NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2. SEMESTER: Topics on Aquatic reproduction (0699). 9th and 10th 3. CYCLE: Professional cycle 4. AREA: 5. COURSE TYPE: Medicine and animal health and/or livestock economics and production Theory (Elective). 6. DURATION: 16 Weeks Hours per week: Total number of hours: 7. REQUIREMENTS: Theory:2 h Theory:32 h 0691 and 0690. 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Understand the basics of reproduction in aquatic species, for optimal and sustainable development, and their economic important. 1. COURSE SYLLABUS: organism 9. TEACHING UNITS 9.1. Unit 1. Fundaments of reproduction. 9.9.1 Reproductive anatomy of fishes and crustaceans 9.9.2Fisiology (Brain-Pitituary-gonad axis Feedback mechanisms) 9.9.3 Environment requirements 9.9.4 Broodstock Management and selection 9.2. Unit 2. Broodstock gonad tissue ttructure. 9.2.1 Histology of Male gonad 9.2.2 Histology of Female gonad 9.3. Unit 3. Gonad evaluation. 9.3.1 Egg evaluation 9.3.2 Seminal liquit evaluation 9.3.3 Gamets preservation (Criopreservation methodology) 9.4. Unit 4. Reproductive hormones Generalities. 9.4.1 Types 9.4.2 Origen 9.4.3 Function 9.4.4 Presentation 9.4.5 Cautions and Risks 9.5. Unit 5. Induced spawning with hormonal treatment. 9.5.1 Used treatments overview 9.5.2 Injected Hormone treatments 9.5.3 Tablet hormone treatment implementation 9.6. Unit 6. Eggs: Genetic Manipulation, Incubation and Opening. medicine: Controlled Practice:0 h Practice:0 h 9.6.1 Collection 9.6.2 Selection 9.6.3 Viability control 9.6.4 Eggs counting 9.6.5 Most common methods (Sexual inversion, Polyploidy, Ginogenesis, Androgenesis, Artificial Hibridation y Transgenic manipulation). 9.6.6. Preventive medicine 9.7. Unit 7. Breeding and Spawn. 9.7.1 Systems 9.7.2 Control and viability 9.7.3 Environment influence 9.7.4 Feeding 9.7.5 Disinfection and cleaning 9.7.6 Male attitude 9.8. Unit 8 Biosecurity. 9.8.1 Water and organisms 9.8.2 Equipment and human resources 10. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Adalberto L. V., The Physiology of Tropical Fishes, 2005.Alvarez-Lajonchere L., Manual de Técnicas para la Producción Piloto de Juveniles de Peces Marinos, 1994. 2. Buxade C.C., Zootecnia: Bases de Reproducción animal; XIII, Reproducción Animal Acuática, 1997. 3. Kunz Y. W. Developmental Biology of teleost Fishes, 2004. 4. M. en C. Hernández B. S., Taller de Actualización, Las Hormonas en la Producción Piscícola, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, ENEP-Iztacala, 1988. 5. M. en C. Hernández B. S., Uso de Hormonas en la reproducción de Peces, ENEPIztacala_UNAM, 1991.M. en C. Rodríguez G. M., Temas Actuales sobre Reproducción de Teleósteos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, ed. 1ª, 1992. 11. SUPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) Axelrod H. R., Crianza de los Peces de Acuario: Época de Reproducción, el Lugar de la Cría, Cortejo y Apareamiento, Desove, el Agua, Dieta, Cuidado de las Larvas, como Crían las Distintas Especies de Peces, 1993. 2) Brown L., Acuicultura para Veterinarios: Producción y Clínica de Peces, 2000. 3) Vierke J., El Acuario en Casa: Instalación y Organización, Accesorios, Mantenimiento, las Plantas, Especies de Peces, Reproducción, Reproducción, Cuidados y Enfermedades, 1994. 4) Vollmam-Schipper, Transporte de Peces Vivos, 1978. 5) Warren E., El Acuario Marino: Equipo, Organización y Mantenimiento, Especies de Peces e Invertebrados, Reproducción, Cuidados, Enfermedades, 1995. JOURNALS Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 2002. Fish Farmer, 2003. Fish Farming International, 2003. Fish Pathology, 2003. Fisheries, 2004. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2004. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 2003 - Journal of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, 2003. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 2002. Journal of Fish Biology, 2003. Journal of Fish Disease (Oxford), 2003. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 2004. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2004. 12. TEACHING METHODOLOGY 13. COURSE EVALUATION 14. REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHING THE COURSE Exhibition of the professor with questions, exhibition of the students, interrogation and directed discussion. Partial and final examination. Veterinarian with postgraduate studies in fishery production or at least 2 years of professional experience.