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IL-1 & TNF-α in Osteoarthritis Cartilage Degradation

Vol. 52, No. 1, January 2005, pp 128–135
DOI 10.1002/art.20776
© 2005, American College of Rheumatology
Role of Interleukin-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor ␣ in
Matrix Degradation of Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage
Masahiko Kobayashi,1 Ginette R. Squires,1 Aisha Mousa,1 Michael Tanzer,2 David J. Zukor,3
John Antoniou,3 Ulrich Feige,4 and A. Robin Poole1
Objective. To determine whether interleukin-1
(IL-1) or tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣), or both, plays
a role in the excessive degradation that is observed in
cultured osteoarthritic (OA) articular cartilage.
Methods. Antagonists of IL-1 and TNF␣, namely,
IL-1 receptor antagonist and the PEGylated soluble
TNF␣ receptor I, respectively, were added at different
concentrations to explant cultures of nonarthritic (5
obtained at autopsy) and OA (15 obtained at arthroplasty) articular cartilage. The cleavage of type II
collagen (CII) by collagenase was measured by an
immunoassay in cartilage and culture media. Proteoglycan (mainly aggrecan) content and degradation were
measured by a colorimetric assay for glycosaminoglycan
(GAG) content in cartilage and culture media. Reverse
transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction was used to
analyze gene expression of matrix metalloproteases
(MMPs) 1, 3, and 13, CII, aggrecan, IL-1, and TNF␣.
Results. Antagonists of IL-1 and TNF␣ inhibited
the increase in CII cleavage by collagenase as well as the
increase in GAG release observed in OA cartilage
compared with normal cartilage. Inhibition was significant in tissue from some patients but not from others,
although significant inhibition was observed when all
the results were analyzed together. An increase in the
GAG content in cartilage was seen in 4 of 15 cases.
However, this increase was not significant when all the
data were combined. Preliminary results indicated no
effect of these antagonists on nonarthritic cartilage
from 3 different donors. Independent analyses of gene
expression in cultured cartilage from 9 other OA patients revealed that IL-1 or TNF␣ blockade, either alone
and/or in combination, frequently down-regulated
MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 expression. Expression
of IL-1 and TNF␣ was inhibited by either antagonist or
by the combination in essentially half the cases. The
combined blockade up-regulated aggrecan and CII gene
expression in approximately half the cases.
Conclusion. These results suggest that the
autocrine/paracrine activities of TNF␣ and IL-1 in
articular cartilage may play important roles in cartilage
matrix degradation in OA patients but not in all patients. Inhibition of either or both of these cytokines
may offer a useful therapeutic approach to the management of OA by reducing gene expression of MMPs
involved in cartilage matrix degradation and favoring
its repair.
Dr. Poole’s work was supported by Shriners Hospitals for
Children, Amgen, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the
Canadian Arthritis Network, and the National Institute on Aging,
Masahiko Kobayashi, MD, PhD (current address: Kyoto City
Rehabilitation Hospital, Kyoto, Japan), Ginette R. Squires, PhD,
Aisha Mousa, MSc, A. Robin Poole, PhD, DSc: Shriners Hospital for
Children, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Michael Tanzer, MD: Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
David J. Zukor, MD, John Antoniou, MD: Jewish General Hospital,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 4Ulrich Feige, PhD:
Amgen, Thousand Oaks, California.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to A. Robin
Poole, PhD, DSc, Joint Diseases Laboratory, Shriners Hospitals for
Children, Departments of Surgery and Medicine, McGill University,
1529 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A6, Canada. E-mail:
Submitted for publication February 11, 2004; accepted in
revised form October 8, 2004.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a slowly progressive degenerative disease characterized by early loss of the
tensile strength of articular cartilage (1), which is produced by a fibrillar network composed of type II collagen (CII) (1,2). Excessive degradation of CII (3,4), such
as that induced by collagenase, is a feature of OA (5–7)
and rheumatoid arthritic (3) articular cartilage. The
compressive stiffness of joint cartilage depends on the
swelling pressure achieved by hydration of proteoglycan
(1). Thus, the net loss of proteoglycan that occurs in the
early stage of OA results in reduced stiffness of the
cartilage (1,6). Damage to collagen is eventually accompanied by loss of the proteoglycans aggrecan, biglycan,
and decorin (1,8,9). These changes first occur at, and
close to, the articular surface (9,10).
Proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1
(IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣), are suspected of causing damage to OA cartilage by inducing
matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression in chondrocytes in an autocrine/paracrine manner (11–13).
Both cytokines activate synthesis and release of MMPs,
which leads to matrix breakdown (1,6,13). Elevated
levels of IL-1 are found in OA synovial fluid, and gene
expression of IL-1 is up-regulated in OA cartilage (6).
Two receptors for IL-1 have been identified, IL-1 receptor type I (IL-1RI) and IL-1RII, which mediate the
biologic activation of cells by IL-1 (14). TNF␣, as well as
IL-1, can induce cartilage degradation (1,6,11,13). TNF␣
content is elevated in the synovial fluid of OA joints.
There are 2 cell surface receptors for TNF␣ (TNFR)
namely, p55 (TNFRI) and p75 (TNFRII) (15–17).
TNF␣ exerts its biologic effect following intracellular
signaling with the high-affinity TNFRI under in vivo
conditions. Expression of TNFRI has been localized in
cells at sites of focal loss of proteoglycans in OA
cartilage (18). TNF␣ and TNFRs I and II are upregulated in OA cartilage (1,6,13).
IL-1 is regulated by a naturally occurring soluble
IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), a 22-kd glycosylated
protein that is a natural inhibitor of IL-1 (19–22). In
IL-1Ra–deficient mice, a destructive and inflammatory
arthropathy similar to human RA develops spontaneously (23), suggesting that endogenous IL-1Ra functions
to suppress inflammation in mice. The administration of
IL-1Ra suppresses joint erosion in human RA (24).
Moreover, intraarticular injections of IL-1Ra or transfection of IL-1Ra gene can ameliorate the progression
of experimental OA in animal models (25).
The soluble TNF receptors sTNFRI and
sTNFRII are shed by proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain of TNFRI and TNFRII (26). The shed
receptors retain their ability to bind TNF␣. TNFRI is
regarded as a dominant receptor for intracellular signaling because the primary inflammatory responses to
soluble TNF␣ are mediated by TNFRI signaling in vivo.
Studies using either a neutralizing chimeric (mouse–
human) TNF␣-specific monoclonal antibody (27) or an
sTNFRII:Fc fusion protein (28) have resulted in significant benefit in RA patients. More recently, PEGylated
sTNFRI has been developed. It is well tolerated, nonimmunogenic, and has a long half-life, and preliminary
evidence of efficacy has been shown in RA patients (29).
The triple-helical cleavage of CII is mediated
primarily by collagenases that belong to the MMP family
(1,6,30). Three of the known human collagenases, collagenase 1 (MMP-1), collagenase 2 (MMP-8), and collagenase 3 (MMP-13), have been shown to cleave triplehelical CII between residues 775 (glycine) and 776
(leucine). Each of these collagenases produces the characteristic large TCA (three-quarter–length) and smaller
TCB (one-quarter–length) cleavage products of the constituent ␣-chain (5). Recently, we developed an antibody
that recognizes the carboxy-terminal neoepitope (Col23/4Cshort) of the TCA fragment. It has been used in an
immunoassay to provide the first direct evidence that
there is increased CII cleavage in OA cartilage (5,7) in
association with increased collagenase expression and
content (31,32). This activity probably mainly involves
MMP-1 and MMP-13 (7). Degradation of the proteoglycan aggrecan in OA involves the activation of MMPs
and aggrecanases (30,31,33), which cleave the core protein at different sites in both the interglobular domain
and the chondroitin sulfate–rich region (30,34).
There is a general consensus that MMPs contribute to chondrocyte-mediated matrix degeneration of OA
cartilage. However, as yet, the relative importance of
each of the MMPs and the factors responsible for their
expression are not fully understood, and the importance
and involvement of IL-1 and TNF␣ in the resorption of
articular cartilage seen in OA remain unclear. This is
mainly because of the lack of any direct evidence that
inhibition of the activity of either or both of these
cytokines would reduce matrix degradation in articular
cartilage in OA.
The purpose of this study was to determine if the
up-regulation of chondrocyte-derived TNF␣ and IL-1
that is seen in OA may contribute to the increased
matrix degradation in articular cartilage observed in this
disease. We report the first direct evidence that the
excessive CII cleavage by collagenases and proteoglycan
degradation (measured as release from cartilage) can be
arrested in some cases by TNF␣ or IL-1 blockade using
PEGylated sTNFRI and/or IL-1Ra (anakinra) or combinations thereof. Evidence for matrix regeneration is
also presented. These observations implicate these cytokines in cartilage degeneration in OA and suggest that
blockade of either or both of these cytokines may be a
valuable therapeutic strategy in the management of OA
in a group of patients with this disease.
