Subido por JORGE ROA

English Language Improvement Plan: Jorge Mendoza

Task 1 - Personal Plan for Language Improvement
Jorge Luis Mendoza Roa
Tutor: Diego German Uribe Cuellar
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
School of Educational Sciences
Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English
English V
Web Conference Participation:
In this text, I am going to talk about the first web conference of the English V
course. I couldn’t participate in the session because I was working at that time, but I
reviewed the recording and took notes on all the important points. The web conference was
divided into three main parts. First, the course director, Juana Valentina Rozo, introduced
the course network and presented a diverse group of experienced teachers: Lenny Amaya,
Michael Romero, and Arturo Bolívar. She also mentioned that two teachers have not been
assigned yet one of them, I suppose, is my tutor.
Second, she spoke about the three learning outcomes of the English V course, which
focus on demonstrating and developing language fluency and accuracy while expressing
opinions with critical thinking. More specifically, these are the outcomes:
Learning Outcome 1: Take ownership of their language level development by
designing and implementing critically planned and organized activities that seek to improve
English's use and development.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate critical thinking and expressing opinions on
various topics by using different grammar structures and all the language skills in a vast
number of language development tasks.
Learning Outcome 3: Develop Language fluency and accuracy in using various
verb tenses and grammar structures by using them in different real-life tasks that imply
their participation and frequent use of the language in a real context.
To complete those outcomes there are different tasks that we can find on the course
agenda and we will have five webconferences during the course to explain all the activities
and important aspects related to the course. There are three important moments during the
course and each one of them has specific activities. For example: Initial moment: task 1personal plan for language improvement, Intermediate moment: task 2 - getting to know
each other, task 3 - mastering verbs form and comparison in everyday context, task 4-the
place I come from, task 5 – mastering the passive form and inseparable phrasal verbs in
everyday contexts, task 6 – the tales of my ancestors, task 7 mastering the past perfect and
the form and use of the causative in everyday context and the final moment: task 8 – perish
the thought
Finally, she talked about the Personal Improvement Plan (PIP) for practicing
English. She showed us a template and explained how to fill it out. Then, she briefly
mentioned some classes we will have during the course, where tutors will explain topics
related to the course content.
Additionally, she introduced the Online Language Community as a university
strategy to create a space for practicing English in all skills: grammar, speaking, listening,
writing, and reading, according to our level. In my opinion, this community is a great
opportunity to improve our speaking skills, learn new vocabulary, and express ourselves in
small groups. I have participated in this community throughout my academic career, and I
believe we should value and take full advantage of this strategy.
Evidence EFSET:
Personal Improvement Plan
Name: Jorge Luis Mendoza Roa
Initial Assessment Date: Sunday, February 09th, 2025
Overall Language Level: B2 upper intermediate
Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar martes regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Understand most of what you hear on television, radio or the internet.
Diverse vocabulary that allows you to comprehend job related language and most of what people say about feelings and events.
Can read virtually any kind of text (factual, literary, technical) and accurately recognize and categorize style and tone.
Responsibility to practice every day according to my personal improvement plan.
Good listening to comprehend different kinds of accents.
Areas for Improvement:
Grammar: I will practice all the grammatical structures to create well-structured sentences and paragraphs
Speaking: it is so important to have a fluent conversation using diverse vocabulary in different contexts.
Spelling: the accuracy writing each word is also important to improve my writing.
Confident: When I am speaking, this area is important to me to feel that I am speaking well, and to have fluently.
Improve my listening comprehension in movies or series without using subtitles.
Learn specific vocabulary to speak in different contexts practicing 10 words per week.
Learn and practice all the grammatical structures in different tenses.
Listen to a
podcast of 30
(Listening time
by Conner Pe)
Listen and sing
music in
Record an audio
about some topic
and then try to
recognize the
Read something
for 35 minutes,
articles, etc.)
Write a short
dialogue and
practice with it.
What a movie
in English.
Watch a movie
in English
Practice the
shadowing with
a video or audio
in English
Watch a chapter of
an interesting series
Practice 1 hour
speaking with
writing and
grammar with
my friend
Julian, he is an
Listen a
podcast of 30
minutes about
phrasal verbs
in context
(Listening time
by Conner Pe)
Read an article
related to a
Investigate, learn and practice
grammar tense.
Watch 2
Read some
documentals in
contents of this
English (I am
course or from
paying Netflix,
other courses
Disney and
like English
HBO Max to
Phonetic or
watch diverse
content in
Participate on the online Language Community practicing all the
English skills and improving my fluently and confident with the
Practice 15 words related to a specific topic including 2 phrasal verbs. To carry out this strategy I am going to use Anki Droid to
create cards with the words, phrases and images related to each one of them
Create sentences using the vocabulary that I will learn every week. Additionally, I will create a game in wordwall to practice the
vocabulary per week.
How well do I interact and respond in conversations?
My interaction when I am in conversations is so good because I always try to respond and continue talking in all the moments,
maybe if I feel a little nervous, I breathe, think and continue talking about the topic, but I never stop.
How accurate is my use of grammar when speaking and writing?
Grammar is a little more difficult for me when I am speaking and writing. For example, it is complicated for me to use the
correct prepositions in each case, On the other hand, it is difficult to be accurate when I am writing irregular verbs in the past,
moreover, when I am pronouncing them is difficult for me to pronoun the correct sound when they end in some consonants.
How clearly do I express my ideas in writing and speaking?
I express my ideas in a clear way when I am speaking because I like this way to express myself in real conversations. It is
difficult when I am writing because I start to think about what I am going to express and maybe I do not have the inspiration to write
big paragraphs.
How effectively do I use a variety of vocabulary in my writing and speaking?
In my opinion, I think that I have a good variety of vocabulary when I am writing and speaking, but in some cases, it is
necessary to know specific vocabulary to express our ideas in some conversations or texts about a specific topic.
Do I feel I know enough vocabulary to express myself?
Yes, I feel I have enough vocabulary to express myself, but it is always necessary to learn more vocabulary about specific
topics to be able to speak in deep conversations. For instance, if we are with a politician is necessary to know specific vocabulary
about it to express ourselves with more confidence.
How fluent and coherent am I when speaking in English?
When I am speaking, I am fluent and coherent with all the ideas that I try to express but obviously there are some moments
when I do not have anything to say, maybe because I do not have the correct vocabulary, or I do not know about the topic that people
are speaking about.
Do I feel confident when I am requested to talk in English?
Yes, I feel confident when a person requests me to talk in English because I am conscious that I have a good English level, and
I am practicing every day to improve and be able to speak with other people.
Bibliographic References
Ospina, V. (2023). Factors that affect English learning among students of advanced English
courses in the undergraduate program in English at UNAD. In 2nd International
Congress on Pedagogical Mediation in Language Learning (pp. 51–56). Sello
Editorial UNAD.
VIMEP. (2020). Instructivo para la usabilidad de Normas internacionales de citación APA
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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.