Subido por Rosa Garcia Valero

DNA Extraction Methods: A Comprehensive Guide

8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods
Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by Sara Assem
DNA extraction is one of the basic techniques employed in the molecular laboratory, done for the first time by
Friedrich Miescher in 1869.
In this article, we will focus on DNA extraction methods, comparing methods for more understanding. Along with
this, we will explain DNA extraction protocol, DNA extraction experiment, and advantages DNA extraction methods.
Although Friedrich Miescher isolated the cell material “nuclei” or “nucleic acid” and developed a method for nucleic
acid isolation, he was not sure whether what he isolated was DNA or not.
In 1958 Stahl and Meselson developed a full-function protocol for DNA extraction (The density gradient
centrifugation protocol) that was the first protocol described for isolating DNA from E.coli bacteria.
Try DNA Extraction Now For FREE
Table of Contents
1. what is DNA Extraction ?
1.1. What is DNA Extraction Principle?
2. Different Types of DNA Extraction Methods
2.1. Create FREE Account To Try The Experiment Now
3. Chemical-based DNA extraction method
3.1. Physical or Solid-Based DNA Extraction Methods
4. Liquid-Liquid DNA Extraction
5. Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods
5.1. Phenol-Chloroform Method
5.2. Proteinase K DNA Extraction
5.3. The Salting-out DNA Extraction
5.4. SDS DNA Extraction
5.5. CTAB DNA Extraction
5.6. Silica Gel Based Techniques
6. Advantages of DNA Extraction Methods
7. DNA Extraction Experiment from PraxiLabs
what is DNA Extraction ?
8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
DNA extraction is a process that used to purify DNA by using chemical or physical methods from a biological
sample separating DNA from protein, cell membranes, and other cellular components.
DNA extraction protocol involves lysis of membranes for DNA extraction, then separating DNA from impurities like
proteins, and other substances.
What is DNA Extraction Principle?
DNA extraction involves lysis of cellular and nuclear membranes in order to extract DNA from within. This is followed
by DNA separation from impurities, proteins, and other substances.
General Stages of DNA Extraction are:
Cell dissolution: lysis of cell and the nucleus to extract DNA into the buffer.
Precipitation: removing the impurities and proteins from the sample.
Purification: This final stage is done to get a completely pure DNA sample ready to be used.
Note: the main steps remain similar among all DNA extraction methods.
For more information about DNA extraction, visit our article “DNA Extraction Virtual Lab Experiment from
Different Types of DNA Extraction Methods
8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
Depending upon the sample type, every DNA extraction method varies, for example, the DNA extraction method for
plant DNA is different from that of the blood. Likewise, the bacterial DNA isolation method is different from other
types. So, varieties of DNA extraction methods are needed for different samples.
DNA extraction methods are broadly categorized into:
1. Chemical-based (or solution- based) DNA extraction methods.
2. Solid-phase DNA extraction methods (Physical method).
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Chemical-based DNA extraction method
The Chemical or solution-based method uses many organic and inorganic solutions. Chemicals like phenol,
chloroform, CTAB Triton X100, SDS, isoamyl alcohol, Tris and EDTA are used in the chemical -based DNA
extraction method.
The solution-based or chemical-based DNA extraction method is subdivided into:
Organic solvent-based DNA extraction
This method depends on the use of organic substances such as phenol and chloroform.
Example: Phenol-chloroform and isoamyl alcohol
Inorganic solvent-based DNA extraction
It depends on the inorganic solvents.
Proteinase K DNA extraction
Salting out method
SDS DNA extraction
CTAB DNA extraction
Silica-gel-based techniques
Physical or Solid-Based DNA Extraction Methods
8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
Paper DNA extraction
Magnetic bead DNA extraction
Liquid-Liquid DNA Extraction
Liquid-liquid extraction is one of the commonest methods for nucleic acid extraction. In this method the solutions
prepared by various chemical compositions are used for extraction and it mainly relies on lysis buffer preparation.
Lysis buffer is prepared in one or two solutions as it uses many chemicals. Common chemicals that used for liquidliquid DNA extraction are Phenol, chloroform, isoamyl alcohol, CTAB, SDS, Tris, EDTA, MgCl2, and other
These methods commonly require centrifugation for separation. Examples of liquid-liquid DNA extraction methods:
Phenol, chloroform and isoamyl alcohol DNA extraction, SDS DNA extraction and CTAB DNA extraction.
Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods
Phenol-Chloroform Method
In this method we can separate the DNA based on the solubility of DNA molecules in immiscible solutions, and that
is called the liquid-liquid DNA extraction methods (the phenol chloroform DNA extraction method is one of these
Although this method is considered one of the best methods, it is less recommended because of phenol and
chloroform harmful. The quantity and quality of DNA obtained by method are very good.
This method is known as a phenol-chloroform and isoamyl alcohol or PCI method of DNA extraction.
The major chemicals of PCI DNA extraction methods are Phenol, chloroform and lysis buffer (contains EDTA, Tris,
NaCl, MgCl2, SDS, and other salts).
