Recommendations to improve the Public

Section to Debate
Recommendations to improve the Public-Private Scheme of Partnership
in México
Heidi Claudia Sada Correa e Ingrid Fabiola Sada Correa 1
Major international organizations such as the Organization for Cooperation and Economic
Development, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank had argued that
the investment in infrastructure turns to be a very relevant factor to increase economic
growth and to improve the citizens´ quality of life in every country. In order to achieve a
better relation between quality and price of these investments, the Mexican Government has
sought to implement innovative schemes under the Federal Law of 2012, such as the publicprivate associations where the government and private sector are partners in the
development and/or the operation of infrastructure. Although this scheme represents a
major step forward, the Law enacted need to improve the institutional conditions requires
for achieving efficiency.
The goal of this paper is to identify those organizational and institutional factors
that should be considered to the better implementation and evaluation of projects.
Keywords: Infrastructure, Development, Public-Private Partnerships
Iberofórum. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Iberoamericana.
Año IX, No. 117. Enero-Junio de 2014. Heidi Claudia Sada Correa e Ingrid
Fabiola Sada Correa. pp. 28-72. ISSN: 2007-0675.
Universidad Iberoamericana A.C., Ciudad de México. www.uia/iberoforum