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Simple Present Activity Worksheet for 1st Grade

Teacher Arianne Cristina
1º ano – Simple Present – Activity
Leia o texto abaixo:
Humberto Castro
Humberto Castro works at a school in Manaus. He usually gets up at five thirty.
He starts work at seven and finishes at eleven thirty. He works from Monday to
Friday. Monday is always a good day for him to work. The school is closed at
He usually eats lunch in a restaurant on Thursday. After work, he usually reads
“Caras” or “Tititi” and listens to “brega” music. His favorite singer is Berg Guerra. He
always watches television. His favorite programs are “Big Brother Brasil” and “Mais
Você”, but sometimes he goes to “Mansão do Forró” and “Fecani”. He rarely goes to
“Porão do Alemão”. He loves “pagode” and plays the tambourine.
On Saturday he goes shopping in the morning. He likes shopping at “DB” and
“Carrefour”. He plays soccer and cheers for “Nacional”.
1. Responda às questões:
a) Where does Humberto work?
b) What time does he start work?
c) What time does he finish?
d) When he does he have lunch in a restaurant?
e) What does he do after work?
What kind of music does he like?
g) What about Saturday? What does he do then?
h) What’s his favorite soccer team?
Where does he like shopping?
2. Retire do texto os verbos que estão no Simple Present.
3. Retire 3 frases do texto e passe-as para a forma negativa no Simple