Subido por Julio César Monter

Cognitive Systems: AI, Watson, and Decision Making

The concept of cognition refers to the ability of animals to process information based
on perception, acquired knowledge (experience) and subjective characteristics that
allow the information to be valued.
Within information systems, when we speak of cognitive systems, we refer to
systems that apply almost human characteristics when combining and manipulating
ideas and that, together with the strengths of the digital world, are capable of solving
large-scale problems with a high level of reliability and in a systematic and repetitive
way. They are systems capable of applying deduction, inductive reasoning, decision
making and learning. In this way, they can extend human capacity in the areas of
reasoning and analytics, while people will continue to bring creativity, morals,
empathy and judgment.
A cognitive system must be able to navigate the complexity of human language,
understanding its meaning. It must also ingest and process large amounts of
structured and unstructured data; and finally, it must generate and evaluate different
possibilities. And all this with the possibility of scaling its processing capacity
according to the magnitude of the problem.
Watson is the cognitive system that demonstrates all these characteristics. He does
not understand words individually, he understands concepts from language
structures, from each paragraph he reliably infers knowledge under changing
circumstances. Watson constitutes a new computing architecture capable of
perceiving, predicting and executing, a new paradigm for a new class of industrial
Three are the technologies that make Watson different are:
• Natural language processing, which allows you to break the communication barrier
between systems and humans.
• The automatic generation of hypotheses, leaving aside the deterministic model that
systems historically used.
• The learning engine, which follows the choices made by the user and fuels the
reasoning engine for the generation of future answers.
For these reasons, we at IBM believe that Watson will play a significant role in the
near future in many fields of application. Thanks to it, companies and organizations
will be better able to analyze, understand and use the data they have and,
consequently, make better decisions.
Many organizations are continually looking for ways to make operations related to
knowledge management - including employees - more efficient and productive,
given the increasing amount of information that these professionals have to deal with
on a daily basis. Other organizations are looking for new ways to increase sales,
reduce costs, or better understand their customers through the use of various types
of automation, along with large volumes of data. To this end, some of these
organizations have begun to evaluate a wide range of cognitive systems
technologies including artificial intelligence or machine learning tools and embedded
digital assistants.
Cognitive systems software organizes and provides advisory services on a wide
range of structured and unstructured information, providing a platform for the
development of cognitive and analytical applications. The cognitive software offers
the possibility of making decisions with greater precision, confidence, speed and
agility, yielding quick results from multiple scenarios to have a more complete view
of the impact elements and without subjective biases.
IDC continually watches for advancements in the adoption of new, cutting-edge
technologies, the alignment of technology purchasing with current industry best
practices, and assistive technologies that promise to offer operational benefits to
organizations that choose to adopt them. In particular, IDC groups cognitive systems
into five main categories:
• User / data interaction.
• Representation of knowledge.
• Reasoning.
• Processing.
Today there are numerous vendors that offer individual component technologies, but
only few of them have robust cognitive software platforms that include the
technologies necessary to build a cognitively-enabled application. It is important to
reiterate that none of these technologies can individually create a cognitive
application, but rather it is a combination of these technologies (at least one from
each of the five categories mentioned above) that creates the basis of a platform for
cognitive applications. cognitive applications.
Finally, in IDC's view, these
important building blocks of
systems and applications, but
there may be others.
The following diagram shows how
IDC views the cognitive solutions
Although for many there is doubt, a
cognitive system is more than artificial intelligence. In fact, you combine it with
superior communication and machine learning capabilities. This very characteristic
composition allows you to quickly analyze and interpret large amounts of
unstructured information, finding those data, facts or trends that can be very useful
to the end user, regardless of the role they occupy within the organization.
Cognitive APIs are not a tool restricted to technical profiles, in fact, their learning
capacity increases with use and, the more users use them, the more intelligence the
system gains.
Such a product has the power to transform the process of assimilating and
understanding large volumes of data at its roots, enhancing the methods of data
discovery and exploration. In a matter of seconds and in the most flexible way
Latinoamérica, I. (2016, 23 noviembre). Sistemas cognitivos, una herramienta para
agilizar la toma de decisiones: IDC. CIO MX.
Garijo, E. M. (2014, 8 abril). Los sistemas cognitivos más humanos. Think España.
Sistemas cognitivos y científicos de datos. (2017, 31 mayo). Logicalis.