4/07/2013 BARRERAS TECNICAS Y ADMINISTRATIVAS PARA LA TRAMITACION Y DESARROLLO DE INSTALACIONES FOTOVOLTAICAS DE AUTOCONSUMO Julio Espadas Asesor Legal y Financiero de I+D ENERGIAS julio.espadas@idenergias.com 1 1 4/07/2013 • XXXX • YYYY • ZZZ 4/07/2013 2 2 4/07/2013 I+D ENERGIAS ESTA ESPECIALIZADA EN • CONSULTORIA GRANDES CONSUMIDORES ENERGETICOS • INSTALACIONES FOTOVOLTAICAS SOBRE CUBIERTA CONECTADAS A RED (132 IFVs – 8226 Kwp) AUTOCONSUMO INSTANTANEO (8 IFVs – 224 Kwp) • EFICIENCIA ENERGETICA EN PROYECTOS DE ILUMINACION INTERIOR ALUMBRADO PUBLICO • EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS ENERGETICOS 4/07/2013 3 3 4/07/2013 The share of legal-administrative costs over total project The share of legal administrative costs over total project development costs (excluding PV equipment and other materials can provice an idea of the economic burden that poject developers have to bear in order to secure the authorisations needed to build an connect a PV system. This burden is reflected in national PV system prices. 4/07/2013 4 4 4/07/2013 Legal administrative Labour requirements The labour required for accomplishing the permiting and grid connection procedures can instead serve as measure of the complexity and lack of transparency hidden with these administrative procedures. 4/07/2013 5 5 4/07/2013 PV integration in the distribution network in Spain The more it takes to connect a PV system, the longer the investors are financially exposed without g revenues.The waiting g time spent p y a developer p waiting g for an answer from an useless by earning authority or a grid operator can be a measure of the inefficiency shown by such parties in dealing with their tasks. 4/07/2013 6 6 4/07/2013 MODALIDADES AUTOCONSUMO INSTANTANEO AUTOCONSUMO SIN EXPORTACION AUTOCONSUMO CON EXPORTACION 4/07/2013 7 7 4/07/2013 TRAMITES ADMINISTRATIVOS AUTOCONSUMO • • • • • • AVAL 20 €/KW – 500 € /KW PUNTO DE CONEXION LICENCIA DE OBRAS ACTA DE PUESTA EN MARCHA – BOLETIN REPE – RIPRE REPRESENTACION S AC O EN EL MERCADO CA O 4/07/2013 8 8 4/07/2013 BARRERAS TRAMITACION AUTOCONSUMO • SEGURIDAD JURIDICA - INESTABILIDAD REGULATORIA • OBTENCION CURVAS CARGA HORARIAS SUMINISTROS • PUNTOS DE CONEXION - DOCUMENTACION SOLICITADA - CRITERIOS TECNICOS - DERECHOS C OS DE ENGANCHE GA C - PLAZOS 4/07/2013 9 9 4/07/2013 BARRERAS TRAMITACION AUTOCONSUMO • LICENCIA DE OBRAS - CRITERIO VALORACION DE LA OBRA - PLAZOS • FINANCIACION - TIPOS DE INTERES (5,5 % - 7 %) - GARANTIAS GA A AS REALES A S – PERSONALES SO A S • PUESTA EN MARCHA - DERECHOS DE ACOMETIDA - TASAS • REPE - RIPRE - PLAZOS DEL MINISTERIO 4/07/2013 10 10 4/07/2013 CONCLUSIONES SEGURIDAD JURIDICA – CAMBIOS REGULATORIOS CURVA CARGA CONSUMO CLIENTE PUBLICO OBJETIVO LIMITADO BARRERAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y FINANCIERAS PERIODOS DE AMORTIZACION DE LOS PROYECTOS - CONSUMIDORES INDUSTRIALES ENERGIA: 6 – 9 AÑOS 4/07/2013 11 11 4/07/2013 Thank you for your attention Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors It does not necessarily reflect the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 12