Readings for This Sunday Saturday, Mar. 5th Baptisms Confessions English Mass AUCTION DAY 12:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm Sábado, 5 de Mar. Bautizos Confesiones Misa en Ingles Sunday, Mar. 6th Domingo, 6 de Mar. NO COFFEE & ROLLS Youth Group 3:30pm Grupo de Jovenes Monday, Mar. 7th Church Cleaning 5:30pm Tuesday, Mar. 8th Lunes, 7 de Mar. Limpieza de la Iglesia Martes, 8 de Mar. Confessions 5:30pm Confesiones Confirmation Class (HS) 6:30pm Clases de Confirmación (HS) MS Classes 7th-8th 6:30pm Clases para los grados (7-8) Wednesday, Mar. 9th Miércoles, 9 de Mar. Rel. Ed. (Spanish) 6:30pm Doctrina Gr.K-6(Español) Choir Practice (church) 7:30pm Practica de Coro(Iglesia) Thursday, Mar. 10th Jueves, 10 de Mar. Adoration 9:30am Adoración Adoration 5:00 pm Adoración Confessions 5:00 - 5:45pm Confesiones Rel. Ed. (English) 6:30pm Doctrina Gr.K-6(Ingles) Sp. Prayer Group, Rubis 7:00 pm Gpo de Oración, Rubis 7pm Apóstoles de la Palabra, KC Hall Friday, Mar. 11th Stations of the Cross Sp. Prayer Gp. , Church 6:00pm 7:00 pm Saturday, Mar. 12th Baptisms 12:00pm Confessions 3:00pm Viernes, 11 de Mar. Viacrucis Gpo de Oración, Iglesia Sábado, 12 de Mar. Bautizos Confesiones Mass Intentions For This Week 4:00 pm 7:30 am †Inez Banning Mass: St. Agnes 9:00am † Louis Richter 9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am †Miguel Huitzil 1:30 pm †Crisantos Ulloa Curiel & Manuel Cruz Tues. Mar. 8 9:00 am †Dennis Salanti Wed. Mar. 9 9:00 am Thurs.Mar.10 9:00 am †Dennis Salanti 6:00pm Fri. Mar. 11 9:00 am Sat. Mar. 12 5:00pm Sun. Mar. 13 7:30 am † Dave Smith 9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am † Agustine Valle Figeroa 1:30pm Enferma: Matias Ahilon Mendoza 4th Sunday of Lent 4º Domingo de Cuaresma 1st Reading: Jos 5: 9A, 10-12/ Josue 2nd Reading: 2 Cor 5: 17-21/ 2 Corintios Gospel: Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32 / Lucas Daily Readings for the Week Monday, March 7, 2016 1st Reading : Is 65: 17-21/ Isaias Gospel: Jn 4: 43-54/ Juan Tuesday, March 8, 2016 1st Reading : Ez 47: 1-9, 12/ Ezequiel Gospel: Jn 5: 1-16/ Juan Wednesday, March 9, 2016 1st Reading : Is 49: 8-15/ Isaias Gospel: Jn 5: 17-30/ Juan Thursday, March 10, 2016 1st Reading : Ex 32: 7-14/ Exodo Gospel: Jn 5: 31-47/ Juan Friday, March 11, 2016 1st Reading: Wis 2: 1A, 12-22 / Sabiduria Gospel: Jn 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30 / Juan Saturday, March 12, 2016 1st Reading: Jer 11: 18-20/ Jeremias Gospel: Jn 7: 40-53/ Juan Next Sunday’s Readings Sat. Mar. 5 Sun. Mar. 6 5th Sunday of Lent 5º Domingo de Cuaresma 1st Reading: Is 43: 16-21/ Isaias 2nd Reading: Phil 3: 8-14/ Filipenses Gospel: Jn 8: 1-11 / Juan Parish Staff Email Contacts Fr. James Coleman Fr. Scott Baier: Christine Vistica: Eddie Caudel: Parish Emergency Contact After Office Hours: If you have a medical emergency or are calling about a death, call our parish office and dial ext 9. Contacto de Emergencia Parroquial Después de Horarios de Oficina: Si tiene una emergencia de salud o de muerte, llame la oficina y presione el #9. Holy Week / Semana Santa Palm Sunday Domingo de Ramos Easter Vigil Pascua Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo March 24th 7:00pm—Bilingual Mass Misa Bilingüe Saturday, March 19th 5:00pm English Mass Saturday, March 26th 8:00pm—Vigil / Vigilia Good Friday / Viernes Santo Sunday, March 20th 7:30am—English 9:00am St Agnes 9:30am—English 11:30am—Español 1:30pm—Español March 25th 12:00pm—Stations of the Cross Viacrucis 5:00pm— English Liturgy 6:30pm— Liturgia en Español 8:00pm— Stations of the Cross LIVE Viacrucis EN VIVO Sunday March 27th 7:30am—English 9:00am St Agnes 9:30am—English 11:30am—Español 1:30pm—Español Lent / La Cuaresma PASSOVER CELEBRATION / SEDER MEAL On Saturday, March 19, at 6:15pm Father Coleman will lead a Passover meal in the Jewish tradition. The Seder remembers Israel’s liberation from slavery in Egypt with story and song, within the context of a meal. This will be trilingual—English with some Spanish and Hebrew. It is appropriate for all ages and children of all ages are most