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The 72 angels of the name calling on the 72 angels of God ( PDFDrive )

The 72 Angels Of The Name
Calling On the 72 Angels of God
Copyright information
Copyright © 2015 by Baal Kadmon
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The Information in this book is solely for educational purposes and not for the
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are being made in this text.
Kadmon, Baal
The 72 Angels Of the Name - Calling On The 72 Angels of God –1st ed
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Table of Contents
Copyright information
Chapter 1: The Significance Of The 72 Names Of God
Chapter 2: What Is An Angel?
Chapter 3: The 72 Angels and Their Functions
Chapter 4: How To Tap Into The 72 Angels Of The Name
Baal Kadmon
He will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their
hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone - Psalms
91: 11-12
In the first volume of the Sacred names series : "The 72 Names of God: The 72
keys to Transformation" I discuss the 72 names of God and how to use them to
transform your being . These names were derived from the 3 biblical verses
" 19 Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and
went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood
behind them, 20 coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And
there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night[a] without one
coming near the other all night.
21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea
back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters
were divided."
Exodus 14:19-21
I stated that the names were derived from the original Hebrew. I go into great
depths in that book and I highly recommend you read it IF you want
background. In saying that, you can still use this book without worry.
In this text, we will discuss the 72 angels that correspond to the 72 names of
God. Each angel has its purpose. Working with the angels, in many ways, is a
much more personal encounter than simply calling on the names of God.
Although God is both transcendent and imminent; angelic beings tend to be
imminent and interact with humanity in very direct ways.
In this book, we will discuss how to communicate with these angels. We will not
be using any fancy and complicated rituals. With all due respect to those who
plan elaborate rituals, the rituals end up being more of a distraction. The angels
do not require certain hours of day or night or certain colors or garb. They are
not human that they require such trivialities. Do you think an angel with a
limitless mind requires such limited and minute actions to get its attention? I
know this may completely contradict what you have heard, but logically, this is
so. If you are looking for elaborate rituals, you will be disappointed in this book.
This book is for people who want a direct connection. Not those who wish to
mire themselves in complexity that in actually, is contrived. We know where
many of those rituals in all those Grimores come from and I assure you, the
complexities are formalities only and not necessary for deep connection with
these angels. With that, I will go into the significance of the 72 names of God
and then proceed to the names of the angels. And finally, how to call upon them
to help you.
Chapter 1: The Significance Of The 72 Names Of God
(Excerpted from "The 72 Names of God: The 72 keys to Transformation" )
As I mentioned earlier, the 72 names of God is derived from the Exodus 14:1921. In reality, the 72 Names of God are essentially 1 name comprised of 216
letters. So in that sense it is a name with 72 parts. The name is divided into triads
which means that every name is comprised of 3 letters. To create the first name
you combine the first letter of Verse 14:19 the last letter of Verse 14:20 and the
first letter of verse 14:21. You would continue this until all the letters in these
verses are used.
Here is what these verses look like in Hebrew.
Here is the English once again: " 19 Then the angel of God who was going
before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud
moved from before them and stood behind them, 20 coming between the host of
Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit
up the night[a] without one coming near the other all night.
21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea
back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters
were divided."
Exodus 14:19-21
For Illustrative purposes I will show you how some of the names are derived
from the 3 Hebrew passages.
For the first name, I will highlight the letters in yellow, second name in red and
third name is green. I will not go through this process for every name, I just want
to show you how the names were derived. All the names will be derived for you
at the end of the chapter so you do not need to do this laborious process yourself.
Name one:
Name two:
Name Three:
As you can see, it is not too difficult extracting the names from the passage.
According to the Jewish Mystical tradition, the discovery of the 72 names was a
huge spiritual breakthrough. The prime text in the Jewish mystical tradition (The
Zohar) states that the moment Moses discovered the 72 names and how he could
use them this changed everything for the Jewish people. As they were crossing
the Red Sea at first, the water did not part. They were up to their necks in water.
But when , In faith Moses used the 72 names of God, the water parted. In was
only after this event did the actual verses get put on paper. As you can see, it is
not so much history as it is a story behind the name and where it came from.
This lack of historical evidence is by no means an indication that it is not true or
powerful .
One thing we do know for certain is that the names are powerful. People from all
over the world and from all walks of life have used these names to change their
lives. If you want to learn how to use the names please check out "The 72 Names
of God: The 72 keys to Transformation" . In this book we will discuss only the
Chapter 2: What Is An Angel?
Almost every religion in the world believes in angels of some sort or another.
