Subido por Erika Molina

Mathematics of Investment and Credit, 5th Edition

of Investment
and Credit
ACTEX Publications , Inc.
Winsted, CT
Copyright © 1991, 1996, 2004, 2008, 2010 by ACTEX Publications, Inc.
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Cover design by Christine Phelps
Library of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Broverman, Samuel A., 1951Mathematics of investment and credit / Samuel A. Broverman. 5th
p. cm. ( ACTEX academic series)
ISBN 978-1 -56698-767-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1 . Interest Mathematical
models. 2 . Interest Problems, exercises, etc. I. Title.
HG4515.3.B76 2010
332.8 dc22
ISBN : 978-1 -56698-767-7
To Sue, Ahison, AmeCia and Andrea
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PoConius advises his son Laertes,
Act I, Scene III, Jfamhet, by W. Shakespeare
While teaching an intermediate level university course in mathematics of
investment over a number of years, I found an increasing need for a
textbook that provided a thorough and modem treatment of the subject,
while incorporating theory and applications. This book is an attempt (as a
4th edition, it must be a fourth attempt) to satisfy that need. It is based, to
a large extent, on notes that I developed while teaching and my use of a
number of textbooks for the course. The university course for which this
book was written has also been intended to help students prepare for the
mathematics of investment topic that is covered on one of the professional
examinations of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial
Society. A number of the examples and exercises in this book are taken
from questions on past SOA/CAS examinations.
As in many areas of mathematics, the subject of mathematics of
investment has aspects that do not become outdated over time, but rather
become the foundation upon which new developments are based . The
traditional topics of compound interest and dated cashflow valuations,
and their applications, are developed in the first five chapters of the
book. In addition, in Chapters 6 to 9, a number of topics are introduced
which have become of increasing importance in modem financial
mathematics over the past number of years. The past decade or so has
seen a great increase in the use of derivative securities, particularly
financial options. The subjects covered in Chapters 6 and 8 such as the
term structure of interest rates and forward contracts form the foundation
for the mathematical models used to describe and value derivative
securities, which are introduced in Chapter 9. This 5 edition expands on
the 4th edition’ s coverage of the financial topics found in Chapters 8
and 9.
The purpose of the methods developed in this book is to do financial
valuations. This book emphasizes a direct calculation approach, assuming
that the reader has access to a financial calculator with standard financial
The mathematical background required for the book is a course in
calculus at the Freshman level . Chapter 9 introduces a couple of topics
that involve the notion of probability, but mostly at an elementary level.
A very basic understanding of probability concepts should be sufficient
background for those topics.
The topics in the first five Chapters of this book are arranged in an order that
is similar to traditional approaches to the subject, with Chapter 1 introducing
the various measures of interest rates, Chapter 2 developing methods for
valuing a series of payments, Chapter 3 considering amortization of loans,
Chapter 4 covering bond valuation, and Chapter 5 introducing the various
methods of measuring the rate of return earned by an investment.
The content of this book is probably more than can reasonably be covered in
a one-semester course at an introductory or even intermediate level. At the
University of Toronto, the course on this subject is taught in two consecutive
one-semester courses at the Sophomore level.
I would like to acknowledge the support of the Actuarial Education and
Research Foundation, which provided support for the early stages of
development of this book. I would also like to thank those who provided
so much help and insight in the earlier editions of this book: John Mereu,
Michael Gabon, Steve Linney, Walter Lowrie, Srinivasa Ramanujam,
Peter Ryall, David Promislow, Robert Marcus, Sandi Lynn Scherer,
Marlene Lundbeck, Richard London, David Scollnick and Robert Alps
I have had the benefit of many insightful comments and suggestions for
this edition of the book from Keith Sharp, Louis Florence, Rob Brown,
and Matt Hassett. I want to give a special mention of my sincere
appreciation to Warren Luckner of the University of Nebraska, whose
extremely careful reading of both the text and exercises caught a number
of errors in the early drafts of this edition.
Marilyn Baleshiski is the format and layout editor, and Gail Hall is the
mathematics editor at ACTEX . It has been a great pleasure for me to
have worked with them on the book.
Finally, I am grateful to have had the continuous support of my wife, Sue
Foster, throughout the development of each edition of this book.
Samuel A. Broverman, ASA, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
August 2010
Introduction 1
Interest Accumulation and Effective Rates of Interest 4
1.1.1 Effective Rates of Interest 7
1.1.2 Compound Interest 8
1.1.3 Simple Interest 12
1.1.4 Comparison of Compound Interest and Simple Interest 14
1.1.5 Accumulated Amount Function 15
Present Value 17
1.2. 1 Canadian Treasury Bills 20
Equation of Value 21
Nominal Rates of Interest 24
1.4. 1 Actuarial Notation for Nominal Rates of Interest 28
Effective and Nominal Rates of Discount 31
1.5. 1 Effective Annual Rate of Discount 31
1.5.2 Equivalence between Discount and Interest Rates 32
1.5.3 Simple Discount and Valuation of US T-Bills 33
1.5.4 Nominal Annual Rate of Discount 35
The Force of Interest 38
1.6.1 Continuous Investment Growth 38
1.6.2 Investment Growth Based on the Force of Interest 40
1.6.3 Constant Force of Interest 43
Inflation and the “ Real” Rate of Interest 44
Summary of Definitions and Formulas 48
Notes and References 51
Exercises 52
Level Payment Annuities 73
2.1.1 Accumulated Value of an Annuity 73
2.1. 1.1 Accumulated Value of an Annuity
Some Time after the Final Payment 77
2.1. 1.2 Accumulated Value of an Annuity
with Non-Level Interest Rates 80 Accumulated Value of an Annuity
with a Changing Payment 82
2.1.2 Present Value of an Annuity 83 Present Value of an Annuity
Some Time before Payments Begin 88 Present Value of an Annuity
with Non -Level Interest Rates 90 Relationship Between ajj\i and sjj\i 90 Valuation of Perpetuities 91
2.1.3 Annuity-Immediate and Annuity-Due 93
2.2. Level Payment Annuities - Some Generalizations 97
2.2.1 Differing Interest and Payment Period 97
2.2.2 m -thly Payable Annuities 99
2.2.3 Continuous Annuities 100
2.2.4 Solving for the Number of Payments in an Annuity
(Unknown Time) 103
2.2.5 Solving for the Interest Rate in an Annuity
( Unknown Interest) 107
2.3 Annuities with Non-Constant Payments 109
2.3.1 Annuities Whose Payments Form a
Geometric Progression 110 Differing Payment Period and
Geometric Frequency 112 Dividend Discount Model for Valuing a Stock 114
2.3.2 Annuities Whose Payments Form
an Arithmetic Progression 116 Increasing Annuities 116 Decreasing Annuities 120 Continuous Annuities with Varying Payments 122 Unknown Interest Rate for Annuities
with Varying Payments 123
Applications and Illustrations 124
2.4. 1 Yield Rates and Reinvestment Rates 124
2.4.2 Depreciation 129 Depreciation Method 1 The Declining Balance Method 130 Depreciation Method 2 The Straight-Line Method 131 Depreciation Method 3 The Sum of Years Digits Method 131 Depreciation Method 4 The Compound Interest Method 132
2.4.3 Capitalized Cost 134
2.4.4 Book Value and Market Value 136
2.4.5 The Sinking Fund Method of Valuation 137
Summary of Definitions and Formulas 140
Notes and References 143
Exercises 143
The Amortization Method of Loan Repayment 171
3.1.1 The General Amortization Method 173
3.1.2 The Amortization Schedule 176
3.1.3 Retrospective Form of the Outstanding Balance 178
3.1.4 Prospective Form of the Outstanding Balance 180
3.1.5 Additional Properties of Amortization 181 Non-Level Interest Rate 181 Capitalization of Interest 182 Amortization with Level Payments of Principal 183 Interest Only with Lump Sum
Payment at the End 185
Amortization of a Loan with Level Payments 185
3.2.1 Mortgage Loans in Canada 191
3.2.2 Mortgage Loans in the US 191
The Sinking-Fund Method of Loan Repayment 193
3.3.1 Sinking-Fund Method Schedule 195
Applications and Illustrations 196
3.4. 1 Makeham’ s Formula 196
3.4.2 The Merchant’ s Rule 199
3.4.3 The US Rule 200
Summary of Definitions and Formulas 201
Notes and References 20*3
Exercises 203
Determination of Bond Prices 224
4.1. 1 The Price of a Bond on a Coupon Date 227
4.1.2 Bonds Bought or Redeemed at a Premium or Discount 230
4.1.3 Bond Prices between Coupon Dates 232
4.1.4 Book Value of a Bond 235
4.1.5 Finding the Yield Rate for a Bond 236
Amortization of a Bond 239
Applications and Illustrations 243
4.3.1 Callable Bonds: Optional Redemption Dates 243
4.3.2 Serial Bonds and Makeham ’s Formula 248
Definitions and Formulas 249
Notes and References 251
Exercises 251
Internal Rate of Return Defined and Net Present Value 264
5.1. 1 The Internal Rate of Return Defined 264
5.1.2 Uniqueness of the Internal Rate of Return 267
5.1.3 Project Evaluation Using Net Present Value 270
5.1.4 Alternative Methods of Valuing Investment Returns 272 Profitability Index 272 Payback Period 273 Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) 273
5.1 . 4.4 Project Return Rate and Project Financing Rate 274
Dollar-Weighted and Time-Weighted Rate of Return 275
5.2.1 Dollar-Weighted Rate of Return 275
5.2.2 Time-Weighted Rate of Return 278
Applications and Illustrations 281
5.3.1 The Portfolio Method and the Investment Year Method 281
5.3.2 Interest Preference Rates for Borrowing and Lending 283
5.3. 3 Another Measure for the Yield on a Fund 285
Definitions and Formulas 289
Notes and References 290
Exercises 291
Spot Rates of Interest 306
The Relationship Between Spot Rates of
Interest and Yield to Maturity on Coupon Bonds 313
Forward Rates of Interest 315
6.3.1 Forward Rates of Interest as
Deferred Borrowing or Lending Rates 315
6.3.2 Arbitrage with Forward Rates of Interest 316
6.3.3 General Definition of Forward Rates of Interest 317
Applications and Illustrations 321
6.4.1 Arbitrage 321
6.4.2 Forward Rate Agreements 324
6.4.3 Interest Rate Swaps 328 A Comparative Advantage Interest Rate Swap 329 Swapping a Floating Rate Loan
for a Fixed Rate Loan 331 The Swap Rate 333
6.4.4 The Force of Interest as a Forward Rate 336
6.4.5 At-Par Yield 338
Definitions and Formulas 345
Notes and References 347
Exercises 348
Duration of a Set of Cashflows and Bond Duration 357
7.1.1 Duration of a Zero Coupon Bond 358
7.1.2 Duration of a General Series of Cashflows 360
7.1.3 Duration of a Coupon Bond 362
7.1.4 Duration of a Portfolio of Series of Cashflows 363
7.1 .5 Parallel and Non-Parallel Shifts in Term Structure 365
7.1.6 Effective Duration 367
Asset-Liability Matching and Immunization 368
7.2.1 Redington Immunization 371
7.2.2 Full Immunization 377
Applications and Illustrations 381
7.3.1 Duration Based On Changes in a
Nominal Annual Yield Rate Compounded Semiannually 381
7.3.2 Duration Based on Shifts in the Term Structure 383
7.3.3 Shortcomings of Duration
as a Measure of Interest Rate Risk 386
7.3.4 A Generalization of Redington Immunization 390
Definitions and Formulas 391
Notes and References 393
Exercises 394
The Dividend Discount Model of Stock Valuation 403
Short Sale of Stock in Practice 405
Additional Equity Investments 411
8.3.1 Mutual Funds 411
8.3.2 Stock Indexes and Exchange Traded Funds 412
8.3.3 Over -the-Counter Market 413
8.3.4 Capital Asset Pricing Model 413
Fixed Income Investments 414
8.4.1 Certificates of Deposit 415
8.4.2 Money Market Funds 415
8.4.3 Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) 416
8.4.4 Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) 418
8.4.5 Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
and Real Return Bonds 418
8.4.6 Bond Default and Risk Premium 419
8.4.7 Convertible Bonds 421
8.5. Definitions and Formulas 423
8.6 Notes and References 423
8.7 Exercises 423
Forward and Futures Contracts 430
9.1.1 Forward Contract Defined 430
9.1.2 Prepaid Forward Price on an Asset Paying No Income 431
9.1.3 Forward Delivery Price
Based on an Asset Paying No Income 433
Forward Contract Value 433
9.1.5 Forward Contract on an Asset
Paying Specific Dollar Income 435
9.1.6 Forward Contract on an Asset
Paying Percentage Dividend Income 438
9.1.7 Synthetic Forward Contract 439
9.1 .8 Strategies with Forward Contracts 442
9.1.9 Futures Contracts 443
9.1.10 Commodities Swaps 449
Options 454
9.2. 1 Call Options 455
9.2.2 Put Options 462
9.2 .3 Equity Linked Payments and Insurance 466
Option Strategies 469
9.3.1 Floors, Caps, and Covered Positions 469
9.3.2 Synthetic Forward Contracts 473
9.3.3 Put-Call Parity 474
9.3.4 More Option Combinations 475
9.3.5 Using Forwards and Options for Hedging and Insurance 481
9.3.6 Option Pricing Models 483
Foreign Currency Exchange Rates 487
Notes and References 490
Exercises 491
“ The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.”
