MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF DISASTER MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL RELIEF Dictionnaire de Medecine des Catastrophes et des Secours Internationaux Diccionario de Medicina de Catastrofes y de Socorros Internacionales MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF DISASTER MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL RELIEF English, Fran9ais, Espanol, ~f by s. W. A. GUNN, MD, MS, FRCS(C) Scientific Director, Vice-President, European Centre for Disaster Medicine Consultant to the United Nations Formerly Head, Emergency Relief Operations, World Health Organization Foreword by the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht / Boston / London Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data Gunn, Sisvan Willia~ Aram, 1926Disaster medicine and international relief: multilingual dictionary: English, Fran~als, Espanol, (Arabic) / by S.W.A. Gunn. p. CI. ISBN-13: 978-0-7923-2256-6 1. Disaster ~edlclne--Dictlonarles--Polyglot. 2. Disaster relief-Dictionaries--Polyglot. 3, Dictionaries, Polyglot. I. Title. RC86.7.G86 1988 362,1'8'03--dc19 88-24071 CIP ISBN-13: 978-0-7923-2256-6 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-2486-4 DO I: 10.1007/978-94-009-2486-4 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Maninus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1990 by Kluwer Academic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system. without written permission from the copyright owner. This book is dedicated to all those who suffer from disasters and those who bring succour in disasters CONTENTS Foreword. Introductory note Acknowledgements . SECTION 1. ENGLISH Part I: Dictionary (English, French, Spanish, Arabic) Part II: Units and measures . Part III: Acronyms and abbreviations SECTION 2. FRAN<;AIS, FRENCH . . . Premiere partie: Dictionnaire franc;ais-anglais Deuxieme partie: U ni tes de mesure Troisieme partie: Sigles et abreviations SECTION 3. ESPANOL, SPANISH Parte I: Diccionario Espafiol-Ingles Parte II: Unidades de medida Parte III: Siglas y abreviaturas IX xi xiii 1 3 93 99 123 125 141 143 147 149 165 167 171 FOREWORD In recent decades natural, technological and other disasters have been increasing in frequency and magnitude, and the involvement of international organizations and professionals from different disciplines has been growing in parallel. By definition major emergencies call for outside aid and often international assistance. The many agencies and individual helpers from different countries, different languages and different specialties converge on the stricken site with the sole object of helping the victims, who are themselves of a different background and language. Communication among these people and a certain understanding of the varying terminology of the many professions and activities therefore become paramount if the difficulties of the disaster situation are not to be compounded with difficulties of communication. A common ground for understanding between doctors, engineers, meteorologists, nurses, nutritionists, planners, government officials, transport personnel and the many other workers involved in disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation is therefore indispensable. It is to this end that this multilingual, multidisciplinary Dictionary serves as an invaluable tool for the disaster manager, whatever his background and wherever he may be called upon to work. A precursor in Disaster Medicine, Dr. William Gunn has conducted numerous emergency missions for the United Nations and other agencies, and this Dictionary has been tested in the field and in training courses over many years. Thus, more than mere definitions, the several hundred terms clearly defined here in fact establish the standard vocabulary of disaster management in key languages and will be of great help to all those involved in emergency humanitarian endeavours. The UN General Assembly has declared the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction; this book is a most valuable contribution to that initiative and to the tasks of all those who strive to lighten the burden of disasters. M. Essaafi U nder-Secretary-General United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator INTRODUCTORY NOTE This book is divided into four language Sections - English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Each Section is subdivided into three Parts - Dictionary, Units and measures and Acronyms and abbreviations. The English Section constitutes the main body of the work, each entry being defined and its equivalent given in French, Spanish and Arabic. The terms are then listed alphabetically in the other languages, and their synonyms given in English, with direct cross-reference to the definition. The following abbreviations are used: Syn. : this term has a synonym, which is also defined; Cf.: compare with or see the term mentioned; Symb.: symbol. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Dr. Sami Gerges (Egypt), Mr. Keith Jones (United Kingdom), Mrs. Colette Murcia (France), Mr. Francis Parakatil (Switzerland) and Mrs. Sylvia Pavel (Canada) for their valuable assistance in the various stages of preparation of this book. For the French section I am indebted to Mr. Hubert Joly, Secretary-General of the Conseil International de la Langue Fran!;aise, Paris, who also kindly gave permission to reproduce the pioneering Dictionnaire in this new discipline. The Arabic section is due to the expert collaboration of my friend Dr. A. M. Aly, formerly Chief of the Office of language services, World Health Organization. The Spanish section is based on the painstaking contribution of Mr. Alejandro Sancho, translator in the United Nations system. May these exceptional linguists be assured of my gratitude for making this multilingual dictionary possible. My warm appreciation also goes to my wife Jean, for the meticulous documentation, so essential to such a multidisciplinary compilation. For the terminology of conflict disasters I am thankful to my colleagues on the Greater London Area War Risk Study Commission and the WHO Management Group on the Effects of Nuclear War on Health and Health Services. Working with them on such humanitarian problems has been most gratifying. Under-Secretary-General M'Hamed Essaafi, United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, has honoured this work with his generous Foreword. With my warmest thanks I should like to record my personal satisfaction at having collaborated with him over many years in our common struggle against disasters. 1261 Bogis- Bossey Switzerland S.W.A.G. Erratum Page 68: Richter scale. Fifth dash: delete "The amplitude is three times that of 3". Page Ill: ISO. To read: International Organization for Standardization. Book Gunn: "Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief". ISBN 0-89838-409-5 SECTION I: ENGLISH Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief by S. W.A. GUNN PART I DICTIONARY English, French, Spanish, Arabic PART II UNITS AND MEASURES PART III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIA nONS PART I DICTIONARY English, French, Spanish, Arabic A Adjustment of a living organism to a new climatic environment other than that to which it has been accustomed. A-bomb (bombe-A; bomba-A; ~> a:.;). Syn: atomic bomb, atom bomb. Aborigine (aborigene. aborigen. y L..:>i of)) ). Acculturation (acculturation; aculturacion; .j..iL:;). Process by which a human society assimilates or adopts part or all of the customs, beliefs and cultural values of another society. Also refers to the results of such assimilation. Cf. absorption, assimilation. the indigenous or original living people (and fauna and flora) of a particular geographical region, before the arrival of colonists. In Australia, the designation of the original people of that continent. Cf. absorption, acculturation, ethnic group. Acid rain (pluie acide .. llul'ia acida .. Absorbed dose (dose absorbee; dosis absorb ida ; <......:.J.I <&',}-I). The quantity of a substance (drug, pollutant) or energy (ionizing radiation) received during a given time by a person, group or environment. Cf. ionizing radiation, nuclear energy, pollutant, retained dose, gray (units). Absorption (assimilation; ~)u). Sulphuric acid (H 2 S0 4 ) in the atmosphere, formed by the combination of sulphur trioxide with water, resulting in a relatively stable mist of acid droplets. In excessive concentrations in the air it increases the acidity of the soil and disturbs the pH causing agricultural and ecological damage. Cf. air pollution, transboundary pollution. absorcion; ,_:",1..a:,..1 ). I. Social: The process by which an individual is assimilated by a community, system or society, resulting in changes in the absorbed individual but not in the absorbing system. Example: Cultural absorption. Cf. acculturation. 2. Biological: Cf. assimilation. Acaricide (acaricide; acaricida; . ) I)! I ~I~). Syn: miticide. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (syndrome immunodejicitaire acquis .. sindrome de inmunodejiciencia adquirida .. ~I ....f'LlI j".J1 .....j)\.:..). A highly infectious disease of pandemic proportions, caused by the HIV virus. A person who has the virus is a carrier and can infect others. Spread is by sexual intercourse, by contaminated needles and syringes, transfusions of infected blood, by an infected mother to her unborn child. Spread is unlikely ...\....0 Acclimatization (acclimatation; aclimatacion; ;....1;'1). 3 Activity Afforestation (boisement; repoblacion forestal; J~). The policy and process of establishing a forest in a previously non-forested area. Cf. reforestation, deforestation, forestation. through daily social contact, such as shaking hands. Note: Non-infective immune deficiency can also be acquired from radiation. Syn: AIDS. Cf. HIV, immunodeficiency. African meil; .j.)\tl . Cf. ness. Activity (actil'ite nucleaire; actil'idad nuclear; .\.l:..;). The spontaneous emission of alpha, beta or sometimes gamma rays from the disintegration of the nuclei of atoms per second. The unit of radioactivity is the becquerel (8q). Cf. becquerel, nuclide, radioactivity. nuclear activity. trypanosomiasis (maladie du somtripanosomiasis africana; ':-~I ,I~). trypanosomiasis, sleeping sick- Age profile (pyramide des ages; perfil por edades; .,;.,J-I ~.;JI). Graphical representation of the statistical composition of a population, during a given period, by the juxtaposition of histograms representing the age distribution by sex. Acute respiratory disease (infection aigue des I'oies respiratoires; enfermedad respiratoria aguda; ~l> ~ ~"'J'). Term that refers to several acute. mild to severe infections of the respiratory tract. caused by a variety of viruses and bacteria. It ranges from the common cold to influenza, bronchitis, even fatal pneumonia. A major cause of illness and mortality in disaster situations. Cf. infection. Aggressiveness (agressil'i!e; agresil'idad; ~~..I.>- ). A hostile position, act, or threat. usually unprovoked, to establish dominance, or to protect territory, the family group or offspring. Aid (donation; ayuda, donacion; .2y). Free material or financial assistance or other support given to an organization, community or country. Syn: assistance. Cf. donor. Adaptation (adaptation; adaptacion; ~j')\;). The process and the result of physical, biological and psychological changes of an organism or a population in order to adjust to given environmental conditions. Cf. Degree of adaptability, environment, society. AIDS (SIDA·; SIDA; ;J.:.~\). Acronymic name given to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Usually written in capit'll letters, less often as Aids. Caused by the HIV virus. Syn: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Cf. immunodeficiency. HIV virus. Ad,·ectin thunderstorm (orage d 'adl'ection; tormenta por adreccion; ~'I 4..:~; ~1~). Thunderstorm arising from the instability produced by the advection of cold air in the upper levels,. or of warm air at lower levels. or by the combination of both. Air mass thunderstorm (orage de masse d'air; tormenta de masa de aire; ~\.u <:..1.>-; ........ ~). Thunderstorm which arises within an 4 Animism with occasionally liver complications. It is associated with hot climates, poor sanitation and faecal contamination of water. Disaster conditions, with overcrowding, increase the spread of amoebiasis. Cf. dysentery, enteric diseases. unstable air mass and which is not caused by the passage of a front. Cf. thunderstorm. Air pollution (pollution atmosphhique, contaminaciim atmosjerica, .~I u};). Presence of considerable quantities of gaseous, liquid or solid contaminants in the atmosphere and liable to be harmful to animal, vegetable and human life. Cf. atmosphere, pollutant, contamination, atmospheric pollution. Amplitude tidal range (amplitude d'une onde de maree, carrera (amplitud) de La marea, J)-~ ..ul -sl1.; ....... ). The difference between the height of the mean level and the maximum or minimum height of the water in the partial movement caused by the wave. Syn: tidal range. Cf. tide, tidal scale (units). Allergen (allergene, alergeno, Ul). Any substance such as pollen, toxin, drug or food that can act as an antigen and induce an allergic reaction in an organism. Cf. allergy. Anaemia (anemie, anemia, r..lll}i). Diminution of the quantity of red cells and functional haemoglobin of the blood, which may be due to multiple causes: malaria, haemolysis, sickle cell anaemia, hookworm, bleeding, iron and other nutritional deficiencies. Widespread. A major problem in pregnant women. (Also anemia). Allergy (allergie, alergia, ~)). The hyper-reaction or pathological response of certain organisms to a given allergen. Cf. allergen. Alluvium (alluvion, aluviim, ~). Debris, soil and particles resulting from erosion transported and deposited by a stream or by the sea. Syn: alluvial deposit. Ankylostomiasis (ankylostomiase, anquilostomiasis, ~I 01..\;..ll1 .I~). A debilitating parasitic disease of the intestinal tract caused by two kinds of hookworm, especially prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas. Gives pharyngeal and laryngeal manifestations and a major cause of anaemia. Spread by plantar exposure, it can be individually prevented by wearing shoes. Cf. enteric diseases. Alternative technology (technologie alternative, tecnologia alternativa, ~-',.il ~)~I). Technology that, as an alternative to resource-intensive and wasteful industry, aims to utilize resources sparingly, with minimum damage to the environment, at affordable cost and with a possible degree of control over the processes. Cf. TCDC, (CTPD), appropriate technology. Animism (animisme, animismo, ,-:,~))I ..,....l..). A belief that objects, phenomena and happenings in nature, such as trees, gales, earthquakes, have a spirit and conscious life. In some cultures and Amoebiasis (amibiase, amebiasis, ul:-:.o\rl .I~). A parasitic disease of the intestinal tract due to Entameba Histolytica dysentery 5 Antenatal Cr. cyclone, atmospheric pressure, wind. primitive beliefs animism is used to explain natural disasters and other ca tastrophes. Cr. natural disaster. Antigen (anligene, anligena, J...,.:i.:.....). Biological substance in the blood capable of stimulating the formation of antibodies. Cr. antibody, vaccination. Antenatal (prhwlal. prellalal, i))'"JI j,.i l,.). Before birth; during gestation. Special clinics are conducted for the care of expectant mothers. Mother and child are particularly at risk in disaster situations. Appeal (appel, lIamamienlo, '.;1.;.;....1 •• I,J.;). A request by a governmental or nongovernmental organization to a government or the public for financial support to a charitable or humanitarian cause, or to counter a disaster. Cr. declaration of disaster. Anthrax (anlhrax, charhan .. (mlraX, ~I i.,..)-I). A contagious disease of animals caused by Bacillus af1lhracis, infrequently transmitted to man through contact, ingestion or inhalation. Infection renders immunity. Cr. zoonosis. Appropriate technology (technologie appropriee, leenalogia apropiada, ';')\].I ~},sJI). Techniques, knowledge, methods. procedures and equipment that are adapted to local needs, acceptable to those who use them and to those for whom they are used, scientifically valid yet uncomplicated, which can be maintained and utilized with the resources the country or community can afford. Cr. alternative technology, technology transfer, TCDC. Anthropic erosion (erosion anlhropique, erasi6n anlr6pica,.rJ1 ~ -:,.,tj). Land erosion caused or accelerated by excessive clearing or grazing, with destruction of the surface vegetation, which leads to the degradation of the upper layers of the soil. Cf, man-made disaster, erosion, desertification. Antibody (anlicorps, anlicuerpo, Aquiculture (aquacullure, acuacu{lura, r ...l....O :l,. '" y I .. I) ___ )r'" . The production of aquatic plants or animals in a marine or fresh water environment for commercial purposes. Syn: aquaculture. )L,.a.. ). An immunoglobulin serum protein in the body that binds with a specific antigen and confers protection against it. Archipelago (arc/7ipel, archipidago, ..k.>-). A group of islands. Example, the Archipelago of the Azores. Cr. antigen, vaccination. Anticyclone (anlicyclone, anlicic/iin, )L,.a.. )l.,as.~). Ariboflavinosis (arihofial'inose, arrihofial'iIlO.lis, .:.o;-iJ\.i ",,)I jy). Syn: Vitamin B2 deficiency. An atmospheric zone of relatively high pressure, normally characterized by fine weather and freak winds. It circulates clockwise i.n the northern and counter-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Arid (ari(/e, arido, J>-t; .j!.». A climate or land in which the humidity and rainfall are insufficient to 6 Atmosphere Ash faU (chute de cendres, lluvia de ceniza, )\,,)1 .J...iw). The falling down of volcanic ash onto the ground after it has been projected into the air. Cf. ash. counterbalance the evaporation and loss of water necessary for vegetation. Cf. desert, semi-arid zone. Aridity (aridite, aridez, J""'; ,j~). Characteristic of a climate where precipitation is insufficient to maintain vegetation. Cf. arid, semi-arid zone. Ash flow (coulee de cendres, corriente de ceniza, )\,,)1 ..;t)). In volcanic eruptions most of the gascharged ash remains close to the ground and falls by gravity like foam. It is a form of nuee ardente. Cf. ash, lahar, tephra, volcano. Arithmetic growth (croissance arithmetique, crecimiento aritmerico, ~l..-> j.). Growth of an organism or population by linear increase in size or number. Cf. exponential growth. Assessment (evaluation, evaluacion, Armed conflict (confiit arme, confiicto belico, armado, e;L- elf)· State of hostilities in which two or more organized armies are at war against each other. In modern warfare the attack may be with conventional weapons, chemical and/or biological weapons or nuclear weapons. Cf. Geneva Conventions, CBW, atomic bomb, biological warfare, chemical warfare. <.:-) ). ~vey of a real or potential disaster to estimate the actual or expected damages and to make recommendations for preparedness, mitigation and relief action. Cf. damage assessment. Assimilation (assimilation, absorcion, ..,....l..a:..o l ). I. Biological: Transformation of nutrients into cellular material by a living organism. 2. Social: Cf. absorption. Artificial feeding (allaitement artificiel, alimentacion artificial, ~I;..... ~l;.;). Infant feeding with milk other than human breast milk. Asylum (asile, asilo, '~- <.SJ'\..). Temporary or permanent stay on its territory, consented by a State to a refugee, stateless person or other persecuted people. According to the United Nations 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, it is the right of everyone "to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution". Cf. refugee, territorial asylum, diplomatic asylum. Ascariasis (ascaridiase, ascariasis, (c!")t>:... '1 1) ,;.....JI J...\.A; .1)). A parasitic infection of the intestine, frequent and sometimes endemic especially in children, in tropical countries. Caused by a nematode worm. Commonly transmitted through ingestion of food contaminated by faeces. Cf. enteric diseases. Ash (cendre, ceniza, )\..)). I. The residual content of a product after complete combustion. 2. In volcanology, tiny fragments projected by an eruption. Cf. tephra, ash flow, volcano. Athrepsia (athrepsie, atrepsia, j..:.). Syn: nutritional marasmus. Atmosphere (atmosphere. atmosfera, ~). The gaseous and turbulent envelope that englobes the earth. 7 Atmospheric pollution Cf. atomic bomb, nuclear reaction, nuclear reactor. Atmospheric pollution (pollution atmospherique. contaminacion atmos/erica. ';"1 ":"'P). Presence in the atmosphere of large quantities of gases, solids and radiation produced by the burning of natural and artificial fuels, chemical and other industrial processes and nuclear explosions. To a lesser extent also contamination by accumulation of cosmic dust, surface dust by wind, volcanoes, natural radioactivity, etc. Cf. acid rain, air pollution, ozone depletion, transboundary pollution. Atomic bomb (bombe atomique. bomba atomica. "'J.) ll,:.i). Atom bomb, or A-bomb, the basic nuclear weapon in which the explosive energy is derived only from fission of the atomic nuclei, liberating energy and radiation. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were of this type. Syn: fission bomb. Cf. fallout, kiloton, fusion bomb, hydrogen bomb, thermonuclear bomb, nuclear war. Atmospheric pressure (pression atmospherique. presion atmosjerica. ~.J":' .lai...;). Pressure of the atmosphere that varies according to the latitude and to metereological conditions. Normal atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of mercury at Attenuation (attenuation. atenuacion. #). Cf. disaster mitigation. Avalanche (avalanche. alud. Atoll (atoll. atolon. .)\,.rl 'Jl:r l ). Sudden slide of a huge mass of snow and ice, usually carrying with it earth, rocks, trees and other debris. O°c. ~l.:-.t' 0.1./.")' A circular coral reef, generally with one or more low islands, surrounding a central lagoon which mayor may not communicate with the ocean. Average (avarie. averia. "'-,!y). In marine insurance, means damage. Particular average is damage to the goods. General average: expenses voluntarily incurred to save a ship and her cargo. Atom (atome. atome. oj;). The smallest particle of matter, in an electrically neutral state, consisting of a positively charged (proton) nucleus, round which revolve negatively charged electrons. B Bacillary dysentery (dysenterie bacillaire. camps, jails). Especially frequent in children and often occurring as sudden outbreaks. Transmitted via the feacaloral route or water-borne through contaminated water supply, either directly through hand contact or indirectly through contaminated food. The term dysentery is often used in a disenteria bacilar. ~.r-- Jb-j). An acute, severe, intestinal disease due to the Shigella bacillus, type I, characterized by bloody stools and fever, associated witb poor personal hygiene and sanitation in crowded closed communities (ships, refugee 8 Biogeography Beaufort scale (echelle de Beaufort, escala de Beaufort, .Jjy, ...,.-~). Numerical scale from 0 to 12, indicating wind force. o calm 7 strong wind I light air 8 gale 9 strong gale 2 light breeze 10 storm 3 gentle breeze 4 moderate breeze II violent storm 12 hurricane 5 fresh breeze 6 strong breeze Cr. Douglas scale, gale, hurricane, storm, wind. general sense for many non-specific cases of gastro-enteritis and diarrhoea. Cf. enteric diseases, dysentery. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (bacille Calmette-Guerin, bacilo Calmette-Guerin, .J~ ..:..1\5'" ~). Better known as BCG, an attenuated and non-virulent vaccine made from bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis used in vaccination against tuberculosis. It is one of the six vaccines used in the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization. Syn: BCG. Cr. vaccine, vaccination, EPI. Beneficiary (benejiciaire, benejiciario, ¥---). Person, group or country that receives the aid or services of others. Syn: donee. Cr. aid, international assistance. Bactericide (bactericide, bactericida, ~~I ~). Chemical compound that kills bacteria and is used against infections. Cr. pesticide, virucide. Beri-beri (beriberi, beriberi, <.$.1'. <.$.1'.). A severe nutritional deficiency of vitamin Bl mainly seen in areas where the basic diet is polished rice (South East Asia). It is characterized by neuritis, oedema, muscular atrophy and cardiac failure. Syn: vitamin Bl deficiency . Cf. nutritional deficiency. Barrier (banquise, barrage isolateur; barrera de hielo, Jl». In the polar regions, the mass of ice formed by the freezing of sea water. Syn: ice pack, pack ice. Bartonellosis (bartonellose, bartonelosis, .;.,'A! j.;J1 .b). An infectious disease endemic in the high valleys of the Andes, transmitted at night by the bite of insects. Syn: Oroya fever, verruga peruana. Bilateral cooperation (cooperation bilaterale, cooperacion bilateral, Jl:! .JJ\...;). Technical cooperation or assistance given by a donor country to a recipient country, through direct agreement between the two governments without UN or other intermediary. Cr. international assistance, technical assistance. Basal metabolic rate (metabolisme basal, metabolismo basal, ..s-L.\'I ....,')\.4:.....')11 J..w). the mi~imal rate of energy production, representing the energy requirements of the body at rest. A measure of the function of the thyroid gland, which is very susceptible to radiation uptake. Syn: BMR. Cf. calorie, goitre, Lugol's iodine. Bilharzia (bilharziose, schistosomiase; bilharziasis, esquistosomiasis, ~"..L). Syn: schistosomiasis. Biogeography (biogeographie, biogeogra- fia, '-:r.> ~~). The science that deals with the causes, modifications and interactions of geo- BCG (BCG, BCG, C""'-"7')' Syn: bacillus Calmette-Guerin. 9 Biological equilibrium Birth rate (taux de natalite. tasa de nata- graphical distribution of living organisms on earth. lidad. -':l1}1 J..w). Ratio between the number of births during a given period and the total size of the population. Cf. death rate. Biological equilibrium (equilibre biologique. equilibrio biol6gico. '.$.>:> Jh). Condition in which the interactions between the different animal and vegetable species is such that the structure and function of an ecosystem remain fairly constant. Man is the main element in the modifications of this equilibrium. Cf. ecosystem. Black tide (maree noire, marea negra. ..u.1). Cf. oil slick. )"....\YI Blizzard (blizzard. ventisca. ~ ........ ~). Violent and very cold wind laden with snow, at least some part of which has been raised from snow-covered ground. Cf. wind. Biological warfare (guerre biologique. guerra biol6gica. ~)~ ,-:,?). The intentional spread of disease in warfare through the dispersal of infective bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses or toxins which cause diseases, such as anthrax, plague, typhoid, brucellosis. There is a UN Convention against biological weapons. Biological and chemical weapons are usually considered together (CBW). Syn: bacteriological warfare, biological weapon, BW. Cf. chemical warfare, nuclear war, toxin. Botulism (botulisme. botulismo . .j:-!oJ Cf. food poisoning. - ~). Brucellosis (brucellose; brucelosis. fiebre de Malta. ";;"'~J ~I .1). A febrile zoonotic disease caused by eating unpasteurized milk or dairy products from infected animals. Syn: Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, zoonosis. Bulghur (boulghour. bulgur, .y.I.)' Boiled, dried and crushed wheat with outside bran removed, used for food. Total cooked whole wheat. Cf. conventional food. Biomass (biomasse. biomasa. ~.>:> ~. The total quantity of the living matter of organisms present in a given environment at a given time. It is expressed in volume, in mass (dry weight, fresh weight, decalcified or not) in carbon, in calories per unit of volume or of surface. Syn: standing crop. Burns centre (centre de brutes. centro para quemados. JJ.J-I :?/). Particular unit and facilities in a hospital for the specialized care of all aspects of severely burned patients, including surgical, reconstructive, nursing, medico-social, rehabilitative and other ancillary facilities for a large number of patients. It also promotes bums prevention in the community and collaborates closely with the authorities in fire-fighting and preparedness programmes. Cf. emergency medical services, firestorm. Biosphere (biosphere. bios/era. '.$.>:> ¥). The biotic environment of the earth where life can be maintained and supported by ecosystems, including the hydrosphere, the lower part of the atmosphere, the upper part of the ionosphere and, by e-xtension, of the totality of living matter on earth. Cf. ecosystem. 10 Chagas disease C Cancerogenic (cancerogene. carcinogeno. .J>.,..... ). Syn: carcinogenic. Carcinogenic (carcinogene. carcinogenico. ~.,..... ). Chemical, viral, radioactive or other agent that can induce cancer in man or other organisms. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (reanimation cardiopulmonaire ( RCP). reanimacion cardiopulmonar (RCP). <.>}) ~ '; The technique and mana:uvres applied to a severely injured patient in order to ensure the basic functions of the heart and lungs, and to maintain such vital support until the end of the critical period. Syn: emergency intensive care, CPR, critical care. Cf. emergency medical services, first aid, rescue. Carrier (porteur. portador. J-l». A person or animal who harbours an infection without clinical signs of disease and who serves as a potential source of involuntary transmission to other persons. A healthy carrier may be in an incubation period or may be completely ignorant of any disease, while the convalescent carrier is himself cured but may transmit the disease. Cf. incubation period, source of infection. Cassava (cassave .. yuca. mandioca ... L-.:S). The root of two plants of the spurge or manioc family (bitter and sweet cassava), the flour of which is used as bread and is an important source of food starch. Syn: manioc. Cf. staple food. Catastrophe (catastrophe. desastre. ':)l5). Syn: disaster. Catchment area (bassin hydrologique. cuenca hidrologica. ~). Syn: catchment basin, river basin. Catchment basin (bassin d·alimentation. versant .. cuenca hidrolbgica. ~ ..}>~). Syn: river basin. Central depression (depression centrale. depresion central. ';~J' ~). Vast meteorological and barometric depression, usually stationary or semistatic, within which smaller depressions circulate. Cf. depression. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (Centre de recherche· sur i'epidemiologie des desastres. Centro de investigaciones sobre epidemiologia de los desastres. ":"')\.,SJI ..::..\;4J ..:....,., ~J'). A pioneering facility at the School of Public Health, Catholic University of Louvain, for research, study and training in the epidemiology and medical aspects of disasters. A WHO Collaborating Centre. Syn: CRED. Cf. disaster medicine. Cerebrospinal meningitis (meningite cerebrospinale. meningitis cerebroespinal. ~\;..;.,ll ~I ~\:.....JI ,-:,l;-II). Very serious, highly con tagious neurological infection attacking the envelope (meninges) of the brain and of the spine. Can attain epidemic proportions. Cf. encephalitis. Chagas disease (maladie de Chagas. enfermedad da Chagas . ..r'~L:. .1.,). A chronic infection caused by Trypanosomes, characterized by irregular fever, swelling of lymph glands, oedema, skin II Chartering eruptions and, in advanced stages, by apathy, convulsions and coma. It may appear in acute form in children. Predominant in South America and Africa, spreads through blood-sucking flies. Syn: sleeping sickness, South American trypanosomiasis. Chartering (affretement, jietamento, ~'l;). In transport and shipping, the contract of hire of a ship or airplane or of part of the vessel. Syn: charter-party, freighting. Charter-party (charte-partie, jietamento, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) (chlorojiuoro- ~'l;~). carbones (CFC), clorofiuorocarbonos (CFC) , ':"'~y')J)}iJ))S'). Syn: chartering. Chemical warfare (guerre chimique, guerra quimica, A town in the Ukraine, U.S.S.R., site of a nuclear reactor that exploded and burned on 26 April 1986, causing extensive radioactive contamination locally and in distant countries, with deaths and agricultural and environmental damage. The exploded reactor has been put permanently out of action. The most serious nuclear disaster up to that date, resulting also in extensive revision and strengthening of supervision by IAEA. Cf. Three Mile Island, reactor. A group of chemical compounds used in industry and in the household, mainly as the propelling agent in hairsprays, shaving foam, etc. Their excessive and universal use is believed to be one of the causes of ozone depletion, with resulting environmental damage. cr. ozone depletion, greenhouse effect. ~L:-:S' ,-:,?). War in which harmful chemical substances are used with the intention to kill, injure, or otherwise incapacitate humans or to destroy the environment and national economies. The many chemical weapons are grouped in seven main categories in terms of their toxic properties: nerve agents (lethal); pulmonary toxics (lethal); cyanide (lethal); tissue damaging vesicants (mustards, Lewisi tes, halogena ted oximes); psychomimetics; riot control agents (incapacitating); and defoliants. Chemical weapons are internationally outlawed by the 1925 Geneva Protocol. Syn: chemical weapon, CWo Cr. Geneva Conventions, GLAWARS, International Humanitarian Law, biological warfare, defoliant. Cholera (cho/era, co/era, ~). A severe acute infection of the intestines, characterized by profuse watery diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration, muscle cramps and collapse. It is spread lDy the ingestion of foods and water contaminated by the faeces of infected (symptomatic or asymptomatic) persons. Several diarrhoeal diseases are diagnosed as cholera, but the latter is caused by the Vibrio cho/erae. It is subject to international quarantine regulations. Cr. cholera vaccine, diarrhoeal diseases, quarantine. Chemoprophylaxis (chimioprophylaxie, quimioprofilaxis, ~L:-:S' ~LiJ)' The adminstration of chemotherapeutic medicaments to a susceptible or contaminated person or germ carrier, for the purpose of preventing the development of a clinical infection in him. Cholera vaccine (vaccin antichoierique, vacuna antico/erica, ~I ~I...,.i.. Cl.4l). A vaccine administered against cholera. It is of limited value and, in disasters, Chernobyl (Tchernobil, Chernobil, .,k,i?). 12 Climatological forecast of natural catastrophe, man-made disaster or war. As a wider, all-hazards approach, the term is now preferred to and covers civil defence. Cf. civil defence, International Civil Defence Organization. sanitary measures rather than vaccination suffice. Chromosome (chromosome, cromosoma, ~). The complex essential structure of the living cell nucleus containing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules. Chromosome aberration is any mutation of a chromosome due to toxic or radiation accidents, that may result in harmful changes to the organism. The Y-chromosome designates the male sex, while the X-chromosome is paired in both male and female sexes. Cf. genetic aberration, radioactive contamination. Climate (climat, clima, tl;..). The aggregate of the average atmospheric conditions that characterize the weather ofa given area. Example: continental climate. Cf. continental climate, equatorial climate, maritime climate, monsoon climate, mountain climate. Climatic control (modifications climatiques, Jactores climaticos, <:>-l;.. .k:~). The complex of climatic factors that relatively permanently determine the general characteristics of the climate in a given region of the Earth. Cf. climate. Ciguatera (ciguatera, gratte .. ciguatera, I~~~). Human illness that often appears after tsunamis, caused by the absorption of toxins or marine animals, especially fish and crustaceans, characterized by gastrointestinal disturbance, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, toxin, tsunami. Climatic zone (zone climatique, zona climatica, ~l;.. .i.4h;...). Wide region of the earth sharing a generally similar climate, along the same latitudes, limited by mountains, plains, bodies of water and other atmospheric factors. Cf. climatic region. Civil defence (protection civile .. proteccion civil, deJensa civil, J~..ul ~~). The system of measures, usually run by a governmental agency, to protect the civilian population in wartime, and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of major emergencies in peacetime. The wider term civil protection is nowpreferred. Cf. civil protection, International Civil Defence Organization. Climatography (climatographie, climatografia, ..s"'l;.. J..b....). Numerical presentation of the components of a region's climate by the use of maps, charts, graphs, models, diagrams, texts, etc. Climatological forecast (prevision climatologique .. parte meteorologico, previsiones, <:>-l;.. .:...~). Forecast based on studies of the climate of a region and not on the dynamic consequences of the current weather. (Not to be confused with weather forecast). Cf. weather forecast. Civil protection (protection civile, proteccion civil, ~..ul ~~). The organized actions of planning, training, preparedness and response to all emergencies at the local and national levels, with the view to protecting the civilian population in case 13 CUmatology froid, (ormenta del frente frio, CUmatology (climatologie, c1imatologia, . UI ~). '~J~ ~~J ~l&. ). the study of climates, including the statistical average variations, distribution and frequencies of the meteorological elements. Type of thunderstorm which occurs in series along a cold front or along a line that precedes a cold front. Cf. thunderstorm. Coliform bacilli (bacilles coliformes, bacilos coliformes, ~)} .:.,,~). The various bacteria which are normal inhabitants of the intestines but which become pathogenic under certain conditions. E. coli is the commonest. Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, enteric diseases. Coast (littoral, costa, J>L..). Shoreline of variable contours where the land, sea and atmosphere meet, with consequent environmental, social and economic influences. Syn: littoral. Coccidioidomycosis (coccidioidomycose, coccidioidomicosis, J~'? Jllai). A fungal infection due to inhalation ofa CoUateral damage (dommages collateraux. danos colaterales, ~ J~i). soil fungus in dusty desert areas. EndeInjury to persons or damage to promic in arid regions of the American perty inflicted unintentionally in a continent. nuclear explosion. Cf. transboundary pollution, fallout. Coefficient of tide (coefficient de la maree, coejiciente de la marea'J)-~ ..ul J-I....o). Collective dose (dose collective. dosis The relation, at a given place, between colectiva. ~~ ~.r:-). the tidal range and the mean tidal range In a nuclear accident or war, the total during a defined period. dose of radiation to an exposed popuCf. tide. lation, expressed as the product of the mean individual dose by the total Cohort (cohorte, cohorte, ~ 'c"). number of persons exposed. A group of persons of the same age Cf. absorbed dose, dose, maximum group banded together or recruited into acceptable dose, retained dose. a popUlation at the same time. Age class. Commission of European Communities Cf. age profile. (Commission des Communautes EuroCold chain (chaine de froid, cadena del frio, ~,;V a.J....). System of refrigeration with appropriate apparatus and transport facilities to ensure the cold or frozen conservation of vaccines and medicaments throughout the transfer, from the place of manufacture and expedition to the point of arrival and use. Cf. vaccine, Expanded Programme on Immunization, refrigeration. Cold front thunderstorm (orage de front 14 peennes (CC E) . Comision de las Comunidades Europeas (CCE). "='.JJJ'l1 ':"'1~~)l1 <.)..). The institutional arrangements bringing together the European Communities with the aim of gradually integrating their economies and moving towards political unity, with a European Parliament in Brussels. It encompasses the European Economic Community (EEC or Common Market). Has an active programme for disaster relief and assistance to developing countries. Concessionary rate Communication resources (ressources en matiere de communications, recursos en materia de comunicaciones, Syn: CEC, Common Market. Cr. Coucil of Europe, international assistance. ..:.,'}L...;'j\ 'pl.). Commodity rate (corate, tarif prefhentiel, tasa preferente, ....... 1> "-4;.tV). In transportation, special low rates applicable in airfreight traffic for certain categories of supplies, e.g. emergency medicines, between designated airports of origin and destination. Syn: concessionary rate, corate. Inventory of all public and private communication facilities: police, fire, military, government, private radio, amateur (HAM) radio operators, newspapers, other news media, television, telephone and telex, satellite and other facilities that can be used in time of disaster. Communal dwelling (habitation collective, vivienda colectiva, u>-~ ~). A housing estate, u·sually multi-storey, sharing common areas (entrance, stairs, etc) and services (heating, caretaking), built to house a considerable number of people. Cf. dwelling, services. Community (communaute, comunidad, ~). The complex of individuals or groups - of varying size - sharing common values, interests or problems, within a given area. Example: neighbourhood community, rural community, European Community. Communal faciUties (equipements collectifs; servicios colectivos, equipo colectivo, ~~ Jil.r-). All the physical infrastructure and the social and cultural facilities needed for the collective life of a community. Community health worker (agent de sante communautaire, agente de salud de la comunidad, ~\ ~ Jot..). A health worker, male or female, chosen by the community and usually living in the community, trained to deal with the health problems of his community and its individuals, and to work in close relationship with the health services. CHWs provide the first contact between the individual and the health system. - WHO. Cf. primary health care, community. Communicable disease (maladie transmissible, enfermedad transmisible, <,$)l. c/.r'). An infectious condition that can be transmitted from one living person or animal to another through a variety of channels, according to the nature of the disease. Syn: infectious disease. Concentration at ground level (concentration au niveau du sol, concentracion al Jr h)· nivel del suelo, c/)~I The degree of concentration of a pollutant in the air, measured from ground level up to dn adult person's height. Syn: ground level concentration. Communicable period (periode de contagion; periodo de transmision, de contagio, --»..wl .pi). Period during which an infectious agent can be transmitted directly or indirectly from one person or animal to another person or animal. Syn: contagious period, transmissible period. Cf. carrier, infection. &-- Concessionary rate (tarif prefhentiel, tasa preferente, ....... 1> "-4;.tV). Syn: commodity rate. 15 Conditioning Conditioning (condilionnement. condicionamienlo. ~). Psychophysiological mechanism of association between a simple or complex stimulus and an unconscious act. tion of cargo. There are two types: the 20 foot container, 30m 3 capacity, 18 tons load, and the 40 foot, 60 m 3 capacity, 30 tons load. Discarded containers have at times been used as dwellings in the disaster area. Cf. crate. Conflagration (conflagration. conflagracion. ~i). In nuclear war, the propagation of fires by the wind, following the coalescence of separate fires ignited by the explosion's thermal pulse or blast wave. Cf. fireball, firestorm, nuclear war, superfires. Contamination (contamination. contaminacion . .:...,t ). I. Invasion of a person or animal by pathogenic germs (contaminants). 2. Presence of an infectious agent on inanimate articles such as clothes, surgical instruments, dressings, water, milk, food. 3. Transfer and propagation of a contaminant. Cf. infection, radioactive contamination. Consignment (envoi. envio. ~). In transport and shipping, a certain amount of cargo, defined by one transport document, where its weight, size, number of parcels or appearance are stated. Continental anticyclone (anticyclone continental. anticiclon continental. Consolidation (groupage. agrupacion. ...,)i ~w... )~I ). ~). Anticyclone ~jtuated over a continent during the cold season, caused mainly by prolonged cooling of the earth's surface and by low temperatures in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Cf. anticyclone. rn transport and shipping, the assembling of several loads originating from several sources for joint despatch. Contact case (cas-contact. sujet-contact. contacto (caso). ;JaJL;..,. <.il>.). Person living in proximity to a contagious patient, likely to have been contaminated and likely to suffer or transmit the disease, thus necessitating surveillance and prophylactic measures. Cf. carrier, communicable period, contamination, surveillance. Continental climate (climat continental. clima continental. ",}i tL.). The typical climate of the interior of continents characterized by the large annual or daily amplitude of the temperature. Cf. climate. Contagious period (periode de contagion. periodo de contagio!transmision. ip.; Continental erosion (erosion continentale. erosion continental. J-I"JI ~ ..::.,.~ ->J"WI ). ~~I). Syn: communicable period. Disintegration, in every form, of the soil through the effect of atmospheric agents: frost, dripping, wind, temperature variations, chemical reactions, streaming. Cf. erosion, wind. Container (conteneur. contenedor . •.!Jl>.). A standard shipping metallic box, of steel or aluminium, with double doors at one end, in use on sea-routes, for easier handling and safe transporta16 Cosmic radiation Continental shelf (plate-forme continentale. plataforma continental. -,»i ~). The sub-marine continuation of the margins of the continent extending beneath the sea at a gentle slope. Contingency plan (plan d·urgence. plan de urgencia. ~)I}> ~). An anticipatory emergency plan to be followed in an expected or eventual disaster, based on risk assessment availability of human and material resources, community preparedness, local and international response capability, etc. Syn: emergency plan. Cf. disaster plan, plan. Contribution (donation; contribucion. donativo. ,-:,,\.;:5"\ '~lr-l). Material or financial aid to an organization or country, without compensation expected from the recipient. Syn: donation. Cf. aid, donor, recipient. Article I of the 1951 UN Convention relative to the status of refugees. Cf. refugee, refugee protection. Conventional food (aliment traditionnel. alimento tradicional. ~ ~W.). Food available or obtained through the traditional methods of agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing, gathering or cooking within the community and not subjected to unconventional processing methods. Cf. bulghur, cassava, sorgum, yam. Corn-soya blend (melange mai's-soja. mezcla maiz-soya. ~~~ O)jJ\ ..l.:l». A nutritional mixture made up of: 69.7% cornmeal, processed, gelatinized 22 % soya flour, defatted, toasted 5.5 % soya oil, refined, deodorized, stabilized 2.7% mineral premix 0.1 % vitamin, antioxidant premix Syn: CSB. Cf. food mixtures. Corn-soy a-milk (melange mai's-soja-lait. mezcla maiz-soya-leche. Conurbation (agglomeration urbaine. aglomeracion urbana. -,>,rA> ~). The comprehensive system composed of a town and its extensions, with suburbs, shopping centre, station, green spaces, etc. Cf. urbanization. .jJJ~ ~~~ O)jJ\ ..l.:l». A nutritional mixture made up of: 59.2 % cornmeal, processed, gelatinized 17.5% soya flour, defatted, toasted 15. % non-fat dry milk, spray processed 5.5% soya oil, refined, deodorized, stabilized 2.7% mineral premix 0.1 % vitamin antioxidant premix Syn: CSM. Cf. food mixtures. Convective thunderstonn (orage de convection. tormenta por conveccion. ~~ ~...I.?) ~~). Thunderstorm that accompanies a convective cloud, especially when such a cloud is caused by local conditions, such as forest fires. Convention refugee (refugie de la Convention. refugiado acogido al Convenio. .:.,~Y\J\ '-:iLA;'i ~'i). Person who meets the definition of 17 Cosmic radiation (rayonnement cosmique, radiacion cosmica. J.f" t'". _:'l)· Beams of very high energy particles (protons, alpha particles and certain heavier nuclei) of solar, galactic or extragalactic origin. Cost-benefit ataque contra las fuer;as nucleares. '". .r""'"'" (' Ii ..jl.,u. '11 '"l&. \.T.• .-... ) • Cf. ionizing radiation. Cost-benefit (cout-al'antage. costo-benefi- Nuclear weapons deployed against the enemy's military installations, as distinct from economic and industrial targets. Cf. countervalue attack, nuclear war. cio. -..A.;-1l5::!1 )J>/). Cf. cost-benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis (analyse cout-avan- tage. analisis de costo-beneficio. ...A.;ll5::!1 )))/ J.J.':). Countervalue attack (frappe contre-valeurs . ataque contra la economia. .,)lA.;j~1 ..jl.,u.'11). I. Study of the various elements of a situation in order to determine the feasibility of an aid or action. 