Angels are entities that are often considered helpers of God. They are also
considered helpers of mankind. They are intermediates of divine will and each
angels has a purpose. No angel is every sitting idle.
The word angel is derived from the Green "Angelos" which means messenger. In
Hebrew the word for angel is Malach which also has the same meaning.
Generally speaking, Angels are spiritual beings without a physical form.
Although the bible and other spiritual texts describe them with wings and other
limbs. They are, in essence, pure divine energy. The reason they are described
with a body is so we can experience their energy with our senses. Since we are
sensory driven, the angels will cloth themselves in ways that would allow us to
interact and identify them.
As I stated earlier, Angels are messengers and helpers of God. Every angel has
its purpose. For example, the Angel Raphael is Gods servant of healing. The
major angels are constantly relaying Gods divine energy through them for us and
the universe in general. Some angels do this work for all eternity while some
angels are created for one purpose and mission and when that mission is
complete, they no longer exists.
In Jewish tradition it is said that whenever a person does a good deed,
they "create" an angelic advocate. This also applies if a person does
an evil deed; they create an angelic accuser. These angel advocates are
created from the mental and emotional energy you expend when you
commit the act.
The angels we will be calling in this text are angelic beings that are
linked with the 72 Names of God. Each angel has its purpose as does
each name of God. If you would like to know the meaning of the
names of God please refer to book 1 of this series. The 72 Names of
God: The 72 keys to Transformation"
Before we go on to the angels I want to say one thing that I think is of
utmost importance. Although we are discussing angels that are linked
to the divine names of God, it does not mean these Angels are
temperamentally the same. While some convey positive energy, others
convey negative energy. In saying that, let's not confuse negative
energy with evil. Just like there is a positive and negative charge in a
battery, so do the angels. Each side of a battery is neither good nor
evil, they are simply polar opposites to create the charge. The same
for angels. Some of these angels will have a negative charge.
In the next chapter I will itemize the names of the angels and what
they do.
Chapter 3: The 72 Angels and Their Functions
In this chapter, we will go over the angels we will be using. I will only deal with
their functions and not the pronunciations of their name nor their respective
seals. That we will do in the next chapter.
The 72 Names And Their Functions
1-VEHUIAH - If you need a Fresh start in life. Also bestows wisdom
2-JELIEL - Enhances Love, sex and also defends you if you are wrongfully
3-SITAEL - General protection from adversities.
4-ELEMIAH - Protects you when you travel. Also works against mental
5-MAHASIAH - Will help you live in harmony with those around you. Also
bestowal of occult knowledge.
6-LELAHEL - To acquire knowledge of healing as well as the arts. Can increase
your fortune and fame.
7-ACHAIAH - Bestows Patience and the love of learning
8-CAHETEL - Will call down upon you Divine Blessings against evil.
9-HAZIEL (Aziel) - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. A very good angel
10-ALADIAH - Bestows good health but also governs anger and rage.
11-LAUVIAH - For the obtainment of Victory in your endeavors.
12-HAHAIAH - Will Help you Against adversity. he will also help you with
lucid dreaming. He will also help you discern secrets.
13-YEZALEL - He can help you sustain friendships and mend fences.
14-MEBAHEL - This angel stands for Justice, truth and freedom.
15-HARIEL - Helps one create a Moral purification of the mind
16-HAKAMIAH - Enhances Loyalty and is good to discern disloyalty
17-LAVIAH - This angel is great for prophetic Revelations in dreams. Also a
lover of the Arts
18-CALIEL - If you need help quickly this angel works very fast. Especially
with legal issues.
19-LEUVIAH - Helps expand the human intellect to new levels, also good for
memory and whole brain thinking.
20-PAHALIAH - Good for protection of those who lead the spiritual life. Also
keeps spiritual people on track.
21-NELCHAEL - Will help you learn any topic. he is also good for the
elimination of curses and evil entities.
22-YEIAYEL - He will bestows fortune, fame and renown to the one using him.
Also good for one who wants to start a business.
23-MELAHEL - Has a great healing capacity as well instills courage in a person.
24-HAHEUIAH - General protection
25-NITH-HAIAH -This angel is very powerful and will help you discover
Spiritual Wisdom and Magic
26-HAAIAH - For those in politics this angel is very good. He also increases
Ambition if that is what you need.
27-YERATEL - He will confuse those who want to harm you. He is a lover of
peace and justice.
28-SEHEIAH - Is a protector of health and longevity.
29-REIYEL - Liberation from enemies, both physical and invisible. He is also a
defender of spiritual truth.
30-OMAEL -He is very good to dispel depression and impatience. He is also a
patron angel of Doctors.