- Kin Hubbard, American cartoonist and humorist (1868 - 1930)
Almost everyone, at one time or another, will be a saver, borrower, or investor, and will have access to insurance, pension plans, or other financial
benefits. There is a wide variety of financial transactions in which individuals, corporations, or governments can become involved. The range of
available investments is continually expanding, accompanied by an increase
in the complexity of many of these investments.
Financial transactions involve numerical calculations, and, depending
on their complexity, may require detailed mathematical formulations. It is
therefore important to establish fundamental principles upon which these
calculations and formulations are based. The objective of this book is to
systematically develop insights and mathematical techniques which lead
to these fundamental principles upon which financial transactions can be
modeled and analyzed.
The initial step in the analysis of a financial transaction is to translate a verbal description of the transaction into a mathematical model. Unfortunately,
in practice a transaction may be described in language that is vague and
which may result in disagreements regarding its interpretation. The need for
precision in the mathematical model of a financial transaction requires that
there be a correspondingly precise and unambiguous understanding of the
verbal description before the translation to the model is made. To this end,
terminology and notation, much of which is in standard use in financial and
actuarial practice, will be introduced.
A component that is common to virtually all financial transactions is interest , the “ time value of money.” Most people are aware that interest
rates play a central role in their own personal financial situations as well
as in the economy as a whole. Many governments and private enterprises
employ economists and analysts who make forecasts regarding the level
of interest rates.
The Federal Reserve Board sets the “ federal funds discount rate,” a target
rate at which banks can borrow and invest funds with one another. This
rate affects the more general cost of borrowing and also has an effect on
the stock and bond markets. Bonds and stocks will be considered in
more detail later in the book. For now, it is not unreasonable to accept
the hypothesis that higher interest rates tend to reduce the value of other
investments, if for no other reason than that the increased attraction of
investing at a higher rate of interest makes another investment earning a
lower rate relatively less attractive.
Irrational Exuberance
After the close of trading on North American financial markets on
Thursday, December 5, 1996, Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan
Greenspan delivered a lecture at The American Enterprise Institute for
Public Policy Research .
In that speech, Mr. Greenspan commented on the possible negative
consequences of “ irrational exuberance” in the financial markets.
The speech was widely interpreted by investment traders as indicating
that stocks in the US market were overvalued, and that the Federal
Reserve Board might increase US interest rates, which might affect
interest rates worldwide.
Although US markets had already closed, those in the Far East were
just opening for trading on December 6, 1996. Japan ’ s main stock
market index dropped 3.2%, the Hong Kong stock market dropped
almost 3%. As the opening of trading in the various world markets
moved westward throughout the day, market drops continued to occur.
The German market fell 4% and the London market fell 2%. When the
New York Stock Exchange opened at 9:30 AM EST on Friday, December 6, 1996, it dropped about 2% in the first 30 minutes of trading,
although the market did recover later in the day.
december96/greenspan_ l 2-6.html
The variety of interest rates and the investments and transactions to which
they relate is extensive. Figure 1.1 was taken from the website of Bloomberg L.P. on June 6, 2007 and is an illustration of just a few of the types of
interest rates that arise in practice. Libor refers to the London Interbank
Overnight Rate, which is an international rate charged by one bank to
another for very short term loans denominated in US dollars.
3 Month
6 Month
1 Year
1 Month
Fed Reserve Target Rate
3-Month Libor
Prime Rate
5-Year AAA
Ranking and Finance
10-Year AAA
Banking and Finance
iMfelsIlMMkMMSmk pFbyided by Bankra T
15-Year Mortgage
30-Year Mortgage
1 -Year ARM
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
Maturity Date
N.A .
N. A .
www. / markets/ rates/index. html
Current Discount/ Yield
0.02/ - . 032
0.02/ - . 048
11 :08
Used with Permission from Bloomberg L.P.
To analyze financial transactions, a clear understanding of the concept of
interest is required. Interest can be defined in a variety of contexts, and
most people have at least a vague notion of what it is. In the most common
context, interest refers to the consideration or rent paid by a borrower of
money to a lender for the use of the money over a period of time.
This chapter provides a detailed development of the mechanics of interest
rates: how they are measured and applied to amounts of principal over time
to calculate amounts of interest. A standard measure of interest rates is
defined and two commonly used growth patterns for investment - simple
and compound interest - are described. Various alternative standard measures of interest, such as nominal annual rate of interest, rate of discount,
and force of interest, are discussed. The general way in which a financial
transaction is modeled in mathematical form is presented using the notions
of accumulated value, present value, and equation of value.
An interest rate is most typically quoted as an annual percentage. If
interest is credited or charged annually, the quoted annual rate, in
decimal fraction form, is multiplied by the amount invested or loaned to
calculate the amount of interest that accrues over a one-year period. It is
generally understood that as interest is credited or paid, it is reinvested.
This reinvesting of interest leads to the process of compounding interest.
The following example illustrates this process.
< ompound interest calculation)
The current rate of interest quoted by a bank on its savings account is 9% per
annum (per year), with interest credited annually. Smith opens an account
with a deposit of 1000. Assuming that there are no transactions on the account other than the annual crediting of interest, determine the account balance just after interest is credited at the end of 3 years.
After one year the interest credited will be 1000 x .09 = 90, resulting in a
balance (with interest) of 1000 + 1000 x .09 = 1000(1.09) = 1090. In com mon practice this balance is reinvested and earns interest in the second
year, producing a balance of
1090 + 1090 x .09 = 1090(1.09) = 1000(1 , 09) 2 = 1188.10
at the end of the second year. The balance at the end of the third year will be
1188.10 + 1188.10 x .09 = (1188.10 )(1.09)
1000(1.09)3 = 1295.03.
The following time diagram illustrates this process.
1000 x .09 = 90 1090 x .09 = 98.10
1000 +90
= 1090
= 1000 x 1.09
1188.10 x .09 = 106.93
1090 + 98.10
= 1188.10
= 1090 x 1.09
= 1000(1 ,09)2
1188.10 +106.93
= 1295.03
= 1188.10 x 1.09
= 1000(1.09)3
It can be seen from Example 1.1 that with an interest rate of i per annum
and interest credited annually, an initial deposit of C will earn interest of
Ci for the following year. The accumulated value or future value at the
end of the year will be C + Ci - C(l + z ). If this amount is reinvested and
left on deposit for another year, the interest earned in the second year
will be C(1 + z ) z , so that the accumulated balance is C(1 + i ) + C(1 + i )i
= C( l + z ) at the end of the second year. The account will continue to
grow by a factor of 1 + i per year, resulting in a balance of C(1 + i)n at
the end of n years. This is the pattern of accumulation that results from
compounding, or reinvesting, the interest as it is credited.
C(\+i )i
C + Ci
= C( i +
C( i +
+C(l +i )i
= C( l + z )
C(l+0"~ 2 z
C(l + z')"-1
= C (\+i )n '
o '
+c( i +o"
C( i + ”
= C(l + z )
In Example 1.1, if Smith were to observe the accumulating balance in the
account by looking at regular bank statements, he would see only one
entry of interest credited each year. If Smith made the initial deposit on
January 1, 2008 then he would have interest added to his account on December 31 of 2008 and every December 31 after that for as long as the
account remained open.
The rate of interest may change from one year to the next. If the interest
rate is ix in the first year, i2 in the second year, and so on, then after n
years an initial amount C will accumulate to C(l + z1 )(l + /2 ) (l + ),
where the growth factor for year t \ s 1 + it and the interest rate for year t
is it . Note that “ year t starts at time t - 1 and ends at time t.
* *
{ Average annual rate of return )
The excerpts below are taken from the 2006 year-end report of Altamira
Corp., a Canadian mutual fund investment company. The excerpts below
focus on the performance of the Altamira Income Fund and the Altamira
Precision Dow 30 Index Fund during the five year period ending December 31, 2006.
Annual Rate of Return
Income Fund
Dow 30 Index Fund
- 2.33%
- 2.76%
r 2002
- 16.49%
Average Annual Return
Income Fund
Dow 30 Index Fund
htto://www.altamira .com
1 yr%
2 yr%
3 yr%
5 yr%
- .53%
For the five year period ending December 31 , 2006, the total compound
growth in the Income Fund can be found by compounding the annual
rates of return for the 5 years.
(1+.0273)(1 + .0502)(1+.0517 )(1+.0539)(1+. 0691) = 1.2784
This would be the value on December 31 , 2006 of an investment of 1
made into the fund on January 1, 2002.
This five year growth can be described by means of an average annual return per year for the five-year period . In practice the phrase “ average annual return” refers to an annual compound rate of interest for the period of
years being considered . The average annual return would be / , where
(l +i )5 = 1.2784. Solving for i results in a value of i = .0504. This is the
average annual return for the five year period ending December 31, 2006.
For the Dow 30 fund, an investment of 1 made January 1 , 2002 would
have a value on December 31, 2006 of
(1+.1796)(1-.0233)(1- .0276)(1+.0410)(1-.1649)
= .9739
Solving for / in the equation (1+ / )5 = .9739 , results in i = - .0053, or a
5-year annual average return of - .53%.
The Income Fund is described on the Altamira website as follows.
“ The Fund aims to achieve a reasonably high return ( higher than that for
five-year GICs) and constant income for the investor by investing mainly
in fixed income securities primarily invested in Canadian (federal and
provincial ) government bonds and investment grade corporate bonds.”
The Dow 30 fund is described as follows.
“ The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by tracking the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( Dow 30). The Dow 30 is a
price-weighted index of 30 blue-chip stocks that are generally among
the leaders in their industry. It has been a widely followed indicator of
the US stock market.”
In practice interest may be credited or charged more frequently than once
per year. Many bank accounts pay interest monthly and credit cards generally charge interest monthly on previous unpaid balances. If a deposit is
allowed to accumulate in an account over time, the algebraic form of the
accumulation will be similar to the one given earlier for annual interest. At
interest rate j per compounding period, an initial deposit of amount C will
accumulate to C( l + j )n after n compounding periods. (It is typical to use /
to denote an annual rate of interest, and in this text j will often be used to
denote an interest rate for a period of other than a year.)
At an interest rate of .75% per month on a bank account, with interest credited monthly, the growth factor for a one-year period at this rate would be
(1.0075)12 = 1.0938. The account earns 9.38% over the full year and
9.38% is called the effective annual rate of interest earned on the account.
Definition 1.1 - Effective Annual Rate of Interest
The effective annual rate of interest earned by an investment during a
one-year period is the percentage change in the value of the investment
from the beginning to the end of the year, without regard to the investment behavior at intermediate points in the year.
In Example 1.2, the effective annual rates of return for two Altamira funds
are given for years 2002 through 2006. Comparisons of the performance of
two or more investments are often done by comparing the respective effective annual interest rates earned by the investments over a particular year.
The Altamira Income Fund earned an annual effective rate of interest of
2.735% for 2006, but the Dow 30 Fund earned 17.96%. For the 5-year period from January 1 , 2002 to December 31, 2006, the Income Fund earned
an average annual effective rate of interest of 5.04%, but the Dow 30 average annual effective rate was -.53% (a negative rate).
Equivalent Rates of Interest
If the monthly compounding at .75% described earlier continued for
another year, the accumulated or future value after two years would be
C(1.0075) 24 = C(1.0938) 2 . We see that over an integral number of years a
month-by-month accumulation at a monthly rate of .75% is equivalent to
annual compounding at an annual rate of 9.38%; the word “ equivalent” is
used in the sense that they result in the same accumulated value.
Definition 1.2 - Equivalent Rates of Interest
Two rates of interest are said to be equivalent if they result in the same
accumulated values at each point in time.
