April 3, 2016 - St. Luke Church

Readings for This Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
2° Domingo de Pascua
1st Reading: Acts 5: 12-16/ Hechos
2nd Reading: Rv 1: 9-11, 12-13, 17-19/
Gospel: Jn 20: 19-31 / Juan
Daily Readings for the Week
Monday, April 4, 2016
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
1st Reading: Is 7: 10-14; 8:10/ Isaias
2nd Reading: Heb 10: 4-10 / Hebreos
Gospel: Lk 1: 26-38 / Lucas
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
1st Reading: Acts 4: 32-37/ Hechos
Gospel: Jn 3: 7-15/ Juan
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
1st Reading: Acts 5: 17-26/ Hechos
Gospel: Jn 3: 16-21/ Juan
Thursday, April 7, 2016
1st Reading: Acts 5: 27-33/ Hechos
Gospel: Jn 3: 31-36 / Juan
Friday, April 8, 2016
1st Reading: Acts 5: 34-42 / Hechos
Gospel: Jn 6: 1-15 / Juan
Saturday, April 9, 2016
1st Reading: Acts 6: 1-7 / Hechos
Gospel: Jn 6: 16-21 / Juan
Next Sunday’s Readings
3rd Sunday of Easter
3° Domingo de Pascua
1st Reading: Acts 5: 27-32, 40-21/ Hechos
2nd Reading: Rv 5: 11-14/ Apocalipsis
Gospel: Jn 21: 1-19 / Juan
Parish Staff Email Contacts
Fr. James Coleman
Fr. Scott Baier:
Christine Vistica:
Eddie Caudel:
Calendar of Events
Calendario de Eventos
Saturday, Apr. 2nd
Sp Marriage Prep
Sábado, 2 de Abr.
Clases Pre-Matrimonial
Sunday, Apr. 3rd
Domingo, 3 de Abr.
Coffee & Rolls hosted by:
Knights of Columbus
MS Youth Group
Monday, Apr. 4th
Church Cleaning
Tuesday, Apr. 5th
Grupo de Jovenes de MS
Limpieza de la Iglesia
Lunes, 4 de Abr.
Martes, 5 de Abr.
Confirmation Class (HS)
MS religious ed
6:30pm Clases de Confirmación (HS)
Doctrina para los de MS
Rel. Ed. (Spanish)
Wednesday, Apr. 5th
Thursday, Apr. 7th
Rel. Ed. (English)
Sp. Prayer Group, Rubis
Friday, Apr. 8th
Miércoles, 6 de Abr.
Doctrina Gr.K-6(Español)
Jueves, 7 de Abr.
5:00 pm
5:00 - 5:45pm
Doctrina Gr.K-6(Ingles)
7:00 pm
Gpo de Oración, Rubis
7pm Apóstoles de la Palabra, KC Hall
Viernes, 8 de Abr.
Sp. Prayer Gp. , Church
7:00 pm
Gpo de Oración, Iglesia
Saturday, Apr. 9th
Sp Marriage Prep
Sábado, 9 de Abr.
Clases Pre-Matrimonial
Mass Intentions For This Week
Sat. Apr. 2
Sun. Apr. 3
5:00 pm †Eva Halter
7:30 am †Mike Sowa
Mass: St. Agnes 9:00am †Louis Richter
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
11:30am †Jaime Valdez
1:30 pm †Agapita Aguilera & Navor Garcia
Tues. Apr. 5 9:00 am
Wed. Apr.6 9:00 am
Thurs. Apr. 7 9:00 am †Eva Halter
Fri. Apr. 8
9:00 am
Sat. Apr. 9
5:00pm †LaVeta Bizon
Sun. Apr. 10 7:30 am † Concepcion Leyva
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
11:30am † Silverio Valle Meza
1:30pm † Jaime Valdez
Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia
Marriage Prep Classes
In Spanish
Platicas Pre Matrimoniales
En Español
Classes begin Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. The
classes are for couples who are in the process of
getting married or are thinking about getting
married. Classes will be from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
To register for these up-coming classes or for
more information please call the parish office or
simply show up to the first class April 2nd.
Clases empiezan Sábado, 2 de Abril, 2016. Las
platicas son para las parejas que están en el proceso de casarse o están pensando en casarse. La
clase será de 6:30pm-8:00pm. Para registrarse
a estas platicas o para mas información favor
de hablar a la oficina parroquial o lleguen a la
primer clase el 2 de abril!
Matrimonios Comunitarios
Todavía estamos ofreciendo bodas comunitarias. La fecha es el 14 de Mayo 2016 y es sin costo!
Para más Información o si esta interesado favor de hablar a la oficina parroquial al (503) 981-5011.
