Currículum Vitae of Andrés S. Suárez
- Andrés S. Suárez (short form of the complete name AndrésSantiago Suárez Suárez) was born in Brión-Luaña, province of A
Coruña, Spain, on October 6, 1939.
- He studied Business at the School of Commerce in A Coruña,
during the period 1954-1960.
- Graduate in Economic Sciences and Business Administration at
Complutense University of Madrid. These studies were followed
during the period 1964-1964, with excellent qualifications.
- He read his Doctoral Thesis at the same University on April 14,
1969, obtaining the qualification Excellent cum Laude, and
special Award.
- Professor of Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics
Sciences of Málaga from 1970 to 1973, and Dean of this Faculty
during the period 1971-1973.
- Professor and Chairman of the Department of Business
Economics and Accounting at the National Open University, from
1975 to 1980.
- He is currently Professor of Financial Economics in the Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration at Complutense
University of Madrid since 1973.
- In different periods he has been professor in various courses in
the fields of Economics and Business Administration at the
Catholic Institute of Business Management (ICADE), the Saint
Paul University (CEU) and the University College of Financial
Studies (CUNEF). At this last center he continues teaching.
- Scholar Visiting at Harvard University in 1979, with an
scholarship awarded by the Ford Foundation in order to carry
out a research on public utilities.
- Associated Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance,
published by North-Holland, during the period 1980-1983.
Currículum Vitae of Andrés S. Suárez
- Adviser of the Spanish Supreme Court of Auditing from 1982 to
1991. Since 2002 he is Emeritus Adviser of this Institution.
- Member of the American Economic Association, the Financial
Management Association and the American Academy of
- Honor Membership of the Spanish Institute of Chartered
- Member of the Board of Regents of the University College of
Financial Studies (CUNEF), during the three years term 20002003. Now he has been reelected for another three years term.
- Honoris Causa Doctor at the University of Sevilla.
- Gold Medal of the School of Business Administration, University
of A Coruña.
- Honoris Causa Doctor at the University of Santiago de
- Honorary Member of Pius the Twelfth University Colledge at
Madrid, since mai 2004.
- He has written a large number of articles and books about
Economics and Business Administration.
- His most well-known published books are:
1. Optimal Decisions of Investment and Finance (18th
Edition, Pirámide, Madrid, 1998, 931 pages, ISBN 84-3681032-5).
2. Business Economics Course (7th Edition, Pirámide, Madrid,
2001, 487 pages, ISBN 84-368-0705-7).
3. Economy and Management Dictionary (McGraww-Hill,
Madrid, 1992, 383 pages, ISBN 84-7615).
4. New Economy and New Society. The great challenges of
the 21st century (Financial Times-Prentice Hall, Pearson,
Madrid, 2001, 191 pages, ISBN 84-205-3319-X).
Currículum Vitae of Andrés S. Suárez
His main subject matters, fields of interest or lines of research are:
- Corporate Finance.
- Investments.
- Financial Markets Theory.
- Organization Theory.
- Business Economics.
- Financial Planning.
- Management.
- Financial Auditing.
- Government Auditing.
- Economics Thought and Economic Theory.
- State-Owned Enterprises.
- Regional Economic Analysis.
- Theory of the Firm
- Capital Budgeting.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis.
- Human Capital.
- Economics and Philosophy.
- Localization Theory.
- Operations Research.
- Economic Systems.
Currículum Vitae of Andrés S. Suárez
Professional address:
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Campus de Somosaguas
28223 MADRID (Spain)
Fax: 34-913942531
Madrid, November 10, 2004
Currículum Vitae of Andrés S. Suárez