Subido por leire.martinezromero

War Consequences & Anne Frank Essay

Leire Martinez
Raquel Millan
Natalia Montserrat
A project about the consequences of war
A) Why do people start conflicts nowadays?
Since they have different ideas and do not want to consider those of the other,
they do not agree. Therefore, all these wars happen.
B) Which consequences do wars have for people?
The consequences of the second world war was terrible:
-Cities was destroyed
-Many people hunger
-It dies into 70-80 million people
-many families separate, and was evacuated
-There were many diseases
C) How can we solve conflicts without causing wars?
conflicts can be resolved by speaking politely, voting or mixing ideas from
several people
Remember the case of Anna Frank. What can you learn about her? Explain it
Natalia: I have learned from Anna Frank that there is no loss of patience and
Raquel: The things that I learn about Anna Frank is that she is very brave and
she have a lot of hopeful and very intelligent about write a diary abut what
happens in second world war.
Leire: I have learned from Anne Frank that one must always be brave and
hopeful, face problem, and finally be patient