Eddie Caudel will begin a four-part series on the Catholic Approach to Scripture Study beginning
this Tuesday. The class will be offered every Tuesday in April at 10am in Rubis Hall and again at
6:30pm in the school library. Please contact Eddie at the Church office for more information.
St. Luke Middle School Youth Group
Grades 6-8
Youth Group every Sunday at 3:30pm in KC Hall.
Grupo de Jóvenes grados 6-8 en San Lucas
Grados de 6–8
Grupo de Jovenes cada Domingo a las 3:30pm en el
NEEDED - more voices to share God's word with us at Sat 5pm & Sun 7:30am
masses. We need to fill lector vacancies due to recent retirements, relocations, ill health. etc. Why
not volunteer? One-hour orientation is all it takes. No weekly meetings; no memorizing; flexible
scheduling. For details, contact Lector Coordinator, Linda Reinsch. Home 503-981-7331; Mobile
971-273-3115 ; email: Lreinsch97071@yahoo.com.
Platica Pre–Bautismal en Español
La próxima platica pre-bautismal va ser Lunes, 18 de Abril. Para inscribirse a esta clase o para
más información y requisitos favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.
*Tienen que inscribirse para asistir esta platica*
Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia
“Joven no tengas miedo al desafío, ten miedo
de una vida sin sentido -Benedicto XVI
Donde: Iglesia San Lucas
417 Harrison St.
Woodburn, OR 97071
15 de Abril, 7:00pm—9:00pm
16 de Abril, 9:00am—5:30pm
17 de Abril, 9:00am—1:30pm (Terminamos con la Santa misa)
Sagrada Escritura
Legión De Maria
Se les invita a integrarse a un grupo llamado
“Legion De María” el cual se lleva acabo todo los
Viernes de 4:00pm-5:00pm en la oficina con las
Grupo Pastoral Familiar
Invitamos a las parejas a reunirse todos los Lunes a
las 7:00pm en el salón Rubis para reflexionar sobre
temas relacionados con la vida de la pareja y/o la
vida familiar.
Se les invita a todos los adultos que quieran aprender mas sobre la Biblia. El curso se lleva acabo todo los Viernes de 6:00pm-7:00pm en la oficina parroquial.
Grupo de Oración Carismático
Vengan a compartir en las alabanzas, predicas,
testimonios y oración! Todos los Viernes dentro de
la Iglesia de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Los esperamos!
Apóstoles de la Palabra
El grupo Apóstoles de la Palabra de San Lucas, le invita a usted y a su familia, a sus estudios bíblicos. Nos
reunimos los jueves de 7 a 9pm en el salón KC (Caballeros de Colon) que está al cruzar la calle detrás de
la oficina. Venga, traiga su Biblia y aprenda con nosotros sobre nuestra fe Católica. Si usted o alguien que
conozca necesitan que le ayudemos a rezar un rosario, con mucho gusto le acompañaremos, y si solo desea
conocer más sobre el origen del Santo Rosario y su fundamento bíblico, comuníquese a la parroquia y
pregunte por Mario Magaña, o visite nuestra página de FB Apóstoles De La Palabra Northwest.
Men’s Faith Sharing Group
There is a faith sharing group for men at St. Luke. They meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at
7pm in the school library. All men are welcome. For more information contact Don Holt at 503-982-4005
or Tom Lonergan at 503-989-3353.
Around the Parish / Alrededor de la Parroquia
We still have a lot of 2016 Envelope
boxes that have not been picked up yet by
parishioners. If you know you haven't, please
stop by the parish office and pick them up as
soon as possible. Thank you!
Aun tenemos muchas cajas de sobres de este
año 2016 que familias no han recogido.
Si usted sabe que no los a recogido por favor
pasen a la oficina a recogerlos lo mas pronto
posible. Gracias!
If you do not have envelopes but wish to, call
the parish office or stop by.
Si no tiene sobres pero desea tenerlos
llamen o vayan a la oficina.
Help or Assistance / Ayuda o Asistencia
St. Vincent de Paul
To contact St. Vincent de Paul for assistance please
call (971) 338-1074. Your call will be returned within
48 hours. (Monday-Friday)
St Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Open: on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
(Closed on Holidays) Hours: 5:00pm-7:00pm
San Vicente de Paul: Ayuda
Para contactar a San Vicente de Paul para ayuda favor
de llamar al (971) 338-1074. Le regresaremos su
llamada dentro de 48 horas. (Lunes–Viernes)
Banco de Comida
Abierto: cada 2º y 4º Jueves del mes.
(excepto días festivos) Horario: 5:00pm a 7:00pm
School Zone / Escuela
JOB OPENING: Extended Care Teacher
St. Luke School is seeking candidates for head extended care teacher.
Working Hours: 2pm-6pm on regular school days; 12noon-6pm on early release days.