When compound interest is in effect, and deposits and withdrawals are
occurring in an account, the resulting balance at some future point in
time can be determined by accumulating all individual transactions to
that future time point.
I ( Compound interest calculation )
Smith deposits 1000 into an account on January 1 , 2005. The account credits interest at an effective annual rate of 5% every December 31. Smith
withdraws 200 on January 1, 2007, deposits 100 on January 1, 2008, and
withdraws 250 on January 1 , 2010. What is the balance in the account just
after interest is credited on December 31, 2011?
One approach is to recalculate the balance after every transaction . On
December 31, 2006 the balance is 1000(1.05) 2 = 1102.50;
on January 1, 2007 the balance is 1102.50 - 200
on December 31, 2007 the balance is 902.50(1.05) = 947.63;
on January 1, 2008 the balance is 947.63 + 100 = 1047.63;
on December 31, 2009 the balance is 1047.63(1.05) 2 = 1155.01;
on January 1, 2010 the balance is 1155.01- 250 = 905.01; and
on December 31 , 2011 the balance is 905.01(1.05) 2 = 997.77.
An alternative approach is to accumulate each transaction to the December
31, 2011 date of valuation and combine all accumulated values, adding
deposits and subtracting withdrawals. Then we have
1000(1.05)7 - 200(1 05)5 + 100(1 , 05)4 - 250(1 , 05) 2
= 997.77
for the balance on December 31, 2011. This is illustrated in the following
time line:
1 / 1/05
1/ 1/07
+1000 (initial Deposit)
1 / 1 /08
1/ 1 /10
12/31/ 11
> 1000(1.05)
> -200(1.05)
Total = 1000(1.05)7 - 200(1.05)5 + 100(1.05)4 - 250(1.05) 2 = 997.77.
The pattern for compound interest accumulation at rate i per period results
in an accumulation factor of (1 + i )n over n periods. The pattern of investment growth may take various forms, and we will use the general expression a{ n ) to represent the accumulation (or growth) factor for an
investment from time 0 to time n.
Definition 1.3 - Accumulation Factor and
Accumulated Amount Function
a{ t ) is the accumulated value at time t of an investment of 1 made at
time 0 and defined as the accumulation factor from time 0 to time t.
The notation A( t ) will be used to denote the accumulated amount of
an investment at time t , so that if the initial investment amount is
,4( 0), then the accumulated value at time t is A( t ) = ,4 ( 0) • a{ t ). A( t ) is
the accumulated amount function.
Compound interest accumulation at rate i per period is defined with t
as any positive real number.
Definition 1.4 - Compound Interest Accumulation
At effective annual rate of interest i per period , the accumulation factor from time 0 to time t is
( 1.1 )
« (0 = 0 + 0'
The graph of compound interest accumulation is given in Figure 1.6.
Graph of (1 + i )1
If, in Example 1.1 , Smith closed his account in the middle of the fourth year
(3.5 years after the account was opened), the accumulated or future value at
time t = 3.5 would be 1000(1.09)3 50 = 1000(1.09)3 ( J .09) 50 = 1352.05,
which is the balance at the end of the third year followed by accumulation
for one-half more year to the middle of the fourth year.
In practice, financial transactions can take place at any point in time, and it
may be necessary to represent a period which is a fractional part of a year. A
fraction of a year is generally described in terms of either an integral number
of m months, or an exact number of d days. In the case that time is measured
in months, it is common in practice to formulate the fraction of the year t in
the form t = j , even though not all months are exactly - jL of a year. In the
case that time is measured in days, t is often formulated as t =
investments use a denominator of 360 days instead of 365 days, in which
The Magic of Compounding
Investment advice newsletters and websites often refer to the “ magic”
of compounding when describing the potential for investment accumulation. A phenomenon is magical only until it is understood. Then it’ s
just an expected occurrence, and it loses its mystery.
A value of 10% is often quoted as the long-term historical average return on equity investments in the US stock market. Based on the historical data, the 30-year average return was 10% on the Dow Jones
index from the start of 1970 to the end of 2000. During that period , the
average annual return in the 1990s was 16.5%, in the 1980s it was
13.9%, and in the 1970’s it was .5% . The 1970s were not as magical a
time for investors as the 1990s.
In the 1980s heyday of multi-level marketing schemes, one such
scheme promoted the potential riches that could be realized by marketing “ gourmet” coffee in the following way. A participant had merely
to recruit 6 sub-agents who could sell 2 pounds of coffee per week .
Those sub-agents would then recruit 6 sub-agents of their own. This
would continue to an ever increasing number of levels. The promotional literature stated the expected net profit earned by the “ top” agent
based on each number of levels of 6-fold sub-agents that could be recruited. The expected profit based on 9 levels of sub-agents was of the
order of several hundred thousand dollars per week. There was no indication in the brochure that to reach this level would require over
10,000,000 ( 69 ) sub-agents. Reaching that level would definitely require some compounding magic.
When considering the equation X (\+i ) = F, given any three of the four
variables X , F, /, t , it is possible to find the fourth. If the unknown variable
is t, then solving for the time factor results in t = -j
(In is the natural
log function). If the unknown variable is the interest rate /, then solving for i
results in i = M-H -1. Financial calculators have functions that allow
you to enter three of the variables and calculate the fourth.
When calculating interest accumulation over a fraction of a year or when
executing short term financial transactions, a variation on compound interest commonly known as simple interest is often used. At an interest
rate of i per year, an amount of 1 invested at the start of the year grows to
1 + / at the end of the year. If t represents a fraction of a year, then under
the application of simple interest, the accumulated value at time t of the
initial invested amount of 1 is as follows.
Definition 1.5- Simple Interest Accumulation
The accumulation function from time 0 to time t at annual simple interest rate /, where t is measured in years is
a{ t ) = 1 + it .
( 1.2)
As in the case of compound interest, for a fraction of a year, t is usually
either m /12 or <i/365. The following example refers to a promissory note,
which is a short-term contract (generally less than one year) requiring the
issuer of the note (the borrower) to pay the holder of the note (the lender) a
principal amount plus interest on that principal at a specified annual interest
rate for a specified length of time. At the end of the time period the payment (principal and interest) is due. Promissory note interest is calculated
on the basis of simple interest. The interest rate earned by the lender is
sometimes referred to as the “ yield rate” earned on the investment. As concepts are introduced throughout this text, we will see the expression “ yield
rate” used in a number of different investment contexts with differing
meanings. In each case it will be important to relate the meaning of the
yield rate to the context in which it is being used.
{ Promissory note and simple interest )
On January 31 Smith borrows 5000 from Brown and gives Brown a promissory note. The note states that the loan will be repaid on April 30 of the
same year, with interest at 12% per annum. On March 1 Brown sells the
promissory note to Jones, who pays Brown a sum of money in return for
the right to collect the payment from Smith on April 30. Jones pays Brown
an amount such that Jones’ yield (interest rate earned) from March 1 to the
maturity date can be stated as an annual rate of interest of 15%.
(a) Determine the amount Smith was to have paid Brown on April 30,
(b ) Determine the amount that Jones paid to Brown and the yield rate
(interest rate) Brown earned, quoted on an annual basis. Assume all
calculations are based on simple interest and a 365 day year.
( c) Suppose instead that Jones pays Brown an amount such that Jones’
yield is 12%. Determine the amount that Jones paid .
(a) The payment required on the maturity date April 30 is
5000 l + (.12)
= 5146.30 (there are 89 days from January 31
to April 30 in a non-leap year; financial calculators often have a function that calculates the number of days between two dates).
(b) Let X denote the amount Jones pays Brown on March 1 . We will
denote by \
j the annual yield rate earned by Brown based on simple
years from January 31 to March 1 ,
interest for the period of t {
and we will denote by j2 the annual yield rate earned by Jones for
years from March 1 to April 30. Then
the period of t 2
X = 5000(1+ t\ j\ ) and the amount paid on April 30 by Smith is
( + t 2 j2 ) = 5146.30. The following time-line diagram indicates the
sequence of events.
January 31
March 1
April 30
Smith borrows
5000 from Brown
Brown receives
X from Jones
Jones receives
5146.30 from Smith
We are given y 2 =.15 (the annualized yield rate earned by Jones) and
we can solve for X from X - 1146.30
l t j
514630 - 5022.46. Now
l +( )( . 15 )
that X is known, we can solve for / from
X = 5022.46 = 5000(1+ / / )
to find that Brown’ s annualized yield is /
5000 l +
, = .0565.
- y, )
(c) If Jones’ yield is 12%, then Jones paid
1 + hh
In the previous example, we see that to achieve a yield rate of 15% Jones
pays 5022.46 and to achieve a yield rate of 12% Jones pays 5046.75. This
inverse relationship between yield and price is typical of a “ fixed-income”
investment. A fixed-income investment is one for which the future payments
are predetermined ( unlike an investment in, say, a stock, which involves
some risk, and for which the return cannot be predetermined). Jones is investing in a loan which will pay him 5146.30 at the end of 60 days. If the
desired interest rate for an investment with fixed future payments increases,
the price that Jones is willing to pay for the investment decreases (the less
paid, the better the return on the investment). An alternative way of describing the inverse relationship between yield and price on fixed-income investments is to say that the holder of a fixed income investment (Brown)
will see the market value of the investment decrease if the yield rate to maturity demanded by a buyer (Jones) increases. This can be explained by noting that a higher yield rate requires a smaller investment amount to achieve
the same dollar level of interest payments. This will be seen again when the
notion ofpresent value is discussed later in this chapter.
From Equations 1.1 and 1.2 it is clear that accumulation under simple
interest forms a linear function whereas compound interest accumulation
forms an exponential function. This is illustrated in Figure 1.8 with a
graph of the accumulation of an initial investment of 1 at both simple and
compound interest.
a( t )
0+0' //
1+ /
From Figure 1.8 it appears that simple interest accumulation is larger than
compound interest accumulation for values of t between 0 and 1, but compound interest accumulation is greater than simple interest accumulation for
values of t greater than 1. Using an annual interest rate of i = .08, we have,
for example, at time t = .25, 1+ /7 = l +(.08)(.25) = 1.02 > 1.0194 = (1.08) 25
= (l + i )/ , andat t - 2 we have 1+ /7 = l +(.08)( 2) = 1.16 < 1.1664 = (1.08)2
= (l + i )'. The relationship between simple and compound interest is verified algebraically in an exercise at the end of this chapter.
Interest accumulation is often based on a combination of simple and
compound interest. Compound interest would be applied over the completed ( integer) number of interest compounding periods, and simple interest would be applied from then to the fractional point in the current
interest period. For instance, under this approach , at annual rate 9%, over
a period of 4 years and 5 months, an investment would grow by a factor
of ( l .09)4 l|
+ 1 (.09) .
When analyzing the accumulation of a single invested amount, the value of
the investment is generally regarded as a function of time. For example,
A( t ) is the value of the investment at time t, with t usually measured in
years. Time t = 0 usually corresponds to the time at which the original investment was made. The amount by which the investment grows from time
tx to time t 2 is often regarded as the amount of interest earned over that
period, and this can be written as A( t2 ) - A( t 1 ). Also, with this notation,
the effective annual interest rate for the one-year period from time u to time
u +1 would be zM +1 , where A{ u+\ ) = A{ u )(\+iu+ x ), or equivalently,
A( u+\ ) - A( u )
A( u )
iu +1
The subscript “ u + 1 ” indicates that we are measuring the interest rate in
year u + 1. Accumulation can have any sort of pattern, and , as illustrated
in Figure 1.9, the accumulated value might not always be increasing. The
Altamira Dow 30 Index Fund in Example 1.2 has some years with negative annual effective returns.
A 3)
A( 2 )
This relationship for iu+l shows that the effective annual rate of interest for
a particular one-year period is the amount of interest for the year as a proportion of the value of the investment at the start of the year, or equivalently, the rate of investment growth per dollar invested. In other words:
effective annual rate of interest for a specified one-year period
amount of interest earned for the one - year period
value { or amount invested ) at the start of the year
The accumulated amount function can be used to find an effective interest rate for any time interval . For example, the effective three-month interest rate for the three months from time 3 ~ to time 3 y would be
From a practical point of view, the accumulated amount function A( t )
would be a step function, changing by discrete increments at each interest
credit time point, since interest is credited at discrete points of time. For
more theoretical analysis of investment behavior, it may be useful to
assume that A( t ) is a continuous, or differentiable, function, such as in
the case of compound interest growth on an initial investment of amount
,4 (0) at time t = 0, where A( t ) = ,4(0)(l + / y for any non-negative real
number t .
