NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1. COURSE SYLLABUS: WILDLIFE PRODUCTION MEDICINE (0706) 2. SEMESTER: Ninth/Tenth 3. CYCLE: Professional 4. AREA: Livestock production and economy. 5. COURSE TYPE: Theory (Elective) 6. DURATION: Hours per week: Total number of hours: 7. REQUIREMENTS: Eight weeks Theory: 4 Practice: 0 Theory: 32 Practice: 0 The student must pass the previous course on Wild Animals. The student will acquire the biological and management background for the study, handling and sustainable use of wild populations; and also for the development and management of captive wild animal production systems. 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 9. TEACHING UNITS 9.1 Unit 1. Wild animal production and utilization. 9.1.1. Historic background of the wild animal utilization. 9.1.2. Knowledge of the species that can be exploited (subsistence, trade, hunting and nonextractive uses). 9.1.3. Importance of the wildlife utilization in Mexico (conservation and social context). 9.1.4. Utilization and production systems (potential and limitations). 9.1.5. Legislation. 9.2 Unit 2. Production facilities for captive wildlife. 9.2.1. Basic principles. 9.2.2. Facility design for reptiles. 9.2.3. Facility design for birds. 9.2.4. Facility design for mammals. 9.3 Unit 3. Feeding wildlife in captivity for production. 9.3.1. Basic principles. 9.3.2. Nutritional requirements. 9.3.3. Diet formulation. 9.3.4. Feeding and nutritional requirements. 9.3.5. Main nutritional problems. 9.4 Unit 4. Preventive medicine in captive wildlife production systems. 9.4.1. Bases for a preventive medicine program. 9.4.2. Zoonosis and public health. 9.5. Unit 5. Introduction to the study and management of wild animal populations (strict protection, utilization and population control). 9.5.1. Management systems in United States and Canada. 9.5.2. Management systems in Europe. 9.5.3. Management perspectives in Mexico. 9.6. Unit 6. Habitat study and management. 9.6.1. Habitat analysis. 9.6.2. Manipulation and improvement techniques. 9.6.3. Monitoring. 9.7. Unit 7. Population study and management. 9.7.1. Population analysis. 9.7.2. Techniques to maintain, increase or control populations. 9.8. Unit 8. Management applied in different wild animal species. 9.8.1. Species of special interest (threatened and endangered) 9.8.2. Game species. 9.8.3. Species with potential alternative utilization (subsistence, trade). 9.8.4. Selected examples (aquatic and migratory birds, other aquatic and marine species, invertebrates). 9.9. Unit 9. General guidelines on restraint and handling of wild animals in production systems and study and management of wild animal populations. 9.9.1. Restraint and handling of reptiles. 9.9.2. Restraint and handling of birds. 9.9.3. Restraint and handling of mammals. 10. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Aguirre A, Ostfeld S, Tabor GM, House C and Pearl MC: Conservation Medicine, Ecological Health in Practice. Oxford Press, London, 2002. 2. Ceballos G y Simonetti JA (eds.): Diversidad y Conservación de los Mamíferos Neotropicales. CONABIO-UNAM. México, D.F, 2002. 3. Challenger A. Utilización y Conservación de los Ecosistemas Terrestres de México. Pasado Presente y Futuro. CONABIO, Inst. de Biología UNAM y Sierra Madre A. C. México, D.F, 1998. 4. Clemmons JR and Buchholz R (eds): Behavioral Approaches to Conservation in the Wild. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 1997. 5. CONABIO. La Diversidad Biológica de México: Estudio de País 1998: Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad. México, D.F, 1998. 6. Dierenfeld ES y Graffam WS: Manual de Nutrición y Dietas para Animales Silvestres en Cautiverio. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, United States of America, 1996. 7. Fowler ME and Miller RE: Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. 5th ed. W.B. Saunders, United States of America, 2003. 8. Gibbs EPJ and Bokma BH: The Domestic Animal/Wildlife Interface: issues for disease control, conservation, sustainable food production and emerging diseases. New York Academy of Science, United States of America, 2003. 9. Gosling LM and Sutherland WJ (eds): Behaviour and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2000. 11. SUPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bookhout TA, ed.: Research and Management Techniques for Wildlife and Habitats. 5th ed. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MA. 1994. 2. Fowler ME: Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. 2nd ed. W.B. Saunders, United States of America, 1986. 3. Frye FL: Iguanas: A Guide to their Biology and Captive Care. Kieger Publishing Co., United States of America, 1993. 4. Gilbert FF y Dodds DG: The Philosophy and Practice of Wildlife Management. 2nd ed. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, United States of America, 1992. 5. Grenard S and Olson DA: Handbook of Alligators and Crocodiles. Krieger Publishing. United States of America, 1991. 6. Heady HF and Child RD: Rangeland Ecology and Management. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America, 1994. Conservation Biology. Journal of Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. Journal of Herpetology. Journal of Mammalogy. Zoo Biology. The Journal of Wildlife Management Wildlife Conservation. Wildlife Monographs. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 12. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Lectures. Guided reading. Commented reading. Group discussion of clinical cases. Seminars. Guided discussion. Documental and field research. Problem resolution. 13. COURSE EVALUATION Written exam. Homework projects and exercises. Class participation. 14. TEACHER’S PROFILE Veterinarian with postgraduate studies or 5 year experience in the area.