Subido por jorge valle jurado

Salinity Correction: Thermal Mass in Oceanographic CTD Data

MARCH 2009
Thermal Mass Correction for the Evaluation of Salinity
French Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOM), Brest, France
French Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOM), Brest, and Me´te´o-France, Toulouse, France
(Manuscript received 30 November 2007, in final form 19 August 2008)
This paper revisits the thermal mass inertia correction of Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., (SBE4) conductivity
probes for the calculation of salinity. In particular, it is shown that the standard parameters recommended for
the correction method are not satisfactory for the data collected during recent campaigns at sea. A method,
based on Morison et al., is proposed to determine optimal values for the correction parameters from selected
datasets. Values valid for general cases are then proposed that yield significant improvements in the reduction of salinity errors that occur during the upcasts and downcasts of CTD profilers in areas with sharp
thermoclines. The sources of the differences found between the recommended coefficient values and the ones
proposed here are also discussed.
1. Introduction
The measurement of absolute salinity in the ocean
during campaigns at sea is problematic because salinity
is not obtained through direct measurement but instead
is calculated from measurement of electrical conductivity. However, conductivity only slightly depends on
salinity and mainly depends on temperature, the effect
of which must then be filtered out very precisely. It is
thus extremely important that the conductivity sensors
respond perfectly to the quick temperature changes that
often occur in the ocean.
The Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., (SBE) conductivity–
temperature–depth (CTD) profilers are widely used in
oceanographic cruises. The SBE4 conductivity cells are
known to be affected by a phenomenon of thermal inertia because the cell walls, made of glass, have a relatively important heat capacity. This causes the sample
temperature, and then its conductivity, to be modified
inside the cell. Thus, salinity profiles present important
* Current affiliation: DHI Water and Environment, Ltd.,
Clementi, Singapore.
Corresponding author address: Vigan Mensah, DHI Water and
Environment, 200 Pandan Loop, 08-03 Pantech 21, Singapore
DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHO612.1
Ó 2009 American Meteorological Society
anomalies when quick temperature changes exist. Investigations into this problem have been published, and
the first work on the subject has indeed emphasized the
effects of the heat stored in the cell on the computed
salinity and density (Lueck 1990). The outcome of this
work has been the development of a thermal model for
the correction of the data. Additional studies have attempted to test this thermal model (e.g., Lueck and
Picklo 1990; Morison et al. 1994). It was adopted by SeaBird Electronics with recommendations for the use of
their instruments; in particular, vertical velocity is limited to 1 m s21 to avoid too-rapid temperature variations. Recently, a paper (Johnson et al. 2007) described
sensor corrections for SBE-41 CTDs and showed the
importance of the thermal mass effect even for Argo
floats, for which the vertical velocity is low. Another study
(Schmitt et al. 2005) deals with the thermal mass correction for Falmouth Scientific, Inc. (FSI) Excell profilers, using a double-diffusive tank to evaluate accurate
The French Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service
(SHOM) regularly leads oceanographic campaigns with
CTD measurements. Hundreds of profiles, acquired with
different SBE9111 CTD profilers and corrected with the
recommended coefficients, show persistent errors in the
computed salinity in areas where seasonal thermoclines
are present. Upcast and downcast salinity profiles exhibit
errors of opposite sign, which are typical of thermal inertia problems. This has lead to a revisit of the thermal
correction, and the aim of this paper is thus to determine
the correction coefficients that give the best overall results for our CTD data collection, independent of the
thermocline sharpness.
In section 2, evidence is given for the persistence of a
salinity error associated with the temperature gradient
when the recommended cell thermal mass correction is
applied. In section 3 a method, inspired by Morison
et al. (1994), is described for computing optimum coefficients for the correction algorithm given a dataset,
with the results compared with previous studies. New
values for corrections in the general case are proposed
in section 4, and evidence of their efficiency is shown
on yo-yo CTD data. A summary and final comments are
given in the final section.
