Subido por ivan siancas

Advanced English Portfolio: MOOCs, Smartphones, and Vocabulary

Student: Ivan Siancas
 Teacher: Karishma Babani
 Course: Advanced 11
 Schedule: 8:45 – 10:15 a.m
1. Answer 1 of the questions of page 197 in a paragraph form. Use the Oreo strategy.
Include 3 vocabulary words and highlight them.
 Do you think you enjoy and be succesful in a MOOC? Why or why not? Be specific.
In my opinion, I woudn’t be so succesful in a MOOC course or I couldn’t learn well.
First because I think it’s crucial for me to be in face to face classes because I get
distracted easly, specially is courses that have numbers, like math or chemestry, so I
can put more attention in a classroom. I get bored easly too, so I wouldn’t enjoy it very
much. I can do it well learning English via online, for instance, I’ve been taken online
Englih lessons for three years, and did it well. But I know I couldn’t put the same
collaboration on another courses. So, all in all, a MOOC course wouldn’t work for me
2. Express Opinions: Answer 1 of the questions of page 235 in a paragraph form. Use the
Oreo strategy. (classwork)
 Which examples in the article describe your own behaviors? Do you think you have an
addiction to smartphones or some other technology?
I think that the example that best discribes my own behavior is checking constanly my
cellphone, I don’t consider I have an addiction, but I check my cellphone several times.
To start, I check it in the morning when I wake up and my alarm rings, then I use it
almost all the day. For instance, I sometimes check it during classes, then I use my
cellphone to respond messages, or watch tiktok. I think that my phone’s notifications
make think that I receive messages all the times and that triggers that kind of
dependency I have. The only moment I don’t check it is when I’m working because it’s
not allowed, so I don’t do it for 4 or 5 hours. In my opinion, I don’t think I have an
addiction, but I have dependency and I don’t want to develop an addiction because it
would be terrible.
3. Create: Choose 3 out of the 5 options that you have on page 244 and answer the
questions using the vocabulary words that are suggested.
1. To a manager or professional surveyed Leslie Perlow, PhD (reading 1)
 Why are you constantly checking your smartphone from the moment you wake up
until you go to bed, even when you are in vacation?
When I’m working, the influx of messages and emails I receive is a lot, so I’m
always checking my cellphone and I’m always busy that I can’t eat without check it.
When I’m on vacation I forget that I’m on vacation and my phone vibrates because
of a notification I check it thinking that it is a message from work, so it triggers that
compulsion of check my phone several times and I when I don’t receive none, I
feel an urge of check it more and more.
2. To Susan Davis, author of Addicted to Your Smartphone?
 How are you able to to manage your smartphone usage, and what effect did it
have on your life?
First, I’m conscious that the usage of cellphones can turn into an addiction, so I
have a commitment to diminish the use of it, I only check it when I know that I
have an important message or email, I avoid using it to watch movies or series,
instead of that, I use my TV. When I go to bed, I left my cellphone away from me
and if I need to wake up early, I use my own alarm. So that way I wean away
from my cellphone, it’ not hard if are willing to do it.
3. To the ten-year-old boy who went electronic – free for a week.
At the start of the week, what did you think of your mother’s idea of going
without electronics? How did the way change as the week progressed?
At the start of the week, I thought my mom was crazy, how can I do it? I thought I
couldn’t stand to be without my cellphone, it’s the most important device for me, I
kind of angry at first. That idea that I couldn’t have my cellphone away from was
twitching on my mind. But then I had fun with my family and the fun we had I
didn’t feel that necessity of checking my phone repeatedly, I realized I don’t need
my cellphone to pass a good time, it was great, and I don’t relent of have gone
electronic – free for a week.