2. Methods to compare alternatives of the costs and benefits of an operation in monetary terms with the view to determining the most desirable course of action. Cf. cost -effectiveness analysis. ~:r." The deployment of nuclear weapons against the enemy's industrial and economic potential, as distinct from its military bases. Cf. counterforce attack, nuclear war. Country of asylum (pays d'asile. pais de asilo, .~I ..lL). Country which offers some protection to a person who has fled his country of origin, of nationality or of usual residence. Cf. asylum, protection of refugees, territorial asylum. Cost-effectiveness analysis (analyse cout- efjicacite. analisis de costo-eficacia. ...A.;ll5::!~ ~l..i!1 ",l&. y.:). A method of evaluation of programmes, whereby the costs are quantified in monetary terms and the advantages in terms of effectiveness in relation to the desired goal. Cf. cost-benefit analysis, goal. Country of first asylum (pays de premier asile. pais de primer asilo, J)'11 ). .~I ..lL Country where a refugee receives asylum after having left his own country. Cf. refugee, territorial asylum. Council of Europe (C onseil de l'Europe (CE), Consejo de Europa (CE). ~.-.l.¢I). Organization bringing together, at Strasbourg, 21 States of Europe, to "achieve a greater unity for the purpose of safeguarding and realizing the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress". Promotes the European Centre for Disaster Medicine in San Marino. Syn: CEo Cf. European Centre for Disaster Medicine, Commission of European Communities (CEC). -r);) '11 Country of second asylum (pays de second asile, pais de segundo asilo, .~I ..lL jL:!1 ). Country, other than that of first asylum, that accepts a refugee for settlement. Cf. asylum, country of first asylum, refugee, territorial asylum. Crate (harasse. embalaje. ~,A.ii). In transport and shipping, open case made of planks assembled, nailed and strapped, which show contents or their inner packing, as opposed to a closed case. Cf. container. Counterforce attack (frappe anti/orces. 18 Damage assessment Cyclone (cye/one, cie/on, c.r.l) )...-l)· A storm characterized' by the converging and rising giratory movement of the wind around a zone of low pressure (the eye) towards which it is violently pulled from a zone of high pressure. Its circulation is counterclockwise round the centre in the northern hemisphere, clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Cf. non-tropical cyclone, tropical cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, willywilly. Crater (cratere, crilter, u) ,.~ ".AAJ)' The bowl-shaped cavity due to the eruption of a volcano, to an explosion, or to impact. Usually the mouth of a volcano. Creeping disaster (catastrophe a evolution lente, desastre de evolucion lenta, ~~)LS"). A disaster of insidious onset and slow progress, such as famine, drought, desertification, health deterioration or epidemic, that does not become manifest until damage and suffering reach extensive proportions and need massive emergency response. Syn: slow onset disaster. Cyclone warning (avis de eye/one, aviso de cie/on, ~)ll )~'il .:.r- J.~)' Meteorological message intended to warn the population concerned of the existence or approach of a cyclone. It may be accompanied by advice on the protective measures to take. Crop rotation (assolement, rotacion de cultivos, 4;J~ ,)p), Cultivation of successive different crops on the same land, over a number of seasons, in order to maintain the fertility of the soil. Cyclonic rain (pluie cyc/onique, Iluvia cie/onica, '-?)~l ;...). In the classification of rainfall, denotes a violent heavy and continuous rain whose minimal intensity is rarely below 5-10 mrn/h. The two other classes are "orographic" and "convective" rain. Crowd ([oule, muchedumbre, il>j - ..I..!.». A multitude of persons fortuitously or voluntarily gathered in a particular place. Crowds can become an additional problem in disaster situations. Cysticercosis (cysticercose, cisticercosis, ";.ul .;,..L-:>JI .b). Cumulative effect (effet cumulatiJ, eJecto cumulativo, ~I ; ~I,;). The progressive increase, by summation, of the effects of an external agent on an organism, an individual or society. An intestinal infection caused by the larvae (cysticerci) of Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) which also attacks the muscles. Syn: tapeworm infection, taeniasis. o Dam (barrage, presa, ...1...). A strong barrier structure built across a river basin to retain, divert or control the flow for such purposes as water supply, navigation, power production, flood control, irrigation. The resulting changes may have important socioeconomic and environmental consequences. Damage assessment (evaluation des degiits, evaluacion de los danos, )L->J I J...I.A;). 19 Damage forecasting declared by the stricken country and aid requested. Cf. Request for disaster assistance. Detailed evaluation and detennination of the actual damages caused by a disaster. Damage forecasting (prevision des degats, prevision de los danos, )L..>JI ",:"wy ). Study made prior to a disaster, of the situation, expected, or probable effects of different types of disaster. De facto refugee (refugie de facto, refugiado "de facto", ~I,II ~ ~"1). A term used for two categories of persons: (a) persons who fulfil the requirements of a refugee definition but who, for various reasons, such as a procedural delay in submitting the application within a specified time, have not been registered as refusees; or (b) persons who cannot prove a justified fear of persecution within the meaning of the refugee definition, but who are considered, on similar grounds, to have valid reasons for not wishing to return to their country of origin. Cf. refugee. Damage mitigation (attenuation des degats, atenuacion de los danos, JIr'''i 1 ~). Measures taken to attenuate or lessen the extent of damage, of hardship and of suffering caused by disaster. Death rate (taux de mortalite, tasa de mortalidad, ...:..L:ijl J ...... ). The ratio between the number of deaths in a given time and the total number of the population. Syn: mortality rate. Deck cargo (en pont, cubertada, ~IR~~)' Deficiency disease (maladie de carence, enfermedad por carencia, jyJl .I~). A general term that denotes physiological dysfunction due to the lack or insufficiency of a number of factors needed to ensure health and wellbeing. It may be due to lack of nutritional factors (nutritional deficiency, protein energy deficiency, vitamin deficiency), biological (iron deficiency, iodine deficiency), immunological deficiency (genetic or acquired) etc. Declaration of disaster (declaration de When not specified, and especially desastre, declaracion de desastre, in disaster situations, the term usually ~};s;J1 <.l~ .j')\?l). denotes nutritional deficiency. Official announcement made by the Syn: deficiency syndrome. authorities declaring a state of emerCf. vitamin deficiency, goitre. gency in the wake of a disaster and the need for special measures to cope Deflation (dejiation, dejiacion, 'JLL;I with it. Certain donor countries and ·~t)· The removal and erosion of soil by organizations cannot provide assistance the wind. unless a disaster has been officially In transport and shipping, under deck cargo means goods stowed inside the holds of a vessel; on deck cargo means goods stowed above the holds "on deck", on the vessel, mostly because of their hazardous nature. On deck cargo will be the first to be jettisoned in case of emergency. Deck goods are always carried without any acceptance of responsibili ty by the carrier. 20 Dengue Defoliant (defoliant, desfoliante, De jure refugee (refugie de jure, refu- ~I LSGJi t>~). Chemical compound used as pesticide, especially against plant pests. Also used as a weapon in chemical warfare. Cf. chemical warfare, pesticide. giado "de jure", ~ ~'1). Syn: statutory refugee. Cf. refugee. Delegate (detegue, delegado, '-:"J..\.:.A). I. Representative of an international organization in a foreign country. 2. Title of the expert representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Cf. representative. Deforestation (deboisement, deforestation; despoblacibn forestal, tala, Clr\II ..:AWI 4.I~l). Destruction of forests or the clearing of an area of its trees and undergrowth, which can lead to a major deterioration of the environmental conditions, such as soil erosion, disturbance of the water table and catchment areas, scarcity of animal life, temperature changes, etc. Cf. catchment basin, environment, erosion, soil erosion. Delta (delta, delta, \;.b). Triangular configuration of a section of coast open to the sea, created by the alluvial deposits at the mouth of a river, often - but not always traversed by its branches. Example: the Nile delta. Cf. alluvium, mouth. Degree of adaptability (degre d'adaptabi- Demographic concentration (concentration lite, grado de adaptabilidad, demographique, concentracion demografica, Jl5:.... ;:5). The establishment of a population over a given territory. Syn: population concentration. ~ ~L4J1 ~)~). The relative ability of a living organism, of a society or of a population to adapt to unfavourable changes in the environment. Cf. adaptation, environment. Demography (demographie, demografia, Dehydration (deshydration, deshidratacibn, ":"\..:i~1 - .)~I fs')' The quantitative study of human populations and of their variations. .j~ ,.j~). Depletion of the body's water and fluids, with disturbances of cellular salts, due to excessive fluid loss (diarrhoea, vomiting, heavy perspiration, fever) or insufficient intake (drought, malnutrition), or metabolic disease, or a combination of these, causing cell damage, particularly serious in infants and in debilitated persons. A 10-15 % water deficit constitutes moderate to severe dehydration. The maximum degree of loss campatible with life is about 20%. Provision of fluids and rehydration salts is vital. Cf. cholera, diarrhoea, rehydration salts. Demurrage (surestaries, demora, LSWi ~L.,.;'1l 44l 1 ). In transportation and storage, the rent in railway sheds. Penalty for keeping containers longer than allowed. Penalty for immobilization of a vessel longer than allowed for loading/unloading, and payable by owners of the goods. Dengue (dengue, dengue, .!.L.2.l1 ~). An acute febrile illness of sudden onset, with headache, fever, prostration, swollen glands, joint and muscle ache and skin rash. Transmitted 21 Dengue haemorrhagic fever mainly anti-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere. Syn: non-tropical cyclone. Cf. cyclone. through the mosquito, it can cause epidemics in displaced settlements. A more serious form is dengue haem orrhagic fever. Syn: dengue fever. Cf. dengue haemorrhagic fever. Desert (desert, desierto, 'Ir--). Region characterized by excessive dryness (WMO dryness ratio greater than 10), too little rainfall, extremely poor vegetation, non arable land, shifting sand, very sparse population and particularly difficult living conditions. Cf. desertification, drought, famine. Dengue haemorrhagic fever (dengue hemorragique, fiebre hemomlgica dengue, '-:t;J1 ~I ~). A severe form of dengue with sudden fever, bleeding and collapse, often fatal. Prevalent in South-East Asia and India. Cf. dengue. Desertification (desertification, desertiza- Denudation (denudation, denudaciim, '-!.,.v). cion,~). grado do concentracion, ;!";JI J-l&.). The ratio of the concentration of a radionuclide in an organism (organ or tissue) to the concentration of that radionuclide in the environment. Cf. radionuclide, maximum acceptable concentration. Processes whereby a semi-arid ecosystem loses the capacity of seasonal revival or repair and progresses towards becoming desert. As a result of climatic factors and human activity (excessive grazing, deforestation, bush fires, etc) there is increase of bare soil, decrease of vegetation-covered soil, rise in reflection of solar light, excessive to permanent loss of plant life, soil erosion and impoverishment. Such degradation causes environmental damage well beyond its boundaries and is itself a combined natural and manmade disaster. Cf. desert, drought, famine, savannah, semi-arid zone, Sahel. Depopulation (depeuplement, depopulation, Development (deve/oppement, desarrollo, I. Geology: Stripping or laying bare of rocks by removal of the topping soil or other ground cover. Syn: stripping. 2. Medicine: Exposing a vein for intravenous infusion, e.g. for severe diarrhoea. Syn: cut-down. Density factor (facteur de concentration, despob/acion, Jl5:.... ~\;j). A fall in the population of a region due to (a) emigration or (b) an excess of deaths over births. Cf. birth rate, death rate, emigration. Depression (depression, depresion, J# - ~). Cumulative and lasting rise, associated with socio-economic improvements, in the quality and quantity of possessions, services and resources of a population or a country. Diarrhoea (diarrhee, diarrea, Jlf..-l). ~). Centre of an atmospheric pressure which is low in relation to the surrounding region at the same level. It is characterized oy high winds that increase towards the centre and blow Increased fluidity, frequency and volume of bowel movements per day. Usually endemic in developing countries, it can rise to alarming proportions, with dehydration, in unsanitary 22 Disaster assistance Diphtheria (diphterie, dijteria, -A".u). An acute contagious disease mainly of children, characterized by a fibrinous pseudomembrane on the nasopharynx and larynx. Transmitted usually by direct contact and preventable by immunization. Not associated with disasters, but may spread rapidly in such circumstances. One of the diseases in the WHO global vaccination programme. Cf. contact case, communicable disease, Expanded Programme on Immunization, infectious disease, vaccination. or disaster situations. Passing at least three liquid stools a day is generally considered to constitute diarrhoea. Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, oral rehydration. Diarrhoeal diseases (maladies diarrheiques, enJermedades diarreicas, Jlf.... 'II ,-",,~i). Common gastro-intestinal diseases caused by a variety of pathogenic agents - that most often remain unidentified involving most often young, undernourished children, especially in developing countries. In disaster conditions these diseases become more widespread and serious due to shortage of drinking water, lack of hygiene and insufficient food. Infantile diarrhoea is caused mainly by premature weaning and artificial feeding. Cf. diarrhoea, hygiene, malnutrition, oral rehydration. Diplomatic asylum (asile diplomatique, asilo diplomatico, ($"\..~J .,;..). Asylum provided "by a State in the premises of its embassy or diplomatic mission. Cf. territorial asylum. Disaster (catastrophe, desastre .. catastroJe, desastre, ':JL0. The result of a vast ecological breakdown in the relations between man and his environment, a serious and sudden event (or slow, as in drought) on such a scale that the stricken community needs extraordinary efforts to cope with it, often with outside help or international aid. Syn: catastrophe. Cf. natural disaster, man-made disaster, technological disaster, toxicological disaster, creeping disaster, international assistance. Diet (regime, dieta, .::...}). The rational consumption of solid and liquid foods by a healthy or sick individual, or by a popUlation. Dietetics (dietetique, die tetica , .::...l:i.-oAlI). The science and principles of food for the healthy and the sick person, with the aim of satisfying the nutritional needs of man. Cf. health, needs, nutrition. Dioxin (dioxine, dioxina, .J:-SY.J). The chemical compound 2, 3, 7, 8, tetra chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, an extremely toxic substance used in manufacturing some herbicides. The harmful effects are very persistent and capable of causing severe illness and chromosomal malformations. A major accident occurred in Seveso. Also known as TCDD. Cf. transboundary pollution, Seveso, man-made disaster, toxicological disaster. Disaster act (law) (loi sur les desastres, ley sobre desastres, ":"'JI,SJI 0Yli). National legislation that provides the government or its appointed executive with special powers to mobilize the efforts and resources of the nation in face of a disaster or major emergency. Cf. disaster legislation. Disaster assistance (assistance contre les 23 Disaster legislation catastrophes. ayuda en casos de caltlstrofe . ..!.o;\.,SJ1 ..;..~.,....). National or international aid, financial or technical, to counter a particular or all phases of disaster, from prevention and mitigation to immediate relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. Cf. technical assistance, technical cooperation, international assistance. reduce the severity of the human and material damage caused by it. Cf. damage investigation, disaster prevention. Disaster preparedness (preparation contre les catastrophes, preparacion para casos de desastre, ..!.oJ\.,SJ1 ~I} )I~ ~I). The aggregate of measures to be taken in view of disasters, consisting of plans and action programmes designed to minimize loss of life and damage, to organize and facilitate effective rescue and relief, and to rehabilitate after disaster. Preparedness requires the necessary legislation and means to cope with disaster or similar emergency situations. It is also concerned with forecasting and warning, the education and training of the public, organization and management, including plans, training of personnel, the stockpiling of supplies and ensuring the needed funds and other resources . Cf. emergency, relief, supplies. Disaster legislation (legislation des catastrophes. legislacion sabre catastrofes. ..!.o;\.,SJ1 ";"~r)' The body of laws that govern and designate responsibility for disaster management in the nation concerning the various phases of disaster. Attempts are currently being made to introduce international disaster legislation. Cf. Disaster act (law). Disaster medicine (medecine des catastrophes. medicina de catastrofes, ..!.o;\.,SJ I ..,.J.). The study and collaborative application of various health disciplines - e.g., paediatrics, epidemiology, communicable diseases, nutrition, public health, emergency surgery, social medicine, community care, international health - to the prevention, immediate response and rehabilitation of the health problems arising from disaster, in cooperation with other disciplines involved in comprehensive disaster management. Cf. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC), World Health Organization (WHO), military medicine. Disaster prevention (prevention des catastrophes, prevencion de desastres, The aggregate of approaches and measures to ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not cause or result in disaster or similar emergency. It implies the formulation and implementation of long range policies and programmes to eliminate or prevent the occurrence of disasters. Based on vulnerability analysis of risks, it also includes legislation and regulatory measures in the field of town planning, public works and environmental development. Disaster team (equipe de secours, equipo de Disaster mitigation (attenuation des degats, atenuacion del desastre, o'UJ ,', . • ~li)1 ..!.o;\.,SJI.;,-). socorro, ..!.o;\.,SJ1 ~Iy ~). Multidisciplinary, multi sectorial group of persons qualified to evaluate a disaster and to bring the necessary relief. Cf. disaster medicine, disaster preven- i. ..!.o;\.,SJ1 ). Separate and aggregate measures taken prior to or following a disaster to 24 Dose tion, emergency relief, international assistance, UNDRO. clothing, domestic animals or in the environment. Delousing is disinfestation against body lice. Syn: disinsection. Cf. disinfection, fumigation, pesticide. Disaster victim (sinistre, victima de un desastre, ':"'J~I ~ b.....4). Person or population stricken by a disaster. Cf. disaster. Disinsection (desinfestation, desinsectacion, ':"'~I .~~l). Cf. disinfestation. Disease monitoring (surveillance des mala- Displaced person(s) (personne( s) depla- dies, vigilancia de las enfermedades, ""';I.r-~I ..l.."oJ). cee( s), personas desplazadas, .J.".,..j~). Persons who, for different reasons or circumstances - natural· disasters, wars, conflicts or internal troubles have been compelled to leave their homes. They mayor may not reside in their country of origin, but are not legally regarded as refugees. Syn: DP. Cf. exodus, refugee. Syn: disease surveillance. Disease surveillance (surveillance des maladies, vigilancia de las enfermedades, ""';I.r-~I ..l.."o;). Health system used to monitor, observe and evaluate on a continuing basis the progress of a disease with the view to preventing or curing it. Cf. disease monitoring, surveillance. Donation (don, donacion, tfU ,~ ,<-:.".). Material or financial assistance extended without financial remuneration to a country or an organization. Cf. donor. Disease transmission (transmission de maladie, transmision de las enfermedades, 1J"'1.r-~1 J\..i.:,;I). Cf. transmission, communicable disease. Donee (receveur, receptor, benejiciario, Disinfectant (desinfectant, desinfectante, Jl:.- ). ~). . Syn: beneficiary, recipient. Chemical substance used locally to destroy germs on the body or in the environment and to prevent their multiplication. Cf. infection. Donor (donateur, donante, donador, e\..). A country, organization or agency that provides relief or, in different ways, comes to the assistance of a population in disaster. Cf. aid, assistance, international assistance, technical assistance. Disinfection (desinfection, desinfeccion, ~). Destruction of germs or infectious agents outside the human body by chemical or physical means. Cf. disinfectant, disinfestation. Donor agency (organisation donatrice, organismo donante, ~\.. ;"p,..). Agency or organization that provides free emergency relief to a disaster stricken country, without political or other considerations. Cf. voluntary agency. Disinfestation (desinfestation, desinfestacion,). !::.>':1I.:r ~I). Technique or process used to destroy parasites, insects and other undesirable small animal species such as arthropods or rodents present on the person, on Dose (dose, dosis, I.;,T;')' I. In pharmacology, the strength or 25 Douglas scale amount of a medicament prescribed for each individual application. 2. In radioactivity, the amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by the exposed body. Cf. absorbed dose, collective dose, lethal dose, LD50, maximum acceptable dose, retained dose. Syn: DSM, skimmed milk powder. Cf.dried whole milk, vitamin A deficiency. Dried whole milk (fait entier en poudre. leche entera en polvo. ~ Jots' .jJ). Powdered food product processed by industrial drying and pulverization of full cream milk. Such milk may lack some nutritional elements. Syn: dried full cream milk, full cream milk powder, DFCM, DWM. Cf. dried skimmed milk, food mixtures. Douglas scale (echelle de Douglas. escala de Douglas. v-'Y.S-p v-l;.A.-). Numerical scale from 0 to 9, indicating the state of the sea. oflat sea 5 waves and swells I ripples 6 large waves and swells 2 calm sea 7 heavy sea 3 small waves 8 very heavy sea 9 huge swell 4 choppy Cf. Beaufort scale, swell, wave, Forel scale. Drift (derive .. deriva. abatimiento. Jl:--il - --'I.J.I ). Any uncontrolled displacement of a floating or submerged object through the action of the wind or currents. Drinking water (eau de boisson. potable .. agua potable. ,-:,rJ1 .L.). Water that is agreeable to drink, does not present health hazards and whose quality is normally regulated by legislation. Syn: potable water. Drainage (drainage. drenaje. ~~). Gradual evacuation of excess water from the more common surface runoff of wetlands (surface drainage) or from the ground (subsurface drainage) generally to improve agriculture. Drainage basin (bassin d·alimentation. cuenca captora. --'~I ./~). Region drained by a part or the whole of one or several water channels. Syn: catchment basin. Cf. catchment area, river basin, watershed. Drought (secheresse. sequia . ..b..i - --'~ - ,-:,~). Climatic period with prolonged absence of rain during which time the degree of rainfall, expressed in millimetres, is less than twice the mean temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius. Drought can be a disaster. Cf. aridity, disaster, precipitation, Sahel. Dried full-cream milk (tait entier en poudre. leche entera en polvo. Jol5' .jJ ~). Syn: dried whole milk. Drug resistance (resistance aux medicaments. resistencia medicamentosa. Dried skimmed milk (fait ecreme en poudre. leche desnatada en polvo . .jJ '-i..u'll ....J \.A..). The capacity acquired by microorganisms or parasites to survive, and eventually to mUltiply, in the presence of a medicament which would normally destroy them or prevent them from reproducing. By extension, drug- ~ ~.,..:..;...). Powdered food product processed by industrial drying and pulverization of skimmed milk. Su~h milk may lack some nutritional elements such as vitamin A. 26 Earth station Dust whirl (tourbillon de poussiere, torbe/- resistant disease e.g. chloroquin-resistant malaria. Cf. adaptation, habituation. Iino de po/vo, ~Ij .... ~~). Aggregate of particles of dust or sand, sometimes accompanied by small litter raised from the ground, in the form of a whirling column of varying height wi th a small diameter and almost vertical axis. Syn: dust devil, sand whirl. Dry season (saison seche, estaciim seca, .j~1 rr)' In a tropical climate, period of the year characterized by very low or absence of rainfall. Cf. drought, tropical climate. Dwelling (habitation, vivienda, .:f--.). A covered and sheltered space reserved to house one or several persons. Dune (dune, duna, ~). A ridge or mound of sand or fine loose earth. Aeolian dunes are built up by the wind, hydraulic dunes by water currents. Dyke (digue, dique,;r:-\:.- - "';.-..\....). A construction along the coast for the protection of port facilities or of water reservoirs. Durra (dourra, durra, ~r oJ'). Black millet, grain of sorghum. Dysentery (dysenterie, disenteria,J\:.-j). I. A general term used for different kinds of unspecified diarrhoea or gastroenteri tis. 2. Specific infection of the colon, such as shigellosis (bacillary dysentery), or amoebiasis (amoebic dysentery). Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, enteric diseases, infection. Dust bowl (trombe de po ussiere , tromba de po/vo, "..J~ ~~). Ascending whirl of overheated air carrying with it fine particles which subsequently remain suspended in the air. Dust devil (tourbillon de poussiere, torbe/Iino de po/vo, ~Ij ~Jj). Syn: dust whirl. E Earth flow (cou/ee boueuse, corriente, rio over a long time in regions of seismic activity (tectonic earthquake). The magnitude of an earthquake is represented by the Richter scale; the intensity by the Mercalli scale. Cf. epicentre, Mercalli scale, Richter scale, seismic sea wave, seismic sounding, seismograph, seismoscope. de barro, ~ ",)ljl). Mass of w"ater-Iogged earth, sliding by gravity along a slope at a relatively slow speed of a few kilometres per hour. Syn: mudslide. Earthquake (se;sme, tremb/ernent de terre; Earth station (station terrienne, estacibn seisrno, terrernoto, Jl)j). The violent shaking of the ground produced by deep seismic waves, beneath the epicentre, generated by a sudden decrease or release in a volume of rock of elastic strain accumulated terrena, ~) ~). Communications station situated either on land (or ship) or on an airplane, with the purpose of communicating with one or several space stations and 27 Eating unit linked with other earth stations through space network. Cf. geostatic station. radioactivity or by biological elimination. Cf. half-life, radioactivity. Eating unit (unite alimentaire, unidad de alimentacion, it...b '..I>J). A group of persons gathered together and sharing food prepared by the same kitchen or in several communal kitchens. Effluent (effluent, efluente, 4J.:l.. .:..~LA;). Residual waters, treated or not, of agricultural, industrial or urban provenance. Electromagnetic pulse (impulsion electromagnetique, impulso electromagnetico, ~~-....w). Ebb (retrait.. reflujo, (marea) menguante,)~ ). Receding movement of the sea water or reflux of the tide. Syn: recession. The very brief and intense pulse of electromagnetic radiation emitted following a high altitude nuclear explosion, causing extensive interference over a vast area at ground level, resulting in neutralization of telecommunications, radio broadcasts, electronic controls, electrotechnical equipment, etc. in military equipment, hospitals, transport or at home. Syn: EMP. Echinococcosis (echinococcose hydatique, equinococosis, .:..l5'"..:.11 .I~). Syn: hydatid disease. Ecology (ecologie, ecologia, .:..l;!;J1 f). The science that studies the relationships of living organisms between themselves and with their environment. Electron (electron, electron, .JJ;>Jl). The elementary particle of negative charge in all atoms. Cf. ionizing radiation, proton. Economic development (developpement economique, desarrollo economico, 4....;; "'~l..a.;jl ). Elements at risk (elements a risque, elementos que corren riesgo, v~1 .r"lJI )WJ). The population, buildings and civil engineering works, economic activities, public services and infrastructure, etc . at risk in a given area. - UNDRO. Cf. risk, risk indicator, risk map, specific risk. Increase in monetary terms in the national product of a country and in the resultant material well-being and individual income of its population. Ecosystem (ecosysteme, ecosistema, ilkJI ..HI). Contraction for ecological system. Basic ecological unit formed by the biotope (living environment) and the animal and vegetable organisms naturally living there and interacting as a single functional entity. Cf. ecology, environment. EI Nino (El Nino, El Nino, y.:JI). A climatic phenomenon of the southern oceans with global and longterm meteorological and agricultural repercussions. It occurs every two to seven years in an 18-month sequence of events extending across the entire Pacific and Indian Oceans. It begins with the warming of the upper part of the ocean off the west coast of South Effective life (periode effective, vida efectiva, ~lA.II .,;;). The time needed for the quantity of a given radionuclide' in the body to be reduced by half, either through loss of 28 Encephalitis Emergency medical services (service d'aide America, which can lead to drought, monsoon failure and disastrous winds in areas as scattered as Indonesia, the Amazon valley, Australia or Melanesia. medicale d'urgence (SAMU) , servicios medicos de urgencia, .s},l:J1 .:...L.....l> ~I). The aggregate of various resources and personnel necessary to deliver medical care to those with an unpredicted immediate need outside a hospital and continued care once in an established emergency facility. Syn: EMS. Cf. first aid, life support, oxyology. Emaciation (emaciation; emaciaciim, demacracion, Jt.;..). The exhaustion of essential cellular elements, mainly in muscle and adipose tissue, following privation of food and often associated with infections and debilitating illnesses. Emergency (urgence; urgencia, emergen- Emergency relief (secours d'urgence, so- cia, .s)i,k ..H.> - 4.:)\1 4.Jb.). A sudden and usually unforeseen event that must be countered immediately to minimize the consequences. The term is often used for disaster. With rational planning, emergencies can be tackled more effectively. corro de urgencia, ~l? ":l&.U· I. Urgent aid given to relieve suffering and hardship arising from a sudden or unexpected event. 2. Immediate assistance given to persons who are deprived of the essential needs of life following a natural or man-induced disaster. Cf. disaster, relief. Emergency feeding (ravitaillement d'urgence, abastecimiento de urgencia, .s},l:J1 ~j;.;). Emigrant (emigre, emigrante, UW ?~). Person who moves to another country for personal, economic, social or political reasons. Distinguish from migrant, immigrant and refugee. Cf. immigrant, migrant, refugee. Distribution of food to communities, families and individuals who are cut off from their normal food supplies or are unable to prepare their own food as a result of natural or man-made disaster such as famine, flood, earthquake, war. Cf. famine, food, food relief, relief, supplies. Emigration (emigration, em igracion , Or.'" U W ). The act of leaving one's country or place of residence with the intention of settling in another country or place. Emigration from a country does not imply the loss of nationality of that country, nor does it confer refugee status. Cf. exodus, immigration, migration. Emergency health kit (necessaire medical d'urgence, botiquin medico de urgencia, ~I .s},l:J1 ':"'L..J.:.--. ..wb.). Basic drugs and medical equipment calculated for the emergency needs of a population of 10 000 persons over three months. One prepackaged kit contains 10 identical smaller kits, each for I 000 persons. Syn: WHO Emergency Health Kit (the previous name). Cf. stockpile, supplies, World Health Organization. Encephalitis (encephalite, encefalitis, . L....ul ,-:,t;JI). ~erious neurological disease caused by inflammation of the brain elements due to viral, microbial or parasitic infection. Cf. cerebrospinal meningitis. 29 Endemic disease Endemic disease (maladie endemique. enfermedad endemica. Joy ~r)· The usual presence or prevalence of a disease in a given geographical area. Hyperendemic expresses a persistence in excess of expected endemicity. Pandemic is the presence of a disease, at the same time, in important proportions throughout the world. Example, AIDS. Cf. endemicity, epidemic. number of known causes (amoebae, intestinal parasites, worms, bacilli, vibrio cholerae), or unknown causes transmitted through various mechanisms (food, water, direct contact). Can be of sudden diarrhoeal onset, chronic, or in carrier state, all with danger of transmission. Disaster conditions facilitate and aggravate the disease with risk of epidemics, especially among children. Cf. amoebiasis, cholera, diarrhoeal diseases, dysentery, oral rehydration, typhoid. Endemicity (endemie. endemia. Joj). Habitual presence or recurrence of a disease e.g. cholera, or other phenomena, e.g. cyclones, in a given population or region. Example, both are endemic in the Bay of Bengal area. Cf. endemic disease. Environment (environnement. medio ambiente. ~). The aggregate, at any given time, of the physical, chemical and biological agents and social factors that can have a direct or indirect, immediate or late effect on living organisms and on human activities. Energy assessment (bilan energetique. balance energetico . .. UaJI .I.~). Comparative study of the sum of calories provided by food and of their utilization for such biological requirements as tissue maintenance and growth. Assessment can be established for an organism, an individual or a population. Cf. energy requirements. Environmental change (alteration de I'environnement. alteracion ambiental. ~I ;.;.;). Modification, favourable or unfavourable, of the ecological state and environment. Cf. ecology, environment. Energy requirements (besoins energetiques. necesidades de energia. Environmental health (hygiene du milieu. higiene del medio. ~I .......... ) . The science that aims at creating the environmental conditions most- conducive to health. Cf. environmental hygiene, public health, sanitary engineering. .. .y ":"~~')'I). Quantity of energy required to maintain the weight equilibrium of an average individual of given sex and age in good health. Cf. energy assessment, health, needs. Environmental hygiene (hygiene du milieu. higiene del medio. ~I ~). The measures that aim at creating favourable environmental conditions for health and disease prevention. Cf. environmental health, hygiene. Enriched food (aliment enrichi. alimento enriquecido. d- ).J.). Syn: fortified tood. Enteric diseases (maladies intestinales. enfermedades entericas. ~..,..... ~~i). A general term for a variety of infectious intestinal diseases due to a Epicentre (epicentre. epicentro. Jj fr)· The point or area on the earth's sur30 Exodus face immediately above the focus of an earthquake. Cf. earthquake, hypocentre. Cf. anthropic erosion, continental erosion, wind erosion. Eruption (eruption. erupcion. JG;). The sudden surfacing of solid and gaseous material from the depths of the earth. Cf. volcano. Epidemic (epidemie. ep idem ia. -4J)' I. An unusual increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease which already exists in an endemic state in the region or population concerned. 2. The appearance of a more or less important number of cases of an infectious disease introduced in a region or population that is usually free from that disease. Cf. communicable disease, endemic, infectious disease. Ethnic group (ethnie .. grupo etnico. etnia. ~l oJ'j). An organic group of individuals sharing common traits, customs and culture. The term sometimes refers to such groups as a minority in a larger population. European Centre for Disaster Medicine (Centre Europeen pour fa Medecine des Catastrophes (CEM EC). Centro Europeo de Medicina de las Catastro/es (CEMEC). ~),sJI ~ .r. JJJ'1I:;)I). Intergovernmental centre· established in San Marino under the aegis of the Council of Europe, to promote prevetion and mitigation of the effects of natural and technological disasters through research, training programmes and international collaboration, in particular among European countries. Syn: CEMEC. Cf. Council of Europe, disaster medicine. Epidemiology (epidemiologie. epidemiologia. ":"'~4J)' The medical discipline that studies the influence of such factors as the life style, biological constitution and other personal or social determinants on the incidence and distribution of disease. Cf. disaster medicine. Equatorial climate (climat equatorial. clima ecuatorial. Jlf-.-I tL:...)· Climate characterized by a twin season of rains during May-June and October-November, with a short dry season towards the month of August (in the northern hemisphere). Cf. dry season, rainy season. Evacuation (evacuation. evacuacion. -~l - -')I.>.l)· An operation to clear a region of its inhabitants, generally under threat or following a disaster. Cf. disaster, evacuee, prevention. Equatorial depression (depression equatoriale. depresiim ecuatorial. Jlf-.-I ~). Zone of relatively low pressure situated between the sub-tropical anticyclones of the two hemispheres. Cf. anticyclone, atmospheric depression, depression. Evacuee (evacue. evacuado . .h+-). A person temporarily displaced from one place to another to safeguard his health or his security. Cf. displaced persons. Erosion (erosion. erosion. J5"I; - The degradation and transformation of the soil and of the earth's crust due to the action of water, wind and other atmospheric agents. Exodus (exode. exodo. U j - J.>J). The massive displacement of a population for various reasons, usually due 31 Expanded Programme on Immunization Expert (expert, cooperant; experto, fr.!'-). A qualified and experienced agent who, in his special field of competence, carries out operational, advisory, training or managerial tasks for or within a government or institution with the view to assisting in development or other national activity, such as disaster management. Cf. delegate, technical assistance, representative. to political or social conflict, civil or military strife, persecutions and other violations of human rights. Cf. displaced persons, emigration, refugee. Expanded Programme on Immunization (Programme elargi de vaccination (OMS), Programa ampliado de inmunizacion (OMS), ~ L)I ~~.r.JI). The continuing programme of WHO for the systematic vaccination of all children against the following six diseases: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (OPT vaccine), poliomyelitis (P), tuberculosis (BCG vaccine) and measles. Syn: EPI. Cf. immunization, vaccination, diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough. Exponential growth (croissance exponentiel/e, crecimiento exponencial, .;.i ;. ). Growth that is a simple function of the size of the growing subject, such that the larger the population, the faster its growth. Cf. arithmetic growth. F Fall (precipitation, precipitacion, ..\:aiL....;). Water - in liquid or solid state precipitated from the atmosphere onto the ground. Syn: precipitation. Global fallout is the deposition on the ground of radioactivity from a nuclear weapon exploded in the stratosphere. Intermediate fallout is the deposition on the ground of radioactivity from a nuclear weapon exploded in the troposphere. Local fallout is the deposition of radioactivity from a nuclear weapon, downwind at ground level, during the first 24 hours after explosion' on the ground. Syn: radioactive fallout. Cf. ionizing radiation, nuclear war, nuclear winter. Falling cloud (nuee retombante, nube incandescente, "-ktJ. ~l>......). Volcanic cloud composed of the same elements as in glowing cloud, but projected almost vertically and falling back to earth. Example: the St. Vincent eruption of 1902. Cf. glowing cloud. Fallout (retombees, precipitaci6n, .i.1L4.....). The deposition of radioactive materials in the atmosphere and on the earth. Such radioactivity in the atmosphere may arise from natural causes, from nuclear bomb explosions, or from induced radioactivity and fission products of atomic reactor accidents. Family (household) unit (cellule d'habitation, unidad de vivienda, .i.}l~ 6..l>J). A dwelling inhabited by one household and providing the family atmosphere. Syn: household unit. Cf. dwelling, household. Famine (famine; hambre, hambruna, 32 ~~). Fission (nuclear) Cf. conflagration, fireball, superfire. A catastrophic food shortage affecting large numbers of people. It may be due to poor harvests folIowing drought, floods, earthquake, war, social conflict etc. Cf. drought, food, food shortage, hunger. First aid (premiers secours, primeros auxi- lias, J.,i .jlA....l). Immediate and temporary care given on site to the victims of an accident or sudden illness in order to avert complications, lessen suffering and sustain the person until competent services or a physician can be obtained. Cf. Emergency Medical Services, rescue. Fatality (cas mortels .. casas mortales, fatalidad, ;,;t,.'II J..w). The severity of a disease as judged by the frequency of the deaths that occur among the patients of that disease in relation to the total number of sick persons. This concept is commonly employed to calculate the ratio of the number of fatal cases in a specific clinical or epidemiological experience. The ratio is disease specific: thus fatality in diphtheria is about 5 per cent. Syn: mortality. Filariasis (filariose,filariasis, Fish protein concentrate (concentre de proteine de poisson, concentrado de harina de pescado, }'}I ..:r.1.c-\J1 <fi.iJ;')' Dried fish flour which has been processed in order to remove the colour, odour and fats, and which, with 10% protein content, constitutes a valuable source of food. Cf. protein. ":"'~I .b - Fireball (boule de feu, bola de fuego, .1,). A group of diseases in tropical and subtropical countries due to filaria worms and transmitted by mosquitoes and flies. Bancroftian filariasis may produce elephantiasis of the limbs, causing invalidity. Cf. parasitic diseases. ~J~I ~~ oj). The tremendously hot and brilliant sphere of burning gases immediately following a nuclear explosion in the air. Cf. conflagration, firestorm, superfire, nuclear war. afission, bomba de fision, "'.Jl1..!.;1 ~). Nuclear weapon in which the explosive power is derived from the fission of atomic nuclei, with liberation of energy and radiation. It is the basic nuclear weapon, popularly referred to as the atomic bomb. The bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fission bombs. Cf. atomic bomb, nuclear energy, nuclear war, kiloton. Fission bomb (bombe Fireproof (ignifuge, resistente al fuego, .Y.rJl iJI..i..o)· The property of a material or assemblage to withstand fire (fire resistance) and give protection during a lapse of time (fire endurance). - ASTM. Firestorm (tempete de feu, tormenta de fuego, '-:J~ ....... l&.). The coalescing of many fires into a single big fire creating a convective column, with very high temperatures. Firestorms and superfires are now believed to be the cause of the greatest number of casualties following nuclear war. Fission (nuclear) (fission,fision,)~I). The splitting (fission) of a heavy nucleus into two parts, with release of energy and neutrons. Cf. fission bomb, fusion, fusion bomb, nuclear war, reactor. 33 Flash flood Flash flood (crue eclair. inundacion repentina. ,j\j)o). A local flood of sudden rise and short duration with great volume, generally due to very heavy rainfall in the vicinity. Cf. precipitations, swell. Flood (inondation. inundacion. ,jL...:i:i). Overflow of areas which are not normally submerged, with water or stream that has broken its normal confines, and/or accumulated due to lack of drainage. Flood tide (jfot. flut. maree montante; flujo. marea creciente. ~L... oM). Syn: rising tide. Fluoridation (jfuoration. fluoracion. 'J.,a). Addition of certain prescribed quantities of fluoride in drinking water as a preventive measure against dental caries. Food (aliment. alimento . •\ - ~W.). Edible substance containing nutrients which, on ingestion, maintain the vital functions of a person or other living organism. Cf. conventional food, fortified food, protective food, staple food. tion group, community or country suffering from food shortage or insufficient development. Cf. food relief, supplementary feeding programme. Food and Agriculture Organization (Organisation pour ['alimentation et I'agriculture (FA 0). Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para fa Agricuftura y fa Alimentacion (FAO) . .wa:... ~G)~ '-! ~ \II). The UN specialized agency that aims to raise levels of nutrition, to improve the production and distribution of all agricultural and food products from farms, forests and fisheries, and to eliminate hunger. It promotes improved soil and water management, better crop yields, healthier livestock and sound agricultural investment. Has an Office of Special Relief Operations (OSRO) for disaster situations and mobilizing resources. Syn: FAO. Cf. drought, rural development, United Nations, World Food Programme. Food and nutrition indicators (indicateurs de ['alimentation et de fa nutrition. indicadores de alimentacion y nutricion. Food additive (additif alimentaire. aditivo alimentario. ;';I~ <tL..Q...). ,-!..l;.;j~ ,-!~\rl -::"I,.-!;..). Quantified data that indicate the quantity and quality of foodstuffs available to a population. Examples: calorieI' or proteins available per person; the need/availability ratio of a foodstuff. Cf. nutritional state indicators, needs. Substance intentionally added to food, generally in small quantities, to improve its physical or chemical properties (appearance, aroma, consistency, flavour) or preservation capacity, but not its nutritional value. Examples: colorant, emulsifier, stabilizer. Cf. fortified food. Food availability indicators (indicateurs de ['alimentation. indicadores de alimentacion. \1...kJ1 )j -::"I,.-!;..). Food aid (aide alimentaire. ayuda alimentaria. ;.;U.&O ~"....). Cf. food and nutrition indicators. Assistance rendered on an organized basis, either free or Qn concessional terms, to provide food to a popula- Food consumption survey (enquete de cansommation alimentaire. en cuesta 34 Food relief sobre consumo de alimentos, C:i"----'\'1 !.l')l,:....I). Survey designed to elicit qualitative and quantitative information on food consumption in a given community or country. Cf. corn-soya blend (CSB), corn-soya milk (CSM), instant corn-soya milk (ICSM), K-2 mix, soya-fortified bulghur (SFB), soya-fortified sorghum grits (SFSG), wheat-soya blend (WSB), wheat-soya milk (WSM). Food enrichment (enrichissement des aliments, enriquecimiento de alimentos, Food pattern (mode d'alimentation, pauta de alimentacion, iWaJI ~). Data on, or the profile of, the foods consumed by a given community, showing the kinds and amounts of the principal foods eaten at any given time. Cf. food habits. i WaJI ·L:.&.l)· Syn: food fortification. Cf. fortified food. Food fortification (enrichissement des aliments, enriquecimiento de alimentos, i WaJI ,i..;N). Food fortification and food enrichment are used interchangeably or synonymously. Cf. fortified food. Food poisoning (botulisme. intoxication alimentaire,' intoxicacion alimentaria. botulismo. JI..iS. ~). A general term describing the intestinal and other troubles caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated by germs, toxic substances and other pathogens, or by an allergic reaction to certain proteins and chemical substances in the food. Cf. botulism, contamination, toxin. Food habits (habitudes alimentaires, hilbitos alimentarios, ~1..iS. ..:..b\s.). The ways in which an individual or group utilizes foods and consumes them in response to physiological, psychological, cultural, social and geographic influences. Food hygiene (hygiene alimentaire, higiene de los alimentos, ~..iS.\l1 ~). That part of the science of hygiene that deals with the principles and methods of sanitation applied to the quality of foodstuffs, to their processing, preparation, conservation and consumption by man. Cf. hygiene. Food ionization (ionisation des aliments, ionizacion de los alimentos, ~..iS. \II ~'\,;). Treatment of foodstuffs by ionizing radiation with the view to improving their preservation. Food ration (ration alimentaire. racion alimentaria. iWaJI ,j' ;:,..