If we let X be the amount that must be invested at the start of a year to
accumulate to 1 at the end of the year at effective annual interest rate i,
then X ( l + / ) = 1 , or equivalently, X = j r . The amount is the present
value of an amount of 1 due in one year .
Definition 1.6 - One Period Present Value Factor
If the rate of interest for a period is /, the present value of an amount of
is often denoted v in
1 due one period from now is y-r . The factor
actuarial notation and is called a present value factor or discount factor.
When a situation involves more than one interest rate, the symbol vz
may be used to identify the interest rate i on which the present value
factor is based.
The present value factor is particularly important in the context of
compound interest. Accumulation under compound interest has the form
A( t ) = ,4(0)(l + / . This expression can be rewritten as
4 (0)
A( t )( l+iy = A( t )v .
Thus Kv* is the present value at time 0 of an amount K due at time t when
investment growth occurs according to compound interest. This means that
Kv is the amount that must be invested at time 0 to grow to K at time t ,
and the present value factor v acts as a “ compound present value” factor in
determining the present value. Accumulation and present value are inverse
processes of one another.
Present value of 1 due in one
Present Value of 1 due in t
The right graph in Figure 1.10 illustrates that as the time horizon t increases, the present value of 1 due at time t decreases (if the interest rate
is positive). The left graph of Figure 1.10 illustrates the classical “ inverse
yield-price relationship,” which states that at a higher rate of interest, a
smaller amount invested is needed to reach a target accumulated value.
I ( Present value calculation)
Ted wants to invest a sufficient amount in a fund in order that the
accumulated value will be one million dollars on his retirement date in
25 years. Ted considers two options. He can invest in Equity Mutual
Fund, which invests in the stock market . E.M . Fund has averaged an annual compound rate of return of 19.5% since its inception 30 years ago,
although its annual growth has been as low as 2% and as high as 38%.
The E.M. Fund provides no guarantees as to its future performance.
Ted’ s other option is to invest in a zero-coupon bond or stripped bond
( this is a bond with no coupons, only a payment on the maturity date; this
concept will be covered in detail later in the book), with a guaranteed effective annual rate of interest of 11.5% until its maturity date in 25 years.
(a) What amount must Ted invest if he chooses E.M. Fund and assumes
that the average annual growth rate will continue for another 25 years?
( b) What amount must he invest if he opts for the stripped bond investment?
(c) What minimum effective annual rate is needed over the 25 years in
order for an investment of $ 25,000 to accumulate to Ted’ s target of
one million ?
(d) How many years are needed for Ted to reach $1,000,000 if he invests
the amount found in part (a) in the stripped bond?
(a) If Ted invests X at / = 0, then W (1.195) 25 = 1, 000, 000, so that the
present value of 1 ,000,000 due in 25 years at an effective annual rate
of 19.5% is 1, 000, 000 v 25 = 1, 000, 000(1.195) 25 = 1 1, 635.96.
( b) The present value of 1 ,000,000 due in 25 years at / = . 115 is
1, 000, OOOv 25 = 1, 000, 000(1.115) 25 = 65, 785.22. Note that no subscript was used on v in part (a) or (b) since it was clear from the con text as to the interest rate being used .
(c ) We wish to solve for / in the equation 25, 000( l + z ) 25
The solution for i is i =
( ^23 999^ )
1 = •1590.
(d ) In t years Ted will have 11, 635.96(1.115)'
results in t
1J 1,000,000
I 11,635
ln( l .115)
= 1, 000, 000.
1, 000, 000. Solving for /
40.9 years.
If simple interest is being used for investment accumulation, then
A( t ) = ,4 (0)(l + z?) and the present value at time 0 of amount A{ t ) due at
time t is ,4 ( 0) =
A( t )
It is important to note that implicit in this expression
is the fact that simple interest accrual begins at the time specified as t = 0.
The present value based on simple interest accumulation assumes that interest begins accruing at the time the present value is being found. There is no
standard symbol representing present value under simple interest that corresponds to v under compound interest.
{ Canadian Treasury bills - present value based on simple interest )
The figure below is an excerpt from the website of the Bank of Canada
describing a sale of Treasury Bills by the Canadian federal government on
Thursday, August 28, 2003 ( A T-Bill is a debt obligation that requires the issuer to pay the owner a specified sum (the face
amount or amount ) on a specified date (the maturity date ). The issuer of the
T-Bill is the borrower, the Canadian government in this case. The purchaser
of the T-Bill would be an investment company or an individual. Canadian TBills are issued to mature in a number of days that is a multiple of 7. Canadian T-Bills are generally issued on a Thursday, and mature on a Thursday,
mostly for periods of (approximately) 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.
For Release: 10:40 E.T.
Publication: 10 h 40 HE
Bons du Trcsor rcguliers
Resultats de I'adjudication
Treasury Bills - Regular
Auction Results
On behalf of the Minister of Finance, it was announced
today that tenders for Government of Canada treasury
bills have been accepted as follows:
Auction Date
Bidding Deadline
Total Amount $9,500,000,000
On vient d 'annoncer aujourd'hui, au
nom du ministre des Finances, que les
soumissions suivantes ont cte acceptees pour les bons du Tresor du
gouvernemenl du Canada:
Date d 'adjudication
Heure limite de soumission
Montant total
Multiple Price / Prix multiple
Bank of Cana( %)
Outstanding Yield and Equivalent Allotment
after Auction
Price Taux de
Purchase Achat
Ratio de
de la Banque
Maturity Encours apres rendement et prix
Montant Emission Echeance I'adjudication
du Canada
IS1N: CA1350Z7DL50
ISIN: CA 1350 Z7D765
Avg/ Moy: 2.700 99.28029
Low/Bas: 2.697 99.28108
High/Haul: 2.704 99.27923
Avg/ Moy: 2.741 98.75411
Low/Bas: 2.738 98.75545
High/ Haut: 2.744 98.75276
Two T-Bills are described in Figure 1.11, both issued August 28, 2003.
The first one is set to mature December 4, 2003, which is 98 days (14
weeks) after issue. Thz yield is quoted as 2.700% and the price (per face
amount of 100) is 99.28029. The price is the present value on the issue
date of 100 due on the maturity date, and present value is calculated on
the basis of simple interest and a 365-day year. The quoted price based
on the quoted average yield rate of 2.700% can be calculated as follows:
'— (—f— ) = 99.28029
l + (.02700)
The price of the second T- Bill can be found in a similar way. It matures
February 12, 2004, which is 168 days (24 weeks) after the issue date. The
quoted average yield is 2.741%. The price is
(— §
l + (.0274 l ) l
Valuation of Canadian T-Bills is algebraically identical to valuation of
promissory notes described in Example 1.4.
Given an accumulated amount function A( t ), the investment grows from
amount A( tx ) at time tx to amount A( t 2 ) at time t 2 > tx . Therefore an
amount of
A( t ) .
other words,
back to time
invested at time
A( t )
will grow to amount 1 at time t 2 . In
is a generalized present value factor from time t 2
tx .
When a financial transaction is represented algebraically it is usually formulated by means of one or more equations that represent the values of the various components of the transaction and their interrelationships. Along with the
interest rate, the other components of the transaction are the amounts disbursed and the amounts received. These amounts are called dated cash
flows. A mathematical representation of the transaction will be an equa-
tion that balances the dated cash outflows and inflows, according to the
particulars of the transaction . The equation balancing these cash flows
must take into account the “ time values” of these payments, the accumulated and present values of the payments made at the various time points.
Such a balancing equation is called an equation of value for the transaction, and its formulation is a central element in the process of analyzing a
financial transaction.
In order to formulate an equation of value for a transaction , it is first necessary to choose a reference time point or valuation date. At the reference time point the equation of value balances, or equates, the following
two factors:
(1 )
the accumulated value of all payments already disbursed plus the
present value of all payments yet to be disbursed, and
the accumulated value of all payments already received plus the
present value of all payments yet to be received.
( Choice of valuation point for an equation of value )
Every Friday in February ( the 7, 14, 21 , and 28) Walt places a $1000 bet,
on credit , with his off-track bookmaking service, which charges an
effective weekly interest rate of 8% on all credit extended. Unfortunately
for Walt , he loses each bet and agrees to repay his debt to the
bookmaking service in four installments, to be made on March 7, 14, 21 ,
and 28. Walt pays $ 1100 on each of March 7, 14, and 21. How much
must Walt pay on March 28 to completely repay his debt?
The payments in the transaction are represented in Figure 1.12. We must
choose a reference time point at which to formulate the equation of value. If we choose February 7 ( / = 0 in Figure 1.12), then Walt receives
1000 right “ now” and all other amounts received and paid are in the future, so we find their present values. The value at time 0 of what Walt
will receive (on credit) is 1000 ( l + v + v 2 + v3 ) , representing the four
weekly credit amounts received in February, where v = y- jjg is the week ly present value factor and t is measured in weeks. The value at t - 0 of
what Walt must pay is 1100 ( v4 4- v5 + v6 ) + Av 7 , representing the three
payments of 1100 and the fourth payment of X .
2 /7
3/ 7
3/ 14
Equating the value at time 0 of what Walt will receive with the value of
what he will pay results in the equation
1000 ( l + v + v 2 + v3 ) = 1100 ( v 4 + v5 + v6 ) + Xv1 .
( A)
Solving for X results in
] 000
( l + v + v 2 + v3 ) -1100 ( v 4 + v5 + v6 )
( B)
If we choose March 28 ( t = 7) as the reference time point for valuation, then
we accumulate all amounts received and paid to time 7. The value of what
Walt has received is 1000[(1 + j )7 + (1+ j )6 + (1+ j )5 + (1 + y ) 4 ], and the
value of what he has repaid is 1100[(l + y )3 + (l + y )2 + ( l + j ) + X 9
where again y = .08 is the effective rate of interest per week.
The equation of value formulated at t = 1 can be written as
1000[( l + y ) 7 + (l + y )6 + (l + y )5 + (l + y )4 ]
= 110o[(l + y )3 + (1 + y )2 + ( l + y ) + X .
Solving for X results in
1000[(l + / )7 + ( l + y )6 + (l + y )5 + (l + y )4 ]
-1100 ( l + y )3 + ( l + 7 ) 2 + (!+ / )
( D)
Note that most financial transactions will have interest rates quoted as
annual rates, but in the weekly context of this example it was unnecessary to indicate an annual rate of interest. (The equivalent effective annual rate would be quite high ).
We see from Example 1.7 that an equation of value for a transaction involving compound interest may be formulated at more than one reference
time point with the same ultimate solution. Notice that Equation C can be
obtained from Equation A by multiplying Equation A by (1+ j ) . This
corresponds to a change in the reference point upon which the equations
are based , Equation A being based on t - 0 and Equation C being based
on t = 7 . In general , when a transaction involves only compound interest, an equation of value formulated at time tx can be translated into an
equation of value formulated at time t 2 simply by multiplying the first
equation by (1+ / )*2 *1 . In Example 1.7, when t = 7 was chosen as the
reference point , the solution was slightly simpler than that required for
the equation of value at t - 0, in that no division was necessary. For
most transactions there will often be one reference time point that allows
a more efficient solution of the equation of value than any other reference time point.
Quoted annual rates of interest frequently do not refer to the effective
annual rate. Consider the following example.
( Monthly compounding of interest )
Sam has just received a credit card with a credit limit of $ 1000. The card
issuer quotes an annual charge on unpaid balances of 24%, payable
monthly. Sam immediately uses his card to its limit. The first statement
Sam receives indicates that his balance is 1000 but no interest has yet
been charged. Each subsequent statement includes interest on the unpaid
part of his previous month’ s statement. He ignores the statements for a
year, and makes no payments toward the balance owed. What amount
does Sam owe according to his thirteenth statement?