2. Thermal inertia errors
Several sources of errors lead to inaccuracy in the
CTD profiles acquired with SBE3 temperature and
SBE4 conductivity sensors. We can quote the mismatch
in the time response of these two sensors and the contamination of the samples of water by the temperature
of the wall of the sensors. This has been studied in
Horne and Toole (1980), Gregg et al. (1982), Gregg and
Hess (1985), Bray (1987), Ochoa (1989), and Lueck and
Picklo (1990), who all propose different corrections,
based on filtering, to correct this kind of error.
A relative improvement to the time response problem
can be obtained by associating the two sensors with a
pump. The constant flow rates generated enable the
sensors’ time responses to be fixed and thus independent of the profiling speed.
The other major cause of inaccuracy is the thermal
inertia of the SBE4 conductivity cell. This phenomenon
is primarily due to the heat stored in the wall of the cell
and in the epoxy layer that protects it. As mentioned in
the introduction, a thermal correction model is necessary and has been developed by Lueck (1990). It is
based on two main parameters: the surface temperature
anomaly relaxation time t or its inverse b and the value
of the initial, volume-weighted, fluid temperature error
for a step of 18C temperature variation a. The conductivity correction relation is given by
CT ðnÞ 5 bCT ðn 1Þ 1 ga½TðnÞ Tðn 1Þ,
where T is the temperature, n is the sample index, and g
is the sensitivity of conductivity to temperature. The
coefficients a and b only depend on a and t and are
given by
a 5 4f n ab1 ð1 1 4f n b1 Þ1
b 5 1 2aa1 .
Here fn is the Nyquist frequency (12 Hz for an
SBE9111 acquiring at 24 Hz).
An alternative to this method has been proposed and
tested by Morison et al. (1994). Instead of correcting the
conductivity of the sample, its temperature is corrected
using the following temperature correction relation:
T T ðnÞ 5 bT T ðn 1Þ 1 a½TðnÞ Tðn 1Þ.
This produces similar results as (1) does but using a
more direct approach, and with the advantage of not
using g, allowing faster calculation times. The present
study, however, focuses on (1) so as to match the correction method adopted by Sea-Bird.
The correction algorithm (1) was approved by SeaBird, which recommends the use of the values 0.03 and
0.14 for a and b21, respectively. However, different
studies have proposed different sets of values (Lueck
and Picklo 1990; Morison et al. 1994), which obviously
shows that there is no general consensus on the choice
of a and b. One study has indeed shown that different
couples yielded results that were very similar (see
Morison et al. 1994).
Note that, rather than vertical gradients, time variation of temperature is the important parameter for
thermal inertia errors. Hence, the following temperature gradient evaluations are calculated as a function of
time, and take into account the vertical speed of the
probe (usually at most 1 m s21).
In past years, many CTD profiles using SBE 9111
have been acquired during SHOM oceanographic campaigns at sea. These data have been processed with the
thermal mass conductivity correction proposed by Lueck
(1990) and with the coefficients recommended by SeaBird. Most of the data acquired in spring or summer still
show anomalies in salinity profiles across the seasonal
thermocline. This phenomenon is generally highlighted
by important differences between upcast and downcast
salinity profiles, whereas the corresponding temperature
profiles overlay. Several different SBE 9111 profilers
were used to collect the data, all of them ducted, and
with pressure, temperature, and conductivity sensors
regularly calibrated and carefully maintained during the
campaigns. The temperature and conductivity sensors
were oriented horizontally, as has been the standard
configuration recommended by Sea-Bird for many years.
The pump rate was set at 3000 revolutions per minute
(rpm), and the acquisition frequency of data was 24 Hz
for all surveys. Then, differences of setting or dysfunctions of the SBE4 conductivity sensor due to poor
MARCH 2009
maintenance can be set aside. Note that the CTD profilers were fitted with a single SBE32 carousel, installed
above the horizontally positioned profiler.