31-LACABEL - Very good for the acquisition of knowledge.
32-VASARIAH - Helps one attracts harmony and mercy into life. Also helps
one becomes more articulate.
33-YEHUIAH - Will help you discovers those who are against you.
34-LEHAHIAH - If you have issues with anger, this angel can help you get it
under control.
35-CHEVAKIAH - This angel will help you Reconcile with those you may have
harmed. He is a promoter of peace.
36-MENADEL - Helps protect your employment and to preserve your livelihood
from layoffs and other misfortunes.
37-ANIEL - Inspires philosophical knowledge also makes one deeply
knowledgeable in the arts and sciences.
38-HAAMIAH - Will help you gain reward on earth and in heaven. He governs
all that relates to the divine.
39-REHAEL - Is a great healer of the sick
40-YEIAZEL - If you are troubled. He will bestow Gods Consolation and
41-HAHAHEL - If you feel you have a divine Mission, he will help you discern
42-MIKHAEL - He is concerned with political affairs. He also protects travelers.
43-VEULIAH - Will protect you from your enemies. He is also a patron of
people who are in the military.
44-YELAHIAH - Will help you be successful in all your undertakings.
45-SEHALIAH - He will increase Motivation and willpower
46-ARIEL - He will increase your gratitude for the things you have . He will
also bestow great secrets.
47-ASALIAH - A great angel to increase contemplation of the divine.
48-MIHAEL - Great for reuniting couples. Angel of love and fertility as well.
49-VEHUEL - Will help eliminate Sorrow.
50-DANIEL - TO help you obtain the mercy of the divine. Will also help you
prevail in legal proceedings. He is also a patron of people in the Legal
51-HAHASIAH - Will help you discern the mysteries of life.
52-IMAMIAH - Patron of prisoners. Will also humble all those who wish to
harm you.
53-NANAEL - Will help your Spiritual Communication with the divine and
spirit realms. Will also help with meditation.
54-NITHAEL - To obtain God's mercy and to help you live a long life. Will also
help you with writing eloquently.
55-MEBAHIAH - Will help you perform good deeds. Will show you what to do
for your soul.
56-POYEL - For general fulfillment of what you desire. Governs fame and
57-NEMAMIAH - For general prosperity. Also good for people in the military.
58-YEIALEL - Will help improve your mental state. Also good for healing the
59-HARAHEL - Helps with fertility issues in women. Also helps you calm your
disobedient child. Also loves learning and is the patron of authors.
60-MITZRAEL - Good for the remediation of all mental illness.
61-UMABEL - Will help you become more social and make more friends. Great
for shy people.
62- IAH-HEL - Great for the acquisition of wisdom and philosophy.
63-ANAUEL - Great for protection while traveling. He also governs business,
banking and commerce in general.
64-MEHIEL - Protection from wild animals. Good for those who work as
veterinarians or in zoos. Also a patron of professors.
65-DAMABIAH - Helps attract great fortune. Also a wonderful angel against
curses and hexes.
66-MANAKEL - If you feel that divine wrath is upon you. This angel will
intercede on your behalf. He will also heal various neurological disorders
67-EYAEL - If you seek truth, no matter it be earthly or spiritual, this angel well
help you obtain it.
68-HABUHIAH - This angel is a great healers. He also facilitates agriculture
and gardening.
69-ROCHEL - Will help you find lost objects.
70-JABAMIAH - THis angel will help you on your spiritual path.
71-HAIYAEL - Divine Warrior and protector. He is good for general protection.
72-MVMIAH - He brings success in all things.
Chapter 4: How To Tap Into The 72 Angels Of The Name
In order to tap into the powers of these angels we need to follow a few VERY
SIMPLE steps. Unlike other books on this topic, we will not be doing anything
elaborate or time consuming. These energies are spiritual and are not subject to
human temperaments. It is silly to assume that we need to cast circles and point
to the various directions in order to summon the angels. Do you really think a
circle of salt with a few names of God are going to contain these energies? It
won't. They are, for all intents and purposes omnipotent compared to the
physical world. They are also working through Gods will. We can only ask them
for assistance but in no way are we subjugating them nor will they be subjugated
by contrived rituals that even the users who condone them do not know where
they really originated from.
Individuals with the titles " Frater" or "Soror" or what have you are simply role
playing in occult fraternities and have no real "power" over you and thus there is
no need to think we must always listen to those who have these contrived
rankings of self importance. In many ways, modern occult fraternities as well as
old ones such as the Golden Dawn are playing a kind of elaborate dungeons and
dragons so to speak. Its role play and completely psychological ,even if the
participants are not conscious of it.