Anticytokines. Recombinant human IL-1Ra (anakinra) (21,22) and PEGylated sTNFRI, comprising a high
molecular weight polyethylene glycol molecule attached at the
N-terminus (29), were both prepared by Amgen (Thousand
Oaks, CA) and stored at ⫺80°C.
Cartilage. Human femoral condylar cartilage was obtained at the time of total knee arthroplasty from 32 patients
with OA, which was diagnosed according to the criteria of the
American College of Rheumatology (35). Cartilage from 15
patients (4 men and 11 women; mean ⫾ SD age 67.3 ⫾ 20.1
years) was used for explant culture, cartilage from 8 patients (2
men and 6 women; mean ⫾ SD age 69.3 ⫾ 8.3 years) was used
for RNA extraction without culture, and cartilage from 9
patients (1 man and 8 women; mean ⫾ SD age 70.7 ⫾ 9.2
years) was used for RNA extraction after culture.
Cartilage from 8 nonarthritic joints was obtained at
autopsy (within 16 hours of death) from site-matched regions
with no evidence of macroscopic articular degeneration. Of
these, cartilage from 5 persons (2 men and 3 women; mean ⫾
SD age 54.4 ⫾ 20.1 years) was cultured as explants without
anticytokines to establish normal controls. Cartilage from 3
others (3 women; mean ⫾ SD age 62.3 ⫾ 1.2 years) was
cultured as explants with the anticytokines. None of the
persons without arthritis had diabetes or had received chemotherapy prior to death.
Cartilage preparation. Cartilage was prepared as previously described (36). Briefly, the cartilage samples were
washed 3 times with medium A, containing Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, NY) with 20
mM HEPES buffer (pH 7.4) (Gibco BRL), 45 mM NaHCO3,
100 units/ml penicillin, 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin, and 150 ␮g/ml
gentamicin sulfate. Full-depth cartilage slices from a single
area, ⬃20 mm ⫻ 20 mm, were cut vertical to the articular
surface and then into cubes of ⬃2 mm ⫻ 2 mm (5–7 cubes were
randomly obtained, and wet weights ⬃60 mg per well were
determined). These were placed in culture wells (48-well
Costar 3548 plate; Corning, Corning, NY). Samples were held
in preculture conditions for 24–48 hours at 37°C in 1 ml of
medium A supplemented with 50 ␮g/ml L-ascorbic acid (Gibco
BRL), 0.1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (Sigma, St. Louis,
MO), and 5.0 ␮g/ml insulin, 5.0 ␮g/ml transferrin, and 5.0
ng/ml sodium selenite (ITS; Boehringer Mannheim, Dorval,
Quebec, Canada) (medium B).
Cartilage explant culture. The media were changed on
day 0. Thereafter, media were replaced every 4 days. PEGylated sTNFRI at 100 ng/ml, 500 ng/ml, or 1,000 ng/ml; IL-1Ra
(anakinra) at 20 ng/ml or 100 ng/ml; or PEGylated sTNFRI at
100 ng/ml plus IL-1Ra at 20 ng/ml, PEGylated sTNFRI at 500
ng/ml plus IL-1Ra at 100 ng/ml, or PEGylated sTNFRI at
1,000 ng/ml plus IL-1Ra at 100 ng/ml were freshly added to
medium B from day 0 at each medium change. In view of
limitations imposed by cartilage availability, not all these
concentrations could always be used in any one study. Hence,
selected concentrations were examined for each donor. This
ensured that a range of concentrations could be examined for
the complete study of all donors. Protein controls were not
used in these studies since we had no access to what we
considered acceptable control proteins for IL-1Ra and PEGylated sTNFRI.
Cartilage (triplicate cultures for each analytical point)
was cultured for up to 16 days. The conditioned media were
collected at each medium change from day 4 to day 16 and
stored at ⫺20°C until further analyzed. Cartilage explants were
also harvested and stored at ⫺20°C until analyzed. The
availability of articular cartilage in each OA patient determined the number of additions that could be studied.