-.). Cf. ration (food). Food refrigeration (refrigeration des aliments. refrigeracion de los alimentos. ~..iS. \II ~.?). Method of food conservation by maintaining positive temperatures near O°C, which has the effect of temporarily slowing down microbial and enzymatic processes. Cf. cold chain. Food relief (secours alimentaire. socorro alimentario. ~1..iS. ~~l). The provision of foodstuffs on a national or local scale to relieve sudden food shortage and combat malnutrition in a disaster. Cf. emergency feeding, food aid. Food mixture(s) (melange alimentaire, mezc/as alimentarias, JI..iS. C:-f')' Processed ready to use nutritional food mixture(s) for use in nutritional emergencies. 35 Food resources over a given zone. Important in disaster prevention. Syn: weather forecast. Cf. prevention, WMO, World Weather Watch. Food resources (ressources alimentaires, recursos alimentarios, ~I~ J)y). The inventory and stock of foodstuffs available and, in particular, required in an emergency, including the system of storage, warehouse facilities, markets, distribution centres, emergency sources and other food facilities that can be used by the stricken population. Forel scale (echelle de Forel, escala de Forel, Ju,t ...,..l:4-). Numerical scale indicating the colour of the sea, extending from 0 (deep blue) to 10 (potassium chromate yellow). Cf. Douglas scale. Food safety (hygiene des denrees alimentaires, higiene de los alimentos, ~')L., ~~\'I ). The component of food hygiene which deals with the measures necessary to ensure the innocuity, cleanliness, salubrity and intrinsic value of foodstuffs. Cf. food hygiene, foodstuffs, hygiene. Forestation (boisement, repoblaci6nforestal,~). Establishment of a forest or plantation of trees, natural or man-made, in an area where a forest was not previously present. Cf. deforestation, desertification, reforestation. Food shortage (penurie alimentaire, escasez de alimentos, ~~\'I ~). Situation in which supplies of food available in a country or region are insufficient for the needs. Food taboo (tabou alimentaire, tabU alimentario, ~I~ 0~#). A social and/or religious interdiction concerning the handling and consumption of certain foods. Fortified food (aliment enrichi, alimento enriquecido, j.i" rW,)· Food in which the nutritive elements have been intentionally increased or added with the view to improving its nutritional value or to prevent deficiency diseases. Examples: thiamine added to white flour, vitamin D to milk, iodine to salt. Syn: enriched food. Cr. deficiency disease, food additive, food enrichment, food fortification. Force (force,fuerza, 0';). A numerical expression of the speed of wind (wind force), or of the agitation of the sea (sea force) or of the height of waves. Cf. Beaufort scale, Douglas scale, wind, wind force, wave. Fracture zone (fracture, faille .. jractura, .rSJ I w..:..). Abrupt and massive submarine dislocation over a long narrow band, where the continuity of the solid structures is interrupted by a transform fault. Cf. transform fault, sliding fault. Forecast (prevision (meteorologique) , parte meteorol6gico,';"':';). Description of the meteorological conditions predicted for a given time and Fratricide effect (eifet fratricide, efecto jratricida, JI!.II ).>:..A;')\.! .las .,.;\;). In nuclear ~ar, the inhibiting effect by x-rays, blast, thermal waves, that a Foodstuff (denree alimentaire, articulo alimentario, ~I~ )~). Any raw or prepared product which can be consumed by man as food. 36 Genetic aberration Fund raising (collecte defonds, recoleccion defondos, ..;...~~I ~). nuclear detonation has on the power of a second nuclear weapon on the same target. Cf. nuclear war. Freighting (affretement, Appeal solliciting contributions and seeking money for a humanitarian cause. Cf. donor agency, request for disaster assistance. jletamento, )~I). Cf. chartering. Fungicide (fongicide,funguicida, Frontal thunderstorm (orage frontal, frente tormentoso, ~ ~...\?) ........,.~). pi Thunderstorm which occurs at the passage of a climatic front. Frost (gel, getee, helada, ~). A fall in the temperature of the air to DoC or below, causing freezing on the ground or in the air. Fusion bomb (bombe fusion, ~L.JjI aJ). Syn: dried full cream milk, dried whole milk, DFCM, DWM. (fumigation, afusion, bomba de Nuclear weapon in which the explosive power (other than the triggering by fission) is derived from the fusion of light nuclei, liberating energy and radiation. There are nuclear weapons which use a three-stage release of energy - fission, fusion, fission (FFF bomb). Syn: hydrogen bomb, thermonuclear bomb. Cf. atom bomb, fission bomb, nuclear war. Full cream milk powder (lait entier en poudre, leche entera en polvo, r-..I.l1 J-l5' .:.,) Jr--). Fumigation Cr.> ). ~). Medicament or chemical compound used to treat fungal infections and to kill fungus. Cf. pesticide. fumigacion, The process of dispersion of fine gaseous particles of chemical agents used to kill harmful animal species, such as insects. Cf. disinfestation. G Gale (coup de vent; viento duro, tormenta, Gamma rays (rayons gamma, rayos gamma, L.l$. ~i) . Violent wind of force 8 or 9 on the Beaufort scale. Cf. Beaufort scale, cyclone, hurricane, storm, typhoon. Electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength and high energy, composed of photons emitted by the nuclei of certain radionuclides, and accompanying many nuclear reactions, such as fission. Cf. fission, radionuclide. ....... ~ ). Gale warning (avis de coup de vent, aviso de viento duro, ........,WI .:r .I.jj.). Meteorological message intended to warn those concerned of the existence or expected occurrence of a wind of Beaufort force 8 or 9 over a specified area. Genetic aberration (aberration generique, aberracion generica, JGJ e;j). Abnormal changes in the germ cells 37 Genetics caused by toxic pollutants or radiation. Syn: chromosomal aberration. Cf. Chernobyl, chromosome, radioactive contamination, Seveso, technological disaster. topographic surface reference system. Cf. topography. In relation to a Geographic longitude (longitude geographique. longitud geografica. J~I J.,kJ1 J.>..). Angular distance of any point on the earth's surface, longitudinal lines east or west of a standard meridian (0°) situated at Greenwich. Syn: longitude, terrestrial longitude. Cf. latitude. Genetics (generique. generica . ...:..L;GJ)' The field of biological science that deals with the phenomena and mechanisms of heredity. Genetic problems may occur following toxic and radioactive disasters. Cf. radioactive contamination, technological disaster. Geomorphology (geomorphologie. geomorfologia . ...,..}-J 1 .~). The science concerned with the earth's surface and the evolution of the globe's relief features. Geneva Conventions (Conventions de Geneve. Convenciones de Ginebra. "':"~I ~). The body of international agreements consisting of four Conventions (1949) and two Additional Protocols (1977), concerning humanitarian treatment of victims of armed conflict, and put under the responsibility of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The first Protocol regulates the care of the wounded and sick soldiers on the battlefield; the second is about the care of the wounded, sick and shipwrecked in naval warfare; the third on the treatment of prisoners of war; the fourth on the protection of civilians in time of war. Additional Protocols I and II ensure more humane consideration not only in international conflicts but also in national strife, such as the treatment of guerilla fighters. Cf. International Humanitarian Law, Red Cross. Glasshouse effect (eifet de serre. efecto de invernadero. ~~)i ~..ul .r.-:'~). In addition to natural heat release from the earth into the atmosphere, there is increasing industrial, man-made heat production (combustion of coal, petroleum and natural gas) releasing the gas carbon dioxide (C0 2) into the atmosphere. While CO 2 is essentially transparent to incoming solar energy, it is not transparent to re-radiated energy emitted by the earth itself. Thus a heating process referred to as the "glasshouse" or "hothouse" effect is produced, with widescale environmental consequences. Syn: hothouse phenomenon. Cf. atmospheric pollution, nuclear winter, ozone depletion. GLAWARS Commission report (rapport GLAWARS. Informe GLAWARS (Estudio de riesgos de guerra en la Zona del Gran Londres). j)J~ ~..I.}; (i$~1 .j.J..:.I '-'.6.;.. .j '-7'~1 )01,;... ...... G~) The extensive investigation carried out by the Greater London Area War Risk Study Commission on the likely Geodetics (geodesie. geodesia. ~L--l.1 ~I). A geographic and mathematical science that seeks to define the shape of the earth and that detennine.s the areas and different points on the earth's 38 Gust Cf. basal metabolic rate, endemic disease, deficiency disease. effects of modern warfare on a major metropolitan centre like London. Published under the title "London Under Attack", its conclusions have been found applicable to most modern urban centres; translated into Italian under the title of "Attacco alia Cittli". Cf. WHOPAX Report, armed conflict, civil defence, nuclear war. Gonorrhoea (blennoragie, gonorrea, 0J1.:....). Sexually transmitted disease due to Neisseria gonorrheae, usually manifest by urethritis in men, vaginitis or cervicitis in women and opththalmia in infants. Cf. sexually transmitted disease, venereal disease. Global frequency (jrequence globale, Jrecuencia global, (JI )Ifll). Term used for prevalence, but not recommended. Cf. prevalence. Greenwich mean time (temps universel Greenwich (GMT), hora Greenwich (GMT), ..}:...)}- -:...;ij). Universal coordinated standard reference time based on the time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, at 0° longitude. Usually referred to as GMT. West of Greenwich the hour is -GMT, and to the East, + GMT. Syn: GMT, universal coordinated time. Glowing avalanche (coulee incandescente (type-souJriere) , corriente incandescente, ~.f-' )~I). A form of ash flow, resulting from incandescent tephra streaming along the slopes of the volcano. Cf. ash flow, tephra, volcano. Glowing cloud (nuee ardente, nube ardiente, ~.f-' ~b.....). Burning mixture of volcanic gas and suspended solid particles falling by gravity and by the pressure of gases along the flancs of the erupting volcano. Syn: "Nuee ardente". Cf. ash flow, volcano, falling cloud. Gross national product (produit national brut (P N B), producto nacional bruto ( PN B), J~)l1 i f "All ~l:.ll). The total value"of all goods and services produced in a country during a given period, usually a year, expre~sed in monetary terms, at current pnces. Abbreviated as GNP. Ground level concentration (concentration au niveau du sol, concentracion al nivel del suelo, ./)'1 1 1.S.f--' j? :,f)). Syn: concentration at ground level. Goal (but, objetivo, . j...... ). A defined aim towards which to strive, and the actions taken to achieve it. Example: the goal may be to have an environment that is conducive to health, or to have primary health care available to everybody in a refugee settlement. Cf. objective, plan, target. do-- Ground swell (lame de Jond, mar de Jondo, <..J~ ~"..). Popular expression describing solitary high wave(s). Ground zero (point zero, punto cero, ~)'1I;....JI ;J.U;). Syn: hypocentre. Goitre, goiter (goitre, bocio, JGJ). Benign and diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland due to lack of iodine, endemic in certain areas of the world. Gust (ra/ale .. ra/aga, racha, ~). Syn: squall. 39 Habitat H Habitat (habitat. hitbitat. Jr)' I. The ecological frame and dwelling place to which a species or community is adapted. 2. The space occupied by man for his domestic life and related activities. 3. Shortened name for the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements. tal and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. - WHO. 2. The state of an individual or a community free from disabilitating conditions, demonstrating a reasonable resistance to diseases and living in a salubrious environment. Habituation (accoutumance. adquisicion de un hitbito. )yv). The process by which an organism (or society) becomes gradually accustomed and insensitive to certain changes In the environment. Cf. environment, society. Health education (education sanitaire. educacion sanitaria. ~ ~). The approaches and techniques used to promote sanitary living habits in the community and to inculcate knowledge and practices of hygienic behaviour as the basic element of primary health care within personal and national development. Half-life (periode radioactive. periodo radiactivo. ~I ..:r-)I). Cf. radioactive half-life. Health resources (ressources sanitaires. recursos de sa Iud . .;....... ~JIy). Inventory of medical and related personnel, of health services, hospitals and clinics, public or private medical and drug supplies, pharmaceutical distributors with records of stocks of medicines and vaccines and other health facilities. Harnessing (captage .. captacion. toma. ~). Cf. water harnessing. Hazard (risque. riesgo. )a>-). The probability of the occurrence of a disaster caused by a natural phenomenon (earthquake, cyclone), or by failure of man-made sources of energy (nuclear reactor, industrial explosion) or by uncontrolled human activity (overgrazing, heavy traffic, conflicts). UNDRO. Some authors use the term in a broader sense, including vulnerability, elements at risk and the consequences of risk. Cf. elements at risk, natural hazard, risk, vulnerability. Hepatitis (hepatite. hepatitis. ~I '"":"'t;JI). Any inflammation of the liver due to infection, allergy or toxic substances. Includes acute viral hepatitis (A and B) and other types. Cf. viral hepatitis (A and B). Herbicide (herbicide. herbicida ......1-0--:-.... ,_.-l..~\lI). H-bomb (bombe H. bomba H ..........-:-..--.J 4JJ..!.A)· Syn: hydrogen bomb. Chemical compound used to kill undesirable plants and weeds. In chemical warfare, used as a weapon to kill vegetation. Cf. chemical warfare, defoliant, pesticide. Health (sante. salud. ---..). I. The state of complete physical, men- High pressure area (anticyclone. anticiclon. Jl&- .k;..,.;. w..:..). 40 Hurricane Syn: anticyclone. High pressure ridge (crete anticyclonique. cresta anticiclimica . .k;..,.;JI c!/ .y;). Extension of a high pressure zone in a less elevated zone. Cf. atmospheric pressure, anticyclone. High seas (haute mer. alta mar. Jt?i )b..JI ). 1. That part of the sea that is out of vision from the coast. 2. Waters situated beyond the territorial sea and free of any sovereignty. The "Boat people" were attacked on the high seas outside Vietnam. Syn: open sea. Cf. piracy. Hijacking (piraterie aerienne. pirateria aerea . ..j\h::..:.I). Any illegal violent action committed mainly in an airplane, sometimes on the highway, for private or political ends. Cf. piracy. Hookworm (ankylostomiase. anquilostomiasis. ~ o~p). Syn: ankylostomiasis. Hostage (btage. rehen. y). Person abducted by force and held against his will, used for political pressure or monetary gain. Cf. food consumption survey, socioeconomic survey. Housing (hebergement .. vivienda. alojamiento . .:>l5:.....t). The act of providing a person with shelter or temporary lodgings. Syn: sheltering. Human development (developpement humain. desarrollo humano. ~.A ~). Progress of individuals - and by extension of their community - towards fulfilment of their mal1ual, intellectual and cultural capacities and of their personal potentialities. Cf. development. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (virus VIH. virus VIH. ",.rJ 1 d"111 jyJI V'J~). The causal organism of AIDS. Syn: HIV. Cf. AIDS, immunodeficiency. Human settlement (etablissement humain. asentamiento humano. ~.A 4.:.1.,::.--). An organized system of varying size from village to metropolis - which englobes in one functional whole the community, its habitat and its activities. Cf. habitat, community. Humanitarian (humanitaire. humanitario. Jl.Jl ). Household (menage .. hogar. familia. ~ o.ri ). A family, or several persons forming a domestic commonality, living under the same roof. Syn: household unit. Cf. community. Action undertaken for the advancement of the welfare of humanity without regard to race, religion or politics. Cf. International humanitarian law. Hunger (faim. hambre. ~). The physical and mental complex of unpleasant sensations provoked by deprivation of food and relieved by the ingestion of food. Cf. famine, food. Household survey (enquete sur les menages. encuesta sobre familias . .r~I e::-'). Any study or enquiry which is based on household samples. For example, food consumer surveys, preference surveys, demographic surveys. Hurricane (ouragan. huracim. ) ...-l). A tropical cyclone of wind fqrce 12 on 41 Hurricane warning the Beaufort scale, that is, more than 58 knots. Hurricanes of the West Indies, Western Pacific typhoons and Bay of Bengal cyclones are essentially the same phenomenon; now all tend to be called tropical cyclones. Cf. Beaufort scale, cyclone, gale, typhoon. structure and characteristics, the distribution and dynamics of its underground water, and useful indications regarding the evaluation and harnessing of its subterranean water resources. Cr. water harnessing. Hydrography (hydrographie. hidrografia. ..>~I ~t»). Hurricane warning (avis d·ouragan. aviso de huracim. )_4;.'1 1 .:r .r.J.i). I. Science that deals with the complex system of water covering the earth's surface. 2. Applied science which compiles and cartographically presents the navigable depths of the oceans and of the surrounding areas to help safe navigation. Meteorological message intended to warn those concerned of the existence or expected occurrence of a wind of Beaufort force 12 over a specified area. Cf. cyclone warning, gale warning, storm warning, typhoon warning. Hydrological basin (bassin hydrologique. cuenca hidrol6gica. JI.. ..j>~). Hydatid disease (echinococcose hydatique. equinococosis hidatica. ,-,)..u.ll .I..ul). Intestinal and liver (sometimes pulmonary) infection, often clinically silent, caused by the larvae or cysts of the Echinococcus tapeworm, which uses sheep, cattle and especially the dog as host. The Casoni test is usually indicative. Syn: echinococcosis, hydatidosis, hydatid cyst. Cr. enteric diseases, parasitic diseases. Syn: river basin. Hydrology (hydrologie. hidrologia, .l;ll f-)' The science that deals with the hydrosphere. Depending on the field of application, there is marine hydrology (oceanography) and continental hydrography (potamology, limnology, hydrogeology, glaciology, etc.). Cf. hydrosphere. Hydatidosis (hydatidose. hidatidosis. Hydrosphere (hydrosphere, hidrosfera, "..;I..u.ll ";"L?JI .b). JLl.1 .l:..$1). Syn: hydatid disease. The ~omplex of all the waters of the globe existing between the atmosphere, the Iitosphere, the continental waters, the oceans and the seas. Cr. atmosphere. Hydrogen bomb (bombe a hydrogene. bomba de hidr6geno. 4J..> ..... ~). Nuclear weapon in which the explosive power is derived from fusion which liberates energy and radiation. Syn: H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb. Cr. fusion, nuclear war, fission bomb. Hygiene (hygiene, higiene. - ~ Science that deals with the principles, methods and practical aspects of disease prevention, sanitation and improvement of health. It is usually divided into such fields as personal hygiene, domestic hygiene, food hygiene, industrial hygiene. Hydrogeological map (carte hydrogeologique. mapa hidrogeol6gico. "':1.. ~ .<........JI ). ~}~ ~.r'). The synthetic map of a given territory showing the extent of its hydrological 42 Immunodeficiency beneath an air explosion of a nuclear bomb. Syn: ground zero. Cf. epicentre. Hypernutrition (suralimentation. sob realimentacion. ~..i;.:J1 J...,.:.). The opposite of undernutrition, resulting in a pathological state due to excessive intake of food, rich in calories, leading to obesity. Syn: overnutrition. Cf. malnutrition. Hypovitaminosis (hypovitaminose. hipovitaminosis . ..:..l:-1.:.:Al1 ..,.u;). Deficiency in a given vitamin, leading to disease. Syn: vitamin deficiency. Hypocentre (hypocentre. hipocentro. ?f " "). point on the ground vertically ~e Ice pack (banquise. banco de hielo. 4\1. ~*). The masses of ice in the polar regions formed by the freezing of sea water. Examples: coastal ice pack, floating ice pack. Syn: barrier, pack ice. Ice storm (tempete givrante. tormenta escarchante. ~ ........ l>.). Intense formation of frost and ice on objects by the freezing of drops of rain or drizzle on impact. Illegal immigrant (immigre c1andestin. inmigrante ilegal. ';jl.i .# ?4--). Person who has entered a country irregularly with the aim of residing there temporarily or permanently. Asylum seekers are usually not treated as illegal immigrants. Cf. migration, territorial asylum. Immigrant (immigre. inmigrante, ?4-..Ii~). Person who arrives in a new country for personal, economic, social or political reasons, and who plans to reside there. Cf. emigrant, immigration, migrant. 43 Immigration (immigration. inmigracion. -A -p). The massive arrival of persons in a country other than their own, usually following a disaster or political upheaval, and the process of their settling in the host country. Cf. displaced persons, emigration, exodus, migration, refugee. Immunization (immunisation. inmunizacion. Rendering a person or animal immune to certain infections by the process of injecting either antigen or a serum containing specific antibodies. Cf. vaccination, Expanded Programme on Immunization (WHO). Immunodeficiency (immunodeficience. inmunodeficiencia. ~\;.,. jr). Defective or defi"cient immunological mechanisms of the body due to insufficiency in one of the components of the immune process or to a defect in the B-Iymphocyte or T-lymphocyte systems. Immunilogical deficit may result from infection, as in AIDS, or excessive radiation, as in nuclear war, or toxic substances. c? - r)' Incidence Syn: immune deficiency, immunological deficit. Cf. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Infestation (infestation, infestacion. )L.!..;,..I). The penetration and development of arthropods and parasites on the body or in clothing. Cf. disinfestation, disinsection, infection, parasitic disease. Incidence (incidence, frequence des cas nouveaux; incidencia, ~J..l.> - t/J)' The number of new cases of a disease or injury or of sick persons or casualties, in a given population, in a specified period of time. It should not be confused with prevalence. Cf. prevalence. Insecticide (insecticide, insecticida, ..:..trJ-I ~). Chemical compound used for the de·· struction of insects harmful to man, animals and plants. Cf. pesticide. Incubation period (periode d'incubation, periodo de incubacion, <;~I .;;). I. The interval between the time of infection of a person or animal and the appearance of the first sign or symptom of the disease. 2. In malaria, the time needed for the completion of sporogony in the mosquito, until the stage of its becoming infective. Cf. carrier. Instant corn-soy a-milk (melange ins tantane mars-soja-lait, mezcla instantanea maiz-soya-leche, .;JJ~ ~.,....J~ .)-UI .f 4$)} ~). Nutritional food mixture consisting of: 59.2 % cornmeal, processed, gelatinized 17.5 % soya flour, defatted, toasted 15.0% non-fat dry milk, spray processed 5.5 % soya oil, refined, deodorized, stabilized 2.7% mineral premix 0.1 % vitamin, premix anti-oxidant Syn: ICSM. Cf. food mixtures, nutrition. Industrial complex (complexe industriel, complejo industrial, cr\.:...... ~). The aggregate of physical facilities and interdependent economic activities grouped around a base industry. Integration J-\5:; ). Infection (infection, infeccion, i.SJ/ (integration, integracion, The unconscious processes or planned operations whereby separate elements, individuals, people or communities assemble to form a whole, in which the varying characteristics are less' marked or where the resulting system acquires new characteristics. Cf. acculturation, absorption, assimilation, minorities. ~). the entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent (virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite) in the body of man or animal. Cf. communicable disease, infestation, parasitic disease. Infectious disease (maladie transmissible, maladie infectieuse; enfermedad infecciosa, ..p->- <..J"f - <-?.w <..J"f). Cf. communicable disease. Intensity (seismic) (intensite seismique, intensidad sismica, (Ji))I) •.J...!.). The degree of shaking or of vibrations, signifying the intensity of an earthquake as measured numerically on the Mercalli scale. Infectious hepatitis (hepatite infectieuse, hepatitis infecciosa, i.S..w1 J...5JI ....,\:J,I). Cf. hepatitis. . " . 44 International humanitarian law tection for all people in different countries, collaborates with governments and other organizations in preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters, and promotes safer environment conducive to development. Syn: ICDO. Cf. civil defence, civil protection. Cf. earthquake, magnitude, Mercalli scale, Richter scale. International assistance (aide internationale, asistencia (ayuda) internacional, 4J~ ":"I~L,.). Assistance provided by one or more countries or international and voluntary organizations to a country in need, usually for development or for an emergency. The four main ~lements of assistance within the international community are: (a) the intergovernmental agencies United Nations, Common Market (b) non-governmental organizations (c) the Red Cross, and (d) bilateral agreements. Cf. bilateral cooperation, donor, non-governmental organizations, Red Cross, technical assistance. International Committee of the Red Cross (Comite International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) , Comite Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) , r>':J 1 ~ 4J..u1 ~I). Syn: ICRe. Cf. Red Cross. International community (communaute internationale, comunidad internacional, .JJ..u1 ~I). Cf. mternational assistance. International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (Federation Internationale des Associations d'Etudiants en Medecine, Federacion Internacional de Associaciones de Estudiantes de Medicina, -.,..kI1 ~ ..:..4 .JJ..u1 ~Li':JI). Independent federation of national medical students' organizations which, besides being concerned with standards of medical education, public health and relevant medical curricula, promotes prevention of nuclear war, training in disaster medicine and programmes for refugee health. NGO in official relations with WHO and the UN system. Syn: IFMSA. International Atomic Energy Agency (Agence Internationale de I'Energie Atomique, Organismo Internacional de Energia At6mica, ~jJl 6.ill..J.l 4J..u1 4J1S'")1). UN specialized agency for the peaceful uses of atomic energy; promotes the contribution of this energy to peace, health and prosperity, and ensures that it is not used for military purposes. Supervises the safety and monitors accidents of nuclear installations, but is not involved in non-peaceful nuclear (weapons) questions. Syn: IAEA. Cf. Chernobyl, environmental pollution, nuclear reactor, trans-boundary pollution, United Nations. International humanitarian law (droit internationalhumanitaire,derechohumanitario internacional, JL.;)'I .JJ..u1 0jL<lI). Humanitarian legislation comprised mainly of the four Geneva Conventions (1949) and the two Additional Protocols (1977), intimately associated with the responsibilities of the International International Civil Defence Organization (Organisation Internationale de Protection Civile, Organizaci6n Internacional de Proteccion Civil, J..ul 4J..u1 <....l:cll). Inter-governmental organization with major role in society's response to serious emergencies. It develops, strengthens and coordinates civil pro45 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Committee of the Red Cross and of the National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies. Its main purpose is to provide protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict. Also referred to as the Law of War, the Law of Geneva. Cf. Geneva Conventions, humanitarian, Red Cross. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (/nternationale de Medecins pour la Prevention de la Guerre Nucleaire (fPPNW) , Medicos fnternacionales para la Prevenci6n de la Guerra Nuclear (fPPNW) , cations. Important activity in early warning systems for disasters. Syn: lTV. Cf. satellite, space station. Intertidal (intertidal, intermareas, -')-~ ..ul ~ if-UI ~.rJI). The coastal strip between the highest and the lowest levels of the tide. Cf. tide. Intestinal diseases (maladies intestinales, enfermedades intestinales, ~.,.... ,-",,~i). Syn: enteric diseases. Cf. diarrhoeal diseases. ,-:",)-1 .J' ~li}1 .y,.'1 .J' .w.~ "-::lJJ.JI ~i)1 ~J.fll ). International non-governmental association of physicians that strives to mobilize the moral and social responsibility of the medical profession in face of nuclear war and encourages actions and decisions for the prevention of nuclear war. Syn: IPPNW. Cf. nuclear war, GLA WARS Report, WHOPAX Report. International protection (protection internationale, protecci6n internacional, '-:-IJ) ~~). Protection of refugees undertaken by the High Commissioner for Refugees on behalf of the international community. Cf. refugee protection, UNHCR. Ion (ion, ion, .J). An originally neutral atom which has become electrically charged by losing or acquiring electrons. Loss of an electron results in a positive ion (cation), and acquisition in a negative ion (anion). Cf. ionizing radiation, ionosphere. Ionizing radiation (rayonnements ionisants, radiaciones ionizantes, ~j..o t.t..!l). Any electromagnetic radiation that, when passing through matter, can produce ions. Includes X-rays, alpha-, beta-, gamma-rays, neutrons, protons. Cf. ion, cosmic raaiation, radiation injury, kerma. Ionosphere (ionosphere, ionos/era, J.Y. ~I 1$';"1 j')WI). The zone of the atmosphere, from about 70 km to 500 km, in which charged particles, ions and electrons are formed by photo-ionization under the effect of the sun's radiation. International Telecommunication Union (Union fnternationale des Telecommunications (UfT) , Union fnternacional de Telecomunicaciones (UfT) , Ionospheric sounding (telesolldage ionospherique, telesondeo ionos/erico, ..;.,\'L...a;')IJ ..,lJJ.JI '$L')IJ~ ~I )~\'I). J.Y.~I 1$';"1 j')WI.r.-). UN specialized agency for international cooperation in the rational use and improvement of all telecommunications, including radio, television, telegraph, telephone and satellite space communi- Determination of the vertical profile of the electronic density of the ionosphere, by measuring the echo of multiple frequency radioelectric signals. 46 Kwashiorkor Cf. ionosphere, meteorological sounding, sounding. On a map or chart, the line drawn joining the points that have the same temperature. Irrigation (irrigation. irrigaciim. regadio. Isotope (isotope. isOtopo . .r.Ja;). 1$.». In agriculture, the watering of land to compensate for a lack or shortage of rainfall in certain areas and periods. Each of the nuclides having the same atomic number (electrons) and thus sharing identical chemical properties. (The number of neutrons differs.) Isotherm (isotherme. isoterma • •))-1 i$JL..; .J..,:.). J Jaundice Uaunisse. ictericia. Jettison Uettison. echazim. r:J1 ':"li~). A yellow discolouration of the skin, the sclera of the eyes and other tissues due to excess bile in the circulation. May be caused by several diseases, including hepatitis, malaria, haemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, wrong blood transfusion, haemolysis, drugs. Syn: icterus. Cf. hepatitis, yellow fever. J cj). In transport and shipping it means washing overboard. Voluntary throwing of cargo overboard in emergencies to prevent further damage to the ship or to other cargo. In cases of general average the value of jettisoned goods enters into calculation of expenses. Cf. average. K K-2 Mix (melange K-2. mezcla K-2. of nuclear arms, equivalent to one thousand tons of TNT. The borrib on Hiroshima was of 12.5 kt, on Nagasaki, 22 kt. Symb: kt. Cf. megaton, nuclear war, TNT. ":iJ~1 c!J' Ju.~ t:,jo). High-protein food mixture containing casein hydrolysate, sucrose and milk. Cf. food mixtures. Kala-azar (kala-azar. kala-azar. )G~). Kwashiorkor (kwashiorkor. kwashiorkor. Syn: visceral leishmaniasis. Kerma (kerma. kerma. )~r. G~. L.o.}~·l Acronymic term for Kinetic Energy Released in Matter, the measure of intensity of ionizing radiation at a given place. The dose is expressed in grays. Cf. ionizing radiation. Kiloton (kilotonne (kt). kilotonelada (kt). .)o}:S'). A measure of the explosive power 47 A serious form of protein-calorie malnutrition that occurs most frequently in infants and young children about the time of weaning. Presents with oedema, wasting, dermatitis, hair changes, anaemia, diarrhoea, lethargy, apathy and stunted growth. Cf. anaemia, malnutrition, proteincalorie malnutrition, marasmus . Lahar L radiation that is needed to kill 50 % of the persons in a population in a given time. Cr. dose, lethal dose. Lahar (lahar. lahar. ~ j.J.j). Acid ash flow, generally enrobing volcanic blocks as a result of imbibition of the ash with water. Cf. ash flow, volcano. League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Ligue des Societes de la Croix-rouge et du Croissant-rouge. Liga de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. r->\l1 J':>U~ r->\l1 ~I ..:..~ ~G)· Syn: LRCS, LICROSS. Cr. Red Cross. Landslide (glissement de terrain. corrimiento de tierras. JI:rI). A massive "nd more or less rapid sliding down of soil and rock, causing damage in its path. Cr. avalanche, mud slide. Lassa fever (fievre de Lassa. fiebre de Lassa. L. ') .r». A viral disease of wild rodents, highly contagious and fatal to man. Sporadic cases of outbreaks occur mainly in West Africa. Cr. haemorrhagic fever. Leishmaniasis (leishmaniose. leishmaniasis . .:...l:i~1 .b). A group of diseases caused by Leishmania and transmitted by the sandfly. Cf. cutaneous leishamniasis, Kalaazar, visceral leishmaniasis. Leptospirosis (/eptospirose. leptospirosis. ..:..Lf..,JI .b). An infectious and potentially serious disease (with meningitis, liver failure) caused by a variety of Leptospira, transmitted from animals through contaminated water, vegetation or food. Can cause jaundice (Weil's syndrome). Heavy floods in 1988 caused an epidemic of leptospirosis in Brazil. Syn: Weil's disease, infectious jaundice. cr. epidemic, jaundice, zoonosis. Latitude (latitude. latitud. ./f .b:.). In the geographical system of spherical coordinates, the angular distance of a point from a fundamental plane, computed from this plane 0 to 90 0 towards the (positive) North Pole and o to -90 0 towards the South. The equator marks 0 0 • Cr. geographic longitude. Lava flow (coutee de lave. corriente de lava. ,=,lS"".r.-I1 ~I). The residual molten magma and ash that, after a volcanic eruption, flows down rather slowly over the mountain side. Lethal dose 50 (dose lethale 50. dosis letal 50. ~ ~li Os.?). The radiation dose that kills 50% of the exposed people in a given time. Syn: LD-50. Law of the sea (droit de la mer. derecho del mar. ~/I .J}lA.II). The system of international laws and regulations governing the marine areas and their utilization, and the persons associated with such activity. Life expectancy (esperance de vie. expectativa de vida. '~I ":"W}). The probability of the average duration of life in a community, statistically based on death rates. Cf. death rate, mortality rate. LD50 (LD-50. DL-50. ~. ~li Os.?). The dose of a toxic substance or of 48 Malaria Life support (assistance a la vie, auxilio de supervivencia, o~1 ~lA,;l). Emergency help and specialized assistance to a disaster victim to maintain his vital functions. Syn: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR. The range of operational activities concerned with supply, storage, transport and evacuation. Louse infestation (pediculose, pediculosis, JV). Skin condition caused by the invasion of the body by lice. Can lead to secondary infection. Syn: pediculosis. Lighter (chaland; gabarra, barcaza, J~). Barge that comes alongside a vessel on which cargo is unloaded or loaded, when this cannot be done at a quay or wharf. Lugol's iodine (solute de Lugol, solucion de Lugol, Jy,) J#). A pharmaceutical solution of iodine and potassium iodide. Its ingestion saturates the thyroid gland which takes up the iodine in the blood, a property that is used as a prophylactic measure in exposure to radioactivity, as its administration blocks further iodine uptake by the thyroid. Syn: Lugol's solution. Cf. basal metabolic rate, goitre. Littoral (littoral. litoral, j>L..). Coastline where the sea, land and atmosphere meet. Syn: coast. Lixiviation (lessivage, eluviation; lixiviacion. ~ - c;.;). Degradation of the soil or of certain superficial layers by the downward flow of earth mixtures in solution. Logistics (/ogistique. logistica . ..:...~~\..Lo\ - ..:...~)). M Magma (magma. magma. o)~). The molten stratum beneath the earth's crust. Cf. earthquake, intensity, Mercalli scale, Richter scale. Malaria (paludisme, malaria; paludismo, malaria, ~.J')\.. - .I~/.). A parasitic infection characterized by cycles of chills, fever, sweating, anaemia, enlarged spleen and a chronic relapsing course. Four types of parasites - plasmodium vivax, P.falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale - affect man, through infection by the anopheles mosquito. Most malarious areas are in the tropics. Disasters, like floods and refugee encampments, are conducive to the propagation of the disease. Cf: endemic, parasitic diseases. Magnetic storm (orage magnetique. tormenta magnetica, ~ ......... t&.). Unforeseen and sudden storm with a variation of the declination by up to 2 to 3 degrees in a few hours and lasting for several days. Magnitude of earthquake (magnitude seismique. magnitud de terremoto. )..Li. (J~)\ oj»). The "size" of an earthquake, expressing the amount of energy released in the form of elastic waves as measured by a seismograph, on a scale such as Richter's. 49 Malnutrition Marasmus (athrepsie, marasmo, j..;.). Malnutrition (malnutrition, malnutriciim, Cf. nutritional marasmus. oj"'). A general or specific pathological state resulting from an absence or deficiency in the diet of one or more essential nutriments, and either clinically manifest or detectable only by examination or physiological tests. Malnutrition can also be due to an excess of the wrong food. Cf. nutritional deficiency, Kwashiorkor, protein-calorie malnutrition, undernutrition. ~.i;.;J1 Marginality (marginalite, marginalidad, ~LA). The position of an individual or group of persons who stand on the boundary between two groups, feeling marginal and uncertain about their status in either. Cf. absorption, acculturation, ethnic group, minorities. Maritime climate (climat maritime, c1ima Mandate refugee (refugie relevant du man- maritimo, r,;~ tl:...)· The climate of regions adjacent to the sea, characterized by small diurnal or ann ual (or both) ampli tudes oftemperature, and by high relative humidity. Cf. continental climate, equatorial climate, monsoon climate, mountain climate, tropical climate. dat, refugiado acogido al mandato, '-:lJ..uI~W~ o..r:-'1). Person who is considered to be a refugee according to the criteria of the statutes of UNHCR. Cf. refugee. Manifest (manifeste, manifiesto, ~I";li). Maximum acceptable concentration (con- In transport and shipping, list of the consignments placed on board an aircraft or ship. Manioc (manioc: mandioca. name . ...:....,,:..,..). Meal made from the roots of the cassava plant. The staple food in many tropical countries. Cf. cassava, staple food. Man-made disaster (catastrophe du a l'homme, desastre debido al hombre. ~w......1 4.:)\5). centration maximale admissible, concentracion maxima admisible, I ~'JI ;:5";J I ). The presence of a pollutant or potentially harmful agent in the air, in food and in water to a degree that, on absorption by an organism, it will remain below the maximum allowed dose. Cf. absorbed dose, maximum acceptable dose. Maximum acceptable dose (dose maximale A disaster caused not by natural phenomena but by man's or society's action, involuntary or voluntary, sudden or slow, directly or indirectly, with grave consequences to the population and the environment. Examples: technological disaster, toxicological disaster, desertification, environmental pollution, conflict, epidemics, fires. Cf. disaster, natural disa.ster, technological disaster. admissible. dosis maxima admisible, 1 r,;.".....<I1 ~)-I). The maximum quantity of a substance or energy which, in the present state of scientific knowledge, does not seem to provoke appreciable disturbances in the receiving person or his descendants. Cf. absorbed dose, maximum acceptable concentration, nuclear energy. 50 Migrant Measles (rougeole, sarampion, ~). A highly contagious acute disease of childhood, characterized by a spreading skin rash, fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, eruption of the buccal mucosa (Koplik's spots) and prostration. Overcrowding and disaster conditions are conducive to outbreaks, with high mortality, especially among the malnourished. Cf. Expanded Programme on Immunization. 12 Total damage; large displacements of earth. Cf. earthquake, Richter scale. Meteorological sounding (telesondage meteorologique, telesondeo meteorologico, <,:';'-1 JI,,>\II t.')U..;.....I). Determination of the profile of the atmosphere at different altitudes, usually by means of radio or satellite signals. Cf. ionospheric sounding, remote sounding, WMO, World Weather Watch. Megaton (megatonne (Mt), megatonelada (Mt), J.~). A measure of the explosive power of nuclear arms, equivalent to 4.187 x \0 15 joules, or about the equivalent of one million tons of TNT. Symb: Mt. Cf. fission bomb, fusion bomb, nuclear war, TNT, kiloton. Meteorology (meteorologie, meteorologia, <,:';'-1 ~L.....)\II f), The science of the atmosphere and of the phenomena that occur in it. Meteorological forecasting can help prevent or mitigate disasters. Cf. atmosphere. Mercalli scale (echelle de Mercalli, escala Meteosat (meteosat, meteosat, .:..L..r.--). The European geostationary satellite, located above the equator on the prime meridian from where it can observe and transmit images of the meteorological conditions over the whole of Africa, much of Europe and the Atlantic and part of South America. Other operational systems include TIROS-N (USA), METEOR (USSR) and, for hydrology and oceanography, the LANDSAT. Cf. International Telecommunication Union, meteorology, World Weather Watch, World Meteorological Organization. de Mercalli, J1l5"'/ V"'L:A--). Numerical scale from 1 to 12, indicating the intensity of an earthquake: 1 No movement felt 2 Felt by a few people 3 Felt indoors; slight swaying of hanging objects 4 Vibrations felt; squeaking of wooden buildings 5 Felt by almost everyone; awakening from sleep 6 Felt by everyone; fright and flight 7 Difficulty to stand up; objects and chimneys fall 8 Driving difficult; partial collapse of buildings 9 General panic; considerable damage 10 Destruction of buildings and some bridges 11 Few structures remain standing; railway tracks lifted; water pipelines burst Migrant (migrant, migrante,?lf.o). A person who voluntarily moves from one country to another for personal, economic, social or political reasons. (Distinguish between emigrant and immigrant.) Cf. emigrant, immigrant. 51 Migration Migration (migration. migraciim. 0/.""'). Movement of people across national regions or international boundaries for the purpose of finding better agricultural or living conditions, or as a result of natural catastrophes or political upheavals. Cf. emigration, immigration. Miticide (acaricide. acaricida. Chemical substance used to destroy mites and other arthropods. Syn: acaricide. Cf. pesticide. Mitigation (attenuation. atenuacion. Cf. disaster mitigation. Military conflict (confiit arme; confiicto ll;!)· betico, armado, A situation charactenzed by hostilities that bring into opposition two or more organized armies. It constitutes a major man-made disaster. Cf. Geneva Conventions, International Humanitarian Law. e:L-: ~). Mobile land station (station mobile terrestre. estacion terrestre movil. ili.:..:..~)~). Mobile communication station that can move about within a given territory. Cf. space station. Molluscicide (molluscicide. molusquicida. '~I ~). Military medicine (medecine militaire, medicina militar. -;;~I -,..kll). The art and science of medicine, including in particular, critical care, emergency surgery and traumatology as applied to mass casualty situations, battlefront conditions and the needs of soldiers. Cf. disaster medicine, biological warfare, chemical warfare, nuclear warfare, triage, GLAWARS Report, WHOPAX Report. themical substance used to destroy molluscs (snails). Cf. pesticide. Monitoring (surveillance continue. vigilancia . ..l.,.o)). Cf. surveillance. Monsoon (mousson, monzon. ~Y L~))' Wind in the general direction of the atmospheric circulation, characterized by a seasonal direction, strongest in the southern and S.E. coasts of Asia, and by a marked change of its direction from one season to the other. Cf. atmosphere, wind. Minorities (minorites. minorias, ":"'l;li'I). Community or large group of persons characterized by a sense of separate identity that sets them apart from the larger group in which they live, and from which they differ on ethnic, religious or linguistic grounds. Cf. ethnic group. Monsoon climate (elimat de mousson, elima monzonico. </'Y tL.)· Type of climate found in regions subject to monsoons, especially around the Indian Ocean, characterized mainly by a dry winter and wet summer, due to the geographic influences of an unequal warming of the land and of the seas. Cf. monsoon. MIRV (MIRV, MIRV, J"')j) I ;,.M:.A 1.l""..J1 ~ - ~I~). ~j;). In nuclear warfare, acronymic term for Multiple Independently targeted Reentry Vehicles, where one missile can carry several warheads directed to different targets. Monsoon season (saison de mousson, estacion del monzon. ~I L~)I y ), r 52 Mushroom cloud Cf. morbidity rate. In continental regions, the season when the summer monsoon blows. Example: India. Cf. summer monsoon. Motivation (motivation, motivacion,jiy ti~) ). me reasons, desires and aspirations that determine the behaviour of an individual or a group. Morbidity (morbidite, morbilidad, v~). l. The number of sick persons or of diseases in a given period among a given population. 2. The pathological or morbid conditions that characterize a disease, as opposed to mortality that characterizes the killing potentialities of a disease. Cf. morbidity rate, mortality rate. Mountain climate (climat de montagne, clima de montana, ~ tL:...). Climate governed by the geographic factor of altitude, and characterized by low pressure and by intense solar radiation rich in ultra-violet rays. Cf. atmospheric pressure. Morbidity rate (taux de morbidite, tasa de morbilidad, vI}I J ...... ). I. For a given disease, the ratio of individuals having that disease to the total number of the population. 2. For a given population, the ratio of all individuals sick from any disease to the total number of the population. In both cases the ratio can be expressed as incidence or prevalence. Cf. death rate, incidence, mortality rate, prevalence. Mudslide (coulee boueuse .. corriente, rio de barro, ~ ,-,')IJI). Syn: mud slide. Cf. earth flow. Multisectoral (multisectoriel/e, multisectorial, ..:.,,~1hAJ1 )..lA.:..o). Action or discipline that implies and needs coordination at all levels between and among the various activities involved in managing a situation, e.g. a disaster, such as the health sector, transport, agriculture, housing, public works, water supply, communications, finance, etc. Syn: intersectoral action, interdisciplinary, multi sectorial. Cf. disaster medicine. Mortality (mortalite, mortalidad, ":"'l,:iJ). I. The number, magnitude or frequency of deaths over a period of time among the total sick and well population of an area. 2. The numerical expression of deaths, usually given as a mortality rate. Syn: death, lethality. Cf. morbidity, mortality rate. Mushroom cloud (champignon, nube de hongo, ,-!)Ull ~b.....JI). In nuclear war, the characteristic mushroom-shaped cloud composed of hot gases, smoke and other earth particles sucked upwards immediately after the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Cf. nuclear war, nuclear winter. Mortality rate (taux de mortalite, tasa de mortalidad, ":"'l,:iJI J ...... ). The ratio of the number of deaths in a given population to the total number of that popUlation. Syn: death rate. 53 Natural disaster N being of potential value to man. Natural resources can be: - renewable, by reproduction (living organisms) or by biogeochemical cycles (water, nitrogen); - non-renewable (petrol); - permanent (solar energy). Natural disaster (catastrophe nature/le, desastre naturel; desastre natural, ~.Jl5' ~). A sudden major upheaval of nature, causing extensive destruction, death and suffering among the stricken community, and which is not due to man's action. However, (a) some natural disasters can be of slow origin, e.g. drought, and (b) a seemingly natural disaster can be caused or aggravated by man's action, e.g. desertification through excessive land use and deforestation. Cf. disaster medicine, man-made disaster. Needs (besoins, necesidades, -':"'~~I). The sum of the biological, social, psychological and physical elements necessary, at a given time, for the wellbeing, existence and even survival of the individual or society. Cf. well-being. Nematocide (nematocide, nematocida, '.J)..u.1 .J1~..u1 ~). Natural hazard (risque naturel, riesgo natural, ~ )0.». The probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature. - UNDRO Cf. hazard. Medicament used to kill nematodes intestinal and tissue worms, like the pinworm, whipworm, hookworm, ascarids, toxocara, filariae, onchocerca. Cf. parasite, pesticide. Nephanalysis (nephanalyse, nejana lis is , ~J>:" ~). Natural resource management (gestion des ressources naturelles, gestion de los recursos naturales, ~I ~))I p.