Figure 1 shows examples of temperature (left panels)
and salinity (right panels) upcast and downcast profiles for
three different temperature gradient levels. Figure 1a
shows a CTD station acquired in the English Channel in
May 2007, when the seasonal thermocline is not yet
formed. Here, the vertical temperature gradient (function
of time) is approximately 0.018C s21, with a maximum of
0.0258C s21 between 18 and 25 m. This variation is gradual
and leads to good agreement between the upcast and
downcast salinity profiles (the maximum difference between the casts is about 0.002 psu); for this station the
recommended correction can be considered as providing
accurate results.
Figure 1b shows profiles typical of the northern part of
the Biscay shelf in early spring (May 2007). The thermocline has started to form and the maximum temperature gradient for this measurement has increased to
0.28C s21. The upcast and downcast temperature profiles,
on the left, compare well. However, salinity profiles show
significant discrepancies, accompanied by a relative
smoothing of the halocline. This suggests that the thermal
inertia has not been adequately corrected for these casts.
This problem is confirmed in Fig. 1c, showing a summer thermocline situation. These data were acquired in
August 2005, off the Ushant front. In this area, strong
atmospheric heating and weak currents lead to the formation of a very strong summer thermocline with temperature variations of nearly 88C within 5–10 m. For this
particular station, the temperature gradient is about 0.7
m s21 and the salinity profiles show strong opposite spikes.
In this case, a symmetry is clearly visible, with a strong and
nearly exponential decrease following the spike and some
overshoot of the correction after this primary decrease. In
this case, data are unreliable between 20- and 40-m depth.
Again, this suggests that the thermal inertia has not been
adequately corrected for this profile.
To show that the examples displayed in Fig. 1 are not
isolated cases, pairs of CTD upcast and downcast profiles
from 14 different oceanographic campaigns were analyzed for the present study. For each pair of profiles, the
mean temperature gradient and salinity error (salinity
difference between upcast and downcast) have been calculated on the seasonal thermocline area. To suppress
spiking effects due to temperature and conductivity sensor short-term mismatch, all profiles are slightly corrected
by replacing, for a centered window, the value at the
center point by the median value of this window. Using
this technique for temperature, conductivity, and salinity,
spiking is effectively corrected so that errors spanning
across a wide range of depth through the profile are
identified. To make the comparison more robust, all pairs
of profiles influenced by internal waves have been eliminated by discarding profiles where depth differences of
more than 2 m between upcast and downcast thermoclines existed. In total, 134 pairs of profiles were retained
for comparison and analysis. Figure 2 displays the results
of these tests. For each profile, the maximum salinity error is calculated as a function of the temperature gradient.
There is a tendency for the salinity error to increase
with the temperature gradient, with a generally smaller
error for weak temperature gradients. Errors of nearly
0.05 psu were found for temperature gradients of 0.68C
s21 or more. Some strong scattering is, however, also
visible, especially for small-to-modest temperature gradients. This dispersion is assumed to be due to profiles
showing steep salinity gradients. Indeed, Lueck (1990)
states that the time scale of the salt diffusion in the
boundary layer is about 0.4 s and generates errors. Thus,
profiles have been differentiated into profiles presenting
strong salinity gradients (greater than 0.10 s21, shown as
squares in Fig. 2), and weak-to-moderate salinity gradients (triangles in Fig. 2). For the latter, the dispersion is
weak, showing evidence of a clear dependence of the
salinity error on the temperature gradient.
These preliminary tests prove that thermal inertia
problems still exist for the target datasets and that there
is a need to reevaluate the a and b parameters.