Most rituals are used to Anchor the mind but they do nothing to the spirits. In the
72 sessions that will follow, I will chose an issue based on the angels functions
as examples. You may have other issues you may want to use. I will use most
Here are the steps to tapping into the 72 Angels of God 1. Think of the Issue
You need Resolution for
2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel ( If Applicable, some do
not have Psalms verses. If that is the case you will still benefit from the angels
4. Finish with saying "Let it Be done"
That is all. If you feel you need to light candles and incense you may do so, but
these angels do not require anything more than your honest request. Let us
Angel 1
VEHUIAH - If you need a Fresh start in life. Also bestows wisdom
Pronounced: VE-WHO-EE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for a fresh Start in life.
2. Pronounce the Name: VE-WHO-EEYA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 3: 4
"I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 2
JELIEL - Enhances Love, sex and also defends you if you are wrongfully
Pronounced: YE-LEE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need to improve your sex life and enhance love in your
2. Pronounce the Name: YE-LEE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 22:19
" But You, Lord, be not far from me. O my strength, hasten to my assistance."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 3
SITAEL - General protection from adversities.
Pronounced: SEE-TA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for protection in all areas of your life
2. Pronounce the Name: SEE-TA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 91:2
" I will say of Lord: He is my refuge and my fortress, my God - I will trust in
4. Let it Be done
Angel 4
ELEMIAH - Protects you when you travel. Also works against mental
Pronounced: AL-MEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for relief from depression
2. Pronounce the Name: AL-MEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 6:5
" Desist lord, release my soul, save me as befits Your kindness."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 5
MAHASIAH - Will help you live in harmony with those around you. Also
bestowal of occult knowledge.
Pronounced: MA-SEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for harmony with the people in your life
2. Pronounce the Name: MA-SEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 34:5
" I sought out THE LORD and He answered me, and from all my terrors He
delivered me.
4. Let it Be done
Angel 6
LELAHEL - To acquire knowledge of healing as well as the arts. Can increase
your fortune and fame.
Pronounced: LAL-HA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for healing powers to heal yourself or others
2. Pronounce the Name: LAL-HA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 9:12
" Sing praises to THE LORD Who dwells in Zion, proclaim among the nations
His deeds."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 7
ACHAIAH - Bestows Patience and the love of learning
Pronounced: AH-HEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for increasing your learning capacity
2. Pronounce the Name: AH-HEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 103:8
" Merciful and Compassionate is The Lord; slow to anger and abundantly kind."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 8
CAHETEL - Will call down upon you Divine Blessings against evil.
Pronounced: KA-HA-TA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for you to break the curse of evil spirits or drive them away
2. Pronounce the Name: KA-HA-TA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 95:6
" Come! Let us prostrate ourselves and bow, let us kneel before THE LORD our
4. Let it Be done
Angel 9
HAZIEL (Aziel) - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. A very good angel
Pronounced: HA-ZEE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need for divine forgiveness. Good for the confession of sins
2. Pronounce the Name: HA-ZEE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 25:6
" Remember Your mercies, Lord, and Your kindnesses."
4. Let it Be done
ALADIAH - Bestows good health but also governs anger and rage.
Pronounced: ALA-DI-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need to control your anger issues
2. Pronounce the Name: ALA-DI-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 33:22
" May your kindness, LORD, be upon us, just as we awaited You.."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 11
LAHAVIAH - For the obtainment of Victory in your endeavors.
Pronounced: LA-HAH-VI-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the need to achieve a goal
2. Pronounce the Name: LA-HAH-VI-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 18:47
" The Lord lives and blessed is my rock! May the God of my salvation be
4. Let it Be done
Angel 12
HAHAIAH - Will Help you Against adversity. he will also help you with lucid
dreaming. He will also help you discern secrets.
Pronounced: HE-HEE-AH-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to Discern secrets of all types
2. Pronounce the Name: HE-HEE-AH-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 10:1
" Why, YHVH, do You stand aloof; hiding Yourself in times of torment?."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 13
YEZALEL - He can help you sustain friendships and mend fences.
Pronounced: YEE-ZA-LA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to heal a friendship or any relationship
2. Pronounce the Name: YEE-ZA-LA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 98:4
" Call out to The Lord, all the earth, open your mouths and sing joyous songs
and play music."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 14
MEBAHEL - This angel stands for Justice, truth and freedom.