-!';';)' Administration of the natural resources in a manner that promotes judicious utilization, conservation and renewal, with minimum waste, pollution or depletion, for the improvement of the environment and prevention of disasters. Cf. natural resources. System of meteorological information gathering based on the study of the clouds, usually seen from above. Cf. meteorology. Nino (el nino, el nino,.r::J 1). Cf. el nino. Nomad (nomade, nomada, jlf' ~).J.;). The traditional way of life of certain rural people who do not live continually in the same area but move cyclically or periodically, usually in search of grazing or hunting grounds and watering places, and who are well adapted to their changing environment. Cf. migration, population mobility. Natural resources (ressources naturelles, recursos naturales, ~ ~)Iy). The aggregate of mineral and biotic elements of the earth, as well as the various forms of energy occurring in the natural state (solar energy) or environmental forces independent of man (winds, tides), that are considered as Non-governmental organization (organisa54 Nutrient Cf. reactor. tion non-gouvernementale (0 NG), organizacibn no gubernamental (0 NG ) , Nuclear war (guerre nuc/eaire, guerra nuclear, "UY '--:'?). War in which nuclear weapons - as opposed to conventional explosive devices - are used. Like conventional bombs, nuclear weapons produce extensive blast and fire damage, but to an infinitely higher degree. Furthermore, the immediate power of a nuclear explosion is increased by the following factors: intense radiation at the time of the explosion, lasting for about one minute; intense heat and light from the fireball, lasting a few seconds; local radioactive fallout; and a strong electromagnetic radiation. Later effects add to the devestation. The nuclear bomb used on Nagasaki was 2200 times more powerful than the largest conventional weapon used in World War 2. Syn: atomic war. Cf. atomic bomb, fission bomb, fusion bomb, hydrogen bomb, electromagnetic pulse, nuclear winter, zero option. '-:-~ ~ ~). A private, international, not governmental organization (as distinct from an inter-governmental organization), constituted as a single association or as a federation of various national organizations, without governmental or state ties. The most important NGOs are given consultative status with the United Nations or its specialized agencies and are active in disaster work. Syn: NGO. Cf. voluntary agency. Non-tropical cyclone (cyclone extratropical, ciclon extra tropical, <.$)..\.A~)~l)· Syn: depression. Nuclear activity (activite nuc/eaire, actividad nuclear, <.$JY .1l!..;). The number of spontaneous nuclear disintegrations within a radionuclide at any given time. The old unit of activity, the curie (Ci) has been replaced by the becquerel (Bq). Cf. becquerel. Nuclear winter (hiver nucleaire, invierno nuclear, <.$JY .~). A term that describes the very damaging climatic and environmental situation likely to result from reduced sunlight and lowered temperatures following nuclear war. Cf. firestorm, mushroom cloud, nuclear war. Nuclear energy (energie nucleaire, energia nuclear, ~UY ;;\1). Energy liberated in nuclear reactions, especially in fission or fusion reactions. Nuclear fallout (retombees nucleaires, precipitacibn nuclear, 'UY ;,1, \.A.... ). Cf. fallout. Nuclear reaction (reaction nucleaire, reaccibn nuclear, <.$JY ~Li;). Disintegration and change in the nucleus of an atom induced by bombarding it with a radioactive particle, with liberation of energy. Cf. nuclear activity. Nuee ardente (nuee ardente, nube ardiente, de fuego, ~? ~b......). Syn: glowing cloud. Nutrient (element nutritif, nutriente, ,-?.i). Any and all of the organic compounds and mineral salts contained in foods and water which are utilized in the Nuclear reactor (reacteur nuc/eaire, reactor nuclear, ,-?JY ~\..i...). 55 Nutrition normal metabolism of the body and playa specific role in nutrition. Cf. food, nutrition. Nutrition (nutrition. nutricion. Cf. nutrition, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency. Nutritional marasmus (marasme nutritionnel. athrepsie .. marasmo nutricional. ~..i;.;). I. The functions of assimilation and metabolism whereby living organisms utilize food for maintenance of life. 2. In Public Health, the discipline that deals with the interactions of food, health, disease and the improvement of health standards through prevention and treatment of nutritional diseases. Cf. deficiency disease, food, health. i.?J..i;.; y....). Severe fonn of protein-calorie malnutrition occurring mainly in infants, characterized by wasting, retardation of growth and cachexia. Other factors such as infection and infestation can playa role in its etiology and aggravation. Syn: athrepsy, nutritional cachexia. Cf. Kwashiorkor, marasmus, proteincalorie malnutrition. Nutrition indicators (indicateurs nutrition- Nutritional requirements (besoins nutrition- nels. indicadores de nutricion. ~J..i;.; ...:.. 'ry ). nels. necesidades nutricionales. Calculations that permit to evaluate in quantified tenns the nutritional changes that have occurred in a given population. Two kinds of indicators can be distinguished: food and nutrition indicators and indicators of the state of nutrition. Cf. food and nutrition indicators, nutrition, nutritional state indicators. The amount of energy and nutrients, normally calculated on averages and expressed on a daily basis, which cover the needs of healthy individuals or groups for growth and for the normal function of the body. Cf. needs. ~J..iA:.I1 "':"~l::>I). Nutritional state indicators (indicateurs de !'etat nutritionnel .. indicadores del estado de nutricion. ~J..iA:.I1 <Jl:l-I "':"i.r!-Y). Physical, functional and biochemical measurements used to describe with precision the nutritional state of a population group and to quantify the changes that have occurred. Cf. food and nutrition indicators, nutritional indicators. Nutritional cachexia (cachexie nutritionnelle. caquexia nutricional. ,-?J..i;.; Syn: nutritional marasmus. ..;.;~). Nutritional deficiency (carence nutritionnelle. carencia nutricional. i.?J..i;.; jr). Absence or insufficiency, in the food or in the organism, of elements indispensable for nutrition. o Objective (objectif, objetivo . ..j.;...). in case of disaster, do what they can individually and collectively at the time of the emergency, and do the necessary before the emergency so that they can be prepared for it. Cf. goal, plan, target. The end result that a programme seeks to achieve. For example, the objective of community education for disaster preparedness can be defined as ensuring that people in risk areas will want to be less vulnerable, know how to act 56 Oral rehydration Ocean wave (vague oceanique. ola ocea- Pollution of the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers by discharge of hydrocarbon products, mostly petroleum, crude oil, during transportation or storage, from tanks, tankers or pipelines. Cf. black tide, oil slick. nica. ~ ~..r'). A wave system generated by winds at some distance from the coast over a wide area, with little change in its characteristics. Cf. seismic sea wave, storm wave, swell, tsunami. Oil slick (maree noire. marea negra, ~j~). Oil, discharged naturally, by accident, or intentionally, floating on the surface of water and carried by wind, currents and tides. A more serious amount of oil slick, deposited on tidelands, is called black tide. Syn: black tide. Oceanic (oceanique. oceanico. ~). Describes the marine area beyond the coast, generally situated away from the continental margin. Oceanic ridge (dorsale oceanique. cadena oceanica. ~ .~). Sub-marine elevation along several thousand kilometres, with steep reliefs resulting from the rising of the crust. Syn: ridge, sub-marine ridge. Onchocerciasis (onchocercose, oncoc,ercosis . ...,...;.lI1 ~'%') Oceanology (oceanologie. oceanologia. -::"~I rs:)' The exploration and scientific study of the oceans and the seas (oceanography) and of the techniques of protection and management of marine resources. Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (Bureau du Coordonnateur des Nations Unies pour les Secours en cas de Catastrophe (UNDRO). Oficina del Coordinador de la Naciones Unidas para el Socorro en Casas de Desastre (UNDRO). ~y..u .-'>..:l.1 r'11 ...;...-:-. ~ ~),s:JI .J.:..<.). mar. J-l!JI ~ Jl C~J)' Wind that engenders the surface movement of the sea towards the coast (as opposed to offshore wind). Cf. offshore wind. Offshore wind (vent de reflux; viento ter- .:.r .I~). Onshore wind (vent d'affiux. viento de Full official designation of UNDRO. Cf. UNDRO. ral. terral, J-l!JI ~ 4.?r ~'11 A filarial infection caused by Onchocerca volvulus and spread by the Simulid blackfly. It is characterized by nodules in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, but its most serious complication is blindness, with subsequentsocio-economic disaster. Common in sub-Saharan Africa and South America, along river basins. WHO has a long-term antionchocerciasis programme and the recent availability of Ivermectin is promlsmg. Syn: river blindness. Cf. filariasis, parasitic diseases. C~J)' Wind that engenders the surface movement of the water towards the open sea (as opposed to onshore wind). Cf. onshore wind, wind. Open sea (haute mer. large; alta mar. mar abierta . .rJI ../f). Syn: high seas. Oral rehydration (rehydratation orale. Oil pollution (pollution aux hydrocarbu- rehidratacibn oral. J:)' .:.r Y i,,-J I ~ yN ). res. contaminaci6n par hidrocarburos. r-"l I ~)L ~};). 57 Oral rehydration salts Providing a dehydrated person, e.g. suffering from diarrhoea, with the necessary fluids and electrolytes by mouth. In severe cases, rehydration may be necessary by the intravenous route. Cf. diarrhoea, oral rehydration salts, dehydration. Cf. organization of leisure. Organization of leisure (organisaion des loisirs. organizacion del ocio. ·1}l1..:..iJ ~). ~lanning and implementation of recreational activities within a social and environmental programme. Cf. organization of activities. Oral rehydration salts (sels de rehydratation orale. sales de rehidrataciim oral. ...."...JI .~)'II C')l..:I). Convenient and effective means of providing fluids and electrolytes to a dehydrated person. The proven WHO; UNICEF formula of ORS comes in 27.5 g sachets, as follows: Sodium chloride (common salt) 3.5 g Glucose 20.0 g Sodium bicarbonate 2.5 g 1.5 g Potassium chloride To be diluted in I litre of clean drinking water. Syn: ORS. Cf. diarrhoea, oral rehydration, dehydration. Oroya fever (bartonellose. bartonelosis. ~J)Ji ..r» . Syn: Bartonellosis. Overflow (debordement. desbordamiento. crecida. ,-,..aHi - ~). Flooding or the spilling phase of a swell during which the abundant waters are liable to re-shape the surface of the flooded area by furrowing, cutting out hollows or depositing alluvium. Cf. alluvium, flood, swell. Overnutrition (suralimentation. sobrea/imentacion. ~..i.;.;)1 .1.). Syn: hypernutrition. Cf. malnutrition. Overpressure (surpression. exceso de presion. J..;....aJ1 .1). Transient increase, beyond the normal atmospheric pressure, in the blast wave that follows a nuclear explosion. Orderly departure (depart organise. evacuacion ordenada. Wi..:... .)~I.;....). I. Organized displacement or departure of refugees or victims of a disaster. 2. The UNHCR programme for orderly departure is based on a memorandum of understanding concluded between the HCR and the government concerned, establishing the procedures for the departure of the refugee who possesses an exit visa from the country and a resettlement guarantee from the host country. Cf. refugee. Overspill (deversement. vertimiento. desagiie. ~). Permanent change in the course of a stream or river which, due to spilling over, changes its bed and follows another course. Syn: spill. Ovicide (ovicide. ovicida . ..:...~I ~). Medicament or chemical substance intended to kill the ova or eggs of parasites. Cf. pesticide. Organization of activities (organisation des /oisirs. organizacion del ocio. ;J...;.;\II ~). In refugee or displaced communities, the planning and organization of time for productive and educa'tional purposes, besides recreational activities. Oxyology (oxyologie. oxiologia. ":-~~I fs-)' A new term for emergency medicine, 58 Pathology Ozone depletion (trou d'ozone, perdida de ozono, ,JJj}ll ,--:,~). The stratospheric ozone layer that protects the earth from excessive ultra-violet radiation can be depleted by certain pollutants. Gases used in spray cans (chlorofluorocarbons, chlorofluoromethanes) or oxides of nitrogen released by cars, flying aircraft can damage or create "holes" in the ozone layer, allowing excess amounts of ultra-violet radiation to reach the earth, with global climatic and environmental consequences and damage to health. A combined technological and natural disaster. Syn: ozone hole. Cf. chlorofluorocarbons, glasshouse effect, ozone. involving rapid response, first aid, triage, transport, resuscitation and urgent care. Syn: Emergency Medical Services. Cf. CPR, disaster medicine, first aid, triage. Ozone (ozone, ozono, ,JJjJi). An unstable molecular form of oxygen that consists of three atoms (0 3), Present in the lower layers of the stratosphere, about 20 to 50 km above the earth's surface, it protects the earth from excessive solar radiation. Certain chemical pollutants can cause depletion of the layer, with resulting global environmental damage. Syn: Ozonosphere. Cf. Ozone depletion, chlorofl uorocarbons. P Pack ice (banquise, barrera de hielo, ~4 ,"=,u,). Syn: ice pack. ease states caused by parasites of animal origin. Some examples common in disaster situations are amoebiasis, intestinal worms, schistosomiasis, malaria, trypanosomiasis, scabies, pediculosis. e)' Panic (panique, pimico, /~ Acute and overwhelming sense of fear and dread, usually of sudden onset and most often self-limiting and of short duration, from a few seconds to hours, the accompanying restlessness resulting in an urge to escape. A frequent but not lasting phenomenon following disasters and major emergencies. Pathogen(ic) (pathogene, patogeno, ...r'.;t). Bacterium, virus, parasite, fungus or other micro-organism that can cause disease. Pathogenecity (pathogimicite, patogenicidad, ~IA). I. Capacity to cause disease. 2. Which carries a pathogen. Cf. pathogen. Paragrapher (paragraphe, pima/o, ~tA;l .rJ). Vessel of less than 500 tons usually used for coastal or inshore navigation that can be utilized in emergencies with a small crew, life-saving equipment and light radio facilities. Pathol,ogy (pathologie, patologia, ~ ...r'~':/I). I. The medical science that studies diseases. 2. By extension it is also commonly but erroneously used to mean disease or the characteristics of a disease. Parasitic diseases (maladies parasitaires, en/ermedades parasitarias, J:..i1 ;J"/). Infections, infestations and other dis- 59 Patient Syn: yaws. Patient (patient, paciente, ~f'). A sick person who needs, is receiving or will receive medical care, treatment or surgical attention. Piracy (piraterie, pirateria, <:...,..). Violent action, for private ends, committed on the high seas outside the jurisdiction of a state. It is an offence under international law. Cf. high seas, hijacking. Pediculosis (pediculose, pediculosis, JV). Infestation by lice. The condition is facilitated by overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions in disaster situations. Lice may cause or transmit infection. Cf. infestation, louse infestation. Plague (peste, peste, .Jyu,). A highly dangerous contagious disease, often fatal if untreated, transmitted from infected rats and rodents, through flea bites or at times by airborne spread (pneumonic plague). Overcrowding, unsanitary conditions and large food stores encourage rat proliferation. Syn: black death, bubonic plague, pestis. Pellagra (pellagre, pelagra, Ir. ~ - iA). Disease due to deficiency of vitamin PP or niacin, usually endemic in areas where maize or millet form the major part of the diet. It is characterized by skin rash, diarrhoea and mental retardation. Syn: hypovitaminosis PP. Cf. hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency. Plan (plan, plan, <J...,:.). A preestablished course of action which, when implemented, is expected to lead to the attainment of the expected ends and objectives. An orderly set of decisions on the ways and means of achieving the impact and objectives sought. Cf. goal, objective, target. Pertussis (coqueluche; tos ferina, pertussis, ~")\jl JlLJl - ,-,>",l:..ll). Syn: whooping cough. Cf. Expanded Programme on Immunization. Pest control (tutte antiparasitaire, lucha contra las plagas, ilyl.l wl5:...). Technique aimed at inhibiting the growth and stopping the spread of parasites and other pests. Pledging conference (conference pour les annonces de contributions, conferencia sobre compromisos de contribuciones, .;.,~.;;-:.II i~lj;..). Any conference called specifically to present a programme and obtain pledges of financial support for its realiza~ tion. The phrase is, however, most commonly used for the Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly for the annoucement of voluntary contributions to the programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as in the ICARA conferences. Syn: donors' meeting. Cf. donor, request for disaster assistance. Pesticide (pesticide, plaguicida, ilyl.l -l::--)' Chemical compound used for killing organisms that are dangerous, undesirable or a nuisance to man, animals or plants. They are named according to their action, such as: fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, molluscicide, nematocide, ovicide, rodenticide, virucide. (The suffix -cide means which kills.) Pinta (pian; piim,frambesia, ~). A serious treponema infec,tion endemic to hot and humid forest regions. 60 Prevention Pluviometry (pluviomerrie, pluviometria, ),1..'.Ii "",t.;;). Syn: rainfall amount. The number of persons per a given area of land, such as a square kilometre. It expresses the extent and distribution of the popUlation of a region. Cf. demography. Poliomyelitis (poliomyelite, poliomielitis, t~\ ?~ ~trJ\)· An acute viral contagious infection which begins with fever, headache, stiff neck and back, but predominantly settles in the central nervous system, especially the spinal cord, causing paralysis. Epidemic outbreaks are to be feared in unsanitary and disaster conditions. Vaccination prevents the disease and is included in the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization. Syn: Infantile paralysis, polio. PopUlation dynamics (dynamique des populations, dinamica de las poblaciones, ~tS:..... ..::..~). Study, in a given space and time, of the mechanisms and changes of population structures and the factors that determine those changes. Cf. demography. PopUlation mobility (mobilite de la population, movilidad de la poblacion, ~tS:..... "::"l5'.J). The characteristic of a defined group of people likely to change its place of residence, expressed by the frequency of such displacements. Cf. migration, nomad. Pollutant (pol/uant, contaminante, ~~). Physical, chemical or biological substance or factor that produces pollution, nuisance or a danger to health. Cf. pollution. Pollution (pollution, contaminacion, ~~). Degradation of one or more elements or aspects in the environment by noxious industrial, chemical or biological wastes, from debris of man-made products and from mismanagement of natural and environmental resources. Cf. air pollution, atmospheric pollution, man-made disaster, oil pollution. Population (peuplement, poblacion, .~ Potable water (eau potable, de boisson; agua potable, ~.rJJ e:!L.,., .\..). Syn: drinking water. Precipitation (precipitation (s), precipitacion, '-:-"; - .1iw). All or any form of water, in liquid or solid state, such as rain, snow, drizzle, sleet, hail, that falls from the atmosphere onto the earth's surface. Cf. fall . - .:>tS:..... ). Preparedness (preparation, preparacion, The aggregate of individuals belonging to several species of the same systematic group, that occupy a given territory. Examples, avian population, rodent population. )\.AA:...\ - ~\;). Cf. disaster preparedness. Population concentration (concentration demographique, conr:entracion demograjica, JtS:..... ~;). Syn: demographic concentration. Prevalence (prevalence, prevalencia, Jl!.;:;\). The number of illnesses, accidents or sick persons in a given population and time, without distinction between new and old cases. Cf. incidence. Population density (densite de population, densidad de poblacion, ~tS:..... '-i\!S'). Prevention (prevention, prevencion, ;"Ii). Cf. disaster prevention. 61 Primary health care Primary health care (Soins de sante primaires. atenciim primaria de salud. ~}i' ~, ~~)'). Essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford. It forms an integral part both of the country's health system, of which it is the nucleus, and of the overall social and economic development of the community. - WHO Syn: PHC. A centre where refugees who have been accepted for resettlement in a third country live while awaiting their final departure. The term "camp" is not used at UNHCR. Cf. refugee. Productivity (productivite. productividad, ~l;;l)· The ratio between the quantity of goods and services produced and the factors that determine it. It is taken as a measure of efficiency. Protection of refugees (protection des refugies. proteccion de los refugiados. Principle of non-refoulement (principe de non-refoulement. principio de no devolucion. ~'jJ, ~)O i..l.&- 'i..l:-"). The international principle according to which a person seeking asylum must not be subjected to such administrative measures as refusal of admission at a frontier post or, if he is already in the country, should not be expulsed or obligatorily returned to a country where he might be in danger. This principle is fundamental to the work ofUNHCR. Cf. asylum, country of asylum, refoulement, refugee. ~'jJ' ~I,». Cf. refugee protection. Protective food (aliment de protection. alimento protector, ifb. iW,)· Food of special value which promotes physical development and protects health by virtue of its richness in essential nutrients. Cf. food fortification, fortified food. Protein (proteine, proteina. ~J.I.)' The natural nitrogenous substances which, by hydrolysis, gi.e amino acids and constitute an essential factor in cells for the vital functions, growth and repair of all living organisms. Deficiency in protein causes disease. Cf. protective food. Prisoner (prisonnier .. prisionero. preso, ~). Person deprived of liberty and restricted in activity by the use of force. Cf. torture. Prisoner of war (prisonnier de guerre, prisionero de guerra, '-:"? .r.--',). Cf. Geneva Conventions. Protein-calorie malnutrition (malnutrition proteinocalorique, carence .. carencia, malnutricion proteinocalorica, .:...~~ ~J"J~ ~.1..:J' "r)' A diversity of pathological conditions arising from coincident shortage or lack of proteins and calories, most frequently occurring in infants and young children, and commonly associated with infections. Syn: protein energy malnutrition. Probe (sonde, sonda, J',,:-,). Measuring instrument used in situ and in continuity. Example, probe to measure depth, salinity, temperature. Processing centre (refugee) (centre d'acheminement (des rufugies) , centro de clasificacion (de los refugiaios). (~'jJ) Jl4;;1 :?J'). 62 Radiation injury Protocol refugee (refugie relevant du Pro- duce serious and resistant infection, especially in immune deficient persons, such as in AIDS or radiation injury. Cf. immunosuppression. tocole, refugiado acogido al Protocolo, ~')JJ\ J."s-YJ~ \.Ai) ~'Y). Person who fulfils the definition of refugee according to article I (2) of the Protocol on the status of refugees. Cf. refugee. Public health (sante pub/ique, salud publica, ~."...s- 40....,.. - ... \0. 40....,..). The discipline in health sciences that, at the level of the community or the public, aims at promoting prevention of disease, sanitary living, laws, practices and a healthier environment. Cf. health, hygiene, primary health care. Proton (proton, proton, 0Y1.I.)' Elementary particle carrying positIve electrical charge, present in all atoms. Cf. electron, ionizing radiation. Protrusive dome (dome d'extrusion, cono, 4!;~ ~~ ~). Purchasing power (pouvoir d'achat, poder adquisitivo, '-:SI,..!- oJJ.i). Type of volcanic dome where the lava has extruded to the surface. Cf. volcano. Ability of individuals or a community to acquire services and goods in function of their income and the prices asked. Pseudomonas (pseudomonas, pseudomonas, ~~\). Gram-negative bacteria that can pro- Q Q fever ([ievre Q, fiebre Q,,,,! ..s"""')' law, of a person carrying or coming from an epidemic area with certain specific "quarantinable" communicable diseases. 2. Isolation imposed on ships or aeroplanes coming from infected areas. Cholera, plague and yellow fever are the internationally quarantinable diseases. Cf. communicable diseases. An acute rickettsial disease with fever, headache and pulmonary complications, acquired by inhalation mainly from domestic animals or through ticks. Cf. zoonosis. Quarantine (quarantaine, cuarentena, <..?'-'".r.> ). i. Obligatory isolation during a given period, prescribed by international R its saliva. Death usually ensues due to meningoencephalitis. Cf. zoonosis. Rabies (rage, rabia, ~\ .b). A very serious disease due to a virus, common in dogs, foxes, bats, but uncommon in man, transmitted by accidental animal bite or contact with Radiation injury (radio/esion, lesion por radiaciones, ,-:>-I...,;l ~L,..l)· 63 Radiation protection Radioactivity (radioactivite. radiactividad. L....:.I J,l!.;). phenomenon of spontaneous disintegration in a nuclide accompanied by the emission of ionizing radiation. Cf. nuclear activity, ionizing radiation. Somatic and genetic damage to living organisms caused by ionizing radiation. Cf. immunodeficiency, ionizing radiation. ~e Radiation protection (radioprotection. protecci6n contra las radiaciones. Radioastronomy (radioastronomie, radioastronomia. -.rL....:.~1 ..!.llAJ1 ~). Study of the natural radlOelectric rays of cosmic origin. tL....:.~1 if ~'--"). fhe measures taken in order to ensure the protection of man and his environment against the consequences of ionizing radiation. Cf. ionizing radiation, Lugol's iodine, maximum acceptable dose, radioactive decontamination. Radionuclide (radionucleide, radionuclido, ~ •..I:j). Species of atom characterized by the number of protons and of neutrons in its nucleus. Usually specified by the symbol of the element and the mass number, as in 235 U, or uranium-235. Cf. radionuclide maximum acceptable concentration. Radiation toxicity (radiotoxicite. radiotoxicidad. -.rL....:.[ ~). Toxicity and harmful effects due to radioactivity from a radionuclide present in the body. Cf. radioactive contamination, technological disaster. Radionuclide maximum acceptable concentration (concentration maximale admissible d'un radionucleide. concentraci6n maxima admisible de radionuclidos, ~I 01~j-l1 Jr.A1 1 ~'11 j:S';JI). The radioactivity of a nuclide in the air or in drinking water which, when inhaled or ingested, produces the maximum admissible dose in the receiver. Cf. radionuclide. Radioactive contamination (contamination radioactive. contaminaci6n radiactiva. L....:.[ .!...};). undesirable presence of radioactive material in the air, in man, or on any substance. Cf. radioactivity, contamination. ~e Radioactive decontamination (decontamination radioactive. descontaminacion radiactiva. <fL....:.~1 .! ~~[). Measures taken to eliminate or reduce the radioactive contamination or pollution ofa body, surface or environment. Cf. radioactive contamination. Radioactive half-life (periode radioactive. periodo radiactivo. <fL....:.~1 j-AJI ..,..JI). In the process of diminishing activity of a radioactive substance, the time necessary for half the number of radionuclides to disintegrate. Syn: half-life. Cf. radioactivity. 64 Rainfall amount (pluviometrie. pluviometria.)oil ~). The measure of the total amount of liquid precipitation in a given plac·e and time. Syn: pluviometry. Cf. precipitation. Rain-out (entrafnement par les precipitations, precipitaci6n con la lluvia, <fL....:.I jz..). the washing out, by concurrent rain, of the radioactivity from the mushroom cloud produced by nuclear explosion. The on-coming rain may in fact be Red Cross Cr. international aid, technical assistance. induced by the heat of the explosion itself. Syn: wash-out. Cr. scavenging, mushroom cloud. Recognized refugee (rejugie reconnu. rejugiado reconocido. ~ j~ :r.~). Person who is formally recognized as a refugee by the authorities of a State that has signed the international instruments relative to the status of refugees. Cf. refugee. Rainy season (saison des piuies. estacion lluviosa . .J\k.~1 r-")' Term used mainly in tropical regions for the annually recurring period of high rainfall which is preceded and followed by dry periods. In the latitudes concerned, this season is often the cause of flood disasters. Cf. tropical climate. Reconstruction (reconstruction. reconstruccion. ~ - .L:JI ',)~l)· The phase that follows a disaster, consisting of reorganization of the stricken territory, the restructuring of the built environment and the development of the economy, with the view to re-establishing the pre-disaster conditions. Cr. rehabilitation. Ration (foodJ (ration alimentaire. racion alimentaria. Y.». Fixed quantity of a specific food or combination of foods distributed to certain individuals or categories of persons, e.g. the army, or to entire populations in special circumstances, as in times of food shortage, war, or disaster. cr. emergency feeding, food relief, food shortage. Red Crescent (Croissant-Rouge. Media Luna Roja . .r>~I J~I). The counterpart of the Red Cross in Islamic countries. Cf. Red Cross. Reactor (reacteur. reactor. ,yL<..). An industrial system for generating heat and electricity from nuclear power by the controlled fission of Uranium235 (fission reaction) or by the fusion of light atoms (fusion reaction). Generally intended for peaceful uses of nuclear energy, but accidents can cause immediate and long-lasting disasters. Syn: nuclear power station. cr. Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, International Atomic Energy Agency. Red Cross (Croix-Rouge. Cruz Roja . .r>~1 ~I). Red Cross, or International Red Cross, general terms used for on~ or all the components of the worldwide organization active in humanitarian work. The official overall name is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which has 3 components. I. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): acts mainly in conflict disasters as neutral intermediary in hostilities and for the protection of war victims. Guardian of the Geneva Conventions. 2. League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LRCS): international federation of the National Societies, active in non-conflict disasters and natural calamities. 3. The individual National Red Cross Recession (retrait. rejiujo. )Lil). Syn: ebb. t-:). Recipient (receveur. receptor. jl:.- Person, group, nation or country that is the beneficiary of aid or technical assistance to meet particular needs, emergency or otherwise. Syn: donee, beneficiary. 65 Redevelopment minement des refugies, centro de c1asificacion de los refugiados, or Red Crescent Society of every country. ~')IJ J\.A.;;I .?r). Redevelopment (reamenagement, reordenacion'.Jlrl - ./.).; .~~l). Extensive reorganization of a given area with the view to meeting the needs of the population concerned, by providing the necessary facilities and making better use of the available resources. Cf. needs, resources. Cf. processing centre. Refugee protection (protection des refugies, proteccion de los refugiados, ~I.> ~')IJI). International protection of refugees and displaced persons outside their country and who do not enjoy the protection of their country of origin. Such protection accorded by the High Commissioner for Refugees is based on the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol of the UN, the Convention and Protocols of the International Red Cross and on such regional instruments as the 1969 Convention of the Organization of African Unity. Cf. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, principle of nonrefoulement, refugee, Geneva Conventions, international protection. Reforestation (reboisement, repoblacion forestal,~ .)~U. The process of replanting trees in an area that previously had forests. Cf. afforestation, deforestation. Refoulement (refoulement,' devolucion, "refoulement", ~~l - ~». Expulsion of a refugee towards his country of origin or to another country. Such action is reprehensible to the international community. Syn: expulsion. Cf. international community, principle of non-refoulement. Refugee sur place (refugie sur place, refugiado a posteriori, ':).J..JI j)pl ~ :.r.~). :.r. Refugee (refugie, refugiado, '-n, A person who is outside his country of origin and who, due to well-founded fear of persecution, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of that country's protection. - UNHCR There are different categories of refugees, as below: Cf. Convention refugee de facto refugee de jure refugee mandate refugee Protocol refugee recognized refugee refugee sur place statutory refugee. UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Person who, while not being a refugee when he left his country, becomes one as a result of intervening circumstances. Cf. refugee. Rehabilitation (rehabilitation, rehabilitacion, J:--\; - .Jlrl)· The operations and decisions after'a disaster, with the view to restoring to the stricken country, communities, families and individuals the former living conditions, whilst at the same time encouraging and facilitating the necessary adjustments to the changes caused by the disaster. Cf. adaptation, reconstruction. Relief (secours, socorro, .:~U. Assistance in material facilities, per- Refugee processing centre (centre d'ache66 Returnee sonal needs and services given to needy persons or communities, without which they would suffer. Cf. aid, emergency relief, international assistance. Reservoir of infection (reservoir d'infection, reservorio de infecciim, I.SJ..w1 Remote sounding (tetesondage, telesondeo, ~ ,f)~'1I). The methodical local exploration of a given environment carried out from a distance by the use of signals. '~~l - JoYl ). Residence time (duree de residence, tiempo de permanencia, .LA:JI •..\.0). The average length of time during which pollutants, such as smoke, toxic chemicals, radioactivity, remain in the atmosphere from the time the pollution begins. Cf. atmospheric pollution, Chemobyl, Seveso, superfire. Repatriation (rapatriement, repatriaciim, JoYl t:.i-' Any physical, animal, plant or human source harbouring and favouring the development of pathogens susceptible to be transmitted to man or animals. Cf. carrier, infection, transmission. '~.Y). The actions and measures taken to ensure the return of a person to his country of origin or of usual residence. Cf. voluntary repatriation. Representative (detegue, delegado, J:!). The delegate of an international organization to a country or to another organization. Organizations have different names for their representatives, e.g. delegate (ICRC), resident representative (UNDP), programme co-ordinator (WHO), co-operant (France), expert, etc. Resource planning and development (amenagement du territoire, ordenacion territorial, ~)~I ~J ~). Study and application of legislative, economic, financial and planning measures to promote a harmonious equilibrium among the activities, the amenities, the population needs, and the country's resources over the national territory. Cf. resources, natural resource management, development. Request for disaster assistance (demande d'assistance en cas de catastrophe, solicitud de asistencia en caso de desastre, ~ ':"')~I ..;.,~.,...). Retained dose (dose retenue, dosis elegida, Official approach made by the authorities of a disaster-stricken country to other governments, international organizations or voluntary agencies requesting aid in face of the calamity. Cf. declaration of disaster. '~I ~)-I). Following exposure to a given pollutant, the portion of the absorbed dose that persists in the individual after a given time. Cf. absorbed dose. Returnee (retourne; refugiado regresado, devuelto, JJ~). Person who, after having crossed an international boundary as a refugee, returns voluntarily to his country of origin or of usual residence. (Term used by the HCR). Cf. refugee, voluntary repatriation. Rescue (sauvetage; socorros, salvamento, ~lAil)· Immediate assistance to a person who is injured, e.g., fracture, or in distress, e.g. trapped in a collapsed building, with the view to applying first aid and delivering him from harm. cr. first aid. 67 Richter scale Richter scale (echelle de Richter. escala de Richter.~.J V'"~). Logarithmic scale, -I to 8, indicating the magnitude or "size" of an earthquake, calculated on the amplitude of the seismic waves. All tremors 4.5 or over are internationally recorded. - An earthquake of amplitude 3 corresponds to a tremor felt over a limited area - 4.5 can cause light destruction - 6.6 causes considerable destruction - 7 to 8 causes very great destruction - Over 8, total destruction. Cf. Mercalli scale, earthquake, seismograph, UNESCO. due to a particular natural phenomenon, and consequently the product of specific risk and elements at risk. UNDRO. Cf. elements at risk, hazard, natural hazard, vulnerability. Risk indicator (indicateur de risque. indicador del riesgo.)a.>J1 ",.!oj.-). Descriptor that briefly denotes a risk that may cause a disaster. Cf. risk map, disaster prevention. Risk map (carte de risques. mapa de riesgos. )J.>,.~I ~?). Cartographic representation of the types and degrees of hazards and of natural phenomena that may cause or contribute to a disaster. Cf. risk indicator, vulnerability study. Rickettsial fever(s) (rickettsiose. rickeNsiosis. ~..J ..r». A group of acute diseases characterized by fever and skin eruption due to Rickettsiae. Four groups are known: typhus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever and trench fever. Not to be confused with rickets. Syn: rickettsial diseases, rickettsiosis. Cf. Q fever, typhus, tick-borne typhus. River basin (bassin fluvial. cuenca fluvial. ...rJI "";Y')' Region drained by a part or all of one or several rivers, and their tributaries. Syn: catchment basin, watershed, hydrological basin, catchment area. River blindness (cecite des rivieres. oncocercosis. <,f.,.rJI ~I). Syn: onchocerciasis. Ridge (dorsale sous-marine .. cadena. dorsal submarina. <,f./-:,). Syn: oceanic ridge. River forecast (prevision hydrologique. prevision hidrologica. ~t.. ";";';;). The expected discharge of a river or stream, especially of the volume offlow, into a reservoir. Rising tide (flot. flut. maree montante .. marea creciente. flujo . ..til I::..\...i;). Time interval during which the tide current is directed approximately in the same way as the direction of the sea current. Syn: flood tide. Cf. tide. Rock slide (eboulement. desprendimiento de tierras. <,f'?- .j''i .II). The sudden fall of rock masses and fragments and earth along a slope. Syn: landslide. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (fievre des Montagnes rocheuses. fiebre maculosa de las Montalias rocosas. Risk (risque. riesgo. Jl1.;,..:.1 .)0,». The expected number of lives lost, persons injured, damag~ to property and disruptIon of economic activity ~I ~.I ..r»' Cf. rickettsial fever. 68 Sanitation Rodenticide (rodenticide. rodenticida . ..l.:-:-" utilization of natural resources in function of the needs of the population and within the framework of an environmental policy. ......JI.t4II ). A toxic chemical compound used for the elimination of rodents. Cf. pesticide. Rural economy (economie rurale. econo- Roller (rouleau. deferlement plongeant .. mia rural. ~)I 0~.)W\'U. Branch of economics and administration with emphasis on agricultural activity that studies the mechanisms of agricultural enterprise and the definition of the rural/agricultural sector within the wider economic context. Cf. urbanization. oleada. ;.;~,.I....J). A form of violent coastal surge with a spiral curling movement of the wave crest. Rural development (amenagement rural. desarrollo rural. ~J ~). Study and application of measures aiming, within a rural setting, at better S Safety at sea (securite en mer. seguridad ses, the infection appearing as an acute gastroenteritis, enteric fever, or a focal disease with or without septicaemia. It includes typhoid fever. Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, carrier, food poisoning, typhoid fever. en el mar . ...~I ..:r-\lI). The international laws and regulations enacted for the security of maritime navigation and the safety of life at sea. Cf. Law of the Sea. Sand whirl (tourbillon de poussiere .. polva- Sahel (Sahel. Sahel. J>UI). reda, tolvanera. ~ Syn: dust whirl. Vast area of semi-arid land bordering the Southern Sahara and covering all or part of Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and the Central African Republic. It is particularly subject to drought and desertification, which is also called Sahelization. Cf. desertification, CILSS, semi-arid land. Sanitary engineering (genie sanzlalre. ingenieria sanitaria. ~ ...... ..t:J». The theory, practice and techniques of medical, construction, hydraulic, town planning, waterworks and other principles applied to public health. Cf. public health. Sanitation (assainissement, hygiene .. saneamiento, Cb,......l). The application of measures and techniques aimed at ensuring and improving environmental health in a community, including the collection, evacuation and disposal of rain and used liquid and solid wastes, with or without prior treatment. Syn: sanitary improvement. Sahelian zone (region sahelienne. zona saheliana. J>UI Syn: Sahel. ~). Salmonellosis (salmonellose. salmonelosis. 0~rUl ;..~.». .b). Infection of the gastro-intestinal tract caused by germs of the Salmonella group. It presents as a variety of disea- 69 Sanitary improvement The removal by precipitation or clouds, of radiation, particles or gases deposited in the atmosphere following a nuclear explosion. Cf. rain-out. Cf. waste water, water treatment. Sanitary improvement (assainnissement, saneamiento, ~I JIy>-\l1 ~). Collection, evacuation and disposal, according to hygienic precepts, of rain water, waste water and solid wastes, with or without prior treatment. Cf. waste water. Schistosomiasis (schistosomiase, esquistosomiasis, .:...tA..!.:.l.1 .I~ ',-:--~I .I~). A group of parasitic diseases prevalent in endemic form in many areas, caused by flukes (Schistosoma) and transmitted through freshwater snails as intermediate hosts. Syn: bilharzia. Cf. endemic disease, parasitic disease. ..r"- )). Satellite (satellite, satelite, An object that orbits around a larger one. Artificial satellites orbiting the earth are now used for communications, monitoring weather, gathering hydrological, agricultural, seismological and other similar data and observing environmental phenomena. Also used for military purposes. Syn: artificial satellite. Cf. meteosat, probe, space station, World Weather Watch. Scurvy (scorbut, escorbuto, .kYo;"" I - t). A severe nutritional disease due to deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), characterized by bleeding gums, gingivitis, bone pain, swelling over the ends of the long bones and generally poor condition. It is easily preventable by eating citrus fruits and fresh fruits and vegetables. Syn: hypovitaminosis C, ascorbic acid deficiency. Savannah (savanne, sabana, u.l..). Semi-arid region (dryness ratio I to 7) of grasslands across which shrubs and trees are scattered. The grasses are typically tall and fast-growing, that become dormant during and immediately after the short wet season. For the remainder of the year they are brown and dry, particularly prone to extensive fire disasters. Cf. desert, desertification, Sahel, semiarid zone. Sea bed (fond,fondo del mar,.r-:J I t; In the marine environment, the IOterface between the solid floor and the liquid overlay. Syn: sea floor. Cf. estuary, hydrography, littoral. Sea conditions (hat de la mer, estado del mar, '-!.r-:JI J Iy>-\II ). An assessment of the agitation of the surface of the sea. The state of the sea is expressed numerically by the Douglas scale or by the height of the waves. Scabies (gale, sarna, ~?). A highly transmissible parasitic skin infection characterized by intense itching, superficial burrows; especially between the fingers and in the skin folds, and secondary infection due to scratching. Can spread to entire families and communities in crowded conditions. Treatment is effective. Syn: the itch. Cf. parasitic diseases. Sea floor (fond,fondo,.r-:JI eli). Syn: sea bed. Sea level (niveau de la mer, nivel del mar, .r-:JI e:L '-:'.,...:...). The actual level of the sea constantly changes; the mean level at a stable Scavenging (balayage, barrido, -...5"). L 70 Semi-permanent anticyclone place is detennined by averageing all the levels over a given period. Cf. swell, tide, wave. tion and/or refraction in the variable terrain and onto the sounding reflectors. Cf. seismograph, sliding fault. Season (saison. estacibn. {""y - In meteorology, the climatic division of the year into periodic sections, varying according to the latitude. In middle latitudes the division corresponds to the farming year; in the northern and southern hemisphere the divisions are autumn, winter, spring, summer. In the tropics the division into seasons is usually made in tenns of rainfall or, in places, of wind direction. Thus, in India, dry season or rainy season, or "north-east monsoon" and "south-west monsoon". In the continental subtropical regions the seasons are usually defined in terms of temperature (cold or hot season), or rainfall (dry or rainy season) or both. Seismograph (sismographe. sismografia. "':'ljy.r-- - Jj\,) 1 ¥ /). A highly sensitive instrument for recording the time, amplitude and duration of vibratory movements of the ground, especially earthquakes. Cf. earthquake, Mercalli scale, Richter scale, seismoscope. Seismoscope (sismoscope. sismoscopio. ~~ y.r-- - Jj\'jl )lJo:..). An instrument which indicates only the occurrence of an earthquake, without permanently recording it, as opposed to the seismograph. Cf. seismograph. Semaphore (semaphore. semaforo. ~r..;'1 )}I.- ). Seism (seisme. sismique .. terremoto. Ji)j). From the Greek earthquake. Relating to, pertaining to, connected with or produced by an earthquake. Seismicity denotes the frequency of earthquakes in a given area. Syn: earthquake. Cf. seismograph, seismoscope, Richter scale. Post or apparatus for sending signals by day or night through a system of oscillating arms, lanterns or flags. Verb, to signal. Semi-arid zone (zone semi-aride. zone semiarida. 4l>li W .w..:...). Zone, bordering an arid region, in which the precipitation is insufficient (dryness ratio I to 7) to maintain agriculture and where artificial irrigation is needed if cultivitation is to be carried out. Particularly prone to extensive fire disasters. Cf. desert, desertification, Sahel, savannah. Seismic epicentre (epicentre sismique. epicentro sismico. ~}~I 0)1 ?/). Cf. epicentre. Seismic sea wave (houte (vague) sismique. mar de fondo sismico. <-:Ji)j '-!""=: ~y). Ocean wave caused by undersea earthquakes, volcanoes or land movements. Cf. earthquake, tsunami, volcano. Semi-permanent anticyclone (anticyclone semi-permanent. anticiclbn semipermanente. (-..\:-o ~ ~l..,4. )~l)· Region where high pressures predominate during about half of the year and where an anticyclone appears on the corresponding seasonal mean pressure chart. Seismic sounding (sondage sismique. sondeo sismico. <-:Ji)jl ..:..GL..:.)'4 t~I). Definition of the position 01 submarine plates by measuring the time interval that separates the emission of seismic signals and their rebound after reflec71 Serum hepatitis Cf. anticyclone. Shanty town (bidonville, barrio de chavolas, t~1 ~..\.A). Disorderly conglomeration of improvised dwellings with minimal or absent public services, consisting of unsanitary shacks, constructed with reclaimed materials, often built in and contributing to an unsanitary environment. Called favella in South America. Cf. slum dwelling. Serum hepatitis (hepatite virale serique, hepatitis viral serica, J--01I ~I ",:,t,:.JI). Cf. viral hepatitis B. Services (services, servicios, ":"'\....i>- - )I"J ). An activity or its result that is of value to individuals and to society, but which does not consist of economic goods or of tangible products. Examples: public transport, medical services, education, city lighting. Settlement (implantation, asentamiento, ~j ~j). I. Introduction, in a given place, of new facilities, such as buildings, factories, schools, according to a plan, called a settlement or development plan. 2. Introduction, in a given site, of a population, where it establishes and develops, according to a resettlement plan. Seveso (Seveso, Seveso, ~). A village near Milan, Italy, site of a chemical plant which, in July 1976, accidentally discharged the toxic compound Dioxin, causing severe illness and toxic manifestations among the surrounding popUlation, with extensive environmental damage. Cf. Dioxin, technological disaster, toxicological disaster. Sheltering (hebergement; alojamiento, cobijo, .