Grammar practice STOP NOUNS !.? VERBS COMPOUND WORDS PUNCTUATION ADJECTIVES it’s = it is CONTRACTIONS Table of Contents Grammar Practice Reading Nouns #1 Reading Nouns #2 Reading Adjectives Reading Verbs #1 Reading Verbs #2 Contraction Action #1 Contraction Action #2 Compound Words 1 Compound Words 2 Compound Words 3 Urban & Rural Punctuation: Bigfoot Punctuation: The Boy Who Cried Wolf Punctuation: The Sun and the Wind Punctuation: The Peacock's Complaint Punctuation: The Bear and the Bees Punctuation: The Lost Kitten Punctuation: Animal Friends Spell It! #1 Spell It! #2 Spell It! #3 Certificate of Completion Want more workbooks? Join Plus to save time and money. Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved 2nd Grade Reading NOUNS A noun is a person, place, or thing. There are many types of words printed in the sky area of this picture. Find the nouns and write them in each step to get from the bottom to the top of the mountain! inside away over saw snow cloud say from mountain rabbit winter purple flower in to rock on road white now bear hills Finish! the when ice bird squirrel they sunny rain summer sky Start Created by : Copyright 2010-2011 2nd Grade Reading NOUNS A noun is a person, place, or thing. There are many types of words printed around the path below. Find the nouns and write them in each step to get from the bottom to the top of the path! flew what umpire dot another of Good job! pretty ribbon have woman go cup bug a city mailperson green lake bike for at walk greet at red the every cat when onto leaf jog apple hey why where bird run duck Start here! started candle over Created by : Copyright 2009-2010 2nd Grade Reading ADJECTIVES Words that describe things are called adjectives. Find all the adjectives on the ground and write them on the kites! Use both spaces on the box kites. pretty little the at orange what there his follow bird kite string white short when bright tail long friend she sell ran hello tall small him move monster pink fuzzy big yellow float sky sweet boring drop wind home cloud fluffy word cold soft it Created by : Copyright 2010-2011 2nd Grade Reading VERBS Verbs show action. Find all the words that are verbs and write them in the signs! key purple for wrote it dirt waved went truck plays food cat lime helps ran your dog road followed the toe honey carry heart green stop watched wait walked those twice sign later pretty flower drove dances ant hair elbow Created by : Copyright 2010-2011 2nd Grade Reading VERBS Verbs show action. Find and circle all the verbs below. run start nice bee feet eat carry fly rides apple pie go brick flower bird stop float sleep cloud Created by : Copyright 2009-2010 Contraction Action Write the two words that make up each contraction. A contraction is a shortened form of two words. Some of the letters in the second word are replaced by an apostrophe. aren’t couldn’t didn’t I’m weren’t she’s what’s it’s they’re haven’t Created by : Copyright 2008-2009 Contraction Attraction Replace the highlighted words with a contraction from the word box. They’re I’m He’s didn’t It’s We’ll couldn’t I’ve What’s She’d ( He is ) at baseball practice this afternoon. ( We will ) go to Jim’s birthday party on Saturday. ( She would ) like to learn to play the violin. ( It is ) very warm outside. ( I have ) read that book three times already! ( I am ) the tallest girl in my class. Eve ( could not ) go to the beach today. I ( did not ) know that Kelly has a twin sister! ( They are ) going to have a picnic. ( What is ) your favorite color? Created by : Copyright 2008-2009 Compound Words 1 Use a word from the word box below to make a compound word. Use the pictures as clues. cake paste robe paper berry ball plane news + = pan + = bath + = air + = straw + = tooth + = basket + __________ = Created by : Copyright 2008-2009 Compound Words 2 Use a word from the word box below to make a compound word. Use the pictures as clues. fish line fly fruit man line fire flower sun + __________ = snow + = camp + = fire + = jelly + = grape + sky + = = Created by : Copyright 2008-2009 Compound Words 3 Use a word from the word box below to make a compound word. Use the pictures as clues. ball flake fly fish gold + = base + = book cup cage butter + __________ = note + = bird + = snow + = tea + = Created by : Copyright 2008-2009 Social Studies Civics & Government Urban & Rural The picture on the left side shows an urban setting. The picture on the right shows a rural setting. Write two sentences comparing and contrasting these areas on the lines below. Urban Rural Differences Similarities Copyright © 2010-2011 by More worksheets at d d Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation. Bigfoot I think it is Bigfoot yelled Matt and his brother David David They got their flashlights were going on a camping trip in and went outside to investigate the Sierra Mountains Everything was quiet and still You set up the tent said Matt The next morning when they and I will gather the firewood left the tent they suddenly froze Later that night they woke In the mud surrounding their tent to the sound of foot steps What were the most is that asked David gigantic foot prints The sound grew louder Do you think it is a bear asked Matt they had ever seen The End Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence. d d An Aesop’s Fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf laughed The naughty boy played this There once was a boy who kept joke over and over until the villagers sheep not far from the village He would often become bored and to tired of him One day while the boy was amuse himself he would call out, watching the sheep, a wolf did come “Wolf! Wolf,” although there was no into the fold The boy cried and wolf around cried, “Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers would stop what No one came The wolf they were doing and run to save the had a feast of sheep sheep from the wolf’s jaw Once they that day arrived at the pasture, the boy just The End Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence. d d An Aesop’s Fable The Sun and the Wind tighter the man held his coat against The wind and the sun argued one him The wind blew until he was day over which one was the stronger exhausted, but he could not remove Spotting a man man traveling on the the coat from the man’s back road, they made a challenge to see It was now the sun’s turn He which one could take the coat from gently sent his beams upon the the man’s back the quickest traveler The sun did very little, but The wind began He blew strong quietly shone upon his head and back gusts of air, so strong that the man until the man became so warm that could barely walk against them But the he took off his coat man clutched his coat tight against and headed for him The wind blew harder and longer, the nearest shade and the harder the wind blew, the The End Fill in the missing quotation marks. d d An Aesop’s Fable The Peacock’s Complaint one has it’s special gift. You have A peacock was very unhappy with such beauty, the nightingale has his ugly voice, and he spent most of his song, the owl has his eyes, and his days complaining about it. the eagle his strength. Even if you sing, It is true that you cannot had a eloquent voice, you would still said the fox, But look how complain about another thing. beautiful you are! Oh, but what good is all this beauty, moaned the disheartened bird, with such an unpleasant voice! Listen, said the fox, Each The End Fill in the periods at the end of each sentence. d d An Aesop’s Fable The Bear and the Bees rage He swatted at the log with his A bear came across a log where a big claws, determined to destroy the swarm of bees had nested to make nest of bees inside This only alerted their honey As he snooped around, a the bees and quick as a wink, the single little bee flew out of the log entire swarm of bees flew out of the to protect the swarm Knowing that log and began to sting the bear from the bear would eat all the honey, the head to heel The bear saved himself little bee stung him sharply on the by running to and diving nose and flew back into the log into the nearest pond This flew the bear into an angry The End d d Read the story story and fill in the the proper proper punctuation. The Lost Kitten went straight to her mother May One cold and rainy day Polly I please keep him she asked was walking home from school Yes said her mother But you Suddenly she heard a loud and must promise to take care of him mournful cry Meow meow meow and feed him every day She looked under a bush and saw a little wet orange kitten Polly poured some warm milk into a bowl and put a soft pillow Who do you belong to she in a basket for his bed asked She picked up the kitten I will name you Fletcher and snuggled him under her coat she said happily When she got home Polly The End d d Read the story and fill in the proper punctuation. Animal Friends castle window and watched the Once upon a time long ago deer and rabbits and birds play there was a princess who lived in They looked so happy One day a castle high up on a mountain she had an idea She called to The castle was surrounded by forests lakes and rivers No one ever came to the castle The princess was very lonely them Will you play with me Every day after that she went outside and played with her new animal friends I wish I had a friend she said I and wasnt lonely wish I had someone to play with any more Every day she looked out her The End Spell It! 1 grade 2 1. meal _________________ 6. bite __________________ 2. because _______________ 7. said __________________ 3. says ___________________ 8. talk ___________________ 4. were _________________ 9. heart __________________ 5. tale ____________________ 10. book __________________ Write a sentence using each of these spelling words: MEAL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOK: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TALE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BITE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by More worksheets at Spell It! 2 grade 2 1. tape __________________ 6. around _________________ 2. before _______________ 7. read __________________ 3. meat ________________ 8. sale __________________ 4. call _________________ 9. ground ___________________ 5. after _________________ 10. yard _________________ Write a sentence using each of these spelling words: YARD: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEAT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEFORE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------READ: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AROUND: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by More worksheets at Spell It! 3 grade 2 1. cloud __________________ 6. plain _________________ 2. color _______________ 7. always __________________ 3. yawn ________________ 8. wash __________________ 4. clean _________________ 9. clear ___________________ 5. dress _________________ 10. write _________________ Write a sentence using each of these spelling words: CLOUD: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRESS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WRITE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLEAR: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALWAYS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright © 2010-2011 2011-2012 by More worksheets at Great job! is an writing superstar