Extraction and assay of cartilage explants and media
for collagenase-cleaved, denatured, and total CII content. OA
cartilage explants from day 16 of culture were digested for
extraction of collagenase-cleaved (5), denatured, and total CII
(4), as previously described. The conditioned media were
assayed for the cleavage neoepitope, and the cumulative
neoepitope in the conditioned media was calculated by totaling
the data from each medium change day. Total cleavage
neoepitope in cartilage and media was calculated by summing
the cartilage and culture media data, expressed as pmoles of
peptide/mg wet weight of cartilage, based on the molecular
weight of the standard peptide epitope of 608.
Determination of proteoglycan content and release.
The content and release of proteoglycan were determined in
cartilage extract and conditioned culture media as sulfated
glycosaminoglycan (GAG), which is primarily a measure of
proteoglycan aggrecan content, using a modification of the
colorimetric dimethylmethylene blue dye-binding assay (37).
Cumulative proteoglycan release (GAG in the media) and its
content in cartilage (GAG in the cartilage) were expressed as
␮g GAG/mg wet weight of cartilage. GAG release into medium was represented as a percentage of the total cumulative
GAG in the cartilage plus cumulative GAG release into
medium. This provides a more accurate presentation of release, accounting for the marked variation in cartilage GAG
content (7,8).
Total RNA extraction and isolation. Total RNA was
isolated directly from cartilage without culture or from cartilage explants after culture by the acid guanidinium isothiocyanate procedure according to the method of Chomczynski and
Sacchi (38), with some modifications. OA cartilage specimens
from 8 patients (in which matrix degradation was not studied
due to limited amounts of tissue) were subjected to RNA
extraction without culture. OA cartilage explants from 9
patients were cultured with or without IL-1Ra (anakinra) at
100 ng/ml, or PEGylated sTNFRI at 1,000 ng/ml, or a combination of the 2 over 24 hours. After that, the explants were
harvested and subjected to RNA extraction. Briefly, cartilage
tissue (200–300 mg) was homogenized in solution D (4M
guanidinium isothiocyanate, 20 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.2,
N-lauroylsarcosine). One volume of isopropanol was added to
the mixture, and all proteins and nucleic acids were precipitated at ⫺20°C overnight. After centrifugation at 4°C, the
pellet was digested with 1 mg/ml proteinase K (molecular
biology grade; Gibco BRL) at 65°C for 2 hours. After digestion, the mixture was extracted with 1 volume of phenol and 0.1
volume of chloroform/alcohol (49:1). The aqueous phase was
recovered after centrifugation at 4°C and precipitated with 1
volume of ethanol at ⫺80°C overnight. After centrifugation,
the pellet was washed with 70% ethanol to remove any excess
salt. The total RNA pellet was resuspended in diethyl
pyrocarbonate–treated water, and the amount of total RNA
was quantitated by measuring the optical density at 260 nm.
Reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction
(PCR). Solution (1 ␮l) from reverse transcription was incubated in 50 ␮l reaction mixture containing 2.5 units of AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems, Branchburg, NJ)
in 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.3, 200
Table 1. Primer sets used for polymerase chain reaction*
* MMP ⫽ matrix metalloproteinase; IL-1␤ ⫽ interleukin-1␤; TNF␣ ⫽ tumor necrosis factor ␣.
␮M dNTP mixture, and 0.4 ␮mole each of the oligonucleotide
primer pairs. The final PCR protocols were as follows: 30
cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 1 minute, annealing at
50–56°C for 1 minute, and extension at 72°C for 5 minutes,
followed by a 10-minute postextension at 72°C. Prior analyses
showed that this number of cycles at a given sample dilution
ensured that the product was generated in a manner proportional to the sample messenger RNA (mRNA) content. The
primers for MMP-1, MMP-13, IL-1␤, TNF␣, COL2A1, aggrecan, and GAPDH are listed in Table 1. The annealing temperature was 50°C for MMP-1, MMP-13, IL-1␤, and GAPDH,
and 56°C for TNF␣, COL2A1, and aggrecan. PCR product
sizes were verified by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel.
GAPDH was used as a reference to demonstrate equal gel
The analyses were conducted in the previously described manner (39), whereby each analysis was performed at
least 3 times at different dilutions of each sample of the
original complementary DNA to ensure the accuracy of the
results. The band intensities were determined to be below
saturation by dilution and cycle variation. Other details are as
previously described (39). The digital images of each PCR
product were analyzed in relationship to GAPDH using image
analysis software (NIH Image 1.60; National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD; online at to evaluate the relative pixel intensity of the band of
PCR products. The autobackground subtraction was used to
control for the background signal.