Pronounced: ME-BA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to discern to the truth of any situation
2. Pronounce the Name: ME-BA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 9:10
"The Lord will be a tower of strength for the oppressed, a tower of strength in
times of distress."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 15
HARIEL - Helps one create a Moral purification of the mind
Pronounced: HA-REE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to keep upright spiritual thoughts. (Control Your Mind)
2. Pronounce the Name: HA-REE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 94:22
" Then the Lord became a stronghold for me, and my God, the Rock of my
4. Let it Be done
Angel 16
HAKAMIAH - Enhances Loyalty and is good to discern disloyalty
Pronounced: HAK-MEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to keep people or a person loyal to you
2. Pronounce the Name: HAK-MEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 88:2
" Lord, God of my salvation, by day I cried out, by night I am before You."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 17
LAVIAH - This angel is great for prophetic Revelations in dreams. Also a lover
of the Arts
Pronounced: LA-AH-VEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to keep people or a person loyal to you
2. Pronounce the Name: LA-AH-VEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 8:2
" God, our Lord, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth. For if it were
fit that You place Your majesty above the heavens."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 18
CALIEL - If you need help quickly this angel works very fast. Especially with
legal issues.
Pronounced: KA-LEE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to have a quick resolution to an issue, especially if it is
2. Pronounce the Name: KA-LEE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 34:24
" Judge me according to Your righteousness, Lord, my God, and let them not
rejoice over me."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 19
LAVAVIAH - Helps expand the human intellect to new levels, also good for
memory and whole brain thinking.
Pronounced: LA-VAV-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to have a quick memory and intellect
2. Pronounce the Name: LA-VAV-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 40:2
" I have hoped and hoped for YHVH, so He inclined to me, and heard my cry."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 20
PAHALIAH - Good for protection of those who lead the spiritual life. Also
keeps spiritual people on track.
Pronounced: PE-HA-LIA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to lead a more spiritual life
2. Pronounce the Name: PE-HA-LIA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 116:4
" Then I would invoke the Name of the Lord: "Please Lord, save my soul".."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 21
NELCHAEL - Will help you learn any topic. he is also good for the elimination
of curses and evil entities.
Pronounced: NEL-KA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to learn a specific topic
2. Pronounce the Name: NEL-KA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 31:15
But as for me - in You have I trusted, Lord. I said, "You are my God"
4. Let it Be done
Angel 22
YEIAYEL - He will bestows fortune, fame and renown to the one using him.
Also good for one who wants to start a business.
Pronounced: YE-YA-YEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to become rich and perhaps famous
2. Pronounce the Name: YE-YA-YEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 121:5
"The Lord is your Guardian, The Lord is your right hand."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 23
MELAHEL - Has a great healing capacity as well instills courage in a person.
Pronounced: ME-LA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of the desire to gain courage to take action on an issue
2. Pronounce the Name: ME-LA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 121:8
" The Lord will guard your departure and your arrival, from this time and
4. Let it Be done
Angel 24
HAHEUIAH - General protection
Pronounced: CHA-HEV-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of your need for protection. It can be protection from anything you
2. Pronounce the Name: CHA-HEV-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 33:18
" Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him.
4. Let it Be done
Angel 25
NITH-HAIAH -This angel is very powerful and will help you discover Spiritual
Wisdom and Magic
Pronounced: NET-HA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of your need for spiritual wisdom or to perform magic
2. Pronounce the Name: NET-HA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 9:2
" I will thank the lord with all my heart, I will proclaim all of Your wondrous
4. Let it Be done
Angel 26
HAAIAH - For those in politics this angel is very good. He also increases
Ambition if that is what you need.
Pronounced: HE-AA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of your need to increase ambition and confidence.
2. Pronounce the Name: HE-AA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 119:145
" I called with all my heart, answer me, YHVH, I will cherish Your statutes.
4. Let it Be done
Angel 27
YERATEL - He will confuse those who want to harm you. He is a lover of
peace and justice.
Pronounced: YE-RA-TA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of your need for peace in your life and to root out negative people.
2. Pronounce the Name: YE-RA-TA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 140:2
" Release me, Lord, from the wicked man, from the violence preserve me."
4. Let it Be done
Angel 28
SEHEIAH - Is a protector of health and longevity.
Pronounced: SHA-HA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. Think of your need for vibrant health and long life
2. Pronounce the Name: SHA-HA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 71:12
" O Lord, be not far from me, O my God, hasten to my assistance"
4. Let it Be done
Angel 29
REIYEL - Liberation from enemies, both physical and invisible. He is also a
defender of spiritual truth.
Pronounced: RE-EE-YEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you feel you have people who want to harm you, this angel will help you
2. Pronounce the Name: RE-EE-YEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 54:6
" Behold! Elohim is my helper, my Lord is with supporters of my soul. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 30
OMAEL -He is very good to dispel depression and impatience. He is also a
patron angel of Doctors.