Sam’ s first statement will have a balance of 1000 outstanding, with no interest charge. Subsequent monthly statements will apply a monthly interest
- ( 24%) = 2% on the unpaid balance from the previous
charge of
( )
month. Thus Sam’ s unpaid balance is compounding monthly at a rate of 2%
per month ; the interpretation of the phrase “ payable monthly” is that the
quoted annual interest rate is to be divided by 12 to get the one-month interest rate. The balance on statement 13 (12 months after statement 1) will
have compounded for 12 months to 1000(1.02)12 = 1268.23 ( this value is
based on rounding to the nearest penny each month; the exact value is
1268.24). The effective annual interest rate charged on the account in the
12 months following the first statement is 26.82%. The quoted rate of
24% is a nominal annual rate of interest, not an effective annual rate
of interest . This example shows that a nominal annual interest rate of
24% compounded monthly is equivalent to an effective annual rate of
Definition 1.7 - Nominal Annual Rate of Interest
A nominal annual rate of interest compounded or convertible m times per
year refers to an interest compounding period of
interest rate for
interest rate
—m period = quoted nominal annual
Nominal rates of interest occur frequently in practice. They are used in
situations which interest is credited or compounded more often than once
per year. A nominal annual rate can be associated with any interest compounding period, such as six months, one month , or one week. In order
to apply a quoted nominal annual rate, it is necessary to know the num ber of interest conversion periods in a year. In Example 1.8 the associated interest compounding period is indicated by the phrase “ payable
monthly,” and this tells us that the interest compounding period is one
month . This could also be stated in any of the following ways:
( i)
annual interest rate of 24%, compounded monthly ,
( ii)
annual interest rate of 24%, convertible monthly, or
( iii ) annual interest rate of 24%, convertible 12 times per year.
All of these phrases mean that the 24% quoted annual rate is to be transformed to an effective one-month rate that is one-twelfth of the quoted
annual rate, - j (.24) = .02. The effective interest rate per interest com-
( )
pounding period is a fraction of the quoted annual rate corresponding to the
fraction of a year represented by the interest compounding period.
The notion of equivalence of two rates was introduced in Section 1.1,
where it was stated that rates are equivalent if they result in the same pattern of compound accumulation over any equal periods of time. This can
be seen in Example 1.8. The nominal annual 24% refers to a compound
monthly rate of 2%. Then in t years ( 121 months) the growth of an initial
investment of amount 1 will be
= [(1.02)12 ]' = (1.2682)' .
Since (1.2682)/ is the growth in t years at effective annual rate 26.82%,
this verifies the equivalence of the two rates. The typical way to verify
equivalence of rates is to convert one rate to the compounding period of
the other rate, using compound interest . In the case just considered, the
compound monthly rate of 2% can be converted to an equivalent effective annual growth factor of (1.02)12 = 1.2682. Alternatively, an effective
annual rate of 26.82% can be converted to a compound monthly growth
factor of (1.2682)1712 = 1.02 .
Once the nominal annual interest rate and compounding interest period
are known , the corresponding compound interest rate for the interest
conversion period can be found . Then the accumulation function follows
a compound interest pattern, with time usually measured in units of effective interest conversion periods. When comparing nominal annual
interest rates with differing interest compounding periods, it is necessary
to convert the rates to equivalent rates with a common effective interest
period . The following example illustrates this .
Jj( Comparison of nominal annual rates of interest )
^^ ^
Tom is trying to decide between two banks in which to open an account.
Bank A offers an annual rate of 15.25% with interest compounded semiannually, and Bank B offers an annual rate of 15% with interest compounded monthly. Which bank will give Tom a higher effective annual
Bank A pays an effective 6-month interest rate of (15.25%) = 7.625%. In
one year (two effective interest periods) a deposit of amount 1 will grow to
(1.07625) 2 = 1.158314 inBankA.
Bank B pays an effective monthly interest rate of - (15%) = 1.25%. In one
year (12 effective interest periods) a deposit of amount 1 in Bank B will grow
to (1.0125) = 1.160755. Bank B has an equivalent annual effective rate
that is almost .25% higher than that of Bank A.
The 24% rate quoted in Example 1.8 is sometimes called an annual percentage rate, and the rate of 2% per month is the periodic rate. In practice,
a credit card issuer will usually quote an “ APR” (annual percentage rate),
When a
and may also quote a daily percentage rate which is
monthly billing cycle ends, an “ average daily balance” is calculated, usually by taking the average of the account balances at the start of each day
during the billing cycle. This is multiplied by the daily percentage rate, and
this is multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle. Under this
approach, the monthly interest rates compounded in Example 1.8 would
x 31 = .02038356 for a 31
not be exactly 2% per month, but would be
x 30 = .01972603 for a 30 day billing cycle, etc.
day billing cycle,
In order to make a fair comparison of quoted nominal annual rates with
differing interest conversion periods, it is necessary to transform them to
a common interest conversion period, such as an effective annual period
as in Example 1.9.
Payday Loans
As long as there have been people who run short of money before their
next paycheck, there have been lenders who will provide short term
loans to be repaid at the next payday, usually within a few weeks of
the loan. Providers of these loans seem to have become more visible in
recent years with both storefront and internet based lending operations.
Interest rates charged by some lenders for these loans can be surprisingly high .
The US Truth in Lending Act requires that, for consumer loans, the
APR (annual percentage rate) associated with the loan must be disclosed to the borrower. The APR is generally disclosed as a nominal
annual rate of interest whose conversion period is the payment period
for the loan.
According to a February, 2000 report by the US-based Public Interest
Research Group (USPRIG), the APR on short term loans (7 to 18
days ) in states where such loans are allowed ranged from 390 to 871%.
A search of internet based lending sites turned up a lender charging a
fee of $25 for a one week loan of $ 100. This one week interest rate of
25% is quoted as an APR of 1303.57% (this is .25 x - ), which is the
corresponding nominal annual rate convertible every 7 days. The
equivalent annual effective growth of an investment that accumulates
at a rate of 25% per week with weekly compounding is
(1.25)365/ 7 =113, 022.5 , which represents an equivalent annual effective rate of interest of a little more than 11 ,300,000%! The lender also
allows the loan to be repaid in up to 18 days for the same $25 fee for
the 18 days. In this case, the APR is only 506.94%, and the equivalent
annual effective rate of interest is a mere 9,128%.
There is standard actuarial notation for denoting nominal annual rates of
interest, although this notation is not generally seen outside of actuarial practice. In actuarial notation, the symbol i is generally reserved for an effective
annual rate, and the symbol
is reserved for a nominal annual rate with
interest compounded m times per year. Note that the superscript is for identiis taken to mean
fication purposes and is not an exponent. The notation
that interest will have a compounding period of ~ years and compound rate
per period of
In Example 1.8, m = 12, so the nominal annual rate would be denoted as
;(12 ) = .24. The information indicated by the superscript “ (12)” in this notation is that there are 12 interest conversion periods per year, and that the
of the quoted rate of 24%. Similarly,
effective rate of 2% per month is
in Example 1.9 the nominal annual rates would be
= .1525 and
= .15 for Banks A and B, respectively.
In Example 1.8 the equivalent effective annual growth factor is
= ( l + JY ) = 1.2682. In Example 1.9 the equivalent effective annual
growth factors for Banks A and B, respectively, are
1+ iA =
l + /g
J ) = 1.160755.
= ( l +|
The general relationship linking equivalent nominal annual interest
rate i( m ) and effective annual interest rate i is
( m)
1 i
( 1.4 )
The comparable relationships linking i and / 9” ) can be summarized in the
following two equations
- 1+
- 1 and i { m )
= m [ (\+i )Vm - l].
( 1.5)
Note that (1 + / )1 / w is the -J- -year growth factor, and (1+i )Um -1 is the
equivalent effective --year compound interest rate.
It should be clear from general reasoning that with a given nominal annual rate of interest, the more often compounding takes place during the
year, the larger the year-end accumulated value will be, so the larger the
equivalent effective annual rate will be as well. This is verified algebraically
in an exercise at the end of the chapter. The following example considers the
relationship between equivalent i and
as m changes.
^ ^^
( Equivalent effective and nominal annual rates of interest)
Suppose the effective annual rate of interest is 12%. Find the equivalent
nominal annual rates for m = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, 52, 365, GO.
m = 1 implies interest is convertible annually ( m = 1 time per year),
which implies the effective annual interest rate is / ( 1 ) = / = . 12. We use
Equation ( 1.5) to solve for / ( m ) for the other values of m. The results are
given in Table 1.1.
(l +i )1 / m - l
+ »•
. 1155
. 1149
. 1144
. 1141
. 1139
. 1135
. 113346
. 00218
. 000311
lim m[(l + z )1 / m - 1] = ln( l + z ) = . 113329
Note that (1.12)172 - 1 = .0583 is the effective 6-month rate of interest
that is equivalent to an effective annual rate of interest of 12% (two successive 6-month periods of compounding at effective 6-month rate
5.83% results in one year growth of (1.0583) 2 = 1.12). The limit in the
final line of Table 1.1 is a consequence of 1’ HospitaPs Rule. It can also
be seen from Table 1.1 that the more frequently compounding takes
place (i .e., as m increases), the smaller is the equivalent nominal annual
rate. The change is less significant, however, in going from monthly to
weekly or even daily compounding, so we see that there is a limit to the
benefit of compounding. With an effective annual rate of 12%, the minimum equivalent nominal annual rate is never less than 11.333% no matter
how often compounding takes place. The limiting case ( m » oo) in Example 1.10 is called continuous compounding and is related to the notions of
force of interest and instantaneous growth rate of an investment. This is
discussed in detail in Section 1.6.
A nominal rate, although quoted on an annual basis, might refer to only the
immediately following fraction of a year. For instance, in Example 1.9
Bank B’ s quoted nominal annual rate of 15% with interest credited monthly
might apply only to the coming month, after which the quoted rate (still
credited monthly) might change to something else, say 13.5%. Thus when
interest is quoted on a nominal annual basis, the actual rate may change
during the course of the year, from one interest period to the next.
In previous sections of this chapter, interest amounts have been regarded
as paid or charged at the end of an interest compounding period, and the
corresponding interest rate is the ratio of the amount of interest paid at
the end of the period to the amount of principal at the start of the period.
Interest rates and amounts viewed in this way are sometimes referred to
as interest payable in arrears ( payable at the end of an interest period).
This is the standard way in which interest rates are quoted, and it is the
standard way by which interest amounts are calculated. In many situations it is the method required by law.
Occasionally a transaction calls for interest payable in advance. In this
case the quoted interest rate is applied to obtain an amount of interest
which is payable at the start of the interest period. For example, if Smith
borrows 1000 for one year at a quoted rate of 10% with interest payable
in advance, the 10% is applied to the loan amount of 1000, resulting in
an amount of interest of 100 for the year. The interest is paid at the time
the loan is made. Smith receives the loan amount of 1000 and must immediately pay the lender 100, the amount of interest on the loan . One
year later he must repay the loan amount of 1000. The net effect is that
Smith receives 900 and repays 1000 one year later. The effective annual
rate of interest on this transaction is = .1111, or 11.11%. This 10%
payable in advance is called the rate of discount for the transaction . The
rate of discount is the rate used to calculate the amount by which the year
end value is reduced to determine the present value.
The effective annual rate of discount is another way of describing investment growth in a financial transaction. In the example just consi dered we see that an effective annual interest rate of 11.11% is
equivalent to an effective annual discount rate of 10%, since both describe the same transaction.
Definition 1.8 - Effective Annual Rate of Discount
In terms of an accumulated amount function A( t ) , the general definition of the effective annual rate of discount from time t = 0 to time
t = 1 is
AQ ) - A( 0)
( 1 - 6)
A( 1)
This definition is in contrast with the definition for the effective annual
rate of interest, which has the same numerator but has a denominator of
,4 (0). Effective annual interest measures growth on the basis of the initially invested amount, whereas effective annual discount measures
growth on the basis of the year-end accumulated amount. Either measure
can be used in the analysis of a financial transaction.
Equation (1.6) can be rewritten as ,4(0) = ,4 (1) • (1-d ) , so we see that 1 - d
acts as a present value factor. The value at the start of the year is the principal amount of ,4 (1) minus the interest payable in advance, which is d • ,4 (1).
On the other hand, on the basis of effective annual interest we have
,4 (0 ) = ,4 (1) • v. We see that for d and i to be equivalent rates, present values
under both representations must be the same, so we must have
L = v = 1 - d , or equivalently, d = y , or i =
Equivalent rates of interest and discount i and d are:
d = J_
i= JL
( 1.7)
With d = .10 in the situation outlined above, we have i =
= .1111, or
11.11 %. The relationships between equivalent interest and discount rates
for periods of other than a year are similar. Suppose that j is the effective
rate of interest for a period of other than one year. Then d j =
d j is the equivalent effective rate of discount for that period.
The present value of 1 due in n years can be represented in the form
vn = (1-d )n , so that present values can be represented in the form of compound discount . This underlines the fact that the concepts of discount rate
and compound discount form an alternative to the concepts of interest rate
and compound interest in describing the behavior of an investment.