3. Calculation of optimal parameters for given
a. Method and results
Keeping the Lueck thermal correction model, it is possible to find a pair of a and b coefficients that minimize the
upcast and downcast discrepancies, following techniques
developed in previous studies (Morison et al. 1994; Johnson et al. 2007). We have thus selected two sets of profiles,
both acquired during yo-yo CTD measurements, at fixed
locations. The first set (22 profiles) has been acquired
during spring [campaign Modelisation d’Un Theatre
d’Operation Naval 2007 (MOUTON2007)] and is associated with maximum temperature gradients around 0.28C
s21. The second set of data (23 profiles) has been acquired
during the campaign MOUTON2005 in a very sharp
thermocline situation, such as the one presented in Fig. 1a.
For each set, we interpolate the data (temperature
and salinity) every 0.2 dbar and calculate salinity profiles with different thermal inertia corrections: we vary a
from 0.001 to 0.032 with a 0.001 step and t from 6 to
16 s with a 0.5-s step. For each a–b couple, we calculate
the mean salinity error (defined as the mean absolute
difference between upcast and downcast profiles). For
each pair of profiles, the couple of a and b coefficients
FIG. 1. Temperature and salinity upcast and downcast profiles for three different temperature gradient conditions: (a)
weak (0.018C s21), (b) strong (0.28C s21), and (c) extreme (0.78C s21).
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FIG. 2. Mean salinity errors calculated with PSS-78 formulas, as a function of the temperature
gradient. Open squares represent the profiles with strong salinity gradients (superior to 0.01
s21) and filled triangles show profiles with weak salinity gradients (less than 0.01 s21).
that provides the minimum error is then retained. Last,
the mean value and standard deviation for the whole set is
computed for a and t or b, as well as for the salinity error.
Table 1 presents the results for the first dataset (early
spring thermocline). For this set, the mean values of a
and b are 0.012 and 0.096 s21, respectively, with standard deviations almost one order of magnitude smaller
than the mean value, thus indicating a very good determination of these coefficients.
Table 2 displays the results for the second dataset
(strong thermocline). Here, the mean value for a is
similar to the one of the previous set, and the value for b
is slightly smaller (0.071 s21). In this case too, the uncertainty on the determination is small, as the standard
deviation values are clearly smaller than the mean values.
For the new choice of coefficients, the results also show
that the salinity error has decreased by a factor of almost
3. This indicates that the discrepancies in the position of
the halocline between the upcast and downcast have
been significantly reduced, if not eliminated. This is illustrated in Fig. 3, which presents the same data as in
Fig. 1b but in theta–salinity (S) space (thin lines) and
TABLE 1. Results of a, b, and t calculations for the 22 profiles of
the campaign MOUTON2007.
Optimum values
b. Discussion
The new values found in this study are very different
from the ones recommended by Sea-Bird or the ones
found in previous works (Lueck and Picklo 1990;
Morison et al. 1994). Indeed, for the two sets of data,
our values of a are very close, around 0.012, with low
standard deviation. This value is far smaller than the
theoretical one (Lueck 1990) of 0.043 and also from
practical ones found by Lueck and Picklo (0.028) and
TABLE 2. Results of a, b, and t calculations for the 23 profiles of
the campaign MOUTON2005.
Optimum values
Default Sea-Bird values
Std dev
b (s21)
t (s)
Salinity error
compares them with results with the optimal coefficients
given in Table 1 (thick lines). The overlaying of the upcast and downcast theta–S profiles is far better with the
new values, showing that the correction is very efficient
(notice in Table 1 that the mean salinity error is only
0.001 psu instead of 0.003 psu).
It thus seems possible to improve the salinity determination by a careful selection of a and b values. Before trying to generalize these results and evaluating
whether a unique pair of coefficients could be found for
all gradient situations, it is useful to compare our study
with the previous ones.
Default Sea-Bird values
Std dev
Std dev
Std dev
b (s21)
t (s)
Salinity error
FIG. 3. Theta–S plot of a profile with strong temperature gradient (see Fig. 1b). The thick lines represent the results
with optimal coefficients, and the thin lines show the results for standard coefficients.