Pronounced: OH-MA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are suffering from impatience or depression, this angel can help 2.
Pronounce the Name: OH-MA-EL
3. There is no psalms passage for this angel.
4. Let it Be done
Angel 31
LACABEL - Very good for the acquisition of knowledge.
Pronounced: LEK-KA-BEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need knowledge on something, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: LEK-KA-BEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 71:16
" I shall come with the mighty deeds of my Lord, Lord God, I will proclaim You
righteousness, Yours alone. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 32
VASARIAH - Helps one attracts harmony and mercy into life. Also helps one
becomes more articulate.
Pronounced: VA-SHIR-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need more peace in your life, this angel will help you
2. Pronounce the Name: VA-SHIR-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 33:4
" For upright is the word of God, and His every deed is done with trust.. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 33
YEHUIAH - Will help you discovers those who are against you.
Pronounced: YE-CHAV-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to see if someone is conspiring against you, this angel will reveal
them .
2. Pronounce the Name: YE-CHAV-YA
3. No psalms verse is available for this angel 4. Let it Be done
Angel 34
LEHAHIAH - If you have issues with anger, this angel can help you get it under
Pronounced: LA-CHE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to control your anger, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: LA-CHE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 131:3
" Let Israel hope to God, from this time forth and forever. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 35
CHEVAKIAH - This angel will help you Reconcile with those you may have
harmed. He is a promoter of peace.
Pronounced: KAV-KEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to make amends with someone, this angel will help you achieve it.
2. Pronounce the Name: KAV-KEE-YA
3. This angel does not have a psalms associated with it 4. Let it Be done
Angel 36
MENADEL - Helps protect your employment and to preserve your livelihood
from layoffs and other misfortunes.
Pronounced: MEN-AH-DEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to secure your job or find one, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: MEN-DA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 26:8
" God, I love the House in which You dwell and the place in which Your glory
resides. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 37
ANIEL - Inspires philosophical knowledge also makes one deeply
knowledgeable in the arts and sciences.
Pronounced: ANI-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need deep knowledge on a topic,. especially the sciences this angel will
help you
2. Pronounce the Name: ANI-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 80:5
" Lord, God of Legions, how long will You fume at the prayers of Your nation?
4. Let it Be done
Angel 38
HAAMIAH - Will help you gain reward on earth and in heaven. He governs all
that relates to the divine.
Pronounced: CHA-ME-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are looking for success on earth as is in heaven, this angel can guide
you on how to achieve the reward.
2. Pronounce the Name: CHA-ME-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 91:9
" Because you have said, "God is my refuge", you have made the Most High
your dwelling place. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 39
REHAEL - Is a great healer of the sick
Pronounced: RA-HA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are seriously ill, this angel can help you find your healing.
2. Pronounce the Name: RA-HA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 30:11
" Hear, God, and favor me Lord, be my helper! "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 40
YEIAZEL - If you are troubled. He will bestow Gods Consolation and Comfort
Pronounced: YA-YA-ZA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are in a bad state and need gods help, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: YA-YA-ZA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 88:15
" Why, God, should You abandon my soul? Why should You conceal Your face
from me? "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 41
HAHAHEL - If you feel you have a divine Mission, he will help you discern it.
Pronounced: HA-HA-HEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to discover your true spiritual mission, this angel will help you
discern it
2. Pronounce the Name: HA-HA-HEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 120:2
" God, rescue my soul from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 42
MIKHAEL - He is concerned with political affairs. He also protects travelers.
Pronounced: MEE-KA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are going on a trip, this angel can protect you.
2. Pronounce the Name: MEE-KA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 121:7
" God will protect you from every evil, He will guard your soul. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 43
VEULIAH - Will protect you from your enemies. He is also a patron of people
who are in the military.
Pronounced: VAV-LA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are in the military he will protect you
2. Pronounce the Name: VAV-LA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 88:14
" I to You, God, have I cried, and in the morning ,my prayer will greet You. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 44
YELAHIAH - Will help you be successful in all your undertakings
Pronounced: YEE-LA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need success in your endeavors, he is good to call when you initiate
your project or while working on it.
2. Pronounce the Name: YEE-LA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 119:108
" Please accept with favor the offerings of my mouth, God, and teach me Your
judgments. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 45
SEHALIAH - He will increase Motivation and willpower
Pronounced: SA-LEE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need motivation and will power , this angel will give it to you.
2. Pronounce the Name: SA-LEE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 94:18
"If I said, "My foot is slipping," Your kindness, God, supported me "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 46
ARIEL - He will increase your gratitude for the things you have . He will also
bestow great secrets.