From a practical point of view, A( 0) in Equation (1.6) will not be less than
0. I f A( l ) > A( 0 ) , an effective rate of discount can be no larger than 1
(100%). Note that an effective discount rate of d = 1 ( 100%), implies a
present value factor of 1 - d = 1 - 1 = 0 at the start of the period (an investment of 0 growing to a value of 1 at the end of a year would be a very
profitable arrangement). In the equivalence between / and d we see that
lim d - 1, so that very large effective interest rates correspond to equiva-
/ > oo
lent effective discount rates near 100%.
One of the main practical applications of discount rates occurs with United
States Treasury Bills. In Section 1.2 it was seen that Canadian T-Bills are
quoted with prices and annual yield rates, where an annual yield rate is applied using simple interest for the period to the maturity of the T-Bill . The
pricing of US T-Bills is based on simple discount.
Definition 1.9 - Simple Discount
With a quoted annual discount rate of d, based on simple discount the
present value of 1 payable t years from now is 1 - dt . Simple discount is
generally only applied for periods of less than one year.
( US Treasury Bill )
Quotations for US T-Bills are based on a maturity amount of $100. The table below was excerpted from the website of the United States Bureau of the
Public Debt in June, 2004. The website provides a brief description of
how the various quoted values are related to one another.
Examples of Treasury Bill Auction Results
91 -day
182 -day
06/3 /2004
06/3 /2004
Maturity Discount Investment Price
Rate% Per $ 100
06 / 15/2004 0.965
07/01 / 2004 0.940
09/02/ 2004 1.130
12 /02/2004 1.400
912795QR 5
912795 RA 1
912795 RP8
( www.publicdebt.treas. gov/sec/secpry.htm )
The “ Price Per $ 100” is the present value of $100 due in the specified
number of days. The relationship between the quoted price and the discount rate is based on simple discount in which a fraction of a year is
calculated on the basis of a 360-day year. The quoted discount and investment rates are annual rates.
For instance, the price for the 182-day bill issued June 3, 2004 and maturing December 2, 2004 is found from the relationship P = 100(1-dt ). With
discount rate </ = .01400, and fraction of a year
^^ ^
^ = 360 ’
P = 100 1 - (.01400) (
= 99.292 (rounded to the 3 decimal place,
which is the practice for quoting T-Bill prices) .
The “ Investment Rate” is an annual rate of simple interest that is equivalent
to the return over the 182-day period. The investment growth for the 182-day
period is -— 0 - = 1.0071305. If this is converted to an annual return based
on simple interest for a 365-day year (not the 360 day year used with the dis-
count rate), the corresponding return for 365 days is .00713 x
= .01430
which can be quoted as a rate of 1.430%. Calculations for the other T-Bills
quoted above are done in the same way.
The US government’ s Truth in Lending legislation requires that financial
institutions making loans based on discount rates make clear to borrowers
the equivalent interest rate being charged. Thus an annual effective discount
rate of 8% cannot be presented as a loan rate of 8%, but must instead be
presented as the equivalent interest rate, i =
- pg-g- = .0870.
Investing In Treasury Bills
According to the website of the US Bureau of Public Debt, on May 31,
2006, the total US public debt outstanding was a little over $8.35 trillion (“ little” in this case is around $7 billion). About $4.8 trillion of
that total is publicly held by banks, private investors, insurance companies and foreign investors. Of the $4.8 trillion, about $952 billion is
in Treasury Bills.
For over 20 years, the US Treasury Department has sold T-Bills, notes
and bonds directly to the public in amounts that are multiples of
$ 1000. Recently, the Treasury Department has allowed individuals to
open internet based accounts through which treasury securities can be
purchased .
Definition 1.10 - Nominal Annual Rate of Discount
A nominal annual rate of discount compounded m times per year refers to
a discount compounding period of ~
discount rate for
quoted nominal annual discount rate
In actuarial notation, the symbol d is generally used to denote an effective
annual discount rate, and the symbol
is reserved for denoting a nominal annual discount rate with discount compounded (or convertible) m times
per year. The notation d ( m ) is taken to mean that discount will have a compounding period of -- years and compound rate per period of
The relationship between equivalent nominal and effective annual discount rates parallels the relationship between nominal and effective annual interest rates. The --year present value factor would be 1 •
For instance, the notation d = .08 refers to a 3-month discount rate of
= .02, and a 3-month present value factor of 1 - .02 = .98. This would
be compounded 4 times during the year to an effective annual present
value factor of (.98)4 = .9224. This annual present value factor could
then be described as being equivalent to an effective annual discount rate
of 7.76%.
in effect, there would generally be m compounding periods
during the year, so the equivalent effective annual present value factor
would be
If d is the equivalent effective annual rate of dis-
count, then we have the relationship
1— d
m y
( 1.8)
{ Equivalent effective and nominal annual rates of discount )
Suppose that the effective annual rate of discount is d = . 107143. Find
the equivalent nominal annual discount rates d ( m ) for
m = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, 52, 365, oo.
Using Equation ( 1.8) we solve for
= m [ l - ( l-d ) ]. The numerical results are tabulated below in Table 1.2.
1- (1 d ) xlm
d( m>
lim m[l - ( l-c/ )1/"1 ]
m »oo
= m[l - ( l-rf )1 / m ]
. 1128
. 1132
. 11331
ln( l-d )
Note that in Example 1.12, 1 - (1-.107143)1/ 2 = .055089 is the effective
6-month rate of discount that is equivalent to an effective annual rate of discount of 10.7143% (two 6-month periods of compounding at effective 6month discount rate 5.5089% results in one year present value of
(1-.055089) 2 = 1 - . 107143).
increases with upper
Note also in Table 1.2 that as m increases, d
for equivalent rates. This is
limit d \ Thus if m > n then
the opposite of what happens for equivalent nominal interest rates (see
Example 1.10). This can be explained by noting that interest compounds
on amounts increasing in size whereas discount compounds on amounts
decreasing in size.
The effective annual discount rate used in Example 1.12 is d = .107143,
which is equivalent to an effective annual interest rate of / = . 12. It was
chosen to facilitate comparison with the table in Example 1.10. The ex ercises at the end of the chapter examine in more detail the numerical
relationship between equivalent nominal annual interest and discount
rates, and refer to the equivalent rates in the tables from Examples 1.10
and 1.12. We see that the nominal annual interest rate convertible continuously from Example 1.10 is z ( co ) = .1133, which is equal to d ( co ) in
Example 1.12 . In general, for equivalent rates i and d it is always the
case that
= / (co) , equal to the force of interest.
Financial transactions occur at discrete time points. Many theoretical
financial models are based on events that occur in a continuous time
framework . The famous Black-Scholes option pricing model ( which
will be briefly reviewed in Chapter 9) was developed on the basis of
stock prices changing continuously as time goes on. In this section we
describe a way to measure investment growth in a continuous time
framework .
Continuous processes are usually modeled mathematically as limits of
discrete time processes, where the discrete time intervals get smaller
and smaller. This is how we will approach measuring continuous
growth of an investment.
Suppose that the accumulated value of an investment at time t is
represented by the function A( t ), where time is measured in years. The
amount of interest earned by the investment in the
time t to time / + T is A t +
that period is
A( t + ± ) - A ( t )
- A( t ) , and the
-year period from
Jj -year
interest rate for
. The ± -year interest rate can be described in
terms of a nominal annual interest rate by multiplying the Jj- -year interest rate by 4. The nominal annual interest rate compounded quarterly
( fd 'i \
-4 (0
We are again using a (nominal) annual interest
rate measure to describe what occurs in the
Jj -year
period from time t
to time t + ~ with the understanding that the rate may change from one
quarter to the next.
The Jj; -year example can be generalized to any fraction of a year. The
interest rate earned by the investment for the - --year period from time /
to time
(t )
This rate can be described in terms of a
nominal annual rate of interest compounded m times per year. The nominal annual rate would be found by scaling up the -year rate by a
factor of m so that
A [ t+
- mx v
mYA ) . Again, although described as
is the quoted nominal annual rate of interest based on
an annual rate,
the investment performance from time t to time t + .
decreases, and we are fo-
If ra is increased, the time interval
cusing more and more closely on the investment performance during an
interval of time immediately following time t. Taking the limit of
m — > oo results in
( ao )
= mlimoo z ( m )
lim rax
m »oo
This limit can be reformulated by making the following variable substitution. Define the variable h to be /2 = - - , so that h > 0 as ra -> 00. The
limit can then be written in the form
( co )
A( t )
h-> 0
mv - m -Tv - 4 (o
A( t ) dt ^
A( ty
( 1.9)
z ( co ) is a nominal annual interest rate compounded infinitely often or
compounded continuously . z ( co ) is also interpreted as the instantaneous
rate of growth of the investment per dollar invested at time point t and is
called the force of interest at time t . Note that A\t ) dt represents the
instantaneous growth of the invested amount at time point t ( just as
A( t+1) - A( 0 is the amount of growth in the investment from / to t + 1),
is the relative instantaneous rate of growth per unit
whereas AO
amount invested at time t ( just as
A( t+\ ) - A{ t )
is the relative rate of
A( 0
growth from tto t + 1 per unit invested at time t).
The force of interest may change as / changes. The actuarial notation that
is used for the force of interest at time t is usually St instead of z . In
order for the force of interest to be defined , the accumulated amount
function A( t ) must be differentiable (and thus continuous, because any
differentiable function is continuous). Continuous investment growth
models have been central to the analysis and development of financial
models with important practical applications, most notably for models of
investment derivative security valuation such as stock options.
Definition 1.11 - Force of Interest
For an investment that grows according to accumulated amount function
A( t ) , the force of interest at time /, is defined to be
(1 - 10)
The following example shows the force of interest that corresponds to (a)
simple interest, and ( b) compound interest.
{ Force of interest )
Derive an expression for
if accumulation is based on
(a) simple interest at annual rate z, and
(b) compound interest at annual rate i.
(a) A( t ) = A( 0 ) - [1+ i f ], so A' ( t ) = A( 0 ) i. Then S
(b) A{ t ) = 4 (0) ( l + z ) , so that A' { t )
= ^4(0)
, = AA'(( t ))
1+i - t ’
( l + z / ln(l + z ), and then
m = ln(l + z ). This was the form of force of interest denoted earA( t )
lier as z ( co ) . In the case of compound interest growth, the force of interest is constant as long as the effective annual interest rate is constant. In
the case of simple interest, St decreases as t increases.
The force of interest can be used to describe investment growth. Using
Equation ( 1.10) we have
[ ^ ( 0] -
from time t - 0 to time t - n , we get
J 6, dt = \
Integrating this equation
An )
\n [ A{ t ) ] dt = ln [ (n )] - ln[ (0)] = In
This can be rewritten in the form
An )
AO )
f St dt
( 1.10 b)
( 81t dt
A( n )
4 (0) - exp
,4 (0)
- A{ n ) ' exp
S dt
( 1.10c)
The general form of the accumulation factor from time t = n\ to time
t = n2 (where
nx < n2 )
is e "'
and the general form of the present
S dt
' . In the case in which
value factor for the same period of time is e
8t is constant with value 8 from time n x to time n 2 , the accumulation
factor for that period simplifies to e
' * and the present value factor is
n2 ~ n
Example 1.13(a) showed that for simple interest accumulation at annual
interest rate /, with accumulation function A( t ) = A( 0 ) x ( l+it ) , the force
of interest is
St = y
. For an investment of 1 made at time n\ , the
growth factor for the investment to time n2 is
(J7 l +77
= exP[ ln( 1 +^2 / ) ln( l + «iO] =
In practice however, when simple interest is being applied, it is assumed
that simple interest accrual for an investment begins at the time that the
investment is made, so that an investment made at time
will grow by a
factor of 1 + ( ri 2 -n\ ) x / to time «2 , which is not the same as the growth
factor found using the force of interest 8t
The reason for this is that
this force of interest has a starting time of 0, and later deposits must accumulate based on the force of interest at the later time points, whereas in
practice, each time a deposit or investment is made, the clock is reset at
time 0 for that deposit, and simple interest begins anew for that deposit .
Another identity involving the force of interest is based on the relationship
A( t ) ' 8t is the instantaneous amount of interest
earned by the investment at time t . Integrating both from time 0 to time n
results in
j0 A( t ) - St dt
\ljtA^ dt = A( n )
A( 0 )
( 1 . 1 1)
This is the amount of interest earned from time 0 to time n .
{ Force of interest )
Given 8t = .08 + .005/ , calculate the accumulated value over five years
of an investment of 1000 made at each of the following times:
(a) Time 0, and
(b) Time 2.
( a) In this case, 4( 0) = 1000 and A( 5 )
the accumulated value is
1000 - exp
- [
4(0) exp j0 8t dt , so that
J (.08 + .0050 *
which is
1000 • exp [ (.08)(5) + (.0025)( 25) ] 1000 - ^ 4625 = 1588.04.