Morison et al. (0.0245). As discussed below, the difference with the theoretical value can be explained by
a turbulent (and not laminar as assumed by the model) flow inside the cell, induced by the temperature–
conductivity (TC) duct, which leads to smaller a. The
practical values found by Lueck and Picklo (1990) or
Morison et al. (1994) for this parameter are, however,
also more important than those presented here. In fact
the environmental as well as instrumental conditions
were very different from those of this study. First, notice
that Lueck and Picklo (1990) determined the values of
the parameters with a strong uncertainty. Morison et al.
(1994) found that many different couples were giving
almost similar results. In contrast with the work presented here, these previous studies have considered
situations with strong temperature gradients but also
strong salinity gradients. Because salinity gradients can
also induce some errors (see Fig. 2), the choice of such
environmental situations can be problematic for the
determination of the coefficients associated with thermal inertia errors. In the profiles selected here, salinity
gradients are weak and thermocline situations are particularly strong, which should emphasize the thermal
inertia error and allow a more accurate correction of it.
Another interesting aspect is that the situations selected
here represent very sharp thermoclines dividing layers
of homogeneous water masses. Because the temperature does not vary outside the thermocline, the effects of
these thermoclines can be assimilated as a real step
change, an ideal situation for determining sensor step
response. Lueck and Picklo (1990) have chosen similar
situations, but a towed fish with a very slow vertical
speed was used, which reduced the temperature step
and associated errors. In addition the Lueck and Picklo
(1990) CTD profiler was not ducted. It can be assumed
that the TC duct between the temperature and conductivity sensor makes the flow more turbulent because
of the right-angle curve and temperature sensor needle,
thus decreasing the value of a. In Morison et al. (1994),
the CTD profiler was ducted but the instrument was
fitted with two pairs of TC sensors, linked to a single
pump. The flow speed inside the cells was 1.75 m s21, in
contrast with the standard case of Sea-Bird SBE 9, for
which the flow speed is 2.4 m s21. With a smaller flow
speed, the Reynolds number of Morison et al. (1994)
tests is smaller and the flow is less turbulent. According
to Lueck (1990), this could again explain why a smaller
a is observed in the present study. The sensitivity of this
parameter to the flow speed has been confirmed by SeaBird (N. Larson 2007, personal communication).
The coefficient b has been determined with a low
uncertainty for both of the present datasets [lower than
the ones found by Lueck and Picklo (1990) and Morison
et al. (1994)], but with different values: 0.071 s21 for
MOUTON2005 and 0.096 s21 for MOUTON2007. The
corresponding relaxation times t are 14.08 and 10.41 s,
respectively. These values are larger than the theoretical one or those found in previous studies. As already
discussed in Lueck and Picklo (1990), the theoretical
value of t (5.3 s) is underestimated because of the
presence of epoxy around the cell. The reason for the
difference between our evaluation of b and previous
studies is unclear. It could be due to our particular
environment, which is assumed to emphasize the thermal inertia errors and allow a better accuracy in the
determination of the relaxation time. Indeed, with a very
MARCH 2009
FIG. 4. Salinity error as a function of temperature gradient for standard parameters (zoom of
Fig. 2, retaining only profiles with weak salinity gradients).
stable temperature on both sides of the thermocline,
the determination of the final temperature of the sensor
following a step change is better.
4. Single pair of coefficients
Given that, for two distinct datasets, the improvement
brought by new a and b coefficients can be important, a
single pair of newly computed coefficients, optimized
for all situations, was investigated, with the aim of improving results whatever the temperature gradient.
To determine this couple, the same test as before
was carried out with 87 pairs of profiles, coming from
four different survey campaigns. All of these exhibited
strong thermoclines dividing stable water masses in
temperature and salinity. The optimal values found are
a 5 0.0132 and b 5 0.0829 s21 (t 5 12.03 s) with standard deviations of 0.0056 and 0.0218 s21, respectively.