welcome. The meal will be mostly a potluck. Special food will be provided. There is no charge, but donations will be accepted . You can sign up by contacting the office. CENA PASCUAL El Sábado 19 de Marzo a las 6:15pm vamos a celebrar una cena pascual en la tradición Judía. Se trata de un rito que narra la historia del Éxodo y incluye canticos y comida en tres lenguas—ingles, español y hebreo. Es apropiado para todas las edades y niños de todas las edades son bienvenidos. Las comidas rituales provee la parroquia y el resto será “potluck”/de traje. No hay costo peri habrá ofrenda libre. Para reservar espacio, por favor comunícense con la oficina. Stations of the Cross The stations of the cross are on Fridays at 6:00pm followed by a soup supper in the Rubis hall. We also have booklets at the entrances of the church that you can borrow to pray the stations of the cross privately. Vía crucis Los vía crucis son todo los Viernes a las 6:00pm, seguido con una cena ligera en el salón Rubis. También tenemos folletos en las entradas de la iglesia que usted puede pedir prestado para rezar el vía crucis en privado Adoration of Blessed Sacrament There will be an additional time of adoration of the blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 9:30am-11:00am. There will still be adoration at its regular time from 5:00pm-5:50pm. Adoración al Santísimo Habrá una tiempo adicional para la adoración al santísimo el Jueves de 9:30am-11:00am . Todavía habrá adoración al santísimo a su hora regular de 5:00pm– 5:50pm Additional Confession Times During the Lenten Season there will be additional confessions on Tuesdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm . Horarios de Confesiones Adicionales Durante la Cuaresma habrá un día adicional para confesiones que será cada Martes de 5:30pm-6:30pm Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia Your Sunday Contribution Weekly Offertory Need: $9,138.46 Collection Week 35 February 27/28, 2016 Collected Donations Year to Date Budget through Week 35 Over / <Under> Sobra / <Falta> $7,484.89 $320,537.31 $319,846.10 691.21 Liturgy Committee Meeting The next meeting will be on March 10th at 3:30pm in the parish office Junta del Comité Hispano La próxima Junta será el 10 de Marzo a las 7:00pm en la oficina parroquial. Pastoral Council Meeting / Junta del Consejo Pastoral Next Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Office Marriage Prep Classes In Spanish Platicas Pre Matrimoniales En Español Starting Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 there will be pre-matrimonial classes for couples who are in the process of getting married or are thinking about getting married. Classes will be from 6:30pm-8:00pm. To register for these up- coming classes or for more information please call the parish office. Empezando el Sábado, 2 de Abril, 2016 habrá platicas pre matrimoniales para las parejas que están en el proceso de casarse o están pensando en casarse. La clase será de 6:30pm-8:00pm. Para registrarse a estas platicas o para mas información favor de hablar a la oficina parroquial. St. Luke Middle School Youth Group Grades 6-8 Grupo de Jóvenes grados 6-8 en San Lucas Grados de 6–8 Youth Group every Sunday at 3:30pm in KC Hall. FOOD! FUN & ACTIVITIES Grupo de Jovenes cada Domingo a las 3:30pm en el salon KC. COMIDA! DIVERCION Y ACTIVIDADES Platica Pre– Bautismal en Español La próxima platica pre-bautismal es Lunes, 21 de Marzo. Para inscribirse a esta clase o para más información y requisitos favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 503-981-5011. *Tienen que inscribirse para asistir esta platica* Legión De Maria Se les invita a integrarse a un grupo llamado “Legion De María” el cual se lleva acabo todo los Viernes de 4:00pm-5:00pm en la oficina con las Hermanas Sagrada Escritura Se les invita a todos los adultos que quieran aprender mas sobre la Biblia. El curso se lleva acabo todo los Viernes de 6:00pm-7:00pm en la oficina parroquial. Around the Parish / Alrededor de la Parroquia NEEDED - more voices to share God's word with us at Sat 5pm & Sun 7:30am masses. We