The organic component of the technique- phenol and chloroform denature the protein portion of cells and lysis
buffer components help in the cell membrane and nuclear lysis.
The lysis buffer contains salts like EDTA, NaCl, Tris and SDS.
In principle, the phenol digests proteins, isoamyl alcohol separates nucleic acid and chloroform reduces the foaming
between interphase.
8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
The main advantage of the PCI is that it can isolate DNA from nearly all tissue types (It works for animal, plant and
bacterial cells) and it can isolate RNA when used with guanidine thiocyanate.
Unfortionatly, this method is it is unsafe because Phenol is volatile and can cause burns. the chloroform can faint
us. So, it requires training and to prepare and handle chemicals.
PraxiLabs provides the DNA extraction experiment at our biology virtual lab that based on the phenol
chloroform extraction method … Subscribe and try it now
Proteinase K DNA Extraction
The proteinase K-based method is one of inorganic solution-based technique for DNA extraction.
The proteinase K DNA extraction method provides high quantity of DNA but thee disadvantage of this method is
that takes long time. Also, in case of not maintained well in a cold chain, the enzyme proteinase K cannot be utilized
for a longer period of time. Another major problem is that The stability of the enzyme is low.
The Salting-out DNA Extraction
extraction method is a simple and non-toxic technique that isolates a high-quality DNA from the whole blood. In the
standard salting-out method, proteins K and RNase are added to them after the lysis of cells. Saturated NaCl was
needed for the proteins to precipitate out of the solution. The cell samples are centrifuged and then, DNA is
separated by washing it with detergent like ethanol.
The salting-out DNA extraction method is safer than the phenol-chloroform method. It depends on the usage of salts
such as potassium acetate, sodium chloride, and ammonium acetate that help in DNA extraction.
This method gives excellent results in combination with proteinase K and enough yield can be obtained but the
quality (purity) obtained might not be good.
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7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
SDS DNA Extraction
SDS or sodium dodecyl sulfate is an anionic detergent that digests nuclear and cell membrane proteins.
SDS gives a negative charge to each protein as a function of their size. Because all of proteins have the same
shape in the gel separation they are separated only for their size. So, SDS can be used to aid in lysing cell during
DNA extraction.
CTAB DNA Extraction
CTAB or Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide is a chemical often used in DNA extraction. This method is a specially
prepared liquid-liquid and solution-based extraction method for plant DNA extraction.
The CTAB buffer removes polysaccharides and polyphenols effectively and gives excellent yield for plant DNA.
This method required extensive chemical preparation and additional techniques like tissue homogenization and the
use of liquid nitrogen. It also takes a long time.
Silica Gel Based Techniques
In the spin-column DNA extraction technique, a silica gel as a solid phase is immobilized in a tube. A specially
prepared lysis buffer is used to digest the sample and allows it to separate on a solid phase. the sample is
Centrifuged first to remove all the debris by protecting the DNA and changing the pH of the solution(to elutes DNA in
the last step). these techniques are now commercially available.
Spin column is the most advanced, effective, rapid and accurate separation technique. It is, however, a chemical
method of DNA extraction but works on the principle of solid-phase separation.
The main advantage of this technique is that can isolate DNA from any biological sample and tissue. However, it is
difficult to isolate DNA from plants even using the spin-column technique, Different columns are now available
depending upon the sample type.
But this technique is Cost, lacks optimizations and the yield remains comparatively low but good.
Advantages of DNA Extraction Methods
DNA extraction is vital to biology, especially biotechnology. It is the first step of different applications like
fundamental research, disease diagnosis and therapeutic decision.
8/11/23, 13:45
7 Different DNA Extraction Methods - praxilabs
One of the main advantages of DNA extraction methods is that they are very importance to define the unique
characteristics of DNA like the shape, the size and function.
DNA extraction is used in medical conditions investigation such as Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis. It is also
helpful in case of identification if a person is a carrier of the disease or not. So, by DNA sequence in relation to
diseases, It helped in finding out the molecular basis and cure for various diseases.
In criminal investigations, DNA extraction from samples (e.g., hair – skin – blood) is used to determine if a person
is a suspect or not and also it can prove whether a person was in the vicinity of the crime scene.
It also used in Paternity Tests.
It can be useful in genetic engineering. For animals, DNA extraction is helpful for transforming and cloning
animal’s DNA. For plants, DNA can be useful in identifying and extracting a specific gene in order to replicate in
generations of plants.
DNA study also helped in creating many vaccines (e.g., Hepatitis B vaccine), hormones (e.g., growth hormones
and insulin), and enzymes.
DNA Extraction Experiment from PraxiLabs
PraxiLabs provides DNA extraction lab that used to extract cellular DNA using phenol/chloroform method.
The following video shows the steps of DNA extraction in the virtual lab:
By the end of the experiment, students are able to understand one of the DNA extraction methods as well as
efficiently deal with the protocol involved in DNA extraction in a safe environment with the ability to repeat the
experiment an unlimited number of times at any time and from anywhere.
Try the virtual lab of the DNA extraction simulation now