Statistical analysis. Data were expressed as the
mean ⫾ SD. Cultures and assays were performed at least in
triplicate. To analyze treatment effects on a group study, mean
values for individual patient cartilage were determined first.
These were then expressed as the mean ⫾ SD for each group.
A one-way analysis of variance was used employing Dunnett’s
correction and Prism software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). Spearman’s rank correlations were used to compare
the effects on collagen and proteoglycan degradation and of
TNF␣ with IL-1 inhibition. P values less than 0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Effects of PEGylated sTNFRI and IL-1Ra (anakinra) on CII cleavage by collagenase and proteoglycan
degradation. Cleavage of CII was increased in OA
cartilage over that observed in normal cartilage (Figure
1). In individual studies, significant inhibition was observed in 7 of 15 cases; in others, nonsignificant reductions were commonly observed (data not shown). When
analyzed together, the addition of IL-1Ra and/or PEGylated sTNFRI to cultures of OA articular cartilage was
found to significantly reduce this cleavage of CII (Figure
1). Cleavage was reduced by PEGylated sTNFRI at 500
ng/ml and by 2 of the 3 combinations tested with IL-1Ra.
Both concentrations of IL-1Ra tested were equally
active (Figure 1).
Inhibition of the excessive release of GAG in OA
cartilage was significant in 5 of 15 cases, with nonsignificant reductions noted in other cartilage (data not
shown). When all cartilage was analyzed together, a
significant inhibition of GAG release was also observed
at 500 ng/ml PEGylated sTNFRI, by both concentrations
Figure 1. Inhibition of type II collagen (CII) cleavage in osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage explants (number of samples shown in parentheses) by interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) and tumor
necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣) at the indicated concentrations. Nonarthritic
normal cartilage cultured without these additives is shown for comparison. Values are the mean and SD number of CII cleavage epitopes
generated by collagenase (Col2-3/4Cshort or C1,2assay) in cartilage and
medium over 16 days of culture with or without PEGylated soluble
TNF␣ receptor I (sTNFRI) and/or IL-1Ra. ⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.05 versus control
OA culture.
Figure 2. Inhibition of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) degradation in OA
cartilage explants (number of samples shown in parentheses) by
IL-1Ra and TNF␣ at the indicated concentrations. Values are the
mean and SD percentage release of total GAG into medium over 16
days of culture. ⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.05 versus control OA culture. See Figure 1
for other definitions.
of IL-1Ra and by all 3 combinations of these antagonists
(Figure 2).
An increase in GAG content was observed in 4 of
15 cases (Figure 3). For the group as a whole, the
combined analyses failed to reveal any effects of either
or both antagonists together on total GAG content (data
not shown).
Correlations between degradation of CII and
proteoglycan and their inhibition. When all results were
examined using Spearman’s rank analyses for correlations between the collagenase-generated cleavage and
the percentage of GAG release into the medium, there
was a significant positive correlation (rs ⫽ 0.559, P ⬍
0.0001). But when collagen cleavage was compared with
the GAG content in the cartilage, there was a significant
negative correlation (rs ⫽ ⫺0.533, P ⬍ 0.0001). A
negative correlation between GAG release and GAG
content (rs ⫽ ⫺0.863, P ⬍ 0.0001) was also observed.
Although not always apparent in individual analyses, studies of all patients revealed that total CII
cleavage epitope (rs ⫽ 0.953, P ⬍ 0.0001), GAG release
(rs ⫽ 0.959, P ⬍ 0.0001), and GAG content (rs ⫽ 0.971,
P ⬍ 0.0001) in IL-1Ra–treated specimens were each
positively correlated with comparable results for PEGylated sTNFRI–treated specimens. However, when we
examined within a patient the inhibitory effects of either
cytokine antagonist on collagen cleavage versus inhibition of GAG release and increase in GAG content, there
was very little evidence for combined inhibition of both
collagen and GAG release and an increase in GAG
content. Thus, in 3 of 15 cases, collagenase activity alone
was arrested, with no effect on GAG release or content.
In 2 of 15 cases, collagen cleavage, as well as GAG
release, was inhibited. Collagenase inhibition was observed, with an increase in GAG content (no effect on
release) in 1 of 15 cases. In no instance was there an
inhibition of collagen cleavage with an inhibition of
GAG release and an increase in GAG content. Thus, it
is clear that inhibition of GAG degradation and an
increase in content are usually not observed together.
Neither is there evidence for any consistent linkage
between inhibition of collagenase activity and inhibition
of proteoglycan degradation with an increase in content.
Effects of PEGylated sTNFRI and IL-1Ra (anakinra) on matrix degradation in normal cartilage explants. Preliminary studies revealed that neither IL1Ra, PEGylated sTNFRI, nor their combination had a
significant effect on CII cleavage, GAG release, or GAG
content in nonarthritic cartilage from 3 donors (data not
Figure 3. Increase in glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in 4 OA
cartilage samples (each from a different patient) due to cytokine
inhibition. Media additions were PEGylated sTNFRI at 100 ng/ml
(T1), 500 ng/ml (T2), or 1,000 ng/ml (T3); IL-1Ra (anakinra) at 20
ng/ml (I1) or 100 ng/ml (I2); or PEGylated sTNFRI at 100 ng/ml plus
IL-1Ra at 20 ng/ml (T1I1), PEGylated sTNFRI at 500 ng/ml plus
IL-1Ra at 100 ng/ml (T2I2), or PEGylated sTNFRI at 1,000 ng/ml
plus IL-1Ra at 100 ng/ml (T3I2). OA represents the control culture
with no additions. Values are the mean and SD GAG content in OA
cartilage cultured for 16 days with PEGylated sTNFRI and/or IL-1Ra.
ⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.05 versus control OA culture. See Figure 1 for other
In 3 of these 6 cases, PEGylated sTNFRI suppressed
MMP-1 expression. IL-1Ra treatment or the combination suppressed MMP-13 expression in 3 of 7 cases, and
PEGylated sTNFRI inhibited expression in 1 of 7 cases.
The combination suppressed MMP-1 expression in 7 of
9 cases and MMP-13 in 6 of 7 cases. MMP-3 expression
was effectively inhibited by these cytokine antagonists.
MMP-3 was down-regulated by IL-1Ra in 6 of 9 cases
and by PEGylated sTNFRI in 5 of 9; the combination
suppressed expression in all 9 cases.
In 4 of 9 cases, IL-1␤ gene expression was
suppressed by IL-1Ra and in 3 of these 4, by PEGylated
sTNFRI as well. Gene expression of TNF␣ was suppressed in 4 of 8 cases by IL-1Ra and in 6 cases (4 of 4
in which IL-1Ra inhibition occurred) by PEGylated
sTNFRI. The combination suppressed IL-1␤ expression
in 3 of 9 cases, whereas TNF␣ expression was suppressed
in 5 of 8 cases. COL2A1 expression was enhanced in 1 of
8 cases by IL-1Ra, in 3 of 8 cases by PEGylated sTNFRI,
and in 3 of 8 cases by the combination. Aggrecan
expression was up-regulated in 4 of 9 cases by IL-1Ra, in
3 of 9 cases by PEGylated sTNFRI, and in 5 of 9 cases
by the combination (Figure 4). These effects on the
expression of collagen and aggrecan matrix molecules
were not correlated.
Figure 4. Effects of IL-1Ra at 100 ng/ml and sTNFRI at 100 ng/ml or
their combination on gene expression. OA cartilage specimens from 9
patients were cultured for 24 hours with and without 100 ng/ml IL-1Ra
(ILA), 100 ng/ml sTNFRI (STR), or their combination (Comb).
GAPDH is used as the loading reference. MMP ⫽ matrix metalloproteinase; IL-1␤ ⫽ interleukin-1␤. See Figure 1 for other definitions.
Alterations of gene expression in OA cartilage
explants by PEGylated sTNFRI and/or IL-1Ra, analyzed
by nonquantitative reverse transcription–PCR. Since it
was not possible to conduct studies of matrix degradation and gene expression on the same samples due to
lack of sufficient tissue obtained at arthroplasty, cartilage specimens from other patients were cultured for 24
hours with or without IL-1Ra (anakinra) at 100 ng/ml,
PEGylated sTNFRI at 1,000 ng/ml, or their combination
and were examined (Figure 4). Where detectable, gene
expression of MMP-1, MMP-13, and MMP-3 was suppressed by either antagonist or by the combination in the
specimen examined. In 6 of 9 cases, IL-1Ra and the
combination down-regulated MMP-1 gene expression.
When OA cartilage degeneration is examined in
culture, it is apparent that there is excessive and continuous degradation of CII and proteoglycan, as shown
here and as shown previously for CII (5,7). Although the
mechanism responsible for this progressive pathologic
degradation is not understood, IL-1 and/or TNF␣ have
been hypothesized to be involved. Here, we show that
the degradation of CII and proteoglycan in OA cartilage
can be arrested to varying degrees (some of which are
significant) in individual patients by blockade of IL-1
and/or TNF␣ activity and that these inhibitions are also
significant when all analyses are examined together. The
inhibitory effects of these cytokine antagonists on CII
versus proteoglycan degradation were clearly not interrelated, although a direct correlation was observed
between collagen cleavage and proteoglycan release,
irrespective of treatment. Moreover, the more collagen
cleavage and GAG release we observed, the less proteoglycan was present in the cartilage.
In most cases involving an arrest of CII cleavage,
we observed inhibition with each cytokine antagonist
alone and with both in combination. In one case, the
combination had no effect, whereas the individual an-
tagonists were inhibitory. In another case, IL-1Ra was
inhibitory but not the combination (data not shown).
Such differences no doubt reflect the heterogeneity of
the tissue from patient to patient in terms of responsiveness and our inability to adequately ensure the preparation of completely “homogeneous” aliquots of the
chopped cartilage from a given joint. While the decreases in MMP mRNA seen in some patients is consistent with the inhibition in CII degradation, it was not
possible to determine whether there was a correlation
between these effects in individual patients since the
matrix and mRNA analyses had to be conducted on
separate patients in view of limitations in the amount of
tissue available at arthroplasty.
IL-1 or TNF␣ blockade caused a suppression of
the expression of these same cytokines in a number of
cases, further pointing to the autocrine/paracrine role of
these chondrocyte-derived cytokines in this degradation
process. Moreover, blockade of IL-1 expression also
often resulted in suppression of TNF␣ expression and
vice versa. These observations provide important evidence to indicate linkages in the functional activities of
these cytokines generated by chondrocytes. Soluble IL1RII has been shown to inhibit IL-1␤–induced nitric
oxide and/or prostaglandin E2 production in chondrocytes (41). Using gene array analysis, a recent study has
shown that OA cartilage lacks mRNA expression of
IL-1Ra and decoy IL-1RII, which may allow IL-1 to
drive pathologic change (40). The role of TNF␣ in OA
cartilage degradation has been regarded as being less
clear than that of IL-1. However, our results indicate
that TNF␣ blockade can be chondroprotective in cultured OA cartilage and as effective as IL-1Ra in the
control of collagen cleavage. Previously, it was reported
that there is increased production of both TNF␣ and its
converting enzyme, TACE, in human OA cartilage (41),
combined with enhanced expression of signaltransducing TNFRI in isolated OA chondrocytes (42).
Other candidates for TNF␣ blockade would be TACE
inhibitors, anti-TNF␣ antibodies, sTNFRI, or sTNFRII.
The ability of IL-1 or TNF␣ blockade to enhance
expression of CII and aggrecan in cartilage from some
patients and, in a few cases, to increase aggrecan content
is of interest in view of the demonstrated inhibitory
effects of these cytokines on the synthesis of these matrix
molecules (1,6,43). These observations suggest that in
some cases, these antagonists may also have the potential to promote cartilage repair. The reasons why in
some patients, no responses were observed in the presence of either cytokine antagonist and why different
results were obtained in different patients suggest that
these contrasting responses may be due to differences in
the pathobiology, which remain to be determined. It
was, however, clearly apparent that by examining inhibition of degradation and GAG content increases in
individual cases, there was no evidence for a consistent
linkage between the effects on CII cleavage, proteoglycan release, and content.
In conclusion, this is the first study to demonstrate that TNF␣ and IL-1 present in OA cartilage are
involved in collagenase-mediated cleavage of CII, aggrecan degradation, and the inhibition of gene expression of
matrix molecules. Although the ability of these antagonists to regulate this degradation varies considerably
according to the patient, the group analyses suggest that
PEGylated sTNFRI and/or IL-1Ra (anakinra) may offer
opportunities to control cartilage damage in some patients with OA by inhibiting the degradation of extracellular matrix by suppressing the expression of MMP
genes involved in cartilage degradation. This may help in
cartilage repair.
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