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Mario-Favela-Red-Pill-Orgasm -How-To-Give-A-Woman-The-Best-Orgasms-Of-Her-Life- 2014

Red Pill Orgasm: How To Give A Woman The Best Orgasms Of Her
By Mario Favela
Copyright © 2015
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any
means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright
owner and publisher of this work.
This book is opinion; intended for general information and entertainment
purposes only. The author is not a medical professional. Nothing in this
book should be interpreted as qualified medical advice. Always visit a
doctor or medical professional before attempting any of the techniques
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For many men, the female orgasm is a mystery. This guide will help. I’ll
show you the most efficient ways to make women cum hard. If you’re a
younger guy just getting started, we’ll build you a solid foundation. And,
even more experienced men will find some advanced techniques to add to
their bag of tricks.
Remember, this isn’t a pick-up guide. Yes, we'll explore game. But, I won't
show you how to seduce new women. From here on out, I’ll assume you
have a female sex partner in your life.
I debated on writing this book at all. I know it's arrogant to say I'm good at
sex. What makes me qualified to write about this subject? Just who the hell
do I think I am? I don’t claim to be a natural sex god. I’m a normal man,
average in many ways. I’m not physically large, and I wasn’t blessed with a
huge penis. Although those advantages can help, they aren’t necessary. Any
man can learn to give women soul-shattering orgasms.
I’ve been obsessed with sex since childhood. As a kid, I regularly spent the
night at friend's houses. I’d secretly borrow “how-to” sex guides from their
parents. I read them late at night while everyone slept; I'd be under the
covers with a flashlight. Since then, I’ve read countless books and guides
on sex.
But, it’s not just book learning. I lost my virginity when I was thirteen years
old. And I’ve since slept with dozens of women. I struggled with some
problems at first. Mainly premature ejaculation. In my twenties, I
discovered a solution; Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and lots of sex. I learned to
control my sexual energy.
Despite my early success with women, something always felt slightly “off.”
That changed in my thirties. I officially “took the Red Pill.” Taking the Red
Pill made me self-aware. I learned to properly dominate my women, and it
super-charged my sex life. As my game got tighter, my relationships got
better. And, that led to the creation of Red Pill Game, and this book.
The Red Pill is a reference to The Matrix films. In them, the main character,
Neo, is offered two pills. The blue pill means falling back asleep, accepting
lies. The Red Pill means waking up to the truth.
For us, taking the Red Pill means understanding the truth about gender
dynamics, women, and feminism in the West. A man digests the Red Pill
when he begins using that knowledge to improve his relationships with
I’ve gotten better at sex with practice, study, and more practice. I've
experienced amazing success and embarrassing failure. Walk with me. Let
me show you what I've learned.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Benefits
Chapter 2 – Game & Dominance
Chapter 3 – A Woman’s Body
Chapter 4 – How Easily Can She Cum?
Chapter 5 - Her Issues
Chapter 6 – Types Of Female Orgasms
Chapter 7 - Communication
Chapter 8 – Your Issues
Chapter 9 – Get Healthy
Chapter 10 – Prepare For Sex
Chapter 11 - Foreplay
Chapter 12 - Oral Sex
Chapter 13 - Slow Entry
Chapter 14 – Screwing
Chapter 15 - Basic Sex Positions
Chapter 16 - The Sets of Nine
Chapter 17 – Energy Work
Chapter 18 – Making It Last
Chapter 19 – Polish Your Technique
Chapter 20 – Rough Sex
Chapter 21 - Anal Sex
Chapter 22 - Bringing It All Together
Chapter 1 – Benefits
Some men think making women orgasm is a waste of time. Why bother?
Does it even matter? It matters. There are real benefits to making her cum
Her orgasm is a powerful way of cementing a strong emotional bond with
you. Why? Sex and orgasm produce the “bonding” hormone called
oxytocin. It's produced in both men and women. To give you an example of
its power; consider this fact. It's the same hormone that bonds a breastfeeding mother to her child. By regularly making her cum hard, you use this
primal bonding hormone to your advantage.
It's no secret that better sex will strengthen your relationships. Orgasms
make women happy, satisfied, and less likely to cheat. Happy women are
simply more pleasant to be around. That makes your life more enjoyable.
Women who can’t cum at all are unlikely to remain happy in their long-term
relationships. So, think carefully about committing to women who can’t
For some men, there’s pride involved. They don’t feel like they’ve done
their masculine duty until their girl climaxes. Watching women cum arouses
other guys. If you’re like me, then making her cum gives you pleasure. It’s
fun to watch. And that’s reason enough.
But, don’t get too caught up in your ego. Make sure to enjoy yourself. If she
doesn’t cum every single time, don’t worry about it. There’s always next
time. Now let’s learn how to use game and dominance for better sex.
~Making your woman cum regularly will lead to twin relationship benefits,
bonding and harmony. Pride also motivates men to perform.
Chapter 2 – Game & Dominance
Gaining sexual experience and learning proper technique is important. But
game is vital. You needn’t be a skilled player to have amazing sex. But, you
must understand how to handle women properly. How you act outside the
bedroom influences her attraction to you. This affects her orgasms. Strong
relationship game will make her more attracted to you. And, that will make
her cum harder. So, you should understand basic game.
Your behavior outside the bedroom influences her sexual attraction to you.
This affects her orgasms. Strong male game = strong female orgasms.
Game is also known as charisma. It’s broadly defined as a man’s ability to
interact successfully with women. More narrowly, game is a man’s ability
to seduce attractive women, have sex with them, and then manage his
relationships with them as he sees fit. Back in the old days, this was called
being a Man. These days, it’s something many men must re-learn.
Some guys say they don’t have any game. Or, that game doesn’t work. No.
All men have game. And game works on all women. It’s just that some men
have strong game, and others are weak. The good news? You can learn
game, if you haven't already.
For our purposes, your goal should be to learn enough game to make her
cum harder for you. That means improving your relationship game.
Relationship game is one of the easiest types of game to learn. Here’s the
You must be the dominant partner in your relationship.
Of course, there’s much more to tight relationship game than simple
dominance. But dominance is vital for sexual mastery. It also comes
naturally to many men. We instinctively know how to be dominant over
women. But with the way things are today, some men are confused about it.
If you've taken the Red Pill, then you already know this stuff. But, if you
haven't, then listen up. Forget all that politically correct, feminist
propaganda. Forget the “women as equals” bullshit. That kind of thinking
has poisoned our world. And, it’s likely brainwashed you as well. You
MUST de-program yourself.
Is your woman calling the shots? Are you a doormat, a pussy, or a bitch
who allows women to walk all over you? Stop it, right now. Change that
Without dominating her, you’ll never be able to fuck her properly. And
guess what? If you can’t dominate her and make her cum hard, she’ll find
someone who will. Believe it.
If you’re subordinate to her, then you’ll always struggle to turn her on
properly. So, how can you be more dominant? Here are a few simple
· Never let her control you.
· Say no to her, often.
· Push back against her wishes.
· Argue with her for fun, even if you agree.
· Don’t overly focus on making her happy.
· Don’t explain yourself, or your decisions.
· Decide for her.
· Tell her what to do.
· Tease her mercilessly. Like she’s your annoying little sister.
· Call her out when she says or does stupid things.
· Verbally establish ownership over her, and her vagina.
· Tell her to shut up.
· Don’t take her seriously.
· Laugh at her.
Always be willing and ready to let her walk away from the
relationship. For any reason.
· Make more money than her.
· Don’t give her much drama.
· Display little to no jealousy.
· Fuck her well.
· Ignore her for extended periods of time.
That's just a short list, but you get the idea. Even if your relationship is
“modern & enlightened,” you still need to be in charge at least 51% of the
time. Don’t misunderstand me. You can be dominant without being a
monster. You needn’t be an emotionally abusive prick, virulent misogynist,
or a total asshole. Of course, there's no denying that being a total prick does
work with many women. But it's not always mandatory. And if it doesn’t
come as naturally to you, you can practice soft dominance instead. Be a
nice guy with an edge. Balance your dominance out with kindness and
chivalry. Bang her like a champion, but protect and provide for her (if she
deserves it). That kind of mixed behavior can be confusing, but attractive to
Game is a vast topic. It’s not possible to cover it all here. To learn more,
visit Red Pill Game or explore the Manosphere.
Tight game is only one part of good sex. You’ll also need to learn about
technique, energy work, and her body.
~ Men must learn game and dominance in order to properly arouse women.
Chapter 3 – A Woman’s Body
You’ll need to understand basic female anatomy for good sex. More
experienced men may know most of this stuff. If so, feel free to skip to the
next chapter. This section is for those with less experience.
Mons Pubis
It’s also known as the pubic mound. This fatty mound of flesh sits above
her pubic bone. It’s located above her vaginal slit and below her belly
button. It’s naturally covered with pubic hair. Her lower Mons area, near her
clit, can be sensitive to your touch.
Clitoris & Hood
Her clitoris (clit) is at the top of her vagina, below the Mons. It’s usually
covered in a small hood of skin. The clitoris comes in many different shapes
and size. Some women have tiny clits you can barely see. Others have large,
protruding ones. Most clits become engorged with blood once she’s
aroused. Her clit is her primary source of sexual pleasure.
Vaginal Lips (Labia)
Women have two sets of vaginal lips. The inner lips (labia minora) and the
outer lips (labia majora). The inner lips are smaller, finer, and more
sensitive. The outer lips are thicker, less sensitive, and usually grow pubic
She urinates from this opening. It’s small and hard to see; it's located above
her vaginal opening and below her clit. You probably won’t even notice it.
It can be ignored during sex.
Vaginal Opening & Vagina
The vaginal opening is located below her urethra. This opening is used for
sex. It’s also where babies and menstrual blood exit her body. Vaginal
tightness depends on the woman. Younger, less experienced women tend to
have tighter vaginas. Older women are less tight. Her g-spot is inside her
vaginal canal.
The g-spot is not a myth. After her clit, it’s her most important source of
sexual pleasure. You can find it with your finger.
1. Put her on her back, get her wet with your tongue or fingers.
2. Insert one lubed middle finger into her vaginal canal.
3. Gently curl it up towards her belly button.
4. The g-spot is on the upper wall of her vaginal canal. About one inch,
to an inch and a half up inside her. You should feel it with the tip of
your finger. It's about the size of a quarter, sometimes smaller. It’ll be
slightly rougher than her smoother vaginal walls.
Cervix & Uterus
You can feel her cervix deep up inside her vagina. If her vaginal canal is
short and you’re large, your penis can slam into her cervix during sex. This
can be painful for her. You may need to check your strokes to avoid
“impaling” her.
The cervix leads up to the uterus. Of course, that's where babies incubate.
Remember, shooting semen up into her cervix and uterus greatly increases
her chances of pregnancy. Always avoid ejaculating inside her, unless
you’re trying to make a baby!
Also familiarize yourself with these areas:
Also known as a “taint.” It’s the patch of skin between her vagina and anus.
It’s sensitive to the touch.
Her anus is located below her vagina and perineum. It’s in the same spot as
yours. We’ll explore anal sex in later chapters.
Breasts & Nipples
Like her clit and g-spot, her breasts and nipples are important erogenous
areas. Pay special attention to them during foreplay and sex.