~U. Action that consists of providing asylum or provisional lodgings to an individual or group. ShigeUosis (dysenterie bacillaire, disenteria bacilar, ":"'~I .b). Cf. bacillary dysentery. Shock wave (onde de choc, ola de choque, ~..l.,p ~Y'). A critical point in the interface between two waves when the velocity, and consequently the pressure and density, jump to new values, with the decompression of air at high speeds, and occurring naturally in space - or when man-made supersonic objects transverse it - at a speed higher than the speed of sound. Shore profile (profillittoral, perfil litoral, J>Ui •.J.,.... - J>UI .bJ1). The line of the coast formed by the constant accumulating and abrasive action of the waves. Cf. wave, littoral. Sexually transmitted diseases (maladies transmises par voie sexuelle, enfermedades de transmision sexual, 4 J~ .......r)· Diseases transmitted by sexual contact constitute the most common communicable diseases in the world. Some are specific, others are non-specific, and include gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital warts, AIDS, urethritis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, etc. Syn: venereal disease, STD, YD. Siting (implantation, instalacion, .l!.;l ~j). Cf. settlement. Skimmed milk powder (fait ecreme en poudre, leche desnatada en polvo, J~ .:.J i.Sy). Syn: dried skimmed milk. DSM 72 Socio-economic survey Sleeping sickness (maladie du sommeil, enfermedad del sueiio, ~.,JI ../J')' A chronic, often fatal sickness in tropical Africa transmitted by the tse-tse fly. Another variant is common in South America, where it is known as Chagas' disease. Syn: Chagas' disease, African trypanosomiasis. Sliding fault (faille transformante, falla deslizante, ";)1)1 t,...\ Subvertical sheanng plane along which two plates of lithosphere or two active segments of oceanic ridge slide upon each other. Syn: transform fault. Cf. earthquake, oceanic ridge, seismic sounding. Slow disaster (catastrophe a evolution lente, desastre de evolucion lenta, ":.Jl5" ~). Disaster, usually natural, the beginnings of which are slow, sometimes imperceptible until the full effect is felt, as in poor crops leading to drought and famine. Syn: creeping disaster. Cf. disaster, natural disaster. Slum (bidonville, barrio de chavolas, .1}AJ1 ..?). Cf. shanty town, slum dwelling. Slum dwelling (taudis .. chavola, favela, .1}AJ1 ..?). Lodgfngs that, by their poor construction, conditions of occupation, lack of upkeep and siting, do not meet the needs of comfort and sanitation, and contribute to social and health deprivation. Syn: shanty town, slum. Smallpox (variole, viruela, ($.J~)' A highly contagious I~thal disease caused by the vaccinia group of viruses, transmitted from person to per- 73 son. It was the first disease for which vaccination was professionally applied (1721) and the first to have been totally eradicated (since 1977). Cf. immunization, vaccination. Social behaviour (comportement social, comportamiento social, i/~I !l)..-). The aggregate actions and reactions of a person or group when relating to a given social environment and which can be objectively observed. Social group (categorie sociale, grupo (categoria) social, ¥~I oJ'j). Groups of individuals, within a population, who share one or several characteristics that distinguish them sociologically. Examples: students, retirees, handicapped. Social indicators (indicateurs sociaux, indicadores sociales, ¥~I .:..~;..). Different indices used for the assessment of the socioeconomic situation of a society. Examples: infantile mortality rates, green spaces per inhabitant, density of motor traffic, literacy rates. Cf. society. Society (socihe, sociedad, ~). The complex organization of a population group sharing a common culture, institutions, resources and obeying common laws. A natural disaster that does not hit man and his society remains a mere geological or meteorological phenomenon. Socio-economic survey (enquete socioeconomique, encuesta socioeconomica, ",,~L..cil -r~1 c:--). Enquiry based on social and economic factors, comprising the structure of the family, social attitudes, cultural activities, profession, regular or seasonal employment, revenue, spending power, level of education, size of enterprise, agriculture, etc. Soil Cf. social indicators. its borders and total independence recognized by all States. Cf. United Nations. Soil (sol, suelo, ~;). The superficial loose covering of the earth's crust, composed of the breakdown, from weathering, of the bed rock and of the decomposition of organic matter under the physical, chemical and biological action of the environment. Soya-fortified bulghur Cbou/gour enrichi de soja, bulgur enriquecido con soya, ~"...J4 Soil erosion (degradation du sol, erosion del suelo, ~;JI ..;...~). Degradation of the soil through carrying away by wind or water, of soil necessary for the forests, food and agriculture. Often caused by mismanagement of the land - a natural and man-made disaster. Cf. desertification. Solfatara (solfatare, solfatara, enrichie de soja, maiz enriquecido con soya, ~"...J4 oj,? 0> ~J)' Food mixture consisting of: 85 % cornmeal, degenned 15 % soya grits, defatted, toasted. Syn: SFCM. Cf. food mixtures. ..;...~~ .iA:.,. ~~). Soya-fortified sorghum grits (gruaux de sorgho enrichis de soja, sorgo enriquecido con soya, ~"...JL ijj>ll o)lIl ..;...L::». Sorghum preparation enriched with soya, used for supplementary feeding. Syn: SFSG. Cf. food mixtures, sorghum, supplementary feeding. Sorghum (sorgho, sorgo, .~ 0),) - i~r)' Common tropical cereal plant grown for grain and fodder. Source (source, fuente,)...\..,.a.o). Emergence of underground water at a point on the surface of the ground. Syn: spring. Space probe (sonde spa tiale , sonda espa- cial, )...\..,.a.o). Any organism, substance, material or object which transmits an infectious agent to a host. Cf. communicable disease, infection. Sovereignty (souverainete, Jl,.O; )L-.). Uninhabited device for the exploration of space beyond the earth's gravity. Cf. probe, satellite, World Meteoro'logical Organization. Source of infection (source d'infection, I.SJ..w1 'y.I.)' Soya-fortified cornmeal ([arine de mai's A vent in a volcano from which only gases are emitted. Cf. volcano. fuente de infeccion, j)'o- Food mixture consisting of: 85 % bulghur wheat, cracked 15 % soya grits, defatted, toasted Syn: SFB. Cf. food mixtures, bulghur. Space station (station spatiale, estacion espacial. ~l,.O; 4.6.,:). Satellite that does not have its autonomous means of propulsion (or has limited such capacity), placed in space to ensure a mission of a certain length of time. Cf. satellite. soberania. o~l:-). The primary characteristic of a State which is subordinate to no other State, is equal to all others within the United Nations, and enjoys authority within 74 Storm warning SpiU (deversement, vertedero, Syn: overspill. Spring (source, manantial, Syn: source. .., - ~). of refugees, as defined by Article LA of that Convention. Syn: de jure refugee. Cf. refugee. t). Sterilization (sterilisation, esterilizacion, . '). fTechnique(s) aiming at destroying all living microorganisms. 2. Operation or technique aiming at preventing the reproduction of living organisms. Squall (rafale; rafaga, racha, ....... ~). A sudden strong wind of short duration that stands out of the mean velocity of its mainstream. Syn: gust. Standard of living (niveau de vie, nivel de vida, ~I .>.r---). The aggregate of goods and services available or accessible to an individual, group or nation, depending on its purchasing power. Cf. purchasing power. Stockpile (depot, reservas, ~I::>I .J;"" J-I::>I .JJ;....). A place or storehouse where material, medicines and other supplies needed in disaster are kept for emergency relief. Examples: UNDRO warehouse in Pisa, UNIPAC in Copenhagen. Cf. emergency feeding, emergency supplies, supplies. Staple food (aliment de base, alimento de base, ,rJ iW,)· The most commonly or regularly eaten food in a country or community and which forms the mainstay of the total calorie supply, especially in the poorer populations and at times of food shortage. When referring to staple food, the actual food product must be mentioned. Cf. conventional food, food. Storm (tempete; temporal, tempestad, ....... ~ ). Strong wind with a speed of 44 to 50 knots. (Force lOon the Beaufort scale). Cf. Beaufort scale; wind. Storm surge (onde de tempete, oleaje de borrasca, JL...a&-l - ......... ls. C'ri ). A sudden and often catastrophic rise in the level of the sea as a result of a combination of high winds and low atmospheric pressure. Cf. tidal wave, storm wave. Starvation (inanition, inaniciim, ~). The state resulting from extreme privation of food or of drastic reduction in food intake over a long period of time, leading to severe physiological, functional, behavioural and morphological disturbances. Cf. famine, slow disaster, undernutrition. Storm warning (avis de tempete, aviso de temporal, ......... WI .:.r'.r..ii). Meteorological message intended to warn those concerned of the actual or expected occurrence of high winds, of Beaufort force 10 or II, over a specified area. Cf. cyclone warning, gale warning, hurricane warning, typhoon warning. Statutory refugee (refugie statutaire, refugiado acogido al estatuto, ;,;JJ..u1 ..:...I .... U wJ ~'1). Person recognized as a refugee according to the international accords prior to the 1951 Convention on the status 75 Stratosphere Stratosphere (stratosphere, estratosfera, Superfire (incendie geant, superincendio, 'fo-' .;;~). The result of merging firestorms and conflagrations caused by the phenomena created by the explosion of a nuclear weapon. Cf. conflagration, firestorm, burn centre, nuclear winter. <'>.1..,+-)1 ....J')\.JI). The zone of atmospheric air, above the troposphere, between 10 and 50 km altitude, in which the temperature changes vary little with height. Cf. atmosphere. Strato-volcano (stratovolcan, estratovoldm, jJ. Supplementary feeding programme (programme d'alimentation comptementaire, programa de alimentacian complementaria, ~I .,~I ~~.I.). Programme that aims at correcting nutritional deficiencies by providing certain population groups with nutrients and appropriate meals or snacks, served in addition to their regular meals. This service is usually free or at low cost. Cf. food aid, food mixtures. .)IS".I.)' Volcanic complex composed of the piling up of lava flows and of pyroclastic beds. Cf. lava flow, volcano. Stratus cloud (stratus, estrato, jJ. ,-:,L-...). I. A low cloud varying in altitude, between 0 and 2000 metres. 2. A generally grey cloud layer, with uniform base, which may give drizzle, ice or snow. Supplies (approvisionnements; abastos, reservas, ":"'1..1.J.),,5' - ..... t)· Cf. stockpile. Stress (stress, agression; tension, es tri?S , ~~t - .J.~ - ,-:,},). Any strain, anxiety, psychological shock or excessive pressure that disturbs the smooth functioning of a person or organism (and by extension, a group). Disasters are stressful events. Cf. panic. Surface water (eaux de surface, aguas de superficie, ~ .~). Water flowing or stagnating on the surface of the ground. Surge (houle, mar de fondo, '"7'l:>-). Cf. wave. Stripping (denudation, desnudacian, ..1.J..J. t~I). Surveillance (surveillance continue, vigilancia, ci~ - .......;). System that permits the continuous observation, measurement and evaluation of the progress of a process or phenomenon with the view to taking corrective measures. Examples: surveillance of the water quality of a river; of air pollution; of health; of a cardiac patient. Syn: monitoring. Syn: denudation. Subtropical anticyclone (anticyclone subtropical, anticiclan subtropical, "') ..... ...,.;. ~t...a.,. )t--l). Anticyclone of the subtropical high pressure regions. Cf. anticyclone. Summer monsoon (mousson d'ete, monzan de verano, ~ ~). Monsoon of oceanic origin that blows in the summer. Cf. winter monsoon. Susceptible case (sujet vulnerable, sujeto susceptible, ~I.AA;....I ..:...I~ 'Jl.». 76 Technical cooperation among developing countries Person vulnerable to infection. Syn: vulnerable person. The cumulative interaction of several factors resulting in a combined effect that becomes greater than the sum of the separate individual effects. Example, malnutrition, plus pregnancy, plus cold temperature have an aggregate effect which is more serious than any of the three conditions separately. Suspect case (cas suspect, caso sospechoso, ~ ;,Ji.». A case or person whose medical history or symptoms suggest that he may have, or may be developing, or carrying an infection. Cf. carrier, incubation period. Syphilis (syphilis, sifilis, ~). A contagious disease, present worldide, transmitted mainly but not exclusively by sexual contact, caused by the Treponema pallidum and resulting in a specific serological reaction (revealed by the Wassermann test). Cf. sexually transmitted diseases. Swell (crue, marejada, ",:,r-ll tl;.;)). In a catchment area or watershed, the swelling of a stream or water course to levels above normal, following heavy precipitation and snow thaw. Cf. catchment area. Synergism (synergisme, sinergismo, J}":;). T Taeniasis (taeniase, teniasis, technicians, experts, teachers or equipment, to a developing country . Syn: technical cooperation. Cf. international assistance, bilateral cooperation. .b .:..~.rJI). Parasitic infection, often symptom-free, of the intestinal tract due to beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), pork tapeworm (T. solium) or fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum), acquired mainly through eating insufficiently cooked meat. Syn: tapeworm infection; also teniasis. Cf. parasitic diseases. Tapeworm (taenia, tenia, Cf. taeniasis. Technical cooperation (cooperation technique, cooperacion tecnica, ~ JJ\..;). The provision by a technically advanced country, on a bilateral or multilateral basis, of technicians, experts, knowhow and equipment, to a country that needs them in order to ensure its social and economic development. Syn: technical assistance. Cf. development, international assistance, TCDC, technology transfer. ~.rJ1 .~JJ.lI). Taro (taro, taro, crLili). A tropical plant, the root of which is used as food, particularly in the Pacific Islands. Cf. conventional food, staple food. Technical cooperation among developing countries (cooperation technique entre pays en developpement (CTPD) , cooperacion tecnica entre paises en desarrollo (CTPD) , ~UI JIJ.Lj1 ~ ~ JJ\..;)' The promotion of technical 'cooperation not from developed to developing Technical assistance (assistance technique, asistencia tecnica, ~ .~L.). The system of providing assistance, on a bilateral or multilateral basis, through 77 Technological disaster Temperature inversion (inversion de tempe- country, but between developing countries, for the development of both. Syn: TCOC. Cf. development, technical cooperation. rature, inversion de temperatura, 0);1-1 ..,.\S:...;I). Sudden increase in the vertical gradient of temperature in the atmosphere. Cf. atmosphere, stratosphere. Technological disaster (catastrophe technologique, desastre tecn%gico, <!JlS" 4:.>:)~). Man-made disaster due to a sudden or slow break-down, technical fault, error or involuntary or voluntary human act that causes destruction, death, pollution and environmental damage. Cf. disaster, man-made disaster. Terrestrial longitude (longitude geographique, /ongitud geograjica, J).JI .,k,:. ~}-~I). . Cf. geographic longitude. Territorial asylum (asile territorial, asilo Technology transfer (transfert de techno- territorial, ~)'I ~G:>U .~). Temporary or permanent admission by a State, on its territory, given to a refugee or asylum seeker. Cf. asylum, diplomatic asylum, refugee. /ogie, tras/ado (transferencia) de tecnologia, 4-)~1 j.t;). Transmission from a technologically developed country to one less advanced in economic, industrial or other techniques, of information, knowledge, equipment and training facilities, with the view to strengthening a particularly weak sector or promoting general development in the receiving country. Cf. international assistance, technical cooperation. Tetanus (tetanos, tetanos, j~). A non-epidemic, highly toxi-infectious, often fatal disease, due to the contamination of wounds or burns or the newborn's umbilicus with Clostridium tetani or its spores. Vaccination protects and is included in the WHO programme of immunization. Cf. Expanded Programme on Immunization. Telecommunication (telecommunication, telecomunicacion, ~ .f JL.....;'~I). Transmission, emission or reception at a distance, of signs, signals, messages, imagery, sounds or any other information by wire, radio, laser, optics, satellite, or other system. Cf. International Telecommunication Union. Thermograph (thermographe, termografo, "-!);> .....1"). Thermometer fitted with a device for continuously recording the temperature chronologically on a rotating graph. Thermonuclear bomb (bombe thermonuc/eaire, bomba termonuc/ear, "-!JY a:.; '"-!J1.;> ). A nuclear weapon in which a part of the explosive power results from fusion reactions, as in the hydrogen bomb. Telemetry (telemetrie, te/emetria, ~ Tephra (tephras, tefra, ~lS"./. .:;.,liJ l,;,.). Ashes and fragments of pyroclastic material ejected by the explosion of volcanic bombs. Cf. ash, volcano. J ..,.l:4l I ). The measuring of distances, obtained by acoustical, optical and radio-electric procedures. 78 Topography Syn: hydrogen bomb, fusion bomb. Cf. atomic bomb, fission bomb, nuclear war. by the moon and the sun. The cycle is generally about 12 to 24 hours. Cf. amplitude tidal range. Three Mile Island (Three Mile Island, Three Mile Island, ~i J.L. ~;). A place near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., site of a nuclear reactor which failed on 28 March 1979, causing the most serious nuclear industry accident up to that date, with some release of radioactive gases. Commonly referred to as TMI. Cf. Chernobyl, nuclear reactor, technological disaster. Tide coefficient (coefficient de la maree, coeficiente de la marea, ))-~ ..ul Jot.....). Cf. coefficient of tide. Tide-generating force (jorce generatrice de la maree, Juerza generadora de la marea, ..ul -I:l; oj). The resultant of the astral attraction on a particle and of the inertia force of that particle in its movement on the terrestrial orbit. Cf. force. Thunderstorm (arage, tormenta, ~Js.J ......... l?). A sudden, local, relatively short cloudburst of cumulus with lightning and rumble, but usually without a frontal system. Cf. frontal thunderstorm. Tick-borne typhus (typhus a tiques, ti/us transmitido por garrapatas, ~'.,Al4 J~ ,-",*). One of a group of acute, febrile rickettsial diseases transmitted by ticks, with manifestations similar to typhus. Cf. rickettsial fever, typhus. Tideland (marais maritime, litoral cubierto per la marea, ..ul "",). Low coastal land partly under sea water, at least at high tide, and possessing special ecological characteristics. Syn: tidal wetland. TNT (TNT, TNT, .;....:".;...). The chemical explosive, trinitrotoluene, in conventional weapons, and used as reference to measure the energy liberated in the explosion of nuclear weapons. Thus, a I Mt nuclear bomb has the destructive capacity of one million tons of TNT. Syn: trinitrotoluene. Tidal range (amplitude d'une onde de maree, carrera (amplitud) de la marea, J)-~ ..ul Jlk;). Syn: amplitude tidal range. Tidal wave (raz de maree, onda de marea, J)-I ~y - ..ul Tide forecast (prediction de la maree, prediccion de fa marea, J)-~ ..ul .;...~). Prediction, for a particular place, of the height of the tide at a given time, or of the heights and times of high and low tides. (Printed in tide tables.) Syn: tide prediction. ~y). Catastrophic wave(s) arriving on the coast accompanied with strong winds and storm surge, associated with submarine earthquake and tsunami. Cf. storm surge, tsunami. Topography (topographie, topografia, '-:.i~). I. The fixed characteristics and physical features of an area, particularly portraying elevations and landmarks. 2. The geographic science of mapping Tide (maree, marea, J)-~ ..ul). The periodic rise and fall of the earth's oceans and seas due to the attraction 79 Tornado their detection, effects, elimination and antidotes. Cf. toxicological disaster. the positions, elevations, forms, dimensions and other elements of the fixed and permanent features of the surface of the ground at a given time. Toxin (toxine, toxina, .)~~). Substance secreted by certain living organisms, capable of causing harmful (toxic) effects in the receiving organism. Tornado (tornade, tornado, .)~U. The North American name for a violent whirling wind, generally cyclonic in direction, about 100 metres in diameter and extremely destructive in its path. Cf. twister. Trace elements (elements-traces, oligoelements; oligoelementos, o.)j .r'l:.?). Chemical and mineral elements, usually beneficial, that exist in minimal traces (oligo-quantities) in various media, e.g. the body, in foods, in the air, in soil. Syn: oligo-elements. Torture (torture, tortura, '-:-!.t.;). Any act by which pain and acute physicalor mental suffering are intentionally inflicted upon a person, in order to obtain a confession or information, to punish for an act committed by him or another suspected person, to intimidate, degrade, or exercise pressure; or for any other discriminatory motive, when such pain and suffering are inflicted by a public servant or any other person acting on behalf of an official, with or without the latter's consent. UN Convention against torture, 1984. Amnesty International is the principal organization active against torture. Cf. Geneva Conventions, International Humanitarian Law, United Nations. Trachoma (trachome, tracoma, p). A contagious viral eye disease (keratoconjunctivitis), endemic in many countries where it is a major cause of blindness. Trade wind (alize; (vientos) alisios, ~li t~.». Regufar winds that blow throughout the year between the tropical high pressures and the equatorial low pressures. Cf. atmospheric pressure. Transboundary pollution (pollution transfrontieres, contaminacion transfronteriza, ))..\J..I ~ ...:...};). Pollution and pollutants that have been produced in one country and that have passed international boundaries through water or air to other countries, causing pollution. The effects can be mitigated only through international agreements as the damage is caused outside the boundaries of the victim country. Syn: transfrontier pollution. Cf. acid rain, Chernobyl. Toxicological disaster (catastrophe toxicologique, desastre toxicologico, ~ ~.)l5). Serious environmental pollution and illness caused by the massive accidental escape of toxic substances into the air, soil or water, and to man, animals or plants. Cf. dioxin, man-made disaster, Seveso, technological disaster. Toxicology (toxicologie, toxicologia, "':"'l:--r-ll). The science of poisons, harmful chemical substances, organic toxins, and of 80 Transfonn fault (faille transformante, falla transformadora, -f.yE t.~). Syn: sliding fault. Tsunami Transit centre (centre de transit. centro de Tropical cyclone (cyclone tropical. ciclon trimsito. ~}ipJl?/). A centre which houses refugees (or other disaster victims) awaiting the completion of formalities for departure. tropical. ",,)...l.o ~) ) .....~U. A strong meteorological depression, generated in the tropics and giving rise to extremely violent winds. The term tropical cyclone covers typhoon, hurricane and cyclone. Seasonal cause of disaster. Cf. cyclone, hurricane, typhoon. Transmission (of infection) (transmission d·infection. transmision de una infeccion. (I.GJ..wI) J~I). The passage of a disease - most commonly an infectious disease from one individual to another. Syn: disease transmission. Cf. communicable disease, infectious disease, carrier. Tropical depression (depression tropicale. depresion tropical. ",,)...L.o ~). Tropical perturbance with maximum winds below 34 knots. Cf. depression, tropical storm, wind. Tropical storm (tempete tropicale. tor- Triage (triage .. clasificacion. seleccion.j). men/a tropical. ~)...l.o ~~). I. Any tropical cyclonic disturbance. 2. Tropical cyclone with maximum winds between 34 and 64 knots. Cf. cyclone, tropical cyclone, tropical depression. Selection and categorization of the victims of a disaster with the view to appropriate treatment according to the degree of severity of illness or injury, and the availability of medical and transport facilities. Tropical zones (regions tropicales. zonas Trinitrotoluene (trinitrotoluene (TNT). tropicales. ~)...L.o J1L:..). Countries which are continually warm, situated between the tropical latitudes, where the seasonal differentiation is function of the rainfall, expressed as a dry season (corresponding to winter in the northern hemisphere) and a humid season. Cf. rainfall, rainy season, dry season, season. trinitrotolueno (TNT). ",,)y:J1 .::.....}jV ~l:). The chemical name for the explosive TNT. Cf. TNT. Tropical air (air tropical. aire tropical . •Iy",,)...l.o). Mass of air which has stayed over tropical latitudes for several days and which, accordingly, has become relatively warm. Cf. tropical zones. Trypanosomiasis (trypanosomiase. tripanosomiasis • .;...~I .b). Syn: sleeping sickness. Tropical climate (climat tropical. clima tropical. ",,)...l.o t L:..). The prevailing climate in the sub-tropical and tropical zones, characterized by a well-marked dry season (in the months when it is winter in the northern hemisphere) and an equally distinct rainy season (during the summer in the northern hemisphere). Cf. climate, dry season, rainy season. Tsunami (tsunami. tsunami. ....)~ ). ~ ~.r An oceanic tidal wave generated by an under-water upheaval such as earthquake or volcanic eruption. The waves move out in all directions over 100 miles, causing great destruction. Cf. seismic sea wave, tidal wave. 81 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (tuberculose, tuberculosis, Cf. diarrhoeal diseases, enteric diseases, carrier, oral rehydration, salmonellosis. .J)..Ii ). Infectious and contagious disease, with particular localization in the lungs, caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BCG vaccination is important, but the disease is still endemic in many regions and is a real hazard in crowded unsanitary conditions following disaster. One of the six diseases in the WHO immunization programme. Cf. Expanded Programme on Immunization. Typhoon (typhon, tifon, ~)...\..o )L.=l). A Chinese term, now universally adopted, for tropical cyclone in the Western Pacific. Same as "hurricane" in the Atlantic and "cyclone" in SouthEast Asia. Cf. cyclone, hurricane, tropical cyclone. Typhoon warning (avis de typhon, aviso de tifbn, ~)..ul )L.='1 1 , f .I.~). Meteorological message to warn of the existence or expected arrival of a typhoon, often coupled with advice on protective measures. Cf. climatological forecast, typhoon, weather forecast. Twister (tornade, tourbillon; tornado, ifl,~ )L.=l)· Syn: tornadc. Typhoid fever (jievre typhoide,fiebre tifoidea, ~I ~I). A serious enteric infectious disease, transmitted by patients, carriers, water or food, such as contaminated shellfish. It is characterized by fever, slow pulse, skin eruption, abdominal signs, enlarged spleen and prostration. Many enteric diseases are labelled typhoid fever, but the latter only is caused by Salmonella typhi. It is a popular belief that typhoid frequently follows floods and other disasters; it is in fact unusual, and mass vaccination is not recommended. Personal hygienic practices constitute the best prevention. (Do not confuse typhoid with typhus.) Typhus (typhus, tifus, J~)' One of the serious rickettsial fevers, the classically notorious epidemic typhus, transmitted by lice. Immunization and louse control are highly effective. (Not to be confused with typhoid.) Cf. rickettsial fever, tick-borne typhUS, typhus exanthematicus. Typhus exanthematicus (typhus exanthematique, tifus exantemiItico, ~J~)' . Cf. rickettsial fever, typhus. u Unaccompanied minor (enfant non ac- person can be found who by law or custom has primary responsibility. Humanitarian organizations usually take care of unaccompanied minors/ children pending family reunion. (It is the usual practice of UNHCR to allow unaccompanied children over 15 compagne, menor no accompaiiado, j~ .JJ-'! j.4J.,). A child under 15 years of age who has been separated from both parents following a disaster, exodus or refugee displacement, and for whose care no 82 United Nations the depository of studies and information on earthquakes, and has a programme on the Protection of the Lithosphere as a Component of the Environment. Syn: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Cf. earthquake, United Nations. to take decisions concerning durable solutions for themselves). Syn: unaccompanied child. Cf. refugee. Undernutrition (denutrition. desnutrici6n. ~..wl ~). I. Inadequate intake of food, hence of energy, over a period of time. 2. Pathological state arising from inadequate intake of food and hence of calories, over a considerable period of time, manifest by reduced body-weight. Cf. energy requirements, malnutrition. UNDRO (UNDRO. UNDRO. J.....:.. .!.o)~1 ~ .!.ojJJ .~I r\ll). UNICEF (UNICEF (FISE). UNICEF. ~.r.ll). Acronymic word for United Nations Children's Fund, special fund created to help the underprivileged children worldwide. From the beginning Unicef has been engaged in emergency aid, and now its activities extend to all the fields of child welfare, especially child development, health and protection of children in disaster situations. Collaborates closely with WHO in primary health care. Syn: United Nations Children's Fund. Cf. primary health care, unaccompanied minor, United Nations. ~ The modified acronym for the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, focal point in the UN system for emergency relief, particularly in natural disasters. It mobilizes, directs and coordinates the emergency activities of the various UN agencies and other organizations. It has established the UN International Emergency Information Network (UNIENET), operates the UNDRO warehouse in Pisa, and publishes studies on disaster relief and preparedness. It supervises the annual Sasakawa Disaster Prevention Award for outstanding work in this sector. In emergencies UNDRO despatches field officers to the stricken site, while in normal times the UNDP Resident Representative acts as its representative also. Cf. disaster, natural disaster, technological disaster, preparedness, relief, United Nations. United Nations (Nations Unies. Naciones Unidas . •~I r\ll). The supreme intergovernmental world body established in 1945 with the purposes of I. maintaining international peace and security, 2. developing friendly relations among nations, 3. solving international problems through international cooperation, and 4. harmonizing the actions of all nations for these common ends. The UN acts through various mechanisms, such as Specialized Agencies, e.g. WHO; Centres, e.g. Human Rights; other constituted bodies, e.g. UNHCR; committees, e.g. Disarmament; funds, e.g. UNICEF; major programmes, e.g. UNDP; peace-keeping forces, e.g. UNIFIL; institutes, e.g. UNITAR, etc. UNDRO is responsible for the UNESCO (Unesco. Unesco. ~.r.ll). Acronymic word for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the UN specialized agency for these fields of endeavour. In the sector of disasters, Unesco IS 83 United Nations Children's Fund direction and coordination of the UN response and capability in natural and other disasters. The General Assembly has designated the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. The following UN bodies are involved in disaster assistance: Cf. Office of the UN Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); International Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA); International Telecommunication Union (lTU); United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA); World Food Programme (WFP); World Health Organization (WHO); World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Syn: UNDP. Cf. development, international assistance, technical assistance, United Nations, UNDRO. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Organisation des Nations Unies pour I'Education, la Scienceet la Culture (UNESCO), Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para 10 Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), 4jlA!J~ t:~ ~;.u •.J.>..:ll r-'ll W2:...). Full official designatIOn of UNESCO. Cf. UNESCO. United Nations Environment Programme (Programme des Nations Unies pour I'Environement (PNUE) , Programa de las Naciones Unidas par el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), ~ •.J.>..:ll r \11 c;:'~.I.). Special programme of the UN to promote a harmonious interrelationship between environment and development, by wise and technically sound utilization of resources and by reducing the degradation and pollution of the environment. Acts in natural environmental catastrophes (earthquake, drought, deforestation) and man-made disasters (chemical explosion, oil spill, pollution). Syn: UNEP. Cf. deforestation, environment, United Nations. United Nations Children's Fund (Fonds des Nations Unies pour I'Enfance (UNICEF, FISE) , Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), ;Jy<kJ1 "'l&.) •.J.>..:ll r'll ..........y.). Cf. UNICEF. United Nations Development Programme (Programme des Nations Unies pour Ie Developpement (P NU D), Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) , Jli~1 •.J.>..:ll r'i l C"~.ld. The major UN programme for multIlateral technical and pre-investment cooperation for development; the funding source for most of the technical assistance provided by the UN. UNDP Resident Representatives act. as the representatives of UNDRO in the respective countries. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les Refugies, Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, ~')\jl .JJj.-!J •.J.>..:ll r'il ~y....). Office of the UN High Commissioner specifically established to protect and assist refugees, with the goal of finding permanent solutions to the refugee problem. It designs and administers 84 Viral hepatitis (A and B) Cf. UNRWA. programmes of assistance to countries of asylum in providing emergency relief to refugees arriving there, and facilitates repatriation, orderly departure, local integration or resettlement. Has an active programme of refugeerelated disaster management. Syn: UNHCR, HCR. Cf. refugee, United Nations. UNRWA (UNRWA, UNRWA, ~j\ll). Modified acronym for United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, organization that since 1950 has been assisting and protecting Palestine refugees - who are not included in UNHCR's mandate. Cf. refugee, UNHCR, United Nations. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (Office de Urbanization (urbanisation, urbanizaci6n, Secours et de Travaux des Nations Unies pour les Refugies de Palestine dans Ie Proche-Orient (UNRWA), Organismo de Obras Publica y Socorro a los Refugiados de Palestina en el Cercano Oriente (UNRWA), ~I ~')\jl ~J ":'jJ •..b..:.ll \,",\11 ;jlSJ J~':JI JrJI ~). Transformation of rural land to urban use, under the influence of economic, demographic and spatial pressures of an urban centre, with consequent problems. Cf. conurbation. J). Full official designation for UNRWA. V Vaccination (vaccination, vacunaci6n, Vector (vecteur, vector, Jil;). Animal or insect that acts as intermediate host or carrier, transmitting disease from one to another, especially to human beings. Cf. carrier, infection, transmission. ~). Method of preventing certain infectious diseases by conferring active immunity in a person through the introduction by injection/ingestion/application - of certain preparations called vaccines, which reinforce the resistance of the body. Syn: immunization. Cf. infection, vaccine. Venereal disease (maladie venerienne, enfermedades venereas, ~.I'j ...r''.,-i). . Disease transmitted by the gem tal tract. The classically mentioned are syphilis and gonorrhoea, but there are many others, now named under sexually transmitted diseases. Syn: VD. Cf. sexually transmitted diseases. Vaccine (vaccin, vacuna, CL4J). Antigenic preparation that has the property of causing the formation of protective antibodies in the receiver, used for the prevention of certain microbial, viral or parasitic diseases by vaccination. Cf. immunization, vaccination. Verruga (Peruana) (bartonellose, bartonelosis, '0~j.;JI .b). Syn: bartonellosis. Viral hepatitis (A and B) (hepatite virale VD (VD, VD, ~.I'j <..1"''.,-'1). Syn: venereal disease. (A et B), hepatitis viral (A), B), '-:'J 1 I,?'J.r.-<J 1 ..l.SJI ,-:,lrll). 85 Virucide Vitamin 8 2 deficiency (ariboflavinose. arriboflavinosis. I '":' ~~I jy). A nutritional deficiency due to lack of vitamin 8 2 and characterized by tongue and lip lesions. Syn: ariboflavinosis, hypovitaminosis B2 • Acute infection of the liver, due to a virus, probably of two types, Type A (previously known as acute infectious hepatitis) and Type B (usually called serum or post-transfusion hepatitis). Type A is spread mainly by faecaloral contact and contaminated water or food. It is a real risk in congested, insalubrious areas following disaster. Type B is mainly transmitted through blood transfusions. It has become a major problem among drug addicts through the repeated use of infected needles. Vitamin C deficiency (hypovitaminose C. scorbut .. hipovitaminosis C. escorbuto. C. ~~I jy). Syn: hypovitaminosis C, scurvy. Vitamin D deficiency (rachitisme. raquitismo. J ~l:z.4l1 jy). Syn: hypovitaminosis D, rickets. J ---:,.---:--.... Virucide (virulicide. viricida . ...... Vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminose. hipovitaminosis . .;..~l:z.4l1 jy). Lack of vitamin intake, without specifying the particular vitamin deficiency. There is no deficiency in all vitamins, specific deficiencies lead to specific diseases. Syn: hypovitaminosis. Cf. beri-beri, pellagra, rickets, scurvy, vitamin A deficiency, vitamin Bl deficiency, vitamin 8 2 deficiency, vitamin C deficiency, vitamin D deficiency. Volcanic eruption (eruption volcanique. erupcion volcanica. J~ ~). The sudden explosive ejection of superheated matter - lava, cinders, ashes, gases and dust, from a volcanic crater or vent. Cf. volcano. .;..\....J~I). Chemical compound used to destroy viruses. Cf. pesticide. Virus (virus. virus. ,fJ.;-!)' Self-reproducing infectious agent smaller than bacteria, containing only one type of nucleic acid and multiplying only in cells and responsible for a wide range of diseases, and often of epidemics. Cf. epidemic, human immunodeficiency virus, infection. Visceral leishmaniasis (leishmaniose visceral. kala-azar . .,s.,.:-:L-I .;..~\c.!-:lll .1). A tropical and subtropical parasitic disease transmitted by sandflies. Syn: Kala azar. Cf. leishmaniasis. Volcano (volcan. vo/dm . .)~). A conical mountain with an opening on the earth's crust through which magma of molten rock or gases or both erupt to the surface. Cf. ash, magma, solfatara, stratovolcano, tephra. Vitamin A deficiency (hypovitaminose A. hipovitaminosis A. 'I ~~I jy). Nutritional deficiency in vitamin A or retinol, the leading cause of blindness in infants, and xerophthalmia (night blindness). Syn: hypovitaminosis A. Voluntary agency (agence benevo/e. organismo benefico. ~,,1 -.llSj). A non-profit, non-governmental, private association, maintained and sup- Vitamin 8 1 deficiency (ber(beri. beriberi. '":' ~~\ jy). Syn: beri-beri, hypovitaminosis B 1 . 86 Wash-out ported by voluntary contributions. Among its activities, assistance in emergencies and disasters is notable. ICV A, the International Council of Voluntary Agencies, represents their federation. Syn: VOLAG, voluntary organization. Cf. international assistance. from the occurrence of a natural phenomenon of a given magnitude and expressed on a scale from 0 (= no damage) to I (= total loss). - UNDRO Cf. elements at risk, hazard, natural hazard, risk, risk indicator, risk map. Vulnerability study (etude de vulnerabilite, estudio sobre vulnerabilidad, ...,.....,..:ll 1S..\..o ..... G~)· Study and investigation of all the risks and the hazards susceptible to cause a disaster. Cf. disaster, hazard, prevention, risk indicator. Voluntary organization (organisation benevole, organizacion benefica, ~)> wo.:...). Syn: voluntary agency. Cf. non-governmental organization. Voluntary repatriation (rapatriement libre- Vulnerable group (groupe vulnerable, grupo ment consenti, repatriacion voluntaria, ~)> .~.J" - ~JI:-:.•J .~.J"). The freely consented return of a refugee to his country with the view to his reestablishment there. Cf. principle of non-refoulement, refugee, repatriation. vulnerable, .....J'" i.&-~). A section of the popUlation, specially infants, pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly, the homeless, who are particularly prone to sickness and nutritional deficiencies. They are likely to suffer most in a disaster. Vortex (vortex .. vertice, vortex, ... ~~). Vulnerable person (sujet vulnerable, sujeto the "eye" or centre of the spiral clouds of a cyclone, hurricane or typhoon. vulnerable, """'J'" ~). Individual who is at risk. Cf. susceptible case, vulnerable group, risk. Vulnerability (vulnerabilite, vulnerabilidad, ...,..."..u ). The degree of loss to a given element at risk, or set of such elements, resulting w War wounded (blesse de guerre, herido de In transport and shipping, represents a shed or storehouse where cargo is kept pending despatch or retrieval. Bonded warehouse is an official warehouse under customs control where transit cargo is kept or where cargo is stored pending customs clearance. guerra, '-:'? ~?). I. I n the strict sense: regular member of the armed forces wounded in an armed conflict in the course of military operations. 2. In a wider sense: any person wounded during an armed conflict in the course of military operations. Cf. armed conflict, Geneva Conventions. Wash-out (entrainement par les precipitations, precipitacion con la l/uvia, j-J~ ~~l - .j?). Syn: rain-out. Cf. scavenging. Warehouse (entrepot, almacen, t:.i-')' 87 Wastage Wastage (gaspillage, desperdicio,).JJ> - Weather forecast (prevision meteorologique, prediccion del tiempo, ~~ .:...~). Announcement of meteorological conditions anticipated for a specific area and period of time. Weather forecasting is important in disaster prevention. Cf. cyclone warning, meteorology. ~~). Bad use of the forces, resources, material, human capabilities and financial means. Waste water (eaux usees, aguas residuales, ~'l:-o). Weather map (carte meteorologique, mapa meteorol6gico, ..,-4kl1 ~.r). Water rendered unsafe and polluted in the course of its domestic or industrial use, comprising household (kitchen, laundry) drainage (lavatories) and residual (industrial) effluents. Cf. sanitary engineering. Wasting (emaciation, Topographic map on which the national meteorological services record data - temperature, humidity, winds, nebulosity, pressure, etc. - every six hours, using symbols, isobars, etc. Cf. meteorology, topography. emaciaciim,)~). Depletion of the essential biological, cellular constituents of the body, reflected in the loss of fat and muscle tissue, resulting from prolonged food deprivation and often associated with infections or other diseases. Syn: emaciation. Well-being (bien-etre, bienestar, Wheat-soya blend (melange /rom en t-soja , Water harnessing (captage, captacion, mezcla trigo-soya, ~.,...J~ ~I .k.}.,;.). Nutritive food mixture consisting of: 73.1 % wheat, pre-cooked 20.0 % soya flour 4.0% salad oil, stabilized 2.9% vitamin and mineral premix. Syn: WSB. Cf. food mixtures. .1:1 1 J")\O;;....I). The process of capturing and channelling the water of a spring, lake or river into a network for utilization. Watershed (bassin versant, cuenca fluvial, .j>",..). Syn: river basin. j~1 Wave (houle, vague; ola, ~~). The physical and psychological state that makes an individual feel adjusted to his environment. Cf. environment, health, needs. Wheat-soya-milk (midange jroment-soja- ~r)' lait, mezcla trigo-soya-Ieche, ~I .k.}.,;. .:,JJ ~ ~.,...J ~). Wheat-soya mixture prepared in milk. Syn: WSM. cr. food mixtures. Agitation of the surface of the sea caused by local winds. The numerical code representing the state of the sea is the Douglas scale. Syn: surge. Cf. Douglas scale. Whirlwind (tourbillon; torbellino, remolin 0 , ~)r ... ~). Wave-generating area (aire de generation A small-scale rotating column of air. Syn: twister. Cf. tornado. de la houle, area generadora de oleaje, . ~\II ..u; <Ala;.,.). bceanic surface upon which winds blow in constant direction and force. Cf. force, wind, wind force. Whooping cough (coqueluche; tos jerina, pertussis, 88 J",...l:. ,.;,.) JL.......). World Council of Churches A common, highly infectious communicable disease of childhood characterized by paroxysmal coughing. A significant cause of death in infants in developing countries. Easily preventable and included in the WHO programme of immunization. Syn: pertussis. Cf. Expanded Programme on Immunization. Wind force (force du vent, fuerza del viento, C~)I oj). Force exerted by the wind on a building, plantation, object, etc. Winter monsoon (mousson d'hiver, manzan de invierno, ~.,:..;. C~)· Continental monsoon which blows in the winter. Cf. monsoon, summer monsoon. Workshop (educational) (atelier (de formation), taller, ~ ~".. C~)· An organized series of training sessions that emphasizes free discussion and exchange of ideas, concepts, skills and methods for problem solving and professional development. WHOPAX Report (Rapport WHOPAX, Informe de WHOPAX, ~LY' .I.';;)' Abridged designation for the Report of the WHO Management Group on the Role of Physicians and Other Health Workers in the Preservation and Promotion of Peace, published under the title "Effects of Nuclear War on Health and Health Services". It concludes that "the only approach to the treatment of health effects ... is the prevention of nuclear war". Cf. World Health Organization, nuclear war, GLA WARS Report. World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine (Association mondiale de medecine d'urgence et de catastrophes, Asociacian mundial de medicina de urgencia y desastre, ~)I,SJ~ .s)1)aJ1 ..,..1J '-:lJ..l.i1 .<k~I). Major worldwide organization of professionals from a wide range of health disciplines engaged in or promoting better knowledge and practice of all aspects of emergency medicine and disaster medicine. Cf. disaster medicine, European Centre for Disaster Medicine. Willy-willy (cyclone tropical, ciclan tropical, ..,»..1,. ) ...=\). The Australian term for a tropical cyclone. Cf. tropical cyclone. Wind (vent, viento, C;')' Air movement relative to the earth's surface. Unless otherwise specified, only the horizontal component of the movement is considered. The coding of wind velocity is shown by the Beaufort scale. Cf. Beaufort scale. World Council of Churches (Conseil recumenique des eglises, Consejo Mundial de Iglesias,...,...:lSJ.i .jWI ~I). Fellowship of some 300 Christian, non-Catholic churches to promote the unity of the Church and mankind. Active in international affairs with particular attention to conflict situations, human rights, peace and disaster assistance. Syn: Oecumenical Council, WCe. Cf. non-governmental organization. Wind erosion (erosion eolienne, erosion ealiana, CUI ~ .:..t,i). Erosion of the land due to the action of winds. Syn: aeolian erosion. Cf. erosion, soil erosion, wind. 89 World Food Programme World Food Programme (Programme A Ii- health care, public health, United Nations, WHOPAX Report. mentaire M ondiaf (PAM). Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA). .)WI ,loWl ~\,;.I.). . . the organization of the Umted NatIOns system for food aid, both for development projects and emergency relief in drought or famine, by mobilization of bulk foodstuffs (while FAO mobilizes resources). Has a food-for-work mechanism for refugee and disaster situations. Syn: WFP. Cf. drought, food aid, Food and Agriculture Oraganization, United Nations. World Meteorological Organization (Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale (OMM). Organizacion Meteorofogica Mundial (OMM). ~yll ~L.,.:.J".>\J <:J.WI .o....k:J.1). UN specialized agency that promotes the effective use worldwide of mete orological and hydrological information, especially in weather forecasting, waterresource prediction and climatology. A priority function is to oversee the World Weather Watch and World Climate Programme. Important and active in the meteorological aspects of disaster management. Syn: WMO. Cf. meteorology, World Weather Watch, United Nations. World Health Organization (Organisation mondiale de la Sante (OMS). Organizacion Mundiaf de fa Safud (OMS). ;JWI ~I WO;..). The health arm of the United Nations, aiming at "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health". Coordinates efforts to raise health levels worldwide and promotes the development of primary health. Besides multiple public health programmes and actions, it is engaged in disaster preparedness and relief both at headquarters and at six Regional Offices, and coordinates the health sector of any UN involvement in major emergencies. Has compiled the Emergency Health Kit. Syn: WHO. Cf. Emergency Health Kit, primary World Weather Watch (Veille Meteorologique Mondiale. Vigilancia Meteorologica Mundial . .