Voices and Contexts Qualitative political science versus the dominant quantitative model Juan Pablo Navarrete Vela * Abstract: The purpose of this study is to point out that the political science is in a process of constant improvement. But in the current context, the quantitative model prevails in the international arena and their contributions have been significant in explaining the behavior of parties and government. The current challenge is to balance the discipline of the quantitative and qualitative research through three basic stages: theory, measurement and argument. The main critic of the current approach is Giovanni Sartori, who argues that the discipline is going nowhere; on the contrary Joseph Colomer differs in that assertion. Specialization seems to be a crucial issue for both academics but their visions differs: in case of Sartori appears to be a weakness while is considered an opportunity for Colomer. Key words: specialization, development, political science, quantitative, qualitative. * jpnvela@hotmail.com Iberofórum. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Iberoamericana. Año V, No. 9. Enero-Junio 2010. Juan Pablo Navarrete Vela, pp. 69-88. Universidad Iberoamericana A.C., Ciudad de México. www.uia/iberoforum