Given the variability of all profiles and conditions, this
variability can be considered as acceptable.
To test the efficiency of this pair of coefficients, it has
then been used on all of the profiles already tested (the
results of which have been described in section 2), which
were not taken into account to determine the optimal a
and b. Each of the selected profiles has been processed
the same way as in the test cited above. Figure 4 presents
the results of the test with the Sea-Bird coefficients,
for the profiles only affected by strong temperature
FIG. 5. As in Fig. 4, but with the new parameters. The maximum salinity error is 0.017 as
compared with 0.050 in Fig. 4.
gradients, and Fig. 5 shows the results obtained with the
new pair of coefficients. The comparison of these two
figures underlines the important improvement brought
about by the new coefficients. Indeed, the strong errors
have been considerably reduced, many of the profiles
now showing errors smaller than 0.01 between upcast
and downcast. In addition, the dependence of the salinity error on the temperature gradient has disappeared
and the maximum salinity error is 0.017 as compared
with 0.050 with the standard coefficients. The values
calculated for a and b seem therefore appropriate for all
the campaigns at sea we have performed, even though
these were not taken into account for the calculation of
those coefficients. It is also interesting to notice that the
profiles acquired in situations of weak temperature
gradients have not been modified by the new a and b.
Thus, they do not have any negative influence on weak
gradients, which was expected because in this case the
correction should remain small for most a–b couples.
5. Summary and conclusions
Although an efficient method for correcting the thermal inertia of SBE4 conductivity cells was developed
in the 1990s, we have found that errors are common
when using the recommended parameters, in particular
in cases of strong temperature gradients. For the data
presented here, the values recommended by Sea-Bird
for the parameters a (0.03) and b (0.14 s21) are overestimated, as well as other values proposed in previous
studies (Lueck and Picklo 1990; Morison et al. 1994):
despite this correction, salinity errors can reach very high
values and increase with the temperature gradient.
The determination of new—optimal—coefficients adapted to each situation allows a very important improvement
of salinity data. The data tested and the optimum a and b
coefficients calculated here are of particular interest because their environment presents several characteristics
never gathered together in previous studies: very sharp
thermoclines, dividing stable temperature and salinity
water masses, with reduced salinity variations. These
conditions are the best to determine the optimal correction coefficients. We were then able to determine a single
pair of coefficients that allows a better correction of the
data in almost all situations: a 5 0.0132 and b 5 0.0829
s21. Salinity errors have been restored to reasonable
values, in particular in the cases of strong thermoclines,
with a mean error generally smaller than 0.01 psu, which
no longer depends on the temperature gradient.
If the value of a seems stable and precisely determined
for all temperature gradient situations, the parameter b
seems more sensitive to environmental conditions. Because the heat stored in the epoxy has not been modeled
by the thermal model of Lueck (1990), it is probable that
a filter of a different order, taking this phenomenon into
account, would produce a more accurate correction.
Instrumental conditions are also particularly important, because our coefficients are only adapted to horizontally oriented, ducted temperature and conductivity
sensors, with a flow pumped at 3000 rpm (Sea-Bird SBE
91 standard configuration). Errors, sometimes up to
0.017 psu on average, still persist for some measurements and are probably due to strong salinity gradients.
The new a and b values that we have found drastically
improve the salinity evaluation over a variety of environmental situations. By using the method proposed here,
it is also possible to refine the parameters’ value in relation
to a particular environmental or instrumental condition.
Acknowledgments. Helpful discussions have been
held with N. Larson and D. Murphy of Sea-Bird Electronics. We specially thank N. Larson for his particularly interesting information regarding the environmental conditions and instrument configurations used
for Sea-Bird testing, as well as helpful advice. The results we have found and generally all the works presented here would not have been possible without the
crews and SHOM hydrographer teams who acquired or
helped to acquire the numerous data used in this study.
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