}WI ",yll ..1....0)1). The global system of the World Meteorological Organization for observing, monitoring and exchanging meteorological information in real time through satellite and other advanced data collecting methods. Syn: WWW. Cf. satellite, World Meteorological Organization. x Xerophthalmia (xerophtalmie. xeroftalmia. Ull A deficiency, causing lens opacification, keratomalacia and night blindness. Cf. vitamin A deficiency. ..j~). A serious eye disease due to the total ocular syndrome associated with vitamin 90 Zoonosis y Yam (igname; name, batata, ~ u.~ - i 4). Tropical edible plant, the roots of which are rich in starch and constitute the staple food in certain regions. Cf. conventional food, staple food. A highly contagious, acute, lethal viral disease of Africa and South America, transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. Death is due to liver and kidney failure. One of the few remaining quarantinable diseases, successfully preventable by vaccination. Cf. endemic, epidemic, jaundice, quarantine. Yaws (pian; piim,frambesia,jyJ. Syn: pinta. Yellow fever (fievre jaune, fiebre amarilla, -1)...0 ~). z Zoonosis (zoonose, zoonosis, Zero option (option zero, opciim cero,)l;:>1 .;....JI ). The possibility of agreement between the nuclear powers to reduce the stockpiles of long range nuclear missiles to nil. Double-zero applies to long range and medium range missiles. Cf. nuclear war, WHOPAX. )..w.J1 J~ ....,.;J"). Any disease of animals that can be transmitted to man. Example: rabies, yellow fever, dengue. 91 PART II UNITS AND MEASURES a (a, a, I) Symbol for are are (a) (are, area, (I) }) Measure of area equivalent to 100 m 2 or 119.6 square yards. Beaufort (Beaufort, Beaufort, )}y,) Scale from 0 to 12 indicating wind force. Cf. * Beaufort scale. becquerel (Bq) (becquerel (Bq), becquerel (Bq) , J.~) Unit of nuclear activity. I Bq represents the amount of radioactive substance where one disintegration occurs per second. (Has replaced the curie.) billion (milliard, mil mil/ones, .J~) In the UK = one thousand million. In the US = one billion. Bq (Bq, Bq, J.~) Symbol for becquerel. 0C (oC, 0C, ...,. 0) Symbol for degree Celsius. Previously centigrade. cal. (cal., cal., Jl$"") Symbol for calorie. calorie (cal.) (calorie (cal.), caloria (cal.), (Jl$"") o»Jl$"") Unit of heat. The amount of heat required to' raise the temperature of I litre of water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C under normal atmospheric pressure, (101 235 pascals). Celsius (0C) (Celsius (DC), Celsius (DC), (cJ"0) cJ".r.-L) See degree Celsius. Celsius scale (echelle de Celsius, escala de Celsius, ...,..r.-L cJ"1.:A--) Thermodynamic scale of temperature in function of temperature kelvin. Has replaced the centigrade scale. centigrade (degree and scale) (centigrade, centigrado, ~~) Have been replaced by the degree and scale Celsius. centimetre (or centimeter) (cm) (centimetre (cm), centimetro (cm), (r)~) One hundredth of one metre. cm (cm, cm, r) Symbol for centimetre. cubic metre (or meter) (m3) (metre cube (m 3 ), metro cubico, Unit of volume of a cube measuring 1m on every side. • Cf. refers to this term in Section I, Part I, the Dictionary. 93 <' r> ~;..) cwt (cwt, cwt, ~JJ)x..) Symbol for hundredweight. degree Celsius (0C) (degre Celsius (OC), grado Celsius (OC), C. .r"·) "",r.-L '-':-)J) Unit of degree of temperature that has replaced the centigrade. (Converted to degree Fahrenheit by multiplying by 1.8 and adding 32.) degree centigrade (degre centigrade, grado centigrado, See degree Celsius, which has replaced it. J~ '-':-)J) degree Fahrenheit (OF) (degre Fahrenheit (OF), grado Fahrenheit (OF), <.j ') ..:..;r.Ai '-':-)J) Degree of temperature. (Converted to degree Celsius by subtracting 32 and multiplying by 0.555.) Douglas (Douglas, Douglas, ""'~JJ) Numerical scale from 0 to 9 indicating the state of the sea. Cf. Douglas scale. °F (0 F, of, ...:.') Symbol for degree Fahrenheit. foot (ft) (pied, pie, i..u) Unit of linear measure equivalent to 12 inches or 30.48 cm (plural, feet). ft (pied, pie, i..u) Symbol for foot or feet. g (g, g, t) Symbol for gramme (or gram). gal. (gal., gal., 0)\i.) Symbol for gallon. gallon (gal.) (gallon (gal.), galbn (gal.), .J)~) Unit of capacity. The imperial or British gal. is equal to 4.5 litres, the US gal. to 3.8 I. GMT (TMG (GMT), TMG (GMT), Lpl ....;::.-.;. .:....!j) Cf. Greenwich mean time. GNP (PNB, PNB, J~':II -r.,Al1 <iU1) Cf. Gross national product. gramme (or gram) (g) (gramme (g), gramo (g), <U ilj- ) Sub-multiple of the unit of mass, the kilogramme, which is equal to 1000 g. Also equal to 0.035 ounces. gray (Gy) (gray (Gy), gray (Gy), vlj-) The unit of absorbed dose, corresponding to the energy absorption of I joule per kg of tissue. Equal to 100 rads, the old unit. gross registered tonnage (GRT) (tonnage de jauge brute, arqueo de registro bruto, JIi ~ 41.,-» The capacity of a freighter, volume of its enclosed spaces, expressed in 2.83 m 3 or 100 sq. ft. Also called gross tonnage. 94 GRT (GRT, TRB, ...eli ~ ..l.,..,...) Abbreviation for gross registered tonnage. h(h, h, If'} Symbol for hour. ha (ha, ha, J~) Symbol for hectare. hectare (ha) (hectare (ha), hectarea (ha)'J~) Unit of surface, equivalent to 104 m 2 or 2.5 acres. hour (h) (heure (h), hora (h), (If') 'sl..) Unit of time equivalent to 3600 seconds or 60 minutes. hundredweight (cwt) (hundredweight (cwt), hundredweight (cwt), ~J~J..o) Unit of weight in the United Kingdom and Canada, equivalent to 112 pounds or 50.7 kg, and in the US 100 pounds, 45.3 kg. imperial gallon (gal.) (gallon imperial (gal.), galon imperial (gal.), I$J).I.r.--'1 .J}6:-) in. (in., in., ~y.) Symbol for inch. inch (in.) (pouce (in.), pulgada (in.), ~y.) UK and US unit of length equivalent to 2.54cm J (J, J, c.) Symbol for joule. joule (J) (joule (J), joule (J), (c.) J~) I. Unit of work produced by a force of I newton, whose point of application is displaced by I m in the direction of the force. 2. Also the unit of measure of energy and the quantity of heat. K (K, K, !J) Symbol for kelvin. kcal (kcal, kcal, I$J}IS' }:5') Symbol for kilocalorie. kerma (kerma, kerma, \..~) Kinetic energy released in matter, the measure of intensity of ionizing radiation at a given place. The dose is expressed in grays. Cf. kerma. c!> kg (kg, kg, Symbol for kilogramme (or kilogram). kilocalorie (kcal) (kilocalorie (kcal) , kilocaloria (kcal), I$J}IS' }:5') Multiple of the unit of energy calorie, equivalent to 1000 cal. kelvin (K) (kelvin (K), kelvin (K), (!J).)l51 Unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to the degree Celsius. kilogramme (or kilogram) (kg) (kilogramme (kg), kilbgramo (kg), (~) rl}}:5') Unit of mass in the metric and SI system, equal to 1000 grams or 2.2 pounds. 95 kilometre (or kilometer) (km) (kilometre (km). kilometro (km). Measure of distance equivalent to 1000 m or 0.62 miles. (~);..~ kiloton (kt) (kilo tonne (kt). kilotonelada (kt). joN) Measure of the explosive power of a nuclear weapon. Cf. kiloton. kilowatt (kW) (kilowatt (kW). kilowatt (kW). The power of 1000 watts. J.~N) km (km. km. ~) Symbol for kilometre. knot (n~ud. nudo. o~) Unit of length, especially marine, equal to 1/120th of a sea mile. kt (kt. kt. Jo~ Symbol for kiloton. kW (kW. kW. J.~N) Symbol for kilowatt. I (I. I. J) Symbol for litre. Ib (livre (lb). lb. o.;J) Symbol for pound. LD-50 (LD-50. DL-50. ~ ;J.;li ~?) Symbol for lethal dose-50. Cf. lethal dose-50. litre (I) (litre (l).litro (I). (J);J) Unit of volume of liquids equal to 10- 3 cubic metres. long ton (tonne longue. tonelada larga . ...~\ Jo) Unit of weight for merchandise equivalent to 1016.06 kg. m (m. m. r) Symbol for metre (or meter). m 2 (m2. m2. l i ) Square metre. m 3 (m 3 • m 3 • • i) Cubic metre. megaton (Mt) (megatonne (Mr). megatonelada (Mt). Jol>..:-) Measure of the explosive power of a nuclear weapon. Cf. megaton. megawatt (MW) (megawatt (MW). megawatt (MW) . .J.~l>..:-) Multiple of the watt unit of power, equal to I million W. Mercalli (Mercalli. Mercalli. JllS"/ ...,.1.:4--) Numerical scale from I to -12 indicating the intensity of an earthquake. Cf. Mercalli scale. metre (or meter) (m) (merr~ (m). metro (m). (i);") SI unit of length, one thousandth of a km, measured on the radiation of the atom krypton 86. 96 metric quintal (q) (quintal (q), quintal (q), <.?;.. JL:.:S) Unit of mass equivalent to 100kg. metric ton (t), tonne (tonne (t), tonelada (t), <.?;.. Jo 'Jo) Unit of weight for merchandise, equivalent to 1000 kg. mg (mg, mg, t) Symbol for milligramme. mile (mille, milia, J:.-) UK/US measure of distance/length equivalent to 1609 metres. milligramme (or milligram) (mg) (milligramme (mg), miligramo (mg), Sub-multiple of the unit of mass kilogramme, equal to 10- 6 kg. (t) i~) million (million, millem, .:>r.i-) One thousand times one thousand, or 10 6 • Mt (Mt, Mt, Jo~) Symbol for megaton. MW (MW, MW,.J.~~) Symbol for megawatt. N (N, N,,:» Symbol for newton. nautical mile (mille marin, milia marina, <.?.,/. Unit of length equivalent to 1852 m. J:.-) net registered tonnage (NRT) (tonnage net, tonelada de registro neto, 4.:iL.... ~ ~.r>") The registered volume of a ship utilized commercially. net weight (jauge nelle, arqueo neto, 4.:iL.... Same as net registered tonnage. ~.r>") newton (N) (newton (N), newton (N), (.:».j~) Unit of force which accelerates a mass of I kg by I m/s2. NRT (tonnage net, arqueo neto, 4.:iL.... ~ ~.r>") Abbreviation for net registered tonnage. Pa (Pa, Pa, L) Symbol for pascal. pascal (Pa) (pascal (Pa), pascal (Pa), (L) JtS:....~) Unit of uniform pressure which, when applied to a surface of 1m2, exercises a total force of I newton. pound (lb) (livre (lb), libra (Ib), .~) British and US weight equivalent to 0.453 kg. q (q, q, Jl:.S') Symbol for metric quintal. rad (rad, rad, ~~) 97 The old unit of absorbed dose, now replaced by the gray. Equal to onehundredth Gy. register ton (RT) (tonneau de jauge (TJB). tonelada de registro . .:,bJ4 ~I ;J"J-I) International unit of volume for ships, equivalent to 100 cubic feet or 2.83 m 3 . register tonnage (tonnage de registre. tonelaje de registro. ~ ;J.".-.» Same as net registered tonnage. Richter (Richter. Richter. ~.;) Numerical scale from -I to 8 indicating earthquake magnitude. Cf. Richter scale. roentgen (roentgen. roentgen. ~JJ) The unit of X-rays; the unit of exposure to radiation. RT (TIB. TR . .:,bJL ;J"J-I) Abbreviation for register ton. s (s. s. ~) Symbol for second. second (s) (seconde (s). segundo (s). <~) ~l:) The time of 9 162631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transmission of superfine levels of the fundamental atom cesium 133. One 60th of a minute. ..») short ton (tonne courte. tonelada corta • ..jv.) US unit of weight for merchandise, equivalent to 907.20 kg. square (carre. cuadrado. (') C!) - ~f) The product of a number by itself; example, square metre (m2). square metre (m 2 ) (metre carre (m 2 ). metro cuadrado (m 2 ). Area of a square all sides measuring I m each. <TO r::/;") thousand million (milliard. mil mil/ones . .:.>~) One thousand times a million, or 10 9 , used in the UK for the US billion. tidal scale (echelle de maree. escala de la marea. ))-~ ..u.1 i/~) Graduated scale that shows in decimetres the variations in the height of the water. ..») ton (tonne. tonelada . Unit of weight for merchandise. US gal. (gallon amhicain. gal6n americano . ..fv.) .:.>J\&c) Symbol for the United States gallon. . US gallon (gallon amhicain. gal6n americana. ~) .:.>J\&c) Unit of capacity in the US for grains and liquids, equivalent to 3.785 litres. W (W. W.J) Symbol for watt. watt (W) (watt (W). watt' (W). (.I) .1~) The unit of power in electricity, equivalent to I J/s. 98 PART III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABM MAB (ABM) MAB (ABM) Antiballistic missile Missile antiballistique Misil antibalistico ~Jl:-=ll "';":1..wJ .Jl.,4.. ADB BAID BAID AsDB BAsD BAsD AEROSAT AEROSAT AEROSAT '-'!..u Africain Development Bank Banque Africaine de Developpement Banco Africano de Desarrollo • .1'\11 ~I .)'. . -!..L. Abidjan Asian Development Bank Banque Asiatique de Developpement Banco Asiatico de Desarrollo -s. : r\II -!..L. . "~I . Manila International Aeronautic Satellite Programme Programme de satellite aeronautique international Programa internacional de satCiites aeronauticos «-':"\....J.l.11I J~ JiW .Jj; ~~.1. AFP Agence France Presse ~.rill 01.,;\11 4ll5J AFRO AFRO AFRO Regional Office for Africa Bureau Regional de l' Afrique Oficina Regional para Africa • ''1\ ~ . 1,'11 ~I . .)'..1 AGFUND AGFUND AGFUND AID AID AID Brazzaville (OMS/WHO) Arab Gulf Fund for United Nations Development Fonds du Golfe Arabe pour Ie Developpement des Nations Unies Program a del Golfo Arabe para el Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas ~LC'11 •..b.:.ll r\ll -.:..I.k:-- r..u -.r..,J1 ~I ~~.1. (United States) Agency for International Development Agence (des Etats Unis) pour Ie Developpement International Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional "-:lJ..u1 ~ •..b.:.ll -.:..~'1.,JI 4ll5J Washington 99 AIDS SIDA SIDA Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Syndrome immunodeficitaire acquis Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida j.J.J.'i 1 : ~I ~U.I j.,.JI ~j")\;.. AM MA MA Transmission through amplitude modulation Emission modulation d'amplitude Transmisi6n MA a l L..;'i l ~ JL.A AMRO AMRO AMRO Regional Office for the Americas Bureau Regional des Ameriques Oficina Regional para las Americas ..jv./'YI ~'YI ~I Washington (OMS/WHO) AMSAT AMSAT AMSAT Amateur satellite Satellite d'amateur Satelite de aficionados JI~ ~L..) AP Associated Press ~r'i ....,...;.r ASAP ASAP ASAP As soon as possible Des que possible Lo antes posible ~ ..:.i) (j-'t ASEAN ANASE ANAS Association of South-East Asian Nations Association des Nations de I'Asie du Sud-Est Asociaci6n de Naciones del Asia Sudoriental l:-I J.,.=. '-;'.f->':- ("""I ~~ ATA ATA ATA Actual time of arrival Heure d'arrivee Hora de lIegada ~I ATD ATD ATD Jy)1 ..:.i) Actual time of departure Heure de depart Hora de salida ~I o))WI ..:.i) BCG BCG BCG = Anti-tubercular vaccine 'Bacille Calmette-Guerin Bacilo Calmette-Guerin C"""'~ 100 Jakarta BENELUX BENELUX BENELUX Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg Belgique, Pays Bas, Luxembourg Belgica, Paises Bajos, Luxemburgo ~.)L...aa';il ~fo. .)I".C:I BMR MB MB BW GB GB Basal metabolic rate Metabolisme basal Metabolismo basal ""L..\II ,":,J\A:j';i1 Biological warfare (or weapon) Guerre biologique Guerra biol6gica ~)~I CAF CAF CAF J.w ,":,.)-1 Cost and freight Cout et fret Costo y fiete J4:l~ ~I CAFOD CAFOD CAFOD Catholic Fund for Overseas Development Fonds catholique pour Ie developpement outremer Fondo Cat61ico para el Desarrollo de Ultramar Jl>..:ll '~J Ie! ~ y~1 JJx....aJ 1 London CARE CARE CARE Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere Cooperative pour I'aide americaine au monde en tier Cooperativa Americana de Socorro Internacional J:!' New York CARICOM CARICOM CARICOM Caribbean Community Marche commun des Carai"bes Comunidad del Caribe i;. i,f-'..JI.SJ I .) 1".C:';i1 CAS SAC SAC Georgetown Collision avoidance system Systeme anti-collision Sistema anticolisi6n,.,'.>\J .)1..,4.. rLli.; CCIA CCIA CCIA Commission of the Churches on International Affairs Commission des eglises pour les affaires internationales Comisi6n de las Iglesias para los Asuntos Internacionales ~J..ul j:L..ll ....-:t.s::J1 <:..!WCC, Geneva CE Council of Europe 101 CE CE CEC CCE CCE Conseil de I'Europe Consejo de Europa ...r.J.JJ~1 ~I Strasbourg Commission of European Communities Commission des Communautes Europeennes Comision de las Comunidades Europeas ~J.JJ~I ..;...\.)~\'I ~ Brussels CEMEC CEMEC CEMEC European Centre for Disaster Medicine Centre Europeen pour la Medecine des Catastrophes Centro Europeo de Medicina de Catastrofes ~},sJ1 -,...kJ ...r.J.JJ~I.?)1 San Marino CFC CFC CFC Chlorofluorocarbons Cholofluorocarbones Clorofluorocarbonos ..;... Ly,.?J.J."am1S' CI Caritas Internationalis ":lJ..u1 ...,.l::.JlS' 4 CICARWS CESEAR CICARWS Vatican Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service Commission d'Entraide et de Service des EgJises pour I' Assistance aux Refugies Comision de Ayuda Mutua y de Servicio de las Iglesias para la Asistencia a Refugiados cf.:!.>)lJ1 .~W ~t:.s::J1 ..;...l,.J>.J ..;...L.".... ~ WCC, Geneva CIDA ACDI CIDA Canadian International Development Agency Agence Canadienne de Developpement International Organismo Canadiense de Desarrollo Internacional ":lJ..u1 ~ ~.o:J1 JlS')1 Ottawa CIF CAF CIF Cost, insurance and freight Cout, assurance, fret Cos to, seguro, flete (jAJ~ ~'L:.I~ CILSS CILSS CILSS 4.Al5J1) ....:..:- Permanent Inter-state Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel Comite permanent Inter-etats de Lutte contre la Sec heresse dans Ie Sahel = 'Comite Permanente Inter-Estados de Lucha contra la Sequia en el Sahel 102 CILSS ~UI ~ J .jl.4.!-1 wtS:.\ JJ..u1 ~ .<.)~I WI Ouagadougou CMEA CMEA COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) Conseil d'assistance economique mutuelle (COMECON) Consejo de Ayuda Economica Mutua ~~~I ~~\ ..::...iJ.&.L!1 ~ Moscow COD COD COD Cash on delivery Paiement la Iivraison Pago a la entrega a rl~~..ul CONGO CONGO CONGO Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council Conference des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales ayant Ie statut consultatif aupres du Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies Conferencia de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales con estatuto consultivo conjunto del Consejo Economico y Social de las Naciones Unidas ~~\ ~I ..,..u ~Jl.!.:....)l1 ~I ..:..1) ~Pl '~I r'~ -t'~)1~ J!- ":"~I j:r New York, Geneva COR UNUM COR UNUM COR UNUM Coordination of Roman Catholic Relief Agencies Coordination des agences de secours catholique romaines Coordinacion de los organismos catolicos roman os de socorro Vatican ~;15::J1 ~I ":"\:\Sct ..:..)1\5) ~ J:-:.:.l1 CPR RCP RCP Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Reanimation cardiopulmonaire [cardiorespiratoire] Reanimacion cardiopulmonar [cardiorrespiratoria] ~y)1 ~I ';W':II CRED CRED CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters Centre de Recherche de I'Epidemiologie des Desastres Centro de Investigaciones sobre Epidemiologia de Desastres ":"JI,SJI ..:..l:S~J ":"~:?r Brussels CRS CRS CRS Catholic Relief Services Services de Secours Catholique Servicios del Socorro Cat6lico ~;15::J1 <:\Sc)'1 ..:..t....l>103 New York, Geneva CSB CSB CSB Corn-soya blend Melange mai's-soja Mezcla maiz-soya ~~~ o)JJI ~ CSM CSM CSM Corn-soya-milk Melange mals-soja-Iait Mezcla maiz-soya-Ieche .j.U~ ~~~ o)JJI ~ CUSO SUCO CUSO Canadian Universities Services Overseas Service Universitaire Canadien Outre-mer Servicio Universitario Canadiense en Ultramar )~I '~J II ,-!..oJ1 ~~I ..;.,\.....wl CW GC GQ Ottawa Chemical warfare (or weapon) Guerre chimique Guerra quimica •• L....S 4:' •• '-:'.;> DAN IDA DAN IDA DANIDA Danish International Development Agency Agence danoise de developpement international Organismo Danes de Desarrollo Internacional (I~I~) ~JJJI ~ ~)IJJI 4)1.))1 Copenhagen DBS DBS DBS Direct broadcast satellite Satellite de radiodiffusion directe SateJite de radiodifusi6n directa or-I.:-- ~I~l JL.. DOD DOD DOD Direct distance dialling Automatique interurbain Selecci6n automatica interurbana .)..ul ~ <i\...j) ";1.,- DOW DOW DDW German Church Service Service des eglises allemandes Das Diakonische Werk ~ll\ll ..,..Jl:.5J1 ";"\"'..1> DFCM DFCM DFCM Dried full cream milk Lait entier en poudre Leche entera en polvo JJI 1.1.) .~..r DP ~ . ·.1 ~ Displaced persons 104 Stuttgart DP PD Personnes deplacees Personas desplazadas J.»j~ DSM DSM DSM Dried skimmed milk Lait ecreme en poudre Leche descremada en polvo ~)~.:r.J DWM DWM DWM Dried whole milk Lait en tier en poudre Leche entera en polvo ~J-lS"'.:r.J ECA CEA CEPA Economic Commission for Africa Commission Economique pour l' Afrique Comision Economica para Africa ~)'J ~)'11 ~1 Addis Abeba (ONU/UN) ECE CEE CEPE Economic Commission for Europe Commission Economique pour I'Europe Comision Economica para Europa Lm'J ~)'11 ~1 New York, Geneva (ONU/UN) ECLA CEPAL CEPAL Economic Commission for Latin America Commission Economique pour l' Amerique Latine Comision Economica para America Latina ~"jj1 ~/'J ~)'11 ~1 Santiago (ONU/UN) ECOSOC ECOSOC ECOSOC Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies Consejo Economico y Social de las Naciones Unidas cr~'1~ ,'11 ~1 New York (ONU/UN) ECU UCE (ECU) UCE (ECU) European Currency Unit Unite de Compte Europeenne Unidad de Cuenta Europea ~J)J'11 ,-:",L.J..1 o..l>J ECWA CEAO CEPAO Economic Commission for Western Asia Commission Economique pour l' Asie Occidentale Comision Economica para Asia Occidental \:-1 .,r.~ ~)'11 ~1 Bagdad (ONU/UN) EEC CEE European Economic Commission Commission Economique Europeenne 105 CEE Comision Economica Europea ..r.,JJJ'J1 I$JL.a:i')'1 JIi,),1 (Common Market) Brussels EFTA AELE AELC European Free Trade Association Association Europeenne de Libre Echange Asociacion Europea de Libre Cambio .)-1 EMMIR EMMIR EMMIR ')"~.:jJ "-:.JJJ~I ~I French emergency military medical assistance Element Medical Militaire d'Intervention Rapide Elemento medico militar de intervencion nipida C;.r'1 EMP EMP EMP Geneva J>-..clI ~Pl ~I .::...\..JhJI Paris Electromagnetic pulse Impulsion electromagnetique Impulso electromagnetico ~....s-~ EMRO EMRO EMRO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Bureau regional de la Mediterranee Orientale Oficina Regional para el Mediternineo Oriental J.....,:il.r-JI JrJ ~'11 ~I Alexandria (OMS/WHO) EMS SAMU SAMU Emergency Medical Services Service d'Aide Medicale d'Urgence Servicio de ayuda medica de urgencia ~I .$JI}olI .::...\..~ Paris EPI EPI PAl Expanded Programme on Immunization Programme Elargi de Vaccination Programa Ampliado de Inmunizacion ~ t""}1 ~~.;JI Geneva (OMS/WHO) ESCAP CESAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Commission Economique et Sociale pour I'Asie et "Ie Pacifique Comision Economica y Social para Asia y el Pacifico I$J\..I.I ¥~ l:--'; ~\;>-')'~')'1 WI Bangkok (ONU fUN) CESAP ETA ETA ETA Expected time of arrival Date d'arrivee estimee ou prevue Fecha de llegada prevista ~rLl J.,....jl -:....iJ ETD Expected time of departure 106 ETD ETD Date de depart estimee ou prevue Fecha de salida prevista ~?I ')~WI ..:...iJ EURO EURO EURO Regional Office for Europe Bureau Regional de l'Europe Oficina Regional para Europa Copenhagen (OMS/WHO) <..j"'.J)J'11 ~~I ~I FAO FAO FAO Food and Agriculture Organization Organisation pour I'Alimentation et l'Agriculture Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion Rome (ONU/NU) FAS FAS FAS Free alongside ship Franco long du bord Franco al costado del buque ~r:ll ~)I ~ FFHCfAFD CMCF/AFD CMCH/AFD FOB FAB FAB Freedom From Hunger Campaign / Action For Development Campagne Mondiale Contre la Faim / Action pour Ie Developpement Campana Mundial Contra el Hambre / Accion para el Desarrollo ~I j>:-i .:r JwJI / i f l .:r )~I ~ Rome (F AO) Free on board Franco a bord Franco a bordo ~)I FPC FPC FPC rL' H' ~ rL' - ,-;,j Fish protein powder concentrate Concentre de proteine de poisson Concentrado de proteina de pescado j')1 !.l1.c-'11 ~JJ'. ~y. GARP GARP GARP Global Atmosphere Research Programme Programme de Recherches sur I'Atmosphere Globale Programa de Investigacion Global de la Atmosfera ~)'11 ).-1 , f .:...~i ~~J'. GATT GATT GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Accord General sur les Tarifs Douaniers et Ie Commerce Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio 107 GATT GMDS GMDS GMDS ;).,:•.:l~ ¥;J..I -=..~~I ,:,'~ iWI ";lA;~1 GOES Geneva (ONU fUN) Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Systeme mondial de detresse et de securite en mer Sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad maritimos ...-:II GOES GOES 4s-r. J .... ')U~ ~l;..:.....')Il JWI illa:.ll Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Satellite d'exploitation geostationnaire pour I'etude du milieu Satelite geostacionario operacional para el estudio del medio ambiente ~ I ..... ~~ -=..l:1--J ..}oj ")\.! ~ 4 .:,A.:-- J;L.. GOS GOS GOS Global Observing System Systeme d'observation mondial Sistema mundial de observacion J4:)l ilk; GSO GSO GSO Geostationary Satellite Orbit Orbite des satellites geostationnaires Orbita de los sateIites geostacionarios ..}oj")\.! ;.,.....J4 ;;.:..... Ji~ )...1.0 HCR Cf. UNHCR HELP HELP HELP Health Emergencies in Large Populations Aide aux populations en situations d'urgence Ayuda a la poblacion en situaciones de urgencia J\s. .$JI#I -=..)ll> J ,:,l5:...J1 ;J.&.L..,... Geneva HIV Human immunodeficiency virus Virus immunodeficitaire humain (HIV) Virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) I,>.r-:JI 1/l:l1 j.,J1 ..rJJ! IAEA AIEA OlEA International Atomic Energy Agency Agence lnternationale de I'Energie Atomique Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica '-:Jlli ~llal.I <:JJ.JJI ~\5')1 Vienna (ONU/UN) lATA lATA lATA International Air Transport Association Association de Transport Aerien International Asociacion de Transporte Aereo lnternacional 1,>";"1 JA.ll <:JJ.JJI ~I Montreal, Geneva VIH VIH 108 IBRD BIRD BIRF Internation Bank for Reconstruction and Development Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et Ie Developpement Banco Internacional de Reconstrucci6n y Fomento .r.-:l~ .L:.;:>U JJ.J.l1 .!..I::l1 Washington (World Bank, Banque Mondiale, Banco Mundial) ICAO OACI OACI International Civil Aviation Organization Organisation de l'Aviation Civile Internationale Organizaci6n de Aviaci6n Civil Internacional J..ul .)i.r.J.all 4:Jj~1 W2.:.l1 UN - Montreal ICDO OIPC OIPC International Civil Defence Organization Organisation Internationale de Protection Civile Organizaci6n Internacional de Protecci6n Civil ICJ CIJ CIJ ICM CIM CIM i.)·..ul t li..UI International Court of Justice Cour Internationale de Justice Corte Internacional de Justicia 4:JJ .J.l1 J..wl ~ CICM ICSM ICSM ICSM WI IDA IDA Geneva International Catholic Migration Commission Commission Internationale Catholique pour les Migrations Comisi6n Internacional Cat6lica para las Migraci6nes .~ 4:JJ .J.l1 ~;ts::J1 WI Geneva Instant corn-soya-milk Melange instantane mai's-soja-Iait Mezcla maiz-soya-Ieche ~~ ~.r-J~ .)..\.11 .y I.?)} ICRC CICR CICR The Hague Intergovernmental Committee for Migration Comite Intergouvernemental pour les Migrations Comite Intergubernamental para las Migraci6nes .~ 4:JJ .J.l1 ICMC CICM Geneva ~.'J.J.l1 W2.:.l1 .la:l>- International Committee of the Red Cross Comite International de la Croix-Rouge Comite Internacional de la Cruz Roja .r>\II ~ 4:JJ .J.l1 WI International Development Association Association Internationale de Developpement 109 Geneva IDA Asociaci6n Internacional para el Desarrollo ~ IEC CEI CEI 4J..u1 ~I Washington International Electrotechnical Commission Commission Electrotechnique Internationale Comisi6n Electrotecnica Internacional Geneva ~RJI ~ 4J..u1 ~I IFAD FIDA FIDA International Fund for Agricultural Development Fonds International de Developpement Agricole Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agricola Rome ~~)I ~ JJ..u1 JJ~I IFMSA IFMSA IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students' Associations Federation Internationale des Associations d'Etudiants en Medecine Federaci6n Internacional de Asociaciones de Estudiantes de Medicina Vienna ILO OIT OIT International Labour Organization Organisation Internationale du Travail Organizaci6n Internacional del Trabajo 4J..u1 J-JI wa:... Geneva (ONUjUN) IMF FMI FMI International Monetary Fund Fonds Monetaire International Fondo Monetario Internacional JJ..u1 -l4:J1 Washington JJ~ IMO OMI OMI International Maritime Organization Organisation Maritime Internationale Organizaci6n Maritima Internacional 4J..u1 ~.J.I <...1.:.1.1 London (ONUjUN) IMPATT IMPATT IMPATT Impact avalanche transit time Temps de transmission de I'impact d'avalanche Tiempo de transmision del impacto de avalancha 1$) l:r)l 1 r~1..A:.lJ ).".JI .j'j IMSAR IMSAR IMSAR International Maritime Search and Rescue Plan Plan international des operations de recherche et de sauvetages maritimes Plan internacional de operaciones de busqueda y salvamento en el mar ~rJl ')l.4;)'~ ~I .:..l;J....! 4J..u1 .\bJ1 110 IPI lIP lIP International Press Institute Institut International de la Presse Instituto Internacional de la Prensa Zurich <,ib...,....UJJ...uI¥1 IPPNW IPPNW IPPNW IRC IRC IRC International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Medecins Internationaux pour la Prevention de la Guerre Nucleaire Medicos Internacionales para la Prevencion de la Guerra Nuclear ~J.fll ,-:,)-1 .j' ~lj)1 ~i .j' .~~ 4:-b...u1 ~I)I Boston and Moscow International Rescue Committee Comite International de Secours Comite Internacional de Socorro 0t:l&.')IJ~J...uI~1 New York ISIS ISIS ISIS International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies Satellite international d'etudes de l'ionosphere Satetite internacional de estudios de la ionosfera ~.r.-4--Y.Y.'11 0L..GJ.lI Jj; JL.. ISO ISO ISO International Organization for Standardization Organisation Internationale de Normalisation Organizacion Internacional de Normalizacion -?l:-4l 1 -I:>P ~J...ul 4....k:J.1 Geneva ITU UIT UIT International Telecommunication Union Union Internationale des Telecommunications Union Internacional de Telecomunicaciones 0'jL,..;')IJ JJ...u1 ~~I Geneva (ONU/UN) KERMA KERMA KERMA Kinetic Energy Released in Matter Intensite du champ de rayonnement ionisant Energia cinetica liberada en materia L..r.S' LDC PMA PMA Least developed countries Pays les moins avances Paises menos avanzados y LICROSS Ji\'1 .JI~I Cf. LRCS III LRCS (LICROSS) LSCR (LICROSS) LSCR (LICROSS) LWR LWR LWR League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du CroissantRouge Liga de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja r> \II J~~ r> \II ~I .::.,.~ ~G Geneva Lutheran World Relief Secours mondial lutherien Socorro Mundial Luterano 4,))li LWS LWS LWS 4 New York Lutheran World Service Service mondial lutherien Servicio Mundial Luterano 4,))11 MAROTS MAROTS MAROTS ~WI .::.,.t:~\'1 ~WI Geneva .::.,.\....b.]1 Maritime orbital test satellite Satellite maritime d'essais orbitaux Satelite maritimo de pruebas orbitales 4,):.w1 '::"'Gl,.:>-~ .$~ JL... MCH SMI SMN Mother and child health Sante maternelle et infantile Salud de la madre y el nino J.4kl~ r\ll ~ MDS MDS MDS Maritime Distress and Safety System Systeme de detresse et de securite en mer Sistema de socorro y seguridad maritimos 4-")\...j~ ":\A:...~ ",P.I rlla.:J 1 METEOSAT METEOSAT METEOSAT Meteorological satellite, Europe Satellite meteorologique, Europe SateJite meteorol6gico europeo 4,';"1 ~L.» ~ '..S"'-J)J\II. ifUI .,...All MIRV MIRV Multiple Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicle Corps de rentree a tetes multiples independamment guidees Misil para llevar varias ojivas MIRV '-"'Jj) I '~...u.;.. ~..ii MSA PGT Most seriously affected countries Pays les plus gravement touches 112 PGA Paises mas gravemente afectados 1)'1; ..l.!.\l1 <;I~I MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres Paris ~J..l.>~ .~i NGO ONG ONG Non-Governmental Organization Organisation Non-Gouvernementale Organizacion no gubernamental ,=-,PI .#- NORAD NORAD NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Agence Norvegienne pour Ie Developpement Organismo Noruego de Desarrollo Internacional 4:lJ..J1 NWC CNP CNP ..;:.,1Ja:.I.1 National WHO Programme Coordinator Coordonnateur National des Programmes OMS Coordinador Nacional de los Programas OMS 4:J.WI ;,......,.JI OAS OEA ORA ~UA ~UA WO;.. ~W ~}I J-li Organization of American States Organisation des Etats Americains Organizacion de los Estados Americanos ~r\ll JJ..JI OAU Oslo ~ ~J;JI .;Jl5'}1 WO;.. Organization of African Unity Organisation de I'Unite Africaine Organizacion de la Unidad Africana ;.;;.,.)\11 o..l.>}1 WO;.. ODA ODA ODA OCDE OCDE OFDA OFDA Addis Abeba Overseas Development Authority Agence de Deveioppement Outre-mer Organismo de Desarrollo en Ultramar J~I '~J~ ~I .;JlSJ OECD Washington London Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economiques Organizacion de Cooperacion y Desarrollo Economicos i,?~W~1 <;1-':11 J ~~ <;J\...;)I WO;.. Paris Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Bureau d'assistance en cas de catastrophe outre-mer 113 OFDA Oficina de Asistencia a Desastres en el Extranjero "'!")~I .;.Nl>- J ~)l.iJi ..:.> WI ~ AID, Washington OPEC OPEP OPEP Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Organisation des Pays Exportateurs de Petro Ie Organizacion de Paises Exportadores de Petroleo ..l.A:ll ii)...l.A11 ORSEC ORSEC ORSEC .:,IJJ.,JI 4...l2;... - .!..l) Vienna Disaster relief organization, France Organisation de Secours en cas de Catastrophes Organizacion de los socorros en caso de catastrofe "'!")~I ..:.>\!\S.t 4...l2;... Paris OSRO OSRO OSRO Office of Special Relief Operations Bureau des Operations Speciales de Secours Oficina de Operaciones Especiales de Socorro 4...ol.iJi ~\S. ';1 ..:.>l:-W ~ Rome (F AO) OXFAM OXFAM OXFAM Oxford Committee for Famine Comite d'Oxford contre la Faim Comite de Oxford contra el Hambre wtS:l ~).,;..-si ~ if' Oxford PAHO OPS OPS Pan American Health Organization Organisation Panamericaine de la Sante Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud ~f''11 ':'I..ll,.ll ~I 4...l2;... Washington (OMS/WHO) PASB BSP OSP Pan American Sanitary Bureau Bureau Sanitaire Panamericain Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana ~f''11 ':'I..ll,.ll ~I ~I Washington (OMS/WHO) PCM MPC MPC Protein-calorie malnutrition Malnutrition proteinocalorique Malnutricion proteinocal6rica ..:.>'t--l~ ~J~L ~..wl 'J-" PEM MPE MPE Protein-energy malnutrition Malnutrition proteinoenergetique Malnutricion proteinoenergetica ;j11J~ ~J~L ~..wl 'J-" Res Rep Res Rep Resident Representative (UNDP) Representant resident (PNUD) 114 Res Rep Representante Residente (PNUD) ~I SALT SALT SALT J:..-li Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Traite de limitation des armes strategiques Tratado de limitacion de las armas estrategicas ~1;""')l1 .;"..L':/1 -I:~ o..u.Lv SAR SAR SAR Search and rescue Recherches et sauvetage Busqueda y salvamento ~\A;)'~ ~I SARSAT-COPAS SARSAT-COPAS SARSAT-COPAS Search and rescue satellite Satellite de recherche et de sauvetage Satelite de busqueda y salvamento ~\A;)'~ ~ SCF SCF SCF JL.... Save the Children Fund Fonds pour I'enfance Fondo para la Infancia JlA1':/1 ;':~l JJ~ London SOl Strategic defense initiative ("star wars") Initiative de defense strategique ("guerre des etoiles") Iniciativa de defensa estrategica ~I;""')'I tlO..u1 o)~l,. Washington SEARO SEARO SEARO Regional Office for South-East Asia Bureau Regional de I'Asie du Sud-Est Oficina Regional para Asia Sudoriental 1.:--1 J';' ~.4 ~)'I ~I Delhi (OMS/WHO) SFB SFB SFB Soya-fortified bulghur Boulghour enrichi de soja Bulgur fortificado con soya IDS IDE ~.,....JL j.i'-' SFCM SFCM SFCM Soya-fortified cornmeal Mai's enrichi de soja Maiz fortificado con soya ~.,....JL SFP SFP ,y.J. oj.i'-' o)~ ~J Supplementary feeding programme Programme d'alimentation complementaire 115 SFP SFSG SFSG SFSG = Programa de alimentacion complementaria .u.s:::J1 ......wl t:' \;CI. .. Soya-fortified sorghum grits Gruaux de sorgo enrichis de soja Papilla de sorgo enriquecida con soya ..:...l::-:>- ~~L oj~1 o.;jJl SIDA SIDA SIDA Swedish International Development Authority Autorite Suedoise de Deve\oppement International Organismo Sueco de Desarrollo Internacional '-:lJ...u1 ~ ": ~y-ll ~I SITREP SITREP SITREP SOLAS SOLAS SOLAS Situation report Rapport de situation Informe sobre la situacion '.Jl> •. .J'../-' International Conference for the Safety of Life at Sea Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar .rJ1 SONAR SONAR SONAR Stockholm J ":.rJ 1 oLf-1 ":~ '-:lJ...u1 ~\..ii)ll Sound, Navigation and Ranging Systeme de navigation et de telemetrie par echos sonores Sistema de navegacion y alcance por sondeo .;\;r- SOS SOS SOS Emergency call (Save Our Souls) Secours urgents demandes L1amada de socorro (LJ.lA;I) <;L;.:..I .1...; START START START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Traite de reduction des armes strategiques Tratado de reduccion de las armas estrategicas ~1;"')l1 i....L\II STD MTS ETS 0» iA.. Sexually transmitted disease Maladie transmise par voie sexuelle Enfermedades de transmision sexual 4 SWISSAID fo J~./f Swiss association for Aid to developing countries (SDR) 116 SWISSAID SWISSAID Cooperation au developpement et aide humanitaire suisse (ASC) Cooperacion Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Ayuda Humanitaria (CSS) ~L:JI JI-ll:J1 .~U ~r..,...J1 ~I Bern TCDC CTPD CTPD Technical cooperation among developing countries Cooperation technique entre pays en developpement Cooperacion tecnica entre paises en desarrollo ~L:JI JI..u.J1 ~ ~I JJ\...:l1 TIR TIR TIR International road transport Transport International Routier Transporte Internacional por Carretera JJ..u1 ,-,pJl jAJl TMI TMI TMI Three Mile Island, in the US Three Mile Island, aux EU Three Mile Island, en los EEUU •..b.:!.1 u~ )1)~ ~i UN ONU ONU HABITAT/CNUAH UNCTAD CNUCED CNUCED <S) United Nations Organization Organisation des Nations Unies Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas •..b.:!.1 UNCHS/HABIT AT HABIT AT /CNUEH J-L. r \II 4 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Centre des Nations Unies pour les Etablissements Humains Centro de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos ~.r:J1 ul:.1.,:-l~ Jr-iJ •..b.:!.1 r\ll:?/ Nairobi (ONU/UN) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Conference des Nations Unies sur Ie Commerce et Ie Developpement Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (~L:5:;J)1I) ~~ '.J~ ..b.:!.1 r\ll j;.. Geneva • UNDP PNUD PNUD United Nations Development Programme Programme des Nations Unies pour Ie Developpement Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Jli)ll •..b.:!.1 \II ~~.1. New York UNDRO Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator r 117 UNDRO UNDRO Bureau du Coordonnateur des Secours en cas de Catastrophe Oficina del Coordinador de las Naciones Unidas para el Socorro en casos de Desastre ":"},>JI ~ ..l>..:il r'll ~ ~ Geneva (ONU/UN) ..:.,ru • UNEP PNUE PNUMA United Nations Environment Programme Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente Nairobi UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Organisation des Nations Unies pour I'education, la Science et la Culture Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para la Educaci6n, la Ciencia y la Cultura ~r.ll) 4.ilA!J~ r~ ~;.u •..l>..:il r'll <...k;.... Paris UNESCO UNESCO UNFPA UNFPA FNUAP UNHCR HCR ACNUR United Nations Fund for Population Activities Fonds des Nations Unies pour Jes activites en matiere de population Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para Actividades en Materia de Poblaci6n j~ • ..l>..:il r'll J)~ London United Nations High Commission (or Commissioner) for Refugees Haut Commissariat (ou Commissaire) des Nations Unies pour les Refugies Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados ~')UI j)j..!J • ..l>..:il r'll ~.,.... Geneva (ONU/UN) UNICEF UNICEF, FISE UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund Fonds des Nations Unies pour I'Enfance Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia '-l~1 "\&.) •..l>..:il r'll ,---y New York, Geneva UNIDO ONUDI United Nations Industrial Development Organization Organisation des Nations Unies pour Ie Deve\oppement Industriel Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial ONUDI 118 UNIDO Vienna UNIFIL FINUL UNIFIL United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon Forces Interimaires des Nations Unies au Liban Fuerza Interina de las Naciones Unidas en el Libano Beirut .jU oj Q.;J.I • ..I>..:!.I ('""'il .::..-; UNIPAC UNIPAC UNIPAC UNICEF Packing and Assembly Centre Centre d'assemblage de I'UNICEF Centro de Embalaje y Montaje del UNICEF ~~ ij)l ~r.ll ?/ Copenhagen UNITAR UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research Institut des Nations Unies pour la Formation et la Recherche Instituto de Formaci6n Profesional e Investigaciones de las Naciones Unidas New York UNITAR UNRWA UNRWA OOPS UNSCEAR CSNUERA CCNUEERA UP United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees Office des Secours et de Travaux des Nations Unies pour les RHugies de Palestine dans Ie Proche-Orient Organismo de Obras Ptiblicas y Socorro a los Refugiados de Palestina en el Cercano Oriente (~j'll) J~'il JrJl J ..:.,~I ..:.,~J'JI ?J ":"'jJ ;..I>..:!.I ('"""1 1 ;,)\5) Vienna United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation Comite Scientifique des Nations Unies sur les Effets des Radiations Atomiques Comite Cientifico de las Naciones Unidas para el Estudio de los Efectos de las Radiaciones At6micas .,,».l!1 t.~';:~1 J\!'1 ~I • ..I>..:!.I ('"""1 1 .>:..+United Press ..r'..1. ..l.;..i.:Y. UPI United Press International 4.:JJ .JJ1 ..r'..1. ~y. USAID VOLAG Cf. AID 4.}J .JJ1 ~ •...1>.:11 .::..-~'l)1 Voluntary agency 119 ;,)\5) VOLAG VOLAG Agence volontaire Organismo benefico ~}aJ1 WAEDM AMMUC AMMUC WCC COE CEI <ll5) World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine Association Mondiale pour la Medecine d'Urgence et des Catastrophes Asociacion Mundial de Medicina de Urgencia y de Catastrofes ~)I.,5J~ .$)1,kJ1 -.,..hI ':lJ..u1 ~I World Council of Churches Conseil (Ecumenique des Eglises Consejo Ecumenico de las Iglesias Geneva ~t:S:u JWI ~I WFC CMA CMA World Food Council Conseil Mondial de I' Alimentation Consejo M undial de la Alimentacion Rome JWI .I-WI ~ WFP PAM PMA World Food Programme Programme Alimentaire Mondial Programa Mundial de Alimentos Rome (ONU/UN) JWI .I-WI ~L.I. WHO OMS OMS World Health Organization Organisation Mondiale de la Sante Organizacion Mundial de la Salud ~j:AJ1 ~ <:J.WI 4...I.d1 Geneva (ONU/UN) WMO OMM OMM World Meteorological Organization Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale Organizacion Meteorologica Mundial ~}.-I ~L...)~ <:J.WI 4...I.d1 Geneva (ONU/UN) WPC CPO CPO WHO Programme Coordinator Coordinateur des Programmes OMS Coordinador de program as de la OMS 4..lWI~I~ _ WPRO WPRO WPRO 1 c...-' -· ~.I. Regional Office for the Western Pacific Bureau Regional du Pacifique Occidental Oficina Regional para el Pacifico Occidental ,.pl41 ¥ I '-:'/- ~'11 ~I Manila (OMS/WHO) 120 WSB WSB WSB Wheat-soya blend Melange froment-soja Mezcla trigo-soya -Ii .r-OJ ~ WSM WSM WSM WWF WWF WWF WWW VMM VMM 0: _~4J1 c- . ~ Wheat-soya-milk Melange froment-soja-Iait Mezcla trigo-soya-Ieche ..;JJI, ~.,....JI, ~I .k}> World Wide Fund for Nature Fonds Mondial pour la Nature Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza ........wJ ., JWI '-'J·..