- [
(b) This time we have T ( 2) = 1000 and ,4(7) = ,4 ( 2) exp j2 8t dt , so
that the accumulated value at time 7 is
\j ] ( 08 + 005 ) *],
1000 • exp
leading to
1000 • exp[(.08)(7-2) + (.0025)(49-4)]
Note that both (a) and (b ) involve 5 year periods, but the accumulations
are different as a result of the non-constant force of interest.
It was shown in Example 1.13 that if the effective annual interest rate i is
constant then 8t = ln( l +i ). Let us now suppose the force of interest St is
constant with value 8 from time 0 to time n. Then
A( n )
= A( 0 )
= A( 0 ) - enS = A( 0) ( / )".
This form of accumulation is algebraically identical to compound interest
accumulation of the form A ( n ) = ,4 ( 0) - (1+ / )" , where e = 1 -hi , or equivalently, where 8 = ln( l -hz ) .
A constant effective annual interest rate i is equivalent to constant force of
interest 8 according to the relationship
1+ i =
es , or equivalently, 8 - ln(l -
f i)
Example 1.13 illustrates the relationship thatcJ and i must satisfy in order
to be equivalent rates. This relationship was already seen in Examples
1.10 and 1.12, where an effective annual rate of i = .12 was used to find
equivalent nominal annual rates
for various values of m. For m - oo
( co )
( co )
the rates z
and J were found to be z ( co ) = ln( l + z ) = ln( l . 12) = .1133,
the constant force of interest that is equivalent to / = .12.
The explicit use of the force of interest does not often arise in a practical
setting. For transactions of very short duration (a few days or only one
day ), a nominal annual interest rate convertible daily, i 65\ might be
used. This rate is approximately equal to the equivalent force of interest,
as illustrated in Table 1.1. Major financial institutions routinely borrow
and lend money among themselves overnight, in order to cover their
transactions during the day. The interest rate used to settle these one day
loans is called the overnight rate. The interest rate quoted will be a nominal annual rate of interest compounded every day ( m = 365).
( Overnight Rate )
Bank A requires an overnight (one-day) loan of 10,000,000 and is quoted
a nominal annual rate of interest convertible daily of 12% by Bank B.
( a) Calculate the amount of interest Bank A must pay for the one-day
loan .
( b) Suppose the loan was quoted at an annual force of interest of 12%.
Calculate the interest Bank A must pay in this case.
(a) With /
( 365 )
= .12, the one-day rate of interest is
= - 000328767, so
that interest on 10,000,000 for one day will be 3,287.67 (to the nearest
(b) If 8 = .12, then interest for one day will be
10, 000, 000(e 12 / 365 - l ) = 3, 288.21.
The difference between these amounts of interest is 0.54 (a very
small fraction of the principal amount of 10,000,000).
Along with the level of interest rates, one of the most closely watched
indicators of a country’ s economic performance and health is the rate of
inflation. A widely used measure of inflation is the change in the Con-
sumer Price Index (CPI), generally quoted on an annual basis. The
change in the CPI measures the ( effective ) annual rate of change in the
cost of a specified “ basket” of consumer items. Alternative measures of
inflation might be based on more specialized sectors in the economy.
Inflation rates vary from country to country. They may be extremely high
in some economies and almost insignificant in others. It is sometimes the
case that an economy experiences deflation for a period of time ( negative
inflation), characterized by a decreasing CPI . Politicians and economists
have been involved in numerous debates on the causes and effects of inflation, its relationship to the country’ s economic health, and how best to
reduce or prevent inflation.
Investors are also concerned with the level of inflation. It is clear that a
high rate of inflation has the effect of rapidly reducing the value (purchasing power) of currency as time goes on. It is not surprising then that
periods of high inflation are usually accompanied by high interest rates,
since the rate of interest must be high enough to provide a “ real” return
on investment. The study of the cause and effect relationship between
interest and inflation is the concern of economists. We are concerned
here with analyzing the relationship between interest and inflation in
terms of the measurement of return on investments.
We have used the phrase real return a few times already without being
very specific as to its meaning. The real rate of interest refers to the
inflation-adjusted return on an investment.
Definition 1.12 - Real Rate of Interest
With annual interest rate i and annual inflation rate r, the real rate of
interest for the year is
value of amount of real return ( yr -end dollars )
value of invested amount ( yr -end dollars )
__ i — r ,
( 1.13 )
The simple and commonly used measure of the real rate of interest is
i - r , where i is the annual rate of interest and r is the annual rate of inflation. This measure is often seen in financial newspapers or journals.
As a precise measure of the real growth of an investment, or real growth
in purchasing power, i r is not theoretically correct. This is made clear
in the following example.
( The “ real” rate of interest )
Smith invests 1000 for one year at effective annual rate 15.5%. At the
time Smith makes the investment, the cost of a certain consumer item is
1 . One year later, when interest is paid and principal returned to Smith,
the cost of the item has become 1.10. What is the annual growth rate in
Smith’ s purchasing power with respect to the consumer item?
At the start of the year, Smith can buy 1000 items. At year end he receives
1000(1.155) = 1155, and is able to buy ~y = 1050 items. Thus Smith’ s
purchasing power has grown by 5% (i.e., J Q ) - Regarding the 10% increase in the cost of the item as a measure of inflation, we have
i - r = .155 -.10 = .055, so, in this case, i - r is not a correct representation of the “ real” return earned by Smith.
In Example 1.16 Smith would have to receive 1100 at the end of the year just
to stay even with the 10% inflation rate. He actually receives interest plus
principal for a total of 1155. Thus Smith receives
1000(1+0 -1000(l + r )
1000(1 -r )
more than necessary to stay even with inflation, and this 55 is his “ real”
return on his investment. To measure this as a percentage, it seems natural
to divide by 1000, the amount Smith initially invested. This results in a
rate of y g- = .055 - i - r , which is the simplistic measure of real growth
mentioned prior to Example 1.16. A closer look, however, shows that the
55 in real return earned by Smith is paid in end-of-year dollars, whereas
the 1000 was invested in beginning-of-year dollars. The dollar value at
year end is not the same as that at year beginning, so that to regard the 55
as a percentage of the amount invested, we must measure the real return of
55 and the amount invested in equivalent dollars (dollars of equal value).
The 1000 invested at the beginning of the year is equal in value to 1100
after adjusting for inflation at year end. Thus, based on end-of-year dollar
value, Smith’s real return of 55 should be measured as a percentage of
1100, the inflation-adjusted equivalent of the 1000 invested at the start of
the year. On this basis the real rate earned by Smith is yy y = .05, the actual growth in purchasing power.
In general , with annual interest rate i and annual inflation rate r , an investment of 1 at the start of a year will grow to 1 + i at year end. Of this
1 + / , an amount of 1 + r is needed to maintain dollar value against inflation, i .e., to maintain purchasing power of the original investment of 1.
The remainder of ( l + / ) - ( l + r ) - i - r is the “ real ” amount of growth in
the investment, and this real return is paid at year end. The investment of
1 at the start of the year has an inflation-adjusted value of 1 + r at year
end in end-of-year dollars.
Notice that the lower the inflation rate r, the closer 1 + r is to 1 , and so
j y
ot er hand , if inflation is high, (it has
the closer i - r is to yy-y .
been known to reach levels of a few hundred percent in some countries)
then the denominator 1 + r becomes an important factor in y . For
instance, if inflation is at a rate of 100% ( r = 1) and interest is at a rate of
120% ( / = 1.2), then i - r = .20 but ireal = yyy = .10. It is usually the
case that the rate of interest is greater than inflation .
Hyperinflation refers to the very rapid , very large increase in price levels. In Germany between January 1922 and November 1923, price
levels grew by a factor of about twenty billion . This pales in compari son to the inflation rate in Hungary in July of 1946, which was in
excess of four quintillion percent. That rate of inflation corresponds to
prices doubling every fifteen hours for the entire month .
Between 1990 and 1994, after several revaluations of the Yugoslavian
currency, the Dinar, one pre-1990 Dinar was equal in value to
1.2 x 1027 1994 Dinars.
Hyperinflation of the type described in the previous paragraph is
usually associated with a wartime economy during which consumer
items may become scarce or unavailable. The US experienced a record
peacetime rate of increasing consumer prices of 13.3% in 1979. Government monetary policy resulted in a significant increase in interest
rates over the next few years and the annual US inflation had decreased to less than 4% by 1983.
One more point to note is that inflation rates are generally quoted as the
rate that has been experienced in the year just completed, whereas interest
rates are usually quoted as those to be earned in the coming year. In order
to make a meaningful comparison of interest and inflation, both rates
should refer to the same one-year period. Thus it may be more appropriate
to use a projected rate of inflation for the coming year when inflation is
considered in conjunction with the interest rate for the coming year.
Definition 1.1 - Effective Annual Rate of Interest
The effective annual rate of interest earned by an investment over the one
where A denotes the
year period from time t to time t + 1 is
accumulation function for the investment .
Definition 1.2 - Equivalent Rates of Interest
Two rates of interest are said to be equivalent if they result in the same
accumulated values at each point in time.
Definition 1.3
Accumulation Factor
and Accumulated Amount Function
a ( t ) is the accumulated value at time t of an investment of 1 made at time
0. a( t ) is referred to as the accumulation factor from time 0 to time t. It is
the factor by which an investment has grown from time 0 to time t.
The notation A( t ) will be used to denote the accumulated amount of an
investment at time t , so that if the initial investment amount is ,4(0), then
the accumulated value at time t is A( t ) = A( Q ) a( t ). A( t ) is the accumulated amount function.
Definition 1.4 - Compound Interest Accumulation
At effective annual rate of interest i per period, the accumulation factor
from time 0 to time t is
(1.1 )
a { t ) = (l + i )‘
Definition 1.5 - Simple Interest Accumulation
The accumulation factor from time 0 to time t at annual simple interest
rate /, where t is measured in years is
a( t ) = 1 + it .
Definition 1.6 - Present Value
If the rate of interest for a period is /, the present value of an amount of 1
is often denoted v in
due one period from now is -j-j. The factor
actuarial notation and is called a present value factor or discount factor.
The present value at time 0 of an amount K due at time t is
.y = Kvl .
Definition 1.7 - Nominal Annual Rate of Interest
A nominal annual rate of interest compounded m times per year refers to
years. In actuarial notation the
an interest compounding period of
is reserved for denoting a nominal annual rate with interest
compounded ( or convertible) m times per year. The notation
is taken
years and
to mean that interest will have a compounding period of
compound rate per period of
Relationship Between Equivalent Nominal Annual
and Effective Annual Rates of Interest
The general relationships linking equivalent nominal annual interest
rate z ( m ) and effective annual interest rate i are
l+i = 1+i
(m) m
( m)
= 1+ m
1 and
m (l + i )1/ m - l .
Definition 1.8 - Effective Annual Rate of Discount
In terms of an accumulated amount function A{ t ), the general definition
of the effective annual rate of discount from time t = 0 to time t = 1 is
A( l ) - A ( 0 )
A( 1)
Equivalent Rates of Interest and Discount i and d
d = 1i z
and i = 1-dd
( 1.7)
Definition 1.9 - Simple Discount
With a quoted annual discount rate of d, based on simple discount the
present value of 1 payable t years from now is 1 - dt . Simple discount is
generally only applied for periods of less than one year.
Definition 1.10 - Nominal Annual Rate of Discount
A nominal annual rate of discount compounded m times per year refers
to a discount compounding period of ~ years. In actuarial notation the
symbol d m ) is reserved for denoting a nominal annual discount rate
with discount compounded (or convertible) m times per year. The notation dis taken to mean that discount will have a compounding period
- - years and compound rate per period of
of 1
have the relationship
We also
{m )
1 d
m y
( 1.8)
Definition 1.11 - Force of Interest
For an investment that grows according to accumulation amount function
A( t ), the force of interest at time t is defined to be
( 1.10)
A t)
A( n )
A( 0) • exp
[r dt
Jo St1
Definition 1.12 - Real Rate of Interest
With annual interest rate i and annual inflation rate r, the real rate of interest for the year is
value of amount of real return ( yr -end dollars )
value of invested amount ( yr -end dollars )
i -r
( 1.13)
1+ r
Standard International Actuarial Notation was first adopted in 1898 at the
2nd International Actuarial Congress, and has been updated periodically
since then. The current version of the notation is found in the article “ International Actuarial Notation,” on pages 166-176 of Volume 48 ( 1947)
of the Transactions of the Actuarial Society of America.
