50 kg
Example #1: Objects stacked horizontally and moved horizontally.
A 600 N applied force moves the three carts shown in the figure above. Find
the acceleration of all three carts. How much force does the 70 Kg cart exert
on the 30 Kg cart? How much force does the 30 Kg cart exert on the 50 Kg
The following three equations can
F|| 70 : 600 – F73 = 70a
F||30: F73 - F35 = 30a
F||50: F35 – 0 = 50a
be generated:
Summing these equations gives:
600 –0 =150 a
a = 4m/s
By substitution of “a = 4 m/s ” back into the other equations you find that the 30 kg cart
must push on the 50 kg cart with a force of 200 N. Also, the 70 kg cart pushes on the 30 kg
cart with a force of 320 N. There is one other fact that is more than just coincidence. The
force, F73, is moving 8/15 of the total mass and the value for F73 is 8/15 of the applied
force. The force, F35, is moving 5/15 of the total mass and has a value that is 5/15 of the
applied force. This is due to Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
Example #3 Slipping and Not slipping
Step 1. Find the MAX fs.
M1 = 8 kg
s = 0.5
k = 0.25
fs = s FN8
fs = 
You may think MAX Fapp before
slipping is 40 N, but it is bigger!
M2 = 12 kg
Step 2. Find the MAX Fapp before slipping.
12 kg block fs = m12 a  40 = 12 a
a = 3.33 m/s2
8 kg block
Fapp - fs = m8 a  Fapp – 40 = 8(3.33)
Fapp =
67.7 N
Step 3. Find the acceleration of the boxes if
Fapp is BIGGER than MAX Fapp.
In this step, I decided to set Fapp = 90 N
fk = k FN8
12 kg block fk = m12 a 
8 kg block
because it is slipping.
fk = 
20 = 12 a
a = 1.67 m/s2
Fapp - fs = m8 a  90 – 20 = 8a a = 8.75 m/s2
Step 4. Find the acceleration of the blocks if
Fapp is SMALLER than MAX Fapp.
In this step, I decided to set Fapp = 50 N
12 kg block fk = m12 a
8 kg block
fs is not known
f = 12 a
Fapp - fs = m8 a  50 – f = 8 a
add eq:
50 = 20 a
a = 2.5 m/s2
f = 30 N
And for #6: do the example problem #3, but with Fapp on the bottom block.
Book Problems
5.12 a) 3.76 m/s2
b) 21.3 N
14. a) 2.08 m/s2
b) 62.5 N
16. a) 12°
c) 104.1 N
b) v = 1.58 m/s2
20. a) 1.81 m/s2
b) 2.18 m/s2
33. a) x = 51.5 m
b) v0= 16.0 m/s
34. mu = 0.556
a = -2.18 m/s2
c) -10 m/s2
80. a = 4.24 m/s2
85. a) 88 N b) 80 N
91. T1 = 48N; T2 = 102 N; m = 12.75 kg
92. a) left
b) 0.667 m/s2
b) 433 N
Dynamics by H & R (and one more practice problem)
d) 7412 N, 0N
61. a) 27 N b) 3 m/s2
34. a) 58.8 N, 6.08 m/s2
b) -0.98 m/s2
54. 23 kg
55. a) 1.1 N b) 0.9 c) accelerations are the same, but different masses, so different F.
56. a) 2.5 m/s2
b) 30 N
One more practice problem
k = 0.25
s = 0.5
a) Find the maximum static friction.
b) Find the acceleration(s) of the blocks if the applied force is 90 N.
c) Find the acceleration(s) of the blocks if the applied force is 50 N.
AP Dynamics FR
Problem #1
A small block of mass M B = 0.50 kg is placed on a long slab of mass M S = 3.0 kg as shown
above. Initially, the slab is at rest and the block has a speed v0 of 4.0 m/s to the right. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the slab is 0.20, and there is no friction
between the slab and the horizontal surface on which it moves.
(a) On the dots below that represent the block and the slab, draw and label vectors to
represent the forces acting on each as the block slides on the slab.
At some moment later, before the block reaches the right end of the slab, both the block
and the slab attain identical speeds vf .
(b) Calculate vf .
(c) Calculate the distance the slab has traveled at the moment it reaches v f .