Pronounced: A-REE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need more gratitude in your life, he will help you cultivate it
2. Pronounce the Name: A-REE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 145:9
" God is good to all, and His mercies are on all His creatures "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 47
ASALIAH - A great angel to increase contemplation of the divine.
Pronounced: ASH-LEE-YAH
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to live a life of contemplation in your prayers, he will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: ASH-LEE-YAH
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 92:6
" How great are Your deeds, God; exceedingly profound are Your thoughts. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 48
MIHAEL - Great for reuniting couples. Angel of love and fertility as well.
Pronounced: MEE-HA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If your relationship is on the rocks, this will help reconcile it.
2. Pronounce the Name: MEE-HA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 98:2
" God has made known His salvation, in the sight of the peoples He revealed His
righteousness. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 49
VEHUEL - Will help eliminate Sorrow.
Pronounced: VE-HOO-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are experiencing sorrow in your life. This angel will lighten your load
2. Pronounce the Name: VE-HOO-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 145:3
" God is great and exceedingly praised, and His greatness is beyond
investigation. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 50
DANIEL - To help you obtain the mercy of the divine. Will also help you
prevail in legal proceedings. He is also a patron of people in the Legal
Pronounced: DA-NI-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are in trouble with the law of have a law suit against you, this angel will
help you
2. Pronounce the Name: DA-NI-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 103:8
" Merciful and Compassionate is God, slow to anger and abundantly kind. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 51
HAHASIAH - Will help you discern the mysteries of life.
Pronounced: HACH-SHE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are want to discern the mysteries of life and the meaning of life, this
angel will reveal them
2. Pronounce the Name: HACH-SHE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 104:31
" May the glory of God endure forever, let God rejoice with His works. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 52
IMAMIAH - Patron of prisoners. Will also humble all those who wish to harm
Pronounced: IM-AM-MIA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are want an enemy to be humbled, this angel will do this. Just be sure to
make it clear you do not want them to suffer permanent harm
2. Pronounce the Name: IM-AM-MIA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 7:18
" I will thank God according to His righteousness, and sing praises to Gods
Name, Most High. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 53
NANAEL - Will help your Spiritual Communication with the divine and spirit
realms. Will also help with meditation.
Pronounced: NANA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to get closer to the divine, this angel will help your efforts.
2. Pronounce the Name: NANA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 119:75
" I know, God, that Your judgment is righteous, and that You afflicted me in
good faith. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 54
NITHAEL - To obtain God's mercy and to help you live a long life. Will also
help you with writing eloquently.
Pronounced: NEE-TA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to become a better writer, this angel can help.
2. Pronounce the Name: NEE-TA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 103:19
" God has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom reigns over
all. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 55
MEBAHIAH - Will help you perform good deeds. Will show you what to do for
your soul.
Pronounced: ME-BA-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are looking for ways to give back, this angel will help you find the best
2. Pronounce the Name: ME-BA-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 102:13
" But you, God, will be enthroned forever, and Your memory endures for all
generations. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 56
POYEL - For general fulfillment of what you desire. Governs fame and fortune.
Pronounced: PO-EE-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want real success in life, this angel can help.
2. Pronounce the Name: PO-EE-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 145:14
" God supports all the fallen ones, and straightens all the hunched. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 57
NEMAMIAH - For general prosperity. Also good for people in the military.
Pronounced: NEMAMIA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want prosperity in your life, this angel will work for you.
2. Pronounce the Name: NAM-MIA
3. No verse available.
4. Let it Be done
Angel 58
YEIALEL - Will help improve your mental state. Also good for healing the
Pronounced: YE-YA-LEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need healing, especially the eyes, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: YE-YA-LEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 6:4
" My soul, too, is utterly terrified, and you, God, how long? "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 59
HARAHEL - Helps with fertility issues in women. Also helps you calm your
disobedient child. Also loves learning and is the patron of authors.
Pronounced: HE-RACH-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to improve fertility, this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: HE-RACH-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 113:3
" From the rising of the sun to its setting, Gods name is praised. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 60
MITZRAEL - Good for the remediation of all mental illness.
Pronounced: MITZ-RA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need to improve you mental space, this angel can help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: MITZ-RA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 145:17
" God is righteous in all His ways, and magnanimous in all His deeds. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 61
VAMABEL - Will help you become more social and make more friends. Great
for shy people.
Pronounced: VA-MA-BEL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to be more social and make more friends, this angel will work for
2. Pronounce the Name: VA-MA-BEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 113:2
" Blessed be the Name of God from this time forth and forever. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 62
IAH-HEL - Great for the acquisition of wisdom and philosophy.