need lector vacancies due to recent retirements, relocations, ill health. etc. Why not volunteer? One-hour orientation is all it takes. No weekly meetings; no memorizing; flexible scheduling. For details, contact Lector Coordinator, Linda Reinsch. Home 503-981-7331; Mobile 971-273-3115 ; email: Men’s Faith Sharing Group There is a faith sharing group for men at St. Luke. They meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7pm in the school library. All men are welcome. For more information contact Don Holt at 503-9824005 or Tom Lonergan at 503-989-3353. Grupo Pastoral Familiar Invitamos a las parejas a reunirse todos los Lunes a las 7:00pm en el salón Rubis para reflexionar sobre temas relacionados con la vida de la pareja y/o la vida familiar. Apóstoles de la Palabra El grupo Apóstoles de la Palabra de San Lucas, le invita a usted y a su familia, a sus estudios bíblicos. Nos reunimos los jueves de 7 a 9pm en el salón KC (Caballeros de Colon) que está al cruzar la calle detrás de la oficina. Venga, traiga su Biblia y aprenda con nosotros sobre nuestra fe Católica. Si usted o alguien que conozca necesitan que le ayudemos a rezar un rosario, con mucho gusto le acompañaremos, y si solo desea conocer más sobre el origen del Santo Rosario y su fundamento bíblico, comuníquese a la parroquia y pregunte por Mario Magaña, o visite nuestra página de FB Apóstoles De La Palabra Northwest. 2016 Oregon Catholic Directory We have the new catholic directories for sale! If you wish to purchase your 2016 Catholic Directory please stop by the parish office. ENVELOPE BOXES 2016 We still have a lot of 2016 Envelope boxes that have not been picked up yet by parishioners. If you haven't, please stop by the parish office and pick them up as soon as possible. Thank you! CAJAS DE SOBRES 2016 Aun tenemos muchas cajas de sobres de este año 2016 que familias no han recogido. Si usted no los a recogido por favor pasen a la oficina a recogerlos lo mas pronto posible. Gracias! If you do not have envelopes but wish to, call the parish office or stop by. Si no tiene sobres pero desea tenerlos llamen o vayan a la oficina. Help or Assistance / Ayuda o Asistencia St. Vincent de Paul To contact St. Vincent de Paul for assistance please call (971) 338-1074. Your call will be returned within 48 hours. (Monday-Friday) St Vincent de Paul Food Bank Open: on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. (Closed on Holidays) Hours: 5:00pm-7:00pm San Vicente de Paul: Ayuda Para contactar a San Vicente de Paul para ayuda favor de llamar al (971) 338-1074. Le regresaremos su llamada dentro de 48 horas. (Lunes–Viernes) Banco de Comida Abierto: cada 2º y 4º Jueves del mes. (excepto días festivos) Horario: 5:00pm a 7:00pm Potpourri / De Todo Alrededor In the new Catholic Sentinel, see what a team of recent college graduates is doing at Oregon State University. Learn what Catholic institutions are in Portland’s newly-discovered pollution zones and hear from the Paulists, who are leaving St. Philip Neri Parish after more than a century. Read an in-depth interview with Abbot Gregory Duerr of Mount Angel Abbey and learn the process for selecting a new abbot. See why Oregon is a great place for seniors, and how it could get even better. St. Louis BBQ Chicken Dinner Sacred Heart-St Louis Parish: 485 7th Street. Gervais Sunday, March 13th from 11:00am-3:00pm Adults $11 / Children 12 and under $7.00 Dinner includes: 1/2 BBQ Chicken, baked potato, green beans, coleslaw, dinner roll, homemade pie/cake & a beverage Raffle: Queen Sized Quilt, $250 Fred Meyer Gift Card, $100 Cash, Afghan 56th Annual St. Paul Knights of Columbus Chicken Barbeque Dinner Community Hall—St. Paul, OR 1 block from the Historic Brick Church Palm Sunday—March 20th from 11:00am to 3:00pm Dinner includes: BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, generous portions of Green Beans, Coleslaw, Garlic Bread & a Dessert Adults $11 / Children $7/ Chicken “To Go” $6 Full Dinner “To Go” available WE ARE GOD'S BELOVED St Cyril's Women's first Saturday Reflection April 2, 2016, 9:30 -11:30 in the fireside