Pay Rate: $11.50/hr
Candidates must have at least one year of teaching experience in a Certified Child Care Center
a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Child Development , Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation, Special
Ed, or Early childhood education
an Associate’s degree with a major in Child Development, Physical Ed, Recreation, Special Ed, Early
childhood education
a one year state or nationally recognized credential related to school-age care.
To request an application and submit letter of interest and resume send to
office@stlukeschoolwoodburn.org Call 503-981-7441 for more information.
School Zone / Escuela
Help Support St. Luke School by saving labels and box tops from everyday products you're
probably already using. Look for the “Labels of education” and “Box Tops for Education” logos from
these brands:
Labels for Education: Campbell’s Soup, Swanson, Prego, Pace, Pepperidge Farms, Bic, V8
Box Tops for Education: General Mills, Yoplait, Ziploc, Hefty, Totinos, Old El Paso, Progresso
Labels and/or Box tops can be given to any St. Luke student or dropped at the school office
between 7am-3pm. Thank you!
Potpourri / De Todo Alrededor
Attention all Catholic Young Men
Ages 13-18!
Do you know where you are going in life? The Lord
Jesus has a great plan for you! You are invited to
attend Quo Vadis Days camp to spend some time
with other young men your age looking at the Lord’s
call in your life while having a great time. Quo
Vadis Days is sponsored by the Office of Vocations
and is led by priests and seminarians of the
archdiocese. Quo Vadis Days will be held from June
20th-23rd at Camp Howard. The cost is only $50.00.
Scholarships are available for those in financial
need. Please visit www.qvdays.org for more
information and to register.
Please join us for the 8th Annual Seminary Teas
as we celebrate Archbishop Alexander K.
Sample’s 25th Jubilee Anniversary of ordination
to the priesthood and the Tenth Anniversary of
his ordination as a Bishop.
In the new Catholic Sentinel, experience Holy Week
and hear from four Oregonians who decided to join the
Church. See why some people want to ban the death
penalty in the state. Make plans to attend workshops
on ways to communicate with teens and see what happened this year in our own basketball madness, the
CYO tournament and see what
Catholic school tech leaders are saying about how education is being affected.
Special note: It’s survey time. Take the Catholic Sentinel’s online survey and have a say about the news you
want to read. Completed
surveys are automatically entered to win an
iPad Mini. Click the “Take the
Survey” button at www.catholicsentinel.org.
To this spring social event
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Portland Golf Club
5600 SW Scholls Ferry Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97225
Admission $35
Register to the tea or call
Mary Kay Beaudoin
A benefit for Archdiocesan Seminary Education
Sponsored by the Seminary Tea Committee
Pray for the Sick of our Parish
Orad por los Enfermos de la Parroquia
Margaret Krupicka
Theresa (Terry) Seaton
Martina Ybarra
Evangelina Tapia
Luz Gonzalez
Bob & Cleo Miley
Kevin Bernabe
David De La Vega
Bob Hartsook
Hilda Vicente
Gracie Garcia
Juan Antonio Tarula
Carmen Navarro
Marilu Will
Felipe Delgado Garcia
Leroy Taylor
Rita Henkes
Irene Saucedo
Pray for those in Harms Way
Chase Cowley, USMC
Alexania Ramos
Chavez, USMC
Tanya Quiñones,
Ezequiel Cervantes, US
Kelly Berkey, USMC
Joe Lonergan, US Army
Thomas K. Demelo,
NOTE: Please help us keep our list current and let us
know who needs to be added or removed. Thank
NOTA: Ayúdenos a estar al corriente con nuestra lista
y hacernos saber si alguien tiene que ser agregado o
eliminado de la lista. Gracias.
Advertiser of the Week
Catholic Community Services
Please support our Advertisers!
Their ad on the back supports the printing of
this bulletin.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or
anyone who’s unable to come to church. To arrange
this service for yourself or for a loved one please
contact the parish office at (503)981-5011. Thank
you .
La comunión puede ser llevada a una
persona enferma que no pueda venir a la
iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio para usted o para un ser querido favor de contactar la oficina parroquial al
Please Remember St. Luke In Your Will
Please use the following language when making your
estate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath
_________(Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke
Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon (Our official
legal name). It is understood in making this gift that
it can only be used by St. Luke Catholic Church,
Woodburn, Oregon.
Do you want to listen & keep up
with Pope Francis sermons? Check
out this website! www.Zenit.org.
To have a St. Luke Parish registration form sent to you please fill out this temporary form and drop it in the Sunday
collection basket
Para obtener una forma de registro de San Lucas por favor rellene esta forma temporal y ponerla en la canasta de la
Address/ Domicilio______________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code/CodigoPostal________________________
□New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio