Dr. FERNANDO MONTES PITA Puesto / position CIENTÍFICO TITULAR Departamento de Gestión Forestal Centro de Investigación Forestal, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA-CIFOR) http://www.inia.es Dirección / Address Carretera de La Coruña km 7,5; 28040 Madrid Teléfono / Phone (+34) 91 347 41 81 Fax (+34) 91 347 67 67 E-Mail Funciones y responsabilidades / Main activities and responsibilities Formación / Academic Degrees fmontes@inia.es Desarrollo de Proyectos de I+D+i Doctor Ingeniero de Montes, 2005, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Líneas de investigación / Research Topics Forest structure and dynamics Proyectos en marcha / Ongoing Research Projects 161/2010 ForeStereo Desarrollo de métodos de seguimiento de la diversidad estructural de los bosques utilizando imágenes hemisféricas: una nueva herramienta de monitoreo para la gestión forestal (2011-2013). Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación en Parques Nacionales Publicaciones más recientes / Latest Publications ResearcherID: C-7283-2011 h-Index: 7 in WoK Revistas internacionales / International Journals GÓMEZ, C., WULDER, M.A., MONTES, F., DELGADO, J.A. 2012. Modeling Forest Structural Parameters in the Mediterranean Pines of Central Spain using QuickBird-2 Imagery and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART) Remote Sens., 4(1), 135-159 GÓMEZ CRISTINA, WULDER MICHAEL A., WHITE JOANNE C., MONTES FERNANDO, DELGADO JOSÉ A. 2012. Characterizing 25 years of change in the area, distribution, and carbon stock of Mediterranean pines in Central Spain. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2012 33(17). P.5546 SIMON, N., MONTES, F., DIAZ-PINES, E., BENAVIDES, R., ROIG, S., RUBIO, A. 2012. Spatial distribution of the soil organic carbon pool in a Holm oak dehesa in Spain. Plant and Soil (DOI) 10.1007/s11104-012-1443-9. LEDO, A., MONTES, F., CONDES, S. 2012. Different spatial organisation strategies of woody plant species in a montane cloud forest. Acta Oecologica 38 (2012) 49e57 LEDO, A., CONDES, S., MONTES, F. 2012. Review of spatial indices used in forest inventory and their application in tropical forests. Rev. peru. biol. 19(1): 000- 000 GÓMEZ, C., WULDER, M.A., MONTES, F., DELGADO, J.A. 2011. Forest structural diversity characterization in Mediterranean pines of central Spain with QuickBird-2 imagery and canonical correlation analysis. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(06): 628-642 DÍAZ-PINÉS, E. RUBIO, A., VAN MIEGROET, H., MONTES, F., BENITO, M. 2011. Does tree species composition control soil organic carbon pools in Mediterranean mountain forests?. Forest Ecology and Management 262 : 1895–1904 DIAZ-PINES, E., RUBIO, A., F. MONTES, F. 2011. Aboveground soil C inputs in the ecotone between Scots pine and Pyrenean oak in Sierra de Guadarrama. Forest Systems 20(3), 485-495 RUBIO, A., GAVILÁN, R.G., MONTES, F., GUTIÉRREZ-GIRÓN, A., DÍAZ-PINES, E., MEZQUIDA, E.T. 2011. Biodiversity measures applied to stand-level management: Can they really be useful?. Ecological Indicators 11 545–556 LEDO, A., CONDES, S., MONTES, F. 2011. Intertype mark correlation function: A new tool for the analysis of species interactions. Ecological Modelling 222 (3): 580–587 Patentes/Patents Forest Measurement Device MU2005-01738 (2005) 08/10/2012