Stochastic infectivity models to analyse the dynamics of the spread

XXV Simposio Internacional de Estadística 2015
Armenia, Colombia, 5, 6, 7 y 8 de Agosto de 2015
Stochastic infectivity models to analyse the dynamics of the
spread of a disease
Liliana Blanco1,a , Viswanathan Arunachalam1,b
1 Departamento
de Estadística, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Stochastic Modeling of diseases of epidemics is an important tool in public health system, since
stochastic models offer a tractable information to analyze the uncertainty outbreaks of epidemic
dynamics and help to control spread of the diseases. We assume that at time origin there are infinitely
many susceptible individuals. A susceptible may be infected at time t > 0, after which it is classified as
infected. It is assumed that the random variable denoting the time between two successive infections
is exponentially distributed and that infections are due to a source of infection from outside of the
population. Our interest is analysing the statistical characteristics of the total force of infectivity
f (t) present in the population at any time t . In this paper we propose an endemic and an epidemic
stochastic models to describe the dynamics of a disease in a large population of susceptible individual.
The core of the models is the force of the infection. Each of the infected individual contributes a
non stationary term to the total force of the infection. This comprises of a discrete jump at the
instant of infection which could be deterministic or random and a response function. The statistical
characteristics of the number of infected are obtained from the conditional intensity function.
Palabras clave: Stochastic models, Epidemics, Infectivity function.