\.:....4l1 Gland CH . World Weather Watch Veille Meteorologique Mondiale Vigilancia Meteorol6gica M undial ~';"I ~~)~ ~~ d~ 121 Geneva (OMM/WMO) SECTION II: FRAN<;AIS Dictionnaire M ultilingue de Medecine des Catastrophes et des Secours Internationaux par S. W.A. GUNN Section fran9aise en collaboration avec HUBERT JOLY Secretaire-general, Conseil International de la Langue Franraise PREMIERE PARTIE Dictionnaire fran9ais-anglais DEUXIEME PARTIE Unites de mesure TROISIEME PARTIE Sigles et abreviations PREMIERE PARTIE Dictionnaire fran(:ais-anglais A Aberration genetique (Genetic aberration) Aborigene (Aborigine) Acaricide (Acaricide, miticide) Acclimatation (Acclimatization) Accoutumance (Habituation) Acculturation (Acculturation) Accumulation (Accumulation) Activite nucleaire (Nuclear activity, activity) Adaptation (Adaptation) Additif alimentaire (Food additive) Affretement (Chartering, freighting) Agence benevole (Voluntary agency) Agence Internationale de I'Energie Atomique (International A tomic Energy Agency) Agent de sante communautaire (Community health worker) Agglomeration urbaine (Conurbation) Agressivite (Aggressiveness) Aide alimentaire (Food aid) Aide internationale (International assistance) Air tropical (Tropical air) Aire de generation de houle (Wave-generating area) Aliment (Food) Aliment de base (Staple food) Aliment de protection (Protective food) Aliment enrichi (Fortified food, enriched food) Aliment traditionnel (Conventional food) Alize (Trade wind) Allaitement artificiel (Artificial feeding) Allergene (Allergen) Allergie (Allergy) Alluvion (A lluvium) Alteration de I'environnement (Environmental change) Amenagement du terntOlre (Resource planning and development) Amenagement rural (Rural development) Amibiase (Amoebiasis, amebiasis) Amplitude d'une onde de maree (Amplitude tidal range, tidal range) Analyse cout-avantage (Cost-benefit analysis) Analyse cout-efficacite (Cost-effectiveness analysis) Anemie (Anaemia, anemia) Animisme (Animism) Ankylostomiase (Anchylostomiasis, hookworm) Anthrax (Anthrax) Anticorps (Antibody) Anticyclone (Anticyclone, high pressure area) Anticyclone continental (Continental anticyclone) Anticyclone semi-permanent (Semi-permanent anticyclone) Anticyclone subtropical (Subtropical anticyclone) Antigene (Antigen) Appel (Appeaf) Approvisionnements (Supplies) Aquaculture (Aquiculture) Archipel (Archipelago) Ariboflavinose (Ariboflavinosis, vitamin B2 deficiency) Aride (Arid) Aridite (Aridity) Ascaridiase (Ascariasis) Asile (Asylum) Asile diplomatique (Diplomatic asylum) Asile territorial (Territorial asylum) Assainissement (Sanitation, sanitary improvement) Assimilation (Absorption, assimilation) 125 Assistance a la vie (Life support) Assistance c~ntre les catastrophes (Disaster assistance) Assistance technique (Technical assistance) Association Mondiale de Medecine d'Urgence et de Catastrophes (World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine) Assolement (Crop rotation) Atelier (de formation) (Workshop (educational) Athrepsie (Athrepsia, marasmus) Atmosphere (Atmosphere) Atoll (Atoll) Atome (Atom) Attenuation (Attenuation, mitigation) Attenuation des degats (Damage mitigation, disaster mitigation) Avalanche (A valanche) Avarie (Average) Avis de coup de vent (Gale warning) Avis de cyclone (Cyclone warning) Avis de tempete (Storm warning) Avis de typhon (Typhoon warning) Avis d'ouragan (Hurricane warning) B Bacille Cal mette-Guerin (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, BCG) Bacilles coliformes (Coliform bacilli) Bactericide (Bactericide) Balayage (Scavenging) Banquise (Barrier, ice pack) Barrage (Dam) Bartonellose (Bartonellosis, Oroya fever, verruga) Bassin d'alimentation (Drainage basin, catchment basin) Bassin fluvial (River basin) Bassin hydrologique (Hydrological basin, catchment area) Bassin versant (Watershed) BCG (BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) Beneficiaire (Beneficiary) Beriberi (Beri-beri, vitamin BI deficiency) Besoins (Needs, requirements) Besoins energetiques (Energy requirements) Besoins nutritionnels (Nutritional requirements) Bidonville (Shanty town, slum) Bien-etre (Well-being) Bilan energetique (Enfrgy assessment) Bilharziose (Bilharzia, schistosomiasis) Biogeographie (Biogeography) Biomasse (Biomass, standing crop) Biosphere (Biosphere) Blennoragie (Gonorrhoea) Blesse de guerre ( War wounded) Blizzard (Blizzard) Boisement (Afforestation, reforestation) Bombe-A (A-bomb, atomic bomb) Bombe a fission (Fission bomb) Bombe fusion (Fusion bomb) Bombe a hydrogene (Hydrogen bomb) Bombe atomique (Atomic bomb) Bombe-H (H-bomb, hydrogen bomb) Bombe thermonucleaire (Thermonuclear bomb) Botulisme (Botulism, food poisoning) Boule de feu (Fireball) BouJghour (Bulghur) Boulghour enrichi de soja (Soyajortijied bulghur) Brucellose (Brucellosis) Bureau du Coordonnateur des Nations Unies pour les Secours en cas de Catastrophe (Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, UNDRO) a 126 c Cachexie nutritionnelle (Nutritional cachexia. nutritional marasmus) Cancerogene (Cancerogenic. carcinogenic) Captage (Harnessing. water harnessing) Carcinogene (Carcinogenic. cancerogenic) Carence nutritionelle (Nutritional deficiency) Carte de risques (Risk map) Carte hydrogeologique (Hydrogeological map) Carte meteorologique (Weather map) Cas-contact (Contact case) Cas mortels (Fatality. mortality) Cassave (Cassava. manioc) Cas suspect (Suspect (case)) Catastrophe (Disaster. catastrophe) Catastrophe a evolution lente (Creeping disaster. slow onset disaster) Catastrophe dil a l'homme (Man-made disaster) Catastrophe naturelle (Natural disaster) Catastrophe technologique (Technological disaster) Catastrophe toxicologique (Toxicological disaster) Categorie sociale (Social group) Cecite des rivieres (River blindness. onchocerciasis) Cellule d'habitation (Family (household) unit) Cendre (Ash) Centre d'acheminement (Processing centre) Centre d'acheminement des refugies (Refugee processing centre) Centre de brules (Burns centre) Centre de Recherche sur I'Epidemiologie des Desastres (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters) Centre de transit (Transit centre) Centre Europeen pour la Medecine des Catastrophes (European Centre for Disaster Medicine) Chaine de froid (Cold chain) Chaland (Lighter) Charbon (Anthrax) Charte-partie (Charter-party) Champignon (Mushroom cloud) Chimioprophylaxie (Chemoprophylaxis) Chlorofluorocarbones (Chlorofluorocarbons. CFC) Cholera (Cholera) Chromosome (Chromosome) Chute de cendres (Ash fall) Ciguatera (Ciguatera) Climat (Climate) Climat continental (Continental climate) Climat de montagne (Mountain climate) Climat de mousson (Monsoon climate) Climat equatorial (Equatorial climate) Climat maritime (Maritime climate) Climatographie (Climatography) Climatologie (Climatology) Climat tropical (Tropical climate) Coccidioldomycose (Coccidioidomycosis) Coefficient de la maree (Coefficient of tide) Cohorte (Cohort) Collecte de fonds (Fund raising) Comite International de la Croix-Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross. JCRC) Commission des Communautes Europi:ennes (Commission of European Communities) Communaute (Community) Communaute intemationale (International community) Complexe industriel (Industrial complex) Comportement social (Social behaviour) Concentration au niveau du sol (Concentration at ground level. Ground level concen tration) Concentration demographique (Demographic concentration. Population concentration) 127 Concentration maximale admissible (Maximum acceptable concentration) Concentration maxima Ie admissible d'un radionucU:ide (Radionuclide maximum acceptable concentration) Concentre de proteine de poisson (Fish protein concentrate) Conditionnement (Conditioning) Conference pour les annonces de contributions (Pledging conference. donors' meeting) Conflagration (Conflagration) Conflit arme (Armed conflict. military conflict) Conseil de l'Europe (Council of Europe) Conseil fficumenique des Eglises (World Council of Churches) Contamination (Contamination) Contamination radioactive (Radioactive contamination) Conteneur (Container) Conventions de Geneve (Geneva Conventions) Cooperant (Representative. expert) Cooperation bilaterale (Bilateral cooperation) Cooperation technique (Technical cooperation) Cooperation technique entre pays en developpement (Technical cooperation among developing countries) Coqueluche (Whooping cough. pertussis) Corate (Commodity rate. concessionary rate) Coulee boueuse (Earth flow. mudslide) Coulee de cendres (Ash flow) Coulee de lave (Lava flow) Coulee incandescente (Glowing avalanche) Coup de vent (Gale) Cout-avantage (Cost-benefit) Cratere (Crater) Crete anticyclonique (High pressure ridge) Croissance arithmetique (Arithmetic growth) Croissance exponentielle (Exponential growth) Croissant-rouge (Red Crescent) Croix-rouge (Red Cross) Crue (Swell) Crue eclair (Flash flood) Cyclone (Cyclone) Cyclone extra tropical (Non-tropical cyclone) Cyclone tropical (Tropical cyclone. cyclone. hurricane. typhoon) Cysticercose (Cysticercosis. tapeworm infection) D Deboisement (Deforestation) Deforestation (Deforestation) Debordement (Overflow) Declaration de desastre (Declaration of disaster) Decontamination radioactive (Radioactive decontamination) Deflation (Deflation) Defoliant (Defoliant) . Degradation du sol (Soil erosion) Degre d'adaptabilite (Degree of adaptability) Delegue (Delegate. representative) Delta (Delta) Demande d'assistance en cas de catastrophe (Request for disaster assistance) Demographie (Demography) Dengue (Dengue) Dengue hemorragique (Dengue haem orrhagic fever) 128 Dioxine (Dioxin) Diphterie (Diphtheria) Dome d'extrusion (Protrusive dome) Dommages collateraux (Collateral damage) Don (Donation) Donateur (Donor) Donation (Contribution, donation, aid) Dorsale oceaniq ue (Oceanic ridge, submarine ridge) Dorsale sous-marine (Sub-marine ridge, ridge) Dose (Dose) Dose absorbee (Absorbed dose) Dose collective (Collective dose) Dose letha Ie 50 (Lethal dose 50, LD-50) Dose maxima Ie admissible (Maximum acceptable dose) Dose retenue (Retained dose) Dourra (Durra, black millet) Drainage (Drainage) Droit de la mer (Law of the sea) Droit international humanitaire (International humanitarian law) Dune (Dune) Duree de residence (Residence time) Dynamique des populations (Population dynamics) Dysenterie (Dysentery) Dysenterie bacillaire (Bacillary dysentery, shigellosis) Denree alimentaire (FoodstufJ) Densite de population (Population density) Denudation (Denudation, stripping) Denutrition (Undernutrition, malnutrition) Depart organise (Orderly departure) Depeuplement (Depopulation) Depopulation (Depopulation) Depot (Stockpile) Depression (Depression, non-tropical cyclone) Depression centrale (Central depression) Depression equatoriale (Equatorial depression) Depression tropicale (Tropical depression) Derive (Drift) Desastre (Disaster, catastrophe) Desert (Desert) Desertification (Desertification) Deshydratation (Dehydration) Desinfectant (Disinfectant) Desinfection (Disinfection) Desinfestation (Disinfestation, disinsection) Developpement (Development) Developpement economique (Economic development) Developpement humain (Human development) Deversement (Overspill, spill) Diarrhee (Diarrhoea) Dietetique (Dietetics) Digue (Dyke) E Eau de boisson (Drinking water, potable water) Eau potable (Potable water, drinking water) Eaux de surface (Surface water) Eaux usees (Waste water) Eboulement (Rock slide, landslide) Echelle de Beaufort (Beaufort scale) Echelle de Douglas (Douglas scale) Echelle de Forel (Forel scale) Echelle de Mercalli (Mercalli scale) Echelle de Richter (Richter scale) Echinococcose (Echinococcosis, hydatid disease) Echinococcose hydatique (Hydatid disease, echinococcosis) Ecologie (Ecology) Economic rurale (Rural economy) 129 Environnement (Environment) Envoi (Consignment) Epicentre (Epicentre) Epicentre sismique (Seismic epicentre) Epidemie (Epidemic) Epidemiologie (Epidemiology) Equilibre biologique (Biological equili- Ecosysteme (Ecosystem) Education sanitaire (Health education) Elfet cumulatif (Cumulative effect) Elfet de serre (Glasshouse effect. greenhouse phenomenon) Elfet fratricide lFratricide effect) Effluent (Effluent) Electron (Electron) Element nutritif (Nutrient) Elements a risque (Elements at risk) EI nino (El nino) Emaciation (Emaciation. wasting) Emigre (Emigrant) Emigration (Emigration) Encephalite (Encephalitis) Endemie (Endemicity) Energie nucIeaire (Nuclear energy) Enfant non accompagne (Unaccompanied brium) Equipe de secours (Disaster team) Equipements collectifs (Communal facilities) Erosion (Erosion) Erosion anthropique (Anthropic erosion) Erosion continentale (Continental erosion) Erosion eolienne (Wind erosion. aeolian erosion) Eruption (Eruption) Eruption volcanique (Volcanic eruption) Esperance de vie (Life expectancy) Etablissement humain (Human settlement) Etat de la mer (Sea conditions) Ethnie (Ethnic group) Etude de vulnerabilite (Vulnerability minor. unaccompanied child) En pont (Deck cargo) Enquete de consommation alimentaire (Food consumption survey) Enquete socioeconomique (Socio-eco- study) nomic survey) Evacuation (Evacuation) Evacue (Evacuee) Evaluation (Assessment. evaluation) Evaluation des degats (Damage asses- Enquete sur les menages (Household survey) Enrichissement des aliments (Food enrichment. food fortification) Entrainement par les precipitations (Rain- sment) Exode (Exodus) Expert (Expert) out. wash-out) Entrepot (Warehouse) F Facteur de densite (Density factor) Faille transformante (Sliding fault. trans- national Federation of Medical Students' Associations) form fault) Fievre de Lassa (Lassa fever) Faim (Hunger) Fievre des Montagnes Rocheuses (Rocky Famine (Famine) Mountain spotted fever) Farine de mai's enrichie de soja (Soya- Fievre jaune (Yellow fever) fortified cornmeal. SFCM) Fievre Q (Q fever) Federation Internationale des Associa- Fievre typhoi'de (Typhoid fever. typhoid) tions d'Etudiants' en Medecine (Inter- Filariose (Filariasis) 130 Force du vent (Wind force) Force genera trice de la maree (Tide-generating force) Foule (Crowd) Fracture (Fracture zone) Frappe antiforce (Counterforce attack) Frappe contre-valeurs (Counter-value attack) Frequence globale (Global frequency) Fumigation (Fumigation) Fission (Fission (nuclear) Flot (Rising tide. flood tide) Fluoration (Fluoridation) Flux (Rising tide. flood tide) Fond (Sea bed. seafloor) Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Enfanee (United Nations Childrens' Fund. UNICEF) Fongicide (Fungicide) Force (Force) G Goitre (Goitre. goiter) Gra tte (Ciguatera) Groupage (Consolidation) Groupe vulnerable (Vulnerable group) Gruaux de sorgo enrichis de soja (Soyafortified sorgum grits. SFSG) Guerre biologique (Biological warfare. Gale (Scabies. the itch) Gaspillage (Wastage) Gel (Frost) Gelee (Frost) Genetique (Genetics) Genie sanitaire (Sanitary engineering) Geodesie (Geodetics) Geomorphologie (Geomorphology) Gestion des ressources naturelles (Natural resource management) Glissement de terrain (Landslide. rock slide) BW) Guerre chimique (Chemical warfare. CW) Guerre nucleaire (Nuclear war. atomic war) H Habitat (Habitat) Habitat (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) Habitation (Dwelling) Habitation collective (Communal dwelling) Habitudes alimentaires (Food habits) Harasse (Crate) Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les Refugies (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR. HCR) Haute mer (High seas. open sea) Hebergement (Housing. sheltering) 131 Hepatite (Hepatitis) Hepatite infectieuse (Infectious hepatitis) Hepatite virale (A et B) (Viral hepatitis (A and B)) Hepatite virale serique (Serum hepatitis) Herbicide (Herbicide) Hiver nucleaire (Nuclear winter) Houle (Wave. surge) Houle (vague) sismique (Seismic sea wave) Humanitaire (Humanitarian) Hydatidose (Hydatidosis. hydatid disease) Hydrographie (Hydrography) Hydrologie (Hydrology) Hydrosphere ( Hydrosphere) Hygiene (Hygiene) Hygiene alimentaire (Food hygiene) Hygiene de I'environnement (Environmental hygiene) Hygiene des denrc~es alimentaires (Food safety) Hygiene du milieu (Environmental health) Hypocentre (Hypocentre, ground zero) Hypovitaminose (Hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency) Hypovitaminose A (Vitamin A deficiency, hypovitaminosis A) Hypovitaminose C (Vitamin C deficiency, scurvy) Hypovitaminose D (Vitamin D deficiency, rickets) I Ictere (Jaundice) Ignifuge (Fireproof) Immigre (Immigrant) Immigration (Immigration) Immigre c1andestin (Illegal immigrant) Immunisation (Immunization) Immunodeficience (Immunodeficiency, immunological deficit) Implantation (Settlement, siting) Impulsion electromagnetique (Electromagnetic pulse, EMP) Inanition (Starvation) Incendie geant (Superfire) Incidence (Incidence) Indicateur de risque (Risk indicator) Indicateurs de I'alimentation (Food availability indicators) Indicateurs de I'alimentation et de la nutrition (Food and nutrition indicators) Indicateurs de I'etat nutritionnel (Nutritional state indicators) Indicateurs nutritionnels (Nutrition indicators) Indicateurs sociaux (Social indicators) Infection (Infection) Infection aigue des voies respiratoires (Acute respiratory disease) Infestation (Infestation) Inondation (Flood) Insecticide (Insecticide) Integration (Integration) Intensite seismique (Intensity (seismic)) Intertidal (lntertida£) Intoxication alimentaire (Food poisoning) Inversion de temperature (Temperature inversion) Ion (Ion) Ionisation des aliments (Food ionization) Ionosphere (lpnosphere) Irrigation (Irrigation) Isotherme (Isotherm) Isotope (Isotope) J Jaunisse (Jaundice, icterus) Jettison (Jettison) K Kala-azar (Kala-azar, visceral leishmaniasis) Kerma (Kerma) Kilotonne (Kiloton, kt) Kwashiorkor (Kwashiorkor) 132 L Lahar (Lahar) Lait ecreme en poudre (Skimmed milk powder. DSM) Lait entier en poudre (Dried full-cream milk. dried whole milk) Lame de fond (Ground swell) Latitude (Latitude) LD-50 (LD50. lethal dose 50) Legislation des catastrophes (Disaster legislation) Leishmaniose (Leishmaniasis) Leishmaniose viscerale (Visceral leismaniasis. kala-azar) Leptospirose (Leptospirosis. infectious jaundice) Lessivage (Lixivation) Ligue des Societes de la Croix-rouge et du Croissant-rouge (League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) Littoral (Littoral. coast) Logistique (Logistics) Loi sur les desastres (Disaster Act. disaster law) Longitude geographique (Geographic longitude. longitude. terrestrial longitude) Lutte antiparasitaire (Pest control) M Magma (Magma) Magnitude (seismique) (Magnitude (of earthquake) ) Maladie de carence (Deficiency disease. deficiency syndrome) Maladie de Chagas (Chagas' disease. sleeping sickness) Maladie du sommeil (African trypanosomiasis. sleeping Sickness) Maladie endemique (Endemic disease) Maladie infectieuse (Infectious disease) Maladie transmissible (Communicable disease) Maladie venerienne (Venereal disease. VD. STD) Maladies diarrheiques (Diarrhoeal diseases) Maladies intestinales (EnteriC diseases. intestinal diseases) Maladies parasitaires (Parasitic diseases) Maladies transmises par voie sexuelle (Sexually transmitted diseases. STD) Malnutrition (Malnutrition) Malnutrition proteinocalorique (Proteincalorie malnutrition. Protein-energy malnutrition) 133 Manifeste (Mani/est) Manioc (Manioc. cassava) Marais maritime (Tideland. tidal wetland) Marasme nutritionnel (Nutritional marasmus. nutritional cachexia. athrepsy) Maree (Tide) Maree noire (Black tide. oil slick) Marginalite (Marginality) Medecine des catastrophes (Disaster medicine) Medecine militaire (Military medicine) Medecins Internationaux pour la Prevention de la Guerre Nucleaire (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. IPPNW) Megatonne (Megaton. Mt) Melange alimentaire (Food mixture) Melange froment-soja (Wheat-soya blend. WSB) Melange froment-soja-lait (Wheat-soyamilk. WSM) Melange instantane maOis-soja-lait (Instant corn-soya-milk. ICSM) Melange K-2 (K-2 mix) Melange mals-soja (Corn-soya blend. CSB) Melange mals-soja-lait (Corn-soya-milk, CSM) Menage (Household, household unit) Meningite cerebrospinale (Cerebrospinal meningitis) Metabolisme basal (Basal metabolic rate, BMR) Meteorologie (Meteorology) Meteosat (Meteosat) Migrant (Migrant) Migration (Migration) Milieu (Environment) Minorites (Minorities) MIRV (MIRV) Mobilite de la population (Population mobility) Mode d'alimentation (Food pattern) Modifications climatiques (Climatic control) Molluscicide (Molluscicide) Morbidite (Morbidity) Mortalite (Mortality, death, lethality) Motivation (Motivation) Mousson (Monsoon) Mousson d'ete (Summer monsoon) Mousson d'hiver (Winter monsoon) Multisectorielle (Multisectoral, interdisciplinary) N Nations Unies (United Nations, UN) Necessaire medical d'urgence (Emergency health kit) Nematocide (Nematocide) Nephanalyse (Nephanalysis) Nino (El nino) Niveau de la mer (Sea level) Niveau de vie (Standard of living) Nomade (Nomad) Nuee ardente (Nuee ardente, glowing clowd) Nuee retombante (Falling clowd) Nutrition (Nutrition) o Objectif (Objective) Oceanique (Oceanic) Oceanologie (Oceanology) Office de Secours et de Travaux des Nations Unies pour les Refugies de Palestine dans Ie Proche Orient (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA) Oligoelements (Trace elements) Onchocercose (Onchocerciasis, river blindness) Onde de choc (Shock wave) Onde de tempete (Storm surge) Option zero (Zero (Jption) Orage (Thunderstorm) 134 Orage d'advection (Advective thunderstorm) Orage de convection (Convective thunderstorm) Orage de front froid (Cold front thunderstorm) Orage de masse d'air (Air mass thunderstorm) Orage frontal (Frontal thunderstorm) Orage magnetique (Magnetic storm) Organisation benevole (Voluntary organization, voluntary agency) Organisation des loisirs (Organization of activities, organization of leisure) Organisation des Nations Unies pour Organisation non-gouvernementale (Nongovernmental organization. NGO) Organisation pour I' Alimentation et I'Agricuiture (Food and Agriculture Organization, FA 0) Otage (Hostage) Ouragan (Hurricane) Ovicide (Ovicide) Oxyologie (Oxyology. emergency medical services) Ozone (Ozone) I'Education, la Science et la Culture (United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO) Organisation donatrice (Donor agency) Organisation Internationale de Protection Civile (International Civil Defence Organization. ICDO) Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale ( World Meteorological Organization. WMO) Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (World Health Organization. WHO) p Paludisme (Malaria) Panique (Panic) Paragraphe (Paragrapher) Pathogene (Pathogen(ic)) Pathogenicite (Pathogenicity) Pathologie (Pathology) Patient (Patient) Pays d'asile (Country of asylum) Pays de premier asile (Country of first asylum) Pays de second asile (Country of second asylum) Pediculose (Pediculosis. louse infestation) Pellagre (Pellagra. hypovitaminosis PP) Penurie alimentaire (Food shortage) Peri ode de contagion (Communicable period. contagious period) Periode d'incubation (Incubation period) Periode effective (Effective life) Periode radioactive (Radioactive half-life. half-life) Personne deplacee (Displaced person. DP) Peste (Plague. black death. bubonic plague) Pesticide (Pesticide) Peuplement (Population) Pian (Pinta. yaws) Piraterie (Piracy) Piraterie aerienne (Hijacking) Plan (Plan) Plan d'urgence (Contingency plan. emergency plan) Plate-forme continentale (Continental shelf) Pluie acide (Acid rain) Pluie cyclonique (Cyclonic rain) Pluviometrie (Pluviometry. rainfall amount) Point zero (Ground zero, hypocentre) Poliomyelite (Poliomyelitis. infantile paralysis) Polluant (Pollutant) Pollution (Pollution) Pollution atmospherique (Air pollution. atmospheric pollution) Pollution aux hydrocarbures (Oil pollution) Pollution transfrontieres (Transboundary pollution) Porteur (Carrier) Pouvoir d'achat (Purchasing power) Precipitation (Precipitation. fall) Prediction de la maree (Tide forecast. tide prediction) Premiers secours (First aid) Prenatal (Antenatal) Preparation (Preparedness) Preparation contre les catastrophes (Disaster preparedness) 135 Pression atmospherique (Atmospheric pressure) Prevalence (Prevalence) Prevention (Prevention) Prevention des catastrophes (Disaster prevention) Prevision climatologique (Climatological forecast) Prevision des degats (Damage forecast) Prevision hydrologique (River forecast) Prevision meteorologique (Forecast, weather forecast) Prevision du temps (Weather forecast) Principe de non-refoulement (Principle of non-refoulement) Prisonnier (Prisoner) Prisonnier de guerre (Prisoner of war) Productivite (Productivity) Produit national brut (Gross national product, GNP) Profil littoral (Shore profile) Programme Alimentaire Mondial (World Food Programme, WFP) Programme d'alimentation complementaire (Supplementary feeding programme) Programme des Nations Unies pour Ie Developpement (United Nations Development Programme, UNDP) Programme des Nations Unies pour I'Environnement (United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP) Programme Elargi de Vaccination (Expanded Programme on Immunization, EPI) Protection civile (Civil defence, civil protection) Protection internationale (International protection) Protection des rHugies (Protection of refugees) Proteine (Protein) Proton (Proton) Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas) Pyramide des ages (Age profile) Q Quarantaine (Quarantine) R Rachitisme (Rickets, vitamin D deficiency) Radioactivite (Radioactivity, activity) Radioastronomie (Radioastronomy) Radiolesion (Radiation injury) Radionucleide (Radionuclide) Radioprotection (Radiation protection) Radiotoxicite (Radiation toxicity) Rafale (Squall, gust) Rage (Rabies) Rapatriement (Repatriation) Rapatriement librel11ent consenti (Voluntary repatriation) Rapport GLA WARS (GLA WARS Commission Report) Rapport WHOPAX (WHOPAX Report) Ration alimentaire (Ration, food ration) Ravitaillement d'urgence (Emergency feeding) Rayonnement cosmique (Cosmic radiation) Rayonnements ionisants (Ionizing radiation) Rayons gamma (Gamma rays) 136 Regime (Diet) Region sahelienne (Sahelian region. Sahel) Regions tropicales (Tropical zones) Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Rehydratation orale (Oral rehydration) Reservoir d'infection (Reservoir of infection) Resistance aux medicaments (Drug resistance) Ressources alimentaires (Food resources) Ressources en matiere de communications (Communications resources) Ressources naturelles (Natural resources) Ressources sanitaires (Health resources) Retombees (Fallout. radioactive fallout) Retombees nucleaires (Nuclear fallout. fallout) Retourne (Returnee) Retrait (Ebb. recession) Rickettsiose (Rickettsial fever. rickettsiosis) Risque (Hazard. risk) Risque naturel (Natural hazard) Rodenticide (Rodenticide) Rougeole (Measles) Rouleau (Roller) Raz de man~e (Tidal wave) Reacteuf (Reactor. nuclear power station) Reaction nucleaire (Nuclear reaction) Reamenagement (Redevelopment) Reanimation cardio-pulmonaire (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR. emergency intensive care. critical care) Reboisement (Reforestation) Receveur (Donee. beneficiary. recipient) Reconstruction (Reconstruction. rehabilitation) Refoulement (Refoulement. expulsion) RHrigeration des aliments (Food refrigl ration) RHugie (Refugee) RHugie de facto (De facto refugee) RHugie de jure (De jure refugee) RHugie de la Convention (Convention refugee) RHugie reconnu (Recognized refugee) RHugie relevant du Mandat (Mandate refugee) RHugie relevant du Protocole (Protocol refugee) RHugie stat uta ire (Statutory refugee) RHugie sur place (Refugee sur place) s Sahel (Sahel) Saison (Season) Saison de mousson (Monsoon season) Saison des pluies (Rainy season) Saison seche (Dry season) Salmonellose (Salmonellosis) Sante (Health) Sante publique (Public health) Satellite (Satellite. artificial satellite) Sauvetage (Rescue) Savanne (Savannah) Schistosomiase (Schistosomiasis. bilharzia) Scorbut (Scurvy. vitamin C deficiency) Secheresse (Drought) Secours (Relief) Secours alimentaire (Food relief) Secours d'urgence (Emergency relief) Securite en mer (Safety at sea) Seisme (Earthquake) Sels de rehydratation orale (Oral rehydration salts. ORS) Semaphore (Semaphore) Service d' Aide Medicale d'Urgence, SAMU (Emergency Medical Service. EMS) Services (Services) 137 Seveso (Seveso) SIDA (AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Sinistre (Disaster victim) Sismographe (Seismograph) Sismoscope (Seismoscope) Societe (Society) Soins de sante primaires (Primary health care, PRC) Sol (Soil) Solfatare (Solfatara) Solute de Lugol (Lugol's iodine, Lugol's solution) Sondage sismique (Seismic sounding) Sonde (Probe) Sonde spatiale (Space probe) Sorgho (Sorgum) Source (Spring, source) Source d'infection (Source of infection) Sousalimentation (Undernutrition, malnutrition) Souverainete (Sovereignty) Station mobile terrestre (Mobile land station) Station spatiale (Space station) Station terrienne (Earth station) Sterilisation (Sterilization) Stratosphere (Stratosphere) Stratovolcan (Strato-volcano) Stratus (Stratus cloud) Stress (Stress) Sujet vulnerable (Vulnerable person. susceptible case) Suralimentation (Rypernutrition. overnutrition) Surestaries (Demurrage) Surpression (Overpressure) Surveillance continue (Surveillance. monitoring) Surveillance des maladies (Disease surveillance. surveillance. disease monitoring) Syndrome immunodeficitaire acquis (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS) Synergisme (Synergism) Syphilis (Syphilis) T Tabou alimentaire (Food taboo) Taenia (Tapeworm. taenia) Taeniase (Taeniasis. tapeworm infection) Tarif preferentiel (Concessionary rate. commodity rate) Taro (taro) Taudis (Slum dwelling. shanty town. slum) Taux de morbidite (Morbidity rate) Taux de mortalite (Mortality rate, death rate) Taux de natalite (Birth rate) Tchernobil (Chernobyl) Technologie alternative (Alternative technology) Technologie appropriee (Appropriate technology) Telecommunica tion (Telecommunication) Telemetrie (Telemetry) Telesondage (Remote sounding) Telesondage ionosphhique (Ionospheric sounding) TeIesondage meteorologique (Meteorological sounding) Tempete (Storm) Tempete de feu (Firestorm) Tempete givrante (Ice storm) Tempete tropicale (Tropical storm) Temps universel Greenwich (Greenwich mean time. GMn Tephras (Tephra) Tetanos (Tetanus) Thermographe (Thermograph) Three Mile Island (Three Mile Island. TMl) TNT (TNT. trinitrotoluene) 138 Topographie (Topography) Tornade (Tornado, twister) Torture (Torture) Tourbillon (Whirlwind, twister) Tourbillon de poussiere (Dust devil, dust whirl) Tourbillon de sable (Sand whirl, dust whirl) Toxicologie (Toxicology) Toxine (Toxin) Trachome (Trachoma) Transfert de technologie (Technology transfer) Transmission de maladie (Disease transmission) Transmission d'infection (Transmission of infection, disease transmission) Tremblement de terre (Earthquake) Triage (Triage) Trinitrotoluene (Trinitrotoluene, TND Trombe de poussiere (Dust bowl) Trou d'ozone (Ozone depletion, ozone hole) Trypanosomiase (Trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness) Tsunami (Tsunami) Tuberculose (Tuberculosis) Typhoi"de (Typhoid fever, typhoid) Typhon (Typhoon) Typhus (Typhus) Typhus a tiques (Tick-borne typhus) Typhus exanthematique (Typhus exanthematicus) u cations (International Telecommunication Union, lTV) Unite alimentaire (Eating unit) UNRWA (UNRWA, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) Urbanisation (Urbanization) Urgence (Emergency) UNORO (UNDRO, Office of the United NationS Disaster Relief Co-ordinator) UNESCO (UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) UNICEF (UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund) Union Internationale des TelecommuniV Vaccin (Vaccine) Vaccin anticholerique (Cholera vaccine) Vaccination (Vaccination, immunization) Vague oceanique (Ocean wave) Variole (Smallpox) VO (VD, venereal disease) Vecteur (Vector) Veille Meteorologique Mondiale (World Weather Watch, WWW) Vent (Wind) Vend d'affiux (Onshore wind) Vent de reflux (Offshore wind) Virulicide (Virucide) Virus (Virus) Virus VIH (HIV virus, human immunodeficiency virus) Volcan (Volcano) Vortex (Vortex) Vulnerabilite (Vulnerability) 139 XYZ Xerophtalmie (Xerophthalmia) Zone c1imatique (Climatic zone) Zone semi-aride (Semi-arid zone) Zoonose (Zoonosis) 140 OEUXIEME PARTIE Unites de mesure a (are) - a (are) are (a) - are (a) Beaufort - Beaufort becquerel (Bq) - becquerel (Bq) Bq (becquerel) - Bq (becquerel) °C (degre celsius) - DC (degree celsius) cal. (calorie) - cal. (calorie) calorie (cal.) - calorie (cal.) celsius (0C) - celsius (DC) centigrade - centigrade ~entimetre (cm) - centimetre (cm) cm (centimetre) - cm (centimetre) cm 2 (centimetre carre) - cm 2 (square centimetre) cm 3 (centimetre cube) - cm 3 (cubic centimetre) cwt (hundredweight) - cwt (hundredweight) degre celsius (0C) - degree celsius (DC) degre fahrenheit (OF) - degree fahrenheit (OF) dose letha Ie 50 (LO-50) - lethal dose 50 (LD-50) Douglas - Douglas echelle de maree - tidal scale of (fahrenheit) - F (fahrenheit) g (gramme) - g (gramme, gram) gal. (gallon) - gal. (gallon) gallon (gal.) - gallon (gal.) gallon americain (US gal.) - US gallon (US gal.) gallon imperial (imp. gal.) - imperial gallon (imp. gal.) GMT (temps moyen de Greenwich) GMT (Greenwich mean time) gramme (g) - gramme, gram (g) gray (Gy) - gray (Gy) h (heure) - h (hour) ha (hectare) - ha (hectare) hectare (ha) - hectare (ha) heure (h) - hour (h) 0 hundredweight (cwt) - hundredweight ( cwt) in (pouce) - in (inch) J (joule) - J (joule) jauge brute - gross tonnage jauge nette - net weight joule (J) - joule (J) K (kelvin) - K (kelvin) kcal (kilocalorie) - kcal (kilocalorie) kelvin (K) - kelvin (K) kerma - kerma kg (kilogramme) - kg (kilogramme) kilocalorie (kcal) - kilocalorie (kcal) kilogramme (kg) - kilogramme, kilogram (kg) kilometre (km) - kilometre, kilometer (km) kilotonne (kt) - kiloton (kt) kilowatt (kW) - kilowatt (kW) km (kilometre) - km (kilometre, kilometer) kt (kilo tonne) - kt (kiloton) kW (kilowatt) - kW (kilowatt) I (litre) -I (litre, liter) Ib (livre) - lb (pound) LO-50 (dose lethale 50) - LD-50 (lethal dose 50) litre (I) - litre, liter (I) m (metre) - m (metre, meter) m 2 (metre carre) - m 2 (square metre) m 3 (metre cube) - m 3 (cubic metre) megatonne (Mt) - megaton (Mt) megawatt (MW) - megawatt (MW) Mercalli - MercaUi metre (m) - metre, meter (m) metre carre (m2) - square metre (m2) metre cube (m 3 ) - cubic metre (m 3 ) mg (milligramme) - mg (milligramme, milligram) mille (ou mile) - mile mille marin - nautical mile 141 milliard - billion. USA .. thousand million. GB milligramme (mg) - milligramme. milligram (mg) million (10 6 ) - million (10 6 ) Mt (megatonne) - Mt (megaton) MW (megawatt) - MW (megawatt) N (newton) - N (newton) newton (N) - newton (N) nreud - knot Pa (pascal) - Pa (pascal) pascal (Pa) - pascal (Pa) pied - foot (ft) PNB (produit national brut)- GNP (gross national product) pouce - inch (in) produit national brut (PNB) - gross national product (GNP) q (quintal) - q (metric quintal) quintal (q) - metric quintal (q) rad - rad Richter - Richter roentgen - roentgen s (seconde) - s (second) seconde (s) - second (s) t (tonne) - mt (metric ton) TMG (voir GMT) - GMT TJB (tonneau de jauge) - RT (register ton) tonnage brut - gross tonnage (GRT) tonnage de registre - register tonnage (NRT) tonnage net - net register tonnage (NRT) tonne (t) - tonne. metric ton (mt) tonne (t) - ton (t) tonneau de jauge (TJB) - register ton (RT) tonne courte - short ton tonne longue - long ton W (watt) - W (watt) watt (W) - watt (W) 142 TROISIEME PARTIE Sigles et abreviations ABM (MAB) - ABM ACDI - CIDA AELE - EFTA AEROSAT - AEROSAT AFP - AFP AFRO - AFRO AGFUND - AGFUND AID (USAID) - USAID (AID) AIEA -IAEA AMRO-AMRO AMSAT - AMSAT ANASE - ASEAN AP-AP ASAP - ASAP ASC (SWISSAID) - SDR ATA - ATA ATD - ATD BAlD - ADB BAsD - AsDB BCG - BCG BENELUX - BENELUX BIRD (BM -IBRD (WB) BIT -fLO BSP - PASB CAF - CAF CAF - CIF CAFOD - CAFOD CARE - CARE CARICOM - CARICOM CCE - CEC CCIA - CCIA CE- CE CEA - ECA CEAO - ECWA CEE - EEC CEI-IEC CEMEC - CEMEC CEPAL - ECLA CESAP - ESCAP CESEAR - CICARWS CFC - CFC CI - CI CIAB (ICV A) - ICVA CICR -ICRC CIJ -IC] CILSS - CILSS CIM -ICM CMA - WFC CMCF (AFD) - FFHC (AFD) CMEA - CMEA CNP-NWC CNUCED - UNCTAD CNUEH (HABITAT) - UNCHS COD- COD COE- WCC COMECON (CMEA)-COMECON CONGO - CONGO COR UNUM - COR UNUM CPO - WPC CRED - CRED CRS - CRS CSB - CSB CSM - CSM CSNUERA - UNSCEAR CTPD - TCDC DANIDA - DANIDA DBS - DBS DDD-DDD DDW-DDW DFCM -DFCM DP (PD) - DP DSM-DSM DWM-DWM ECOSOC - ECOSOC ECU - ECU EMMIR - EMMIR EMP (IEM) - EMP EMRO - EMRO EPI - EPI ETA - ETA ETD - ETD EURO - EURO 143 FAB - FOB FAO - FAO FAS - FAS FIDA -IFAD FINUL - UNIFIL FISE - UNICEF FMI -IMF FNUAP - UNFPA FOB - FOB FPC - FPC GARP- GARP GATT- GATT GB-BW GC-CW GMDS - GMDS GMT-GMT GOES - GOES GOS - GOS GSO - GSO HABITAT (UNCHS) (UNCHS) HCR - UNHCR. HCR HELP- HELP HIV (VIH) - HIV lATA -lATA IBRD (BIRD) - IBRD ICSM -ICSM ICVA -ICVA IDA - IDA IDS - SDI IFMSA - IFMSA lIP - IPI IEM - EMP IMO (OMI) - IMO IMPATT -IMPATT IMSAR - IMSAR IPPNW -IPPNW IRC -IRC ISIS -ISIS ISO -ISO KERMA - KERM A LICROSS (LSCR) (LRCS) LSCR - LRCS LWR - LWR LWS - LWS HABITAT LlCROSS 144 MAB-ABM MAROTS - MAROTS MB-BMR MDS-MDS METEOSAT - METEOSAT MIRV - MIRV MPC-PCM MPE - PEM MSF- MSF NORAD - NORAD OACI -ICAO OCDE - OECD ODA - ODA OEA - OAS OFDA - OFDA OIPC -ICDO OIT -ILO OMI -IMO OMM- WMO OMS- WHO ONG-NGO ONU - UN ONum - UNIDO OPEP - OPEC OPS - PAHO ORSEC - ORSEC OSP - PASB OSRO - OSRO OUA - OAU OXFAM - OXFAM PAHO (OPS) - PAHO PAM - WFP PGT - MSA PMA - LDC PNB - GNP PNUD- UNDP PNUE - UNEP RCP - CPR Res Rep - Res Rep SALT - SALT SAMU - EMS SAR - SAR SARSAT - SARSAT SCF - SCF SEARO - SEARO SFB - SFB SFCM - SFCM SFP - SFP SFSG - SFSG SIDA (ASDI) - SIDA SIDA-AIDS SITREP - SITREP SMI - MCH SOLAS - SOLAS SONAR - SONAR SOS - SOS START - START SUCO - CUSO SWISSAID (ASC) (SDR) TIR - TJR TMI - TMI UIT -ITU UNDRO - UNDRO UNESCO - UNESCO SWISSAID UNFPA - UNFPA UNHCR (HCR) - UNHCR UNCHS (HABIT AT) (HABITAT) UNICEF - UNICEF UNIPAC - UNIPAC UNITAR - UNITAR UNRWA - UNRWA UP- UP UPI - UP! USAID - USAID, AID VIH (HIV) - HIV VMM- WWW VOLAG - VOLAG WAEDM - W AEDM WPRO- WPRO WSB - WSB WSM - WSM WWF- WWF 145 UNCHS SECCION III: ESPANOL Diccionario M ultilingiie de Medicina de Catastrofes y de Socorros Internacionales por S. W. A. GUNN Seccion espanola con la colaboracion de ALEJANDRO SANCHO Traductor del sistema de las Naciones Unidas PARTE I Diccionario Espanol-Ingles PARTE II Unidades de medida PARTE III Siglas y abreviaturas PARTE I Diccionario Espano/-IngLes A Abastecimiento de urgencia (Emergency feeding) Abastos (Supplies) Aberraci6n genetica (Genetic aberration, chromosomal aberration) Aborigen (Aborigine) Absorci6n (Absorption, assimilation) Acaricida (Acaricide, miticide) Aclimataci6n (Acclimatization) Actividad nuclear (Nuclear activity, activity) Acuacultura (Aquiculture) Aculturaci6n (Acculturation) Acumulaci6n (Accumulation) Adaptaci6n (Adaptation) Aditivo alimentario (Food additive) Adquisici6n de un habito (Habituation) Agente de salud de la comunidad (Community health worker) Aglomeraci6n urbana (Conurbation) Agresividad (Aggressiveness) Agrupaci6n (Consolidation) Agua potable (Drinking water, potable water) Aguas residuales (Waste water) Aguas de superficie (Surface water) Aire tropical (Tropical air) Alergeno (Allergen) Alergia (Allergy) Alimentacion artificial (Artificial feeding) Alimento (Food) Alimento de base (Staple food) Alimento enriquecido (Fortified food, enriched food) Alimento protector (Protective food) Alimento tradicional (Conventional food) Almacen (Warehouse) Alisios (Trade wind) Alojamiento (Sheltering) Alta mar (High seas, open sea) Alteraci6n ambiental (Environmental change) Alto Comisionado de las Nacionas Unidas para los Refugiados (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, HCR) Alud (Avalanche) Aluvi6n (Alluvium, alluvial deposit) Amebiasis (Amoebiasis, amoebic dysentery) Amplitud de la marea (Tidal range, amplitude tidal range) Analisis de costo-beneficio (Cost-benefit analysis) Analisis de costo-eficacia (Cost-effectiveness analysis) Anemia (Anaemia, anemia) Animismo (Animism) Anquilostomiasis (Anchylostomiasis, hookworm infestation) Anticuerpo (Antibody) Anticicl6n (Anticyclone, high pressure area) Anticicl6n continental (Continental anticyclone) Anticicl6n semipermanente (Semi-permanent anticyclone) Anticicl6n subtropical (Subtropical anticyclone) Antigeno (Antigen) Antrax (Anthrax) Archipelago (Archipelago) Area generadora de oleaje (Wave-generating area) Arido (Arid) Aridez (Aridity) 149 Arriboflavinosis (Ariboflavinosis, vitamin B2 deficiency) Articulo alimentario (Foodstuff) Ascariasis (Ascariasis) Asentamiento (Settlement) Asentamiento humano (Human settlement) Asilo (Asylum) Asilo diplomatico (Diplomatic asylum) Asilo territorial (Territorial asylum) Asistencia internacional (International assistance) Asistencia tecnica (Technical assistance, technical cooperation) Asociacion Mundial de Medicina de Urgencia y Desastres (World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine) Ataque contra la economia (Countervalue attack) Ataque contra las fuerzas nucIeares (Counterforce attack) Atencion primaria de salud (Primary health care, PHC) Atenuacion (Mitigation, disaster mitigation) Atenuacion de los dai'ios (Damage mitigation) Atenuacion del desastre (Disaster mitigation) Atmosfera (Atmosphere) Atolon (Atoll) Atomo (Atom) Atrepsia (Athrepsia, nutritional marasmus) Auxilio de supervivencia (Life support, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR) Averia (Average) Aviso de ciclon (Cyclone warning) Aviso de huracan (Hurricane warning) Aviso de temporal (Storm warning) Aviso de tifon (Typhoon warning) Aviso de viento duro (Gale warning) Ayuda (Aid, asistance) Ayuda alimentaria (Food aid) Ayuda en casos de catastrofe (Disaster ass is t ance ) Ayuda internacional (International assistance) B Bacilo Calmette-Guerin (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, BCG) Bacilos coliformes (Coliform bacilli) Bactericida (Bactericide, germicide) Balance energetico (Energy assessment) Banco de hielo (Ice pack, pack ice, barrier) Barrera (Dam, barrage) Barrera de hielo (Ice pack) Barrido (Scavenging) Barrio de chavolas (Shanty town, slum dwelling, slum) Bartonelosis (Bartonellosis, Oroya fever, verruga) BCG (BCG, Bacillus (:almette-Guerin) Beneficiario (Beneficiary, donee, recipient) Beriberi (Beri-beri, vitamin B1 deficiency) Bienestar (Well-being) Bilharziasis (Bilharzia, schistosomiasis) Biogeografia (Biogeography) Biomasa (Biomass, standing crop) Biosfera (Biosphere) Bocio (Goitre, goiter) Boia de fuego (Fireball) Bomba-A (A-bomb, atomic bomb, atom bomb) Bomba atomica (Atomic bomb, fission bomb) Bomba de fision (Fission bomb, atomic bomb) Bomba de fusion (Fusion bomb, hydrogen bomb) 150 Botulismo (Botulism. food poisoning) Brucelosis (Brucellosis. Malta fever) Bulgur (Bulghur) Bulgur enriquecido con soya (Soya-fortified bulghur) Bomba de hidr6geno (Hydrogen bomb. thermonuclear bomb) Bomba-H (H-bomb. hydrogen bomb) Bomba termonuclear (Thermonuclear bomb,fusion bomb) Botiquin medico de urgencia (Emergency health kit) C Cadena del frio (Cold chain) Cadena oceanica (Oceanic ridge. submarine ridge) Captaci6n (Harnessing. water harnessing) Caquexia (Nutritional cachexia. cachexia. marasmus) Carcinogenico (Carcinogenic. cancerogenic) Carcin6geno (Carcinogenic. cancerogenic) Carencia nutricional (Nutritional deficiency. undernutrition) Carrera de la marea (Amplitude tidal range. tidal range) Casos mortales (Mortality. fatality) Caso sospechoso (Suspect case) Catastrofe (Disaster. catastrophe) Catastrofe de evolucion lenta (Creeping disaster. slow onset disaster) Catastrofe debida al hombre (Manmade disaster) Catastrofe natural (Natural disaster) Catastrofe tecnol6gica (Technological disaster) Catastrofe toxicol6gica (Toxicological disaster) Categoria social (Social group) Ceniza (Ash) Centro de clasificaci6n (Processing centre) Centro de clasificaci6n de los refugiados (Refugee processing centre) Centro de Investigaci6nes sobre Epidemiologia de Desastres (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters. CRED) Centro para quemados (Burns centre) Centro de transito (Transit centre) Centro Europeo de Medicina de Catastrofes (European Centre for Disaster Medicine. CEMEC) Chavola (Slum. slum dwelling. 'favela') Chernobil (Chernobyf) Cicl6n (Cyclone) Ciclon extratropical (Non-tropical cyclone. depression) Ciclon tropical (Tropical cyclone. willywilly) Ciguatera (Ciguatera) Cisticercosis (Cysticercosis. tapeworm infection) Clasificacion (Triage) Clima (Climate) Clima continental (Continental climate) Clima ecuatorial (Equatorial climate) Clima de montana (Mountain climate) Clima maritimo (Maritime climate) Clima monzonico (Monsoon climate) Climatografia (Climatography) Climatologia (Climatology) Clima tropical (Tropical climate) Clorofluorocarbonos (Chlorofluorocarbons. CFC) Cobijo (Sheltering) Coccidioidomicosis (Coccidioidomycosis) Coeficiente de la marea (Coefficient of tide) Cohorte (Cohort) C61era (Cholera) 151 Comision de las Comunidades Europeas (Commission of European Communities, Common Market) Comite Internacional de la Cruz Roja (International Committee of the Red Cross, [CRC) Complejo industrial (Industrial complex) Comportamiento social (Social behaviour) Comunidad (Community) Comunidad internacional (International community) Concentraci6n al nivel del suelo (Concentration at ground level, ground level concentration) Concentracion demognifica (Demographic concentration, population concentration) Concentrado de harina de pescado (Fish protein concentrate) Concentracion maxima admisible (Maximum acceptable concentration) Concentracion maxima admisible de radionucJidos (Radionuclide maximum acceptable concentration) condicionamiento (Conditioning) Conferencia sobre compromisos de contribuciones (Pledging conference, donors'meeting) Conflagracion (Conflagration) Conflicto armado (Armed conflict, military conflict) Conflicto betico (Armed conflict, military conflict) Cono (Protrusive dome) Consejo de Europa (Council of Europe, CE) Consejo M undial de las Iglesias (World Council of Churches, (Ecumenical Council) Contacto (caso) (Contact case) Contaminacion (Contamination, infection, pollution) Contaminacion atmosferica (Air pollution, atmospheric pollution) Contaminacion por hidrocarburos (Oil pollution) Contaminacion radiactiva (Radioactive contamination) Contaminacion transfronteriza (Transboundary pollution) Contaminante (Pollutant) Contenedor (Container) Contribucion (Contribution, donation) Convenciones de Ginebra (Geneva Conventions) Cooperacion bilateral (Bilateral cooperation) Cooperacion tecnica (Technical cooperation, technical assistance) Cooperacion tecnica entre paises en desarrollo (Technical cooperation among developing countries, TCDC) Corriente (Earth flow, mudslide) Corriente de ceniza (Ash flow) Corriente de lava (Lava flow) Corriente incandescente (Glowing avalanche) Costa (Coast, littoral) Corrimiento de tierras (Landslide) Costo-beneficio (Cost-benefit) Costumbre (Habituation) Crater (Crater) Cresta anticiclonica (High pressure ridge) Crecimiento aritmetico (Arithmetic growth) Crecimiento exponencial (Exponential growth) Cromosoma (Chromosome) Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Cuarentena (Quarantine) Cubertada (Deck cargo) Cuenca captora (Catchment area, drainage basin) Cuenca fluvial (River basin, watershed) Cuenca hidrologica (Catchment basin, hydrological basin) 152 D Danos colaterales (Coilateral damage) Declaraci6n de desastre (Declaration of disaster) Defensa civil (Civil defence, civil protection) Deflaci6n (Deflation) Delegado (Representative, delegate) Delta (Delta) Demografia (Demography) Demora (Demurrage) Dengue (Dengue, dengue haemorrhagic fever) Densidad de poblaci6n (Population density) Depresi6n (Depression, non-tropical cyclone) Depresi6n central (Central depression) Depresi6n ecuatorial (Equatorial depression) Depresi6n tropical (Tropical depression) Derecho del Mar (Law of the Sea) Derecho humanitario intemacional (International humanitarian law) Deriva (Drift) Desarrollo (Development) Desarrollo econ6mico (Economic development) Desarrollo humano (Human development) Desarrollo rural (Rural development) Desastre (Disaster) Desierto (Desert) Desertizaci6n (Desertification) Desbordamiento (Overflow) Descontaminaci6n radiactiva (Radioactive decontamination) Desfoliante (Defoliant) Deshidrataci6n (Dehydration) Desinfectante (Disinfectant) Desinfecci6n (Disinfection) Desinfestaci6n (Disinfestation, disinsection) Desinsectaci6n (Disinsection) Desnudaci6n (Denudation, stripping) Desnutrici6n (Undernutrition, malnutrition) Desperdicio (Wastage) Despoblaci6n (Depopulation) Despoblaci6n forestal (Deforestation) Desprendimiento de tierras (Rock slide. landslide) Devoluci6n (Refoulement) Diarrea (Diarrhoea) Dieta (Diet) Dietetica (Dietetics, food science) Difteria (Diphtheria) Dimimica de los poblaciones (Population dynamics) Dioxina (Dioxin) Dique (Dyke) Disenteria (Dysentery) Oisenteria bacilar (Bacillary dysentery) DL-50 (LD-50. lethal dose 50) Donaci6n (Donation) Donador (Donor) Oonante (Donor) Dorsal submarina (Oceanic ridge. ridge) Dosis (Dose) Oosis absorbida (Absorbed dose) Oosis colectiva (Collective dose) Oosis elegida (Retained dose) Dosis letal 50 (Lethal dose 50, LD-50) Oosis maxima admisible (Maximum acceptable dose) Drenaje (Drainage) Duna (Dune) Ourra (Durra, black millet) E Echaz6n (Jettison) Ecologia (Ecology) 153 Economia (Rural economy) Ecosistema (Ecosystem) Educacion sanitaria (Health education) Efecto cumulativo (Cumulative effect) Efecto fratricida (Fratricide effect) Efecto de invemadero (Glasshouse effect) Efluente (Effluent) Electron (Electron) Elementos que corren riesgo (Elements at risk) EI nino (EI nino) Emaciacion (Emaciation, wasting) Embalaje (Crate) Emergencia (Emergency) Emigracion (Emigration) Emigrante (Emigrant) Encefalitis (Encephalitis) Endemia (Endemicity) Energia nuclear (Nuclear energy) Enfermedad de Chagas (Chagas' disease, trypanosomiasis) Enfermedad endemica (Endemic disease) Enfermedad del sueno (Sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease) Enfermedad infecciosa (Infectious disease, communicable disease) Enfermedad por carencia (Deficiency disease, deficiency syndrome) Enfermedad respiratoria aguda (Acute respiratory disease) Enfermedad transmisible (Communicable disease, contagious disease) Enfermedad de transmision sexual (Sexually transmitted disease, venereal disease, STD) Enfermedades diarreicas (Diarrhoeal diseases) Enfermedades entericas (Enteric diseases, intestinal diseases) Enfermedades intestinales (Intestinal diseases, enteric diseases) Enfermedades parasitarias (Parasitic diseases) Enfermedades venereas (Venereal diseases, sexually transmiued diseases, VD) Encuesta sobre consumo de alimentos (Food consumption survey) Encuesta sobre familias (Household survey) Encuesta socioeconomica (Socio-economic survey) Enriquecimiento de alimentos (Food enrichment, food fortification) Envio (Consignment) Epicentro (Epicentre) Epicentro sismico (Seismic epicentre,epicentre) Epidemia (Epidemic) Epidemiologia (Epidemiology) Equilibrio biologico (Biological equilibrium) Equinococosis (Echinococcosis, hydatid disease) Equinococosis hidatica (Hydatid disease, echinococcosis) Equipo de socorro (Disaster team) Erosion (Erosion) Erosion antropica (Anthropic erosion) Erosion continental (Continental erosion) Erosion del suelo (Soil erosion) Erosion eoliana (Wind erosion, aeolian erosion) Erupcion voJcanica (Volcanic eruption) Escala de Beaufort (Beaufort scale) Escala de Douglas (Douglas scale) Escala de Forel (Forel scale) Escala de Mercalli (Mercalli scale) Escala de Richter (Richter scale) Escasez de alimentos (Food shortage) Escorbuto (Scurvy, hypovitaminosis C) Esquistosomiasis (Schistosomiasis, bilharzia) Estacion (Season) Estacion del monzon (Monsoon season) Estacion espacial (Space station) Estacion lIuviosa (Rainy season) Estacion sec a (Dry season) Estacion terrena (Earth station) Estacion terrestre movil (Mobile land station) 154 Estado del mar (Sea conditions) Esterilizacion (Sterilization) Estrato (Stratus cloud) Estratosfera (Stratosphere) Estratovolcim (Strato-volcano) Estudio sobre vulnerabilidad (Vulnerability study) Etnia (Ethnic group) Evaluacion (Assessment) Evacuacion (Evacuation) Evacuacion ordenada (Orderly departure) Evacuado (Evacuee) Evaluacion de los danos (Damage assessment) Exceso de presion (Overpressure) Exodo (Exodus) Expectativa de vida (Life expectancy) Experto (Expert) F Flujo (Flood tide) Fluoracion (Fluoridation) Fondo (Sea bed, sea floor) Fondo del mar (Sea bed, seafloor) Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) (United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)) Fractura (Fracture zone) Frecuencia global (Global frequency) Frente tormentosa (Frontal thunderstorm) Fuente (Source, spring) Fuente de infeccion (Source of infection) Fuerza (Force) Fuerza del viento (Wind force) Fuerza generadora de la marea (Tidegenerating force) Fumigacion (Fumigation) Funguicida (Fungicide) Factores climaticos (Climatic control) Falla deslizante (Sliding fault, transform fault) Falla transformadora (Transform fault, sliding fault) Federacion Internacional de Asociaciones de Estudiantes de Medicina (International Federation of Medical Students' Associations) Fiebre amarilla (Yellow fever) Fiebre hemorragica dengue (Dengue haemorrhagic fever) Fiebre de Lassa (Lassa fever) Fiebre maculosa de las Montanas Rocosas (Rocky Mountain spotted fever) Fiebre Q (Q fever) Fiebre tifoidea (Typhoid fever, typhoid) Filariasis (Filariasis) Fision (Fission) Fletamento (Freighting, chartering, charter-party) G Gabarra (Lighter) Gent!tica (Genetics) Geodesia (Geodetics) Geomorfologia (Geomorphology) Gestion de los recursos naturales (Natural resource management) Gonorrea (Gonorrhoea) Grado de adaptabilidad (Degree of adaptability) Grupo vulnerable (Vulnerable group) Grupo etnico (Ethnic group) Grupo social (Social group) 155 Guerra biologica (Biological warfare. bacteriological war) Guerra quimica (Chemical warfare. Cit') Grado de concentracion (Density factor) H Habitat (Habitat) Habitat (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements. UNCHS) Habitos alimentarios (Food habits) Hambre (Hunger. famine) Hambruna (Famine) Helada (Frost) Hepatitis (Hepatitis) Hepatitis infecciosa (Infectious hepatitis) Hepatitis viral (A y B) (Viral hepatitis (A and BJ) Hepatitis viral serica (Serum hepatitis) Herbicida (Herbicide) Herido de guerra (War wounded) Hidatidosis (Hydatidosis. hydatid disease) Hidrografia (Hydrography) Hidrologia (Hydrology) Hidrosfera (Hydrosphere) Higiene (Hygiene) Higiene de los alimentos (Food hygiene. food safety) Higiene del medio (Environmental health. environmental hygiene) Hipocentro (Hypocentre. ground zero) Hipovitaminosis (Hypovitaminosis. vitamin deficiency) Hipovitaminosis A (Vitamin A deficiency. night blindness) Hipovitaminosis C (Vitamin C deficiency. scurvy) Hipovitaminosis D (Vitamin D deficiency. rickets) Hogar (Household. household unit) Hora Greenwich, GMT (Greenwich mean time. GMD Humanitario (Humanitarian) Huracan (Hurricane) I Ictericia (Jaundice. icterus) Impulso electromagnetico (Electromagnetic pulse. EMP) Inanicion (Starvation) Incidencia (Incidence) Indicador del riesgo (Risk indicator) Indicadores de aIimentacion (Food availability indicators) Indicadores de alimentacion y nutricion (Food and nutrition indicators) Indicadores del estado de nutricion (Nutritional state indicators) Indicadores de nutricj.on (Nutrition indicators) Indicadores sociales (Social indicators) Infeccion (Infection) Infestacion (Infestation) Ingenieria sanitaria (Sanitary engineering) Inmigracion (Immigration) Inmigrante (Immigrant) Inmigrante ilegal (Illegal immigrant) Inmunizacion (Immunization) Insecticida (Insecticide) Instalacion (Siting) Inforrne GLA WARS (GLA WARS Commission Report) Inforrne de WHOPAX (WHOPAX Report) 156 Integracion (Integration) Intensidad (sismica) (Intensity (seismic) Intermareas (Intertidal) Intoxicacion alimentaria (Food poisoning) Inundacion (Flood) Inundacion repentina (Flash flood) Inversion de temperatura (Temperature inversion) Invierno nuclear (Nuclear winter) Ion (Ion) Ionizacion de los alimentos (Food ionization) Ionosfera (Ionosphere) Irrigacion (Irrigation) Isoterma (Isotherm) Isotopos (Isotope) K Kilotonelada (Kiloton. kt) Kwashiorkor (Kwashiorkor) Kala-azar (Kala-azar. visceral leishmaniasis) Kerma (Kerma) L Lahar (Lahar) Latitud (Latitude) LD-50 (LD-50. lethal dose 50) Leche desnatada en polvo (Skimmed milk powder. dried skimmed milk) Leche entera en polvo (Dried full-cream milk. dried whole milk,full cream milk powder. DWM. DFCM) Legislacion sobre catastrofes (Disaster legislation) Leishmaniosis (Leishmaniasis. kala-azar) Leptospirosis (Leptospirosis. Weil's disease) Lesion por radaciones (Radiation injury) Ley sobre desastres (Disaster law. disaster act) Liga de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) Litoral (Littoral. coast) Litoral cubierto por la marea (Tideland. tidal wetland) Lixiviacion (Lixivation) L1amamiento (Appeal) L1uvia acida (Acid rain) L1uvia de ceniza (Ash fall) L1uvia ciclonica (Cyclonic rain) Logistica (Logistics) Longitud geogratica (Longitude. geographic longitude. terrestrial longitude) Lucha contra las plagas (Pest control) M Magma (Magma) Magnitud (de terremoto) (Magnitude of earthquake) Maiz enriquecido con soya (Soya-fortifled corn meal. SFCM) Malaria (Malaria) Malnutricion (Malnutrition) Malnutrici6n proteinocalorica (Proteincalorie malnutrition. protein-energy malnutrition) 157 Manantial (Spring. source) Mandioca (Manioc. cassava) Manifiesto (Manifest) Mapa de riesgos (Risk map) Mapa hidrogeologico (Hydrogeological map) Mapa meteorologico (Weather map) Mar abierta (Open sea. high seas) Marasmo (Marasmus) Marasmo nutricional (Nutritional marasmus. athrepsy) Mar de fondo (Ground swell. surge) Mar de fondo sismico (Seismic sea wave) Marea (Tide) Marea creciente (Rising tide. flood tide) Marea negra (Black tide. oil slick) Marejada (Swell) Marginalidad (Marginality) Media Luna Roja (Red Crescent) Medicina de catastrofes (Disaster medicine) Medicina militar (Military medicine) Medicos Internacionales para la Prevencion de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW) (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. IPPNW) Medio ambiente (Environment) Megatonelada (Megaton. Mt) Menor no accompanado (Unaccompanied minor. unaccompanied child) Mezcla instantanea maiz-soya-Ieche (Instant corn-soya-milk. ICSM) Mezcla K-2 (K-2 mix) Mezcla maiz-soya (Corn-soya blend. CSB) Mezcla maiz-soya-Ieche (Corn-soya-milk. CSM) Mezcla trigo-soya (Wheat-soya blend. WSB) Mezcla trigo-soya-Ieche (Wheat-soyamilk. WSM) Mezclas alimentarias (Food mixtures) Meningitis cerebroespinal (Cerebrospinal meningitis) Metabolismo basal (Basal metabolic rate. BMR) Meteorologia (Meteorology) Meteosat (Meteosat) Migrante (Migrant) Migracion (Migration) Minorias (Minorities) MIRV (MIRV. Multiple Independently targeted Re-entry Vehicles) Movilidad de la poblacion (Population mobility) Molusquicida (Molluscicide) Monzon (Monsoon) Monzon de invierno (Winter monsoon) Monzon de verano (Summer monsoon) Morbilidad (Morbidity) Mortalidad (Mortality. death. lethality) Motivacion (Motivation) Muchedumbre (Crowd) Multisectorial (Multisectoral. multidisciplinary) N Naciones Unidas (United Nations. UN) Name (Yam) Necesidades (Needs. requirements) Necesidades de energia (Energy requirements) Necesidades nutricionales (Nutritional requirements) Nefanalisis (Nephanalysis) Nematocida (Nematocide) Nino (el nino) (El nino) Nivel del mar (Sea level) Nivel de vida (Standard of living) Nomada (Nomad) Nube incandescente (Falling cloud) Nube ardiente (Glowing cloud. nuee ardente) Nube de fuego (Nuee ardente. glowing cloud) 158 Nube de hongo (Mushroom cloud) Nutrici6n (Nutrition) Nutriente (Nutrient) o Objetivo (Objective) Oceanico (Oceanic) Oceanologia (Oceanology) Oficina del Coordinador de las Naciones U nidas para el Socorro en Casos de Desastre (UNDRO) (Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, UNDRO) Ola (Wave, surge) Ola de choque (Shock wave) Ola oceanica (Ocean wave) Oleada (Roller) Oleaje de borrasca (Storm surge) Oligoelementos (Trace elements, oligoelements) Oncocercosis (Onchocerciasis, river blindness) Onda de marea (Tidal wave) Opci6n cero (Zero option) Ordenaci6n territorial (Resource planning and development) Organismo benefice (Voluntary agency, VOLAG) Organismo donante (Donor agency) Organismo de Obras Publicas y Socorro a los Refugiados de Palestina en el Cercano Oriente (UNRWA) (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA) Organismo Internacional de Energia At6mica (International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA) Organizaci6n benefica (Voluntary organization, voluntary agency) Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentaci6n (F AO) (Food and Agriculture Organization, F AO) Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para la Educaci6n, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO) Organizaci6n del ocio (Organization of activities, organization of leisure) Organizacion Intemacional de Protecci6n Civil (International Civil Defence Organization, ICDO) Organizaci6n Meteorol6gica Mundial (World Meteorological Organization, WMO) Organizaci6n Mundial de la Salud (World Health Organization, WHO) Organizacion no gubernamental (Nongovernmental organization, NGO) Ovicida (Ovicide) Oxiologia (Oxyology, emergency medical services) Ozono (Ozone) p Paciente (Patient) Pais de asilo (Country of asylum) Pais de primer asilo (Country of first asylum) Pais de segundo asilo (Country of second asylum) Paludismo (Malaria) Panico (Panic) 159 Parrafo (Paragrapher) Parte meteorologico (Forecast, weather forecast) Patogeno (Pathogen) Patogenicidad (Pathogenicity) Patologia (Pathology) Pauta de alimentacion (Food pattern) Pediculosis (Pediculosis, louse infestation) Pelagra (Pellagra, vitamin PP deficiency) Perdida de ozono (Ozone depletion, ozone hole) Perfil litoral (Shore profile) Perfil por edades (Age profile) Periodo de contagio (Communicable period, contageous period) Periodo de transmision (Communicable period, transmissible period) Periodo de incubacion (Incubation period) Periodo radiactivo (Radioactive half-life, half-life) Personas desplazadas (Displaced persons, DP) Pertussis (Pertussis, whooping cough) Peste (Plague, black death) Pian (Pinta, yaws) Pirateria (Piracy) Pirateria aerea (Hijacking) Plaguicida (Pesticide) Plan (Plan) Plan de urgencia (Contingency plan, emergency plan) Plataforma continental (Continental shelf) Pluviometria (Rainfall amount, pluviome try) Poblacion (Population) Poliomielitis (Poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis) Polvareda (Sand whirl, dust whirl) Portador (Carrier) Poder adquisitivo (Purchasing power) Precipitacion (Precipitation, falf) Precipitacion nuclear (Fallout, radioactive fallout) Precipitacion con la lluvia (Rain-out, wash-out) Prediccion de la marea (Tide forecast, tide prediction) Primeros auxilios (First aid) Prenatal (Antenatal, prenataf) Preparacion (Preparedness) Preparacion para casos de desastre (Disaster preparedness) Presion atmosferica (A tmospheric pressure) Preso (Prisoner) Prevalencia (Prevalence) Prevencion (Prevention) Prevencion de desastres (Disaster prevention) Prevision meteorologica (Climatological forecast) Prevision de los danos (Damage forecasting) Prevision hidrologica (River forecast) Prevision del tiempo (Weather forecast) Principio de no devolucion (Principle of non-refoulement) Prisionero (Prisoner) Prisionero de guerra (Prisoner of war, POW) Productividad (Productivity) Producto nacional bruto (Gross national product, GNP) Programa Ampliado de Inmunizacion (Expanded Programme on Immunization) Program a de alimentacion complementaria (Supplementary feeding programme) Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (United Nations Development Programme, UNDP) Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP) Program a M undial de Alimentos ( World Food Programme, WFP) Proteccion civil (Civil protection, civil defence) Proteccion contra las radiaciones (Radiation protection) 160 Proteina (Protein) Proton (Proton) Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas) Punto cero (Ground zero, hypo centre) Proteccion internacional (International protec tion) Proteccion de los refugiados (Protection of refugees, refugee protection) Q Quimioprofilaxis (Chemoprophylaxis) R Rabia (Rabies) Racha (Squall, gust) Racion alimentaria (Food ration, ration) Radiacion cosmica (Cosmic radiation) Radiaciones ionizantes (Ionizing radiation) Radiactividad (Radioactivity) Radioastronomia (Radioastronomy) Radion uclido (Radionuclide) Radiotoxicidad (Radiation toxicity) Rafaga (Gust, squall) Raquitismo (Rickets, vitamin D deficiency) Rayos gamma (Gamma rays) Reaccion nuclear (Nuclear reaction) Reactor (Reactor, nuclear power station) Reactor nuclear (Nuclear reactor) Reanimacion cardiopulmonar (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR) Receptor (Recipient, donee) Recoleccion de fondos (Fund raising) Reconstruccion (Reconstruction) Recursos alimentarios (Food resources) Recursos en materia de comunicaciones (Communications resources) Recursos naturales (Natural resources) Recursos de salud (Health resources) Reflujo (Ebb, recession) Refrigeracion de los aliment os (Food refrigeration) Refugiado (Refugee) Refugiado acogido al Convenio (Convention refugee) Refugiado acogido al Estatuto (Statutory refugee, de jure refugee) Refugiado acogido al Mandato (Mandate refugee) Refugiado acogido al Protocolo (Protocol refugee) Refugiado a posteriori (Refugee sur place) Refugiado "de facto" (De facto refugee) Refugiado "de jure" (De jure refugee, statutory refugee) Refugiado reconocido (Recognized refugee) Refugiado devuelto (Returnee) Regresado (Returnee) Regadio (Irrigation) Rehabilitacion (Rehabilitation) Rehen (Hostage) Rehidratacion oral (Oral rehydration) Reordenacion (Redevelopment) Repatriacion (Repatriation) Repatriacion voluntaria (Voluntary repatriation) Repoblacion forestal (Reforestation, afforestation, forestation) Reservas (Stockpile) Reservorio de infeccion (Reservoir of infection) Resistencia medicamentosa (Drug resistance) Resistente al fuego (Fireproof) Rickettsiosis (Rickettsialfever, rickettsiosis) 161 Riesgo (Risk, hazard) Riesgo natural (Natural hazard) Rio de barro (Mudslide, mud slide) Rodenticida (Rodenticide) Rotaci6n de cultivos (Crop rotation) s Sabana (Savannah) Sahel (Sahel) Sales de rehidrataci6n oral (Oral rehydration salts, ORS) Salmonelosis (Salmonellosis) Salud (Health) Salud publica (Public health) Salvamento (Rescue) Saneamiento (Sanitation, sanitary improvement) Sarampi6n (Measles) Sarna (Scabies, the itch) Satelite (Satellite, artificial satellite) Semciforo (Semaphore) Seguridad en el mar (Safety at sea) Seismo (Earthquake) Sismografia (Seismography) Sismoscopio (Seismoscope) Selecci6n (Triage) Servicios colectivos (Communal facilities) Servicios medicos de urgencia (Emergency medical services, EMS) Servicios (Services) Seveso (Seveso) Shigelosis (Shigellosis) SIDA (AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Sifilis (Syphilis) Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Sinergismo (Synergism) Soberania (Sovereignty) Sobrealimentaci6n (Hypernutrition, overnutrition) Sociedad (Society) Socorros (Relief, rescue) Socorro alimentario (Food relief) Socorro de urgencia (Emergency relief) Solfatara (Solfatara) Solicitud de asistencia en caso de desastre (Request for disaster assistance) Soluci6n de Lugol (Lugol's iodine, Lugol's solution) Sonda (Probe) Sonda espacial (Space probe) Sondeo sismico (Seismic sounding) Sorgo (Sorghum) Sorgo enriquecido con soya (Soya-fortified sorghum grits, SFSG) Suelo (Soil) Sujeto susceptible (Susceptible case, vulnerable person) Sujeto vulnerable (Vulnerable person, susceptible case) Superincendio (Superfire) T Tabu alimentario (Food taboo) Taller (Workshop (educational) Taro (Taro) Tasa (Commodity rate, concessionary rate) Tasa de morbilidad (Morbidity rate) Tasa de mortalidad (Mortality rate, death rate) Tasa de natalidad (Birth rate) 162 Tenia (Tapeworm. taenia) Teniasis (Taeniasis. tapeworm infection) Tension (Stress) Tecnologia alternativa (Alternative technology) Tecnologia apropiada (Appropriate technology) Tefra (Tephra) Telecomunicaci6n (Telecommunication) Telemetria (Telemetry) Telesondeo (Remote sounding) Telesondeo ionosferico (Ionospheric sounding) Telesondeo meteorol6gico (Meteorological sounding) Tempestad (Storm) Temporal (Storm) Term6grafo (Thermograph) Terremoto (Earthquake) Tetanos (Tetanus) Three Mile Island (Three Mile Island) Tiempo de pennanencia (Residence time) Tifoidea (Typhoid. typhoid fever) Tif6n (Typhoon) Tifus (Typhus) Tifus transmitido por garrapatas (Tickborne typhus) Tifus exantematico (Typhus exanthematicus) TNT (TNT. trinitrotoluene) Tolvanera (Sand whirl. dust whirl) Topografia (Topography) Torbellino (Whirlwind. twister) Torbellino de polvo (Dust whirl. dust devil) Tonnenta (Thunderstorm) Tonnenta de fuego (Firestorm) Tonnenta de masa de aire (Air mass thunderstorm) Tormenta del frente frio (Cold front thunderstorm) Tonnenta escarchante (Ice storm) Tonnenta magnetica (Magnetic storm) Tonnenta por advecci6n (Advective thunderstorm) Tonnenta por convecci6n (Convective thunderstorm) Tonnenta tropical (Tropical storm) Tornado (Tornado. twister) Tortura (Torture) Tos ferina (Whooping cough. pertussis) Toxicologia (Toxicology) Toxina (Toxin) Tracoma (Trachoma) Transmisi6n de las enfennedades (Disease transmission) Transmisi6n de una infecci6n (Transmission (of infection). disease transmission) Traslado de tecnologia (Technology transfer) Triage (Triage) Trinitrotolueno (Trinitrotoluene. TNn Tripanosomiasis (Trypanosomiasis. sleeping sickness) Tripanosomiasis africana (African trypanosomiasis) Tromba de polvo (Dust bowl) Tsunami (Tsunami) Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis) u UNDRO (UNDRO. Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator) UNESCO (UNESCO. United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization) UNICEF (UNICEF. United Nations Children's Fund) Unidad de alimentaci6n (Eating unit) Unidad de vivienda (Family unit, household) Union Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (International Telecommunication Union, lTV) UNRWA (UNRWA. United Nations 163 Urbanizaci6n (Urbanization) Urgencia (Emergency) Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) V Vientos alisios (Trade winds) Vigilancia (Surveillance, monitoring) Vigilancia de las enfermedades (Disease surveillance, monitoring) Vigilancia Meteorol6gica Mundial (World Weather Watch, WWW) Viricida (Virucide) Viruela (Smallpox) Virus (Virus) Virus VIH (HIV virus, human immunodeficiency virus) Vivienda (Dwelling, housing) Vivienda colectiva (Communal dwelling) Vo1can (Volcano) Vulnerabilidad (Vulnerability) Vacuna (Vaccine) Vacuna anticolerica (Cholera vaccine) Vacunaci6n (Vaccination, immunization) VO (VD, venereal disease) Vector (Vector) Ventisca (Blizzard) Verruga peruana (Bartonellosis) Vertedero (Spill, overspill) Vertice (Vortex) Vertimiento (Overspill, spill) Victima de un desastre (Disaster victim) Vida efectiva (Effective life) Viento (Wind) Vi en to de mar (Onshore wind) Viento duro (Gale) Viento terral (Offshore wind) x Xeroftalmia (Xerophthalmia) Y Yuca (Cassava, manioc) Z Zona climatica (Climatic zone, climatic region) Zona saheliana (Sahelian zone, Sahel) 164 Zona semiarida (Semi-arid zone) Zonas tropicales (Tropical zones) Zoonosis (Zoonosis) PARTE II Unidades de medida a (area) - a (are) area (a) - are (aJ arqueo bruto - gross tonnage arqueo neto - net weight Beaufort - Beaufort becquerel (Bq) - becquerel (Bq) Bq (becquerel) - Bq (becquerel) °C (grado celsius) - DC (degree celsius) cal. (caloria) - cal. (calorie) caloria (cal.) - calorie (cal.) celsius (0C) - celsius (DC) centigrado - centigrade centimetro (cm) - centimetre, centimeter (cm) cm (centimetro) - cm (centimetre) cm 2 (centimetro cuadrado) - cm 2 (square centimetre) cm 3 (centimetro cubico) - cm 3 (cubic centimetre) cuadrado - square cwt (hundredweight) - cwt (hundredweight) dosis letal 50 (LD-50) - lethal dose 50 ( LD-50) Douglas - Douglas escala de la marea - tidal scale of (fahrenheit) - °F (fahrenheit) g (gramo) - g (gramme, gram) gal. (galon) - ga.'. (gallon) galon (gal.) - gallon (gal.) galon americano (US gal.) - US gallon (US gal.) galon ingles (imp. gal.) - imperial gallon (imp. gal.) GMT (hora media de Greenwich) GMT (Greenwich mean time) grado celsius (0C) - degree celsius (OC) grado fahrenheit (OF) - degree fahrenheit ("F) gray (Gy) - gray (gy) gramo (gr) - gramme, gram (gr) h (hora) - h (hour) ha (hectarea) - lIa (hectare) hectarea (ha) - hectare (ha) hora (h) - hour (h) hora media de Greenwich (GMT) Greenwich mean time (GMT) hundredweight (cwt) - hundredweight ( cwt) in (pulgada) - in (inch) J (joule) - J (joule) joule (1) - joule (J) K (kelvin) - K (kelvin) kcal (kilocaloria) - kcal (kilocalorie) kelvin (K) - kelvin (K) kerma - kama kg (kilogramo) - kg (kilogramme) kilocaloria (kcal) - kilocalorie (kcal) kilogramo (kg) - kilogramme (kg) kilometro (km) - kilometre (km) kilotonelada (kt) - kiloton (kt) kilowatt (kW) - kilowatt (kW) km (kilometro) - km (kilometre) kt (kilotonelada) - kt (kiloton) kW (kilowatt) - k W (kilowatt) I (Iitro) - I (litre, liter) Ib (libra) - lb (pound) libra (lb) - pound (lb) litro (I) - litre, liter (I) m (metro) - m (metre, meter) m 2 (metro cuadrado) - m 2 (square metre) m 3 (metro cubico) - m 3 (cubic metre) megatonelada (Mt) - megaton (Mt) megawatt (MW) - megawatt (MW) MercaIIi - Mercalli metro (m) - metre, meter (m) metro cuadrado (m2) - square metre (m 2 ) metro cubico (m 3 ) - cubic metre (m 3 ) mg (miligramo) -- mg (milligramme) 165 mil millones - billion, US; thousand million, GB miligramo (mg) - milligramme (mg) milia - mile milia marina - nautical mile millon (10 6 ) - million (10 6 ) Mt (megatonelada) - Mt (megaton) MW (megawatt) - MW (megawatt) N (newton) - N (newton) newton (N) - newton (N) nudo - knot Pa (pascal) - Pa (pascal) pascal (Pa) - pascal (Pa) pie - foot (ft) PNB (producto nacional bruto) - GNP (gross national product) producto nacional bruto (PNB) - gross national product (GNP) pulgada - inch (in) q (quintal met rico) - q (metric quintal) 166 rad - rad Richter - Richter roentgen - roentgen s (segundo) - s (second) segundo (s) - second (s) t (tonelada) - t (ton) TMG (Cf GMT) - GMT tonelada (t) - ton (t) toneJada corta - short ton tonelada larga - long ton tonelada metrica - metric ton, tonne (mt) tonelada de registro (TR) - register ton (RT) tonelaje de registro - register tonnage (NRT) tonelada de registro neto - net register tonnage (NRT) W (watt) - W (watt) watt (W) - watt (W) PARTE III Siglas y abreviaturas ABM (MAB) - ABM ACNUR - UNHCR AELC - EFTA AEROSA T - AEROSAT AFP - AFP AFRO - AFRO AGFUND - AGFUND AID (USAID) - USAID (AID) AMRO-AMRO AMSAT - AMSAT ANAS - ASEAN AP-AP ASAP - ASAP ATA - ATA ATD - ATD BAID - ADB BAsD - AsDB BCG - BCG BENELUX - BENELUX BIRF (BM - IBRD (WB) CAF - CAF CAFOD - CAFOD CARE - CARE CAS - CAS CARICOM - CARICOM CCE - CEC CCIA - CCIA CE- CE CEE - ECE CEI -IEC CEI - WCC CEMEC - CEMEC CEPA - ECA CEPAL - ECLA CEPE - ECE CESAP - ESCAP CFC - CFC CI - CI CICARWS - CICARWS CICR -ICRC CIDA - CIDA CIF - CIF CIJ -IC] CILSS - CILSS CIM -ICM crOB (ICV A) - ICVA CMA - WFC CMCH (AFD) - FFHC ( AFD) CMEA - CMEA CNP-NWC CNUCYD - UNCTAD CNUAH (HABITAT) - UNCHS (HABITAT) COD - COD COMECON (CMEA) - COMECON (CMEA) CONGO - CONGO COR UNUM - COR UNUM CPO - WPC CRED - CRED CRS - CRS CSB - CSB CSM - CSM CSNUERA - UNSCEAR CSS (SWISSAID) - SDR CTPD - TCDC CUSO - CUSO DANIDA - DANIDA DBS - DBS DOD - DDD DDW-DDW DFCM -DFCM DP (PO) - DP DSM - DSM DWM-DWM ECOSOC - ECOSOC ECU - ECU EMMIR - EMMIR EMP (IEM) - EMP EMRO - EMRO ETA - ETA ETD - ETD 167 ETS - STD EURO - EURO FAB - FOB FAO - FAO FAS - FAS FIDA -IFAD FINUL - UNIFIL FMI -IMF FNUAP - UNFPA FOB - FOB FPC - FPC GARP - GARP GATT - GATT GB-BW GMDS - GMDS GMT-GMT GOES - GOES GOS - GOS GQ-CW HABITAT (CNUAH) (UNCHS) HELP - HELP HIV (VIH) - HIV lATA -lATA ICSM -ICSM ICVA -ICVA IDA -IDA IDE - SDI IFMSA - IFMSA lIP -IPI IEM - EMP IMPATT -IMPATT IMSAR - IMSAR IPPNW - IPPNW IRC -IRC ISIS - ISIS ISO -ISO KERMA - KERM A LICROSS (LSCR) (LSCR) LSCR - LSCR LWR - LWR LWS - LWS MAB-ABM MAROTS - MAROTS MB-BMR HABITAT LlCROSS 168 MDS-MDS METEOSAT - METEOSAT MIRV - MIRV MPC-PCM MPE - PEM MSF - MSF NORAD - NORAD OACI -ICAO OCDE - OECD ODA - ODA OEA - OAS OFDA - OFDA OlEA -IAEA OIPC -ICDO OIT -ILO OMI -IMO OMM - WMO OMS- WHO ONG - NGO ONU - UN ONUDI - UNIDO OOPS - UNRWA OPEP - OPEC OPS - PAHO ORSEC - ORSEC OSRO - OSRO OSP - PASB OUA - OAU OXFAM - OXFAM PAHO (OPS) - PAHO PAl - EPI PAM - WFP PGA - MSA PMA - LDC PNB - GNP PNUMA - UNDP PNUE - UNEP RCP - CPR Res Rep - Res Rep SALT - SALT SAMU - EMS SAR - SAR SARSAT - SARSAT SCF - SCF SEARO - SEARO SFB - SFB SFCM - SFCM SFP - SFP SFSG - SFSG SIDA (OSDI) - SIDA SIDA - AIDS SMN - MCH SOlAS - SOLAS SONAR - SONAR SOS - SOS START - START SWISSAID (CSS) - SWISSAID (SDR) TIR - TIR TMI - TMI UIT - ITU UNDRO - UNDRO UNESCO - UNESCO UNICEF - UNICEF UNIPAC - UNIPAC UNITAR - UNITAR UNRWA (OOPS)- UNRWA UP- UP UPI - UP! USAID - USAID, AID VIH (HIV) - HIV VMM- WWW VOlAG - VOLAG WAEDM - WAEDM WPRO- WPRO WSB - WSB WSM - WSM WWF- WWF 169 SECTION IV: ARABIC Note: The text of this section follows the Arabic order, i.e. from right to left. UNESCO ~;.u •...\>..:ll UNICE F ,:l?) •...\>..:ll r'i l <...1.;... - ~r.l1 ~lA!l~f~ r'il ..........;.- - ~r.l1 <)#1 NORA D USAID /AID UP UPI 173 ~J...ul ~ ~J;JI <)15')1 ~J...ul ~ • ...\>..:ll -A)I) 1 <lis) Res Rep ~I J..l1 WPC 4 WI ~I Wi:... e:-'.t. ~ NWC 4 WI ~I Wi:... e:-I~ ~)I .;-ll IMO ~')\..ll '-:lJ..u1 ~PI <;jL.:.::.....')'1 WOJ.I ECA ECLA ECE ECWA UNSCEAR <;rJl ORSEC ":")~I ";"~l?l Wi:... FAO ~~)~ <;.is-\'1 Wi:... UNIDO ~UI ~ i~1 r\'1 Wi:... OECD ,-p L.,.ci')' I .) l..w I J '-.:.:I ~ ')J t..:J1 4k:,.. \'1 J ..ul Wi:... OAS . .f !.l ICDO ..;·..u.1 t'Ii..ill U.!.l..ul WOJ.I I.W! U.!.l ..ul WOJ.I ISO ~ PAHO i..f.-..1"\'1 .)I..I.l..JJ ~I Wi:... WHO 4WI ~I Wi:... ICAO JJ..u1 j..u.1 .JI~I Wi:... <;j,1 )~)Su 4·WI WOJ.I WMO ILO '-:lJ..u1 ~I Wi:... NGO "-:-~# Wi:... OAU ~)\'I i..l.»1 Wi:... UNCTAD ~~ i)~:.lI i~1 r\'1 j;.. CONGO '-'...oJ I ..;.,I~ "-:-PI # ";"~I);" . -,?).iJ1 t~')'1 OXFAM ICM IRC ICRC ICMC CCIA CILSS . ...s:, -,?) L.,.ci')' I ..s..u ~I WFC ECOSOC SFCM ATD ETD ATA ETA UNRWA AFP ODA DAN IDA IAEA VOLAG CIDA i~1 I~\'I U• '-:lJ..u1 ~ <;-,:y-II ~I '-:lJ..u1 ...,..~jlS'" ~ .> O,-J J.--A!I .))WI ..:..iJ ;";"il i.)WI..:..iJ , ul...4J1 JJ¥') I ..:..iJ ~ ;";"il J.,..,)I ..:..iJ ', ~J <:l?':! i~1 r':!l .;!lSJ J ,:-~I .:-~':>'JI ~}ll )~I '~J ~ L;\' I .;!lSJ ~I .;!lSJ • ~J..ul ~ ~)I..ul ';!lS'")1 <;»1 '-:lJ..u1 .jl..i:!-I ~J.JI ~ ~.,1 "-:.J.SJ I JL...lI ...,..JlSJl 4 JJ..u1 ~ ;S-;..:J.I ~I J ~UI <.4k;.. i~U ...,..JlSJl .,:,l,...l>-J .,:,~-"" 4 J.WI "\'1 ~ -/~ ')'~ -,?)L.,.ci')'1 ~I rSu ~J.JJ\'I ~I ~)JI ..;.,,),lS'"}l .)J..ul ~I ...,..Jl:SJJ J.WI ~I .o)L:;i1 "-:)L.,.ci')'1 ..;.,I';"UI ~ ..;.,l.i:."..:J1 .)L rWI JlA;,:!1 ~~ ICJ '-:lJ..u1 J..LJI ~ WWW 4wI "-:';"1 <.Ji)1 UNCHS/HABIT AT i~1 r\'I;).1" y}1 / ~.rJ1 .,:,lJ,.,:--U DFCM Jo\S:.l1 .:-.J)I J."....... UNITAR .,:.,~~ ,-:" i~1 r\'1 -4---' IPI <ib....a.lJ JJ..u1 ¥ I UNHCR .:-~')IJI ')Jr:J i~1 ~\'I~""" AFRO j.)\'1 A')"'~' AMRO ~.1"\'1 A')" ~I EURO :.r,J)J\'1 A')" ~I l:--I J) ,,:,.4 A')" ~I SEARO EMRO .k...."il rJl J.rJ A':! I ~I -,?)\kl ..6.1 1 ,,:,.;J A')" ~I WPRO PASB i..f.-..1"\'1 .)I..I.l..JJ ~I ~I .....,WI <:l?')'l ::"'L)...s- ~ OSRO .,:,')'1.> j ~)WI .,:,I~UI ~ OFDA . "'lkl! '-:lJ..u1 ';!lS'")1 . wtS:!. i)~~ ~~I <;;)11 4WI ":'~l?')'l ~ ~.,.....J L ijjA-' ~ '-:lJ..u1 ~I i~ '-:lJ..u1 ~;\S:.ll ~I <:\A:....I .1-1,; .)J..ul -,?,JI j.<J1 ..3)\'1 JrJl ..;.,~l?')IJ '-:lJ..u1 ~I r>-\'I i~1 CE ICVA WCC CMEA GATT .)yj~ LWR UN SIDA CI i~ '-:lJ..u1 "-:-PI ~I ~')IJI <;)L.:.::..... ')'1 (~J..i.Q;I) if' wtS:!. )jyW"1 4 CICARWS i~1 rSu DP SOS TIR LA, . \'' . ... ) L.,.ci')' I .;;"..,u ..J . I ~')IJI ~.1"\' <;)L.,.ci':!1 ~I 4JjJ\' ~)W')'I ~I l:--I ~.;J ~)L.,.ci':!1 ~I )~7..y ~I i..b..:l.1 r\'1 4 .;!lSJ ';!lS'")1 174 UNDRO .u ":".,.o.ll ":"}pJl i..b..:l.1 r\'1 .;.....:.. ~ ~)ifJl .:.J l!l \ ..)- \ ~~L.a:>-~~ jyjl EMMIR C;.;-ll J>-..clI ~}:-JI ~! ...:..L•..wl EMS ~I .:sJ~1 ..:..L....l>LWS ~))l1 4-WI ..:..L...wl DOW ~U\q "'-:L>JI ..:..L....l>CSB ~~~~~I~ CSM ..:Jl~ ~~~ 'J~I ~ ICSM ..:Jl~ ~~~ 'J~I , f I$Jj ~ WSB ~~~~I~ WSM ..:Jl~ ~~~ ~I ~ BENELUX !.S)'l11 ~fo. )~I ITU ~')IJ~ ~I ';~L.o;')IJ J,..ul ~~'l11 IUCW JAklI ~l&-) JJ..u1 )~'l11 EEC <.F-JJJ\l1 1$) L...a:i'l1 I )~'l11 CARICOM ~JlSJI )~'l11 LWF JWi 15))11 ~~'l11 lATA JJjl I$}.-I jAJl )~I AP . '-"'"'.I. ~Y"i OPEC .1..i.:JJ .)..I..,a\.1 .j1~1 4...1;... - ~J'I COD ASAP SFB WFP UNDP UNEP SFP EPI FPC BCG MSA LDC ASEAN LICROSS l;--I .,if- '-:'.f>:- r-:I 4kG J~~ r> \II ~I ..:..~ ~G r>\l1 LRCS r> \II J~~ r> \II ~I ..:..~ ~G PCM PEM SONAR CIF ..:..~~ .:r.;J.r.J~ ~..iA:JI .Y" 4ilkl~ .:r.;J.r.J~ ~..iA:JI .Y" (jAJ ~ ')::~ ~ ws::.J I) J~Y" ....:..:... NPU MCH SCF UNFPA IFAD CAFOD .:f.t "':";J td..:~ ~~~ j..;o.- -Y.I. JWI ~JS,\l1 ~~.1. Jli'l11 •..l.:>.:ll r~1 ~~.1. ~ •..l.:>.:ll r~1 ~~.1. ~1""..iA:JI ~ •.• ~'1. ~ L)~~~.r.JI jS')1 !lLc-'l11 .:r.;J.I. C..r''-:' I)'t; ..I..!\l1 .j1~1 ~ y\ll .j1~1 AsDB ADB IBRD FAS SITREP CAF COR UNUM IMF FOB UNIFIL .jL:.J j 0'1\ •..l.:>.:ll ...';1 ... .• ""' CARE DWM DSM I T "-:-L:JI J-:S' ~ J-lS"".:.,~ ~)..,..:..o.. EFTA .)-1 'J~ ~JJJ\l1 ~I ~<J..uI~1 IDA . .J .. SWISSAID (SDR) •..\&-W ~.r-!r-!I ~I -J:l SFSG FFHCjAFD .j1~1 ~ra!~ .jjt11 oJ.ll1 ..:..~ .f j...J1 I ifl .fJ.r=J1 ~ ~I .}.-I CEC ESCAP ¥~ ~J)J\II ..:..b~'l11 ;;).. ~)'l11 ~I L,-'1 ~~'l1~ ..plJ.1 175 CRS CUSO ~;lSJl ":~)'I ..:..L....l>Jl>..J1 .GJ Ll. ~.6J1 ~~I ..:..L...wl celsius scale centigrade scale tidal scale Mercalli million megaton (Mt) megawatt (MW) mile nautical mile milligramme (mg) v-.r.-L v-l:-U ~~ v-l:-U J.f.- ~ ...u.1 v-l:-U JlS"'f v-l:-U 0r.L- .JolA:-. J.9~ J.J,I~ ~ (t) i~ gross national product (GNP) <,f~1,..;l:..Il ~ Mt MW N GNP .JolA:-~ . .1.1~ 0 J~ ')1 <,fy4l1 ~l:..Il cwt ha ':"':J~J"."'" JL:S:... I pound (Ib) litre (I) J o.r.J (J) ;J J~')I newton (N) hectare (ha) hundredweight (cwt) W watt (W) (0) .JJ-"I JL:S:... ~PJ..l;..Io J (J) J,~ 176 m m2 m3 metre, meter (m) square metre (m2) cubic metre (m 3 ) square (2) mg ,i r ( i i (0 ;... ('0 C:;f J:"'" <'0 ~;... ,) . (i.l - C:;f ;... '- centigrade centimetre (cm) a are (a) ton J. long ton ~~I J. short ton ..f.:) J. register ton, ton (RT) J..II; ~I <l~1 - J. tonne, metric ton (mt) ~;.... J. 'J. mt ~;.... J. Pa pascal (Pa) billion inch (in) Beaufort Beaufort knot GMT g gallon imperial gallon US gallon gramme, gram (g) t Clr.L ';""y J.h J.h s ~);'I.r.-'l Cl)~ ~f'ICl)~ (l> J lethal dose 50 (LD-50) LD-50 joule (J) r~ --.J' foot (plural, feet) lb Jt5:....1; second (s) Cl)~ of fahrenheit K (kelvin) cal. calorie (cal.) kg km kelvin (K) q metric quintal (q) kiloton (kt) kt kilogramme (kg) kilocalorie (kcal) kcal kilometre (km) kilowatt (kW) kW 4 (4) !l JlS' (JlS') (c..) J~ RT net weight gross tonnage register tonnage net register tonnage (NRT) ~))lS' (!l) ~;.... fi J.# J.# r~# degree celsius (0C) degree centigrade degree fahrenheit COF) Douglas ~))lS' # Richter (~);....# h °C hour (h) celsius cm ~))lS' # .1~# .1~# ~L.,.. <lr-> ';li <lr-> .\1-.. <l~ . .\1-.. <l~ . ~ <lr-> ';li ~ J\::S J\::S J..I4 <lr-:l l ~L.,.. gross register tonnage (GRT) { ({) c.. ....:.....JJ <t LAJ I 4>..J.- I ....:.....JJ <t LAJ I 4>..J.- I 177 c. .,. ') ......r.--L ~)~ ~~ ~)~ (--.J')~""; ~)~ i f ':N-J~ ,J.,; if if ° (if) 4>.L... ......r.--L r- Acid rain Mortality Disaster assistance Humanitarian aid Nuclear reactor Fireproof Donation Solfatara Manioc Appeal Ozone depletion Exponential growth Arithmetic growth EI Nino Marginality Objective Panic Epidemiology Disaster prevention Jaundice ~;... -=-L!)I ~)~I -=-LY'" ~L;\ -?JY <;Y'" YL<.. -.Y..,.....u rJw tF,U,4>..:.. ~~ -=-~\&. ..i.A;.. -=-~ ~lA.:....1 .1..<; jJjJ'11 '"7"."...a.; ";'I} ...r.L."..} . ··Ii .r:-;"';"L,. ...:.. ...... t!~ -=-WL ..J ~,I ('Ii ../~ .......~ liJI ...... J 178 M ultisectoral -=-~lkA.!1 ~~ Acquired immunodeficiency j~1 <..j')\:..o syndrome ~I ..I'lll METEOSAT . -=-L..r.=-International commmunity JJ..u1 ~I Biosphere -?~I ¥I Black tide ~.J-''11 ..Ill Animism ~l>-J)I ,-:-"l. Acute respiratory disease ~l>- ~ c// Sexually transmitted 4 J';:" c// disease CEMEC, Euro~)~I -.,.J.J ...r. JJJ'1 I .?")1 pean Centre for Disaster Medicine CRED, Centre for ~)~I -=-~LJ ~.,s: .?"/ Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters Burns centre Food mixture(s) Antigen Beneficiary Warehouse Addendum to the Arabic Section Economic development ~~L..cil ~ Three Mile Island ~i J-Lo 1$) Container ~Jl> Biological warfare ~.,....J~ '-:'.r->'" Chemical warfare 4~ '-:'? Nuclear war ~JY '-:'? Workshop ~W> ;J.".:. Plan Contingency plan ~)~ ;J.".:. Hazard )0>Risk )la~1 ,)0>Natural hazard ~)o>Dioxin ~~ IPPNW, International .:r .~~ 4J..u1 ~i)1 Physicians for ~J.rJ1 ,-:,)-1 .:r ~\i)1 J~J the Prevention of Nuclear War WAEDM, World ~)I#I ~ 4J..u1 ~i)1 Association for Emergency ~)~~ and Disaster Medicine Hostage 4) Savannah tij~ Seve so ~ Pertussis, whooping ~..ul JL.....JI - Jr\..!J1 cough Consignment ~ Deck cargo ~I R ~ ~ Red Crescent / Red Cross / r> \II ~I r>\l1 J')UI Lighter JJ.;.....o Climatic control 4:>\:..~~ Antibody (~L,..i..~) J...; Military Medicine I$;:..:.,.J I ..,.J.J I Disaster Medicine ~)~I~ Jettison ~IJC> Enriched food ~\w. Gale ~~ Community health worker ~J-~ Aggressiveness Oxyology Elements at risk Immunodeficiency ~I ~~~ ~~I)-I ~ .,b-U ......,..ll r" t::J I if\:.. jy Geneva Conventions Zero option Allergy Deforestation Disaster preparedness Aborigine I/'J) - J---i ~ .~~\ Reforestation Intestinal diseases ~"... ....... ~i Oral rehydration salts, 1$,rAl1 '~/il c.~i ORS CPR, Cardio-pulmonary I$.YJ ~ ';1...;\ resuscitation .)\Ail Rescue AIDS j~'jl AGFUND, Ar~b Gulf i.j""~1 ~I (t'~.I. Fund for Umted r-)'I ..:...I)z;.. rs.l.l Nations Development 4iJ'jl •..;....;:ll Expanded Programme ~ t"}1 (t'~.r.J1 on Immunization Glasshouse effect Chartering Dehydration Consolidation ~ Disaster mitigation 4:)lSJl ;;'UoJ ~ Accumulation rS'1J Afforestation ~ Chernobyl ,*,Y'? Immunization ~ Bilateral cooperation I)l:.! .JJw Torture ~..w Commodity rate ...... l>. ~.;N Food fortification .1"w1.i..f' Oral rehydration rAll .:.r J~I ../L!yU Demurrage ~t...;'J1 '4l1 ../L!yU Assessment ~ - .l.J.A; GLA WARS Commission j)JW- 4:J.-.l.;4i report WHOPAX Report vS4r .I.;4i Alternative technology ~~I~)~I .JJ\l1 ~)~I Appropriate technology Transboundary pollution ~J~I.#' ~); c? ,- J!» 179 Soya-fortified cornmeal ~~4 oj.i'" ijl ~J Eating unit iW, o-u-J Family unit ~~ i-u-J Genetics .;..~GJ Communications re.;..'1~'J1 JL,.J sources Prevention ~liJ Chemoprophylaxis 4JL...S - - - Incidence "!"'J-u- - ttJ Voluntary agency ~.,J. 4llSJ Donor agency ~\"41lSJ Crater ....)1 'i}>- ,ioAAJ Yam ~ u.~ - i~ Yaws jy' 180 Food shortage Undernutrition Hypovitaminosis Technology transfer Food pattern Migration Emigration Immigration Wastage Emaciation Sanitary engineering Tropical air Cholera Epidemic ~~\l1 ~ ~.1.:l1 ~ ';"l:.:-~"lI~ ~)~I j4; iW,1 J..C if.'" if.'" ~ U L;.ll Of.'" ~~ - j-IA JIj.> ~"""..o I:?)..lo -~ ~ -4J Emigrant .r.lf..o Immigrant Gl>..ll.r.lf..o Illegal immigrant ~j\i ;:i- .r.lf..o Evacuee ~ Foodstuff ~I..i&. )~ Health resources ~)J~ Natural resources ~)J~ Food resources ~I..i&. )J~ Wave ~y Seismic sea wave 4~j ~~ ~y Shock wave ~..I...<>~y Tsunami ~""J~~Y Storm wave 44.,..~ ~Y Ground swell 4.l~ i.>.'.Y • u.s . Ocean wave . . "":"y Tidal wave J.f.-I ~y - ..ul ~y Rainy season }k...\l1 r y Dry season ";'~I r Y Monsoon season ~I c.~)1 r:y Pledging conference ..::..~.r,.:ll .J~l.f;'" Social indicators ~~I"::"I.r!-;'" Food and nutrition ~..i;.:J~ ~..i&.\l1 "::"I.r!-;'" indicators Nutritional indicators ~J.1.; ..::..I.r!-;'" Food availability in~WaJI)j ..::..I.r!-;'" dicators Nutritional state in~J..i;.:J1 ;J~I ..::..I.r!-;'" dicators Risk indicator ).>..II.,.!;'" Habitat yy Surface water ~.\... Waste water ~.lz.o Gross national product, J~)'I if.,Al1 ~WI GNP Displaced persons, DP .JJ>"j~ Defoliant po!Jl JGJi t:!~ Vector Ji~ Spring Ridge ~~ •.fJ ~ ' Oceanic ridge .. :r' High pressure ridge ..lai...Al1 c!..r' •.fJ Armed conflict c:L- t.i) Radioactivity -rt.....:.l .lot.:.; Nuclear activity ~Jj .lot.:.; Ecosystem .;-:-? I ~ ua.:J I ~L. ..::..~\A; Effluent t .. Tide coefficient J.f.-~ ..ul Jot.... 4;l,.)'1 J~ Fatality WI}I J~ Morbidity rate Birth rate -lzlYI J~ ..::..t;:i}1 J~ Mortality rate ..::..t;:i}1 J~ Death rate Food aid ~I..i&. ~.J"" Orderly departure ~'J)\A.. ~J)\l1 ....J\.A.. Drug resistance Magnitude (of (J~)I 'j) )1..lA.. earthquake) Tephra '-::i~ ..::..IiJ.ll. Beaufort scale Jjy, ..,..L:ADouglas scale ..,..WJ) ..,..L:ARichter scale ~.) ..,..L:AMercalli scale JllS"'..r' ..,..L:APest control ~~I wtS:.. .!.-j.. Pollutant Representative Jf Pathogenic ./r Climate • C.'l:... Equatorial climate I)lf-I tl:... Maritime climate ~~ tl:... Mountain climate ~'l:... .' C. Continental climate ~)\i tl:... Tropical climate ~).M tl:... Monsoon climate cry tl:... ..j-l:... Climatography ~).M Jl.l:... Tropical zones Depression ...,..w..:... Equatorial depression Jlf-I...,..w..:... Tropical depression ~).M ...,..w..:... Central depression ~?..r'...,..w..:... Delegate '-:"J..\.:..A Sea level ~I~,-:,,~ ,-:",,>-yr.- - Jj\,) I )lk.:... Seismoscope c::.~\l1 .J.Jj 4.Al.;... Wave-generating area J>-UI4.Al.;... Sahelian zone ~\i~4.Al.;... Semi-arid zone J~ .J..A..,;. 4.Al.;... High pressure area ~14.Al.;... Fracture zone Voluntary organization, ~;.~ Non-governmental orga- .... . ~ .#.~ nization NGO Manioc ..::..~ Migrant .r.lf..o 181 Flood tide ~L..o .l.o Shanty town t~I~.l.o Morbidity ~~ Communal facilities ¥~..;;~ Cost-benefit ....A:l~1 ~J~r Thermograph 4..J1r ~r Seismograph .,jl/Yf-- - Jj~)1 ~r Zoonosis J..\...4l1 ~I,,:> ../'r Communicable disease ~JL... ../'r Endemic disease Joy ../'r Infectious disease ~../'r - ~.;.... ../'r Sleeping sickness r'p i ../'r Refugee processing centre ~')I.I .)L&:;I:f'r Hypocentre ..;i- :f'r Transit centre ~jl,;ll :f'r Seismic epicentre ~J\II '~I:f'r Patient "";"'r K-2 mix ~J~I ~r JI~ ~f' Geodetics ~I <>.WI Technical assistance 4.:.A; '~L.,... International assistance 4J~ .~L.,... Probe JL....... Space probe JL.,.i;Jl:-Catchment area .~ Aquiculture ~Lo t.~f-' Emergency health ~I ~JI#I ';"LoJ:..-kit Recipient Reservoir of infection I.SJ..w1 t:Y-' 4..r. • a· Human settlement 'r-' Standard of living ~I I.SY-' Socio-economic,survey ,p~1 if~1 ~ Food consumptIOn sur- ~~')II !l')l.,:.-I ~ vey Household survey Full cream milk powder Cancerogenic Carcinogenic Dwelling Source J..\..,a.o Source of infection I.SJ..w1 J..\..,a.o Food additive ~1~;';1..,4.. Cyclonic rain I$Jwl )0..Disinfectant ~ Water treatment 01.;11 ~t.... .r--t-' 182 :.r. :.r. :.r. :.r. Recognized refugee ~ ,j;.... ~ Convention refugee ~ ')1.11 4LA;~ lAiJ ')I Protocol refugee ~ ')1.11 J"s-jJ~ lAiJ ~ Statutory refugee 4J..u1 .;.,1..u.U lAiJ ')I Dried whole milk ~ J-lS" ~ Dried full cream milk ~ ..ul 1.lS" '_I 'r ..r <J!-' Dried skimmed milk ~ ~~ ~ Territorial asylum ~)'I ~~~ .,;.. Diplomatic asylum ~Lo~~ .,;.. Vaccine c.L4l Cholera vaccine ~I ..1.,00 c.L4l Paragrapher ~lAil .;.J Logistics .;.,~~I.l.ol - .;.,4) Drinking water ,-:"rJl .Lo Potable water c:'L..o .Lo Donor CLo Principle of non~')I.II ~> I~ refoulement Herbicide ,-:,,\.!s.\II ..I.:-:-Ovicide .;.,L..,:JI ..I.:-:-Bactericide r-i)-I..I.:-:-Insecticide ';"~I..I.:-:-­ Miticide <.:..)1..1.:-:-- - ...,.r-'I ..I.:-:-Fungicide )oA.I1..I.:-:-Virucide .;.,L...J.r.Al 1 ..I.:-:-Acaricide ~I}JI ..I.:-:-Rodenticide ..,.0);.11 ..I.:-:-Molluscicide ~1,4l1 ..I.:-:-Pesticide i~l..I.:-:-Donee Endemic Joy Famine ~~ Community ~ Society ~ Conurbation 1$,rO> ~ Industrial complex ifL..: ~ Earth station ~)~ ili:.:,. 4...P Mobile land station . :;i ~ Space station ~L..ii ~ Food taboo ~I~';"~~ Hydrosphere Jlli ¥I Oceanic ~ Stockpile J'L;.;>-I ~JjN - J'L;.;>-I .JjN Starvation ~ ~r'\l1 ..\1.1 Black tide Tide J.f.-~ ..\1.1 ,-:"ru .r- International Humani- ~L...;)'I J,...ul ..JjlAJI tarian Law Disaster act ":"')~I..Jj\i Protrusive dome 4:;~ '-:Jts:r. ~ Purchasing power ~'.r!- .)"u Piracy ~) Taro ...,.Wi Pediculosis Jl..i Louse infestation Jl..i Fusion bomb ~l,.JjI 4l:J ~.) u....:.; 1 u.:.; Fission bomb . Atomic bomb ~.) ~ u.:.; . A-bomb ~w~ u.:.; . Hydrogen bomb 4J)'('o' 4l:J H-bomb 4J).(.O,~ Force '''; Tide generating force ...u.1 .I:lj '''; Wind force c.~)1 '''; Diet ~,,; Dietetics ~t;;,;J1 Pluviometry ) ll...\1 1 ...,.l:i Telemetry ~ .:r ...,.l;Al1 Disaster Catastrophe ~)IS" Man-made disaster ~l:..L...,.:.1 ~)IS" Slow disaster ~~IS" .. ') __ I.t:'· IS" Technological disaster .''Y~ ') Natural disaster ~~IS" ... ') Creeping disaster ~~)IS" Biomass ~.r. .i.l:S'" Population density '-:JLS:... ~~ Dune ~ Stress ~~l- .l..,..... - '-:'.? Tetanus jl;S" Rickets c.l..S"' Cassava ~L:5' Kala-azar )~'%' Rainfall amount ,..kil ~ Kwashiorkor )~r- I§' Hydatid cyst ~.JI..\&o '"--? Refugee ~'i De jure refugee ~~'i Refugee sur place ~)llaJl .jJ./lSJl ~ ~'i De facto refugee ~t"ll ~ ~'i Mandate refugee ~:b...ul ~W.L 'i ~ :.r. Gust u.Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, ..J\#.;...l1S" ~ BCG Meteorology Pathology Ecology Demography Geomorphology Radioastronomy Oceanology Climatology Hydrology Radioactive half-life River blindness Trace elements ')).r-\.:s. Voluntary repatria- ~"lo .y - ~.J~I '~r tion Nutritional deficiency 4?J~ jr Ariboflavinosis ~~~)Ijr 'I 0:-~1 jr Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin B deficiency '-:' 0:-~1 jr Vitamin B2 deficiency ,'-:' 0:-~1 jr Vitamin C deficiency C 0:-~1 jr Vitamin deficiency, ~l.:.:-~Ijr Aid ..Jr ($J.S. Nutrient ~y'\l1 4?~1 .j;W1 Ionosphere Stratosphere 4?.r.kJI .j~1 ~ L,.O.,lI .;; Incubation period ($J...wl .;; Communicable period ~L4J1 .;; Effective life j) Triage Overnutrition, hypernutrition ~..\.o.:ll .l.) .J.;....oJ1.l.) Overpressure Disaster team ":"')~I ~1y.,Y.,) Season J..oi Coccidioidomycosis I,l~..f)u.; Anaemia, anemia i...ul ;; Fluoridation '))' Virus Overflow Flood Sea floor Sea bed Law of the sea r-r. - 183 Health ~ Food hygiene ~~\rl ~ Environmental health ~I ~ Public health ~rs ~ - ... ~ ~ Frost ~ Magma ')~ Disaster victim ":"')~I ~b.....; Atmospheric pressure I.$.r.- J.;...; Wasting )~ 4,.,:-l;......\.1 . Climatic control . 'r'" Plague .Jyu, Pack ice ~~ ~u, Nuclear energy ~Jj ~u, Topography ~w. Hydrography ~w. Refoulement ~~l - ~;. Protective food i./'b- iW. Staple food ~) iW. Conventional food ~ iW. Food ol~ - iW. Fortified food j.i'-" iW. Unaccompanied minor Ji!r .JJ~ J.ik Request for disaster ":"')~I -:;...\;.,.... ~ assistance Alluvium Returnee Food habits ~I~ -:;...b~ Storm ........ ~ Squall ........ ~ Ice storm ~ ........ ~ Blizzard ~ ........ ~ Thunderstorm ~~) ........ ~ Advective thunderstorm ~'I ~~) ........ ~ Cold front thunderstorm '~)4 ~~) ........ ~ Convective thunderstorm Frontal thunderstorm ~ ~~) ........ ~ Air mass thunderstorm ~I.,.to ~~) ........ ~ Dust bowl ~)u. ........ ~ Tropical storm 4".;1..1.0 ........ ~ Magnetic storm ~ ........ ~ Well-being 4.i~ Density factor .r.s';JIJ-~ Surge Open sea 184 Earthquake Seism Ethnic group Social group Vulnerable group Dust devil Genetic aberration Coast Littoral Sahel Ionospheric sounding Jl)j Jl)j . ~I-· ,"/') ~~I '/,j 's-~ '/,j 4.:-) ~Jj e;j J~J j>-L.. j>-L.. j>-L.. ...';"1 J~I .r.-I - ,j.J';.\r1 Prisoner ~ Stratus cloud .r-,-:,b..... Glowing cloud ~p~b..... Nuee ardente ~p~b..... Falling cloud ~t.. ~b..... Dam ...\.... Dyke .r.b- -I.$~...\.... Whooping cough J.,...w. ,..;...~ Jl...... Amplitude tidal range ))-~ ..ul Jlla; ~ Marasmus Nutritional marasmus I.$Jj;.; Syphilis ..,.JA.... 4.J.,\.4.... Fallout Spill ""'Ii-~ Communal dwelling if.~ .:f.--. Food safety ~~~I"'~ ..\,. ?-4LL Cold chain Behaviour !l)..Social behaviour if~1 !l).Toxicology -:;...t;...,......J1 Malnutrition ~..i;.:)1 'r' Protein-calorie -:;...~~ ~J..,.JL ~..i;.:)1 Or' malnutrition Protein-energy malnutrition Sovereignty '.)L.. 1 -I· Ciguatera ~~ Gonorrhoea .J~ Vulnerable person ..,..-"""~ Intensity o~ Intertidal ))-~ ..ul ~ ~WI ~r'1 Chromosome ~ Desert o~ .r.r- Ascariasis (,-",)t5:....'11»)...al1 .b Hydatid disease I$)..wl .1J.l1 Deficiency disease j.,J1 .b River blindness I$fiJl ~I .b Rabies -....JSJI .b Hydatidosis ~.JI..w1 ..:...L..$JI .b Cysticercosis ~.lll ..:...L..$JI .b Leishmaniasis ":"'l::'~1 .b Visceral leishmaniasis I$.,..:J-I ":"'l::'~1 .b Trypanosomiasis ..:...~I .b African trypanosomiasis .j.}'11 ":"'~I .b Echinococcosis ·..:...I.)'".,r!ll .b Schistosomiasis ..:...l4.!J.1 .b Vulnerability study ""';.,..:.11 -.>J..o ~G~ Goitre, goiter JG~ Degree of adaptability ~ ~L4J1 ~)~ Civil defence ~J..o Ash flow ~\")I Ji~ Delta l:b Nutritional cachexia I$JJ;.; ~~ Motivation )~ - ~~~ Vortex 4.~~ Dust whirl ~'i 4.~~ Sand whirl 4--) 4.~~ Hookworm ~1'~JJ.l1 Crop rotation ~~ ')p Population dynamics ~t5:......:...~~ Sorghum .~ - i~.r" .)~ ~..r .)~ Durra Toxin .:,,~~ Exodus U j - j:>-) Monitoring ..!..,.» Disease monitoring ""';1,.0'11 ..!..,.» Continental shelf -.»i~) Primary health care ~J'11 ~I ~~)I Ash fall J..jL....:.l.1 ~\..)I Irrigation 1$) Onshore wind . t..l!J1 .. ~ <..r ,....- JI• C·) Trade wind ~)~ C~) Offshore wind :>l!J1 ~ , f C~.J Monsoon ~",.. C~) Winter monsoon ~~~",.. C~) Summer monsoon ~~",.. C~) Wind ~) Dysentery )l>-j Bacillary d ysen tery I$~ )l>-j Radiation protection Refugee protection Bartonellosis Typhoid fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rickettsial fever Yellow fever .I)....>~ ..!,.l:..,.;J1~ Dengue Dengue haemorrhagic ~)I..!,.l:..,.;JI~ fever Qfever ~~ Lassa fever L... 'Y ~ Catchment basin ~ ..,..;",.Watershed ...J~I ..,..;",.Drainage basin "';'~I ..,..;",.Hydrological basin River basin fiJI ..,..;",.Slum dwelling .1}4l1 Expert .J::':"Services ;~) - ..:...\....\:>Risk map )lla>-\'1 ~.r'Weather map ~I ~.r'Isotherm .)}.I 1$/""':; .1,.:. Terrestrial longitude ~)'11 J.,kll .1,.:. Latitude . ..,..;,.,JI.1,.:. Corn-soya blend ~~~ ')..ill .1.f.:Corn-soya milk ~~ ~~~ ')..ill .1.f.:Instant corn- ~~ ~~~ .)..ill , f I$)} .1.f.:soya milk ICSM ~~ ~~~ .)..ill , f -.»} .1.f.:Wheat-soya blend ~~~ ~I .1.f.:Wheat-soya milk ~~ ~~~ ~I .1.f.:Infection -.>J.Js. - ~ Diphtheria JWI Amoebiasis ..:...L...'11 .b Onchocerciasis (""";..ill ~')IS")"~'ll .b Bartonellosis ';"')\:ij.r.J1 .b Brucellosis ';"~J.r.J1 .b Leptospirosis ';"1:'.;:-11 .I~ Filariasis ~)'Y.:Al1 .I~ - .;..~I .1) Ankylostomiasis ~I ':"1~J.l1 .b Salmonellosis ';"')\:irU l .b Chagas' disease ..r'~L.!. .b Taeniasis .;..~.rJ1 .1) Shigellosis ';"~I .b J\.. . ,. ;",...r 185 Global frequency iWI ).,:)1 Endemicity Settlement ~p-~j Life expectancy 0~1 uWj Damage forecasting ;WJI uWj Typhus ..r~ Typhus exanthematicus r..r~ Tick-borne typhus ~1}J4 J~ ..r~ Trinitrotoluene, TNT ..:01.,:)1 ..:......;:, ..:.Jl: Eruption ';G; Arid J>li -.j~ Smallpox <.$)~ Scabies "':"'..r. Collective dose ~IJ.I ~)-I Lethal dose 50, LD-50 ...:..,..JJ 4lili ~..r. Maximum acceptable ~.r.Al1 ,-,~I ~)-I dosage Retained dose 0~1 ~)-I Absorbed dose ~I~)-I War wounded "':"'? ~..r. Ebb )? Atoll ~~/' o./.? • • '1' Biogeography "..~ '!'/"':" Drought "':"'~ - .b..i - .j~ Aridity Jri -.j~ Xerophthalmia ;J.&l.1.j~ Anthrax ~lo~1 Fund raising u~~I~ Population .;\5:.. - .~ Atmosphere Hunger Barrier ~I.M;....I ul~ ;,il>Susceptible case Emergency ';)1)0 ;,il>- - ~)u. ;,il><1J\.>..... ;,il>Contact case Suspect case ~ ;,il>Carrier Jol>Soya-fortified ~.,....J4 oj;-.ll 0)...\)1 u~ sorghum grits Trachoma Quarantine ..".- .r:-> Crowd i I>-j - ..I.!.> Measles ~ Ration -.....0>Food ration '-:Sus~ International protection <:JJ~ ~I.> .»j Botulism . • . ~J r-' Disaster legislation ~)~I u~.r; Hygiene ~I .Job. - ~ Environmental hygiene ~I ~ Desertification ~ Sliding fault J'i)1 t.J..,:lj Transform fault if.'; t.J..,:lj Drainage ~~ Disinfection ~ Technical cooperation ~ ';Jw Technical cooperation ';1-ll:!1 ~ ~ ';JW among developing countries ,-:-WI Vulnerability ...,;~ Denudation ~~ Food fortification iWa.l1 j.)'J Steriliza tion ~ ~.,..; Habituation ... ..iA; Nutrition Artificial feeding ~l:...,.. ~..iA; Emergency feeding ~~ ~..iA; ~I .• Environmental change •. P.'" Nuclear reaction <.$JY ~LA; Volcanic eruption ~~~ ;WJI./...!.A; Damage assessment ~lkIl ./...!.A; Energy assessment Integration Jo~ Conditioning ..:4 Adaptation i j ')\; Vaccination ~ Contamination .!.>}; Radioactive contamination i f IA.; l .!.>}; • ';"I.!.>}; Atmospheric pollution Air pollution .~I.!.>}; Oil pollution ":""")4 ~}; .;lS:....JI"""";l:.i Depopulation Forecast r,.; Weather forecast ~~u~ River forecast '-:S\..ou~ Tide forecast ))-~..u.1 u~ Climatological forecast ~l;...u~ TNT Organization of activities!.;\11 ~ Human development ~A"."":'; Development )P-~ Rural development ~.J~ Biological equilibrium <.$~ ';jlj 186 Anthropic erosion ~I~':"~ Wind erosion c.UI ~.:..~ Continental erosion ~).-I J-I"JI ~ .:..~ Soil erosion ~;JI .:..~ Typhoon warning )~ '11 ,j'.l.jj. Cyclone warning )~'11 ,j'.l.jj. Hurricane warning )~ '11 ,j'.l.jj. Gale warning ~WI ,j'.l.jj. Storm warning ~WI ,j'.l.jj. Population mobility ~tS:..... ':"lS'.J Sanitary improvement ~I J~'ll ~ U rbaniza tion ~ Nephanalysis '-?>":"~ Cost-effectiveness ...:..:J~~~WI~ analysis Cost-benefit analysis ...:..:J~I ~J~J' ~ Resource planning and ~)I}I ~J ~ development Damage mitigation )~'ll ~ Disinfestation )L!.:>- '11 ,j' ~I Disinfection )L!.:>-'11 ,j' ~I Natural resource manage- ~I ~)I}I ~..Ij ment Fumigation .J)..Ij Tuberculosis Lava flow ~lS'.r.J1 ~I ";;..Ij Lahar ~";;..Ij Soil ~j Precipitation ,-:-,j Lixiviation ~-~j Surveillance ~~ -,;..,..j Disease surveillance .,...~'ll ,;..,..j Age profile ,-?.,..,JI ~;JI Maximum acceptable Jr."ll ~'ll j:S';J1 concentration Population concentration JtS:..... h Demographic concentration JtS:..... h Ground level con- .,...)'ll ,:la... >S';--- ~ h centration Organization of leisure Fall Precipitation ,-:-,j-J.iL; Harnessing ~ Radiation toxicity iflA.!-l ~ Ciguatera I~~~ JI~ Food poisoning . r--'. Transmission [of infection] <>SJ..wI) JlA:;1 )UI Recession Shore profile J>-WI ')>"" - J>WI ~I J'1jl Mudslide Rock slide '-?.?- J'1)1 Earth flow ~ J'1)1 Humanitarian JWl "';'1},1 - Jl:-'I Drift Siting ~j - .l.!.;! ))1.-- - ~.,..ail Semaphore .))-1 iJ' I5:..i I Temperature inversk n Life support '~I Glowing avalanche ~p)41 ) 4 1 - )l::r l Avalanche Jl::r I Landslide Sheltering '~l Scurvy j,Y..;_.'I Nomad YJ' ,-?J.J.J. ~.J')\,.. - .I~.I. Malaria Bulghur J&-.I. Soja-fortified bulghur ~.,...J4 r...l.o J&-.I. Volcano .J~ : l. .J~ Strato-volcano ..r .I. Supplementary feeding ~I~~I .. . c:- l;'/. programme Protein .:.t;J.I. Fish protein concentrate .1')1 !l~'ll .:.t;J.I. Beri-beri '-?.I. '-?.I. BCG (:iJ'.~ Oil slick ~j~ .plll ~ Country of asylum JJ'l1 .plll ~ Country of first asylum Country of second asylum J\!JI .plll ~ Pellagra ?~ -·ft Bilharzia '-:-~ Pinta ~ Environment 4~I· .'t; Cumulative effect ~'.I.J':' e't; Chartering ~1..u..:....1 - ,-,,'t; Preparedness ~~'ll .. 't; Food ionization • -.r.-! Food refrigeration ~~'ll .J.J.~ ...:.;\:; Acculturation Health education ..r-~ Stripping &1 -.l.J..J.. JS'\; - .:..~ Erosion c:. 187 Typhoon \o?)..lo )L.=l Cyclone ~} )L.=l Twister i.f'~) )L.=l Non-tropical cyclone \o?)..lo ~ )L.=l Tropical cyclone \o?)..lo ~} )L.=l Willy-willy \o?)..lo)L.=l Anticyclone ) l.,4.. ) L.= l Subtropical anticyclone Semi-permanent anti- {-..I.:..,.... ~ )l.,4.. )L.=l cyclone Continental anticyclone \o?)li ) l.,4.. )L.= l Declaration of disaster ~) I,S0I 4ll>- .:" ')I&.l Rehabilitation J..-'l; - )If.l Relief ~\&.l Emergency relief ~~ ~\&.l Food relief 41~ ~\&.l Rural economy ~)I ";"~)')ll Acclimatization Wii Minorities ..;..lJji Cerebrospinal meningitis ~I ~b.....J1 ,-:",I,:ll u.b.:J1 Hepatitis ~I '-:"'trll Infectious hepatitis \o?..wl ~I ",:"I,:ll Encephalitis t.L....u1 ,-:",I,:ll Poliomyelitis t.b.:J1 ~~ ",:"I,:ll Viral hepatitis IoF'J.r.-Al 1 ~I ,-:",I,:ll Viral hepatitis '-:"' J I IoF'UAJI ~I ,-:",I,:ll Aand B Serum hepatitis J--oll ~I ,-:",I,:ll Absorption <.J"'l.,a:..1 Venereal disease (VD) <'J"j ~,-"i Diarrhoeal disease J~'11 ~,-"i Parasitic diseases ¥~'-"~ Enteric diseases <,."... ~'-"I Pathogenicity ~I .. 'f,I Safety at sea \o?~1 0"")'1 Storm surge )··"s-l - ;.t... ~ C1>,:1 Productivity ~l;.;1 Prevalence )l!..;;1 188 ..;..~I o)4l Disinsection ~ .y JL..a;')I1 Telecommunication Deflation .Yl - ...,.t>:;1 Evacuation ·~l- ·~l )~I Infestation ..;..l.:-l;:>1 Needs Nutritional requirements <,J...\;.; ..;..l.:-l;:>1 Energy requirements ~u.JI0" ..;..l.:-l;:>')II Sea conditions <,~I J~")'1 Hijacking>1 Rising tide ..ul t.LA;) Swell ,-:",y-:ll t.LA;): Allergen (;i Archipelago ~) Tideland ..ul ~) Radioactive decontami- ..r~')I1 w}:ll 4l~l nation ..;..4WI 4l~1 Deforestation AquicuIture JL.. t.~;-.-I Remote sounding ~ .y )lA.!,;....1 Seismic sounding '-:J~)I ..;..~l.!'1" t.~1 Meteorological sounding J~")'1 t.~1 <,}.-I .l:J,1 J')\A;...,I Water harnessing Household ~ ori <.:I,k-i Roller J) .jlA...l First aid Diarrhoea J~l ",:"l::5'"I-i.~1 Contribution Housing .:"l>:..l Prisoner of war '-:"'?.r.-.'I Cosmic radiation .J.,s- t.~l Transmission (of infection) <-')J"WI) J\A,.;I Radiation injury ~~l~~l Sanitation C~l ~ - .UI o)~1 Reconstruction )If.l - ./.."k:ll o)~1 Redevelopment High seas )~I J~i Tornado Hurricane S.W.A.GUNN MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF DISASTER MEDICINE AND INTERNATIONAL RELIEF . J. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht / Boston / London · cJ. ~.i·J·if S.W.A.GUNN J}ll •.)-1 ~~ I - -.r.r r""'" .,j1.:J1 .')-1 ifl:AJ1 ..:...1...l>J -:JI.:JI .')-1 ..:... ~ L.,a;:.,.:. ~ ~ jy) I