Governments at all levels (federal, state, provincial, and even municipal) have
statutes regulating interest rates. These include usury laws limiting the level
of interest rates and statutes specifying interest rate disclosure and interest
calculation. For example, Section 347 of Part IX of the Canadian Criminal
Code contains a law limiting interest to an effective annual rate of 60%, and
the US Government’s Tmth in Lending legislation of 1968 requires nominal
interest disclosure for most consumer borrowing.
Vaguely worded statutes regulating interest rates can result in legal disputes as to their interpretation. Section 4 of Canada ’s century-old Interest
Act states that “ Except as to mortgages on real estate, whenever interest
is ... made payable at a rate or percentage per day , week, month, or ... for
any period less than a year, no interest exceeding ... five per cent per annum shall be chargeable unless the contract contains an express statement of the yearly rate or percentage to which such other rate ... is
equivalent .” This legislation has resulted in numerous civil suits over
which of nominal and effective annual rates are to be interpreted as satisfying the requirement of being equivalent to an interest rate quoted per
week or month . The Canadian courts have mostly ruled that either nominal or effective annual rates satisfy the requirements of Section 4.
The book Standard Securities Calculation Methods published by the Securities Industry Association in 1973 was written as a reference for “ the
entire fixed-income investment community” to provide a “ readily available source of the formulas, standards, and procedures for performing calculations.” Included in that book are detailed descriptions of the various
methods applied in practice in finding t for simple interest calculations.
A great deal of information on financial theory and practice can be found
on the internet.
The exercises without asterisks are intended to comprehensively cover
the material presented in the chapter. Exercises with a asterisk can be
regarded as supplementary exercises which cover topics in more depth,
either theoretically or computationally, than those without a asterisk.
Those with an S come from old Society of Actuaries or Casualty Actuarial Society exams.
1.1 .1
Alex deposits 10,000 into a bank account that pays an effective
annual interest rate of 4%, with interest credited at the end of each
year. Determine the amount in Alex’s account just after interest is
credited at the end of the 1 st, 2nd’ and 3rd years, and also determine
the amount of interest that was credited on each of those dates.
1.1 .2
2500 is invested. Find the accumulated value of the investment
10 years after it is made for each of the following rates:
( b)
(d )
4% annual simple interest;
4% effective annual compound interest;
6- month interest rate of 2% compounded every 6 months;
3-month interest rate of 1 % compounded every 3 months.
Bob puts 10,000 into a bank account that has monthly compounding with interest credited at the end of each month. The monthly
interest rate is 1 % for the first 3 months of the account and after
that the monthly interest rate is .75%. Find the balance in Bob’s
account at the end of 12 months just after interest has been credited. Find the average compound monthly interest rate on Bob’s
account for the 12 month period.
1.1 .4S Carl puts 10,000 into a bank account that pays an effective annual
interest rate of 4% for ten years, with interest credited at the end of
each year. If a withdrawal is made during the first five and onehalf years, a penalty of 5% of the withdrawal is made. Carl withdraws K at the end of each of years 4, 5, 6 and 7. The balance in
the account at the end of year 10 is 10,000. Calculate K .
(a) Unit values in a mutual fund have experienced annual
growth rates of 10%, 16%, -7%, 4%, and 32% in the past
five years. The fund manager suggests the fund can advertise
an average annual growth of 11% over the past five years.
What is the actual average annual compound growth rate
over the past five years?
(b) A mutual fund advertises that average annual compound rate
of returns for various periods ending December 31, 2005 are
as follows:
10 years - 13%; 5 years - 17%; 2 years - 15%; 1 year - 22%.
Find the 5-year average annual compound rates of return for
the period January 1 , 1996 to December 31, 2000, and find
the annual rate of return for calendar year 2004.
* (c) Using the fact that the geometric mean of a collection of positive numbers is less than or equal to the arithmetic mean,
show that if annual compound interest rates over an n-year
period are / in the first year, i2 in the second year , ... , in in
year, then the average annual compound rate of in-
terest for the n-year period is less than or equal to
Z ik .
1.1 .6S Joe deposits 10 today and another 30 in five years into a fund paying simple interest of 11% per year. Tina will make the same two
deposits, but the 10 will be deposited n years from today and the 30
will be deposited 2n years from today. Tina’s deposits earn an effective annual rate of 9.15%. At the end of 10 years, the accumulated amount of Tina’s deposits equals the accumulated amount of
Joe’s deposits. Calculate n .
1.1 .7
Smith has just filed his income tax return and is expecting to receive , in 60 days, a refund check of 1000.
(a) The tax service that helped Smith fill out his return offers to
buy Smith’ s refund check from him. Their policy is to pay
85 % of the face value of the check. What annual simple interest rate is implied?
(b) Smith negotiates with the tax service and sells his refund
check for 900. To what annual simple interest rate does this
( c) Smith decides to deposit the 900 in an account which earns
simple interest at annual rate of 9%. What is the accumulated
value of the account on the day he would have received his tax
refund check?
(d) How many days would it take from the time of his initial deposit of 900 for the account to reach 1000?
1.1 .8
Smith’ s business receives an invoice from a supplier for 1000
with payment due within 30 days. The terms of payment allow
for a discount of 2.5% if the bill is paid within 7 days. Smith
does not have the cash on hand 7 days later, but decides to borrow the 975 to take advantage of the discount. What is the largest simple interest rate, as an annual rate , that Smith would be
willing to pay on the loan?
( a) Jones invests 100,000 in a 180-day short term guaranteed
investment certificate at a bank, based on simple interest at
annual rate 7.5%. After 120 days, interest rates have risen to
9% and Jones would like to redeem the certificate early and
reinvest in a 60-day certificate at the higher rate. In order for
there to be no advantage in redeeming early and reinvesting
at the higher rate, what early redemption penalty (from the
accumulated book value of the investment certificate to time
120 days) should the bank charge at the time of early redemption ?
( b) Jones wishes to invest funds for a one-year period. Jones can
invest in a one-year guaranteed investment certificate at a
rate of 8%. Jones can also invest in a 6-month GIC at annual
rate 7.5%, and then reinvest the proceeds at the end of 6
months for another 6-month period. Find the minimum an nual rate needed for a 6-month deposit at the end of the first
6-month period so that Jones accumulates at least the same
amount with two successive 6-month deposits as she would
with the one-year deposit.
1.1.10 (a) At an effective annual interest rate of 12%, calculate the
number of years ( including fractions) it will take for an
investment of 1000 to accumulate to 3000.
( b) Repeat part (a) using the assumption that for fractions of a
year, simple interest is applied.
(c) Repeat part (a) using an effective monthly interest rate of 1 %.
(d) Suppose that an investment of 1000 accumulated to 3000 in
exactly 10 years at effective annual rate of interest i. Calculate i.
(e) Repeat part ( d) using an effective monthly rate of interest j .
Calculate j.
1.1. 11 For each of the following pairs of rates, determine which one
results in more rapid investment growth .
- - % or 67-day rate of 3%
(a) 17-day rate of|
( b) 17-day rate of
or 67-day rate of 6%
1.1.12 Smith has 1000 with which she wishes to purchase units in a mutual fund. The investment dealer takes a 9% “ front-end load” from
the gross payment. The remainder is used to purchase units in the
fund, which are valued at 4.00 per unit at the time of purchase.
(a) Six months later the units have a value of 5.00 and the fund
managers claim that “ the fund’ s unit value has experienced 25%
growth in the past 6 months.” When units of the fund are sold,
there is a redemption fee of 1.5% of the value of the units redeemed. If Smith sells after 6 months, what is her 6-month return
for the period?
( b ) Suppose instead of having grown to 5.00 after 6 months, the unit
values had dropped to 3.50. What is Smith’ s 6-month return in
this case?
*1.1. 13 Suppose that i > 0. Show that
( i ) if 0 < t < 1 then (1+ / )' < 1 + i t and
( ii) if t > 1 then (1+ / )' > 1 + i t .
*1.1. 14 Investment growth is sometimes plotted over time with the vertical
axis transformed to an exponential scale, so that the numerical value o f y is replaced by ey or 10^ at the same position on the vertical axis. Show that the graph of compound interest growth over
time with the vertical axis transformed in this way is linear.
SECTION 1.2 and 1.3
1.2 . 1
Bill will receive $5000 at the end of each year for the next 4
years. Using an effective annual interest rate of 6%, find today’ s
present value of all the payments Bill will receive.
1.2.2S The parents of three children aged 1, 3, and 6 wish to set up a
trust fund that will pay 25,000 to each child upon attainment of
age 18, and 100,000 to each child upon attainment of age 21. If
the trust fund will earn effective annual interest at 10%, what
amount must the parents now invest in the trust fund?
1.2 . 3
A magazine offers a one-year subscription at a cost of 15 with
renewal the following year at 16.50. Also offered is a two-year
subscription at a cost of 28. What is the effective annual interest
rate that makes the two-year subscription equivalent to two successive one-year subscriptions?
What is the present value of 1000 due in 10 years if the effective
annual interest rate is 6% for each of the first 3 years, 7% for the
next 4 years, and 9% for the final 3 years?
Payments of 200 due July 1 , 2012 and 300 due July 1, 2014 have
the same value on July 1 , 2009 as a payment of 100 made on July 1, 2009 along with a payment made on July 1 , 2013. Find the
payment needed July 1 , 2013 assuming effective annual interest
at rate 4%?
1.2.6S Ed buys a TV from A1 for 480 by paying 50 in cash, 100 every
three months for one year (four payments of 100), and a final
payment in 15 months (three months after the final quarterly
payment). Find the amount of the final payment if A1 earns a 3month compound interest rate of 3%. What is the final payment
if A1 earns a one-month rate of 1 %?
1.2.7S David can receive one of the following two payment streams:
( i) 100 at time 0, 200 at time n, and 300 at time 2n.
( ii) 600 at time 10
At an effective annual interest rate of /, the present values of the
two streams are equal . Given vn = 0.75941, determine /.
A manufacturer can automate a certain process by replacing 20
employees with a machine. The employees each earn 24,000 per
year, with payments on the last day of each month, with no salary increases scheduled for the next 4 years. If the machine has a
lifetime of 4 years and interest is at a monthly rate of .75%, what
is the most the manufacturer would pay for the machine (on the
first day of a month) in each of the following cases?
(a) The machine has no scrap value at the end of 4 years.
(b) The machine has scrap value of 200,000 after 4 years.
(c) The machine has scrap value of 15% of its purchase price at
the end of 4 years.
1.2. 9S A contract calls for payments of 750 every 4 months for several
years. Each payment is to be replaced by two payments of
367.85 each, one to be made 2 months before, and one to be
made at the time of, the original payment . Find the 2-month rate
of interest implied by this proposal if the new payment scheme is
financially equivalent to the old one.
1.2. 10 Fisheries officials are stocking a barren lake with pike, whose
number will increase annually at the rate of 40%. The plan is to
prohibit fishing for two years on the lake, and then allow the removal of 5000 pike in each of the third and fourth years, so that
the number remaining after the fourth year is the same as the
original number stocked in the lake. Find the original number,
assuming that stocking takes place at the start of the year and
removal takes place at midyear.
1.2. 11 Smith lends Jones 1000 on January 1 , 2007 on the condition that
Jones repay 100 on January 1 , 2008, 100 on January 1 , 2009, and
1000 on January 1 , 2010. On July 1 , 2008, Smith sells to Brown
the rights to the remaining payments for 1000, so Jones makes all
future payments to Brown . Let j be the 6-month rate earned on
Smith’s net transaction, and let k be the 6-month rate earned on
Brown’s net transaction . Are j and k equal? If not, which is larger?
1.2. 12 Smith has debts of 1000 due now and 1092 due two years from now.
He proposes to repay them with a single payment of 2000 one year
from now. What is the implied effective annual interest rate if the replacement payment is accepted as equivalent to the original debts?
1.2.13 Calculate each of the following derivatives.
(a) A ( l +
<b) Av"
£(l + y
(d )
£ v”
1.2.14 A 182-day Canadian T-bill for 100 has a quoted price of 94.771
and a quoted yield rate of 11.07%. Show that any price from
94.767 to 94.771 inclusive has a corresponding yield rate of
11.07%. This shows that the yield rate quote to .01% is not as
accurate a measure for the T-bill as is the price to 10/A V of a cent.
1.2. 15 Smith just bought a 100,000 182-day Canadian T-bill at a quoted
yield rate of 10%.
(a) Find the price, P that Smith paid for the T-bill .