room at St. Cyril's in Wilsonville speaker:Cathie Jarosz Open to all women; bring a friend, doors open at 9 AM cost: donations greatly appreciated Topic: (in Cathie Jarosz words)"Just as God the Father has loved Jesus and called him, 'Beloved'; we, too, are God’s Beloved." With a joy and enthusiasm in "God’s creative, healing love that carries us to others," Cathie assists others in "tending the holy of their lives" and will assist us to "see how these very life struggles we each hold as obstacles to our spiritual journey are really the pathways to our healing, freedom and spiritual growth.” She believes strongly that, "Faith is the willingness to believe we’re worth God’s love just as we are. It is a great leap of faith, to live our lives as a response to being so loved by God, rather than trying all our lives to be good enough for God." Presenter: Cathie Jarosz is a very engaging presenter She is currently a retreat director and spiritual director at the Franciscan Spiritual Center in Milwaukie, Oregon. She specializes with people going through illness, loss or change at all ages and stages. Cathie came to Oregon six years ago with a great deal of experience. She worked in parish and diocesan ministry in the Diocese of Monterey California, for 17 years, specializing in Social Justice Outreach, and Spiritual Formation of the laity. She was also a Hospice chaplain for 12 of those years and felt privileged to have worked with persons with AIDS during that ministry. Please come. There will be refreshments and an opportunity for dialog as well. Pray for the Sick of our Parish Orad por los Enfermos de la Parroquia Margaret Krupicka Theresa (Terry) Seaton Martina Ybarra Evangelina Tapia Luz Gonzalez Bob & Cleo Miley Kevin Bernabe David De La Vega Bob Hartsook Hilda Vicente Gracie Garcia Juan Antonio Tarula Carmen Navarro Marilu Will Felipe Delgado Garcia Leroy Taylor Rita Henkes Irene Saucedo Pray for those in Harms Way Chase Cowley, USMC Alexania Ramos Chavez, USMC Tanya Quiñones, USMC Ezequiel Cervantes, US Navy Kelly Berkey, USMC Joe Lonergan, US Army Thomas K. Demelo, USMC NOTE: Please help us keep our list current and let us know who needs to be added or removed. Thank you. NOTA: Ayúdenos a estar al corriente con nuestra lista y hacernos saber si alguien tiene que ser agregado o eliminado de la lista. Gracias. Advertiser of the Week Affordable Immigration Attorney Please support our Advertisers! Their ad on the back supports the printing of this bulletin. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or anyone who unable to come to church. To arrange this service for yourself or for a loved one please contact the parish office at (503)981-5011. Thank you . La comunión puede ser llevada a una persona enferma que no pueda venir a la iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio para usted o para un ser querido favor de contactar la oficina parroquial al (503)981-5011. Please Remember St. Luke In Your Will Please use the following language when making your estate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________(Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon (Our official legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by St. Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon. KEEP UP WITH THE POPE Do you want to listen & keep up with Pope Francis sermons? Check out this website! WELCOME TO ST LUKE / BIENVENIDO A SAN LUCAS To have a St. Luke Parish registration form sent to you please fill out this temporary form and drop it in the Sunday collection basket Para obtener una forma de registro de San Lucas por favor rellene esta forma temporal y ponerla en la canasta de la colecta. Name/Nombre________________________________________________________________________________ Address/ Domicilio______________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad____________________________________ Zip Code/CodigoPostal________________________ Phone/Telefono_________________________________________________________________________________ □New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio