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Machine Learning Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide

Machine Learning Roadmap
So you want to learn Machine Learning? It will be a long journey - one that requires a solid grasp of the fundamentals. Try and not skip any of
the stages, and move on to the next once you have a full understanding of the current one. Good luck!
1. Mathematics and Calculus
1. 1. Linear Algebra
2. 2. Calculus
3. 3. Probability and Statistics
2. Programming
1. Learn Python Basics
2. Learn Advanced Python
3. Machine Learning Concepts
4. Train your own model!
5. Stay Updated and Engage in ML community
Mathematics and Calculus
1. Linear Algebra
This is what essentially provides the mathematical framework for understanding and manipulating vectors and matrices, which are the
building blocks of almost any ML algorithm. A full grasp of these concepts is essential. As always, Khan Academy is a great resource. Below
are a list of the essentials, along with the appropriate Khan Academy course materials. You can always choose your own course if you wish to.
1. Vectors and Spaces
2. Matrices and Matrix Transformations
2. Calculus
Calculus, and particularly derivatives and gradients, play a key role in optimization algorithms used in ML. You will rely on Calculus for
optimization techniques such as gradient descent, and key components of DL such as Backpropagation - which heavily relies on the chain rule
of calculus. Studying integrals and derivatives are fundamental for understanding the rate of change in functions and how they behave, which
is crucial for interpreting and modeling real-world use-cases.
1. Integrals
2. Differential Equations
3. Application of Integrals
4. Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions
5. Series
6. Gradients
3. Probability and Statistics
Another essential building-block. Probability theory provides a math framework for quantifying uncertainty. In ML, models often need to make
predictions or decisions based on incomplete or noisy data. With probability, we can easily express that uncertainty and reason about it.
There's myriad other reasons for learning probability, of course; just keep in mind that Language Models generate text by taking your input
and calculating the probability distribution of the next sequence of words that would follow it, and pick the most likely output to complete
your input text.
1. The Entire Khan Academy Statistics and Probability course
You can take only the lessons you think might be important and then take the Course Challenge.
2. Discrete and continuous probability distributions: binomial and normal (Gaussian).
3. Bayesian Statistics
That should probably be enough for Math. I might've missed a few essential things, but I will add more as I come across them.
The current programming language dominating the ML community is Python. Not surprising, since the ease of use allows you to focus on
writing efficient code without needing to spend too much time learning the intricacies of the language's syntax. There's a good chance you
already know Python, but we'll go over the basic steps anyway.
Learn Python Basics
The Python Developer roadmap is an incredibly useful resource for this. What it essentially boils down to, however, is:
1. Learn the Basic Syntax and Data Types
You'll need to familiarize yourself with Python's syntax, variables, data types (integers, floats, strings, lists, dicts), and basic operations
(arithmetic, string manipulation, indexing, slicing).
2. Control Flow
Understand conditional statements ( if , elif , else ), loops ( for , while ), and logical operators ( and , or , not ). Very important for
implementing decision-making and repetition in your code.
3. Functions and modules
Learn how to define and use functions to encapsulate reusable blocks of code. Also, you'll need to understand how to import and utilize
modules (libs).
4. Data Structures and Manipulation
Get yourself acquainted with fundamental data structures like lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries. Learn how to manipulate and
transform data.
5. NumPy
A fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. You will need to gain proficiency in using NumPy arrays for efficient numerical
6. Pandas
You will often need Pandas DataFrames to clean, transform, filter, aggregate, and analyze your datasets.
7. Plotting and Data Visualization
Become familiar with libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn for creating plots, charts, and visualization. Not strictly necessary, but
Learn Advanced Python
At this stage, you'll be sufficiently familiar with Python and ready to tackle the ML aspects of Python. Very exciting.
1. Machine Learning Libraries
Explore the popular ML libraries, such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, or scikit-learn. It's recommended to focus on only one, and as of now,
PyTorch is the most popular.
2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Get yourself comfortable with the principles of OOP, including classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation. Allows for modular and
organized code design.
Machine Learning Concepts
At this point, you can follow whatever ML course you're comfortable with. A popular recommendation is fastai. It's a great resource for almost
everything you'll need to learn about ML. Otherwise, pick any of the concepts below that interest you and get to learning.
1. Supervised Learning
This Coursera curriculum on Supervised ML will be useful. As of writing this guide, the course is completely free. The main points to learn
Classification: Predicting discrete class labels.
Regression: Predicting continuous values.
2. Unsupervised Learning
This course should provide the adequate amount of knowledge on Unsupervised Learning. The main points to learn are:
Clustering: Grouping similar data points together.
Dimensionality Reduction: Reducing the number of input features while preserving important information.
Anomaly Detection: Identifying rare of abnormal instances in the data.
3. Reinforcement Learning
Coursera provides this course on Reinforcement Learning, which should be a good starting point.
4. Linear Regression
This resource should be a useful starting point. The main outtakes are:
Understanding linear regression models and assumptions.
Cost functions, including mean squared error.
Gradient descent for parameter optimization.
Evaluation metrics for regression models.
5. Logistic Regression
Read through this resource as a starting point. Main outtakes will be:
Modeling binary classification problems with logistic regression.
Sigmoid function and interpretation of probabilities.
Maximum likelihood estimation and logistic loss.
Regularization techniques for logistic regression.
6. Decision Trees and Random Forests
This incredible resource by Jake VanderPlas should be extremely useful. Main outtake are:
Basics of decision tree learning.
Splitting criteria and handling categorical variables.
Ensemble learning with random forests.
Feature importance and tree visualization.
7. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Read through this resource. The main outtakes are:
Formulation of SVMs for binary classification.
Kernel trick and non-linear decision boundaries.
Soft margin and regularization in SVMs.
SVMs for multi-class classification.
8. Clustering
Read through this excellent Google for Developers course on Clustering. The main outtakes are:
Overview of unsupervised learning and clustering.
K-means clustering algorithm and initialization methods.
Hierarchical clustering and density-based clustering.
Evaluating clustering performance.
9. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
The heart of the matter. Read through the papers for each:
Deep Learning in Neural Networks: an Overview
An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): A gentle Introduction and Overview
Three Mechanisms of Weight Decay Regularization
Layer Normalization
Attention Is All You Need
10. Evaluation and Validation
Read the following papers:
Using J-K fold Cross Validation to Reduce Variance When Tuning NLP Models
Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation for Bayesian Model Comparison in Large Data
And this HuggingFace guide on Evaluating ML models.
11. Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction
Take a look at this article for a general oveeview.
Also read these papers:
Beyond One-hot Encoding: lower dimensional target embedding
A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis
12. Model Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning
This is where you're finally dabbling in model training. Good job! You will need to learn:
Grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization for hyperparameter tuning.
Model selection techniques, including nested cross-validation.
Overfitting, underfitting, and bias-variance tradeoff.
Performance comparison of different models.
Train your own model!
You're now ready to pre-train your own model, or fine-tune an existing one! For this, you should look into Transformers, a framework for
developing state-of-the-art Machine Learning models using PyTorch.
The HuggingFace Transformers docs go into excruciating detail on how to use Transformers. Make sure to read them, as they might be all
you'll need. Good luck on your journey!
Stay Updated and Engage in ML community
At this point, you know all the essentials. ML is an ever-advancing field, with new innovations emerging everyday. You'll need to stay abreast
of the latest developments, hound arXiv for the latest published ML papers, and attend conferences if you're able to.