Problem #2
Problem # 3
Problem # 4
Problem #5
Problem #6
Problem #7
Practice Dynamics Test
Problem A. An empty sled of mass 25 kg slides down a muddy hill with a constant speed of
2.4 m/s. The slope of the hill is inclined at an angle of 15° with the horizontal as shown in
the figure above.
1. Calculate the time it takes the sled to go 21 m down the slope.
2. On the dot below that represents the sled, draw/label a free-body diagram for the
sled as it slides down the slope.
3. Calculate the frictional force on the sled as it slides down the slope.
4. Calculate the coefficient of friction between the sled and the muddy surface of the
Problem B A pulley is placed at the corner of a flat surface. A 4 kg box is placed on the
surface. An 8 kg object is suspended under the pulley and connected to the box by
string. The coefficient of friction between box and surface is μ = 0.8.
1. The friction acting on the 4 Kg block is ___N.
2. The objects will accelerate at ___m/s .
3. The tension while accelerating is ___N.
4. If the surface between the 4kg block and the surface is now frictionless, the 2 blocks
will accelerate at ___ m/s .
A) 2.0
B) 3.2
C) 5.0
D) 6.7
5. If the surface is frictionless, the tension in the line is ___N.
A) 14
B) 27
C) 42
D) 52
Problem C A net force of 24 N acts on a 60 N object. The net force is applied for 5 seconds
starting the object from rest.
6. The object accelerates at ____ m/s .
7. The distance traveled during the 5 second interval is ___m.
8. The object has a final speed of ___m/s.
Problem D A 60 Kg crate is placed at rest on a level floor. An applied force of 390 N at 22.6°
above the horizontal moves the crate from rest over a distance of 16.3 m. The coefficient of
friction between crate and floor is μ = 0.6.
9. The normal force acting on the block is ___N.
A) 150
B) 300
C) 450
D) 600
10. The force of friction acting against the block is ___N.
A) 180
B) 270
C) 360
D) 420
11. The object accelerates at ___ m/s .
A) 1.5
B) 2.0
C) 2.5
D) 3.0
12. The final speed of the crate at the end of the 16.3 m distance is ___ m/s.
13. If the applied force is removed, the crate will begin to slide to a stop
at a rate of - ___ m/s .
Problem E A 20 Kg crate is placed at rest on a level floor. An applied force of 340 N at 28.1°
below the horizontal moves the crate from rest over a distance of 5.3 m. The coefficient of
friction between crate and floor is μ = 0.5.
14. The normal force acting on the block is ___N.
15. The force of friction acting against the block is ___N.
A) 180
B) 270
C) 360
D) 420
16. The object accelerates at ___ m/s .
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
17. The final speed of the crate at the end of the 5.3 m distance is ___ m/s.
A) 7
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10
18. If the applied force is removed the crate will begin to slide to rest at a rate
of-___m/s2 .
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
19. A simple Atwood's machine is shown in the diagram. It is composed of
a frictionless lightweight pulley with two cubes connected by a light
string. If cube A has a mass of 4.0 kg and cube B has a mass of 6.0 kg,
the system will move such that cube B accelerates downwards. What
would be the tension in the two parts of the string between the pulley
and the cubes?
(A) TA =48N; TB =71N (B) TA =48N; TB =48N (C) TA =48N; TB =42N
(D) TA =39N; TB =59N (E) TA =39N; TB =39N
20. A person pushes a block of mass M=6.0kg with a constant speed of 5.0 m/s
straight up a flat surface inclined 30.0° above the horizontal. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.40. What
is the net force acting on the block?
(A)0N (B)21N (C)30N (D)51N (E)76N
21. An object on an inclined plane has a gravitational force of magnitude 10 N acting
on it. Which of the following gives the correct components of this gravitational
force for the coordinate axes shown in the figure? The y-axis is perpendicular to
the incline’s surface while the x-axis is parallel to the inclined surface.
(A) + 6 N
(B) + 8 N
(C) - 6 N
(D) - 8 N
+ 10 N
Practice Test Answers
Problem A
a) t = 8.75 s
b) 
c) f = 64.7 N
d) mu = 0.268
Problem B
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
Problem C
6. B
7. A
8. A
Problem D
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. 13
Problem E
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. A