Subido por Emanuel Rodríguez

Perimortem vs. Postmortem Fractures: A Forensic Anthropology Study

J Forensic Sci, 2014
doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12539
Available online at:
Annalisa Cappella,1 B.Sc.; Alberto Amadasi,1 M.D.; Elisa Castoldi,1 B.Sc.; Debora Mazzarelli,1 B.Sc.;
Daniel Gaudio,1 B.Sc.; and Cristina Cattaneo,1 M.D., Ph.D.
The Difficult Task of Assessing Perimortem
and Postmortem Fractures on the Skeleton: A
Blind Text on 210 Fractures of Known Origin*
ABSTRACT: The distinction between perimortem and postmortem fractures is an important challenge for forensic anthropology. Such a cru-
cial task is presently based on macro-morphological criteria widely accepted in the scientific community. However, several limits affect these
parameters which have not yet been investigated thoroughly. This study aims at highlighting the pitfalls and errors in evaluating perimortem or
postmortem fractures. Two trained forensic anthropologists were asked to classify 210 fractures of known origin in four skeletons (three victims
of blunt force trauma and one natural death) as perimortem, postmortem, or dubious, twice in 6 months in order to assess intraobserver error
also. Results show large errors, ranging from 14.8 to 37% for perimortem fractures and from 5.5 to 14.8% for postmortem ones; more than
80% of errors concerned trabecular bone. This supports the need for more objective and reliable criteria for a correct assessment of peri- and
postmortem bone fractures.
KEYWORDS: forensic science, forensic anthropology, blunt force trauma, perimortem, postmortem, bone fracture, taphonomy
In the field of forensic anthropology, the importance of correctly identifying bone injury as perimortem and its correlation
with the events around the time of death are crucial (1–4). At
the moment, several reports focus on bone trauma (5–9), but
very few experimentally approach the issue of the distinction
between perimortem versus postmortem lesions (10–15). The
distinction between lesions which occurred immediately prior to
or around death and those after death still represents a difficult
task. With well-preserved cadavers, a pathologist can rely upon
several features of soft tissues (like hemorrhaging), but for the
osteologist, the challenge is more difficult. Anthropology is limited to a diagnosis of “perimortality” which means at or around
death or “postmortality”, that is, after skeletonization or when
the bone tissue has lost its elastic component. Aside from the
vital reaction of bleeding or bone remodeling with fracture healing, there are no further clues that a traumatic event occurred
prior to death (12). Thus, anthropologists can only rely upon
macroscopic and morphological features to distinguish between
perimortality and postmortality. Nevertheless, several authors
have already stressed the relative weakness of such observerdependent methods in forensic cases (12–14,16,17). In this perspective, pilot studies were performed to identify more reliable
criteria, based on signs of hemorrhaging on fracture edges (18)
or red blood cell modifications following decomposition (19,20),
LABANOF Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense, Sezione
di Medicina Legale, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via Luigi Mangiagalli 37, Milan, Italy.
*Presented at the 65th Anniversary Meeting of the American Academy of
Forensic Sciences, February 18–23, 2013, in Washington, DC.
Received 5 June 2013; and in revised form 4 Sept. 2013; accepted 17
Sept. 2013.
© 2014 American Academy of Forensic Sciences
as well as on the micro-morphology of fracture margins (15).
The correct evaluation of bone lesions is at the moment strictly
dependent on features such as fracture pattern, fracture angle,
tactile roughness of the fracture margins/outline (8,10,13), or
features such as the presence of collagen and elastic fibers or the
color of the fractured margins (5,10,14). A few studies
(7,8,10,13,14,16,17,21–23) have shown that environmental factors (weathering, plants, soil, fire, and so on) can hinder the
characteristic features of bone injuries. Taphonomic processes
can indeed change bone-making forensically relevant features
totally illegible (8). Typical characteristics of blunt force trauma
(such as radiating, concentric, or hinge fractures) may be disguised by the effects of environmental stress (21). Ubelaker
(16,17) illustrated that weathering cracks can resemble blunt
force trauma, showing that bone macroscopic changes in aquatic
environments can severely change and hinder important indicators of perimortem trauma by rounding off the fractured edges
(12,21). Wieberg and Wescott (14) underlined the unreliability
of color because it can change over time. Furthermore, Ubelaker
and Adams (10) noticed the formation of butterfly factures, typically considered to be distinctive of perimortem injuries, up to
1 year after death as well. However, the actual reliability of
these parameters has never been tested on a large scale and on
known material.
Hence, the possibility to study a skeletal collection deriving
from cadavers which underwent autopsy 20 years before, with
clear information concerning the cause of death and the possible
presence of antemortem injuries, provides an important tool for
this kind of investigation. A description of the macro-morphology of bone injuries from a skeletal collection and forensic cases
was conducted by Moraitis et al. (24), but the study was merely
descriptive and no differential analysis was performed.
We therefore had two forensic anthropologists undergo a discriminative test of perimortem versus postmortem injuries on
skeletons, which had been buried for 20 years and then
exhumed. The availability of autopsy reports provided the positive control, revealing the presence or absence of perimortem
injuries and their precise location, thus giving an answer to questions such as: How many times will a postmortem or taphonomical fracture be wrongly assessed as a perimortem fracture and
vice versa? and Which bones are the trickiest?
Materials and Methods
The material of this study consisted in a total of 210 fractures
identified on 4 skeletons. These are part of a collection of 250
modern skeletons from the Cimitero Maggiore in Milan, made
available for the study according to article 43 (September 10,
1990, n.285) of Italian Mortuary Police Regulation. All individuals were subjected to the same conditions: buried in the same
cemetery (Cimitero Maggiore in Milano) between 1990 and
1991, and exhumed and reburied twice in 15 years, by means of
heavy vehicles (and consequently without any regard to the
intact preservation of the bodies) until complete skeletonization.
(Postmortem trauma had thus been certainly inflicted at exhumation on the dry bones.) Finally, they were moved (in 2006) to an
ossuary for 5 years and stored in metallic boxes.
The individuals subjected to the blind test were selected
according to cause of death: Autopsy reports, with detailed
descriptions of soft and hard tissue lesions, and death certificates
were in fact available and functioned as a control for the anthropological data. The autopsies had been thoroughly performed
20 years before. Three of these subjects died of traumatic deaths
in traffic accidents, and the fourth (natural death) was selected
as a negative control. The autopsy reports described the presence
and location of the antemortem injuries (bone fractures and hemorrhaging), which were then identified on the three individuals
who had died of traumatic death.
The presence and position of the bone fractures was documented at the moment of the autopsy by visual and palpatory
assessment and by dissection of soft tissues. X-rays were not
performed on all cadavers: This may have in theory hindered the
detection of very small fractures. It is, however, less likely
(though not impossible) for a fracture to have been produced in
vivo without corresponding soft tissue evidence of at least some
hemorrhaging, which would have induced the pathologist to look
for a bone fracture.
This allowed us to know in most cases which bone fractures
were already present at autopsy (and therefore upon skeletonization were to be considered perimortem fractures) and those
which were caused by postmortem events (when there was any
doubt on a fracture not having been perceived upon autopsy, it
was removed from the test).
For all the four cases, the number and site of bone fractures
detected at autopsy in 1991 were recorded as well as those
known to have been certainly produced postmortem (because not
present at autopsy). Two hundred and ten fractures were thus
selected (all the perimortem and some of the postmortem) and
submitted to the “blind” observers (Table 1). Ribs were all
excluded from the study because bones were too fragmented and
ruined by taphonomical factors, so the exact identification of the
ribs themselves and the positioning of the fractures was impossible. The position of bone fractures was documented on recording
sheets, and two experienced forensic anthropologists (observer A
and B, respectively, with 10 and 4 years of experience in the
TABLE 1––Data concerning the 4 skeletons in analysis.
Cause of Death
Pedestrian hit by truck
Pedestrian hit by tram
Pedestrian hit by car
Congestive cardiac failure
field) were asked to score all lesions as perimortem, postmortem,
or uncertain. The analysis was made separately and without any
assistance and was then repeated for a second time after
6 months (time 2), by the same observers and on the same
lesions. Observers were both unaware of the results of their own
assessment at time 1 and of the assessments of the other observer during the test. Results were then evaluated by comparing
the scores to the real perimortem or postmortem nature of the
fracture, as described in the autopsy reports. Thus, the general
success rate, the intra- and interobserver agreement, and the
bones with highest and lowest success rates were evaluated.
A summary of the results is given in Table 2.
The results of the osteological analysis show the higher success rate for both observers in the correct identification of postmortem fractures, with percentages for correct identification on
average of 77.3%; for perimortem fractures, correct assessments
fall to a percentage of 69.4%, with partial differences between
observers A and B (61.1% and 75.9%, respectively) and between
the two tests (time 1 and time 2) of the same observer. Similarly, incorrect interpretations for perimortem fractures are higher
(22.2%) than for postmortem fractures (10.4%). The number of
dubious fractures considerably increases at time 2 (after
6 months), especially for observer A. Correct postmortem evaluations do not show peculiar differences between the two tests of
observer B, whereas they decrease significantly from the first to
the second time for observer A.
As previously stated, the assessments on perimortem lesions
were incorrect in 22.2% of cases. Of this percentage, 83.3% concerned fractures on trabecular tissue, whereas the remaining
16.7% regarded cortical bone. On the other hand, the error rate
on postmortem fractures was 10.4%: Of this portion, 70% concerned spongy bone and 30% cortical bone. Finally, the overall
TABLE 2––Average values of the blind test.