Pronounced: YA-HA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to increase your knowledge this angel will work for you.
2. Pronounce the Name: YA-HA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 119:159
" Observe that I loved Your laws God, preserve me in accordance with Your
kindness. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 63
ANUVAEL - Great for protection while traveling. He also governs business,
banking and commerce in general.
Pronounced: ENU-VA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to increase your business or start one this angel will help.
2. Pronounce the Name: ANU-VA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 2:11
" Serve God in awe and rejoice with trembling. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 64
MEHIEL - Protection from wild animals. Good for those who work as
veterinarians or in zoos. Also a patron of professors.
Pronounced: MECH-YA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you work with animals this is a great patron angel
2. Pronounce the Name: MECH-YAEL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 33:18
" Behold, the eye of YHVH is on those who fear Him. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 65
DAMABIAH - Helps attract great fortune. Also a wonderful angel against curses
and hexes.
Pronounced: DAMA-BE-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you want to attract a fortune, this angel will help you very much
2. Pronounce the Name: DAM-BE-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 90:13
" Return, God, how long? And relent concerning Your servants "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 66
MENUKEL - If you feel that divine wrath is upon you. This angel will intercede
on your behalf. He will also heal various neurological disorders
Pronounced: MENU-KA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you feel God is turning his face from you, this angel will help you
2. Pronounce the Name: MENU-KA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 38:22
" Forsake me not, Lord, my God, be not far from me. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 67
EYAEL - If you seek truth, no matter it be earthly or spiritual, this angel well
help you obtain it.
Pronounced: AY-YA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are a seeker of the truth, you will find it with this angel
2. Pronounce the Name: AY-YA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 37:4
" Take delight in God, that He may grant you the desires of your heart "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 68
HABUHIAH - This angel is a great healers. He also facilitates agriculture and
Pronounced: CHA-BE-VAYA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are in need of a healer or gardener for that matter, this angel will help
you develop those things.
2. Pronounce the Name: CHA-BE-VAYA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 107:1
" Give thanks to God, for He is good; His kindness endures forever! "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 69
ROHAEL - Will help you find lost objects.
Pronounced: RO-HA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you lost something, this angel will help you find it, no matter what it is. It's
not only physical objects.
2. Pronounce the Name: RO-HA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 16:5
" YHVH is my allotted portion and my share, You guided my destiny. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 70
YABAMIAH - This angel will help you on your spiritual path.
Pronounced: YA-BEM-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are on a spiritual path, this angel will help you on it.
2. Pronounce the Name: YA-BEM-YA
3. In this case the verse is from Genesis, not Psalms.
Genesis 1:1
" In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 71
HAIYAEL - Divine Warrior and protector. He is good for general protection.
Pronounced: HEY-YA-EL
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you are in need of divine protection this angel will help you.
2. Pronounce the Name: HEY-YA-EL
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 109:30
" I will thank God exceedingly with my mouth, and amid the multitude I will
praise Him. "
4. Let it Be done
Angel 72
MVMIAH - He brings success in all things.
Pronounced: ME-VEM-YA
1. Think of the Issue You need Resolution for 2. Pronounce the Name
3. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel 4. Finish with saying
"Let it Be done"
1. If you need success in any endeavor, this angel will make it come quickly
2. Pronounce the Name: ME-VEM-YA
3. Say the Psalms Passage Psalms 114:7
" Before Gods presence did I, the earth, tremble, before the Presence of God of
Jacob. "
4. Let it Be done
We have come to the end of this text. I know it might not seem like much, but
what you have just learned here will unlock your potential. Often we are
beguiled by overly complex methods of magic. We think " if it is elaborate and
complex, it must be good." This, my friend ,is not the case. Our ability to contact
angels is meant to be easy, not hard. Anyone who tells you that we must work
and toil in order to connect to the angels is not telling you the truth. Just on a
logical basis alone it doesn't make sense to have to toil to BE what you already
ARE. Less is More.
I am confident that by simply doing these exercises with the 72 angels, you will
gain great benefit. They are, after all, the 72 Angels of the Name.
The Information in this book is for educational purposes only and not
for treatment, diagnosis or prescription of any diseases or life
situations. All advice is for educational purposes only. The Author
and the publisher of this book are in no way liable for any misuse of
the material. In addition, you agree to purchase this book as is. I
Cannot Promise you results.
Baal Kadmon
Xvlun - Temple of Baal Shamin Palmyra Syria {{cc-by-sa-2.5}}