tnttl~ un lwfll • ta,._ ~ t tM sense!,. • all abOUt how things fook, feel, 1aste, 1NJml '"d 5mefl • t-alt about tM pas t ~ Dt'rson t!) Ü touching the jcllyfish. O looking at 1he jellyfish. O smelling the jellyfísh. 5,9 GRAMMAR TR:A37 The soup smells grea t. The flowers look beau1iful. How does the chicken taste7 Tlie muslc sounds terrible. Thc L1c1by ralJbll feels so f t. 1t tastes dcllclous. C, Write sentences. Use these words, sticky good old roug h ~mooth terrible V. r ' 1. The cake ~ tostes good /~ • • . . , '1 r , ✓• ' , · ~ 2. Thedog _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ * ,,I ~ ~r,; , ;\I ~ ''Jlfm~71f . ' I 3. The house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. The glue _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 5. The rock - - - - -- 6. The phone 64 ------ ---------- 1 O What about you? Look around you. Write true sentences. ~ ¿.J!li,,.__ ---¡ ~ "'rr 7f _____ _____ ___ feels srnooth. My desk. .:....:..:..:.:._ 1·---'-------... 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now imagine you are outside. Wríte more sentences. í _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ beautifu/. look._ l . - ~..:..::::._:_.:....:..:..:..:..:.=-'. The mountains:..:::__::__ 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65 O Listen and say. Head ,md wr i1<• d sweet salty bitter sour spicy 4 l. This lemon Í!)n't !)Weet. 1t's - - - - - - - - - - - 2. 1don't like honey. 1 don't like - - - - - - - - - - - things. 3. These patato chips have a lot of salt. They're very _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. 1like peppers. They're really _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5. l don't like the taste of coffee. lt's very _ _ _ _ _ _ __ O Listen and stick. Work with a partner. Check your answer;;;. Number 1 is spicy. Yes. lt\ J pepper. 66 rR A39 e listen and read. TR: A41 Amazing Animal Senses l\ tm\ ,111 im,1h r:lll '-ll'C, hcar, smcll, U-t:i lc, ami lou ch- but tlw; do it in :1 dilTcrcnt W'J.Y í1om hum<.1115. 1111.1gi11e Jou h:1VL' lo walk 011 you1 clinner lo las te ill \\cll, a ln1ltc11ly doc"- il lastes wilh ils feel! Pl'Oplc u~c thc cnds of their fmgers to touch. Seals use thl'ir whisker~. Thcir scnse of touch is amnzing. They can fccl flsh th1 ough the water 180 metcrs (590 feet) away. Spiders don't havc ears. They hear using hundreds of ~mall hails 011 their legs. -- ~ Yve can smell delicious food in fron l of a restaurant. But we can't smell food that is in a differenl town! Bears have a fantastic sense of smell. They can smell things that are 32 kilometers (20 miles) away. Chameleons can see very well-look at their eyes! One eye looks up, and the other eye looks down. They can see all around them. red-taile~ hawk""' person H_ mouse (D Read. Check T far True and F far False. 1. Spiders have ears. 2. Bears can't smell very well. 3. Butterflies tasle with their íeet. 4. Seals use their whiskers to íeel íish in the water. 5. Chameleons can look up and down at the same time. 00 00 00 00 00 ~ Read the text again. Write. butterfly taste It uses its feet. ti} Work with a partner. Talk abaut ather animals yau knaw. 1think dogs can hear very well. 1think bats can't A worm can taste with its whole body. 69 (t) Read. we can use and to sl1ow 111..i t t wo , onr1Pc tecl 1d d., ,1rp similar. \tve can use bu t lo show t hc1 1 l \MO ronn0c tPd ideas a,e di1ferent. \rJllen wc c(.111 cll onsc llc l wre11 l \NO connected ideas, '"'e u~P 01 . UncJPllinc' U1r' s~11 tcnc, ,l, wi Ih or. il1c s l'lll1nc1· is ,r,y f<lvvrite scason . J11e '"'tnfhcr is hot, and we do many "". . ·dc On wcckends we visit .i.· ·t· OCl'M 1€'S O v l ;;;,1 • cur gr,andpa1~ents, or sometimes we 9° t;o the river \'llith rny cousin. At my grandparents' house we s it ovtside and play cards, or we play with t.heir pet dog, Charlie. My grandrna (oves flowers. They lool< beautiful and they smell great, too. There is a river near rny cous ins' house, and we swirn there sometimes. The water's cold, but I /ove it! We eat fruit, or sornetirnes we eat ice crearn. My brother lil<es chocolate ice crearn, but strawberry is my favorite! ~ Write. Write about your summer. Use ar to show cho ices. ~ Work in groups of three. Read your writing to your group. Li:ten. Take turns. Fill in the chart. or 70 \ m Look and rea . 1 lgua'tu Falls, Argentina and Brazil Read. Talk and write. How do you use your senses in the winter, spring, summer, and fall? Winter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Spring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Summer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fall _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ @ Hake a class book of Five Senses poems. Think of an experience when you used your five senses. Write about it. Use paper to plan your work f or ea ch of the senses. Write sentences. ,@}Qk·l~~ o. re, reOSl' ~ \ook c~\or¾u\ o.nd Ml íhe1 to.ste- sw~ ~ Jo~na' Draw pictures. 72 Write your name. • 5 I ( f r • t I , j le \/ J(') . •• ..... ·?fj "..?: 1 . ... r J +=..t --t p Now I can ... /·~ ti , , ,, ... .. \ ' 1 , • • .(~ '\( \ ~ ' ( , .. , 1 Ü talk about thc sc11scs. O t1lk ~1bout how thin9s loo"-, l't.'cl. t~ste, ~ound, all<I "tndl. . Ü l,1lk ¡1bout lhe past. 73