Erogenous Zones
Think of her whole body as an erogenous zone; including her brain. Besides
her breasts, focus on her lips, face, ears, neck, hair on her head, belly, inner
thighs, hands, back, ass, and feet. Always touch at least some of these areas
during both foreplay and sex. We’ll explore how to touch erogenous zones
later. First, let’s look at how easily women can cum.
~ To master sex, you must understand basic female anatomy.
Chapter 4 – How Easily Can She Cum?
Of course, no women are exactly the same. But in general, most women fall
into four orgasmic categories. Here are the four types:
Cums Easily
Some women cum easily. They’ll cum just by getting fingered; they easily
have multiple orgasms. And, they can cum in different ways. Women like
this are lots of fun. Always strive to give them multiple orgasms per
session, and enjoy it!
Cums Normally
Normal is a subjective word. So, let’s just say that any women who takes
some work, but cums regularly during sex, counts as normal. The majority
of women seem to fall into this category. Most of the time, you can reliably
make women like this cum at least once or twice each time you have sex.
Rarely Cums
These ones are challenging. They can climax, but it’s difficult to get them
there. If she falls into this category, then your work is cut out for you.
However, it's deeply satisfying when you do succeed in making a difficult
women orgasm.
Can’t Cum
Some women never cum. These ladies are rare. A woman who can’t orgasm
at all probably has deeper physical or psychological problems. If she truly
can’t cum, don’t beat yourself up over it. It doesn’t make you any less of a
man. Women who can’t orgasm still enjoy sex. Try to give her as much
pleasure as possible, and don’t dwell on her problems. With that said, it’s
still useful to understand roadblocks to female orgasm…
~ Women fall into four orgasm categories. Easily, normally, rarely, or
Chapter 5 - Her Issues
If your woman doesn’t cum, it’s probably not your fault. If you’re terrible in
bed, well then, that’s one thing. And, you can fix that. But, if you perform
well and she still can’t climax, then that’s her problem. There are different
reasons why women can’t orgasm.
Past Trauma
Some females get molested, raped, or physically abused. Some recover and
enjoy intimacy with future partners. Others are permanently scarred and
always have problems with future relationships and sex.
Medical Issues
Woman’s medical issues are beyond the scope of this book. Her inability to
orgasm may be a symptom of underlying medical issues. Have her visit a
medical doctor if needed.
Genital Mutilation
Apparently, genital mutilation is widespread in some parts of the world. If
she’s had her genitalia mutilated or removed, orgasm may be physically
impossible for her.
Lack of Exercise
Exercise and orgasm are correlated in women. Women who don’t exercise
have a harder time climaxing. Regular exercise will help her orgasm more
easily. This is an issue you can fix or influence. If she can’t cum, and she
doesn’t exercise, force her to get her fat, lazy ass to the gym! She may fight
you. But if sex and orgasms are important to her, she’ll make the changes.
And, you’ll be more sexually attracted to her if she tightens up.
She Doesn’t Masturbate
Women must allow themselves to cum, they have to know what gets them
off. And women who don’t masturbate don’t really understand their own
bodies. They’ll have a harder time reaching orgasm during sex with men.
She’s responsible for understanding what turns her on. And the best way to
do that is by regularly masturbating herself to orgasm.
She’s Not Attracted To You
Is she highly sexually attracted to you? If not, then you’ll have a harder
time making her cum. Lack of attraction may point to bigger issues in your
relationship. This can be tough to face. But you can fix lack of attraction.
Learn game and dominance. Learn to fuck her well. And, we’ll also look at
ways to improve your health in Chapter 9.
Resolving Her Issues
Men naturally want to fix problems. But you won’t be able to resolve most
female issues. You can be supportive and understanding. Listen to her. Talk
to her if you think it will help. But, realize your limits in this area.
Ultimately, it’s up to your partner to overcome her own demons. Hopefully,
she does have the ability to orgasm. And if so, then there are various ways
to make her cum…
~ She must resolve most of her own sexual issues. Everyone is responsible
for their own orgasms.
Chapter 6 – Types Of Female Orgasms
Women orgasm in different ways. Her preferences should guide where you
touch her.
Clitoral Orgasms
Some women can only cum through clitoral stimulation. It’s easy to play
with her clit using your fingers, during both foreplay and sex. Using your
tongue on a woman’s clit can also be a very effective way to make her
Vaginal AKA G-Spot Orgasms
After her clit, the g-spot is probably her most important area. Some women
can only cum through g-spot stimulation. Rub her g-spot while performing
oral or vaginal sex. Use your fingers, penis, tongue, or sex toys.
Anal Orgasms
Some women can orgasm through anal sex. Some seem to have an “anal gspot.” That’s when they orgasm through having one small part of their anus
Combo Orgasms
Cumming through a combination of stimulation, rather than just one area.
For example, making her cum by thrusting against her g-spot with your
penis and flicking her clit with your thumb. Or, bringing her to orgasm
through licking her clit and sodomizing her with a sex toy.
Simultaneous Orgasms
When you both cum at the exact same time. A climaxing woman can be a
trigger for male ejaculation. And, many women find dual male/female
orgasms to be very arousing.
Oral Orgasms
There are women who can’t cum through normal vaginal sex or anal sex.
But, they can cum when you lick their vaginas. We’ll explore oral sex in
Chapter 12.
Erogenous Zone Orgasm
Some women are so sensitive that they orgasm without having their genitals
touched. For example, she may cum from having the back of her neck
licked or bitten. This is rare though.
Multiple Orgasms
Some women cum repeatedly every time they have sex. This isn’t a type of
orgasm; it’s just more than one in a row.
Post-Orgasm Sensitivity
Most women are highly sensitive right after they orgasm. Think about how
your penis feels after you cum. For women, this sensitivity wears off
quickly. You can usually continue to have sex right after her orgasm. You
might need to wait on touching her clit for a few minutes after her climax.
~ Familiarize yourself with the various types of female orgasms.
Chapter 7 - Communication
Relationship communication is over-rated. What women want, and what
they say they want, is rarely the same thing. It’s the reason why relationship
advice from women to men is so damn worthless.
But, with sex it’s different. Most women will tell you exactly what they
like. They’re usually straightforward about it, if they trust you. So,
communication is a valuable tool. It's a great way to learn how to make
your woman cum. And it’s really easy. Women love to talk. Don’t know
what to do? Confidently ask her what she likes. She’ll tell you.
Don’t be judgmental, keep an open mind. She may tell you something you
weren’t expecting to hear. Like it or not, women enjoy sex too. And, they
are just as scandalous and dirty-minded as men.
Talking about sex turns women on. It's a form of foreplay. The average man
really doesn’t give a shit about making women feel great in bed. She’ll
appreciate you trying to discover what satisfies her. Learning her
preferences is a hack, a way to find the most efficient ways of making her
And, communication with your partner helps with overcoming any potential
sexual issues.
~ Talk with your partner and learn the best ways for making her cum.
Chapter 8 – Your Issues
If you’re a man who’s never experienced any sexual problems,
congratulations! Feel free to skip this chapter. For everyone else, read on.
Issues affecting your sexual abilities can hurt your self-esteem. It can be
hard to see past them. But don’t despair. Most male sexual issues have
Performance Anxiety
Performance anxiety can be a problem for younger, more inexperienced
men. Here are some simple solutions for performance anxiety.
Meditation solves a wide variety of issues. Use it to quiet your mind and
smooth out your emotions.
Tai Chi & Chi Kung
These are internal Chinese martial arts. They’re powerful tools for
controlling sexual energy. They’ll be covered in more detail later.
Deep Breathing
Conscious breathing can counteract anxiety. Learn to breathe deeply with
your belly instead of your chest. Focus on belly breathing before and during
sex. Again, more on this later.
Your Pleasure
Avoid being overly focused on her, at first. Learn to selfishly focus on your
own pleasure instead. Once you’re comfortable with your own body, you
can re-focus on her.
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation (PE) happens when a man cums before he’s ready. If
you struggle with PE, you likely have strong sexual energy. You can learn
to control it. Here are some tips for overcoming PE.
Solo Practice
It’s best to avoid masturbation. But for those struggling with PE, it’s good
Gain stamina by masturbating for at least twenty minutes straight,
using lube. No porn.
2. Bring yourself right to the edge of orgasm. Then stop.
Getting to the edge of orgasm, without cumming, is known as
4. Twenty minute sessions, combined with edging, will help you control
yourself during actual sex.
Partner Practice
The best way to overcome PE is to face the issue head on. Have lots of sex
with a partner who understands your problem. Talk to her first if you need
to. Explain it. Don’t be ashamed or apologetic.
Her On Top
Start sex with her on top. You’ll find it’s easier to control yourself when
she’s riding you. Talk during sex, make her listen to you. Have her stop and
start at your direction. Stay in control.
Condoms are important for preventing pregnancy and STDs. But condoms
also help you last longer since they reduce penile sensitivity. You can also
buy desensitizing condoms specifically designed for helping you last
Alternative Exercise
Again, alternative forms of exercise like Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and deep
breathing are all helpful here. Practicing these disciplines will help you
increase control over your sexual energy and last longer in bed.
The Fleshlight
As of this writing, I’ve never used a Fleshlight. But from what I’ve read,
these fake vaginas are great for teaching men to gain control over
ejaculation. I plan on trying one of these soon, just for fun.
Impotence is mostly rare in young men, but affects men as they age.
Impotence can be a sign of serious medical issues like prostate cancer. Get
yourself checked out by a doctor if you’re experiencing chronic impotence.
But impotence isn’t always a sign of physical problems. It can be situational
and temporary, brought about by things like stress or a new sex partner.
There are several ways to overcome it:
Pills like Viagra are the obvious solution to impotence. Drugs are more of a
crutch; they don’t really address the underlying problem. But hey, no
judgment from me. If you really need Viagra, then go for it.
Remove Stress
Remove stress and deal with anxiety. Eliminating external stressors can
sometimes help you overcome situational impotence.
Get A New Partner
Are you still sexually attracted to your partner? If not, then do the right
thing. Dump her and find a new one. If that’s not an option for you, then ask
her to make herself more attractive for you.
Soft Entry
You can learn to penetrate a woman when you’re not fully erect. Soft entry
is a useful tool if you’re impotent or nervous. Here’s how to do it.
1. Get her vagina very wet through oral or foreplay.
2. Pick a position. Missionary or doggy-style work well here.
3. Make sure you are relaxed, calm, and breathing with your belly. This
is important.
Make a ring with your thumb and index finger. Place this “ring”
around the base of your flaccid penis.
Place the head of your penis against her vaginal opening. Use your
PC* muscle to pump blood up into your penis.
6. Loosen the finger ring a bit when you pump the blood in. Tighten the
ring to trap the blood inside your penis, between pumps.
7. Thrust your penis up into her vagina at the same time. Trapping the
blood in your penis with the finger ring should get you hard enough to
enter her.
8. Once, you’ve penetrated her, you may remove the finger ring. Or, if
you’re not quite hard enough, keep the ring there.
Continue thrusting into her. Keep pumping blood into your penis
with your PC. That, combined with the heat and sensations from her
vagina, will eventually get you hard.
10. Proceed normally once you’re fully erect.
*You'll learn to exercise the PC muscle later.
