Subido por Andersson Orduz

Colombia: A Tourist's Guide to a Beautiful Country

Make a description about our beautiful country is any hard. Colombia have a
nice weather, although is very diversify. We´ve the Caribbean coast and
Pacific coast, the ranges, the flats and a lot Amazon’s jungle.
Naturally we have habits as others countries, here our meals are especially
delicious and various. We find them anywhere of the country, this is a lot
part of all things than we have in Colombia.
This country is visited for miles tourist each year, they feels a burn love into
people, it make than they wants always stay here.
Well, we start to talk about the touristic places around the all country, but I
want to show some of them:
In Department Santander
Chicamocha National Park
Gallineral Park
Too we have others villages where we should find the better places of
Santander, some as: Barichara, Velez, Socorro, San Gil, Giron, Floridablanca.
All these villages have exquisite meals and various typical some things.
In the Coast
Caribbean Coast: This coast is to make up for the cities of: Barranquilla, Santa
Martha, San Andres, Cartagena, Valledupar, Rioacha, Sincelejo and Monteria.
People around the world come in frequently, because they´re feels so good
with the residents. The Food is especially one of the most delicious the
South-America, there are much others characteristics for this region. Maybe
one the biggest characteristic the Caribbean coast is happiness people and
attractive charm.
Pacific Coast: There is infinity the customs in pacific coast than we´re getting
to show at more people. The medical empiric is as well part of our pacific
culture. It has been a practice knows for natives across the centuries and very
approve for them.
The Fishing is a source of work the natives in this region.
Regions part of Colombia
In really Colombia is a beautiful country; you have seen important touristic
regions and we should talk about this but the following regions are
recognizing for the entire world and nationally.
Some of these are:
Here we may find greatest tradition in cultivate the flowers with the best
quality kind exportation. A region so much traditional still keeps your
The flats
A of the central attractions in holidays for the region is an activity called
“Coleo”. This consist in get derive a bull in the meantime than it is running.
Some people love it this sport because is heavy and strong and give them
much adrenaline.
The coffee-growing region
A product knows for the world with the best
aroma in the region, and with an exquisite taste
as well as its quality.
For the people of our country this is a real
pride, is something to show a rest the world.
Finally Colombia is the greatest country, because it´s full of cultures, meals,
typical dances, dialects among so many things than may to have a country.
I just want to say than Colombia is marvelous, we´re privileged to be
Also I want to invite at people world to come in, at the best country of southAmerica. Believe me you´ll enjoy!