I think it`s a monster - Editorial Club Universitario

I think it’s a monster
Daniel Martínez Cremades
Illustrated by Fco. Javier García Hernández
I think it’s a monster
© Daniel Martínez Cremades
Francisco Javier García Hernández
ISBN: 978-84-16312-27-6
Depósito legal: A 239-2015
Edita: Editorial Club Universitario Telf.: 96 567 61 33
C/ Decano, n.º 4 ― 03690 San Vicente (Alicante)
e-mail: ecu@ecu.fm
Printed in Spain
Imprime: Imprenta Gamma Telf.: 96 567 19 87
C/ Cottolengo, n.º 25 ― 03690 San Vicente (Alicante)
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It’s night time and Oscar is going to bed.
‘I’m very tired’, he says.
He opens his mouth.
‘YAAAAWNN! I need some rest’.
One - 1
2 - Two
‘Don’t forget to brush your teeth, Oscar’,
mum says.
So, Oscar goes to the bathroom and brushes
his teeth.
Look at his white and healthy teeth!
He brushes them everyday.
Three - 3