Retarded Ejaculation
Retarded ejaculation happens when a man can’t cum through normal
vaginal sex. Some guys don’t see this as a problem. Not being able to cum
means you can last a long time. If you suffer from retarded ejaculation, then
making a girl cum likely isn’t an issue for you. But retarded ejaculation
becomes a problem when a man wants to have children. Consult a doctor if
you suffer from retarded ejaculation.
Lack of Attraction
Attraction works both ways. Are you having a hard time performing for
her? Maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s her. Are you highly attracted to her? Or,
are you sleeping with her because she’s there and it’s convenient? If she’s
no longer attractive to you, address that. She can fix things by making the
necessary changes.
Listen To Your Penis
There will be times in your life when your penis simply won’t work
properly. This can happen at any time, even if you’ve never had issues.
Sometimes, your body won’t respond well to certain women. No matter
how good they look. It could be pheromones, biological compatibility
issues, or whatever. Performance anxiety also can cause temporary
problems with someone new.
Or, your penis might stop working with someone you’ve been with for
years. Outside stress that has nothing to do with sex can also affect you.
Worries about money or career may bleed over to your sex life. Sometimes
the sex issues will resolve themselves, once you’ve taken care of outside
Let’s say that you normally get hard with no problems. But your penis
consistently won’t work with one specific person. There’s a reason. Always
listen to your penis. Heed its wisdom. It knows who you should be having
sex with. Even if your brain doesn’t want to admit it. Never force yourself
to perform.
Don’t get discouraged. Your sexuality will move through peaks and valleys.
Often, the best thing to do is just give your penis a break. A few days or
weeks with no sex (or masturbation) can work wonders for your sex drive.
Some of your issues may be resolved by using solutions in the next chapter.
~ Most male sexual issues can be overcome.
Chapter 9 – Get Healthy
There are things you can do to enhance your ability to perform in bed.
Some can help you resolve issues from the previous chapter. Most of these
are simple to do, although simple doesn’t always mean easy. Some of these
things can naturally increase your testosterone, resulting in a stronger sex
drive. Here’s what to focus on:
Are you a fat slob or skinny weakling? If so, you’re handicapping yourself.
No need to be a bodybuilder or look like a Greek God. But your power
gives you a distinct advantage during sex. You’ll need some strength and
stamina to fuck her properly. Lift heavy weights or get some other form of
heavy exercise several times a week. For stamina, start running, jumping
rope, or doing cardiovascular exercise.
Eat Right
This obviously isn’t a nutrition book. But what you put into your body is
important. Garbage in, garbage out. Eating healthy will enhance your sexual
performance by giving you more energy. It’s also important to stay hydrated
for sex, so drink lots of water before the act. Pineapple juice and pineapple
can also make your cum taste better for her. Certain pungent foods like
garlic or curry can have the opposite effect, and should be avoided in
Get Proper Sleep
Of course, you can still have sex if you’re tired or sleepy. But, lack of sleep
will affect your sexual performance. Proper sleep will keep you on top of
your game. That means you should get six to eight hours of sleep each
Basic Hygiene
Hopefully, this doesn’t apply to you. But hygiene should be covered, since
it seems to be an issue with some men. Take care of yourself. Shower
before you have sex. Wash your anus, scrotum, and penis. Brush and floss
your teeth. Use mouthwash. Trim your toenails and fingernails. Use a razor
or clippers on excess body or pubic hair. And finally, get a good, highquality cologne. Use it daily.
Limit Masturbation
How often should you masturbate? It depends on your level of sexual
experience. For a young man starting out with no experience, masturbation
can be good practice. It can be a tool to develop stamina. But don’t just jerk
off as a release or because you’re bored. Avoiding masturbation will also
increase your sex drive.
No Porn
Pornography has some limited educational value. You can learn technique
from watching it. Certain porn stars can turn fucking into an art form. They
are the exception. If you want good sex, then you should cut porn out of
your life. Porn is highly addictive, gives men unrealistic expectations, and
saps the male sex drive. Pornography is a fantasy, an escape that draws your
attention away from the physical sensations of your body. If you
masturbate, do it without porn. And if you’re using porn as an escape from
your partner, address the underlying issues instead.
Don’t Break Your Penis
Break you penis? Is that possible? Yes, my friend. You can “break” your
penis. Technically, the penis itself doesn’t break. But the tendons, muscles,
and veins that attach your shaft to your pelvis can get wrenched or
permanently stretched. A broken penis can hurt your ability to get erections,
You may have felt it before. A popping sensation at the base of your shaft
during sex. It mostly happens during hard, vigorous sessions. Or, when she
gets careless with handling your penis.
A full break happens when your penis is extremely erect and then it bends
too far forward. Having a hard time visualizing it? Imagine holding your
erect penis in one hand. Imagine yanking it down in one hard motion. Your
penis would be pointing straight down to your toes. Think about how that
would feel. You don’t want that.
Avoid this sort of injury by always being in control of her body weight
during sex. Don’t let her move her hips down too far down off of you. And,
be extremely careful with sex acts that could lead to her falling off you.
Now that you’re healthy and ready to go, it’s time to get prepared for sex.
~ Getting your health in order will enhance your ability to perform.
Chapter 10 – Prepare For Sex
Prepare for sex ahead of time so you can relax and enjoy it. That way,
you’re not scrambling around at the last minute. Here's what you'll need.
Lube is necessary for long, drawn out sex sessions. Or anal sex. Waterbased like KY Jelly works best. Vaseline is effective but messy; not good
with latex condoms. Saliva serves as a natural lube in a pinch. You’ll likely
need to try different lubes to find the right one for you.
Necessary in some cases, but skip using a condom if you can. Skin-on-skin
touch is more intimate. It feels better and leads to more intense orgasms.
When I do need them, I use Lifestyles Skyn polyisoprene condoms. They're
good for people who are allergic to latex condoms.
Vibrators, whips, crops, butt-plugs, anal beads, rope, cuffs, blindfolds, and
ball-gags are all useful tools. Sex toys can be a great way to give your
woman more pleasure in bed. Some guys don’t like using toys. They think
it’s weak or threatens their manhood. It’s true that you shouldn’t rely on sex
toys as crutch. But, sometimes a little extra help is nice. A simple $10
vibrator is a versatile tool. There is one mild downside to using a vibrator
during sex. It can make you cum faster, since the vibrations may carry
through her body into your penis.
The Red Towel
Optional, but comes in handy. Lay a towel down if she’s a virgin or on her
period. Red sheets or blankets can also be used for bloody sex.
Clean-up Rags
Sex gets messy. You’ll need towels or rags to clean up fluids like semen,
saliva, vaginal juice, and blood. Toilet paper, paper towels, or an old t-shirt
work in a pinch.
Additional Birth Control
Protect yourself! Unless you’re trying to get her pregnant, she should be on
some type of birth control, like the pill or ring.
STD Testing
Get tested together before having sex for the first time. It’s easier to enjoy
sex knowing you and your partner are healthy and disease-free.
Make Time
Spontaneous quickies can be exciting. But most of the time, you’ll know
when you’re getting laid. Block out time for this. Make sure you have
enough time for uninterrupted sessions. Outside distractions can make it
hard for some women to cum. If you have kids or pets, make sure they
won’t be bothering you. Turn off the TV and tablets. Turn off your
computer, unplug your house phone. And NEVER allow cell phones in the
bedroom! Once you’ve gotten everything together and ready, it’s time to
move into foreplay.
~ Prepare for sex to make it more enjoyable.
Chapter 11 - Foreplay
Women are like water, men are like fire.
Guys don’t always need much foreplay. Men can get hard, have sex, and be
done quickly, if needed. It’s an evolutionary advantage. A relic from the old
days. Our caveman ancestors focused on spreading their seed quickly,
through rape.
Times have changed. Quick sex can still be satisfying for men; but it’s not
always great for women. In general, women prefer long (and consensual)
sex sessions. It takes longer for them to cum. So, the proper amount of
foreplay makes it easier to get them there.
Don’t rush foreplay. Your goal should be to build up the tension by delaying
penetration for as long as possible.
Imagine that your sexual energy is like fire. And think of her energy as a
pot of cold water. Use foreplay to heat her up. Then later, bring her to full
boil with sex. Here’s what to focus on during foreplay:
Drama isn’t necessary for good sex. But for some couples, drama, playfighting, and real-fighting are big turn ons. There’s a reason why make-up
sex is so damn satisfying.
Drama doesn’t always mean physical fighting or abuse. It could be an
intense argument or displays of jealously. Be careful, it’s a double-edged
sword. Shoot for just enough friction to make things exciting, but not
enough to make things dangerous. If you go this route, keep your drama
playful and light-hearted.
Foreplay Touching
Avoid going straight for her vagina during foreplay. Touch these areas first:
Lips & Tongue
French kissing using your tongue is vital during foreplay and sex. Her lips
and tongue are highly sensitive. Slow, deep, passionate kissing is the first
step for physical foreplay.
1. Keep your lips and tongue soft and relaxed when you kiss her.
2. Don’t move your tongue too fast.
3. Kiss her for a long time.
4. Use your teeth gently, lightly biting her lips and tongue.
Alternate between soft, relaxed kissing and rougher, aggressive
Neck & Shoulders
This area is one of the best erogenous zones to target during foreplay. Be
gentle at first, don’t use too much force. Alternate between kissing, licking,
and gently biting her traps. You can also open your mouth wide and bite
down using more pressure. See Chapter 19 for biting tips.
Ears are another good area. Kiss, lick, and gently bite her earlobes and up
and down the outside edge of her ear. Flick her earlobe with your tongue
like it’s her clit. Using some saliva is OK. Avoid slobbering all over her ears
Stroke and pull her hair during foreplay and sex. Don’t be afraid to pull it
firmly. Make a ponytail and then tug it towards you. Don’t yank too hard or
rip out small strands of hair. Long hair is useful for controlling her during
oral sex and regular sex.
Breasts & Nipples
Always pay attention to her breasts. Never go straight for her nipples.
1. Start by stroking the outside of her breasts with your fingers.
Slowly move your fingers around her breasts in concentric circles,
until you’ve reached her nipples.
3. Then, squeeze, flick, or roll the nipple between your fingers. Do one
breast, then the other. Or, do both at the same time.
Then, repeat the same process with your mouth and tongue. Kiss,
lick, and lightly bite her breasts in circular patterns, moving from the
outside in, toward her nipples.
5. Suck on her nipples, lightly bite them. Flick them with your tongue,
alternating between fast and slow movements.
6. You can also alternate between using your mouth on one breast and
your hand on the other.
Stroke, lick and kiss her belly during foreplay. Focus on this area when you
transition from her breasts down to her lower body for oral sex.
Inner Thighs & Legs
Her inner thighs, between her knee and crotch, are highly sensitive.
1. Lick, kiss, and bite down the inside of her legs.
2. Start at the top, at the inside of one knee.
3. Work down to her crotch. Then, pass over her vagina and start again
at her other knee.
4. Repeat.
She’s unlikely to orgasm from feet touching. But that doesn’t mean it won’t
turn her on. Some women enjoy having their feet rubbed, kissed and licked
before and during sex. Some are too ticklish to tolerate feet play.
Touching Her Vagina
Touch her vagina last during foreplay.
1. Rub her vagina and clitoris through her panties first, before touching
her bare skin.
2. When you’re ready to rub her bare skin with your fingers, lightly
stimulate her clit with a finger first. It’s easiest to use one index or
middle finger. Or cross them, and use two at a time.
