CURSO MULTIMEDIA DE INGLÉS WELCOME ON BOARD UNIDAD 11 - EJERCICIOS 11.1 Practique y aprenda con el CD INSERTE EL CD 11 Y HAGA ˝CLICK˝ EN “MORE WORDS” Dentro de este apartado escoja Travel Phrasebook y observe cómo se construye el futuro simple empleando shall en vez de will. Recuerde que sólo es posible hacerlo en las primeras personas del singular y el plural. C) ESCUCHE LA ˝SCENE 32˝ DEL CD 11 Y RESPONDA ESTAS PREGUNTAS 1. Who is Krystal Bahl? ............................................................................... e 2. Does she know what Mauricio’s job is? A) REESCRIBA LAS ORACIONES UTILIZANDO LA ESTRUCTURA “GOING TO” ........................................................................ 1. Christopher has decided to buy a van. ............................................................................... 2. Elle has decided to take French lessons. 3. What does Krystal predict about him? ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 3. They have decided to move into a flat. ............................................................................... 4. What will Miss Solved get? ............................................................................... 4. I have decided to organize a party. ............................................................................... 5. The judge has decided to apply the law. ............................................................................... SOLUCIONES A (1) Christopher is going to buy a van. (2) Elle is going to take French lessons. (3) They are going to move into a flat. (4) I am going to organize a party. (5) The judge is going to apply the law. B (1) She’s a fortune-teller. (2) Yes, she knows he’s a man of medicine. (3) She predicts he will get married soon. (4) She will get her man.