Perimortem correct
Postmortem correct
Perimortem wrong*
Postmortem wrong†
Dubious on perimortem
Dubious on postmortem
*Perimortem detected as postmortem.
Postmortem detected as perimortem.
Average T1, %
Average T2, %
TABLE 3––Error in the evaluation of trabecular and cortical bone.
Errors on perimortem fractures
Errors on postmortem fractures
Trabecular and
Flat Bone, %
Long Bone, %
amount of assessments stated as dubious by the observers (on
both perimortem and postmortem fractures) was 11.9%. These
were mostly observed on trabecular bone (Table 3).
The difficulty in evaluating perimortem blunt force trauma
(BFT) has been already highlighted and documented by several
authors (8,13,14,17). It usually relies upon macro-morphological
features of the fracture like the breakage pattern or the type of
margin. A correct distinction between perimortem or postmortem
fractures is, however, not always easy to perform. In addition,
taphonomic factors can make the task even tougher because they
can severely alter the morphological features of bones. The
application of the commonly used and widely accepted morphological parameters seems to be sometimes insufficient. This blind
test performed by trained anthropologists has revealed several
issues: (i) the effective difficulty and a quantified error in the
correct assessment of peri- and postmortem lesions; (ii) which
skeletal districts mostly hinder anthropological assessment; and
(iii) how the evaluation may be observer dependent.
The analysis of the results shows the higher complexity in the
identification of perimortem bone fractures for both the observers, if compared with postmortem ones: Perimortem lesions have
in fact lower success rates and the higher amount of incorrect
and dubious interpretations. This may be related to the superimposition of taphonomic factors on perimortem fractures, which
can severely alter the common morphological features of “fresh”
fractures, already widely described in the forensic literature. Perimortem lesions may undergo environmental change, making
them unrecognizable or imperceptible (8). The erosion and the
environmental modifications can severely alter perimortem features of the fractured margins, making them more similar to
postmortem fractures. The highest number of mistakes (on both
perimortem and postmortem bone fractures) was noticed when
the observer had to evaluate trabecular bone (mostly bones of
the pelvis). In fact, some skeletal fractures occurred on bones
with a high percentage of spongy bone and were not recognized
as perimortem in all tests, by both observers, even if their perimortal origin was confirmed by the autopsy reports (Fig. 1).
The correct identification of postmortem bone lesions showed
fewer problems. Nevertheless, a small percentage of postmortem
fractures was assessed as perimortem (7.65% on the average).
Of these, 70% were once again located on trabecular bones. This
may be due to the fact that very few parameters exist for trabecular bones, where the thin cortical layer may not provide sufficient characters of “elasticity” and therefore perimortality.
Furthermore, both the trabecular structure and the fine cortical
portion are easily modified by taphonomic factors, which can
strongly alter crucial information (Figs 2 and 3). Even if these
factors can severely prevent a correct assessment, in long bones,
perimortem fractures are frequently more easily identified, probably because the presence of the thick cortical layer leads to a
better preservation of the fracture features (Fig. 4). Nevertheless,
FIG. 1––Examples of a perimortem fracture not recognized at blind test:
right auricular surface of the sacrum (Case 3).
FIG. 2––Postmortem fracture on the right ischio-pubic ramus (Case 3).
FIG. 3––Postmortem fracture on the distal epiphysis of the left radius
(Case 4).
FIG. 4––Perimortem fracture on the proximal third of the left tibia (Case
some of the well-known criteria for the distinction between perior postmortem, even on long bones, are not so reliable when
they are subjected to taphonomical alteration.
Finally, there is a clear increase for both observers (31.4% for
observer A and 5.7% for observer B) in “dubious” assessments
at Test 2. The time lapse may have made them more hesitant or
insecure when facing this differential diagnosis. Being subjected
for a second time to the same test, totally unaware of their previous scores, may have led to greater uncertainty in an already difficult assessment.
In conclusion, the blind test once again points out the relative
unreliability of the commonly used morphological criteria in the
correct diagnosis of perimortem and postmortem fractures.
Whereas they can usually provide valuable information in the
study of long cortical bone, the lack of data concerning the fractures in trabecular and flat bones still represents a big obstacle
toward a correct diagnosis. Further analysis should be carried
out, perhaps even with radiological assessment of the cadavers
before autopsy, to extend control populations and to find more
reliable criteria that can provide valuable help in the anthropological assessment of bone fractures.
We thank the City of Milan and the Cimitero Maggiore: Without their assistance, this study would not have been possible.
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Additional information and reprint requests:
Cristina Cattaneo, M.D., Ph.D.
LABANOF Laboratorio di Antropologia ed Odontologia Forense
Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni
Universita degli Studi di Milano
Via Luigi Mangiagalli 37