3. Don’t press too hard. Play with her clit by rubbing in tight, circular
motions. Keep the pressure steady and consistent.
4. Experiment with different rhythms and pressures.
5. Once she’s wet, slowly slide your fingers up and down her slit.
6. Take time penetrating her vaginal opening with your fingers. Once
you’re inside her, you can finger her g-spot while lightly grinding the
heel of your palm against her clit.
7. If she moans or pushes her hips towards your hands, keep on doing
what you’re doing. If she winces or pulls back then slow down or use
less pressure.
8. If she’s easily orgasmic, she may cum just by getting fingered.
Again, drag foreplay out for as long as you can. For women, knowing they
are about to have sex is almost as good as the sex itself. And don’t limit
these touching techniques to foreplay. Touch her body with your hands,
mouth, and teeth during sex. And although she may be begging for you
penis, it’s not time for sex. It’s time to use your tongue.
~ Foreplay is essential for turning her on properly and bringing her to
intense orgasm.
Chapter 12 - Oral Sex
Oral sex (cunnilingus) is a great way to prepare her for sex. But oral sex is
not just foreplay. Some women can only cum by getting oral sex. So
objectively, oral skills are valuable. Serious about giving women orgasms?
You’ll need to become well-versed in licking vagina. Prepare yourself. Start
by exercising your tongue.
The Snake
A strong tongue is the key to good oral sex. Enter the Snake. The Snake is a
strength and endurance exercise, not a sex act. Practice this on your own,
before cunnilingus. Here’s how:
1. Stick your tongue out of your mouth, as far as it will go.
2. Hold it out of your mouth for a moment or two.
Pull your tongue back. Really yank it hard back into your mouth.
Shut your lips as your tongue slides back in.
4. Repeat 30 times in a row.
5. Do this once a day for 30 days. Add more sets if you want.
6. Swallow excess saliva to avoid spitting everywhere during practice.
That's it. The Snake will yield powerful results. Practice it and your tongue
will get much stronger. You’ll soon be ready to use your tongue on her clit.
Oral Technique
Again, never go straight for her vagina. Engage in foreplay first. See the
previous chapter for foreplay tips. Her breasts, belly, and inner thighs
should get special attention before you go down. Here’s what to do when
it's time to perform oral sex on her:
Breath On It
Leave her panties on at first. Put your mouth right on her vagina. Then,
blow through her panties onto her pussy. Breathing on her vagina through
her panties, before you touch it, will make her squirm with anticipation.
Once you've teased her for while this way, you can pull them off and touch
her bare skin.
Kiss Around It
Kiss the area around her vagina. Do this for several minutes, before you lick
or kiss her bare labia or clitoris. Kiss in a circle around her vagina.
Clockwise, then counter-clockwise.
Start Slow
Here's what to do when you actually start licking her bare vagina.
1. Start from top to bottom, and then move from bottom to top.
2. Slowly lick her outer lips first.
3. Slowly lick the space between her inner and outer labia.
4. Then move to her inner lips.
5. Finally, lick up and down her entire slit, right down her center.
6. Keep your tongue soft and gentle at first.
7. Use the tip of your tongue. Up and down, or side to side.
After using just the tip for a while, use the middle, thicker part of
your tongue when licking her vagina.
Expose The Clit
Her clit should get most of your attention. It'll be covered with a hood of
skin. You can lick her clit without moving this clitoral hood. Or, you can
reach up and around to use your fingers, pulling the hood up off her clit.
Then, you can flick her clit directly with your tongue. Some women have
hyper-sensitive clits and cannot stand this type of direct contact for too
long. Others love it. Experiment.
Vary the strokes of your tongue on her clitoris and vagina. Up and down.
Side to side. Clockwise and counterclockwise concentric circles. Change
the position of your head so you hit her vagina at different angles. For
example, you can rest the side of your face against one of her thighs. From
there, flick her clit using one side of your tongue. Then, rest your head on
her other thigh and repeat.
After you’ve got her good and wet with your soft tonguing, you can get
more aggressive. Make your tongue stiff and hard. Speed your tongue up.
Continue to alternate between slow and fast tongue movement.
The Cat
Did you know, you can lick her g-spot? This move can tire you out fast, so
develop endurance by practicing the Snake exercise. Here’s how to do the
1. She should be on her back with her legs spread.
2. Perform oral sex on her. Get her wet.
3. Take a deep breath and hold it.
Press your face up into her vagina. Slide your tongue in as far as it
will go. All the way up into her vaginal canal.
5. Once your tongue can’t go in any farther, curl it up towards her belly
button. Like a cat lapping water from a bowl.
6. You’ll should be able to touch her g-spot with the tip of your tongue.
It’ll feel a little rough.
Drag your tongue out of her. The tip of your tongue should stay
pointed up. Pull the tip of your tongue back over her g-spot as you
withdraw it.
8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until you're tired.
Humming & Growling
Humming, or growling, in the back of your throat will enhance her pleasure
during oral sex. Try it out for yourself. Touch your tongue to the tip of your
finger. Growl or hum in the back of your throat. Feel that? She can also feel
those vibrations, on her clit. Here’s how to hum during oral:
1. Perform oral normally first, any position.
2. Begin rhythmically tonguing her clit.
3. Start making humming, or growling, sounds deep in the back of your
throat. Keep the sounds steady and low.
4. The vibrations will carry up into your tongue.
5. Continue humming while licking her clit and vagina. Keep humming
for as long as possible.
Most women haven’t experienced this, and she may ask why you’re
humming or growling. But once she feels those vibrations, she’ll shut up
and enjoy it.
Fingering Techniques
Enhance her pleasure during oral by using your fingers. Focus on
stimulating her g-spot with your fingers while you lick her clit. Here’s how:
1. She should be on her back, with her legs spread.
2. Perform oral normally.
3. Use your tongue on her first.
Once she’s wet, lubricate your index finger or middle finger with
your saliva.
5. Slide your finger into her vagina. Find her g-spot on the upper wall.
Rub her g-spot in small, tight circles while you tongue her clit. Or,
rub up and down on her g-spot with tight back-and-forth movements.
7. Once she’s wet enough, you can cross your index and middle fingers
and use two at a time to rub her g-spot.
Matching Tongue & Fingers
Here’s a tip for bringing your oral skills to the next level. Match the rhythm
of your tongue on her clit with the rhythm of your fingers moving on her gspot.
1. She should be on her back.
2. Perform oral normally.
3. Use your tongue first.
4. Begin fingering her.
Lead with your fingers. Meaning, start rubbing her g-spot in tight
little circles with one or two fingers.
You can use just your middle finger or just your index finger. Or,
cross your middle finger and index fingers on one hand together and
use them both at the same time.
7. Once you’ve found your finger rhythm, match that rhythm with your
tongue. Your tongue follows your finger.
8. Both tongue and finger should move identically, with similar speed,
direction, and pressure.
The Butterfly
This is a complex oral sex position. Basically, you suck her clit while you
have one finger in her vagina and one finger in her anus. Here’s how to
perform the Butterfly.
1. She should be on her back, with her legs spread.
2. Go down on her normally. Just your tongue first.
3. Make sure both of your fingers are well-lubricated. Spit works; KY
is better for anal play.
Once she’s fully aroused, insert one middle finger into her vagina.
Stimulate her g-spot for a while.
5. Use the lubed middle finger on your free hand to play with her anus.
Rub her anal opening in tight circle. Then slowly insert that lubed
finger up into her anus.
You’ll need to intertwine your hands in order to get both fingers
tightly up inside her. The back of one hand should be resting on the
palm of the other, fingers laced. Both your thumbs should be sticking
up, resting on her inner thighs.
Once you’ve got both her vagina and anus digitally penetrated, you
can place your chin on your palm to take the pressure off your neck.
8. Resume licking her vagina and clit.
At the same time, massage her g-spot and anus with your fingers.
Rhythmically curl or hook them back up toward her belly.
10. Or, rotate each finger around inside her in tight circles while licking
11. Attempt to match the rhythm of your tongue to the rhythm of your
The Lift
The Lift is another effective oral sex position. This is a solid move, but your
thumb might wear out before she does. Here’s how to do it.
1. She should be on her back, with her legs spread. Perform oral on her
2. Using your strong hand put four fingers together and slide them right
up underneath her ass crack. Your hand should be cupping her ass.
3. From here, you can raise and lower her hips up and down with your
Your thumb will be free and positioned right against her vagina.
Lubricate that thumb with saliva. Insert it into her vaginal opening.
5. You won’t be able to get your thumb very deep inside her. But, you
can easily squeeze down or “circle” her vaginal opening with your
Continue using your thumb to squeeze down or rotate inside her
vagina while you lick her vagina and clitoris.
A variation of this involves the exact same position, but inserting
your thumb into her anus instead of her vagina. Use lube.
Classic 69
The 69 position can be a good way to bring a woman to orgasm if she
likes to cum through oral sex. Some woman love to orgasm with a penis
in their mouths. It's easiest to perform 69 on your back, with her on top.
1. Lay down on your back.
2. Have her get on all fours over you. She should be positioned so her
vagina is in your face, and your penis is in hers.
She can stay on all fours, with her weight off of you. Or, she can
drop her full weight down onto your belly and chest.
Lick her clitoris, vagina, and perineum. You can also perform
anilingus from here.
5. Use your hands and fingers to stimulate her breasts and nipples. Or,
grip her hips and pull her vagina down into your mouth.
You may also use your fingers during 69. Reach around with your
hand and use fingers or toys on her vagina or anus.
Oral From Behind
Exactly what it sounds like.
1. Have her get on her belly, or on all fours. Like you are about to bang
her doggy style.
2. Then, get behind her. You can kneel or lay down on your belly.
3. You should be able to reach her clitoris from this angle. If not, have
her put her shoulders down and her ass up.
4. Then, grab her hips from behind and pull her towards you, so that the
angle is correct and you can reach her clit with your tongue.
You can then run your tongue up and down the entire length of her
pussy from this position. It also gives you easy access to her taint and
Dominance During Oral
Licking vagina is a highly personal choice. Some men refuse to go down
because they think it’s supplicating or demeaning. If you don’t like it, then
don’t do it. Keep in mind though; you can maintain dominance over your
woman while performing oral on her. These next positions are a good way
to balance out the male submissive aspect of cunnilingus.
The Oral Choke
For this position, it helps if you have long arms and she has a short torso.
1. She lays on her back, legs spread.
2. Place a pillow behind her head and shoulders.
Lay down on your belly between her legs. Or, you can pull both
knees up under your torso and bend down towards her at the waist.
4. Perform oral sex on her.
5. Throw one of your shoulders up, towards your ear. Reach up between
her legs with that same arm. Stretch that arm as far up as it will go,
until you gently grasp her throat.
Use your thumb and index finger to lightly squeeze her carotid
arteries and/or choke her.
Keep your mouth on her vagina the entire time. Focus on tonguing
her clit while you squeeze her throat. It’s physically easier for you to
lick the top part of her vagina in this position.
The Prisoner
Sounds creepy, but it’s appropriately named. Don’t worry, she’ll love it.
Another dominant cunnilingus move.
1. Put her on her back, legs spread.
Lay down on your belly between her legs. Or, you can get on your
knees, and pull them both under your torso while you bend towards
her at the waist.
