GUIA DOCENTE DE LA ASIGNATURA DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL COURSE UNIT English version Nombre de la asignatura/módulo/u nidad y código Course title and code Nivel (Grado/Postgrado) Level of course (Undergraduate/ Postgraduate) Plan de estudios en que se integra Programme in which is integrated Tipo (Troncal/Obligatoria/ Optativa) Type of course (Core/Compulsory/El ective) Año en que se programa Year of study Calendario (Semestre) Calendar (Semester) Créditos teóricos y prácticos Credits (theory and practics) Créditos expresados como volumen total de trabajo del estudiante (ECTS) Number of credits expressed as student workload (ECTS) Descriptores (BOE)1 Descriptors : COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE :Undergraduate / Grado : Degree in Psychology / Licenciatura en Psicología :Elective / Optativa :2008/2009 :1st Semester Cuatrimestre (Octuber-February 2008) / 1er :Theoretical 4; Practical 2 / Teóricos 4; Prácticos 2 *:6 LRU *1 ECTS= 25-30 working hours / horas de trabajo. See below / ver más abajo actividades y horas de trabajo estimadas Cognitive Neuroscience. Mind-Brain interaction in main psychological processes: Perception, Attention, Learning and Memory, Language, Emotion, Consciousness and Executive Processes / Neurociencia cognitiva. Relación mente-cerebro en los principales procesos psicológicos: Percepción, atención, aprendizaje y memoria, lenguaje, emoción, conciencia y control cognitivo. Course Contents Objetivos (expresados como resultados de aprendizaje y 2 competencias) Objectives of the course (expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences) Prerrequisitos y recomendaciones Prerequisites and advises • Theoretical Contents: I. Conceptual and methodological introduction 1. The brain, the mind, and the relation brain-mind. 2. Convergent methodology in Cognitive Neuroscience. II. Cognitive Neuroscience of different Cognitive Processes. 3. Sensation and Perception: Object and face recognition. 4. Spatial processing and spatial Attention. 5. Perception, Attention and Action. 6. Learning and Memory: Different ways of learning, different ways of remembering. 7. Language and literacy. 8. Number and time processing. 9. Executive processes. 10.Emotion and Social Cognition. • Seminars: The goal of these seminars is to reinforce the contents studied in class, by discussing recent short papers dealing with specific issues in Cognitive Neuroscience, related to the topics studied in theoretical classes. The professor will offer a range of short papers, for the students to pick up one, on which the will work in order to present the paper to the other students. . The papers will be presented to the students by one or two students (10-20 minutes) and discussed among the professor and all the students (10-20 minutes). The student will Know and be able to: • How the is the relation between the brain and the mind, and how this issue is investigated in Cognitive Neuroscience. • To interpret research findings on Neuroscience to the light of psychological theories. • The basic of psychological processes from the perspective of Cognitive Neuroscience. : Students should have some knowledge about psychological processes, as learn in courses such as Perception and Attention, Memory, Psychology of Language, Thinking and Reasoning... Thus, this course is recommended to be taken during the last years of the degree. However, the profesor will recommend specific readings to those student who select the course without having enough psychological background. Contenidos : Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, (palabras clave) Psychological Processes: Perception, Attention, Course contents (ey Learning, Memory, Emotion, Language, Executive words) Bibliografía recomendada Recommended reading Control, Mind-Brain interaction Textbook: • WARD, Jamie. (2006). The student's guide to cognitive neuroscience. New York, NY, US: Psychology Press. Recommended bibliography: • BAARS, BERNARD J., and GAGE, NICOLE M. (2007). Cognition, brain, and consciousness : introduction to cognitive neuroscience. Amsterdam : Elsevier. • GAZZANIGA, M.S., IVRY, R.B., Y MANGUN, G.R. (2002). Cognitive Neuroscience: The biology of the mind. London: W.W. Norton & Company Ltd. 2ª Ed. • PURVES, DALE, BRANNON, ELIZABETH M., CABEZA, ROBERTO, HUETTEL, SCOTT A., LABAR, KEVIN S., PLATT, MICHAEL L., and WOLDORFF, MARTY G. (2008). Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience. Sinauer Associates. Métodos docentes4 Teaching methods : The book by Jamie Ward will be used as textbook, and therefore most academic activities will be done around this book: - The professor will give a seminal lecture for each topic. - After the lecture and the reading of the specific book chapter, the topic will be discussed in class, following some thought questions offered by the professor. - Apart from following each topic through the textbook, in groups, students will study in depth one specific topic, by using the other recommended books. - Recent short research papers, dealing with specific issues related to the studied topics will be discusses in seminars. Actividades y horas de trabajo 3 estimadas Activities and estimated workload (hours) Tipo de evaluación y criterios de calificación Assessment methods Activity Lectures Academic activities Seminars Exams … Total H. Class H. Study 15 30 30 45 15 15 3 Total 45 75 30 63 153 90 Theoretical contents: Theoretical contents will be evaluated through a final exam at the end of the term and by performance on activities offered for each topic. This part of the evaluation will compute 70% of the total mark in the course (7/10). Seminars: Participation in the seminars will compute the remaining 30% of the overall mark in the course (3/10). Evaluation will take into account the following criteria: • • • Presentation of the paper to the audience: 0.5. Assistance to seminars: 1. Exam of the contents discussed in seminars (or writing of a short essay discussing 4-5 papers): 1.5. Participation in experiment: Students will receive up to 0.5 of the overall mark in the course for participating in Experiments on Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, among the ones offered at the faculty of Psychology during the semester (0.1 for each participation). Idioma / Language English Enlaces a más : información Links to more information Nombre del : Juan Lupiáñez profesor(es) y Correo electrónico: dirección de Oficina: 398 contacto para : Charo Rueda tutorías Correo electrónico: Name of lecturer(s) Oficina: 211 and address for tutoring • 1 En plan de estudios en BOE (Enlace Facultad XXXX) Puede servirse del listado de competencias del libro blanco de la ANECA (Enlace Facultad XXXX), adaptándolo a esta asignatura o de la Propuesta de Ficha Técnica para estudio de Grado de Psicología (ítulo%20de%20grado%20en%20PSICOLOGÍA.pdf ) 3 Estos valores son sólo una estimación que en los primeros años será muy poco fiable. 4 Enlaces para consultar diversos métodos docentes (XXXXXXX) . 2