Subido por Luz H. Cruz


Diferencias sexuales en la necesidad de horas de sueño
2 -A
Salas Ochoa Gloria Haydee
Huerta Cruz Luz Edith
Gender differences in sleep patterns:
Sleep Duration:
Across the lifespan, men tend to sleep less than women. However, there are
variations based on age and life stages. During early adulthood, both men and
women exhibit elevated variability in sleep offset and duration. This phase
is associated with mismatches between internal timing and external demands.
Sleep Timing:
Women’s circadian clocks are set to an earlier hour than men’s. This
makes women more inclined to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier.
Circadian cycles are actually shorter for women compared to men, by
approximately six minutes.
Daytime Tiredness and Insomnia:
Reports of daytime tiredness are more common in women aged 18-59.
Overall, women tend to report shorter sleep duration, more sleep symptoms,
and greater rates of insomnia.
In summary, while men and women exhibit differences in sleep patterns,
these variations are influenced by age, life stage, and individual factors.
Understanding these gender-specific differences can help promote better
sleep hygiene and overall well-being.