Have her place both her arms straight down against her sides. Both
her hands should be resting underneath her thighs and ass.
4. Reach up under her ass and thighs with both of your arms.
5. Reach around to the outside of her arms. Grab her by the forearms or
biceps. Use a firm grip, but not too tight. Hold her there.
6. Put your mouth on her vagina.
7. Pull her body down towards your face by both arms. Pull her vagina
down tightly against your mouth.
8. Continue performing oral on her. From here, you can hold her down
and tongue her vagina aggressively. Or, you can use The Cat move
from earlier.
The Oral Choke & Prisoner Combo
You can combine the Oral Choke with the Prisoner move. Here’s how.
1. Have her lay on her back with her legs spread.
2. Put a pillow behind her head and shoulders.
Lay down on your belly between her legs. Or, you can pull both
knees up under your torso and bend towards her at the waist.
4. Have her place one of her arms straight down against her sides. One
hand should be resting against her thighs.
5. Reach up under her ass and thighs with one of your arms.
6. Reach around to the outside of her arm. Grab her by the forearms or
bicep. Use a firm grip, but not too tight.
7. Throw the opposite shoulder up, towards your ear. Reach up between
her legs with the same arm. Stretch that arm as far up as it will go,
until you can gently grasp her throat.
Use one hand to choke her and the other hand to pull her down
towards your mouth.
9. Keep your mouth on her vagina. Continue performing oral on her.
Reverse 69
A variation on the classic 69. It’s the inverse, with you on top of her.
1. She lays down on her back.
2. Kneel over her face with your knees on either side of her head. You
should be facing her feet.
3. Lean forward, and use your hand to gently insert your penis into her
4. Get on all fours.
Round your back and spine a little. Drop your shoulders and neck
down until your face is down in her crotch.
Lick and suck on her clit while you stroke into her mouth. You can
also make her suck your testicles from this position. Just drop them
into her mouth.
Reverse 69 can be hard to pull off if you have bigger penis, since it’s easy
to gag her. But, some women enjoy this rough treatment. Which leads us to
our next position…
Face-Fucking 69
Fucking her face is unlikely to result in an orgasm (for her.) However, some
women find it highly arousing to be dominated this way. You’ll need a bed
(or table) for this position.
1. Put her on her back, stretched out flat.
2. Pick a side. Hang her head down over the edge of the mattress. Her
face should be upside down.
Stand over her head. Your feet on the floor. Her head should be
hanging between your legs. Her mouth should be about the same level
as your penis.
Penetrate her mouth with your penis. You may want to reach down
and support her head while she sucks.
Or, if her neck is strong enough, she can bob up and down on your
shaft from below. She can also suck on your testicles from this
6. You can easily finger her clit and suck her nipples here.
If you’re athletic enough, you can 69 her from this position. She’ll
need to curl her hips up toward you, or place a pillow under her hips.
Arch your back and lower your face into her crotch. Then, you can
lick and suck on her clit while fucking her face.
Once you’ve finished performing oral sex, it’s time to start fucking. But
first you’ll learn to enter her slow…
~ Mastering oral sex (cunnilingus) is vital for men serious about
consistently bringing women to orgasm.
Chapter 13 - Slow Entry
Don’t jam your penis straight into her when you start sex. Use finesse. Get
her wet and aroused with foreplay and oral sex. Then, tease her vagina with
your erect penis before penetration. She should be begging for your dick
well before sex. Here’s how to perform a slow entry:
1. Get hard through foreplay and oral sex.
2. Put on a condom, if you plan on using it.
3. Pick a sex position. Grab your erect penis in your hand like you are
about to masturbate. Adjust so that just the head of your penis is
visible. This serves as a barrier, so you don’t penetrate her just yet.
Place the head of your penis against her vagina. Move it slowly up
and down the length of her slit. Massage her clitoris with it, using
circular movements. Swirl the head around her vaginal opening,
without fully penetrating her. Just the tip, just to see how it feels. :-)
5. Then slowly penetrate her vagina. Use just the head of your penis at
first. Don’t put your penis all the way inside her, yet. Continue to
tease her for as long as she (and you) can stand it.
Once you’ve gotten enough practice, do slow entry without using
your hand.
It’s time to penetrate her. But first, you'll learn to move your sacrum.
~ Avoid rushed penetration and practice slow entry.
Chapter 14 – Screwing
Positions are important, and we’ll get to them soon. But how you thrust and
move your hips is crucial. Pornography teaches men that in-and-out
thrusting is the only way to fuck. It’s true that sometimes a hard, ruthless,
pounding is exactly what she needs. But, there are more subtle ways to use
your penis. You can use it like a precision instrument. You can learn to
rotate, or “screw,” your tailbone during sex.
Screwing is an American slang term for the act of sex. But here, screwing
literally means rotating your tailbone, or sacrum, in tight circles while you
have sex. As if you were driving a screw with your tailbone. Moving your
sacrum this way during sex can result in near constant g-spot stimulation
for her.
You can do it on your own first. Here's how to practice the art of screwing:
1. Stand up.
2. Place your feet about shoulder width apart.
3. Relax your shoulders and spine. Drop your hips down just a bit.
4. Breathe using your belly.
Using your mind, feel into the tip of your tailbone. Imagine that
there’s a small screw embedded in the tip of that bone, pointing up
and out (like an erection.)
Slowly rotate that little screw with your tailbone. As if you were
driving the screw up into a board. Or, a woman's vagina.
Rotate in small circles. Almost like using a hula hoop, but with
smaller, tighter, controlled movements.
8. Don’t use your back. You may find it easier to rotate your hips, in big
circles. Don’t do that either. Focus on rotating your tailbone, not your
Try doing nine circles in one direction, nine circles in the other
direction, then nine circles back the other way. Do twenty-seven total
rotations for one complete set.
10. Screw until your hips and pelvis feel relaxed and loose. You can
practice this for several minutes each day until you loosen up
You can also practice these movements while sitting, laying down, or
masturbating. Once you’re confident in your ability to rotate your sacrum,
you're ready to practice with your partner. Doing this with a partner isn’t
complex. Simply execute the same screwing movement when you’re up
inside her. Screw your tailbone in tight circles with your penis inside her
vagina or anus. You can execute this “screwing” movement from almost
any sex position.
~ Learn to “screw,” or rotate your tailbone during sex to maximize her
Chapter 15 - Basic Sex Positions
There are dozens of sex positions. Writing detailed descriptions about each
one would require a second book. But that’s okay. We don’t need to re-visit
the Kama Sutra. You’ll need to know just a few basic positions to make her
cum hard. Later, you can combine them with advanced techniques to up the
intensity and add variety.
Basic missionary is simple, but versatile.
1. Lay her on her back, with her legs spread. Couch, bed, or floor. You
can put a pillow behind her head, or skip the pillow and lay her flat.
2. You position yourself on your knees between her legs. Penetrate her.
Vaginally or anally.
3. You can rest your body weight on her. Or, use your feet, knees, and
arms to keep most of your weight off her.
Missionary is a very intimate position for women, since it's eye-to-eye and
belly-to-belly. This position can be effective for bringing her to orgasm. At
this angle, your penis hits her g-spot while you thrust. Use your fingers to
stimulate her clit during missionary. Or, set your palm on her mons and then
use your thumb to flick her clit. She can also play with her clitoris while
you penetrate her.
It can be harder for men to last during missionary. That’s because the penis
is pointed down here. Your blood and energy pool in the tip of your penis,
making it harder to control your ejaculation. There are several ways to
change up the classic missionary position and prolong sex.
The Frog
Here’s how to perform the Frog:
1. Start in the classic missionary position. You should do this on a soft
padded surface, like a bed.
2. Have her tilt her vagina and hips up.
Then, lift your torso up off of her. Your penis is still inside her but
your bellies are no longer touching. Be careful not to lean back too far
and wrench your penis.
4. After moving your torso off of her, draw your legs up under her. One
leg at a time, knees first. Keep moving your legs up until both your
feet are directly underneath you.
5. The soles of your feet may touch, or almost touch. Your feet may be
pointing up, towards her. Or, you can point them down and balance
on your toes. Your knees and thighs should be touching against her
thighs and ass.
Then, use your strong hand to cup behind her neck and base of her
skull. Pull towards you, gently. She’ll be in sort of a “U” shape, with
her spine curved down. Pull her down to you. Grind her vagina onto
7. She can use her hands to spread her legs wider. Or, she can wrap her
arms around your neck and brace herself.
8. Thrust or screw your hips. The angle forces your penis up against her
g-spot on nearly every stroke.
9. Use your free hand on her knees to keep her leg spread. Or, use that
hand to choke or slap her. Or stimulate her breasts, nipples, and
clitoris. She can also play with her own clit.
The Frog may feel awkward at first. It helps if you’re flexible. If you have
problems with the Frog, try stretching out your legs and inner thighs pre-sex
to loosen up.
The Plank
Another missionary variation. Here’s how to perform it.
1. Start in the missionary position, fully penetrate her.
Stretch your legs down between her legs. Put your feet close
together, toes down.
3. Place your arms and hands on either side of her.
4. You’ll be in a pushup position.
Pushup off her, penis still inside. Use your hands and arms to lift
your body completely off of hers.
Balance your weight on your hands and feet. The only part of your
body that should be touching her is your penis.
7. Stay pushed up off her. Thrust into her or screw your hips.
With the Plank it’s easier to control the angle and depth of your strokes.
But, it can be tiring to hold yourself up like that. Alternate between the
Plank and the classic missionary position if you get tired.
Standing Missionary
Get a bed that’s high off the ground. The top of my bed is about level with
my penis when I stand next to it. But, I’m a shorter guy. Adjust the bed
depending on your height. If buying a tall bed isn’t an option, consider
purchasing a sex swing for a similar effect.
Here’s how to perform standing missionary on a bed.
1. Both of you get off of the bed.
Pull the mattress out towards you. Rest it about two or three inches
off the box spring, but still mostly on the frame. That’s so you don’t
bang your legs or knees on the bed during sex.
Put a few pillows down close to the edge of the bed, on the same
side. She’ll lay her head and shoulders down on them.
4. Put her back up on the bed. Lay her down on her back, with her head
and shoulders on the pillows. Her ass should be barely hanging over
the edge of the bed.
5. Step between her spread legs. You might have to re-position her hips
up towards you for the right angle. She should be able to support her
weight against your thighs with her legs. That way she won’t slip off
the bed. If she slips, throw her back up a little higher on the mattress
and pillows. Step in closer so it feels more secure for her.
Penetrate and thrust. You’ll find it easy to hit her g-spot on almost
every stroke. Use your fingers on her clit. Or she can touch her own
7. She can hold her own legs open. Or, you can use your hands on her
knees to spread them for her.
Standing missionary is a good position for choking, slapping, and
stimulating her entire body with your free hands. Reach down and
behind her legs and slap her ass. Or, reach around, and use a finger to
play with her anus. You can also arch your back down and suck on
9. Standing missionary is helpful for rough and aggressive sex. You can
plant your feet and thrust hard and deep. And, the screwing technique
from earlier is easy to do here.
Strongman Missionary
You’ll need upper body strength to pull this off. It really helps if she’s
smaller and lighter than you. Use the Strongman for vaginal or anal sex.
Strongman has one downside; you can’t really use your hands. They’ll be
occupied supporting her body weight.
1. Start with Standing Missionary, on a bed, as described above.
Once you’ve penetrated her, reach behind and under her. Grasp her
ass and/or thighs.
3. Lean into her, pulling her close to you. Press together tightly.
Stand up and lift her off the bed. Use your leg muscles, not your
back. Take a few steps away from the bed.
Straight in-and-out thrusting is awkward here. Plant your feet and
rotating or screwing your hips instead.
Or, have her ride, grind, and rotate on you. Some women can bring
themselves to orgasm from this position by grinding their own hips in
tight circles around your penis.
7. You can put her back up against a wall while holding her up.
Stay close to the bed or a chair. At some point, your arms will get
tired. You’ll want to be able to set her back down without
withdrawing and seamlessly continue having sex.
This position is simple, animalistic, and dominant. Doggy-style can be very
arousing for both parties.
There are several variations of doggy-style
Let’s explore them in detail...
All-Fours Doggy
1. Get her on all fours on a bed, couch, or the floor.
2. Put her shoulders up, head up, and ass up.
3. Her back will be arched down, in a U shape.
4. You kneel or squat behind her.
5. Penetrate her vagina or anus from behind.
Ass-Up Doggy
1. She’s on all fours again. Bed, couch, or floor.
2. Press her shoulders, chest, and head down.
3. Keep her ass high up in the air.
4. You kneel or squat behind her.
5. Penetrate her from behind.
Flat Doggy
This position allows for extremely deep penetration. Be careful since it’s
easy to slam the head of your penis against her cervix here.
1. She lays flat on her belly, legs stretched out.
2. Place a pillow under her thighs and hips to angle her ass up into the
You can kneel between her legs if she spreads them a bit. But, the
best way to penetrate her is by putting her legs together, with your
inner thighs straddling her outer thighs.
4. Then, spread her ass cheeks and penetrate her vagina or anus.
You can put your body weight fully on her back. Or, keep your
weight off her by balancing on your arms and hands.
Standing Doggy
This can be a tough position to pull off if you are much taller than her. But
it great for intense, hard fucking.
She stands and steadies herself against something, like your bed, a
chair, or the wall.
2. Stand behind her, kick her legs apart with your feet, and penetrate her
vagina or anus from behind.
Use your hands. Choking, hair pulling, and breast stimulation are
easy here. Reach around and finger her clit. Slap her ass. Or, grab her
by the ass while you stimulate her anus with your thumb.
4. Grip her by the hips tightly to pull her down towards you.
Or, reach under her armpits with both hands and grab her by the
shoulders. Then pull her down towards you while you thrust up.
It’s easier for men to last longer during Cowgirl. Your blood and sexual
energy don’t pool up in your penis when you’re on your back. They drain
back into your body, relieving pressure and helping delay ejaculation.
1. Lay flat on your back. Or, prop your torso up with pillows while on
your back.
2. Have her mount you. She should be straddling your thighs.
3. Control entry into her vagina. The easiest way is to grab hold of your
shaft like you’re masturbating. Your hand will act as a barrier. You
can tease her with the head.
Penetrate her fully after teasing her for a while. Once you’ve put
your penis fully inside her, you can relax and let her ride you.
5. She may bring herself to orgasm without much work from you. She
can control the angle, depth, and rhythm of each stroke.
Make her cum more quickly by playing with her clitoris. Clit
stimulation from this angle is best achieved by placing four fingers
against her mons, then using your thumb to flick her clit.
Grab her hips and control her rhythm whenever you feel like it.
Screw your hips for maximum stimulation.
Reach up to choke her, play with her breasts, slap her, or pull her
Reverse Cowgirl
Similar to Cowgirl, but with her facing away from you.
1. Lay on your back.
She straddles you or squats above you, with her feet or thighs on
either side of your thighs.
3. Enter her in the same way as regular Cowgirl.
With Reverse Cowgirl, it’s tougher to stimulate her body with your
hands. That’s because she’ll be leaning away from you, with her torso
leaned over her legs.
5. Slap her ass or play with her anus while she rides you.
Sitting Up Reverse Cowgirl
This position is good for deep penetration. It also allows your blood and
energy to easily drain back into your body. Use a couch or plush chair for
this position.
1. Sit down normally.
2. She mounts you, facing away from you. She can sit on your lap with
her feet off the ground. But it’s best to have her feet planted on the
floor for leverage. Depends on body size.
Lean back against the couch. Or, lean forward and press your chest
against her back while she rides.
From this position, she can control the angle, depth, and rhythm of
the stroke. And she can play with her clit. So, she’ll do most of the
work, but you’ll get the credit.
Use your hands all over her body. Choke her, pull her hair, and
stimulate her breasts and nipples. Bite, lick, and suck on the back of
her neck and shoulders. Put your fingers in her mouth.
Reach around and play with her clit. Or, make it easy on yourself.
Make her play with her own clit while she rides you.
Spooning is more of a “making love” position. It’s lazy, good for early
morning or half-asleep sex. But, you can make it rough if you want.
1. Both of you lay down on your sides, you behind her.
2. Your belly can be pressed against her back, hips pressed against her
ass. Or, just place your hips and legs against her, with some space
between your chest and her back.
3. Enter her vagina or anus from behind.
4. Stimulate her breasts and clit while you thrust into her.
5. Up the intensity of the Spooning position by pulling her hair, choking
her from behind with your hand, or grabbing her by both shoulders
and pulling her down onto you forcefully while you thrust up into her.
The positions listed here are basic and utilitarian. But, they'll reliably make
most women cum hard. Once you've mastered them, you can experiment
with more advanced sex. A Google search will provide a wealth of
information on exotic positions.
~ There are many sex positions, but you'll need just a few basics to make
her cum hard.
Chapter 16 - The Sets of Nine
The Sets of Nine (the Sets) is a stroking technique, not a position. You can
start your sex sessions with the Sets. Or, you can use them at any time
during sex. They work best during missionary, standing missionary, or
They’re simple to do. You’ll count the strokes of your penis going in and
out of her vagina. You’ll vary the depth of each thrust, in a specific pattern.
Combine shallow thrusts with deep thrusts.
Executing the Sets of Nine
1. Your first thrust will be shallow. Enter her with just the head of your
penis. Put about one inch of it into her. Do not fully penetrate her yet.
Withdraw your penis until you’re almost fully pulled out of her
vagina. But, keep the tip of your penis inside her. Don’t break the
vaginal seal. Don’t pull all the way out. You’ll count that as stroke
number one.
Repeat the first step seven more times, for a total of eight shallow
3. On the ninth stroke, fully penetrate her. Slide your penis all the way
up inside of her. Really get in there deep; as far up as you can go.
Withdraw again; almost all the way. Again, don’t fully pull out. Keep
the tip of your penis inside her, seal intact.
4. Repeat step one. This time, count seven shallow strokes. Then, thrust
your penis all the way up inside of her on strokes eight and nine.
Penetrate her deeply and completely on those two strokes.
5. Repeat as follows:
6. Six shallow strokes, three deep strokes.
7. Five shallow strokes, four deep strokes.
8. Four shallow strokes, five deep strokes.
9. Three shallow, six deep.
10. Two shallow, seven deep.
11. One shallow, eight deep.
See the pattern? You’ve completed one full Set of Nine after you’ve gone
all the way from eight shallow & one deep to one shallow & eight deep.
Then, start it again. Try three complete Sets of Nine in a row.
I mentioned the “seal” several times. This is important. Remember, keep
your penis inside her vagina the entire time you’re doing the Sets of Nine.
Never pull all the way out. By never breaking the vaginal seal, along with
combining short and long strokes, you create a sort of vacuum inside her
vaginal canal. This air stuck inside her will compress and decompress with
each stroke. This will result in extreme pleasure for her.
You may perform the Sets quickly and aggressively. But it’s harder to count
and keep track of fast strokes. I’ve found it’s best to use slow to medium
speed when performing them. You can thrust straight in-and-out while
doing the Sets. Or, combine them with the sacrum rotating techniques we
explored earlier.
~ Proper use of the Sets of Nine will take your sexual skills to the next level.
Chapter 17 – Energy Work
You’ll need to develop sexual stamina to get better in bed. And learning
energy work will help you last longer.
Our universe is made up of only two things; matter and energy. You’re no
different. Some energy you were born with, inherited from your parents.
Some you collect from the world around you, from the sun, your food, and
the air you breathe. Sometimes you feel “low energy,” other times you have
“lots of energy.” And when men ejaculate, they release that energy. That’s
why guys feel exhausted and want to fall sleep every time they cum.
There’s a better way. You can learn to cultivate and conserve energy using
energy work. Energy work isn't mumbo-jumbo. I know firsthand that it's
real. It'll help you control and move your energy (chi), and your sex energy
(ching chi). This will directly help you last longer in bed. There are a few
ways to cultivate energy:
Tai Chi & Chi Kung
I personally practice Tai Chi and Chi Kung. I can vouch for their
effectiveness. These two old Chinese martial arts are powerful ways for you
to develop strong control over your chi. Tai chi was originally developed as
a fighting martial art, but it’s evolved into a form of moving meditation. Chi
Kung is similar. Chi Kung teaches you to circulate your chi in ways that
increase body awareness.
They can both help resolve many issues, from insomnia and performance
anxiety to premature ejaculation. Tai Chi and Chi Kung are great for
calming yourself down, smoothing out your emotions, and allowing you to
focus your mind on the present moment. Either form of exercise can
enhance sexual performance.
Both Tai Chi and Chi Kung require proper instruction with a teacher (sifu).
But most major cities have schools that can introduce you to these internal
martial arts. Although it helps, you don’t have to study Tai Chi or Chi Kung
for years to get benefits. You can learn just a few helpful, basic energy work
The Microcosmic Orbit
The Microcosmic Orbit (MO) is your main energy channel. All humans,
male and female, have one. This channel runs through your entire body in a
continuous loop. It runs from the top of your skull, down your face and
belly, down to your crotch. Then, from your crotch it runs up your lower
back, up your spine, and back up to the top of your skull. Why should you
care about the MO?
You can move sexual energy through your Microcosmic Orbit. The mind
leads, and the chi follows. Focus your mind where you want the energy to
go, and the energy will flow into that part of your body.
Master moving energy through your Orbit and you’ll gain significant
control. At first, you can practice moving energy by yourself, while
masturbating. Later on, you can practice with your partner. Here’s how to
move energy through the MO.
1. Find at least twenty minutes of alone time.
Begin masturbating normally, using some type of lube. No
pornography. You can stand, sit, or lie down. Keep your eyes open.
Focus on the sensations emanating from your penis. Feel the heat
rising up into the shaft and head.
4. Use your mind to move this heat back down your shaft, to the base of
your penis. Do this by focusing your attention on the base of your
penis, near your body.
5. Move that heat down into your testicles. Focus on how your scrotum
feels. It can help to play with your testicles and scrotum with the
other hand if you’re having difficulty moving your energy down. You
should feel the heat from your penis descend down to your balls.
Focus on your perineum and anus. Flex your PC muscles (you’ll
learn how to do that next). Pumping your PC muscle will help the
energy move to your perineum.
Focus your mind on your tailbone, then your lower spine. You can
flex the muscles along your spine to help the energy move.
8. Draw the energy up your spine, into your neck.
9. Focus on the base of your skull.
10. Then feel into the crown (top) of your skull.
11. You may feel the energy as heat, buzzing, or tingling. Some people
may feel it right away. Others may need to try multiple times before
feeling anything. Keep trying.
12. Once you feel the energy tingling on top of your skull, you need to
bring it back down into your body.
13. Focus on the area behind your eyes. Collect the chi there.
14. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This is important. It
“closes the loop” and acts as a bridge that allows the energy to flow
down through your tongue into your throat.
15. Move the energy down from your throat into your chest.
16. Move your mind to your lower belly, into the Tan Tien* energy
reservoir. It’s located below your belly button. Focus on this area until
you feel the energy pool up in your lower belly. Again, it should feel
like heat, or tingling.
17. Focus on your penis again. You should still be fully or partially erect,
but the urge to ejaculate should have subsided.
18. Repeat as needed
Moving your energy in this way serves as a way of cooling off your penis,
reducing your need to ejaculate.
The Tan Tien is an energy (chi) reservoir located in your lower belly. It’s
about a half inch below your belly button, and about an inch and a half
deep into your gut. You can safely store any excess energy there. Focusing
your mind on the Tan Tien will make your chi pool up and collect in your
belly. After a few minutes of belly breathing and mindful focus on this area,
you should feel your energy collect in the Tan Tien.
Stuck Energy
Your energy can get stuck in certain parts of your body when you try to
move it around. You may feel stuck energy in the form of excessive heat,
buzzing, or tingling. It’s OK to move chi through your body. But, it’s not
good to let energy get trapped, especially inside your skull or brain. Ever
hear the term “hothead?” It has literal meaning, also. Unstick trapped
energy with deep belly breathing. That means breathing by expanding and
contracting your lower belly instead of your chest. Combine that deep
breathing with focusing your mind on your Tan Tien, until you feel the
stuck energy flow and collect down in your belly. In extreme cases,
acupuncture can release energy blocks. Tai Chi and Chi Kung can also help.
Deep Breathing
Focusing on your breathing is probably the single most effective thing you
can do to control your ejaculation. Deep belly breathing can help move your
energy, allowing you to prolong sexual activity. Deep breathing can also
help cool and disseminate male sexual energy, as well as help move “stuck”
PC Exercises
When you’re close to ejaculation, you can literally keep yourself from
cumming by flexing, or clamping down, on your pubococcygeus (PC)
muscle. This is helpful for when you are very close to orgasm, but still want
to last longer.
The PC muscle is in your pelvis. It stretches, like a muscular sling, from
your tailbone to your pubic bone. First, you’ll need to locate it. Imagine for
a moment that you need to urinate badly. Actually squeeze down on the
muscles that would keep you from pissing in your pants. Feel that tightness
around the base of your penis? And around your perineum and anus? That’s
your PC muscle. You’ll need to learn a few exercises to strengthen your PC.
Try these:
Urinating Exercise
From now on, every time you urinate, stop the stream of your urine a few
times. Do this by clamping down on your PC muscles, physically stopping
the flow of urine. Stop and start the flow of urine at least three times every
time you urinate.
You may have heard of pregnant women doing Kegels to help with
childbirth. Kegels are also useful for men. Kegels exercises help you
strengthen your PC muscle. You perform them by squeezing and releasing
your PC muscle, the same way you do when cutting off the stream of urine.
But do Kegels anywhere, anytime. Standing up, sitting down, in a work
meeting, or stuck in traffic. Repeat. Do Kegels at least 30 times every day
for 30 days. Go for more reps for even more strength.
Orgasm Without Ejaculation
Men can orgasm without ejaculating. You might be thinking…well then
what’s the point? There are several benefits to learning to separate orgasm
from ejaculation.
Multiple Male Orgasms
Once you learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation, it’s possible to
experience multiple male orgasms.
Last Longer
Once you learn to have multiple male orgasms, you’ll have almost complete
control over when you ejaculate. You’ll be able to fuck for as long as you
Conserve Energy
You lose energy every time you cum. You can learn to conserve and use this
energy, rather than losing it.
Birth Control
If you don’t ejaculate, you greatly reduce the chances of accidental
Learning To Be Multi-Orgasmic
Men can learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation and experience multiple
male orgasms. And, you’ve already learned the basics. The best way to
become multi-orgasmic is to make your PC muscle strong and learn to
move your sexual energy through your Microcosmic Orbit. Once you're
able to move your sex energy during masturbation, you’re ready to practice
with your partner. Here’s how to experience multiple male orgasms.
1. Engage in sex, any position.
2. Bring yourself close to orgasm.
Once you’re close, tell her to stop moving her hips. It’s important
that she doesn’t move for this. Communicate what you’re doing.
4. Pull your penis almost out of her. Leave the head inside.
5. Feel into your penis. Focus on the heat, tingling, and energy that are
built up in the head and shaft.
6. Squeeze the head of your penis with your mind.
Shift that focus to the base of your shaft. Draw the energy down to
the lower part of the shaft.
8. Focus on your testicles. Feel the energy collecting there.
9. Move the energy into your perineum.
10. Begin squeezing or contracting your PC muscles, like you learned
when doing Kegels exercises. Pump these muscles a few times while
you focus your mind in that area. That will help the energy move
down into your PC muscle.
11. You should feel your energy collecting in your perineum, anus, and
12. At this point, you may begin to feel your PC muscles spasm and
contract involuntarily.
13. A non-ejaculatory orgasm feels almost the same as ejaculation.
You’ll feel the same involuntary contractions, but no semen should
exit your body.
14. Imagine this analogy. When you orgasm and ejaculate, you fall
forward. When you orgasm without ejaculating, you fall backward.
Either way, you still fall.
15. Non-ejaculatory orgasm can last anywhere from a few seconds, to
several minutes. Careful, the spasms can actually spread up into your
body. Once the spasms stop, your urge to cum should have subsided.
You've “reset.” Begin thrusting normally again.
16. Continue having sex until you feel close to orgasm. Repeat steps 2
through 14 again.
Give Her Your Energy
After you’ve practiced energy work, you’ll start to be more conscious of
your chi during sex. Once in gets stronger, it'll feel like fire moving through
you. Of course, you can pull that energy back into your body for multiple
male orgasms. But, you can also can put your sexual energy into her. You
can do this without ejaculating. This can be a helpful way of cooling
yourself off and lasting longer. And, your hot energy entering her body will
make her cum quicker. Here’s how to put your energy into her:
1. Have sex normally.
Bring yourself close to orgasm, or thrust into her until your penis
feels hot.
3. Lock eyes.
Push the heat out of your penis into her. Imagine it’s like spiraling
fire shooting out of you. Tell her “Take my energy.”
5. Have her focus her mind on her g-spot and clitoris while you do this.
Her vagina will be receptive to pulling in your energy; it may start to
twitch and spasm immediately.
6. Once your energy enters her, she can move that energy up from her
g-spot into her clit. Tell her to focus on her clit. She’ll likely feel the
chi buzzing inside her.
~ Energy work allows men to develop control over their sexual energy and
increase their sexual stamina.
Chapter 18 – Making It Last
Mastering your sexual energy is the best way for lasting longer in bed. But,
there are also some easier, more immediate solutions to slow down
Slow Hands & Hips
Simply slow down the movement of your hands and hips during sex and
foreplay. Slow movements help you focus on the present moment. Always
remember; slow hand and hips first. You can finish rough, hard, and fast
later on.
Pulling Your Balls Down
Your testicles draw up close you to your body when you’re close to
ejaculating. You can delay ejaculation by physically pulling your balls
down, away from your body. Here’s how:
1. Masturbate, have sex, or receive oral sex.
2. Get close to orgasm. You’ll feel or see your scrotum draw up.
Carefully make a circle around your scrotum with your thumb and
forefinger. Like you’re making an OK sign, with your palm down.
4. Your two fingers should form a ring above your testicles. Your penis
should be situated above the ring, sac and testicles below the ring.
5. Gently tighten the finger ring. Very gently pull your balls down. Tug
down slowly and gently. DON’T yank them.
Once you’ve pulled your testicles away from your body, hold them
there for a few moments.
The urge to ejaculate should subside. Continue having sex or
You can execute this move during active sex. Just pull out completely and
then pull your balls down. Or, you can try a more advanced version. Don’t
pull out of her totally when you feel close to ejaculating. Just slow or stop
your stokes, stay partially inside her, then reach down and around. Then,
use the same technique to pull your balls down.
Standing Up
We explored standing sex positions in the last chapter. Standing up is
important and worth mentioning again. It’s a simple and effective way of
lasting longer. It’s just physics. When you stand up during sex, your penis is
pointing up instead of down. So, your blood and sexual energy don’t pool
up in your penis as much while you're standing. They drain more easily
back into your body.
Also, it's easier to thrust hard when you’re standing up. Of course, you can
fuck hard from any sex position. But, standing up will allow you to increase
the intensity. Since your feet are planted on the ground, you can brace
yourself and really pound into her. Put your back into it!
Hydration is important. But, always empty your bladder completely before
sex. A full, or even partially full, bladder increases the need to ejaculate.
You’ll always last longer with no urine in your body.
Holding Your Breath
Holding your breath can reduce the urge to cum. It causes carbon dioxide to
accumulate in your bloodstream. That relaxes your body. And holding your
breath during sex, when she’s close to orgasm, is a good way to loosen up
your own body movements and bring her over the edge.
Drugs are probably the least desirable way to control your sexuality. But,
they can help. For example, Viagra or Cialis can effectively help men who
can’t get erect. Alcohol can enhance sexual performance, if used in
moderation. And cannabis can also be an effective aphrodisiac. Moderate
drug use can enhance sex. Drug abuse can eventually hurt your health and
sexual abilities.
It’s crude, but effective. Having sex, but worried you’ll cum too fast? Just
ejaculate ahead of time. That way, you’ll last longer during actual sex. This
is a temporary solution though. It’s better to gain control over your sexual
energy. And, masturbating can backfire if you don’t time it right. Do it too
late? You may not get hard when it’s time for sex.
~ Manual sex techniques can help with endurance.
Chapter 19 – Polish Your Technique
We’ve explored game, technique and energy work. Now let’s polish your
sexual performance.
Passion separates mediocre lovers from great ones. Women crave passion.
They want to be swept off their feet, taken charge of, and fucked like
animals. Passion is subjective. But in terms of sex, it means being highly
focused on the present moment, combined with forceful, aggressive sexual
Part of it is pheromones. You’ll simply feel more chemistry with some
women. And some people are just more passionate than others. If you’re
not naturally passionate, you can fake it. Use the following techniques
during sex:
Be aggressive, confident, and dominant.
Make her do what you want.
Pay close attention to her pleasure.
Pay attention to the present.
Start slow. Take your time.
Finish hard and fast.
Alternate between hard fucking and making love in the same sex
Dirty talk and communicate during sex (but don’t overdo it).
Get rough if appropriate.
Enjoy yourself!!
Teeth are very useful during foreplay. Biting also works well during sex.
Imagine you’re a lion, biting his lioness on the neck to establish dominance
over her. Kind of like that, but without the blood. Here’s the best way to use
your teeth.
1. Open your mouth wide.
Bite down gently on her neck, shoulders, or traps. Also target other
large muscles like her thighs or gluteus.
3. Use gentle pressure. Don’t break the skin!
Once you’ve got her flesh in your mouth, slowly increase the
pressure. But keep your mouth open wide.
Don’t pinch her flesh. Bite down harder and find her balance
between pleasure and pain.
6. Massage her flesh between your teeth using your tongue.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is powerful way to establish intimacy. Strive to maintain eye
contact no matter the position. Make her look you in the eye when she
sucks your dick. Maintain eye contact when you first penetrate her. Make
her look back and lock eyes with you during doggy-style.
If possible, force her to lock eyes with you every time she orgasms!
Some women can’t cum with their eyes open. Or, eye contact may distract
them from orgasm. That’s fine. Let her focus on getting to orgasm first.
Once she’s over the edge and unable to stop, then you can make her look
you in the eye.
Using Words
For some women, too much talk during sex is a distraction. And it’s
unlikely you’ll make a woman cum with just your words. But for some
women, using the right words may bring her right over the edge when she’s
close to climax. Some things to say to her during sex:
“You’re mine”
“I own you”
“You belong to me”
“You’re my bitch (or slut)”
“I love you, bitch”
“I love you”
“Your pussy is mine”
“Your ass is mine”
“Look at me”
“Say my name”
“Look at me when I fuck you”
“Look at me when you cum”
“I'm gonna cum inside you”
You can also make her talk back to you. Word repetition is a form of autosuggestion. It’s a way of dominating her, getting into her mind. For
example, you can make her say your name repeatedly during sex. Or, make
her say any of these things when you’re inside her mouth, vagina, or anus:
“I’m yours”
“I’m your little bitch (or whore)”
“I belong to you”
“I’m your slut”
“I love you”
“I love you, daddy”
“My pussy (or ass) is yours”
“Cum in me, on me, all over me.”
Making your woman ask for permission to cum is another solid way to
establish dominance. Most women have some control over when they
orgasm. Get her right up the edge, but don’t let her cum. Make her ask you
for permission before she climaxes. Once she’s asked properly, give her the
okay and finish her.
Playing With Herself
Using your fingers on her clitoris during sex can help bring her to orgasm.
But, for maximum efficiency, have her play with her clit while you
penetrate her. That way, she can make herself cum with her fingers while
you focus on hitting the g-spot with your thrusts. This is a crafty way of
making her do most of the work. But, you’ll get most of the credit.
Finding your rhythm is important, since most women tend to cum through
sustained friction against their clit or g-spot. Once you’ve found that
rhythm, and she’s close to climaxing, don’t change it. If possible, keep up
that same rhythm until she cums.
But if she’s not close, it’s ok to change your strokes during sex. Changing
the rhythm, depth, and intensity of your thrusts will excite her. And it’ll
make it easier for you to last longer. For example, alternate between slowly
rotating your sacrum and hard, aggressive in-and-out thrusts.
~ Round out your sex game by polishing your technique.
Chapter 20 – Rough Sex
There’s a reason why bondage porn novels like "50 Shades of Grey" are so
damn popular with women. Those books are all about hard, dominant,
BDS&M sex. It doesn’t matter how innocent and sweet she seems to you.
Most women love at least some level of rough sex. They want to be thrown
around, slapped, choked, gagged, and fucked in the ass. Rough sex can
mean hard, intense orgasms for her. Even if it doesn't come naturally to you,
you should act the part. Practice controlled roughness.
Controlled choking is a way of partially cutting off the blood flow to her
brain. That will cause a buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in her
bloodstream. That will relax her body and make it easier for her to cum.
Here’s how to choke her:
1. Engage in sex. You can choke her from most sex positions.
2. Place your stronger hand on her throat.
Locate her carotid arteries. Put your thumb on one artery, and your
index finger on the other.
Squeeze the arteries to cutoff blood flow. Don’t squeeze her
Alternate between harder and softer squeezing. Keep the pressure
firm and steady.
For some women, slapping during sex can be a turn-on. She likely won’t
cum from being hit in the face. But, in my experience, slapping a girl in
the face during sex can drive her over the edge, if she’s close to orgasm.
Slapping can be a touchy subject. Not all women are into it. You should
communicate with her before you do it. Don’t just haul off and hit her.
Find out if she wants to try it first. Here’s how to hit her:
Engage in sex. Missionary positions work well here. But, it can be
done in any position where your hands are free.
2. Bring her close to orgasm.
Once she’s close, look her in the eye and then slap her right in the
face. Aim for the cheeks, jaw, or head. Keep your hand open. No
closed fists. Slap lightly at first. Avoid the mouth, temple, ears, nose,
or eyes.
4. Hit her again, a little harder this time. Watch her reaction. You want
her to feel it. But, you don’t want to damage her.
5. You can turn your hand over and slap her on both sides of the face.
Or, alternate between your right and left hand.
6. Continue thrusting into her while you slap her.
7. You can also combine light choking with slapping.
8. Experiment until you figure out her comfort level, how much she can
9. Continue, until she cums.
Spanking & Belts
Some women enjoy being lightly beaten with a belt, crop, or other devices.
Bondage is another vast topic. We won’t cover it here. But, here are some
tips for basic spanking:
1. Strip her naked. You can be clothed, or naked.
2. Sit down on a chair. Or, kneel down in the center of your bed.
3. Put her on her stomach, with her belly resting on your knees.
4. Lightly hit and slap her ass and upper legs with a belt, crop, or your
Grab her by the back of the neck with the other hand, keeping her
head and shoulders down.
Up the level of intensity of your strikes, depending on her level of
7. Spread her legs and lightly slap her vagina and anus.
You can also bend at the waist and lick her vagina or anus from
behind, between slaps.
~ Use rough sex to enhance your sex life and take it to the next level.
Chapter 21 - Anal Sex
Some see anal as degenerate. If you aren’t into anal sex, feel free to skip
this section. But, remember that it can be a good way to make a woman
cum hard. Anal sex is more than just a physical act. It’s a way of
establishing psychological dominance over her. Remember these tips for
Hygiene is very important here. Men can get infections performing anal
sex, so make sure you both wash up first. A hot bath or shower before anal
also serves to relax her muscles. If you’re very picky, she can use an enema
to clean herself out. And a shower is always recommended, for both
partners, after anal sex.
Don’t Double Dip
Don’t put your penis back into her vagina after anal sex. If you do go back
to vaginal sex, wash your penis off first. Otherwise, you risk passing
bacteria to her vagina. The same goes for your fingers and toys, wash them
immediately after anal play with hot water and soap.
Regular Sex First
Women get turned on from front to back. Perform cunnilingus and vaginal
sex before anal. Vaginal orgasm prior to anal sex will help relax her
sphincter muscles. Or you can double-penetrate her pre-anal; have penis in
vagina sex while you sodomize her with a toy.
Lube is extremely important here; avoid anal sex without lube. Saliva and
pussy juice can work as lube for anal, but that’s not ideal. Regular KY Jelly
or Vaseline will work. But, it's best to get a lube specifically designed for
anal sex.
Anal Play
Warm her up before anal sex. Use your fingers or your tongue on her anus.
Put at least one finger into her anus while you perform oral sex on her. See
the Butterfly technique from earlier. Or, use toys.
Toys For Anal
Toys aren’t totally necessary for anal, but they can be a great way to help
her relax her sphincter muscles first. Toys are good for women who are
tense or nervous. A basic vibrator will do, or use things like butt plugs or
anal beads.
It's a fact that unprotected anal sex puts you at greater risk for STDs, AIDS,
or infection. If you trust her, then just clean her up first and go raw. But, if
you have any doubts about her, use a condom for anal.
Steps For Anal
1. Wash up well before anal.
2. Engage in foreplay, oral sex, regular sex, and anal play. Pick an anal
sex position. Doggy-style or Cowgirl are both good positions to start
3. Lube your penis. Put on a condom if you’re using one.
Liberally apply lube directly onto her anus. Try and get lube inside
her ass as well.
5. Place the lubed tip of your penis against the ring of her anus. Slowly
push the tip through the ring.
From there, she can ease herself back (in Doggy), or down (in
Cowgirl), fully onto the head of your penis. She can control how
quickly or slowly you penetrate her.
Talk her through it. Tell her to breathe and relax while she eases
down your shaft.
At the same time, use your hands on her body (hips, shoulders) to
gently pull her down towards you.
Once you’ve popped through the tight ring of muscle and fully
penetrated her, be gentle. Get her used to the feeling of your penis
inside her anus. Let her control the strokes, at first.
10. After a while, you can control the thrusts. After she gets used to it,
thrust into her harder, up the intensity.
11. Switch to any position you like.
12. The Screwing Technique and the Sets of Nine from earlier will work
well for anal. Or, combine them.
13. Rhythmic, sustained friction on the walls of her anus can lead to
strong anal orgasms for her.
14. During anal, you can and should stimulate her breasts, nipples, gspot, and clitoris with your hands or toys.
15. Anal sex is conducive to dominant, rough sex. If she’s tolerant of it,
now is the time for intense choking, hair-pulling, and slapping.
16. Keep in mind that her ass is more delicate than her vagina. So keep
yourself lubed up, stay in control, and carefully watch her reactions
during anal sex.
17. You can ejaculate into her anus without worrying about pregnancy.
There is some infection risk though.
18. Both of you should wash up immediately after anal!
~ Anal sex can be highly pleasurable for both partners if done right.
Chapter 22 - Bringing It All Together
Make her cum hard by following the instructions outlined in this book,
chapter by chapter.
Here’s a quick review of the sequence:
Sequence Of Steps To Make Her Cum Hard
Use game. Be the dominant partner in your relationship.
Address any sexual issues. Fix what you can.
Practice energy work and sex exercises like the Snake.
Prepare for sex. Block out time if needed.
Engage in at least twenty minutes of foreplay.
Perform oral sex on her. Bring her to orgasm through oral sex if you
Have her perform oral sex on you.
Start sex using Slow Entry.
Cowgirl and missionary are good positions to begin with, but it’s up
to you.
Use slow strokes first.
Vary your strokes.
Use multiple positions per session.
Use the sacrum screwing technique.
Execute the Sets of Nine.
Use energy work during sex to circulate your energy and prolong
your orgasm.
Use energy work to transfer your energy to her during sex.
Use manual techniques to delay your orgasm.
Use male multiple orgasms to last longer.
Engage in anal sex.
Use rough sex, if appropriate. Choke and slap her.
Use words and eye contact to establish dominance.
Use toys if appropriate.
Give her multiple orgasms before you cum, if possible.
If you cum first, finish her with your tongue, toys, or fingers.
Follow the sequence laid out in this book for maximizing her
Follow the sequence laid out in this book for maximizing her pleasure.
You may want to tweak the details outlined in this book when you have sex
with your partner. You’ll need to adjust for her preferences. But the
techniques you've just learned should work equally well on most women.
Giving women hard, consistent orgasms is a learned art, not an exact
science. And always remember, ultimately, everyone is responsible for
their own orgasm. So, don’t get too caught up in your performance. Have
fun with her and enjoy yourself. Remember, it’s just sex.
So, that concludes our sexual journey.
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Select Bibliography
Chia, Mantak & Abrams, Douglas. The Multi-Orgasmic Man – Sexual
Secrets Every Man Should Know New York: HarperCollins, 1997